Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => PTO Maps => Topic started by: CzechTexan on January 09, 2013, 02:54:29 PM
updated August 4, 2016...
updated August 20, 2016
DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/?rr9mesltd44dyfd
3 Textures & Load.ini Update 2020: https://www.mediafire.com/file/188ruz17is1c6ne/BurmaLower_3Texture_update2020.zip/file
See Post on Page10 for more information: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,31616.msg706942.html#msg706942
Northern section of the map:
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4300/35773444682_abbb35686b_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/WvbfM1)edmapN (https://flic.kr/p/WvbfM1) (https://www.flickr.com/photos/152232688@N03/), on Flickr
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4295/35773444352_68203d62cd_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/WvbfFj)edmapS (https://flic.kr/p/WvbfFj) (https://www.flickr.com/photos/152232688@N03/), on Flickr
"Then a golden mystery upheaved itself on the horizon - a beautiful, winking wonder that blazed in the sun, of a shape that was neither Muslim dome nor Hindu temple spire...the golden dome said: This is Burma, and it will be quite unlike any land you know about."
- Rudyard Kipling, Letters From the East (1898)
"...and as they descended into Burma for the first time they were struck by the colour of the Burmese foliage - the red and orange tints of the flowering trees which, in due course, we learnt to identify as the flame trees of the forest and the golden mohurs."
- a Beaufighter pilot
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4295/35811447421_9b5001f708_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/Wyx2ED)Rangoon (https://flic.kr/p/Wyx2ED) (https://www.flickr.com/photos/152232688@N03/), on Flickr
Two new maps: BurmaLower_1942 & BurmaLower_1944
Made by using static objects found in SAS's Dark Blue World, plus the "oil well" object.
Many objects were copy/pasted using other maps such as the new Khalkin Gol, Borneo, and Vietnam maps...thanks to the makers of all objects and maps.
Update August 4, 2016
Main changes:
Smoother runways, fixed some runway plate colors, new edmaps, changed Trees to Whitecat trees, added Nakhon Sawan airfield in Thailand.
Update August 20, 2016
Added bumpH textures made by Battlin Bastard.
Added new CBI Trees made by Battlin Bastard.
Changed the large city texture (for Rangoon and other cities) so that the colors look a little better & streets complementary of vpmedia texture.
Fixed runway stay points for Mingaladon north/south runway - aircraft were disappearing and not parking after landings.
Fixed a few other small details that users may never notice ;)
copy/paste the following lines into your "all.ini" file:
cztx_BurmaLower_1942 cztx_BurmaLower_1942/load.ini
cztx_BurmaLower_1944 cztx_BurmaLower_1944/load.ini
Place the two map folders "BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944" into your Mapmods/Maps/... folder.
Textures are found in the _Tex folder. Put "cztx" and "trees" inside your Mod's _Tex folder...mapmods/maps/_Tex/...
NOTE: The trees textures included in this download are sized 2048. If you do not want to use the 2048 visual MOD then you have the option to change the trees - see reply #104 here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,31616.msg624282.html#msg624282
Many thanks to all modders in the community, especially map builders and texture makers. Special thanks to Fabianfred who got this all started with the Thailand/Burma map. ENJOY!
More screenshots here. Feel free to test and make comments here on anything about these maps.
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4326/35134793613_bfe028bff5_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/VwK14F)RAF field (https://flic.kr/p/VwK14F) (https://www.flickr.com/photos/152232688@N03/), on Flickr
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4294/35103995874_8d6ea8745f_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/Vu29Yb)Mingaladon (https://flic.kr/p/Vu29Yb) (https://www.flickr.com/photos/152232688@N03/), on Flickr
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4303/35555464320_a0775c6222_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/WaV3NU)Hills (https://flic.kr/p/WaV3NU) (https://www.flickr.com/photos/152232688@N03/), on Flickr
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4326/35134794173_ff76eb2d0d_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/VwK1ek)Hills2 (https://flic.kr/p/VwK1ek) (https://www.flickr.com/photos/152232688@N03/), on Flickr
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4385/35653731793_2a808a818d_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/WjAGiF)Rangoon streets (https://flic.kr/p/WjAGiF) by CzechTexan (https://www.flickr.com/photos/152232688@N03/), on Flickr
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4439/36064735900_4be41c4066_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/WWVcvo)Rangoon temples (https://flic.kr/p/WWVcvo) by CzechTexan (https://www.flickr.com/photos/152232688@N03/), on Flickr
Thank you, CzechTexan! :)
This looks like two lovely maps. :D
Wow! This was a nice surprise! THANKS!!! :)
Hey CT
Have not heard from you for awhile
Looks like you have really been busy.
Always a pleasure to receive a work of art from you. :D
and pretty damn close to home territory.
Looking forward to checking these out ;D :D
We need a Spitfire boxed up in a crate in honor of these two beauties ;D
The screen shots look great :)! Lower Burma is one of my favorite maps. Download just completed. Thanks!
That's a great idea but I am not fond of city textures.
Other parts look good
Thanks for the comments. I've been working on this for the last 9 months! haha! It has taken up all my IL2 time...no mission building and no flying. IMO this is much more impressive than the earlier versions of BurmaLower (DBW still has a very early version of this map! which I was surprised to see. Version 2.1 was the last).
I'd like to know if there are any major errors or unsightly object or road errors. I've checked over the maps extensively but you just never know if you've overlooked something. I know about some of the rivers that may still be on the sides of hills. I've corrected most of of those already.
I debated with myself over city textures. I decided to go with something that looks more like 3D representaion of buildings on the ground textures. My reasoning is so that there won't have to be so many static objects... this is a very large map and already uses too much computer memory for some people.
I tried 3 different village textures for the smaller towns. This final one (self-made) looks and works the best. Agricultural fields/rice paddies were either self-made or copies of other's works but edited by myself.
I know it's not all that great looking but I'm pretty proud of this ;D
edit: Any conflicts with players using UP3 rc4? any saving problems?
Updated the "Twin Dragons" campaign for use on this new map. Find it on M4T here: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1570
Many thanks CzTx :)
Hi CT,
You deserve a well earned rest. ;D :D
Take a load off ;)
Have a few beers ;D :P
Relax and enjoy. ;D
Really looking forward to flying this work.
It's been some time since I've really flowen but your work is of high priority ;D
Again take it easy ;D
enjoy other il-2 activities ;)
Unfortunately unloadable...do I have to put in the #DBW/MapMods folder? or Inside the jsgme-Mapmods folder? Tried both but it doesn´t seem to work...
Cheers Elmar
Unfortunately unloadable...do I have to put in the #DBW/MapMods folder? or Inside the jsgme-Mapmods folder? Tried both but it doesn´t seem to work...
Cheers Elmar
I thought there was a "how to install maps" discussion on these boards but I failed to find it.
When you unzip the download, you'll see two map folders named "BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944"...put these into your "maps" folder...sequence is DBW/Mapmods/maps/___.
In the download, You'll also see the textures folder named "_Tex" ... open this folder and inside you will see "cztx" and subfolders inside of it. Put "cztx" folder inside your game's _Tex folder...sequence is DBW/mapmods/_Tex/____.
Don't forget to copy and paste the lines into your "all" file which is found in DBW/mapmods/maps.
