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The SAS Factory - Tech Help, Ancient Mods etc. => Dark Blue World Discussion & Support => The Keepsake: Old Mod Packs, Game Versions and Guest Mods => DBW Downloads & FBDSM => Topic started by: SAS~Monty27 on June 21, 2013, 05:51:58 PM

Title: New-TFM [4.10]
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 21, 2013, 05:51:58 PM





From Lardass to sprightly Athlete!


Improved Sounds Inside and Outside!
Each pack loads in only a few minutes!
Install is stable and rock solid!
The Java Wall is pushed back!
No more memory leaks!
Ten times smaller than original TFM




The Full Monty, New-TFM - Into The Future


In its current state DBW+TFM is basically the V4.101m Super-Sim with everything including the kitchen sink!  For many this is a collection that rocks and has it all. 

However, due to the outdated architecture of the original game, many of us with older operating systems, or just those pilots who enjoy massive furballs and pushing the envelope, may begin to experience slowdowns or other glitches as the whole sim becomes weighed down by the sheer amount of content, a problem often referred to as the 'Java Wall'.  On an older OS the memory leaks really start to make themselves felt.  A smaller Mods content will help performance in this regard, but what to keep?

In addition to numerous mod-updates since I started TFM, we now have Il2 patched to Ver4.12m with its new features, alongside future updates and the newer Jetwar and Engine mods looking towards further horizons.


A revised 'The Full Monty' builds on Dark Blue World, itself based on V4.101m/UP3, covering the period from WWII to Korea.  This is called New-TFM.

Built from the ground up around the SAS Hotkeys & Carrier Mod integrated with Tiger33's Sounds and Pal's Cockpit Sounds, the result is an incredible sound experience inside and out, with additional functions like Steam-Catapults on the crucial Korean era aircraft carriers.

The New-TFM JSGME Packs are also amazingly small, focussed on key functions and a select group of new objects, maps and aircraft.  The balance between content and features is finely tuned here; resulting in a very stable platform and the ultimate WWII/Korean Era Sim.

I still wanted a shitload of new objects for FMB as well as CY6's Command and Control Mod (V3.031), but in all areas New-TFM is very careful with the new objects and the planelist.  Strictly WWII and Korea, many new aircraft and slots have been added, but still far fewer than the old TFM, with a close eye towards that Java Wall.

So what about Jetwar, the MiG-21 and Vietnam?  For those scenarios we may be better off considering a new approach based on 4.12m/4.13m for all the newer stuff. So that's for another install and I will be ready!  Right now, if you want to fly WWII or Korea, this is the set to have, and some campaigns about to be released will prove it!


SAS AI Hotkeys Mod V2.5 is used here in favour of SAS AI Hotkeys Mod V2.6.  This is because I found perfect stabilty with V2.5 but was able to generate a CTD with V2.6.  This is no reflection on V2.6, just the particular combination of mods in this setup that works better with V2.5 and can get wobbly with V2.6 on DBW/V4,101m.  I personally recommend keeping it that way for this install, update New-TFM further at your own risk.

Because of the use of V2.5 over V2.6, the catapult on the I-400 Japanese sub has not been implemented.  Its a great feature for later mod groups, but not vital enough to jerpardise the stability of this mod setup.  Both the beautiful I-400 Submarine and the Aichi M6A Seiran are in New-TFM, courtesy of Ten010, and I will write a mission set for them soon.


The integration of Tiger33's Engine Sounds and Pal's Cockpit Sounds works really well here.  The sounds are so immersive and yet have no effect on performance.  However, Pal's Cockpit Sounds uses the same classfiles as the Engine Flames Mod and also kills the Advanced-Nav Beacon Function.  So if you wish to use use your radio stations in a mission or campaign, and listen to music while you fly, you must first disable (-) !00_PAL-CockpitSounds.  This mod is easily switched ON/OFF from within #DBW, depending on your preference.  While it is pleasant enough listening to period tunes as you cruise over Europe, there is also nothing quite like the urgent breathing mask sounds when you are working your Sabre hard over the Yalu, so its good to have the choice as long as we remember the switch.


There are now 37 New-TFM Packs (install in number order), and some Optional Extras, mainly because each is such a small download, with every pack zipped to under 200Mb.  The whole set is over ten times smaller than the original TFM.  Unzipped into JSGMEMODS each pack will take only a minute and a half to activate.  To put that in perspective, the entire New-TFM is zipped up to 2.17Gb, which is the size of just one of the larger original TFM Packs!  So New-TFM can be downloaded very easily and totally activated in an hour!


Maxxed out with Gurners FX (optional extra, see below), and Carsmaster's Water-4 (built into New-TFM), on a moderate PC with 6Gb RAM and an NVidia GeForce card gives you 60fps in any situation and absolutely stable!  However, remember the Java Wall.  We may upgrade some components as mods are updated, but let’s try to show a little restraint now!  Of course, you can do what you like, but users should really not consider modding New-TFM further at this stage, that isn't the point.  DBW was already the greatest Il2 Mod compilation on its release and New-TFM should be viewed as a performance based WWII-Korea enhancement to that wonderful set.


All original READMEs and credits remain within their individual mod folders.  It has been the greatest privilege to message and discuss ideas with these guys and my only goal is to share ideas and the enjoyment of Il2 DBW with everyone who loves this sim as much as I do. 

Many thanks to Bravo, for first downloading and testing New-TFM, and my good friend RDDR, who originally had the idea for TFM and has also helped to develop New-TFM.  As mere compilers and test-pilots though, the last in the chain of events, we present to you the real creators of New-TFM below:

