Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => ETO Maps => Topic started by: agracier on March 29, 2013, 09:18:35 AM

Title: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on March 29, 2013, 09:18:35 AM
Here's a new fantasy map. This is a predominantly islands map, but with a large component consisting of landmasses as well. This map is set in a northern region and can well be considered Scandinavian in flavor, but with something wild thrown in for good measure.

A number of screenshots can be viewed here:

Here's the FMB map:

And here is a download link

add this line to your all.ini file
ag_Lost_Islands_2 ag_Lost_Islands_2/load.ini

you may possibly need this oil well object, which is not standard in DBW

Please note that there are 11 2048 textures with this map, and also 2048 trees. So carsmasters wonderful and soon to be indispensable 2048 texture mod is necessary. If this does not work for you, simply downscale all textures with either '2048' or 'Spain_2048' in the filename, along with the 3 tree textures. Downscale 50% and they should work, though visual appearance will be less eye-catching.

The map being a fantasy area, is nonetheless taken mainly from the Kurile Islands group and contains no terrain modifications of note. Nothing beyond normal Il-2 specs of terrain flattening for airfields and some beach adjustments for water. The airfield on Razorback is set on an actual ridge and Wide Open Bay is configured n the same manner as its real-world component.

Fort de la Biche on the western lower landmass is the city depicted in the screenshots.

I've also included 2 extra load.ini files. They both point to the same textures, only the friction zone is different in each. The default load.ini has friction zones for airfields only the airfields, no where else. load_FRICTION_1.ini makes the whole map area a friction zone so that you can try out emergency landings everywhere there is flat and woodless terrain. load_FRICTION_2.ini is a variant of the same.

If you wish to try this out, simply rename them to load.ini or create your own new all.ini entry if you so wish.

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: SAS~Malone on March 29, 2013, 09:42:40 AM
thanks for the Easter present, mate! :D
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on March 29, 2013, 09:52:39 AM
thanks for the Easter present, mate! :D

Good grief - would you believe I forgot all about that ... ha ha. Too bad there is no Easter Island on this map ... but there are a lot of other places that should fit in ...

Also keeping my fingers crossed that the map works well for others.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: w on March 29, 2013, 12:05:04 PM
I can not d/l this file - >:(
when I click on the link it tries to get me to instal some type
of download movie software


Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on March 29, 2013, 12:15:41 PM
Click the blue box that says "click here to start dwonload from sendspace". A new page will pop up but ignore it. Go back to the first page and at the bottom a pop up will come up and let you save the download.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: Gaston on March 29, 2013, 12:16:30 PM
Maybe a dumb question... why version 2 ? Is there a 1 ?

This apart... Thanks !
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: cgagan on March 29, 2013, 12:30:29 PM
Many thanks, Agracier, d/loading now! 8)
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on March 29, 2013, 01:14:19 PM
Maybe a dumb question... why version 2 ? Is there a 1 ?

This apart... Thanks !

It's not really a version 2 of the same map, this is a new map on a similar theme - namely a fantasy lost islands world.

So this is the second version of the Lost islands theme ... here is where the first Lost Islands can be found:

Maybe the name is a bit confusing, but my inspiration for names is all used up ... ha ha. I was thinking of 'the Northern Isles' - 'the Wistful Isles' and other names ...

You can always change the first part of the all.ini line into another name if you wish ...
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: Gaston on March 29, 2013, 01:30:32 PM
Ah, OK ! I understand !

Other question : I resize the 2048 tga to 1024, because I do not use the Hi-Rez mod. but what with the 2048 bumpH files ?

Will there be some problem ?
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on March 29, 2013, 01:34:55 PM
Ah, OK ! I understand !

Other question : I resize the 2048 tga to 1024, because I do not use the Hi-Rez mod. but what with the 2048 bumpH files ?

Will there be some problem ?

Ah yes, I forgot about those. Easiest thing to do is try it out, and if they give a problem, then to move them to another location or delete. However in other threads I have read that it apparently does not matter what size BumpH files are ... they can be larger than the parent file and the normal game can handle them. This is what I have read in a recent post.

So try out the map, and see what happens after resizing the textures.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: Gaston on March 29, 2013, 02:24:48 PM
OK. I am trying now, and apparently, it seems to work. By the way... what are these bumpH files ?
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on March 29, 2013, 02:34:19 PM
OK. I am trying now, and apparently, it seems to work. By the way... what are these bumpH files ?

BumpH files are meant to provide a bit of relief to the textures.

