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Special Aircraft Service
the SAS Hangar => The Lounge => Topic started by: BravoFxTrt on April 29, 2013, 08:33:50 PM
Click on the Planes in the Caption: http://www.highironillustrations.com/aviation/fullhouse.html
Here are some free Screen Savers http://www.cebudanderson.com/scrnsvr.htm
WOW just got some nice awesome screen savers! thx for shareing
Look here too http://www.preddy-foundation.org/art-gallery/
And here, Just click on a Patch http://www.highironillustrations.com/sitepage/site_links.html
When in need for a new desktop background, aviation art, interesting arts, Bravo has it all! ;D
Lol, thanks Buddy, I love Aviation Art, Iv been around the USAF almost all my life, hell just today there was an AWAX flying not even 200 ft agl above my house, Wnen in Nellis AFB I got a 4 hour Air Combat Control Mission ride in an AWAX. Last friday I saw 4 F-35's fly over my house, and I see F-16's and Super Hornets daily. Wished I had one of those digital camera's.
Oh wow i have always wanted to see some of those high tech new Military stuff for my self, like an F-35. Once i went down to Virginia to the naval base and it really blew my mind! Nimitz Class Carriers are so freaking huge!!!
Yeah Iv been there once to a Life Support Convention, that was my USAF Job, I had a damn good time there. Oh and Life Support is we took care of, in my world, Fighter Pilots equipment. Did that for almost 19 years.
WOW i wish i had your job!! It's like a hobby and a job, all in one!
Yes it was, and being a Life Support Specialist I got 5 backseat rides in F-15's, 4 in a F-15B, and 1 in a F-15D. I got one ride in a F-4D, that was cool. And I flew On just about every Transport Jet, from KC-135's to C-130's, and KC-10's, oh and many rides in C-5's. I worked on F-15's, A-10's, F-4D & E's, F-16 A & B's and a short time on B-52H's. So yes it was a hobby and a job. Remember the movie Bat 21, I met Iceal E. Hambleton in Person and the Pilot that kept track of his Parachute decent after ejection, was one of my A-10 Pilots & Friend Bill "Jank" Jankowski. Very cool huh. I loved every minute of my time in.
Heres a link to read about L/C Hambeltons Rescue. BTW I was a Combat Survival Instructor as well, thats how I came to meet him.
Hambleton parachuted into the middle of more than 30,000 troops pouring across the border into South Vietnam. Maj. Jimmie D. Kempton from the 390th Tactical Fighter Squadron was leading a flight of four F-4 on a bombing mission when he got SAM warnings. He saw four SA-2 missiles emerge out of the clouds about 2 miles (3.2 km) ahead of him and saw one strike an aircraft.[7]:29
At a lower altitude, 1st Lt. Bill Jankowski and Capt. Lyle Wilson in an O-2 (Bilk 34) forward air controller (FAC) aircraft saw Hambleton's plane explode. When Hambleton's URC-64 rescue radio beeped, Jankowski responded, and was surprised to learn that Hambleton was above him descending in his parachute.[7]:29
Jankowski followed Hambleton down. Hambleton was concealed by a low fog bank as he landed, unseen by the NVA troops.[2]:72 As Jankowski observed Hambleton land in a dry rice paddy, his aircraft came under heavy antiaircraft fire. He was astonished at the huge number of NVA troops, equipment, and heavy weapons in the area. Hambleton found refuge in a group of bushes in the middle of the rice paddy. NVA troops were less than 100 metres (330 ft) away. Jankowski fixed Hambleton's location 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) north of the Cam Lo Bridge and just north of TL-88, a major secondary road.[7]:33
Kempton and Jankowski relayed Hambleton's coordinates to King 22, a HC-130 search and rescue (SAR) aircraft operating just south of Qu?ng Tr?.[1]:78[9] Recovering Hambleton quickly was essential, as the odds of recovering downed airmen dropped below twenty percent if the aircrew member was on the ground after four hours.[1]:76 But their efforts would be severely hampered by huge number of troops and large quantity of anti-aircraft fire in the area, some of it supporting the NVA's efforts to capture and protect the Cam Lo Bridge near Hambleton's position.
At about the same time that Hambleton was shot down, Capt. John Ripley, adviser to the 3rd Vietnamese Marine Battalion, blew up the key Highway QL-1 bridge over the Cue Viet River at ?ông Hà. The NVA re-routed thousands of troops, dozens of tanks and other equipment along TL-88, immediately in front of Hambleton's position, to the Cam Lo River bridge 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) to the west.[4]
R.I.P. Col.
My Specialty in the Air Force was I built Custom Fighter Pilot Helmets. I dont even know how many I built in 18.5 years. But I loved building them and had them custom painted as well. I built some Helmets for some Famous Fighter Pilots. and many for for Desert Storm. Whats funny and sad is of all the Helmets Iv built, I dont have a single one for my self, Dammit.
Dude that so so cool, it's like just hard for my head to get around that you met all these famous pilots and made helmets for them... on a daily basis!!!
Oh yes, and the most favorite Moment of my Air Force career was when I was a Buck Sgt, I met and suited up General Chuck Yeager to fly in the backseat of one of our F-15's. And to top off my career I was a member of then 555TH TFTS, My unit scored 39 confirmed air victories in Vietnam, one un confirmed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/555th_Fighter_Squadron
I was in Aviano AB when Scott O'Grady was shot down over Bosnia. I attended a couple Briefings with UN FAC's to put together a Rescue Mission for him. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_O'Grady It sure was a joy to see him in front of us when they returned him to his Base and Squad, the 555th TFS. Very Ironic for me to be part of. Im Glad I was. :) I was deployed to Aviano AB twice.
