Special Aircraft Service
the SAS Hangar => The Lounge => Movies & Screenshots => Topic started by: alotef on November 05, 2012, 06:29:44 AM
The shape of things to come!
In this country, I think I could get prosecuted if I played that promo vid in public :P
Completely unrelated, making a movie using IL-2 and Silent Hunter 3 sounds like a great idea! I'm curious what there is to come!
Blasphemer!! ... Blasphemer!! ... That´s Blasphemy!
You can´t mix these 2 games.
Airplanes don´t fly underwater in Silent-Hunter-3! :P
;D ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIaORknS1Dk
Lol Max. ;D
pdittrich, I can make a version without the nazi imagery if you'd like. :)
I certainly would not want to alienate, let alone incriminate (heaven forbid) my European (especially German) compatriots!
Bismarck: Pride of the Reich will be a four-part docu-drama, following Bismarck and Prinz Eugen from Norway to the battle of the Denkmark Straight. A mixture of real life footage, SH4 and IL2 Sturmovik, "Pride of the Reich" is a gritty and realistic portrayal of Bismarck's final hours. :)
I've already finished part one, which I will upload within the next few days.
Stay tuned!
Bismarck: Pride of the Reich will be a four-part docu-drama, following Bismarck and Prinz Eugen from Norway to the battle of the Denkmark Straight. A mixture of real life footage, SH4 and IL2 Sturmovik, "Pride of the Reich" is a gritty and realistic portrayal of Bismarck's final hours. :)
I've already finished part one, which I will upload within the next few days.
Stay tuned!
SH4 or SH3?
My fraps no longer works with SH3. >:(
So I'll be moving on over to SH4 and SH5. :D
An historic moment!
IL2 meets SH5 for the first time!
This is very, very, very rough! But it is a preview of what can be done with a little know-how and time! ;D
IMO, in a first scene like the one you have on top, use either the sound from the original file or another soundtrack. The two didn't seem to mesh all that well together.
I can make a version without the nazi imagery if you'd like. :)
I certainly would not want to alienate, let alone incriminate (heaven forbid) my European (especially German) compatriots!
It's less the imagery and more the hymn/anthem playing in the background - I do see it is the nat'l anthem of the nazis, problem is (afaik) it is forbidden to be played over here, especially the "Deutschland über alles" part - literal translation is "deutschland above all" more figuratively it'd mean "rule all the world". For some reason the authorities are somewhat itchy when it comes to this. Maybe 'cause the real nazis (yeah they still exist, even here) like playing that song - and noone (no sane person, anyway) actually wants to be associated with them.
However, don't let this stop you from making that movie of yours the way you want it to be - it'll certainly be awesome!
I'm a little confused. As far as I know, "Deutschland Uber Alles" is Germany's national anthem to this day!
The anthem of the Nazi party was "Die fahne hoch".
I'm a little confused. As far as I know, "Deutschland Uber Alles" is Germany's national anthem to this day!
The anthem of the Nazi party was "Die fahne hoch".
Yes but only the third stanza of Lied der Deutschen.
Wow, that I did not know.
Thanks, I learnt something interesting today. :)
Thanks Tiger. This one is 100 times better.
Custom sound effects, flak bursts and all sorts. Final green screen test.
Thanks Tiger. :)
Awesome Mike, cant wait to see the entire movie, nicely done man!
Thanks a lot Bravo. :)
I've been doing a lot of my own sound mixing.
This video takes an excerpt from the sea-trials portion of the film.
The first clip is without sound effects, the second is with. You can see how it makes a sizable difference. :)
Yes, the second clip, you can almost feel the power of the guns, and I have 5.1 surround system. Really great stuff Mike.
Thanks mate. :)
This project will be on hiatus for a few weeks while I go on a crazy, wild, post-exams drinking holiday, but when I get back I'll be working like a dog! ;D
Well have a pint or two for me, congrats, Cheers!