Original Mod https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,34784.0.html
by Dreamk
For 4.09 Rebels !
Fiat Br.20 (early - series - M - M late)
- DiffFM_409 needed
- external FM SAS/UV2/UV3
- new weapons Italian included
- Pilot Cockpit and Bombardier Position have been built using the SM79 cockpit as a basis.
- Turrets deploy automatically in presence of enemy.
version 1.04
- Jozza bombsight calibrated (by Dreamk)
- New FM eliminating the "never landing" bug (by Dreamk)
- Original wheels with fixed skin,
- New default skins (summer and desert) from the skins Stanislao!
- Fix damage by Birdman
- Fix compass (3) pilot + compass (1) bomber
Screen by Mick
Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?wq21kv8yrirky78
Link version AI Only: https://www.mediafire.com/?6mlr980b7wm13wv
Credits :
Dreamk: 3dModel, java, FM, Armament
Epervier: Quality process
Agracier: default skin
Stanislao: new default skins
Birdman: damage fix
Bons vols !