I thought the download's readme file had sufficient intallation instructions but I've been doing this for a long time so I forget how difficult it may be for others who don't install maps very often.
Updated the "Twin Dragons" campaign for use on this new map. Find it on M4T here: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1570
I must finish your campaign over Caucasus, then I will try this one
Hi CT,
Just had an indepth look this early evening.
Did you rework all those rivers ?
Great work on the meriad of rivers sheeww :D 8)
Population look cool :D ;)
Most textures adapt quite well I really like your rice paddy fields texture. ;D 8)
Very cool air field at Lampang in Thailand ;D :D
( just letting you know on your map I am living at the yellow dot between Chiang Mai and Lampang )
Great work :D
Unfortunately unloadable...do I have to put in the #DBW/MapMods folder? or Inside the jsgme-Mapmods folder? Tried both but it doesn´t seem to work...
Cheers Elmar
I thought there was a "how to install maps" discussion on these boards but I failed to find it.
When you unzip the download, you'll see two map folders named "BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944"...put these into your "maps" folder...sequence is DBW/Mapmods/maps/___.
In the download, You'll also see the textures folder named "_Tex" ... open this folder and inside you will see "cztx" and subfolders inside of it. Put "cztx" folder inside your game's _Tex folder...sequence is DBW/mapmods/_Tex/____.
Don't forget to copy and paste the lines into your "all" file which is found in DBW/mapmods/maps.
I thought the download's readme file had sufficient intallation instructions but I've been doing this for a long time so I forget how difficult it may be for others who don't install maps very often.
I did it just like it´s written there. Actually the map is shown in the campaign ´s instructions section but loading the campaign doesn´t work well, telling the map is not loadable...
Elmar, you may not have all of the Objects for this map not work, just a thought!
Unfortunately unloadable...do I have to put in the #DBW/MapMods folder? or Inside the jsgme-Mapmods folder? Tried both but it doesn´t seem to work...
Cheers Elmar
I thought there was a "how to install maps" discussion on these boards but I failed to find it.
When you unzip the download, you'll see two map folders named "BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944"...put these into your "maps" folder...sequence is DBW/Mapmods/maps/___.
In the download, You'll also see the textures folder named "_Tex" ... open this folder and inside you will see "cztx" and subfolders inside of it. Put "cztx" folder inside your game's _Tex folder...sequence is DBW/mapmods/_Tex/____.
Don't forget to copy and paste the lines into your "all" file which is found in DBW/mapmods/maps.
I thought the download's readme file had sufficient intallation instructions but I've been doing this for a long time so I forget how difficult it may be for others who don't install maps very often.
I did it just like it´s written there. Actually the map is shown in the campaign ´s instructions section but loading the campaign doesn´t work well, telling the map is not loadable...
Maybe you are missing the Vietnam Trees textures found in the Maps/_Tex/trees/
Do you have the Vietnam maps?
I should have included those trees in the download, sorry.
When the map fails to load, press the SHIFT+TAB keys and it will show an error message near the bottom.
Great work :D
Thank you, Farang.
I reworked some of the rivers. I love Lampang field too. Heho is similar but smaller.
I got the airfields textures from other maps but changed the coloring of them to fit better with the surrounding Burma textures. Also changed taxi, takeoff and stay points on some of them to make them work better.
You may also notice river docks and ferry crossings on major rivers. These make good ground targets!
Railroad stations were also added in most towns along the RR. All objects were added using copy/paste but then changed by hand to suit my liking.
Added more roads and railroads are more true to real life.
I'll be sure not to bomb your little yellow dot! :D
Unfortunately unloadable...do I have to put in the #DBW/MapMods folder? or Inside the jsgme-Mapmods folder? Tried both but it doesn´t seem to work...
Cheers Elmar
I did it just like it´s written there. Actually the map is shown in the campaign ´s instructions section but loading the campaign doesn´t work well, telling the map is not loadable...
ElmarBoehl.: Try to load the map in FMB and if the next screen comes empty, hit left shift+tab and take a look at the appearing text, last few lines. Usually it tells you what's misssing.
Great rework of this map.
All we need now is for someone to do this for the old upper burma map.
Your map shows up in the new "Twin Dragons" campaign, but doesn't load, same error message that has been reported in some earlier posts.
Map looks great however I cannot get it to work. Looking at the full mission builder it is listed under "Eastern Fronter" not "East Asia"?. When trying to load it it will not load using the shift tab I get this message at the end which reads error "MAPS/_Tex/Trees/NamtreeTL.tga" Is there a loading error? My "East Asia" Maps do have' VietMinh, Vietnam North and Vietnam South' do I have a map missing? Any help is appreached, BTW loved your first "Twin Dragons" campaingn. :)
.Unfortunately unloadable...do I have to put in the #DBW/MapMods folder? or Inside the jsgme-Mapmods folder? Tried both but it doesn´t seem to work...
Cheers Elmar
I thought there was a "how to install maps" discussion on these boards but I failed to find it.
When you unzip the download, you'll see two map folders named "BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944"...put these into your "maps" folder...sequence is DBW/Mapmods/maps/___.
In the download, You'll also see the textures folder named "_Tex" ... open this folder and inside you will see "cztx" and subfolders inside of it. Put "cztx" folder inside your game's _Tex folder...sequence is DBW/mapmods/_Tex/____.
Don't forget to copy and paste the lines into your "all" file which is found in DBW/mapmods/maps.
I thought the download's readme file had sufficient intallation instructions but I've been doing this for a long time so I forget how difficult it may be for others who don't install maps very often.
I did it just like it´s written there. Actually the map is shown in the campaign ´s instructions section but loading the campaign doesn´t work well, telling the map is not loadable...
Maybe you are missing the Vietnam Trees textures found in the Maps/_Tex/trees/
Do you have the Vietnam maps?
I should have included those trees in the download, sorry.
When the map fails to load, press the SHIFT+TAB keys and it will show an error message near the bottom.
Your map shows up in the new "Twin Dragons" campaign, but doesn't load, same error message that has been reported in some earlier posts.
Map looks great however I cannot get it to work. Looking at the full mission builder it is listed under "Eastern Fronter" not "East Asia"?. When trying to load it it will not load using the shift tab I get this message at the end which reads error "MAPS/_Tex/Trees/NamtreeTL.tga" Is there a loading error? My "East Asia" Maps do have' VietMinh, Vietnam North and Vietnam South' do I have a map missing? Any help is appreached, BTW loved your first "Twin Dragons" campaingn. :)
.Unfortunately unloadable...do I have to put in the #DBW/MapMods folder? or Inside the jsgme-Mapmods folder? Tried both but it doesn´t seem to work...
Cheers Elmar
I thought there was a "how to install maps" discussion on these boards but I failed to find it.
When you unzip the download, you'll see two map folders named "BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944"...put these into your "maps" folder...sequence is DBW/Mapmods/maps/___.
In the download, You'll also see the textures folder named "_Tex" ... open this folder and inside you will see "cztx" and subfolders inside of it. Put "cztx" folder inside your game's _Tex folder...sequence is DBW/mapmods/_Tex/____.
Don't forget to copy and paste the lines into your "all" file which is found in DBW/mapmods/maps.
I thought the download's readme file had sufficient intallation instructions but I've been doing this for a long time so I forget how difficult it may be for others who don't install maps very often.