Code: [Select]
SAS~CirX------------------------Creator and compiler of Dark Blue World and SAS FBDSM
SAS~Anto------------------------Classes, flight models, aircraft mods
SAS~Crazyflak-------------------Classes, flight models, aircraft mods
SAS~EPERVIER--------------------Classes, vehicles, effects, 4.11 Imports
SAS~S3--------------------------Classes, aircraft mods, objects, textures, weapons, FMs and many fixes
SAS~Monty27---------------------Compiler of the Monty Packs
SAS~Sani------------------------Classes, aircraft mods, textures, objects and ship building
SAS~Skipper---------------------Classes, aircraft mods, textures, objects and effects
SAS~Storebror-------------------Classes, coding, core functions for DBW
II/JG51 Lutz--------------------SFS Compiler Tool for Tiger's and Claymore's Mods
Agracier------------------------Many incredible new maps and textures
archie1971----------------------Textures, objects and ship building
asheshouse----------------------Textures, objects and ship building
Avala----------------------------Map textures and assorted fixes
barnesy12------------------------Classes, objects, effects, especially Gear Damage mod and Pilots
Benitomuso----------------------Classes, coding, core functions for DBW
Beowolff--------------------------Classes, aircraft, effects, especially the Stinson Amphibian
Birdman------------------------Classes, aircraft mods, textures, objects and effects
Boelcke-------------------------Map textures, assorted fixes, advice and help
Bombsaway-------------------Classes, aircraft, maps, effects
Bonez---------------------------INI Compatibility
Bravo----------------------------Testing, advice, bug hunting, setup
Carsmaster--------------------Classes, textures, effects
Checkyersix-------------------Classes, objects, effects, Command and Control mod
Claymore----------------------Classes, aircraft, effects, Claymore’s awesome FW190s
crazyeddie---------------------Textures, objects and ship building
Cyberolas----------------------Map textures and assorted fixes
Diving_Hawk-------------------Textures, objects and ship building
Dreamk------------------------Classes, aircraft mods and textures
Ectoflyer-----------------------Textures and assorted fixes
Flakiten------------------------Classes, textures, objects, effects and ship building
F22-Raptor-2006--------------Classes, aircraft mods, textures, objects and effects
GilB57--------------------------Map textures, especially the beautiful Westfront 1940 map
Gio963tto----------------------Textures, objects and ship building
GJE52---------------------------Classes, aircraft mods
Greif11-------------------------Textures, objects and effects
Gumpy-------------------------Textures, objects and effects
hguderian----------------------Sounds, textures, various fixes
JapanCat------------------------Classes, aircraft mods
JoneSoft------------------------Creator of JSGME - way back when, for Silent Hunter
kodama------------------------Classes, aircraft mods, Japan 1946
Lisek---------------------------- Classes, aircraft mods
Loku---------------------------- Classes, aircraft mods
Lonestar67---------------------Map textures and assorted fixes
Mac1----------------------------Classes, aircraft mods, He280
Maus----------------------------Textures, objects and effects
mikoyan99---------------------Classes, aircraft mods and effects
Oknevas------------------------New Maps-Battle of Moscow
Pa-jeronimo--------------------Textures, objects and effects
Paulus---------------------------Classes, aircraft mods, weapons and effects
Plowshare----------------------Textures, objects and ship building
Potenz--------------------------Textures, objects and effects
Ramone------------------------Map textures, especially the Stalingrad winter map
Ranwers-----------------------Classes, aircraft mods, textures, objects and effects
RealDarko---------------------Classes, aircraft mods, textures, objects and effects
Red_Fox90--------------------Classes, aircraft mods, textures, objects and effects
Riken---------------------------Classes, aircraft mods, textures, objects and effects
RDDR---------------------------Sound mods, beta testing and winter map textures
rofl-----------------------------Ground objects repaints
sputnikshock------------------Classes, aircraft mods and effects especially the Navaid & GEE mod
St0upa-------------------------Classes, aircraft mods, especially the Zlín Z-50LX
Ten010-------------------------Classes, aircraft mods, textures, objects and effects
Tiger33-------------------------The awesome Tiger33 Soundmod
ton414-------------------------Classes, aircraft mods, textures, objects and effects
TT-------------------------------Map textures and assorted fixes
UF_Zargos---------------------Classes, objects, textures and assorted fixes
Uufflakke----------------------Classes, objects, textures, especially Dead Animals mod
Vampire_Pilot-----------------Classes, aircraft mods, textures and many fixes
Verhangis----------------------Classes, aircraft mods, textures, fixes and ships
vpmedia-----------------------Textures and assorted fixes
BT~wasted-------------------Classes, aircraft mods, objects, textures, weapons, FMs and many fixes
Western0221------------------Classes, aircraft mods, textures, objects and ship building
Wingflyr------------------------Classes, vehicles, effects, new armour
WolfFighter --------------------Classes, objects, mesh improvements, especially pilots
Yeager_1946------------------Classes, aircraft mods, textures, objects and effects
YT2------------------------------The astonishing Heinkel He-111 Upgrade
101tfs--------------------------Classes, aircraft mods, textures, objects and effects
78thFG_WindWpn-------------Main Proponent of the Clean Modding Principle for Il2



Installation - SFS Files Special Instructions
In order to run New-TFM you MUST have these 4 SFS files in your main Il2 Install:

These SFS files form the heart of Claymore's FW-190's and Tiger33's Sounds.  You need the SFS files for New-TFM, the remaining components of these excellent mods are already contained in New-TFM.


Claymore FW-190s SFS files




Tiger33 sounds SFS Files


Its a big world, some people have reported download problems for the SFS files.  If Tiger33 has no objection, I am happy to provide download links for:





Installation - JSGME PACKS New-TFM
Activate each in numerical order
Say YES to overwrite of each previous section (cumulative install)
Two minutes per pack to activate!

For Backup purposes and to ensure a Clean Vanilla #DBW Install
DOWNLOAD -           https://www.mediafire.com/?dre4yd3jof79twc

Start with a healthy enema! - Use this NEW Clean #DBW folder.

Then unzip these JSGME packs into JSGMEMODS:


































1) 101tfs Lancaster Upgrade
2) New412 Wellington
3) New412 Bristol Beauforts
4) 24Bit_Skins

Thanks to 101tfs, SAS~Epervier and VPmedia for this major DBW upgrade.  #DBW-NewTFM-24 overwrites parts of Ranwer's Lancaster and replaces the previously installed Wellington.  So now we have an upgraded Lancaster 3D and the Wellington imported from V4.12.  In addition the excellent Beaufort Torpedo Bomber has also been imported from V4.12 and made flyable.  Also included in this pack are new FMB Stationary models for all three aircraft types.

Once you activate the Bomber Command Upgrade with JSGME you must delete the folder AIR_Wellington MK_III from #DBW.





1) LeO451
2) MB120
3) Dewoitine D.520
4) Koolhoven FK51
5) Static Aircraft
6) CY6 Mortars and Infantry

For full compatability with Poltava's early war Blitzkrieg campaigns, some essential rare aircraft are added to New-TFM.  These beautiful models are most welcome and performance is not effected even though our toybox is truly packed now!





Gilles Babin's wonderful Westfront maps.

Map Upgrades take up disc space but, since they only run one at a time, don't greatly effect performance.  The huge Map packs from TFM original have been broken into reduced size pieces to maintain the small uploads and fast JSGME loading.  This last one fills in a few gaps, they all work now!





1) Ar-234B Nachtjaeger
2) P-51 Hydraulics
3) 00_PAL-HUDConfig

This tiny pack features the excellent Mustang Hydraulics upgrade by Raptor_22, the essential Bomb-Assist Speedbar by PAL and the CirX/Slow Ar-234B Nachtjaeger.  There are also a couple of 3D fixes included.



These are great features, read the full threads here.

P-51 Hydraulics Version 3

Bombsight Assist Speedbar and HUD MOD v1.2, v4.101m compatible




#DBW-NewTFM-28-Polish & Czech
1) Avia Ba-122
2) AviaB.534-III
3) PWS-10
4) PWS-26
5) PZL P.24
6) PZL P.11c/f
7) Z-26 Zlin Z-26

This is a set of near perfect vintage Polish & Czech aircraft for the ETO.  Its a small content addon but important to complete New-TFM, as it also contains minor revisions to 'Ships', 'Stationary' and 'Chief'.





#DBW-NewTFM-29-Carrier Upgrade
1) New USS Hornet
2) New USS Enterprise
3) New USS Yorktown
4) New USS Light CVLs

Thanks to Asheshouse and Plowshare for their comprehensive upgrade of the US WWII Aircraft Carriers.


These are so beautiful, and essential for the New-TFM 'Four Days in June' campaign, read the full threads here.





1) AIR_Stranraer
2) Tanks_411_for409_v1.01

Thanks to SAS~Epervier for converting the 4.11 tanks for DBW and to mikoyan99 for his beautiful RAF Coastal Command Supermarine Stranraer, see this one in the Battle of Britain.





1) Colossus Family
2) HMS E Class Destroyers
3) HMS U class submarines
4) USN Fletcher Class Destroyers
5) Vpmedia ShipPack2 Upgrades

Thanks to Ashehouses, crazyeddie, Flakiten, gio963tto, Plowshare, VPmedia and western0221 for this comprehensive DBW Fleet upgrade.





1 )  J4M1 Senden
2 )  J4M2A Senden Kai
3 )  J7W1 Shinden UPGRADE
4 )  J7W1 Shinden field mod
5 )  J7W1-II Shinden-Otsu
6 )  J7W2 Shinden Kai
7 )  J7M3-A Shinden Kai-Hei
8 )  Ki98 Manshu
9 )  Ki98II Manshu
10) Ki98III Manshu
11) Ki98IV Manshu Ace Mod

Building on the concept models of Kodomo, Paulus has produced a great series of 1946 projects that make very economic use of sim resources and are perfect for New-TFM.





