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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: ten010 on November 01, 2012, 11:26:52 PM
Mitsubishi Ki67 TYPE4
(http://www.fastpic.jp/images.php?file=5309630352.jpg) (http://www.fastpic.jp/)
Ten010's Ki67 Version 1.71(2015/9/25)
- fix positions gunners dead
- fix engines/cowling/prop + new wheels by PA_Jeronimo
- fix animation radiators shutters
- Armament adds "Igo-1-A rocket bomb"of Dreamk
- Some collisions fixed
- Direction of tailwheel rotation fixed
- Better lighting for props and spinners
by Birdman
V1.22:Fix The right wheel is turning upside down
V1.21:60%CTD Fix
V1.2:Engine_Cap Fix
Wing_Cap Fix
weapons_ru.properties lines
3Dmodel :ten010 Maddox:1C
3DFix :SAS~Epervier
Mod Wheels V.5:Barnesy12 PA_Jeronimo
Igo-1-A model:Dreamk
Classfiles:ten010, Maddox:1C
Special Thanks:s3231541
Kazudayo and BAHIA_Gp
Ki67 Version 1.71 for 4.10.1
https://www.mediafire.com/download/28s5bd9iq33d8p6/Ki-67_V1.71for4.10.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/download/28s5bd9iq33d8p6/Ki-67_V1.71for4.10.7z)
Ki67 Version 1.71 for 4.12
https://www.mediafire.com/download/8boz3ci2u2z2a5e/Ki-67_V1.71for4.12.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/download/8boz3ci2u2z2a5e/Ki-67_V1.71for4.12.7z)
I hope you get this out ten!
What a dream to have an alternate Japanese Bomber!
Good Luck with it.
much needed plane ;)
WOW!!!! :D
I never dreamt that we would see this one in the game.
IL-2 is continuing to grow in a marvelous way. Way to go Ten010!!!
SUPERB!! That machine looks great! This is a great bomber 8)
Excellent addition!
Wonderful!!! :P
thanks, ten010. It will be a great addition to the game.
David Prosser
Great, ten!
My favourite japanese bomber, never thought someone would tackle it!
Thank you very much for your work!!
Oh yes please! The Hiryu is the coolest of the coolest japanese Bombers!
Wow. Never expected that. Good luck!
Fantastic, cheers! 8)
Great choice 8)
PS hope it will work in 4.09m
very good ten10 8) very nice work, please check out sometimes to Ki-34 ;)
Nice... very nice !
hope it will work in 4.09m
+1 ;)
Yes please! You are the master of japanese aircraft!
This is exciting stuff. I thought for a while the only way to get my Peggy kick would be in Aces High 2, well no longer!!! :D Thank You!
Good luck!
This also regards
Armed=75mm×1 12.7mm×1
I can't believe it!
Did you have ever feel to be in a Matrix situation?
Last days I was hopeing for a Japan bomber and in my garage I was looking at my 1/72 model of the Hiryu when I'm doing that....
And now this one!
I won't leave the Matrix!
I can't live without IL2 and all you fantastic guys!!!
Nice work Ten!!! :D
"Sakuradan" shimbu version is possible?
"Sakuradan" shimbu version is possible?
I have a great interest in mounting machine Sakuradan, make I do not have the skill to create the weapons MOD I can not.
It would be nice if someone made me, for a very special weapon, I will not be difficult.
What's that weapon guys? A big gun?
Which weapon? Everything on the last picture posted is a weapon :) - it's a Ki-167 Shakura-dan suicide subversion. It carried a gigantic cumulative warhead weighting almost 3 tons in a hump behind cockpit. A single direct hit would tear apart any ship on Earth.
EDIT: If you ment the "rod" sticking out of its nose, I believe that's a trigger for the warhead so that it detonates at optimal distance from the target - similar to some modern anti-tank guided missiles.
That plane is indeed a dedicated kamikaze version as TPAM already said (model shown minus the protruding fuse extenders)...the bulge on the top makes it look like an AWACS or ELINT aircraft though. :P
Anyway ontopic, great to see the one of the missed Jap bombers into the game, cheers. :)
Beautiful work so far, ten010!