I did it just like it´s written there. Actually the map is shown in the campaign ´s instructions section but loading the campaign doesn´t work well, telling the map is not loadable...
Maybe you are missing the Vietnam Trees textures found in the Maps/_Tex/trees/
Do you have the Vietnam maps?
I should have included those trees in the download, sorry.
When the map fails to load, press the SHIFT+TAB keys and it will show an error message near the bottom.
So I do have the same problem like Taxman...what a relieve haha...I have the same loading error message..." can´t open ...NAm tree.tga and Warning errors...what a shame, I like that map or better said: I would like it ;0D
CzechTexan, I get this load error:
Can't open file 'Maps'\_tex\forest\summer\slot_forestfar.tga
I do not have these textures in my inventory, it seems.. ;)
Hi Tom2
Are you talking abot CT's actual map or C.T's campaign for the map. ?
The map loads up fine in DBW It worked perfectly this end. :D ;)
That texture should be in DBW
I just haven't tried to load up his campaign as yet
Hmm..SAS~farang65, not sure there Kirby, I tried with an older install of HSFX4.11, will try with DBW later this week and report. :)
Your map shows up in the new "Twin Dragons" campaign, but doesn't load, same error message that has been reported in some earlier posts.
Map looks great however I cannot get it to work. Looking at the full mission builder it is listed under "Eastern Fronter" not "East Asia"?. When trying to load it it will not load using the shift tab I get this message at the end which reads error "MAPS/_Tex/Trees/NamtreeTL.tga" Is there a loading error? My "East Asia" Maps do have' VietMinh, Vietnam North and Vietnam South' do I have a map missing? Any help is appreached, BTW loved your first "Twin Dragons" campaingn. :)
.Unfortunately unloadable...do I have to put in the #DBW/MapMods folder? or Inside the jsgme-Mapmods folder? Tried both but it doesn´t seem to work...
Cheers Elmar
I thought there was a "how to install maps" discussion on these boards but I failed to find it.
When you unzip the download, you'll see two map folders named "BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944"...put these into your "maps" folder...sequence is DBW/Mapmods/maps/___.
In the download, You'll also see the textures folder named "_Tex" ... open this folder and inside you will see "cztx" and subfolders inside of it. Put "cztx" folder inside your game's _Tex folder...sequence is DBW/mapmods/_Tex/____.
Don't forget to copy and paste the lines into your "all" file which is found in DBW/mapmods/maps.
I thought the download's readme file had sufficient intallation instructions but I've been doing this for a long time so I forget how difficult it may be for others who don't install maps very often.
I did it just like it´s written there. Actually the map is shown in the campaign ´s instructions section but loading the campaign doesn´t work well, telling the map is not loadable...
Maybe you are missing the Vietnam Trees textures found in the Maps/_Tex/trees/
Do you have the Vietnam maps?
I should have included those trees in the download, sorry.
When the map fails to load, press the SHIFT+TAB keys and it will show an error message near the bottom.
Here is a link to the Vietnam trees that you may be missing: https://www.mediafire.com/?l12mvu9aa8oe51g
Just download, unzip, and place the "Nam tree" files into your "Trees" folder.
File sequence is: mapmods/maps/_Tex/trees/...
I also put this link on the first page. Sorry for the delay. Been busy. Hope everyone gets the map to load. Don't get too frustrated and give up. We'll find a way to get it working 8)
Thank CzechTezan,
That is what was missing, now working ;D Now to just fly and hope to survive to the finish ;D
Here is a link to the Vietnam trees that you may be missing: https://www.mediafire.com/?l12mvu9aa8oe51g
Just download, unzip, and place the "Nam tree" files into your "Trees" folder.
File sequence is: mapmods/maps/_Tex/trees/...
I also put this link on the first page. Sorry for the delay. Been busy. Hope everyone gets the map to load. Don't get too frustrated and give up. We'll find a way to get it working 8)
Thank you....your info fixed it for me. Appreciated!
You're all welcome :) enjoy flying!
CzechTexan, I get this load error:
Can't open file 'Maps'\_tex\forest\summer\slot_forestfar.tga
I do not have these textures in my inventory, it seems.. ;)
hey Tom2,
Got it working yet? if not, easy fix is to open the "load" file and replace that line of text (_tex\forest\summer\slot_forestfar.tga) with a line of text from a different map that works.
That particular texture is only for the "far" view of the forests. I got it from DBW's Slot map. Apparently it has changed since the original Slot was made. These new Slot forests textures are exactly what I was looking for for Burma. I actually had already made my own forest textures but then found the Slot's and subsequently discarded my own creation (which was actually pretty close in color to Slot's).
Thanks for the info, CzechTexan! :D
I will extract that one and use it in my older and fav WWII install (and also try the map there with fun).
Cheers :)
I've done a lot more populating of the towns and villages. Most are populated except for the very small villages and obscure places way out in the boondocks. Pegu's city texture is changed (see below).
A slight oversight on the 1942 map now has correct location of Sittang Bridge.
All this will be on the Final version of maps.
(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y182/CzechTexan/BURMA%20Theater%20of%20War/Meiktila1_zps464138de.jpg) (http://s5.photobucket.com/user/CzechTexan/media/BURMA%20Theater%20of%20War/Meiktila1_zps464138de.jpg.html)
Looking forward to it CT :D
Please put my house in Lamphun you know that little yellow dot between Chiang Mai and Lampang he he
In Lamphun there are also moats and brick walls similar to Chiang Mai. One major temple Wat Hari Punchai in the center.
Adding the new Burma map was a snap. I'm just waiting for all the new mods, ships, and aircraft (along with the maps, of course) to be added in sfs files.
Hi CT Lamphun had a small strip not as funky as your Lampang field just a small basic strip.
Very nice !
Here is my favourite airfield Lampang ;D :D
Again my favourite field :D
Awesome Kirby!
What is all this!!
My old buddies Checktexan and Farang have been at my map again........ looks nice.
Pity that Doi Suthep temple on the hill above Chiangmai is drowned in the forest.....and what happened to the moat around the old city in Chiangmai? (They might be like that from the previous version of the map.)
Nice city textures and much better airfields. It was such a huge job the only airfield I really made an effort at was Mingladon.
I have been playing around with DCG for a while and built a campaign on the previous version of Burma lower. I am porting the campaign to this updated map and have run into a problem. Some of the airfields (the one northwest of Akyab is an example) will not allow me to place vehicle tracks near enough to make them a DCG location. Will that be changed at some point or should I rule out using those airfields? So far, I have only looked at the '42 version.
hi Vonofterdingen,
Airfields will remain the same. You'll just have to adjust your missions to the new maps, sorry.
Fabianfred, once again, thanks to you and the original map, I have been inspired to make things a little better. I will look at the things you mentioned.
Kirby, you'll have a surprise on the 44 map ;D
Final map will be ready to download by the first week in March.
Final version of maps can be downloaded using the link on the first page of this discussion.
Thanks CT & Kirby.
Thanks again for the FINAL version C.Texan.
Will check out the new field today.
Thanks for the heavy populating.
SNARKJungle map is also good to use as population centered around Thailand
I have been playing around with DCG for a while and built a campaign on the previous version of Burma lower. I am porting the campaign to this updated map and have run into a problem. Some of the airfields (the one northwest of Akyab is an example) will not allow me to place vehicle tracks near enough to make them a DCG location. Will that be changed at some point or should I rule out using those airfields? So far, I have only looked at the '42 version.