There is a more detailed explanation here:

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on March 29, 2013, 03:06:25 PM
I'm having an issue. I can load the map, make a mission and I have made many missions in my time so I know I'm doing it right, I can save the mission but three times I have tried to get a mission to work its keeps saying data corrupt.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on March 29, 2013, 03:50:02 PM
I'm having an issue. I can load the map, make a mission and I have made many missions in my time so I know I'm doing it right, I can save the mission but three times I have tried to get a mission to work its keeps saying data corrupt.

I've not yet encountered this message yet as far as I can remember. Not on other maps either.

Silly question, but have you tried with different aircraft? Or maybe by removing the BumpH files?

I don't have a reference or handle on this though ... anyone else any experience?
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on March 29, 2013, 04:07:11 PM
I have it working but dont ask me why. :) I have made scramble missions and they would be the only mission for certain maps but I had to make a none to get it to work. Oh well, at least its working. :)
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on March 29, 2013, 04:09:18 PM
I'm sorry AG, I forgot my manors didnt I? It really is a lovely map. I really like your work on it. Thank you. :)
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on March 29, 2013, 04:16:35 PM
I have it working but dont ask me why. :) I have made scramble missions and they would be the only mission for certain maps but I had to make a none to get it to work. Oh well, at least its working. :)

Ah, does that mean you have it working in QMB? If so, hats off. I've never known how to make missions for QMB ... I usually install and try out new planes in QMB, but use new maps in FMB only ...
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on March 29, 2013, 05:43:23 PM
Yes it works in QMB but I use QuickQMBPro and its really easy. If you like I can help you with it.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: spdr109 on March 29, 2013, 07:38:52 PM
...anyone else any experience?

I was able to load the map with no problems but I can't save missions.

I ran the static.ini checker and it indicates I have no objects missing.

Map looks great though! I can't wait to fly over it!
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on March 30, 2013, 02:08:43 AM
I was able to load the map with no problems but I can't save missions.
I ran the static.ini checker and it indicates I have no objects missing.

Well, not being able to save a mission usually means some object, however insignificant, is missing. The map was made in DBW 1.7 which includes many objects. Here is a list of all the new objects I've installed since.

Mind you, I have not really knowingly used any of these new ones, but perhaps something might hav crept in unintentionally, by using object templates from other maps. Anyway, her is a list of my new installed objects. Maybe you can compare.

OBJECTS_Object test
OBJECTS_Objekty Mapy CSR
OBJECTS_Pribaltic objects

I would perhaps think that maybe the oilwell or Pribaltic objects or perhaps Uufflakke_castles to be possible candidates.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: Korrigan on March 30, 2013, 04:01:33 AM
Agracier, you are right, the oil well is missing in DBW. By the way, beautiful map ! Thank you very much, taking off now  ;)
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on March 30, 2013, 04:09:37 AM
Agracier, you are right, the oil well is missing in DBW. By the way, beautiful map ! Thank you very much, taking off now  ;)

aha ... here is a link to the oil well object.

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: spdr109 on March 30, 2013, 12:23:42 PM
     I have tracked down some of the objects you mention, but I can't find all of them.

     Still missing:     OBJECTS_Corsairs_Static
                           OBJECTS_Objekty Mapy CSR

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on March 30, 2013, 12:53:42 PM
     I have tracked down some of the objects you mention, but I can't find all of them.

     Still missing:     OBJECTS_Corsairs_Static
                           OBJECTS_Objekty Mapy CSR

OK ... don't know how they crept into the static for this map. In any case, here is a link for downloading:

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: spdr109 on March 30, 2013, 03:30:44 PM
     I started out with the  sfs UP object files from DBW 1.7 and mounted them in
a clean version of Modact 4.0. From there I added what was missing from SAS  Farang's
updated object pack originally made available by Boomer. After that, I added what I had
gathered up on my own over time. Finally, I found what I could following your suggestions.
Thank you so much for that last link.

     Conclusions: I am really not sure which additions did the trick because I did
several at one time before checking in the game. The end result though is a nearly
complete collection of objects in a fresh version of 4.11.1.

     The map is BEAUTIFUL! You have set the bar very high for future mapmakers.

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on March 30, 2013, 03:36:19 PM
Great to hear you got the map working in your version. I always use DBW which is pretty comprehensive with objects and mods ... but everyone has their own preferences, which is mostly a great strength of the game ...

I will say though that it is carsmasters 2048 texture mod that makes the new maps look good, cause aside from a few small changes I've learned, I still use the same technique for making maps by and large ... it's the 2048 textures that do the extra bit. They seem to tile less and the detail is great. It s extra work making them in 2048 - the old way of making screencaps is out now ... but it's worth the effort ...