I'm definitely looking forward to flying this aircraft! :)
Yes, that is the only japanese plane I fly, is the bombers Many thanx for this
What a nice surpise, I cannot wait!
It's not only that it is an interersting design, this plane can give us a much needed late Japanese bomber. Too easy to shoot down Betty Bombers with late war US fighters. I cannot wait to try it in torpedo missions.
Funny, but I never found the Betty easy to shoot down with that 20mm gun in the tail! :-X
Especially in a Hurricane
Try a head-on attack or approach from below. It's fairly easy if you a significant performance advantage e.g with a late P-38. With a Hurricane, in fact I don'r remember even trying. I avoid to 'fly' this awful plane.
Ohhh Yes! That would also be very cooool! ;)
1 × 20 mm (tail turret)
4 × 7.7 mm (nose turret × 1, waist positions × 2, top turret × 1)
Maximum speed: 428 km / h (230 knots, 265 mph)
1 × 20 mm (top turret)
4 × 12.7 mm (nose turret × 1, waist positions × 2, tail turret × 1)
Maximum speed: 537 km / h (290 knots, 334 mph)
Peggy has also improved bulletproof.
Allied pilots careful! :)
Great addition.
Here, a list of japanese WWII aircraft.
I think we have the most part of them.
Beautiful work. It was my preferred bomber in Aces High II. It's speed and armament made it not an easily plane to shoot down. It could adsorb a lot of damage and still make it home.
1 × 20 mm (top turret)
4 × 12.7 mm (nose turret × 1, waist positions × 2, tail turret × 1)
Peggy had 1x12,7 mm in tail turret from production number 4 to 450, and 2x12,7 mm in all subsequent (248) machines.
Oh yes please! The Hiryu is the coolest of the coolest japanese Bombers!
How true. This is excellent news ten010! Another plane in barons requests coming true. Thank you. :)
I released the beta version 0.1. ;)
Works perfect in DBW! Many thanks, ten! :)
Works and looks great,thanks ten.
What a beauty!! Thank you!
After a little update that don't work in my rig this make me again happy!
Thanks for the great care you're giving to Japan planes....my IL2 Cinderella....
Works fine with both installs (DBW & SAS ModAct 3.6). She is a beauty indeed... Many thanks for all your efforts, 8)
That plane looks good man ! And it`s really neded for mission makers, I think !
Thx a lot
BTW: It works good with my heavy modded DBW
Thanks for that beauty, ten!
thanks,wonderful Plan
Congrats on release , Ten !
THANK YOU Ten010 ! (http://serve.mysmiley.net/animated/anim_19.gif) (http://www.mysmiley.net/free-sign-smileys.php) She looks beautiful!!
Great work. I love this plane. Thank you. :)
(http://s19.postimage.org/qhgunbmw3/12_11_2012_14_08_19.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
I love you guys! thanks so much!!
Looks great
very nice
certainly a much-needed plane!
cant wait to try this one out,
Beautiful aircraft! Thanks a million, ten010! :)
Thank you sir, a wonderful addition!
Tough to down too! :P
:)Bravo Ten! A very good work! thenks
YEESS :D!!!!
Awesome mod, thankyou :)
Its a cracker !!
Hi mojojojo, there's a single mission coming up soon.
David Prosser
A real beauty of a bird and great ground pounder... thank's for al of the work that went into this aircraft. :)
Thanks for shareing ten010 ;)
looks great ;D
Very nice work ten010 – so great to have another Japanese bomber – thanks very much for your hard work
:'(I think it dont will work in 4.09 :(
need help
Has released the full version.
Enjoy. :)
Many, many, MANY thanks for a super addition to this game! ;D
Thank you very much ! :)
Thanks to TEN010 for the new version of this wonderful mod and EPERVIER for the 409 conversion to keep the '409 REBELS' always update!!!
Thanks TEN010 for your nice release !
Thanks Epervier for the 4.09 conversion !
Glad to have you here. :)
EDIT: the plane explodes in flight under QMB. Seems to be a motor error (buttons?) :(
Thanks TEN010 for this great plane, and thanks Epervier for the 4.09 conversion!