Thanks to SAS~Malone and SAS~Epervier for these extra ordnance objects and imports from V4.12.  The new objects include BIG scrimnets, large enough for a B24!





Introduces RedEye_Jir's Northern_Africa_Jir_v3 alongside previous Northern_Africa_Jir_v2 so that campaigns new and old, which feature either version, will all be compatible with New-TFM.  RedEye_Jir's Algeria_Tunisia_Sicily is also upgraded.





#DBW-NewTFM-35-GeeBee Upgrade
Thanks to Loku for the beautiful GeeBee, MAX_TheHitman, for both his work with Loku on the GeeBee skins and a massive new FMB Object Library Upgrade, and Griffon_301 for highlighting previous loadout errors with the Typhoon MkIb.  This pack also upgrades the Il4 to 4:12 levels, upgrades Ten010's Aichi M6A Seiran and adds carrier crew to the decks of the Boxer and Valley Forge.





#DBW-NewTFM-36-3D Upgrade
Some wonderful new effects and 3D work have been developed over the past year.  Careful testing with the previous TFM now allows these addons to be seemlessly integrated into your New-TFM install.

DBW-NewTFM-36 now has more great new environmental sounds that can be added in FMB as static objects.  Stuka40 and CY6 have brought the airfields, coastlines, forests and cities to life with these wonderful environmental sounds!  The extra sounds feature in many New-TFM campaigns, and it would simple to retro mission-patch any others, so don't miss out!

Featuring various Upgrades to 3D models, sounds and textures.
1)sputnikshock's Navaid and Gee Beacon Mod
2)Japan Cat's Zero Expansion
3)Ten010's Zero Trainer
4)Wildcat's 3D Imports
5)archie1971's Elephant
6)Stuka40's Enviromental FX
7)INI Updates and Fixes





#DBW-NewTFM-37-Westland Addon
What a fine pair!  This pack adds the Westland Whirlwind, by 101tfs and SAS~Storebror and the Westland Wyvern by Mikoyan99.  Once installed I recommend Poltava's excellent Whirlwind campaign.

Reaping the Whirlwind





Quick Reference Tools
With New-TFM FMB now packing over 2,500 FMB static objects, its party time for the campaign makers!  To assist with their tracking and location I have recently listed them all, with pictures, and compiled a handy quick reference PDF.  CY6's Command and Control is also very useful reading for those mission designers who want to push the envelope.

New-TFM Objects.pdf

Command & Control.pdf


New-TFM Optional Extras

These options may be added or removed at anytime anywhere in the sequence as they are self contained.  Unzip into JSGMEMODS and activate to try it or deactivate to switch it off.

This first Menu music pack offers quite a different ambience.  Users please look at the structure of this pack.  Why not try out other compilations that we could post here? (I hope Craken reads this, he has given us some great music files over the years)


These options are extras and tweaks, offered by C6_Claymore, to further enhance or customise his superb FW-190 family.


#DBW_Fw 190 A-D Flat Canopy

#DBW_Fw 190 D-11 Flat Canopy


#DBW_Fw 190 Night Reticles

#DBW_Fw-Ta152H1 EZ42

These options allow you to switch to Asura's new modified DGen or back to Standard DGen, so you may experiment with different DGen campaigns.



This is the Gurner's FX set I use with New-TFM.

#DBW_1.71_Gurner FX

Here are the new 4:12 FX, packaged for your DBW JSGME.

#DBW_1.71_New 412 FX

My editions of QMBPro & MissionPro Combo by PAL, which includes an expanded range of quick missions, plus the Small-Fonts mod.

#DBW_MissionPro Combo by PAL.rar

#DBW_Small_Font_Mod 4 FMB Maps.rar

"The newest, editable SAS Selector, packaged with JSGME for DBW+New-TFM.  With this pack enabled you will have DBW-1916 and DBW listed in order as 'The First World War' and 'WWII to Korea New-TFM', with new mod folders also created for #SCW and #JTW.  The #SCW and #JTW are actually Clean #DBW folders, ready for customisation.  Ecran_Wide_4101 and PAL-MissionProCombo are already added. 


On my setup #SCW is for Poltava's 'Spanish Civil War'.  Simply extract the contents of his SCW pack to the #SCW folder in order to have it alongside DBW-1916 and DBW+New-TFM.  The #JTW is intended for a future project; "The Cold War and the Jet Age", which could be released like the SCW and New-TFM sets if people want them.

Previous DBW New-TFM Mods remain unaffected.  This Selector is simply an extra choice you may enable, safely with JSGME, anywhere in your mod sequence.


Using the Beacon Feature
You can add lots of extra radio tracks and programs for your in-game Il2 Radio Stations:


Players should assign keys for 'Next Beacon" and "Previous Beacon".  With a throttle stick I assign the - and + keys on the keyboard.  You will also need to set your sound menu to 'Play Music' but turn of In-Flight tracks so that all you have is the Menu Music.  When you start your mission or campaign you must also select 'Realistic Navigation'.  During long flights you may now access various radio broadcasts over different theatres of operation.

New-TFM Splashscreens
Instant Splashcreen change!  These JSGME 'activate/deactivate' in seconds, five new Splashscreens per pack, to suit your current era.

New-TFM Splashscreens
Created for:
D  A  R  K    B  L  U  E    W  O  R  L  D + New-TFM

Made from freely available online digital art

UNRAR the five individual folder sets into your main IL2 install/JSGMEMODS

















































Here's a great new Splashscreen idea from Bravo, from the Dark Blue World movie.  Thanks Bravo!  Presented here as another ready to go switch ON/OFF pack.





The odd thing might still crop up, this is the place for some simple edits, fixes and tune-up tips:

1) FOLDER:  ...#DBW/_0_0GearDamageFX V 1.3 - delete the following class file: F5F37ACE5B99838E (defective).

2) FOLDER:  ...#DBW/!_0_0TigersSOUNDSforDBW - RENAME TO - +0000_TigersSOUNDSforDBW for 3do improvements and fixes.

3) FOLDER:  ...#DBW/_Fix Cowling Engines & Prop Yak´s Spinners/Yak-3_VK107(Multi1) - delete the following files: gear2.mat - GearC1_D0.msh - GearL1_D0.msh - GearR1_D0.msh.

4) FOLDER:  ...#DBW/#DBW/_Fix Cowling Engines & Prop D3A - disable or delete this folder for 3D Mesh Fix.

5) texcompress=2:  In your CONF.INI, be sure to check this line: texcompress=2.  Switching it to lower values will adversely affect performance.  Make sure you use it to avoid the dreaded slide show.




I wanted to draw attention to this Tiger33 Sound tweak.  On a DBW + New-TFM install the pre-recorded full throttle flyby sound is in place and sounds good.  However, the standard setup is a single pre-recorded flyby for a number of aircraft.  Its spectacular but here is a great alternative offering several advantages:

In your CONF.INI check and change these settings to these values:



(of course there are many other settings in CONF.INI, in these sections and others, I have just highlighted the ones to change)

As the Flyby is now generated from the exterior engine sounds, rather than the pre-recorded flyby, you will now find several remarkable improvements:

1) Interior Cockpit sounds are louder
2) More variable flybys dependant on power and airspeed
3) Improved Jetsounds with greater harmonic range
4) Improved stability for flybys on ALL maps
5) Improved stability in very busy multiple flights

Thanks to 'greybeard', principally, for this tweak and RDDR for testing it -




While we are on the subject, CONF.INI has itself been modified over the years.  The file, located in your Il2 root directory, should contain a [Mods] section which ideally would look like this:

Code: [Select]
/AirShowSmoke=2       <----- white smoke
/AirShowSmoke=3       <----- blue smoke

Once set up it is also a good idea to make the CONF.INI 'read only' to avoid inadvertant altering by the sim itself.  Remember, your new CONF.INI is now ahead of the game engine and a look inside those setup menus can send the whole thing back to the basic level.  When you have new keys to assign, Fuel Dump, Beacons, Bay-Doors etc, take it off 'read only' status while you launch and enter the controls menu, then exit and revert to 'read only' before you start again.