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: spdr109 on March 30, 2013, 03:45:12 PM
     You are too modest! It takes a great deal of time and effort creating textures. Getting them
to work well together is another order of magnitude more difficult. Then to place them on a map
so that they look realistic... I am so happy that you now focus your efforts on 2048 textures.
The entire community benefits greatly.

     Thanks again.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: farang65 on March 30, 2013, 08:38:12 PM
With this being one of a few HD maps available  ;D :D ;)

For Spider 109 are you using Bravos SAsModAct/HSFX pack for your intall.

just loaded Bravo's pack and am keen to try sir ags map out in this install.

yes, will have to install the 00_Objects folders into bravo's pack.

Spider is your 4.11 a sas modact 4.11 or bravo's combined pack?

I am sure the HD textures make it such a large download.

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: spdr109 on March 31, 2013, 03:40:12 AM
     For SAS_Farang65, I do not have Bravo's SASModAct/HSFX pack installed.
I am using Il-2 4.11.1 with the Modact 4.0.

     I used the UP object files packed in sfs format as a base and then added additional
objects into the #SAS folder conventionally. My intention is to keep the size and
load times down by using the UP sfs files instead of having ALL the mod
objects in the #SAS folder.

     What I have been doing for some time now is to load maps using the JSGME.
I find that I focus on only a few maps at a given time anyway so I do this to eliminate the
need to have ALL the maps in the game. Each JSGME map mod has its own all.ini file, the
map folder, and the textures. If for some reason I don't want to use that map, I can
simply take it's mod folder from the main JSGME folder and save it out of the game,
on a different hard drive for security. I also will use the JSGME to test new mods.
If I like what the mod is giving me I can easily incorporate it into the main game later.
This methodology also saves me from screwing up my main install.

     Sorry to say that the 00_Objects folder is not complete enough to save missions
with Agracier's 2048 maps. More objects will be needed. I still suspect that I don't have
all the objects available yet (WW I stuff), so I will need to keep checking my static.ini
and comparing it with the  00_Objects and other mod packs. Hopefully this will provide
me with a more complete collection of objects.

 I hope this was helpful.


Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: cgagan on March 31, 2013, 04:34:27 AM
Majestic nordic scenery! Truly imposing for early morning flights...
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: BravoFxTrt on March 31, 2013, 08:59:10 AM
This map works in HSFX 6.17, Thank you for such a fine Map Agracier.

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: farang65 on April 02, 2013, 02:02:10 AM
Hi ag just making up an HD Sas ModAct 4.10 version.

Have a little stumbling block

from which map did you get  GW.Cloudsnoise01.tga from?

I don't have that particular cloud noise tga and need it for your map.

So far I installed

Carmasters Water   :D

Initially the heavy version of Carmsters Light in the IL-2 mod then changed to EASY Carmasters Light in the IL-2 mod  :D

Carmasters noise.tga for _Tex/ land/  ;D

Getting your map to load initially before I install the HD skin mod.

You don't have to provide a link just the name of the map.

Cheers Kirby
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: soulsurvivor on April 02, 2013, 02:12:27 AM
hello agracier  :)
first, thank you for this nice map!
i have noticed in your earlier post of a list of objects that you have used/installed.
where may i find all those objects, please? i don't think i have any of them.... :-[

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on April 02, 2013, 03:33:09 AM
i have noticed in your earlier post of a list of objects that you have used/installed.
where may i find all those objects, please? i don't think i have any of them.... :-[

The links are either on the first post, and also several posts before this one in one of my posts ... there are only 2 links to the objects.

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on April 02, 2013, 03:35:17 AM
from which map did you get  GW.Cloudsnoise01.tga from?
I don't have that particular cloud noise tga and need it for your map.

I could look all day and not have the slightest clue. An easier way of fixing this is to edit the load.ini. Use this line:

HighCloudsNoise  = CloudsNoise.tga
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: farang65 on April 02, 2013, 05:48:44 AM

thanks ag

getting your HD island maps loaded slowly

never had any problems with the skins HD mod new adventures fo 2048 HD   :D

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on April 02, 2013, 09:13:14 AM
never had any problems with the skins HD mod new adventures fo 2048 HD   :D

I never had any problems with the 2048 skins mod either. It worked the first time I tried it with the first version.

But the 2048 texture version was a different matter. I had to try out several versions of the mod until I finally hit on the winning version. It was the 'light' version. And those 'light' dll's did the trick.

But it was worth it to persevere and finally find a working version, cause this mod is really a big leap forward. More so for 2048 textures than for 2048 skins even ...
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: farang65 on April 04, 2013, 10:59:03 PM
Thanks a bunch Ag   :D

That load.ini editing certainly did the trick.

