Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => Visual Mods => Topic started by: SAS~Bombsaway on November 29, 2012, 03:18:19 PM
G made these for the Flaklnds/Malvinas map I retextured so without further ado I give you G's Penguins. :)
(http://s19.postimage.org/55lswa4rn/29_11_2012_13_58_01.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Thank you G. :)
Thanks very much, GJE52 and Bombs.. :D :)
Hi Mark,
Many thanks for the penguin GJE 52 ;D
They will be an immersion aspect for Marks newly retextured version.
Now you can even go sight seeing :D
:D Nice ! Very nice !
Horse, cow, sheep, camel, crocodile, bear, penguin... Now I hope that one day soon cats and dogs... and WAAF ! :)
LOL ;D Excellent!......and Helen before you ask..no there aren't any penguins in Norway! ;)
This mod should be renamed - Happy Face - as you can't help but smile when you see the little critters. :)
This mod should be renamed - Happy Face - as you can't help but smile when you see the little critters. :)
This is true when carrying 24 500lb bombs >:D
Wait! Dont kill the good penguins. :) Maybe after a while we will see zombie penguins. Then you can blast those critters to oblivion. :)
LOL ;D Excellent!......and Helen before you ask..no there aren't any penguins in Norway! ;)
Hmm again you not are correct Blumax, at today when i did worked at Narvik map i did see him penguins and they did go at christmas shopping, i did maked photo picture for you can look to see. ;D
Oh well i stand corrected then since you have photographic evidence.....silly me! how could i not realise that there was bound to be a few penguins out christmas shopping in your ' Narvik ', looking for the shoe shop no doubt! and i can also see a polar bear disguised as a bush crossing the road up the hill.....perfectly normal as well i surpose in Helen world! ;D
wow nice penguins, and that map has FPS detail!
LOL!! About the Penguins at Narvik! Hahaha, that shot goes into my selection. :)
;D ;D XX
;D Helen i dare you to post the christmas card of yourself that you have posted in the Ladies Mess room! ;D you would give the guys a heart attack!
Miss you :-*
Thank you Helen my new desk top for xmas ;D ;D ;D
Yep, lovely. :)
Maybe I add one Christmas red dressed hottie in between them. :-\ :-[
Heart attacks at Chrimbo, as if it ever were not a time made for them -generally involving relatives you barely see the rest of the time, let alone like or dislike them, lots of food and alcohol sometimes of dubious quality/cooking, plus the nighmare of deciphering instructions books to kids...
whats more can just a picture gonna do Girlfriday, unless it is that of 'that' quality, like Garscon's 'waffer thin mint' for Mr. Creasote (..The Meaning of Life by Monty Python).
Loving the penguins too, just adds that lil' extra touch... just as well they're not AI, could you imagine the lag of them swimming around, let alone 'launching' or 'landing' from/on ice flows...
For those who prefer dead penguins with some blood here and there :P let this PenguinDo01.tga overwrite the one you have got from the link on page 1.
(Where is Greenpeace or PETA when you need them... ) :D
https://www.mediafire.com/?aifk768y86pgcmu (https://www.mediafire.com/?aifk768y86pgcmu)
That is outrageous man. :D
Oh great. Next you can make some dead baby seals. :) I guess that would be cool, that way I could fly over and shoot the bastards hitting them with clubs. :) Just joking but damn your sadistic. :)
"Hey, all these 'guins are dead Mr. Irvingstone, do you have an idea why?
Mmm, well Mr. Johannes, I do believe a rare delacy did them in, but to which one sir, I have to taste and identify"
Penguin butties anyone?! tastes like an auk, a bit Dodo-ey - fat & greasey with gamey core muscles...
Gives a new meaning to "Lets go clubbing tonight guys/gals!" (in-case your wondering, clubbing in the Artic's Summer is in near total daylight..)
Methinks we need a penguin version of this - and no, not the 'Jack and Jills' (books) penguin 'Pen Pen'.
Yeah some one smashing the hell out of the Happy Feets Penguins, I hate that damn movie.
Let me explain: I had some friends stay with me for a while and the dudes gal had to watch that damn movie at least once a week, Gawd I hate it. I was at the point "Fuck Texas Hospitality" and get that bitch and her Happy ass Feet movie outta here, lol ;)
Luckely I've never had to endure it apart from the parody sketch in Meet the Spartans, which was bad enough - that film is funny enough, although to only want watch it once, Oh well, at least you thanks giving 'tribulations' are over for now, Bravo, if only she were a to be a tom-boy and wanted to watch MotoGP, Scrapheap Challenge, or something less disney-BS-like...