Here are some campaigns for New-TFM


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 21, 2013, 06:57:45 PM
Guys, your going to love this "New TFM"  Its the "largest, fastest loading Mod Pack" hands down. Downlod it and see for your self! 8)


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Malone on June 21, 2013, 11:43:42 PM
this is great news, will start the downloading now.
this time around it will take me a day or so, as opposed to a week or so for the previous pack, lol :D
much appreciated, Monty!  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 4ent on June 22, 2013, 12:12:05 AM
I think the idea TFM divided into different periods is very usefull.As WW2 enthusiast I appreciate very much that we can now install only the planes that we  really need.I admire all modders and I appreciate their efforts but a lot of big TFM at all I do not use and moreover, it is too much load on my comp.After new Asura's Dgen will be completed  and will be able to realize the full potential for creating new campaigns,the entire game will move to much higher level.THX for your effort! :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: farang65 on June 22, 2013, 12:29:00 AM
Hi Monty,

This I think is great news  :D ;)

I got rid of my Tera Copy program as it kept stalling out with the bulk downloads in the original Monty Pack.

Will download and install next week

with out that dreaded Teraa Copy program.

Thanks for the slimming up  :D ;)

The Full Monty a Lean Mean Fighting Machine   ;D :D

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 22, 2013, 02:24:04 AM
No more lumbering beasties!   :P

Glad this is more maneagable to get hold of and enjoy guys.  For campaign builders there is a ton of new toys in the box, but trimming the plane list either side of 1938-1953 provided room to breathe and the performance is as good as original DBW. 

Another thing is that we have squashed all bugs so far, but even if we do find any more, the tiny packs are easy to rem out, alter, and put back in order.  Its all so quick and feels perfectly safe at last.  I look forward to the scrupulous Chupag and other good players getting their teeth into this and enjoying it too.  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 22, 2013, 02:44:02 AM
Hello Simon!

thank you very much for that great idea and providing the necessary version of TFM to go with it :)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Poltava on June 22, 2013, 03:12:36 AM
Sounds like a very good idea! :) The dreaded Java Wall will probably lead us in the direction of more dedicated packs, easily loaded through jsgme. And I am doing a big overhaul of all my early war IL-2 campaigns, and it would be GREAT to be able to use the New TFM as a base.

Is it possible to get an exact list of what's in and what's not?

For instance: what about the latest edition of CY6's C&C Mod? The wording was a bit ambigous there. Also: what about DreamK's armada of SCW aircraft? 1938 sort of cuts the Spanish Civil War in two...

Great initiative!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 22, 2013, 04:55:53 AM
Sounds like a very good idea! :) The dreaded Java Wall will probably lead us in the direction of more dedicated packs, easily loaded through jsgme. And I am doing a big overhaul of all my early war IL-2 campaigns, and it would be GREAT to be able to use the New TFM as a base.

Is it possible to get an exact list of what's in and what's not?

For instance: what about the latest edition of CY6's C&C Mod? The wording was a bit ambigous there. Also: what about DreamK's armada of SCW aircraft? 1938 sort of cuts the Spanish Civil War in two...

Great initiative!

Sure Poltava, good idea.  I will do a full breakdown and compile a list or a pdf, especially for campaign and FMB gurus like yourself, whose work I have long admired.  Compatibility and load-order issues neccessitated that some mod folders were renamed and re-ordered.  New-TFM uses C&C V3.031.  If you run your mouse cursor down the JSGME window the little textfile popups display a pretty good list.  There is also another way I used to use to generate a full FMB object list too, with object numbers, have to dig out that piece of software again.

Thanks to DreamK, especially, the SCW is very well populated in the IL2 universe and a seperate modset of this type would be very suitable for that period.  As always I would be happy to assist you, in any way possible, to produce a Spanish Civil War edition.  ;D


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Tom2 on June 22, 2013, 07:18:56 AM
Awesome initiative, it sure looks like a huge work went into this pack, Monty27!  :o  :)
Personally, I'm on hold with simming/gaming and standby to hopefully one day get full in again with 4.12, but I love to read about this kickass modpack here.
Seeing the content cleverly included tells me this pack rocks and comes system-friendly.
Good job!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 22, 2013, 07:46:14 AM
Awesome initiative, it sure looks like a huge work went into this pack, Monty27!  :o  :)
Personally, I'm on hold with simming/gaming and standby to hopefully one day get full in again with 4.12, but I love to read about this kickass modpack here.
Seeing the content cleverly included tells me this pack rocks and comes system-friendly.
Good job!


It will be here for you, whenever you are ready again mate!  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 22, 2013, 09:13:59 AM
Hello Simon!

before heading off to work, I gave the new TFM a quick spin and while installing it and getting it to run was no problem, troubles started after I added the QMBPro which I view essential for the game as it allows a fast chance to try out new planes or effects or 3d fixes;
I could not get a single quick mission to run as all maps gave me a load.ini error!
ok, back to my standard "old" TFM install, same QMBPro, same quick mission folder-the missions load up as they should;

also, I noticed that you chose to include the SU26 and the Zlin 50 - both are way outside the 1938 to 1953 time frame; IMHO it would be better to include planes like the F8F, the A7M or the F2G to further a possible 1946 scenario;

just my two cents

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Crash_MX06 on June 22, 2013, 10:20:46 AM
Wow great :D It will take me just 1 hour to download it :-*. I'll test it on my Holy Grail Install 8)

But the link for the torrent (Claymore FW-190s SFS files) is dead and it's soooooooooo slow via 1fichier.com or uploadhero. Why don't you upload them on media fire? files are too big?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: steven197106 on June 22, 2013, 01:43:29 PM
Awesome pack works flawlessly , and with QMBPro
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 352nd_Hoss on June 22, 2013, 02:24:14 PM
Wow great :D It will take me just 1 hour to download it :-*. I'll test it on my Holy Grail Install 8)

But the link for the torrent (Claymore FW-190s SFS files) is dead and it's soooooooooo slow via 1fichier.com or uploadhero. Why don't you upload them on media fire? files are too big?

everything you need in that download is in the old TFM if you have it just steal it.................................... or do a search on SAS for UV3 and Claymore's 190's



UV3:   https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,3258.0.html

CY6 Claymore's 190's:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,20351.0.html

all of 5 minutes search................... :-\

Internet is awesome...................... :D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: kpn.kardif on June 22, 2013, 03:18:11 PM
Campaign compatibility question:  I am currently about ten missions into the Ace of Spades campaign using the larger version of TFM.  In some of the missions where there are a lot of things happening at once, my frame rate drops below 15, making dogfights somewhat difficult.  Having a leaner TFM with a better frame rate certainly sounds appealing...

So, if I remove the older/larger version of TFM and replace it with the new lean and mean version, will I be able to continue my campaign? 
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Odie1974 on June 22, 2013, 03:26:08 PM
Umm, the pack New TFM pack does not work for me :(
a. I have installed IL2 anew using the big DBW megapack which upgraded it from 4.09m to DBW 1.71
b. I have installed all 23 TFM files via JSGME + I also have Small Font Mod 4 FMB Maps

Game starts OK, I see the TFM splash screen. Then I go to QMB, try to run a mission on Bessarabia map and I get an instant CTD after I press "Fly"... What am I doing wrong?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 22, 2013, 04:55:28 PM
Campaign compatibility question:  I am currently about ten missions into the Ace of Spades campaign using the larger version of TFM.  In some of the missions where there are a lot of things happening at once, my frame rate drops below 15, making dogfights somewhat difficult.  Having a leaner TFM with a better frame rate certainly sounds appealing...