Your wonderfully 2048 awesome map creation the first to load.

Thanks again sure helped   :D

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: SAS~Malone on May 15, 2013, 06:17:39 AM
hi agracier :D
i'm busy making some QMB missions for this map, and one of the airfields i want to use is near the south west corner of the map, at a place called Judas Cradle.
there is a trench object sitting on one of the main runways (uppermost) that is causing a bit of grief for my bombers.
any chance of an updated actors if you could get rid of it, please. my map building version is so far out of date, i would need to install tons of stuff to get this working, lol, otherwise i'd fix it myself.
hope you can help. cheers, mate ;)
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on May 15, 2013, 06:32:34 AM
hi agracier :D
i'm busy making some QMB missions for this map, and one of the airfields i want to use is near the south west corner of the map, at a place called Judas Cradle.
there is a trench object sitting on one of the main runways (uppermost) that is causing a bit of grief for my bombers.
any chance of an updated actors if you could get rid of it, please. my map building version is so far out of date, i would need to install tons of stuff to get this working, lol, otherwise i'd fix it myself.
hope you can help. cheers, mate ;)

One lousy object fouls up so much ...

Anyway, here is an actors without the trench object ... hope this fixes it.

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: SAS~Malone on May 15, 2013, 07:05:39 AM
wow, that's quick service, mate :D
that's sorted it, many thanks - now i can get on with the missions.
i'll make them available when i'm done - a full set of QMB's. ;)
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on May 15, 2013, 08:30:37 AM
wow, that's quick service, mate :D
that's sorted it, many thanks - now i can get on with the missions.
i'll make them available when i'm done - a full set of QMB's. ;)

Just happened to be home with not much to do ... 15 mins later though would have been different ...

Anyway, quick missions are always welcome. It's sorta like legitimizing a map in a way ... ha ha
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: Piotrek1 on August 31, 2013, 01:52:34 PM
Beautiful map Agracier ,Thank you very much! :)
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 31, 2013, 10:19:59 PM
I wonder where is Agracier, I hope he comes back.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: HotelAlpha on August 31, 2013, 10:23:16 PM
He's in Spain on vacation.  8)   I hope he has fun!  :)
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 31, 2013, 10:26:42 PM
Me too, I wished I could fly to Spain and have some fun, but Id have to bring back one of those Spanish Babes though, lol.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: RealDarko on July 04, 2015, 03:22:24 PM
Is this available somewhere guys?
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on July 05, 2015, 01:52:16 AM
Is this available somewhere guys?

Try this

I am in the back country of Southern Spain now with nary Internet access. So I can't do any new uploads. Hope this link works.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: RealDarko on July 05, 2015, 03:18:44 AM
Doens not work, sorry, and your link expired during the holidays.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on July 05, 2015, 06:54:21 AM
Doens not work, sorry, and your link expired during the holidays.

Well, come on down with a memory stick and I'll copy it for you. Driving over here from where you live would be faster than me trying to send it by Internet at the moment ... ha ha.

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: RealDarko on July 05, 2015, 07:39:19 AM
IT's Ok Tony, it was my fault after all.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: steven197106 on July 12, 2015, 09:46:22 AM
New link please :(
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on July 12, 2015, 02:11:05 PM
New link please :(

First post updated with newly made upload of the map.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: steven197106 on July 12, 2015, 03:41:43 PM
The new link take me to mediafile front page no download for the map?
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: agracier on July 12, 2015, 03:45:20 PM
The new link take me to mediafile front page no download for the map?

It's been 2 years since I've done any of this ... try this link. Also updated on first post:

Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: steven197106 on July 12, 2015, 03:48:48 PM
Thanks working  fine now :P
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: SAS~Tom2 on November 05, 2016, 12:42:58 PM
I cannot believe I have missed this incredible map somehow. :(
From what I see and read I would heavily recommend this map to all SAS chaps.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: fritzofpeace on January 27, 2018, 03:11:08 PM
Could have sworn I've seen quick missions for this map, but now I can't seem to find them. Anybody got a link? Many thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: SAS~Gerax on January 28, 2018, 03:08:20 AM
Found this one on my HD,
see the attachment below for a dl link.  ;)
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: fritzofpeace on January 28, 2018, 10:42:08 AM
Thank you for posting the link, Gerax. Unfortunately, the download was of quicks for the original Pacific Lost Islands map. But I appreciate your willingness to help.
Title: Re: Lost Islands version 2 - The Northern Seas
Post by: SAS~Gerax on January 29, 2018, 02:30:15 AM
Oh *** ... sorry!  :-|