Sorry, a bit late but have you tried to place a static object near the spawn point of the airfield? Then copy the postion line of the object to the column vehicle postions for the .rds file! I had the same problems with Canons Channel maps!
Should work!
And nearby Lampang here is my home Lamphun :D ;)
Lamphun Field
Hey CT you did a good job on the moats in Chiang Mai :D
In Lamphun where is Big C Shopping Center, the bars all along the main river, Wat Hari Punchai and
The Princess' burial site of her dead elephant pet.
Just kidding Very good job overall ;D :D
hi Kirby, I hoped you would think the airfield is good enough ;D
I spiced up Chiang Mai but I failed to fix the forest on the monastery on the hill overlooking the city (sorry fabianfred). I just found it after the final was uploaded. Maybe I'll add a new map_T as a quick fix.
i may just do some additional populating for you and send you the actors static
i may just do some additional populating for you and send you the actors static
OK, I guess we should have made these fixes earlier but I can add them as a "hotfix" if anyone else wants to add to their final map.
Here are a couple screenshots. In case anyone didn't get the message, you can download the final version on the first page of this thread discussion. The WIP link has been removed and replaced with the Final's link.
Here is Chiang Mai. Fixed up a little better with moat and more housing objects.
Here is Lamphun with a small airfield.
Wow CT you have been much busy man for sure, is beautiful map, thank you for all of you hard work. :-*
At my next map i want to created maybes it will be at Phillipines islands. ;)
You friend
hi Eleni! thank you, my friend! I have seen screenshots of your other map with the nice roads. It's very impressive. Phillipines will be a good map to do. I'm glad you're wanting to do it.
BUMP! Because some people are confused about the WIP thread and thinking this map was never finished.
It (actually 2 maps in one download - 1942 and 1944 versions) was finished February 2013 and link found on page 1 of this thread.
Two new maps: BurmaLower_1942 & BurmaLower_1944
Made by using static objects found in SAS's Dark Blue World, plus the "oil well" object.
Many objects were copy/pasted using other maps such as the new Khalkin Gol, Borneo, and Vietnam maps...thanks to the makers of all objects and maps.
Forest (Wood) textures are from the Dark Blue World Slot map.
Other textures are from other maps but most have been altered.
Thanks CzechTexan, but the "golden mistery" remains for me how to have it working in 4.09, if possible! ;D
From what quoted above, it looks these maps may work only in DBW!? :-\
Anyone know where to find wags north sea objects? These are missing in my static per checker on the Burma actors.
use the google custom search below next time. ;)
I did and it came up amongst others with this (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,13159.msg139949.html#msg139949) post.
use the google custom search below next time. ;)
I did and it came up amongst others with this (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,13159.msg139949.html#msg139949) post.
Hah! yea, indeed I did use search both here and google but no firm results. Guess, i should have tried a more generic search! Ironically, I had the objs in my mix, only had to add the static lines.
Now maps are good to go!
Dear CzechTexan,
perhaps you missed my question above. It is very simple, and I would just a simple answer, so I repeat:
these maps may work only in DBW?
Thanks in advance for your kind reply.
(If yes, I would suggest to add a specific tag to the topic - e.g.: [4.10] or [DBW] - just to avoid wasting time downloading maps that one can't use!)
Kind regards,
GB: Any map can work in any install, given the objects and textures are installed.
For your forest issue, I suggest trying the load.ini entry i had pm'd. :-\
That was a default forest load.ini entry right from the stock IL-2 textures for jungle forest.
GB: Any map can work in any install, given the objects and textures are installed.
Dear Tom,
I don't think so. Any mod should be distributed, for the sake of correctness, either with directions about required environment (e.g.: DBW) or including required, non-stock, objects and textures.
What about if I would have distributed a new plane without a required 3do object, say stuff.msh, just saying I added stuff.msh that I already have in my install, but refusing to add to the download, as well as to point where to find it, and even to reply to requests for help?
I don't think this is a correct behaviour.
At any rate: I had to detect that required files for these maps, missing from 4.09m+UP2.01, are the following:
Wood0 = forest/summer/Slot_Forest0.tga
Wood1 = forest/summer/Slot_Forest1.tga
Wood2 = forest/summer/Slot_Forest2.tga
Wood3 = forest/summer/Slot_Forest3.tga
Wood4 = forest/summer/Slot_Forest4.tga
as well as
Wood2 = forest/summer/Slot_ForestFar.tga
I had only Slot_Forest3.tga, and with this replaced in load.ini all the others. Now the two maps works: much more fancy colors, but still much "patterning". :-X
For those interested
CT provided a screen of Lamphun my home town of 8 years.
In order to bomb my house you need precision bombing skills ;D :D
I live on a main road on the right there is a college , a high school then my townhouse block. On the left there are some townhouse shop houses like mine. Just behind them is a temple which I can see from my house (4th floor).
CT has given a pretty accurate setting for Lamphun. :D There are some remnants of the original city walls and the moats are still in Lamphun.
Happy bombing just don't bomb the temple college or school. :D
Lol Kirby. :D
GB: I understand your point, but I respectfully disagree. It is simply a horror to give any user any objects for any possible install with maps, textures, yes, of course. The easiest way is to point to a compact, combined objects pack, that was e.g. possible for 4.09m with Boomer's old objects package IIRC.
TBH any install I intend to mod, the first thing it gets after some basic mods without ini entries ;), is an object pack.
That is why it is described (in detail) how to install maps in ModAct 5.3 and why e.g. any map should work from scratch in C.U.P., I do not fly the latter atm though.
For Dark Blue World, the same: You did not need fancy objects for most maps, as DBW included them.
For 4.09m I keep my old HistoMod objects pack which so far served very well.
WHAT IMO makes sense is to reupload a comprehensive objects pack:
One for 4.09m, AFAIK ATM such a thing does not exist.
One for 4.12 (SFS format).
That IMO would suffice. 4.10 is very nicely fitted with the Dark Blue World object pack and only a basic 4.09m install and 4.12 custom install call for these packs, 4.11...no idea, I assume it could benefit ftom the same method I outlined here:
...you will also see why it is unthinkable for a map modder to upload all objects, that is like uploading an entire game and crystal balling / guessing what every end user may have or not have in his install: Makes NO sense at all.
A comprehensive new objects pack however does make sense.
Here you even find a comprehensive objects pack for later game versions...
With these two links, in theory, 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12 are widely covered, and you also see why it is impossible to upload everything for 4.12 from a modder point of view with limited mediafire bandwidth.
I still think there should be a new, all comprehensive objects pack, adoptable for 4.12, and one for 4.09m.
There WAS one for 4.09m, I do not know if it is still available. I have it, if anyone can provide free upload space, I can share it.
And I agree all NEW objects needed for a map have to be provided by the map modder if they do not fall under the category of the well known older objects packs described above. ;)
I think there's a misunderstanding: I do not mean all objects and textures required for any environment. Let's take Cyberolas' Burma RRR as an example (he's definitely worth to be taken as example... ;) )
He released his new map labeled in the topic as for 4.12, since he used objects not included in earlier version of the game.