So, if I remove the older/larger version of TFM and replace it with the new lean and mean version, will I be able to continue my campaign?

Good, question, one of the reasons for New-TFM, thanks for 'getting it'.  I'm testing/tweaking campaigns old and new right now.  Compatibility looks good though, yes you can continue with JG-53, but I will upload all newly checked and updated campaigns and missions to a single new thread shortly.  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 22, 2013, 04:57:03 PM
Hello Simon!

before heading off to work, I gave the new TFM a quick spin and while installing it and getting it to run was no problem, troubles started after I added the QMBPro which I view essential for the game as it allows a fast chance to try out new planes or effects or 3d fixes;
I could not get a single quick mission to run as all maps gave me a load.ini error!
ok, back to my standard "old" TFM install, same QMBPro, same quick mission folder-the missions load up as they should;

also, I noticed that you chose to include the SU26 and the Zlin 50 - both are way outside the 1938 to 1953 time frame; IMHO it would be better to include planes like the F8F, the A7M or the F2G to further a possible 1946 scenario;

just my two cents


Hey phil, QMBPro is fine, take mine:

#DBW_MissionPro Combo by PAL.rar

#DBW_Small_Font_Mod 4 FMB Maps.rar

The aerobatics are outside the strict remit, comprising a section of their own.  The reason is that I view TFM as both a flight simulator and a time machine.  The little civilian aeros are what I use to practice flight techniques and polish my skills.  Entering the time machine for a combat flight is a different mindset, life or death, it makes for a good balance. ;D

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 22, 2013, 05:33:47 PM
Hello Simon!

ah that civilian aero thingie sounds like a nice idea :)
thats a big omission of IL2 IMHO to have not included some simple training planes for learning basic things;
something like a FW-44 or Tiger Moth or Stearman or even a flyable PO-2 would have been nice from the beginning on to get to grips with basic aircraft handling :)

I will give the new TFM another spin tomorrow and if everything runs like it should will try to add some additional stuff, mostly cockpit repaints and the mentioned Bearcat, SuperCorsair and Reppu, all of which I have grown to like very very much now after a few spins in them...

have you tried the Cromhunt repaints of the Mustang, Thunderbolt and Corsair cockpits;
I am currently using Freddy´s pits for the Mustangs and TBolts but Cromhunt´s look very nice too and might be a little bit easier to install plus they seem to be compatible with the various other TBolt mods that make TBolt flying a lot nicer;

oh one last question...I noticed that in the new TFM Tiger´s sound mod is loaded before everything else, even the new spinners and cowlings. as Tiger´s does include some engine meshes and these gave problems with Corsairs, the new Lancaster for example and various other 3d meshes of aircraft included in Tiger´s mod so I had to load the new cowlings before Tiger in my current install, which works flawlessly though.
so do i have to reorder the cowlings mod before Tiger again to have those nice rounded noses on the birds?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 352nd_Hoss on June 22, 2013, 07:17:00 PM
Hello Simon!

ah that civilian aero thingie sounds like a nice idea :)
thats a big omission of IL2 IMHO to have not included some simple training planes for learning basic things;
something like a FW-44 or Tiger Moth or Stearman or even a flyable PO-2 would have been nice from the beginning on to get to grips with basic aircraft handling :)

I will give the new TFM another spin tomorrow and if everything runs like it should will try to add some additional stuff, mostly cockpit repaints and the mentioned Bearcat, SuperCorsair and Reppu, all of which I have grown to like very very much now after a few spins in them...

have you tried the Cromhunt repaints of the Mustang, Thunderbolt and Corsair cockpits;
I am currently using Freddy´s pits for the Mustangs and TBolts but Cromhunt´s look very nice too and might be a little bit easier to install plus they seem to be compatible with the various other TBolt mods that make TBolt flying a lot nicer;

oh one last question...I noticed that in the new TFM Tiger´s sound mod is loaded before everything else, even the new spinners and cowlings. as Tiger´s does include some engine meshes and these gave problems with Corsairs, the new Lancaster for example and various other 3d meshes of aircraft included in Tiger´s mod so I had to load the new cowlings before Tiger in my current install, which works flawlessly though.
so do i have to reorder the cowlings mod before Tiger again to have those nice rounded noses on the birds?


Use Crazyflak's 3Do folder, it has most of that in there plus other goodies that help UV3 to work properly.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 23, 2013, 05:05:40 AM


1) 101tfs Lancaster Upgrade
2) New412 Wellington
3) New412 Bristol Beauforts
4) 24Bit_Skins

Thanks to 101tfs, SAS~Epervier and VPmedia for this major DBW upgrade.  #DBW-NewTFM-24 overwrites parts of Ranwer's Lancaster and replaces the previously installed Wellington.  So now we have an upgraded Lancaster 3D and the Wellington imported from V4.12.  In addition the excellent Beaufort Torpedo Bomber has also been imported from V4.12 and made flyable.  Also included in this pack are new FMB Stationary models for all three aircraft types.

Once you activate the Bomber Command Upgrade with JSGME you must delete the folder AIR_Wellington MK_III from #DBW.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Crash_MX06 on June 23, 2013, 05:24:31 AM
Thank you for the part 24 ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: HotelAlpha on June 23, 2013, 05:38:41 AM
Guys, your going to love this "New TFM"  Its the "largest, fastest loading Mod Pack" hands down. Downlod it and see for your self!


God damn I really have to try this! But too bad that my Il 2 PC is far away from me.  :(  But don´t worry I will suerly try this  out. 

Bravo, I hope that what you said is true!  ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Crash_MX06 on June 23, 2013, 07:22:41 AM
I have 10 fps with gurner fx, like in the old full monty  :'(
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 23, 2013, 08:40:40 AM
I have 10 fps with gurner fx, like in the old full monty  :'(
Without some PC specs and version of Gurners, whether you have remmed the distance classfile, video card, type of mission/campaign etc, there is very little to actually comment on.  I bother to say this because there are solutions and there are reasons that stuff happens.

The statement is also unhelpful for other users because there is a profound difference between TFM and New-TFM. ???
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: vegetarian on June 23, 2013, 08:49:14 AM
Comment out the main view distance classfile 8A318408BB7C513E in Gurners FX. My fps went from av 20 to av 60.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Crash_MX06 on June 23, 2013, 08:55:37 AM
ok I'll try, but my config. is:

-Win7 Ultimate 64bits
-Processor I5-3550 3.30Ghz
-Motherboard Asus P8H77-V
-RAM 8gb ddr3
-Graphic Card Nvidia GTX 660 Ti Power Edition
-HDD 500gb 5200 tr/min + SSD 60gb
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Crash_MX06 on June 23, 2013, 08:59:18 AM
Thank you vegetarian, really thank you, now it work fine  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: vegetarian on June 23, 2013, 09:04:13 AM
You're welcome Crash.
Monty - thanks for the Bomber Command patch, that solved my pink Lancaster problem. Bit embarrassing trying to bomb Berlin in a pink aircraft - not much street cred!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Smilinjack on June 23, 2013, 09:05:37 AM
Hi Simon,
Pardon the confusion..
Are the F-86E/F and MIG 15/17 included in the New-TFM?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 23, 2013, 09:07:42 AM
Hello Simon!

thanks for that great Bomber Command update!
sounds really great-I know what I am going to do on Tuesday when I have my next day off :D

btw as Hoss has advised, I got myself a copy of the 3do stuff from Crazyflak; will it make sense to drop the stuff inside into Tiger´s mod as suggested?
I think some parts of the revised cowlings are newer than the stuff inside that 3do Mod, so I am thinking about using the original cowlings mod as updated and load up before Tigers...


oh and btw, does anyone here know what the correct folder names for the P-51 and P-47 cockpits for installing cromhunts repaints?
many thanks in advance...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 23, 2013, 09:09:29 AM
I had that pink plane problem in my old TFM install with the Reppu; turned out that the high res skin mod was not fully working :D
but I can see your point-it is embarrasing enough to fly around in unarmed pink Spitfires and peep into Adolf´s fortress Europe....but flying a big brute like the Lanc in Pink might be too much for even the most tough hearted bomber skipper :D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Crash_MX06 on June 23, 2013, 09:19:22 AM
I preferred the old Full Monty, there were more aircrafts but now can I return on the old TFM with gurner fx without lags?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Odie1974 on June 23, 2013, 10:02:23 AM
I got the new TFM working. The culprit was the benitomuso's minimap ver 2.3. I updated it to 2.4 and the game works now.

