Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Helicopters/Airships => Topic started by: gio963tto on November 25, 2012, 03:31:32 AM
Dirigibile Tipo M, 1916
The airship class M (medium), although less glamorous Zeppelin,was still a good war machine,who worked throughout the war as a night bomber on railway junctions and on airports and ports.
compared with the Zeppelin type 'P' to start war had the following benefits and features:
M: 12.000m3 , L 83m x La17m, 2 x 250 Hp engines, speed 70KmH ,platfond 4100m, Aut 12hours, bomb payload 1.300Kg. 19pieces.
P: 32.000m3 , L163m x La19m, 4 x 210hp motors, speed 90KmH ,platfond 3500m, Aut 4300KmH, bomb payload 3.300Kg. 22pieces.
The 19 built, 10 of them were lost, 6 in action.Out of a total of 22 airships bombing mobilized, 12 were lost, only one of the bad weather.
URL:https://www.mediafire.com/?ymy3zer4ssxk87p (https://www.mediafire.com/?ymy3zer4ssxk87p)
I used the HP 0/400 slot then the take-off and flight characteristics are similar, I hope someone soon, can develop a more suitable FM.
The Cockpit are Horrible ,but is better I do.
Make attention on takeoff.
Greetings GIO.
Own slot version by DreamK
Download link
Dirigibile_M air.Dirigibile_M NOINFO i01 SUMMER
Dirigibile_M Dirigibile Tipo M, 1916
# Dirigibile_M
Dirigibile_M.default Default
Dirigibile_M.28_HighExplosiveBombs 28x50Kg HE bombs
Dirigibile_M.none Empty
Skins folder
Fantastic. Thank you!!
Thanks Gio – great work – this is very cool & lots of fun . Thanks for the brief history as well - didn’t realise Italy used airships in WWI ;)
Oh wow!
Fantastic addition to the Great War.
Many thanks.
AH! The Zeppelins are coming to the IL-2 !! 8) SUPER-DUPER!!!
Thank You Gio!
Grazie! Thank you!
These are so awesome.
I fought one. The Damage model is very cool!
Great work,Gio. Most enjoyable . Thanks very much.
Thank you very much. :)
At last a dirigible, thanks, Gio!
Gio, you are amazing! ;D
A ha! An early Christmas present for us! Bene Grazie, Gio. May the airships flourish and multiply in IL2! Absolutely awesome...
Yeah,this is great :D! But that thing is very hard to control and I can't make it fly horizontally. It always dives to the ground, even when I fly at 200 kph! ???
Yes the FM is wrong for a airship , at the moment is same at the original HP0/400, but for fun and for practice is passable in a future .....
Greetings GIO.
Mille Grazie Gio! 8) and Thanks for the bit of history,
didn't realize that Italian airships were that involved
back then.
Yeah,this is great :D! But that thing is very hard to control and I can't make it fly horizontally. It always dives to the ground, even when I fly at 200 kph! ???
Cool! Isn´t it!? ;D
It reminds me of seeing those old films of when they were flying the real zeppelin-balloons back in
the old times.
They never flew right either. Always going up and down and sideways because the wind was
throwing them all over the sky. I think this model is pretty much like the real thing.
Ok, maybe a little FM tweak here and there, but apart from that, I am enjoying the crazy ride
in this balloon. I feel like I am the first pilot on Earth to test-fly it! ...and probably die in it too ;D
Thanks, gio963tto. It looks great from here in Glentunnel New-Zealand. I'd never heard of these airships before.
David Prosser
Wow, looks great :)!
This is a great looking subject.
Good luck with sorting out the FM.
Can anybody tell me, the ashamed stupid, how to install this airship ? In more detail as in readme, I do not understand where I should find the ship, under which name ?
