Special Aircraft Service

the SAS Hangar => The Lounge => Movies & Screenshots => Topic started by: alotef on September 27, 2012, 09:12:26 AM

Title: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: alotef on September 27, 2012, 09:12:26 AM
Here's my first youtube movie ever.
How annoying is that screen logo!? Regardless, hope you enjoy it!

Other movies:

World War One Dogfight

Tutorial: Landing and Taking off from aircraft carrier

DBW 1916 Combat Excerpts:

Battle of Britain Turkey Shoots (Short):

Flying legends part one; Britain, 1940 (Short):

Rhapsody in Dark Blue:

Spitfire tutorial part one: Take-off.
Part two:Landing

Title: Re: My first video: DBW 1916
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on September 27, 2012, 09:22:00 AM
Great movie and I love the music. It goes perfect with the black and white film. One tip, set a key command to turn off the hud so it looks like a real film. Great work. Cant wait to see your next. :)
Title: Re: My first video: DBW 1916
Post by: alotef on September 27, 2012, 09:26:14 AM
Thanks Bombsaway. :) Once I've purchased a proper screen capture and don't have to worty about bouncing logos (and game HUDs) I'm sure things will improve!
Kind regards,
Title: Re: My first video: DBW 1916
Post by: vpmedia on September 27, 2012, 09:36:51 AM
Nice movie! I really like it!
You could use this sound in the background in your next movie:
Title: Re: My first video: DBW 1916
Post by: alotef on September 27, 2012, 07:54:02 PM
Good idea VPmedia. :)
I just finished a second, much better video. This is a promo for DBW 1916 as a whole, showing the EIII, Sopwith Camel and GIII Bomber. Some funny things happen in it. :P Critiques welcome. :)

EDIT: Another short clip, this one showing action from the Battle of Britain:
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: alotef on September 29, 2012, 09:18:27 PM
Here's a fun little clip with some beautiful aircraft and some mad-cap flying.  ;D
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on September 30, 2012, 07:09:51 AM
Very cool. :)
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: Lisek on September 30, 2012, 07:24:25 AM
Update first post with new vids because they my be lost between other replies :D
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: RedSpade on September 30, 2012, 08:44:59 AM
I very much enjoyed your vids, Alotef.  Very cool.
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: alotef on October 01, 2012, 05:04:59 AM
Thanks a lot guys, I'm really glad you enjoyed them. :)
I made a topic for it, but here's my first real IL2 movie anyway  ;D :
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: alotef on October 02, 2012, 03:49:35 AM
This is my first "talkie"! Don't mind my aussie accent. :D
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: RedSpade on October 02, 2012, 03:34:00 PM
Wow,  at first I thought, "What language is he speaking....."  LOL.   

Seriously, that was a fun video.  I find taking off very easy.  It is the landing that sometimes vexes me.  I'm waiting for part 2.  I want to see if you land on one of the those great big English airfields, you know, the ones that look like a cricket field or if you land on a Yankee style runway.  Regards!
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: alotef on October 03, 2012, 02:40:43 AM
Lol spade. :P I'll do part two of that soon, it will include both sorts of runways. I've already finished a Carrier-landing tutorial which I will upload soon. Until then, here's some of my more "lively" flying.  ;D
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: alotef on October 04, 2012, 06:40:22 AM
Here's part two of the tutorial. :)
There is a little error in the middle with some lag, please excuse this.
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: vpmedia on October 04, 2012, 08:03:23 AM
Hi mate! Can you tell me the name of the font you've used in this movie:
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: alotef on October 04, 2012, 08:35:58 AM
Sure thing VP!
That's "Algerian" font.
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: alotef on October 05, 2012, 08:27:50 AM
Here's another tutorial guys, this one covers aircraft carriers. :)
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: BravoFxTrt on October 07, 2012, 12:14:54 PM
Thanks Mike thats a good tuto for CV landing. ;) :)
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: SAS~Tom2 on October 07, 2012, 12:37:43 PM
Really loved the last one and the lunatic Spitfire  ;)   :)!
And I thought I was good at low flying. :D
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: alotef on October 07, 2012, 02:32:05 PM
Thanks a lot guys, I'm glad you enjoyed them.   ;D
Making videos is both fun and satisfying when you know that you may be able to help people out. :)
(And in the case of the lunatic spitfire, entertain them!  :D )
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: alotef on October 08, 2012, 04:28:43 AM
Here's a video featuring the Albatros D.III!
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: RedSpade on October 08, 2012, 08:49:21 AM
Looks great Mike.  I love the Albatross!  You know if you create many more of these vids, you're gonna need to make the fonts smaller on the links to your other videos!   ;D
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: alotef on October 12, 2012, 02:34:40 AM
Haha, thanks Redspade. I'd never considered that point! :D
Here's an epic WW1 Dogfight! Nieuport 28s vs Albatros D.IIIs
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: alotef on October 13, 2012, 04:42:07 PM
Another epic fight, this time from the German perspective. The Albatros engine sound mod is in use here:
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: max_thehitman on October 13, 2012, 06:29:47 PM

Cool videos , I like them. Thank you.

I have a small suggestion , try saving your ammo a little, you are shooting way too much in the video.
The greatest Aces of all time (including the WW1 ace MV Richthofen) advised their students and collegues to always save ammo and
shoot only when they are very close to the enemy.
Your first priority is not to shoot down your enemy´s airplane or its engine, but the pilot who controls it. Once the pilot is dead, you
will get your victory.
Fly close to the enemy as much as possible and when you see that you have the enemy pilot in your gun-sight, kill him.
Its a dirty business, but someone has to do it... Its either him or you.
The reason to save your ammo is that you never know how many enemy airplanes are around in the sky and you could be stuck
fighting off alot of them.... like what happened to Werner Voss.

A very famous WW2 ace also advised to go in for a kill as close as possible to the enemy airplane, once you shoot it down or have the
possibility of downing another one close by, do it quickly and then leave the crime-scene and go back home.
Your job for the day is done.
Famous words of advice from Erich Hartmann (352 victories - top ace of all time)
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: alotef on October 13, 2012, 06:35:56 PM
Good points Max, thanks. :)
I'm too used to WW2-styled fighting, trying to hit fuel tanks and engine components. I have started aiming for the pilot and have been achieving much better results.
There's no place for chivalry over Flanders!  ;D
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: max_thehitman on October 13, 2012, 06:45:20 PM
I try my best to follow in the instructions of the great aces and I have been having much success, although
alot of the time I spend flying in combat in the IL-2 , I spend way too much time zig-zagging around trying to get a
hold of my enemy as close as possible. In WW1 airplanes is not easy at all. They are extremelly agile.
No wonder Richthofen "only" had 80 kills and not more.

In WW2 the airplanes are much faster and the weapons pack a much more harder punch so its much better to get
a kill. Although by following Hartmann´s style of shooting I often end up getting alot o damage on my aircraft. So did he from
what he says in many interviews and books. Many times he got so close he crahsed into the enemy airplane. LOL
I also like the style of the "Star of Afrika" with using precise and well placed deflection shots. Deflection shotting is alot of
fun in WW1 airplanes too. You can always get back to a safe distance and let the bullets fly out and meet your enemy at
a deadly spot in the sky.
Title: Re: ALOTEF's cinema.
Post by: alotef on October 13, 2012, 07:13:09 PM
Aerial gunnery is a tricky skill to master for sure! How cool is it that we can apply historical tactics to good effect in IL2!?