I downloaded and installed at my own risk in 4.09 and (of course) had troubles.
He helped to find objects missing in 4.09 and finally released a dedicated "universal" actors.static file to facilitate non-4.12 users.
Same Burma, two different styles.
sorry for the delay but I was away on vacation. You're right, there should be a "4.10" version in the Title. Stating that DBW is also required might have saved you some headaches. I apologize for that.
Here is what is written on the first page:
Two new maps: BurmaLower_1942 & BurmaLower_1944
Made by using static objects found in SAS's Dark Blue World, plus the "oil well" object.
Many objects were copy/pasted using other maps such as the new Khalkin Gol, Borneo, and Vietnam maps...thanks to the makers of all objects and maps.
Tree0 = Trees\NamTree.tga from Vietnam maps.
Download Vietnam Trees here: https://www.mediafire.com/?l12mvu9aa8oe51g
Forest (Wood) textures are from the Dark Blue World Slot map.
Other textures are from other maps but most have been altered.
I thought that would be sufficient enough to understand what would be needed...which would be DBW.
thanks for adding proper label to the topic. In fact, I just wanted confirmation.
I have 4.12.2m + HSFX 7.03... How can I use these maps in it?
My folder structure:
IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles/MODS/MAPMODS/Maps/cztx_BurmaLower_1942
L-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles/MODS/MAPMODS/Maps/cztx_BurmaLower_1944
L-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles/MODS/MAPMODS/Maps/_Tex/cztx/BurmaLower_1944
L-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles/MODS/MAPMODS/Maps/_Tex/cztx/trees
But I have some problems...
I can see both maps in Full Mission Builder, can put different objects on them...
But I can't save missions and can't fly missions - nothing happens when I try to do it...
How do I solve this problem?
Another questions:
Should there be "BurmaLower_1942" folder in "cztx" folder?
And the last problem:
Some time ago I made a few missions with "Burma Lower (cztx)" map which is in HSFX 7.03...
When I renamed "cztx_BurmaLower_1944" folder (L-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles/MODS/MAPMODS/Maps/cztx_BurmaLower_1944) to "cztx_BurmaLower", new map appeared in my old missions with some my old objects (not all objects), and I can't fly those missions too...
How can I replace old "Burma Lower (cztx)" with new "cztx_BurmaLower_1944" wihout remade those missions?
CzechTexan, big thanks for all Burma maps!
I have 4.12.2m + HSFX 7.03... How can I use these maps in it?
But I can't save missions and can't fly missions - nothing happens when I try to do it...
How do I solve this problem?
Another questions:
Should there be "BurmaLower_1942" folder in "cztx" folder?
... new map appeared in my old missions with some my old objects (not all objects), and I can't fly those missions too...
How can I replace old "Burma Lower (cztx)" with new "cztx_BurmaLower_1944" wihout remade those missions?
Not being able to save missions and fly is because you do not have all the static objects for the map.
I do not know anything about HSFX because I've only used DBW and SAS so I don't know if HSFX has all the same objects as DBW.
However, I did add the "oil well" object and copy/pasted objects found on the Borneo and Khalkin Gol map.
Perhaps, if you download the Borneo map and add the oil well object then it might work.
Borneo: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,24554.0.html
If you don't have the Khalkin Gol map and its objects then you need that also.
Khalkin Gol: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,9361.0.html
For the second question...No, you do not need Burmalower_1942 in the _Tex/cztx folder.
Third question... You cannot fly probably because you are missing objects.
If I understand right... you want to use your old missions on the new maps? To do that, open the mission files and you will see the map name at the top of the page. Change the name of the map from the old name to the new name, then save it. This way the mission will play on the new map.
However, some airfields on the old Burmalower map may be a little different so you'll have to check all the takeoff positions in FMB.
Hope that will help.
Not being able to save missions and fly is because you do not have all the static objects for the map.
I do not know anything about HSFX because I've only used DBW and SAS so I don't know if HSFX has all the same objects as DBW.
However, I did add the "oil well" object and copy/pasted objects found on the Borneo and Khalkin Gol map.
Perhaps, if you download the Borneo map and add the oil well object then it might work.
Borneo: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,24554.0.html
If you don't have the Khalkin Gol map and its objects then you need that also.
Khalkin Gol: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,9361.0.html
Third question... You cannot fly probably because you are missing objects.
If I understand right... you want to use your old missions on the new maps? To do that, open the mission files and you will see the map name at the top of the page. Change the name of the map from the old name to the new name, then save it. This way the mission will play on the new map.
However, some airfields on the old Burmalower map may be a little different so you'll have to check all the takeoff positions in FMB.
Both maps are default in HSFX 7.03 ("KhalkhinGol Expanded (Mixx)" and "NorthernBorneo_43_45") ! So, I think that their objects are default in HSFX 7.03 too...
When I opened the mission files and changed the name of the map from the old name to the new name, then saved it, I've got the same effect when I renamed "cztx_BurmaLower_1944" folder (L-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles/MODS/MAPMODS/Maps/cztx_BurmaLower_1944) to "cztx_BurmaLower" - new map appeared in my old missions with some my old objects (not all objects), and I can't fly those missions too...
Both maps are default in HSFX 7.03 ("KhalkhinGol Expanded (Mixx)" and "NorthernBorneo_43_45") ! So, I think that their objects are default in HSFX 7.03 too...
hmmm...maybe you can use the map tool that tells you which objects you are missing. I can't think of anything else that would affect the not saving problem. Do you have the right trees in the right places? keep me posted on your efforts.
hmmm...maybe you can use the map tool that tells you which objects you are missing. I can't think of anything else that would affect the not saving problem. Do you have the right trees in the right places? keep me posted on your efforts.
What sould I do with trees?
I downloaded maps from here:
updated February 28, 2013...
Zip contains "trees" folder "in _Tex" folder.
Then I downloaded "Vietnam Trees.zip" from here:
Tree0 = Trees\NamTree.tga from Vietnam maps.
Download Vietnam Trees here: https://www.mediafire.com/?l12mvu9aa8oe51g
It contains "trees" folder too. What should I do with it?
Both folders contains 6 files with same names.
Should I put files from "Vietnam Trees.zip" to "trees" folder in "_Tex" folder in order to to replace old ones?
Should I write anithing In "load.ini" files? where I found
Tree0 = Trees\NamTree.tga
TreeLightMask = Trees\LightM256.tga
Should I put files from "Vietnam Trees.zip" to "trees" folder in "_Tex" folder in order to to replace old ones?
Should I write anithing In "load.ini" files? where I found
Tree0 = Trees\NamTree.tga
TreeLightMask = Trees\LightM256.tga
1. yes, put the Vietnam trees into the "trees" folder in _Tex.
2. No need to change .ini file. it is already written there.
1. yes, put the Vietnam trees into the "trees" folder in _Tex.
2. No need to change .ini file. it is already written there.
I did so from the beginning! I put files from "Vietnam Trees.zip" to "trees" folder in "_Tex" folder and replaced old ones in it...
I found that not only these maps I can't install ...
"Papua-New Guinea-Bougainville-Australia" map (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,45687.msg510664.html#msg510664 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,45687.msg510664.html#msg510664)) and "Papua_New Guinea_ Australia 1942" map (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,47849.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,47849.0.html)) also don't work and with exactly the same problem!
