Dornier Do-335 A-6 Nightfighter prototype
Dornier Do 335 A-6 – Nightfighter equiped with FuG 220 radar (planned for later variants FuG 218) and FuG 350. This version prototype was Do 335 V10, with it's maiden flight 24th January 1945. Most probably one aircraft was delivered to squadron I./NJG 3 for testing. Before capitulation in May, Dornier company finished only one plane out of 50 ordered.
(Free translation from Polish Wikipedia)
Click here to download the plane (
1) Put folder called Do-335A-6 into your MODS, #SAS or #DBW folder within your Il-2 modded install.
2) Content of Skins folder put into Paintschemes/Skins
3) Add lines listed below
4) Enjoy :)
Lines to add:
Do-335A-6 air.DO_335A6 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Do-335A-6 Do 335 A-6, 1945
# Do-335A-6
Do-335A-6.default Default
Do-335A-6.none Empty
Original Do-335 by 1C:Maddox
New 3D by Lisek
Wheels and spinners by PA_Jeronimo
New classes and FM by SAS~Anto
Default skins, skinpack by max_thehitman
Help also from Crazyflak and SAS~BravoFxTrt
Few notes regarding this plane:
1) Skins from D-0 version fit for this plane as well, only they are going to be strethed a bit behind added cockpit
2) 2nd cockpit is AI only
3) No working radar in this version, I really wonder if something like that is released or even planned.
Enjoy :)