"Put the folders call "3do" in your "DBW1916"/STD/and owerwrite,open SKINMOD/3do/Plane and adding "A A A" in the name of the folder 'TB-3-4M-17X(gb)' "
is not sufficient to me, how am I to rename the folder TB-3-4M-17X(gb) , where should be the spaces, how this plane should be written into air.ini, if at all, and so on.
I hope somebody will find among so much geeks who will help me.
N.B. I have DBW 1.71 with #DBW_1916 installed, of course.
Looks like a flying pig and fly's like a flying pig ... great fun ... thanks gio.
Can anybody tell me, the ashamed stupid, how to install this airship ? In more detail as in readme, I do not understand where I should find the ship, under which name ?
"Put the folders call "3do" in your "DBW1916"/STD/and owerwrite,open SKINMOD/3do/Plane and adding "A A A" in the name of the folder 'TB-3-4M-17X(gb)' "
is not sufficient to me, how am I to rename the folder TB-3-4M-17X(gb) , where should be the spaces, how this plane should be written into air.ini, if at all, and so on.
I hope somebody will find among so much geeks who will help me.
N.B. I have DBW 1.71 with #DBW_1916 installed, of course.
Extract this to your #DBW_1916 folder, it uses the Sikorsky bomber slot.
I've added new default skin and internal parts by Murdoc:
Very nice VP better fitted to the Sikorsky as when I was flying on the maps all of the ground bombers were turned to Airships! Excellent paint by Murdoc many thanks.
Here is some early footage of a British Navy Airship an interesting shape.
Extract this to your #DBW_1916 folder, it uses the Sikorsky bomber slot.
I've added new default skin and internal parts by Murdoc:
No success yet, my Firefox does not accept the link.
Extract this to your #DBW_1916 folder, it uses the Sikorsky bomber slot.
I've added new default skin and internal parts by Murdoc:
No success yet, my Firefox does not accept the link.
Me neither.
My Firefox froze and I had to use taskmanager to end the process.
The only thing I see when clicking the link are strange symbols. ???
Right-click on your mouse (I use Firefox) then "save as..."
I'm a bit foggy on the directions I have no folder named 'TB-3-4M-17X(gb)' in my 1916 STD file :(
The folders named TB-3-4M-17X(gb) is in "DBW1916"/SKINMOD/3D0/plane not in STD , in STD you put the 3Do folder .
Greetings GIO.
What I have in the skinmod folder is a folder called 3do when I open that folder there is one called plane when I open that folder there is one called
U-2VEX2_MXIB(multi) and that is all I have
Thanks to cgagan and vpmedia I succeded now, the airship is in QMB selectable as Sikorski 1916.
What I have in the skinmod folder is a folder called 3do when I open that folder there is one called plane when I open that folder there is one called
U-2VEX2_MXIB(multi) and that is all I have
Better if there is not, then you do not have to add anything, just put 3do in STD.
(adding in SKINMOD was to avoid duplication in the skin)
Thank you Gio, I got it working now :) It's a wonderful addition to the 1916 mod :)
Thanks all for this amazing airship and the tips on installing. Just flew first mission and I am just astonished - watching the bag deflate as the gas escapes - just awesome! What a fantastic addition to this amazing game - huge grin will not get off my face!!
Well done and thanks to all
Thank you for the first real dirigible of Il2, gio, it's fantastic! :)
Please, could someone give it a slot? It truly deserves one.
this is for you... "My Beautiful Balloon" - Nancy Sinatra 8)
it would not be a bad edit on British vzduchold, gondola is Be2C
Russian small Zeppelin (from U-2 plane)
Found this article in a search check out this story from the BBC!
Some excellent clear photos.
The Brits had a number of Airship fields around Britain they were used for Submarine patrols.
I have read that each Airship carried 2 pigeons on board to relay messages back to base in the event of the rather poor radios of the time.
Russian small Zeppelin (from U-2 plane)
This one look like one of the Il2 Barrage ballons with a U2 fuselage attached.