Just a little advice for 4.09 users: I use it under a SAS modactivator 4.09 installation, but using the default SAS button the plane (player and AI, airborne and scramble) explodes instantly. I solved this problem using the "Ki67-I_FM" file provided in the "_FM_409_UV2buttons" alternate folder, and it works ok.
EDIT: also found a weird off-set position of torpedo into the payload bay. I don't know if it's my problem, can anyone check or confirm this?
EDIT 2: Solved the problem with the offset torpedo: it seems that something changed from Beta 1 version and version 1. Just take "CF_D0.msh" files (both in "ja" and "Multi1" folder) from Beta 1 version and copy over the v.1 version, and the torpedo is right placed.
Thanks for your effort, ten010!!! Great work!
EDIT: also found a weird off-set position of torpedo into the payload bay. I don't know if it's my problem, can anyone check or confirm this?
EDIT 2: Solved the problem with the offset torpedo: it seems that something changed from Beta 1 version and version 1. Just take "CF_D0.msh" files (both in "ja" and "Multi1" folder) from Beta 1 version and copy over the v.1 version, and the torpedo is right placed.
Sorry Epervier, but I just checked your fixed 4.09 version and I think that your solution (changing the torpedo type and placing inside the bay) does'nt fit reality. I just checked some real drawings and photos on the web (if you want I can link them here), and it seems that the original ten010 solution was more correct, with long type torpedo hanging outside the fuselage bay. I've quoted my solution fix (I wrote few seconds after your post): it's more simple and usable in 4.101 (that also suffers of the same bug) and 4.09 version of this mod. If you don't have the beta version of the mod I can send you the file.
Thanks for this add on Ten.
I think there is a small bug with lods: if you are watching the aircraft closer and closer (from 100m to 20m), the canopy is vanishing in the air and the pilots will take the risk of a great refreshment! :)
Thanks for the update ten010! :)
She's working perfectly as intended in 4.10. ;)
The best japanese bomber!
Hi, d/l-ed to 4.101 and 2.72 ModAct. Game loaded, but a/c did not show on list for QMB and neither did any a/c following it.
I also noticed that my d/l only contained 3do files and a read-me. No activating files or FM.
What's happening?
Hi, d/l-ed to 4.101 and 2.72 ModAct. Game loaded, but a/c did not show on list for QMB and neither did any a/c following it.
I also noticed that my d/l only contained 3do files and a read-me. No activating files or FM.
What's happening?
I have tried was good at 4.101 and 2.72 ModAct. :)
I think it is due to the fact that DiffFM probably has not been introduced.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,12169.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,12169.0.html)
Has anybody managed to get this working in HSFX6? I guess there are conflicts with Buttons and/or DiffFM?
This little beauty works without any problems with PAL-Auto Diff.Fm in HSFX .
Thanks to ten010 for this release!! Love it!
quick question, Installed this aircraft in HSFX 6 just as an experiment and it loaded fine, no CTD it even showed up in the QMB. But when i went to fly I got this "The instruction at OX2b2c0a57 ref memory at Ox2c9c3238 the memory could not be Read, click to end program". Now then could this be just a poor download or a files error? The rest of the sim is totally unaffected just the Ki-67...Many thanks for any advice and way to go on a fantastic aircraft.
"The instruction at OX2b2c0a57 ref memory at Ox2c9c3238 the memory could not be Read, click to end program".
This is the typical message of that some part of the code is incompatible.
Hi, d/l-ed to 4.101 and 2.72 ModAct. Game loaded, but a/c did not show on list for QMB and neither did any a/c following it.
I also noticed that my d/l only contained 3do files and a read-me. No activating files or FM.
What's happening?
I have tried was good at 4.101 and 2.72 ModAct. :)
I think it is due to the fact that DiffFM probably has not been introduced.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,12169.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,12169.0.html)
No, I have it.
quick question, Installed this aircraft in HSFX 6 just as an experiment and it loaded fine, no CTD it even showed up in the QMB. But when i went to fly I got this "The instruction at OX2b2c0a57 ref memory at Ox2c9c3238 the memory could not be Read, click to end program". Now then could this be just a poor download or a files error? The rest of the sim is totally unaffected just the Ki-67...Many thanks for any advice and way to go on a fantastic aircraft.
uuups..yes.you are right. :-X
I looked only for the 60% loading crash and if the Plane appears in the QMB arming screen,but forget the "flight check".