I can see both maps in Full Mission Builder, can put different objects on them...
But I can't save missions and can't fly missions - nothing happens when I try to do it...
I can't get them to work either used both installation ways (direct install and JSGME)...
However "Map of the Province of Silesia" (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,43434.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,43434.0.html)) works fine!
I think that all these maps have a similar installation way... Maybe it can help find the cause of the problems?
Best post a logfile.
See here how to do it:
Good Luck.
It seems, that problem is with UP~Boomer Objects Pack - not with map...
CzechTexan, thanks again!
Rasta, maybe getting the C.U.P. will fix the problem since it claims to have everything. I don't know because I don't have CUP installed. But maybe that will help.
Rasta, maybe getting the C.U.P. will fix the problem since it claims to have everything. I don't know because I don't have CUP installed. But maybe that will help.
Do you mean, that I should abandon HSFX in favor of C.U.P.?
Now your this map and other work in my HSFX 7.03 and in SAS Modact 5.30 with UP~Boomer Objects Pack. But with that pack I have received an other problems... https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,45687.msg535384.html#msg535384
August 4, 2016
An update with a new link to these two maps has been made on the first post of the first page of this discussion.
Thanks for the update!
Really important map!
August 20, 2016
An update with a new link to these two maps has been made on the first post of the first page of this discussion.
Added BumpH textures and new CBI Trees made by Battlin Bastard.
Fixed large city texture (Rangoon and other large cities) so that the colors look better and with streets complementary of vpmedia texture.
Fixed Mingaladon airfield stay points on the north/south runway so that planes will now park instead of disappearing.
(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y182/CzechTexan/BURMA%20Theater%20of%20War/2016.08.20%2014-41-51.jpg) (http://s5.photobucket.com/user/CzechTexan/media/BURMA%20Theater%20of%20War/2016.08.20%2014-41-51.jpg.html)
(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y182/CzechTexan/BURMA%20Theater%20of%20War/2016.08.20%2014-38-20.jpg) (http://s5.photobucket.com/user/CzechTexan/media/BURMA%20Theater%20of%20War/2016.08.20%2014-38-20.jpg.html)
Below is a view of the famous Shwedagon Pagoda. It is not included with the map but it is made of objects copied from the mission template made by Chris_Blair. It is featured in the updated Flying Tigers Battle for Rangoon campaign...soon to be released. (it is an older screenshot showing the old city texture).
(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y182/CzechTexan/BURMA%20Theater%20of%20War/2016.08.18%2000-15-49.jpg) (http://s5.photobucket.com/user/CzechTexan/media/BURMA%20Theater%20of%20War/2016.08.18%2000-15-49.jpg.html)
Greybeard and/or others,
On page 6 Greybeard describes:
At any rate: I had to detect that required files for these maps, missing from 4.09m+UP2.01, are the following:
Code: [Select]
Wood0 = forest/summer/Slot_Forest0.tga
Wood1 = forest/summer/Slot_Forest1.tga
Wood2 = forest/summer/Slot_Forest2.tga
Wood3 = forest/summer/Slot_Forest3.tga
Wood4 = forest/summer/Slot_Forest4.tga
as well as
Code: [Select]
Wood2 = forest/summer/Slot_ForestFar.tga
I had only Slot_Forest3.tga, and with this replaced in load.ini all the others. Now the two maps works: much more fancy colors, but still much "patterning". :-X
Where can I find
Code: [Select]
in the game :( :( :(
Thank you in advance
hi langereis,
I guess you are running 4.09 since Greybeard posted that problem with his.
[WOOD] is found in the "load" file of each map's folder. Double-click the Load file and it should open in Notepad or something similar.
If the Slot_Forest textures are not working for your setup, then you can find a different map that works and copy/paste its "Wood0-Wood4" lines into this map's Load file (delete the non-working "Wood" lines).
for example, if cyberolas' new Burma map works for you, then copy/paste that [WOOD] section (delete the non-working "Wood" lines).
Thank you very much for your fast and clear answer :)
Kind regards
(https://s22.postimg.cc/b40ifyuy9/13_10_2015_7_56_00.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/7kekq5s8d/)
Great Map! ;D
But I noticed a problem with water hight / floating ships when trying to populate a harbour:
This is static ships near Cox Bazar but I tried all over the map and it's the same.
langereis - you're quite welcome.
vampire_pilot - I know the problem but I never figured out how to fix it. I still consider myself an amateur map-maker :)
can i install this map into any standard 4.12.2m 5.3 modact as well as vpmedias game or only DBW ? its not appearing in the vpmedia copy while hengyang map does . they are both appearing in my DBW copy. in DBW there is your first lower burma map,does this need to be installed first for them to appear in other copies ?
can i install this map into any standard 4.12.2m 5.3 modact as well as vpmedias game or only DBW ? its not appearing in the vpmedia copy while hengyang map does . they are both appearing in my DBW copy. in DBW there is your first lower burma map,does this need to be installed first for them to appear in other copies ?
I used the VPMODPACK to update the map. All maps that anyone makes will work in any install - so long as the map is installed correctly.
The updated BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944 are packaged so that they stand alone and do not need any other map to work. All map files, textures, and map names for the all.ini are included so that, if installed correctly, they will work.
Btw, no new objects are used. All the objects are several years old so everyone should have them by now.
i live in SEA thailand and when in the air and looking down from various heights our paddy fields dont look that green at all , they are much darker. Modern buildings have various roof colors including orange but this does not reflect how things appeared in the 40's . Further when facing any off the cities in the maps my FPS drops from 60 to 5 !!! is there any way i can remove items and retexture the fields ? i only have experience with CFS 2 many years ago with sceneries which i learnt with the help of a member at the time , i would very much like to work and adjust these 3 maps with some tutoring and help from you since i am retired .
vampire_pilot - I know the problem but I never figured out how to fix it. I still consider myself an amateur map-maker :)
oh, okay!
I've seen it happen on other maps and being fixed though so maybe someone with more experience can give a hint?
Thank you very much !
i live in SEA thailand and when in the air and looking down from various heights our paddy fields dont look that green at all , they are much darker.
Perhaps it's because you are seeing only one time period of color. If you notice, crops such as rice or wheat will be different shades of green. Younger, more tender plants will be a lighter shade of green and become darker with age.
I made textures directly from Google Earth and Zoom Earth.
Below are pics of Burma from which I got the inspiration for the colors on the map...
(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y182/CzechTexan/BURMA%20Theater%20of%20War/fields2.jpg) (http://s5.photobucket.com/user/CzechTexan/media/BURMA%20Theater%20of%20War/fields2.jpg.html)
(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y182/CzechTexan/BURMA%20Theater%20of%20War/fields1.jpg) (http://s5.photobucket.com/user/CzechTexan/media/BURMA%20Theater%20of%20War/fields1.jpg.html)
the photos by google are touched up and altered , maybe distortion in the imagery process . there are no fluorescent paddy fields in the far east . further there was no orange tiled houses in the 1030's 40's, these are modern day images . may be a couple of run down old pagoda's and temples had a colorful roof but that's about it. people were dying of hunger let alone afford a roof . If you go into google maps real time you will see the real colors first hand . It doesnt work everywhere but for example my girl friend showed me her home and whole village and fields facing their home real time .