But I also have FPS problems - I am getting around 10 - 20 FPS w/ Gurner FX.
When I turn Gurner FX off, I am getting 60 FPS (quick tests in QMB), on Black Death Track I have mostly 60, and in places it drops to 30 (when they are dropping bombs on the road & over the airfield)

My system specs are:
- Intel i7 2600K @3.40 GHz,
- 6 GM RAM,
- Win 7 Ent, 64 bit, SP1
- Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 580

I am using 1024 MB RAM settings in the selector.

My Config is as follows (fragments which I believe are pertinent):

Edit Gerax: next time when posting long lists use the editors code (#) option please.

Code: [Select]
title=Il2-Sturmovik Forgotten Battles
hotkeys=HotKey game



Open GL=Opengl32.dll

















Anything I can do to boost the performance ?

Thanks for your help :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 23, 2013, 10:15:20 AM
@crash & oldie:  read through the TFM thread! I have posted a solution to the lag problem when using Gurners; it mainly revolves around remming out some classfiles;
using this method I can use Gurners and get great FPS as well....
and yes, remming out that long distance class file gives you great FPS in the old TFM install, no matter how many planes you have installed....
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Odie1974 on June 23, 2013, 10:31:20 AM

Thanks a million. I remmed the classfile and it works like a charm now :)

Gave it a quick spin and it looks and handles excellent :) Kudos for your hard work Mr. Monty :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flugkapitan on June 23, 2013, 10:50:01 AM
Thanks Monty for this New Full Monty! Looking forward to see if it will cure the FPS problems I had when 4-engine bombers would spawn, either in QMB or Boelcke's Defense of the Reich, when using the full-blown original Monty (well, Monty 1 - 21, in my case).

However, I am a total dunce when it comes to some aspects of the install. I understand starting with the clean DBW and the installation of the Monty folders. Where do I place the Claymore and Tiger .sfs files?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Odie1974 on June 23, 2013, 11:17:32 AM
They go into the main folder where you have IL1946 installed.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flugkapitan on June 23, 2013, 11:39:20 AM
Thank you Odie1974!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 23, 2013, 11:47:24 AM
crash that low volume is a problem I have with Tiger´s since I started to use it; I do not know where it comes from, but that´s the price you have to pay unfortunately, at least in my oppinion...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Crash_MX06 on June 23, 2013, 11:51:22 AM
no, no I solved the problem, I just re-add the pack 27, and now it work
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: ol' Navy on June 23, 2013, 01:52:10 PM
Well, here I am again, embarrassed as usual, having to ask my stupid questions.  To use this new TFM, I first copy those four files you mentioned in your first post into my main game folder, then I need to deactivate those twenty mods from your first TFM, then copy these new ones into jsgme, then replace my "old" DBW folder with the one you provided (but first put a - sign in front of the old one?  In that order?  Do I need to deactivate all the mods in jsgme before I activate these?  I admit I'm embarrassed, but I'm gonna be 71 in September and now I'm being treated for cancer, so I guess I have a couple of excuses for being not very smart. ;)  Thank you guys again for any help you will provide, and for putting up with me.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 23, 2013, 01:59:24 PM
Hello Bob!
it is best to start with a clean copy of 4.101m patched up with DBW 1.71;
you should have the #DBW folder then and all necessary files to be able to run a clean DBW copy;
just check with selecting DBW in the IL2 selector and then start the game; if it runs, you are set to add the new TFM;

I chose not to use the JSGME though as with my new 3TB harddisc, space is not an issue and so I am able to run different copies of IL2 each loaded with a different mod pack;

I extracted all the 23 TFMnew packs (24 came out while I am stuck at work) into a single folder and then created a new TFM folder, dropping each unzipped TFM folder into that folder in sequence letting them overwrite each other as required...
the TFM folder is just a help folder, because after copying all the TFM packs into it sequentially, the created folder structure inside that TFM help folder is then copied into the plain vanilla 4.101+DBW 1.71 folder;
as IL2 does not need registry entries to run correctly, you can have as many different game folders as you like...
worked like a charm on my old original TFM install and should work as well in the new TFM as well...

as soon as I have time to mess around with my new TFM I will post additional findings and stuff to add or do a little bit different :)


@crash: after adding pack 27(?) you got the volume issue sorted out? in the original TFM I presume?
have to try that as well :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 23, 2013, 02:20:17 PM
Bravo, the new TFM is running, noone said that it is not and that there are errors; it´s just that there are certain difficulties on some installs (mine included) that might need to be overcome...
my "old" TFM performed flawlessly right out of the box, but needed a little tweaking to perform to my liking and to show its full potential...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 23, 2013, 05:05:50 PM
Roger that Griffon, maybe its just early to get the fixes for every one.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 23, 2013, 05:16:19 PM
Well, here I am again, embarrassed as usual, having to ask my stupid questions.  To use this new TFM, I first copy those four files you mentioned in your first post into my main game folder, then I need to deactivate those twenty mods from your first TFM, then copy these new ones into jsgme, then replace my "old" DBW folder with the one you provided (but first put a - sign in front of the old one?  In that order?  Do I need to deactivate all the mods in jsgme before I activate these?  I admit I'm embarrassed, but I'm gonna be 71 in September and now I'm being treated for cancer, so I guess I have a couple of excuses for being not very smart. ;)  Thank you guys again for any help you will provide, and for putting up with me.

Bob please, we are a community, we enjoy this stuff and sharing it with you and each other is the whole point.  I'm really pleased we share an interest and all SAS members are the best examples of that community spirit.  ;D

You have the main points exactly right, to summarise:

1-Deactivate all previous Monty mods (anything with Monty in the name) and move them out of JSGMEMODS folder.
2-Put the New-TFM packs into JSGMEMODS.
3-Deactivate your current #DBW folder with a (-) or rename it.
4-Replace your #DBW folder with the clean download.
5-Activate each New-TFM pack in sequence.

This last step is MUCH faster than before and the downloads are all pretty small.  ;D

I hope this helps and we all want to know when you get back here with your report!   8)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 23, 2013, 05:35:42 PM
Glad you guys are fixed OK, I could not remember the exact Classfile to rem from Gurner's FX, but did post my own FX folder in the New-TFM Optional Extras section, along with some other tweaks.  Thanks to vegetarian for re-posting the solution. 

Regarding that 3do folder, its BIG (1.75Gb), too much to factor into New-TFM.  Would I mess with it? - No, it all looks great to me, and many new mesh improvements are fully featured now.  However, feel free to tinker you tweaker you!  I broke New-TFM many times while building it, but the small packs make it easy to start over anytime - Safe Modding!  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 23, 2013, 05:41:11 PM
yeah Bravo you are right, but over the years of modding IL2 I have learned that prewarned is prearmed and better to know of certain possible "problems" in advance than to kill a whole install after adding certain stuff...

:D I see myself already using up more time modding and tweaking to get that perfect install than actually flying the created beast then....
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 23, 2013, 05:46:29 PM
yeah Bravo you are right, but over the years of modding IL2 I have learned that prewarned is prearmed and better to know of certain possible "problems" in advance than to kill a whole install after adding certain stuff...