Might I make a small request could we have a model of your ship with the Italian flag removed? (I mean no disrespect to the Italian community). Just with the flag removed the ship can be used by any nationallity. If you see what I mean.
Wait until TOMORROW TO DO IT ENGLISH airship presented without FLAG
THANK YOU Murdoc :) Nice skins!
Excellent Skins Murdoc!
I figured out how to remove the flag by making the tga transparent :)
Great skins Murdoc – gives some nice variety to this great mod - thanks for sharing :)
Thank you Murdoc! :) Great skins!
Can I ask for the spanish flag in the tail of the little zeppelin?
Can I ask for the spanish flag in the tail of the little zeppelin?
No problem, give us a few hours
Great!! Thanks a lot!!
Might I make a small request could we have a model of your ship with the Italian flag removed? (I mean no disrespect to the Italian community). Just with the flag removed the ship can be used by any nationallity. If you see what I mean. ...I figured out how to remove the flag by making the tga transparent..
alternate invisible flag: https://www.mediafire.com/?nc5h6neud2vpgkc (https://www.mediafire.com/?nc5h6neud2vpgkc)
Very nice shots Sita.
Haunebu next.
No! Vril with interdimensional Repulsine-Drive :D :D :D
Haunebu next.
I got trouble seeing the connection between the pre ww1 italian airship and the ww2 fictional nazi ufo thing...
Vpmedia I down loaded the Zeppelin that you have posted which has a new default skin.
In QMB the default skin shows fine but if i build a mission outside of QMB this is what I get.
Also the other skins that were posted no longer seem to be able to down load.
Thanks for the help.
No! Vril with interdimensional Repulsine-Drive :D :D :D
You are late, it has been done already ;)
Gunny, it looks like your missing some folders to put the correct skin into your Blimp/Zeppelin.
Install the mod into your game again and try overwriting the folder and installing any missing files into it.
This balloon uses the same skins as the old Giant-Bombers created by Beowulf (only 1 bomber type) but have
been altered dramatically to fit into the blimp model, although it does use some little parts from the other older skins.
There were no read-me in the down load.
I have no idea as to what to do.
I need all the help I can get.
OK Gunny , going back and reading what others have done, you might have some missing folders.
VPMedia said...
Extract this to your #DBW_1916 folder, it uses the Sikorsky bomber slot.
I've added new default skin and internal parts by Murdoc:
Uzin then replied...
Thanks to cgagan and vpmedia I succeded now, the airship is in QMB selectable as Sikorski 1916! .
The reason to choose the Sikorsky over the British HP 0/400 (TB-3-4M-17X(gb)) is because some people
have already created some missions using the British bomber and this way your new Balloon will only
replace the Russian Bomber.
Just overwrite the files and you should be good to go flying
Thanks Max and Happy Holidays. :)
Have'nt anyone prepaired a new own slot for this airship yet ?
Then, I will make a nre slot to this.
No slot yet, it would be cool if you make one. Thanks!
Use this version, it has an updated default skin: http://www.vpmedia.eu/il2/zip/AIRSHIP_ITA.7z
No slot yet, it would be cool if you make one. Thanks!
Use this version, it has an updated default skin: http://www.vpmedia.eu/il2/zip/AIRSHIP_ITA.7z
I will do it.
But do not expect an original flightmodel as airship-like.
I tried a flightmodel as airship-like , no goal saticefied.
Very very very difficult about airship flightmodel in IL-2 1946 parameters limited to simulate aircraft.
Here's the Italian Zeppelin M of Giotto on its own slot for SASmodact without DBW1916
Download link
Dirigibile_M air.Dirigibile_M NOINFO i01 SUMMER
Dirigibile_M Dirigibile Tipo M, 1916
# Dirigibile_M
Dirigibile_M.default Default
Dirigibile_M.28_HighExplosiveBombs 28x50Kg HE bombs
Dirigibile_M.none Empty
Skins folder
Thank you DeamK 8)
very good to have own slot