Hengyang missions
Where can i find missions by the allies out off that base or was it used only by the IJA .i have'nt found anything .
Hengyang missions
Where can i find missions by the allies out off that base or was it used only by the IJA .i have'nt found anything .
You want information about missions for the Hengyang map? The best history source I know is a book by Molesworth "Sharks Over China" and it is packed full of details about the airfields and missions of the 14th Air Force. Even before the 14th AF, the Flying Tigers used Hengyang, Lingling, and Kweilin (Guilin) airfields.
Tks for mission info from Hengyang .Bellow is an image off how the green in the rice paddy fields is in reality.Hope you can consider some toning down for these maps.
(https://s12.postimg.cc/uzgi65i6l/padyfields.png) (https://postimg.cc/image/rfukgcfgp/)
After the formation of the 14th AF, on the beginning of 1943, the Japanese HQ in China was demanding an end to the destruction that it was doing among the river and sea transports on the region.
Through December 1943, the 14th AF was destroying circa of 50,000 tons of Japanese ships per month ( 1/3 of all ships sunk by the allies on PTO and CBI fronts ).
So, in April 1944, the Japanese launched the "Operation Ichigo" to destroy the frontline airfields of 14th AF ( Hengyang, Kweilin, Changsha, Sui-Chuan, Ling-Ling and Liuchow ) after the transfer of 200.000 of the best Chinese troops to fight for Gen. Stilwell on the Burma front.
With a pincer attack coming from North, Hankow area, and a double one from the South, Canton and French Indochina, the Japanese took all the airfields on 6 months of a hard fight and terrible casualties for both sides.
Even during the "Ichigo" campaign, the 14th AF took a heavy toll of the Japanese assets on the region. Just in the Jully to September period the 14th AF sunk 317 ships ( 17 IJN warships ), damaged 206 ( 19 IJN ) and caused more than 20.000 casualties on the IJA ground forces, plus some hundreds of destroyed/shootdown or damaged airplanes.
This Theater of Operations needs a bunch of Campaign builders to look after it, indeed. :D :D :D
Hi ZcechTexan,
Greetings from Barcelona, Spain.
I seem to be unable to load your maps. I have the VP Mod Pack installed on 4.12.2m version of the game and when I try to load any of your new BurmaLower maps I get an error message. This is what the final part of the error log shows (1944 map) :
[2:54:40 PM]
[2:54:41 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file 'MAPS/_Tex/cztx/BurmaLower_1944/Spain_1024_Ind_Green_17.tga'
[2:54:41 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: LoadTextureFromTga('MAPS/_Tex/cztx/BurmaLower_1944/Spain_1024_Ind_Green_17.tga')
[2:54:41 PM] WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Err'
[2:54:41 PM] WARNING: TLandscape::LoadMap('cztx_BurmaLower_1942/load.ini') - errors in loading
[2:54:41 PM] World.land().LoadMap() error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Landscape 'cztx_BurmaLower_1942/load.ini' loading error
[Sep 15, 2016 2:55:04 PM] -------------- END log session -------------
Any help will be appreciated.
Best Regards,
Hi! Trees textures need "High Resolution / True Color Textures Mod" Package because they are 2048x2048. Try to install it (no loss of quality) or reduce their size to 1024. This works for me.
CBI_AlteredBush8a -----> This to 1024x1024
CBI_AlteredBush8aTL -----> Idem
CBI_AlteredBush8aTrunkTL ----> This to 1024x512
PD: I have just read your log file. You´ve got the problem with other texture "Spain_1024_Ind_Green_17.tga". I have the VP Mod Pack and this texture does not cause any issue on my installation. Anyway you can check the size of trees textures if you don´t have installed HD mod.
Thanks franju,
I installed the "High Resolution / True Color Textures Mod" (HD skins show OK) and still have the same issue with those maps. Here is the final part of the new error log:
[12:39:05 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file 'MAPS/_Tex/cztx/BurmaLower_1944/Spain_1024_Ind_Green_17.tga'
[12:39:05 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: LoadTextureFromTga('MAPS/_Tex/cztx/BurmaLower_1944/Spain_1024_Ind_Green_17.tga')
[12:39:05 PM] WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Err'
[12:39:05 PM] WARNING: TLandscape::LoadMap('cztx_BurmaLower_1942/load.ini') - errors in loading
[12:39:05 PM] World.land().LoadMap() error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Landscape 'cztx_BurmaLower_1942/load.ini' loading error
[Sep 16, 2016 12:40:02 PM] -------------- END log session -------------
As I have several MODS and MAPS installed over VPModpack I might have some conflicting MOD's there. I am going to try with a clean VPModpack install and see if how the new BurmaLower maps load.
Best regards,
Hi again,
Installing the maps (following instructions to the letter, I belive) on a fresh working install of VPModpack with "High Resolution / True Color Textures Mod" activated through jsgme and getting the same results. Here is the error log:
[5:52:02 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file 'MAPS/_Tex/cztx/BurmaLower_1944/Spain_1024_Ind_Green_17.tga'
[5:52:02 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: LoadTextureFromTga('MAPS/_Tex/cztx/BurmaLower_1944/Spain_1024_Ind_Green_17.tga')
[5:52:02 PM] WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Err'
[5:52:02 PM] WARNING: TLandscape::LoadMap('cztx_BurmaLower_1944/load.ini') - errors in loading
[5:52:02 PM] World.land().LoadMap() error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Landscape 'cztx_BurmaLower_1944/load.ini' loading error
[Sep 16, 2016 5:52:21 PM] -------------- END log session -------------
I'll try reducing the resolution of the textures, but they should work as they are with the "High Resolution / True Color Textures Mod". There must be something else getting in the way...
Best regards,
I try to play in HSFX 7.03 (most version of IL2 with full tiger soundmod that I know of), sadly I miss a few objects, static.ini checker says
are missing. So I can't save mission, and I can't save my progress on flying tigers campaign.
I'll try to find a recent object pack, if anyone has a direction it's most welcome.
here is Boomer's pack broken up into smaller parts:
I do not know if those objects are in there but you can try.
in SFS files:
These objects have been around for a while. I don't know anything about HSFX but it seems it is missing lots of objects. It would be nice to have a continuously updated Object Pack in which new objects could be put into an SFS file or at least some type of folder to download.
SAS does a pretty good job with its mod packs (CUP, vpmodpack, DBW) and at least includes most objects. It would be nice if all users could use those packs but I guess that's not gonna happen.
Thanks a lot, I'll try this :)
As expected, works perfectly, now enjoying your FT campaign over this gorgeous map, thanks a lot 8)
I'm so glad you got things "rolling"! 8)
Hi! Trees textures need "High Resolution / True Color Textures Mod" Package because they are 2048x2048. Try to install it (no loss of quality) or reduce their size to 1024. This works for me.
CBI_AlteredBush8a -----> This to 1024x1024
CBI_AlteredBush8aTL -----> Idem
CBI_AlteredBush8aTrunkTL ----> This to 1024x512
PD: I have just read your log file. You´ve got the problem with other texture "Spain_1024_Ind_Green_17.tga". I have the VP Mod Pack and this texture does not cause any issue on my installation. Anyway you can check the size of trees textures if you don´t have installed HD mod.