:D I see myself already using up more time modding and tweaking to get that perfect install than actually flying the created beast then....

That's the danger!  ;D ;D ;D Happily I spent yesterday afternoon on FMB, making missions and flying, as nature intended!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 23, 2013, 05:46:51 PM
Thanks Monty for this New Full Monty! Looking forward to see if it will cure the FPS problems I had when 4-engine bombers would spawn, either in QMB or Boelcke's Defense of the Reich, when using the full-blown original Monty (well, Monty 1 - 21, in my case).

However, I am a total dunce when it comes to some aspects of the install. I understand starting with the clean DBW and the installation of the Monty folders. Where do I place the Claymore and Tiger .sfs files?


Correcto!  It did for me.  I fly Boelcke's Dgen campaigns all the time and started to get slowdowns in some of those fantastically busy missions.  That was the main driving factor to focus New-TFM on WWII-Korea and trim off the fat.  It worked!  Now I have an install for Poltava's SCW as well and another for Jetwar, a setup that Hoss recommended months ago.  :-[

BTW - Tiger's and Claymore's SFS files live in your main Il2 folder, where the .exe is.  If you flew TFM original then you already have them in place.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 23, 2013, 06:19:42 PM
I guess my point is, if one will patiently install each pack one at a time and verify it installed 100% successfully that one will have full joy at the end.

I installed mine the direct method, (not using jsgme), and even installed the new pack's on top of my install, and my game starts flawlessly.

And guy's, I do want to apologize for my arrogance, I meant no harm and do wish ALL to have a flawless Game!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 23, 2013, 06:29:35 PM
I guess my point is, if one will patiently install each pack one at a time and verify it installed 100% successfully that one will have full joy at the end.

I installed mine the direct method, (not using jsgme), and even installed the new pack's on top of my install, and my game starts flawlessly.

And guy's, I do want to apologize for my arrogance, I meant no harm and do wish ALL to have a flawless Game!

hahaha - I love that avatar! Totally suitable! You don't have an arrogant bone in your body my friend.  Logic is all you espouse, we are champions of critical thinking!  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 23, 2013, 06:33:21 PM
thats the same way I have installed both, the old TFM and the new one in a plain vanilla DBW 1.71;
the trouble was that I did not have widescreen support natively in the old TFM (that was easy to add) plus I added a few Freddy pits and other small mods;
then I found out that the new cowlings mod did not work, because Tigers mod with the old engine meshes was loaded before the new cowlings, remming them out for several aircraft I often fly;
so I tweaked that one;
when adding the new A7M Reppu, she showed up pink (nice for ladies, bad for WW2 fighter aircraft) and only after reinstalling the HD skins mod AND carsmaster´s light in IL2 mod did the HD skins work and my Reppu was lizard green as she should have been from the start :)

my point is that with these large all in one packs, some aspects might not work as intended and may need additional tweaking and tuning, and that´s what I wanted to do - help new users to get the full joy out of a great idea and a great realization of that idea :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 23, 2013, 06:49:59 PM
Our point is that experienced modders and tweakers can take this stuff and play around, but we worked very hard to create a commom expanded install for ALL campaign builders and ALL players alike, regardless of modding familiarity, to use a common platform.

After all :

Il2-1946 Unmodded             - works perfectly
added to that DBW 1.71        - works perfectly
added to that New-TFM        - works perfectly

In addition, these packs are small, each one acts as a fractional backup.  New mods can be tested by making your own reversible packs.  The challenge is to keep to the structure so we can share our setups and ideas with anyone.  Plug in the next pack, more stuff added, deactivate, back to the previous level.  I would not work in any other way personally.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 23, 2013, 06:55:17 PM
+1 Simon :D

This is my working HOLYGRAIL jsgmemods Folder, the second is my "New TFM" Folder, but this is just me!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 23, 2013, 07:00:44 PM
I just did the 'Bravo' install with Poltava's SCW.  Unzipped it straight into a FRESH #DBW folder and bingo!  It works perfectly, I knew it would, because I trust Poltava and he has everything covered so I would not mess with it.   ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 23, 2013, 07:05:54 PM
+1 Simon :D

This is my working HOLYGRAIL jsgmemods Folder, the second is my "New TFM" Folder, but this is just me!
Holy Toledo!  You are the 'Most Modded' mighty Bravo!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

One thing I can see at a glance is the renaming, re-ordering of mod folders for TFM makes them easier to organise.  I guess you and Hoss are my main backups for when I inadvertantly wipe something out.  :-[
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 23, 2013, 07:11:31 PM
Yes Simon, with the new IL2 Selector you can rename all your installs, and for my HOLYGRAIL Install that is a big Plus.

See here:
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 23, 2013, 07:38:58 PM
Gentlemen ....GREAT work!
Simon, that whole TFM idea is just great and the new names for the folders is a mighty innovation bringing order to the chaos :)

Bravo, your Holy Grail method looks awesome, and should I find some time in the near future, I will surely try to add HSFX and maybe the new UP 3.1 as well, although HSFX looks more promising, if its based on 4.12.

what makes me sceptic a little bit is past bad experience with the Mod enabler in Silent Hunter IV;
the Mod Enabler ruined a working SHIV install after adding RFB and then trying to revert back to stock and up to TMO afterwards; I ended up installing the whole game again and adding mods for Silent Hunter directly, without the Mod Enabler....once bitten twice shy


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 23, 2013, 07:46:05 PM
Well, Griffon, the Mod Enabler, is way too slow to my liking, and that is why I Install all Large Mod Packs "Directly", and havnt had any issues doing so.

But thats just Me! I always do things a little unorthodox., , sorry, but it only means "I can" and get away with what I can. Been doing it that way since UP 1.8, lol
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 23, 2013, 07:52:51 PM
lol Bravo, the direct method is most often the best :D
and thats why I am doing it that way too! of course thats only possible because the TFM packs are laid out that well

as you seem to be a man of great knowledge, can you tell me how I should rename the folders containing files for reskinning the pits of the TBolts and the Mustangs?
should I use the a/c names as laid out in the air.ini or the planes.ru? or the skins folders names?
I want to add cromhunts pits...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 23, 2013, 07:58:28 PM
Well, lets both tackle this, I assume you are talking about Cromhunts Pits?

I think I have them some where, Ill see.

When I find the way, Ill post it for you!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 23, 2013, 08:25:37 PM
Gentlemen ....GREAT work!
Simon, that whole TFM idea is just great and the new names for the folders is a mighty innovation bringing order to the chaos :)

Bravo, your Holy Grail method looks awesome, and should I find some time in the near future, I will surely try to add HSFX and maybe the new UP 3.1 as well, although HSFX looks more promising, if its based on 4.12.

what makes me sceptic a little bit is past bad experience with the Mod enabler in Silent Hunter IV;
the Mod Enabler ruined a working SHIV install after adding RFB and then trying to revert back to stock and up to TMO afterwards; I ended up installing the whole game again and adding mods for Silent Hunter directly, without the Mod Enabler....once bitten twice shy


I know that one Phil  ;D, still run TMO, RSRD, Op Monsun and you are dead right about the pitfalls of JSGME.  The structure of DBW is the answer.  Replace the #DBW and you are back to Vanilla DBW-171, that's the key.  I will eventually go with TotalModder, but still have a lot to learn there...

V4.12 now has the SAS Modact-4.  I just setup a new install patched to 4.12 with the SAS Modact and Flyables.  DBW+New-TFM is the best for WWII-Korea content right now, and V4.12 SAS Modact-4 is the future for me, the Jetwar era and beyond!  ;D


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: kpn.kardif on June 24, 2013, 12:14:56 AM
Satus Report:  New TFM installed with gurner's, and all seems to work wonderfully.  Tracks all play fine, quick missions are great, and I'm REALLY stoked to have all of Tiger's sounds back, and working with cockpit sounds to boot! 

