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The SAS Factory - Tech Help, Ancient Mods etc. => Dark Blue World Discussion & Support => The Keepsake: Old Mod Packs, Game Versions and Guest Mods => DBW Campaigns & Missions => Topic started by: alotef on January 16, 2013, 05:41:21 AM

Title: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on January 16, 2013, 05:41:21 AM
Skies of Fire.
Hi all!
Well it's about time I gave back to this wonderful community, and what better way than with missions?
Lots and lots of missions!
Fire in the skies is a series of instant-action single-mission packs, designed to simulate what WW2 'felt like', so while the missions may not always be 100% accurate in terms of locations etc. they will convey the general theme of what action took place.
I'm going to cover the entirety of WW2, in the following parts;

1. Prelude to Armageddon
Status: WIP 50%
Covers the years 1930-1939 and the following conflicts;
-Japan-Russian war
-Sino-Japanese war
-Spanish Civil War

2. In the beginning...
Covers the years 1939-1940 and the following conflicts;
-Invasion of Poland
-Invasion of France

3. He gives us the victory!
Covers 1940 and the following conflict;
-The Battle of Britain

4. The sun rises...
Covers the years 1941-1943 and the following conflicts;
-Pearl Harbour
-Midway Campaign
-PNG Campaign

5. And they went out into the wilderness...
Covers the years 1941-1943 and the following conflicts;
-North Africa
-The Med

6. And they shall wander from sea to sea...
Covers the years 1944-1945 and the following conflicts;
-Island-hopping campaign, the Pacific.

7. Tarry in the plain.
USSR vs Germany
Covers the years 1942-1944 and the following conflicts;
-Russian campaign

8. My rock and my fortress.
Covers the year 1944 and the following conflict;
-D-Day campaign.

9. ...for our end is come.
Covers the years 1944-1945 and the following conflict;
-Daylight/Night-time bombing campaign.

10. Revelations.
What if, covering 1946 and the "Wonder weapons" of WW2.

The names of each part make reference to different parts of the bible. Just to be different.
Each part will contain anywhere between 10 and 50 missions, and they will be released as they are finished, along with Screenies and movies for demonstration. I will add to this post as I do more. At the moment, I am working on the Sino-Japanese war with a few good missions done. :)
Kind regards,
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: max_thehitman on January 16, 2013, 06:42:32 AM

OH Very cooool!
 I want to try this out  8)
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on January 16, 2013, 06:45:27 AM
Very soon, amigo!  :D
Some screenies tomorrow.
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: BravoFxTrt on January 16, 2013, 07:09:07 AM
Cool Mike!
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: DarkBlueBoy on January 16, 2013, 07:15:01 AM
That sounds brilliant Mike! :)
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: vpmedia on January 16, 2013, 07:51:47 AM
Sounds cool, I always wanted a mission set like this. :)
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: SAS~Malone on January 16, 2013, 08:23:44 AM
great stuff, looking forward to it...:D
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: CzechTexan on January 16, 2013, 08:08:49 PM
Very nice project.  Interesting layout.  Good luck with it all!
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: rhinofilms on January 16, 2013, 08:25:01 PM
I love the instant action idea.  I make my own single missions that way as well so you can jump into the melee right away.
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on January 16, 2013, 11:21:17 PM
Thanks for the replies! Yes, don't you ever feel a little lazy? Like you want to experience a certain part of WW2, yet the campaings are too long, QMB is unsatisfactory and you can't be arsed with FMB?
Well I aim to satisfy that need!  ;D
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on January 16, 2013, 11:53:12 PM
Thanks for the replies! Yes, don't you ever feel a little lazy? Like you want to experience a certain part of WW2, yet the campaings are too long, QMB is unsatisfactory and you can't be arsed with FMB?
Well I aim to satisfy that need!  ;D
Looks good Mike, if you need any testers I volunteer!  ;D
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on January 17, 2013, 12:12:04 AM
Cheers Monty, we'll be in touch!  :D
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: Mick on January 17, 2013, 01:31:49 AM
... same with me Mike, when and if you need a hand for:

 "5. And they went out into the wilderness..."

 ... I'll be more than happy ...  ;)
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on January 17, 2013, 03:09:17 AM
Brilliant! :)
I did a little more work today, but I'm out now. Will add more info/screenies tomorrow.
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: David Prosser on January 18, 2013, 08:04:54 PM
Hi, Mike. I'll certainly d/l them when I get back to Korea.


Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on January 18, 2013, 09:04:58 PM
Excellent. :)
I'm working on a pre-release video which ought to be done soon. I'll release that, and lots of screenies + additional information for you all in the next couple of days.  :D
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: The_Alaska_Man on January 18, 2013, 11:22:37 PM
Sounds like its gonna be a computer killer!!. Sounds great man!. My computer probably won't be able to handle it all. ;D
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on January 19, 2013, 01:32:36 AM
Not to worry Alaska man, my aim is for it to be able to run on all machines. To be sure, I am building it on a mid-range rig so have no fear!
The video is progressing slowly, but it looks awesome so far!  ;D
Title: Re: Fire in the Skies - WIP Thread
Post by: BravoFxTrt on January 19, 2013, 07:57:19 PM
Sound's good Mike, looking forward for it. :)
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on January 20, 2013, 08:09:07 AM
Video online, crank up your speakers!  ;D
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: Hans-Joachim Marseille on January 20, 2013, 09:15:47 AM
I think "amazing" is a good description for this. Not to mention the YT-vid which is simply freaking me out! Noice!  :)
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: rhinofilms on January 20, 2013, 09:21:51 AM
Brilliant vid... so looking forward to this.
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on January 20, 2013, 04:53:18 PM
Thanks!  8)
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: Venator77 on January 23, 2013, 09:15:32 PM
shouldn't this go in the WIP section? i always put my new campaigns in the WIP section. other than that, nice campaign.
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on February 06, 2013, 07:27:34 PM
Hey guys,
Progress is slow but steady as I balance real life with my many hobbies! :p
I was wondering if any number of you would like to join the Skies of Fire team to help out crafting missions? If you're interested in getting involved right off the bat, send me a PM. Anyone can apply, FMB experience or no as I am willing to give lessons over TeamSpeak. (I'll host team conferences over TS, provided anyone wishes to join the team at all, so as to remain coordinated.)
So yeah, PM if interested and we'll go from there. Bonuses awarded to SoF team members include early access to final releases as well as extra little goodies not intended for public release. ;)
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: sphantom on February 06, 2013, 08:10:51 PM
Hey guys,
Progress is slow but steady as I balance real life with my many hobbies! :p
I was wondering if any number of you would like to join the Skies of Fire team to help out crafting missions? If you're interested in getting involved right off the bat, send me a PM. Anyone can apply, FMB experience or no as I am willing to give lessons over TeamSpeak. (I'll host team conferences over TS, provided anyone wishes to join the team at all, so as to remain coordinated.)
So yeah, PM if interested and we'll go from there.( Bonuses awarded to SoF team members include early access to final releases as well as extra little goodies not intended for public release. ;)
Now that is quite a teaser
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on February 06, 2013, 08:17:55 PM
Well I gotta reward my special team with something! Maybe cool T-Shirts with their favorite fighter on them? There is a custom T-Shirt place right near me.  8)
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: CorsairX on March 01, 2013, 06:24:50 PM
This is very promising. Looking forward to it!
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: BillyPryce on March 04, 2013, 05:27:51 AM
Okay CorsairX, if you're still looking for help you can count me in.  I could find time to knock up a couple of sorties for your project.  Here's a link to my earlier stuff on M4T if you want to check my credentials; http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=search&sa=188

All the best
Billy Pryce
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: CorsairX on March 04, 2013, 12:24:02 PM
Hi BillyPryce: alotef is the one making this great project, i'm just hanging around the forums  ;D.
You have some very nice work posted at Mission4Today!


Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: David Prosser on March 04, 2013, 08:10:23 PM

Hi, Billy, I've flown most of these campaigns. I enjoyed them. Please make some more if r/l permits.


David Prosser
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: BillyPryce on March 05, 2013, 04:08:00 AM
Thanks Corsair and David.  I haven't put anything up for a few years now (kids and work) but I've been putting missions together for my own amusement and I'm thinking about posting some of them soon.
I just saw the promise of a free T-shirt in the above post and thought 'I'll have one'  :D


PS, check out my songs if you have time: www.reverbnation.com/billypryce
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on March 23, 2013, 03:59:58 AM
Skies of Fire has undergone a serious re-structuring recently, and the first release will cover only the Battle of Britain.
More info soon!
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on March 23, 2013, 06:10:25 AM
Promotional screenies;
Showing the scope of the AO, from the Sea Lion invasion force at Calais to the white cliffs of Dover.  ;)
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on March 23, 2013, 07:56:36 AM
Some more to whet your appetite, a Luftwaffe "Evening training" screenie series;
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on March 23, 2013, 08:34:12 AM
Action shots;
This was just for fun:
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: flugkapitan on March 23, 2013, 11:45:36 AM
Absolutely beautiful! Thanks for posting them - looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on March 23, 2013, 05:54:51 PM
Thanks flugkapitan!  ;D
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on March 23, 2013, 08:49:27 PM
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: flugkapitan on March 23, 2013, 09:02:26 PM
Just keeps getting better :-)
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on March 23, 2013, 10:30:37 PM
Thanks again!  8)
These are the last few for a while until release. I hope you all like them. :)
Title: Re: Skies of Fire - WIP Thread
Post by: alotef on March 25, 2013, 04:33:22 AM
For those willing to be a tester for my new missions pack;
PM me. That's all you have to do. :) First come, first served, as they say. All 5 testers will receive a little added surprise too.  ;)