Or, you could change the line for "tree0" in the load.ini file to this:
Tree0 = Trees/whc_Jungle.tga
That reverts back to the older trees used in the previous version and you do not need the "High Resolution / True Color Textures Mod". I noticed that the new trees were giving me a fps hit so I did the change mentioned above and fps are smoother now. Hopefully, whc_Jungle texture will be in your _Tex files!
If you don't have the whc_Jungle texture, here's a link to it: https://www.mediafire.com/file/57d3b0tcd9lap18/whc_Jungle+tree0+texture.zip
Hi ZcechTexan!
Thanks again for these great maps!
There are three your maps in B.A.T. (Burma Lower - CZTX, Burma Lower 1942 - CZTX and Burma Lower 1944 - CZTX).
Please, tell me which versions of the maps are included in B.A.T. ?
I ask this because all three maps in my B.A.T. 3.5 are brown.
I remember that the early versions of the Burma Lower 1942 - CZTX and Burma Lower 1944 - CZTX were brown, and Burma Lower - CZTX was green...
Are B.A.T. Burma Lower 1942 - CZTX and Burma Lower 1944 - CZTX in last update version 20.08.2016, or in earlier?
If they are in last update version, how can I change their colour to brown-green (like on picture in first post)?
Hi ZcechTexan!
Thanks again for these great maps!
There are three your maps in B.A.T. (Burma Lower - CZTX, Burma Lower 1942 - CZTX and Burma Lower 1944 - CZTX).
Please, tell me which versions of the maps are included in B.A.T. ?
I ask this because all three maps in my B.A.T. 3.5 are brown.
I remember that the early versions of the Burma Lower 1942 - CZTX and Burma Lower 1944 - CZTX were brown, and Burma Lower - CZTX was green...
Are B.A.T. Burma Lower 1942 - CZTX and Burma Lower 1944 - CZTX in last update version 20.08.2016, or in earlier?
If they are in last update version, how can I change their colour to brown-green (like on picture in first post)?
hi D.Rasta, I do not have BAT so I cannot tell you which versions are in it. I only hope that the latest version is there. Perhaps you could post this question in the B.A.T. forums to find the answers.
hi D.Rasta, I do not have BAT so I cannot tell you which versions are in it. I only hope that the latest version is there. Perhaps you could post this question in the B.A.T. forums to find the answers.
Which modpack do you prefer?
I still don't know which versions of your maps are included in B.A.T.
But I installed the latest version from the first post over my B.A.T. (just put them in #WAW3/MAPMODS/Maps).
So, I definitely have latest version of your map (now it's brown-green) without problems with anny objects...
In the same way I installed again "Burma - retextured, retowned, revillaged" by Cyberolas.
And now I was able to change CAMOUFLAGEI line to DESERT in Load.ini files and get Trop Filters on Hurricanes!
I couldn't get them in B.A.T. on Burma maps because there are no Load.ini files!
Are you still interested in this region?
Are there BurmaUpper maps in your future plans?
Sorry for my impudence ...
no problem asking questions. I'm glad you got things running the way you want it.
I'm also surprised that B.A.T. does not have the latest updated maps. I guess it's a lot of trouble to do so.
Anyhow, anyone can easily install maps (as you did)(just put them in #WAW3/MAPMODS/Maps).
Also, B.A.T. should have most every object needed for maps to save missions (unless it's a very recent map which requires new objects) ….so, that is a good reason to have B.A.T.
I only use the VPmodpack which I have heavily modded. I am still interested in the CBI region because I think it's a forgotten theater of war. Upper Burma is not in my future though.
One more question...
What is the scale of your map 1:1 or not?
I am still interested in the CBI region because I think it's a forgotten theater of war. Upper Burma is not in my future though.
That's a pity!
It would be great to have a Burma map including the region from Dinjan to Kunming including Imphal and Meiktila.
A large part of this region is already on your map.
The Cyberolas map is beautiful, but it has no historically correct airfields for Japanese aviation ...
The original map files were made by Fabianfred and I believe he made this map in 3/4 scale.
June 2020
3 Textures UPDATED!
cztx_BurmaLower_1942 AND cztx_BurmaLower_1944 MOD MAPS
Changes June 2020:
1.There were suggestions to "tone down" the bright colors of some of the agricultural fields textures so I did that with 3 of them. All three have a new name so that they do not relate to the old BumpH files ...which also makes them brighter using SweetFX.
Place textures (found inside the _Tex folder) into your
Mapmods > Maps > _Tex > cztx > BurmaLower_1944 folder.
2. I also included new "load.ini" files found in the "cztx_BurmaLower_1942 AND cztx_BurmaLower_1944" folders.
These new files have changes in order to load the new textures.
And, another change to these Load.ini files is in the "HighClouds" line which reverts to a more standard cloud texture.
Place these folders into your Mapmods > Maps folder.
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/188ruz17is1c6ne/BurmaLower_3Texture_update2020.zip/file
I tried everything but I get a Landscape Load error when starting a mission with this add on map.
I tried everything but I get a Landscape Load error when starting a mission with this add on map.
Your log.lst a.k.a Sturmo.log required.
Did some recolorizing for Burma_city.tga.
http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?p=228442#post228442 (http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?p=228442#post228442)
Well quite some time has passed so maybe Sgt_fresh solved his issue
Sturmo.log? by default the file is called log.lst
landscape error means that you are missing some textures and the log will tell you the missing file name. You can also see the error in the console just shift+tab when fmb tells you that he is unable to load the map. Most likely you are missing this texture MAPS/_Tex/Trees/whc_Jungle.tga that is not included in the download
Guys, smbdy fixed levitation ships on the rivers at BurmaLower map?
http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?p=228466#post228466 (http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?p=228466#post228466)
I had the same problem with the Irak map: it depends on which Engine mod I use.
One is 2.7 the other is 2.20. One has high tide, the other low tide like your pic.
So there is something into an engine.mod that effects the behavior of water, or the ships on rivers.
You should try 2.7 with that map, the good old days.
If retreaving a 2.20:
...same map ...same time (15 oct 2017 )...rest my case. Water just behave differently: notice waves vs no waves, with same weather above.
Base of towers differ in water level due to "see through" under the landscape. LOW TIDE! So land+ships appear as being higher. Proven by a shore
fuel tank, a red 'signal' cab and the "see through" underneath. Good luck editing all the maps. I propose this aint a local issue. A setting is wrong.
Guys, smbdy fixed levitation ships on the rivers at BurmaLower map?
http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?p=228466#post228466 (http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?p=228466#post228466)
I have solved this issue in Leticia map some time ago by chance....IIRC it should lie in the map_h where the heights must be flattened at sea level while the actual is over....
Can you provide me some exact locations (maybe a .mis file with only frontmarker placed at the specific spots)....
I have solved this issue in Leticia map some time ago by chance....IIRC it should lie in the map_h where the heights must be flattened at sea level while the actual is over....
Can you provide me some exact locations (maybe a .mis file with only frontmarker placed at the specific spots)....
I think, its problem with both map C and map H.
I just assumed that some modder had already fixed this bug for himself and just would kindly to post the fix for community.
Q: Is the camouflage supposed to be DESERT or CBI now? And, were these updates, as it's around 4 years old, included in BAT422HFX4?
Many thanks.Hope you are good where you are.
Burma is CBI by definition