Hope that somebody can make the Ki-67 flyable for 4.11
well like i said it was only an experiment, but it would have made a fantastic addition to HSFX. Thanks guys for confirming what was wrong.
quick question, Installed this aircraft in HSFX 6 just as an experiment and it loaded fine, no CTD it even showed up in the QMB. But when i went to fly I got this "The instruction at OX2b2c0a57 ref memory at Ox2c9c3238 the memory could not be Read, click to end program". Now then could this be just a poor download or a files error? The rest of the sim is totally unaffected just the Ki-67...Many thanks for any advice and way to go on a fantastic aircraft.
uuups..yes.you are right. :-X
I looked only for the 60% loading crash and if the Plane appears in the QMB arming screen,but forget the "flight check".
Hope that somebody can make the Ki-67 flyable for 4.11
New update, v1.2 is out.
Hi, d/l-ed to 4.101 and 2.72 ModAct. Game loaded, but a/c did not show on list for QMB and neither did any a/c following it.
I also noticed that my d/l only contained 3do files and a read-me. No activating files or FM.
What's happening?
I have tried was good at 4.101 and 2.72 ModAct. :)
I think it is due to the fact that DiffFM probably has not been introduced.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,12169.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,12169.0.html)
No, I have it.
As do I with having invisible plane and Diff FM
THANK YOU for the new update Ten010 ! 8) I will test fly it with joy!
I am sorry. Crashes in the 60% ??version 1.2.
Modified version has been released.
Hi and thanks ! Downloaded last update (1.21). No crash of the game, no problem of that kind.
Just invisible plane.
Thanks!!! :)
Thanks for the update, ten010! :)
Thank you very much !! :)
arms / Hotkey MOD with 4.11.1m bombsight fix for ten010's Ki-67
Thanks, western0221. But I am still in 1.0 version, because, as I said before,, the plane does not work for me : it is invisible...
No solution, gentlemen ?
Bump to my question...
Voyons Gaston... t'es un ancien... et le LOG ?
Koikidi ?
Arf... y fait 3 kilomètres de long... je voulais pas vous l'infliger... et je n'arrive pas à le mettre en entier...
Sorry... my log is sooooooooooooooo long... but here you can find it / mais il est ici :
File name: log.lst File size: 526.22 KB (http://www.fileserve.com/file/6bRANb5/log.lst)
Heu... le machin me dit que c'est réservé uniquement aux fichiers que l'on a chargé soi-même ! ???
Ah zut... j'essaie sur une version plus légère de mon DBW 1.71... mais qui a le même souci avec ce zinc.
Essaie ici : http://ul.to/8m0ehvre (http://ul.to/8m0ehvre)...
Ca devrait aller... pis au lieu de 3 kilomètres, il n'en fait plus que 1,5...
The invisible plane bug is pretty easy to fix:
Open hier.him files in 3do/plane/Ki-67-I(ja) and 3do/plane/Ki-67-I(Multi1) folders, change lines
Mesh Bay01_D0
Mesh Bay02_D0
Mesh Bay1_D0
Mesh Bay2_D0
and enjoy.
Thanks ! I did the contrary by renaming these meshes... which is exactly the same, finally !
Hey guys I encounter a problem.
I am trying to install this in HSFX6.
Planes works ok except the bombsight. The camera does not follow the sight for any reason so when you press distance key the bombsight dissapears from view.
This is what I did:
Attempt No 1: Did as per instructions, HSFX6 + expert, using Auto Diff-fm --> not fixed
Attempt No 2: Did as per instructions, HSFX6 plain, using Auto Diff-fm --> not fixed
Attempt No 3: Did as per instructions, HSFX6 plain, also added Western's addition's ,using Auto Diff-fm --> not fixed
Attempt No 4: Did as per instructions, HSFX6 + expert, also added Western's addition's ,using Auto Diff-fm --> not fixed
In all cases plane works fine without any errors except the bombsight one.