Oh, and the Time I met Iceal Hambelton, there was another Gentleman I met, Dont remember his name but I remember his story. He was a Bombardier in a B-17 and while on a Bomb run over France he got blown out of the Nose of his B-17, and was lucky enough to pull his ripcord on his Chute, while on his decent a Bf-109 shot at him in his chute and got him in his shoulder. He survived his Parachute landing fall and was immediately picked up/rescued by an Underground Element and there he remained for many months until they smuggled him back to USA Friendlies. What a story he told us. Ill never forget it.
When I was stationed to Luke AFB My first Squad Commander was L/C John "Smash" Madden, This is a pic of his Plane with 2 Mig Kill Stars in Vietnam. He got 3, 2 Mig-19's and 1 Mig-21.
They painted 3 Stars on his F-15.
Here is an amendment to L/C Hambletons rescue https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,34468.msg371919.html#msg371919
Nice google search :)
Now that we're at it, let me point you to the websites of two great aviation artists who we're working together with on another project recently (announcement to follow soon):
Nicolas Trudgian:
Ronnie Olsthoorn:
Best regards - Mike
Wow, there are some awesome Art. Thanks Mike
Woah, look at all the stuff on the luft46 site!!! :o
Yeah I like all the ones about Blohm and Voss. Cool Plane...
Incredible Aviation Art Site https://www.google.com/search?q=combat+aviation+art&hl=en&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS507US507&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=v-yKUaLXGcSCyAHgxYFw&sqi=2&ved=0CC0QsAQ&biw=1600&bih=813#imgrc=_
I recently opened a facebook page where I post aviaion art of high definition: https://www.facebook.com/AviationCollection (https://www.facebook.com/AviationCollection)
Thank You Bogdan, very nice Pics!
Always happy to serve the SAS forum.
I post daily ;)
Very Cool
Thanks :)
Coll skins I see over there, as well as other goodies! ;)
Thank you for sharing this site, Bravo!
Wow Cool Painting, Thanks Bogdan :)
That is epic Bravo. 8)
Thanks for my new desktop Bravo, that ME-262 is beyond expression! :P
My SASMA 4 Loading Screen
Funny how I made a model recently of the very same plane, B-29 Humpin' Honey. Maybe a coincidence? I really think those are excellent eye candies. You should make your own thread for these! I really love them.
Check out the last 3 Lancaster pictures.
Very Nice Bogdan!
Lol, thanks Buddy, I love Aviation Art, Iv been around the USAF almost all my life, hell just today there was an AWAX flying not even 200 ft agl above my house, Wnen in Nellis AFB I got a 4 hour Air Combat Control Mission ride in an AWAX. Last friday I saw 4 F-35's fly over my house, and I see F-16's and Super Hornets daily. Wished I had one of those digital camera's.
Cool house location! I lived near Torrejon air base where they fly the F-18 and CL-415 waterbombers. Also I see the KC-135 and DC-8 transports some days.
Now, when the F-18 and F-5 fly over that house the plates shook! :D
Man, great art over here. Cannot wait to see Spanish air force art! Anyways keep it up!
personal bump
I recently opened a facebook page where I post aviaion art of high definition: https://www.facebook.com/AviationCollection (https://www.facebook.com/AviationCollection)
Great gallery website ! Thank you.
It might be interesting for you to know that some of the aviation artworks created in those images were made with Photoshop...
... using screenshots of airplanes taken in IL2-1946 and IL2+mods 8)
I know some of those artists and I have also done many of them.
Keep up the good time a-rolling!
I know I've posted an edited pearl harbor scenario but show me the others and tell me the authors because I don't want to upset anyone if I forgot to mention the artists. :(
Bravo check out another Lightning 8)
Wow, thats a nice one Bogdan, thanks.
I know I've posted an edited pearl harbor scenario but show me the others and tell me the authors because I don't want to upset anyone if I forgot to mention the artists. :(
I don´t think you will upset anyone, your a cool guy in my book.
Just keep the images as they were originally posted with their signiture or web-nickname on them,
but unfortunatelly some artworks do not have names written on them.
Sometimes guys didn´t sign their images ,way back when screenshotart and screenshotworld
forums were the place to see and create new aviation art. Some images were just wips and
were never finished, although they look finished.
We all pretty much know each other and know the style of the artist. Each person has a unique
style to their art. I don´t just paint aviation scenes but I am also a collector and a great fan too.
Many of these guys also have aviation art at Devianart and FlickR websites.
My stuff is merely going around and around the internet since I first started posting stuff back
in 1992. Even to this day I am surprised how some images never "vanish" :D They always come back to haunt you! :D
They always come back to haunt you! :D
That sentence made my day ;D
Well tell me who you think the artist is and I will type in the picture description that :D
Cograts if you're an artist, I respect all artists, even my dad, I have some sketches too in an album from my page, you can look at them :D
Kind regards
I worked on this A-10, and its in the Hangar where I used to work.
Meaning I used to change the Chute and Survival Kit, and perform Routine inspections on the Ejection Seat, "was my job" in the USAF! 13.6 years with the A-10's.
Many of the pictures from my page are from 1zoom
Just found it recently
Yes Bogdan a lot of really nice Pics and Paintings there.
The Stangs