Anyone knows what's wrong?
EDIT: Has anyone else that installed this in HSFX6 have same problems? So I at least know the prob is not on my side.
A bit of java tweaking and I now have G4M bombsight to use in HSF6 for this plane
(Although not sure if it will work without bugs yet, but we'll see)
Thx again for this great addition ;)
wonderful addition, but dont get within 400M of that tail gunner, he NEVER misses and that rear gun rips you apart!
Now if only someone would do a Nell
A bit of java tweaking and I now have G4M bombsight to use in HSF6 for this plane
(Although not sure if it will work without bugs yet, but we'll see)
Thx again for this great addition ;)
Did you try this?
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,31211.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,31211.0.html)
I'm good in my
probably broken or damaged glitchy HSFX 6.0 install.
In DBW I cant get the AI to drop bombs, they will drop torpedoes when attacking ships but when it comes to a ground attack they just fly over the target without even opening their bomb doors. If I change the ac type to another level bomber ie Betty then they drop their bombs so I cant see it's a mission set point problem. Any ideas?
Could someone please test this bird in a level bombing ground attack to see if it drops bombs to confirm it's just not me who cant get it to drop bombs. I've tried it in FMB and DCG347 generated missions playing DBW. It will drop torps tho. got me puzzled
New update, v1.2 for 4.12 is out. :)
Mitsubishi Ki67 TYPE4
Ten010's Ki67 Version 1.21(2012/12/22)
I'm good at 4.11.1 + SASModact4.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,31211.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,31211.0.html)
V1.21:60%CTD Fix
V1.2:Engine_Cap Fix
Wing_Cap Fix
weapons_ru.properties lines
3Dmodel :ten010 Maddox:1C
Classfiles:ten010, Maddox:1C
Special Thanks:s3231541
Kazudayo and BAHIA_Gp
Ki67 Version 1.21 for 4.12
https://www.mediafire.com/?3sx0jsbmnvci9y5 (https://www.mediafire.com/?3sx0jsbmnvci9y5)
Ki67 Version 1.21 for 4.10.1
https://www.mediafire.com/?g9m80b2yl59vhsj (https://www.mediafire.com/?g9m80b2yl59vhsj)
Many thanks, Ten010! :)
The new version for 4.12 works great and the bombsight is also working perfectly now! 8)
@ ten010
Please see : The right wheel is turning upside down...
- folder : Plane
- sub-folders : Ki-67-I(ja) AND Ki-67-I(Multi1)
- file : hier.him in the two sub-folders
- tab : [GearR1_D0]
- line : Attaching
instead of : 0 -0.342024 -0.939691 -1 0 0 0 0.939691 -0.342024 0 0.00938989 -2.52706e-007
to : 0 -0.342024 -0.939691 1 0 0 0 -0.939691 0.342024 0 0.00938989 -2.52706e-007
@ ten010
Please see : The right wheel is turning upside down...
- folder : Plane
- sub-folders : Ki-67-I(ja) AND Ki-67-I(Multi1)
- file : hier.him in the two sub-folders
- tab : [GearR1_D0]
- line : Attaching
instead of : 0 -0.342024 -0.939691 -1 0 0 0 0.939691 -0.342024 0 0.00938989 -2.52706e-007
to : 0 -0.342024 -0.939691 1 0 0 0 -0.939691 0.342024 0 0.00938989 -2.52706e-007
Thank you very much. :)
New update, v1.22 is out.
Thanks ! but a little question : when I press on the link for the 4.12 version, it goes to the 4.10, and vice-versa... is it correct ?
Thanks ! but a little question : when I press on the link for the 4.12 version, it goes to the 4.10, and vice-versa... is it correct ?
Holy shit. Link was reversed. :o
I was fixed link.
dunno why, i put every file correctly but crash at 70%
im using DBW where i need to put the aircraft files?? in IL" root? in DBW ROOT?
the only .ru files in my game are in DBW.
can anyone explain step by step how i can play this beauty? thx in advance guys
New update, v1.3 is out. :)
The initial external FM (410 converted 411/412) can not be completely compatible with the 412 version ?!!?!!?
New update, v1.4 is out. :)
Thank you for the update, Ten010! :)
Armament adds "Igo-1-A rocket bomb"of Dreamk
I come soon. :)
(http://www.fastpic.jp/images.php?file=5309630352.jpg) (http://www.fastpic.jp/)
(http://www.fastpic.jp/images.php?file=6213465618.jpg) (http://www.fastpic.jp/)
(http://www.fastpic.jp/images.php?file=4977928480.jpg) (http://www.fastpic.jp/)
Excellent news! THANKS, both to you and to DreamK! :)
NEW UPDATE 4.12 Only
Armament adds "Igo-1-A rocket bomb" of Dreamk
Dreamk Thank you very much. :)
thank you to both! Great mod! :)
You're very welcome ten010 - i love your Japanese bombers. Maybe next you'll bring us a Ki-49 or a G3M?
NEW UPDATE For V4.101m
All installed ok in CUP #WAW
A lovely Flying Dragon indeed, thanks Ten010 & team :) a nicer kite than the G4M to fly, better looking too :D works easlily in IL2 v4.101m's DBW 1.71 +v2.6 EHKM
..I am not meaning to sound negative, just informing of small things for the future to maybe fix
I have noticed the dead nose & tail gunners corpses float 1 foot above their seats (maybe the waist ones might float too when dead, it is harder to get them killed though to check).
Also all the gunners guns, the bullets seem to fire from out of the rightside of the inner circle of the ring sight; at 3 O' clock postion, not from the muzzle of the barrel, where the 'muzzle flash' is correctly located, ..but those are small little things next to being able to fly this more able bomber.
- fix positions gunners dead
See first post for link ! :)
Thank you for this great update on both of these lovely planes
Good evening, guys.
I have a working 4.12 install with this plane. Also, Ki.109 are the same.
But suddenly plane turned to invisible. So, it visible at QMB, in the arming screen. Possible to arming the plane. But when using this as enemy, the mission loads, and plane visible at range for a second, and become invisible.(Or explode?)
INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Head2_D0'
INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Head3_D0'
INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Head4_D0'
INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Head5_D0'
INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Head6_D0'
INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Head7_D0'
INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Head2_D0'
INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Head3_D0'
INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Head4_D0'
INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Head5_D0'
INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Head6_D0'
INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Head7_D0
Dont know why. I have latest 1.71 variant. Only install new 2.7.1 engine mod and new fast jets. Also re-install this, but have no succes. Ki-109 also lost. FM problem? THX any idea!
The invisible plane bug is pretty easy to fix:
Open hier.him files in 3do/plane/Ki-67-I(ja) and 3do/plane/Ki-67-I(Multi1) folders, change lines
Mesh Bay01_D0
Mesh Bay02_D0
Mesh Bay1_D0
Mesh Bay2_D0
and enjoy.
Hey Mopat, have you tried this? Reply 98 of this thread.
Thank you , :) 4.13.2 sas modatc
THX, Phantom II, sorry for being late! Try the method, but no succes, even mixed my hier file. But original hier files are saved, so re-usable.
Interesting enough, that once i encountered a similar problem with P-47 ultimate pack (disappearing and crashing Jugs)... But next time problem are simply gone!
Western mentioned somewhere, that in case of games with many mods, similar problems will happen. So, after remove some of my never and hardly used mods, frankens, etc, game will becoming more stable! (Also need place for new mods!) Confirmed! So re-test Ki-67...also, now i have latest 2.7.3 engine mod...
Is there a template for that plane... I intend to skin it but it'll save a lot of my time (I don't have that much) to work from a base and not from the void
It's a beautifull plane
I have a problem with the Peggy:
i installed it on Il-2 4.12+DBW and i have this two problem:
1) in Weapon window there are not the Type 91 late torpedo and the Igo-1 rocket
2) CTD when the mission is 50% ready
i do not understand where there is the error
Instalado en 4.12. Muy buen modelo externo :)