I have run into a problem with my in-progress JG-53 campaign though.  I am currently on the 6th mission.  Loading into it, I expected to be on the airfield waiting to take off.  Instead, I'm about 1k up with an inoperable engine and heading straight for the deck.  I have time to correct and I can glide about a bit, probably do a belly landing if I let the mission go that far before killing the game.  Any idea what might cause this, and how to fix it?  The campaign was started with the old TFM, so I would assume that some difference between the two version has to be the problem.  I could just start the campaign over again, but missions 3 and 4 are mostly waiting with TC at 8x...  Perhaps I should take the chance to work on my patience  :-[

I'll probably load up a different campaign and muck around with it until I know whether or not I can fix this one. 
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 24, 2013, 12:21:03 AM
Satus Report:  New TFM installed with gurner's, and all seems to work wonderfully.  Tracks all play fine, quick missions are great, and I'm REALLY stoked to have all of Tiger's sounds back, and working with cockpit sounds to boot! 

I have run into a problem with my in-progress JG-53 campaign though.  I am currently on the 6th mission.  Loading into it, I expected to be on the airfield waiting to take off.  Instead, I'm about 1k up with an inoperable engine and heading straight for the deck.  I have time to correct and I can glide about a bit, probably do a belly landing if I let the mission go that far before killing the game.  Any idea what might cause this, and how to fix it?  The campaign was started with the old TFM, so I would assume that some difference between the two version has to be the problem.  I could just start the campaign over again, but missions 3 and 4 are mostly waiting with TC at 8x...  Perhaps I should take the chance to work on my patience  :-[

I'll probably load up a different campaign and muck around with it until I know whether or not I can fix this one.

Thanks kpn.kardif, that's a classic case of a mission made on one mod-base conflicting with another.  In the short term it has to be opened up in FMB and re-saved, that often fixes things as any missing/conflicting items are removed.  If that fails the planelist and loadouts have to be examind more closely.  I am currently working through JG-53 and a number of others and will do my best to post the newly upgraded campaigns and mission sets on a single thread as soon as possible.  8)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Crash_MX06 on June 24, 2013, 12:35:11 AM
If I rename my #DBW folder (containing the old TFM) in #DBW_old and then add the Clean #DBW folder (in my main folder) and patch it with New TFM, can I switch of TFM just by renaming the folders or need I to replace the .sfs files too?

But I think I'll make two differents installs, one with the Holy Grail and New TFM and one just with DBW and old TFM.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: kpn.kardif on June 24, 2013, 12:44:20 AM
It was actually mission 7, turns out.  Anyhow, I opened it in FMB and resaved it, the exited FMB and loaded the campaign.  Still had the same result.  I was curious what would happen if I landed and applied though, so I did.  Mission 8 loaded up just fine, so I think I'm back in business.  I'm sure it was nothing more than changing mod packs mid campaign. 
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 24, 2013, 02:26:28 AM
Hi Simon,
Pardon the confusion..
Are the F-86E/F and MIG 15/17 included in the New-TFM?

Yes mate, they are all part of the original DBW Korean era aircraft, to which New-TFM adds Meteors, Cougars, more F-80s, F84G1 ThunderJet and the P-82.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rollnloop on June 24, 2013, 06:15:20 AM
Thanks a lot Monty for this reboot of TFM, i've been enjoying previous iteration and will sure have fun with this new refit  :)

I didn't see either D520, Leo451 or Fiat BR-20, all these are WWII aircraft, is there a chance of future integration or should i add them manually for my own install ?

Cheers and thanks again  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 24, 2013, 07:01:31 AM
Thanks a lot Monty for this reboot of TFM, i've been enjoying previous iteration and will sure have fun with this new refit  :)

I didn't see either D520, Leo451 or Fiat BR-20, all these are WWII aircraft, is there a chance of future integration or should i add them manually for my own install ?

Cheers and thanks again  8)
Fiat BR-20 is there, New-TFM-09, the others are being tested currently.  At this stage I would advise to wait for a short time...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Smilinjack on June 24, 2013, 07:14:48 AM
Thanks for the clarification.
I'm now all modded up with the New-TFM and loving life.  ;D
Great job with the New-TFM mod packs!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on June 24, 2013, 07:38:46 AM
Hi Guys,

I'd like to trim down some HD space and use this new TFM - is it ok to delete my existing DBW folder which is over 12GB and replace it with the new DBW slimmed down folder from here then add the new TFM via JSGME? Also I have a nice neat air.ini at present I take it this will be no good with this new pack?

Just checking before I take the plunge !!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: vegetarian on June 24, 2013, 07:59:51 AM
Simon, does the New-TFM include the HD skin mods?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Smilinjack on June 24, 2013, 08:01:11 AM
V4.12 now has the SAS Modact-4.  I just setup a new install patched to 4.12 with the SAS Modact and Flyables.  DBW+New-TFM is the best for WWII-Korea content right now, and V4.12 SAS Modact-4 is the future for me, the Jetwar era and beyond!

Interesting. I'm contemplating a second install and debating either UP3.1 (4.11.1 based) or a 4.12 installation with SAS Modact-4. I fly off-line and I'm interested in the future of Jetwar.
Do you feel that the best installation for Jetwar would be 4.12/SAS Modact-4? Is (will) Jetwar be compatible with V4.12?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rollnloop on June 24, 2013, 08:33:39 AM
Thanks for update Monty, i'll be patient  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 24, 2013, 08:35:10 AM
Simon, does the New-TFM include the HD skin mods?

Yep, 24Bit Skins mod is in #DBW-NewTFM-24.  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 24, 2013, 08:36:35 AM
Thanks for update Monty, i'll be patient  8)

Actually rollnloop, just had a good night flying and testing, so you won't have to be very patient!   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 24, 2013, 08:41:25 AM
Hi Guys,

I'd like to trim down some HD space and use this new TFM - is it ok to delete my existing DBW folder which is over 12GB and replace it with the new DBW slimmed down folder from here then add the new TFM via JSGME? Also I have a nice neat air.ini at present I take it this will be no good with this new pack?

Just checking before I take the plunge !!

New-TFM is a LOT smaller for performance reasons, but still manages to contain a great deal.  For now you could easily, and safely, disable or rename your current #DBW folder.  Then take the new vanilla one and unzip the modpacks straight into it, in sequence and overwriting when prompted.  This will be a quick process with the much smaller packs and allow you to test either setup without any dramas.  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: ol' Navy on June 24, 2013, 08:46:30 AM
Well, here I am again, embarrassed as usual, having to ask my stupid questions.  To use this new TFM, I first copy those four files you mentioned in your first post into my main game folder, then I need to deactivate those twenty mods from your first TFM, then copy these new ones into jsgme, then replace my "old" DBW folder with the one you provided (but first put a - sign in front of the old one?  In that order?  Do I need to deactivate all the mods in jsgme before I activate these?  I admit I'm embarrassed, but I'm gonna be 71 in September and now I'm being treated for cancer, so I guess I have a couple of excuses for being not very smart. ;)  Thank you guys again for any help you will provide, and for putting up with me.

Bob please, we are a community, we enjoy this stuff and sharing it with you and each other is the whole point.  I'm really pleased we share an interest and all SAS members are the best examples of that community spirit.  ;D

You have the main points exactly right, to summarise:

1-Deactivate all previous Monty mods (anything with Monty in the name) and move them out of JSGMEMODS folder.
2-Put the New-TFM packs into JSGMEMODS.
3-Deactivate your current #DBW folder with a (-) or rename it.
4-Replace your #DBW folder with the clean download.
5-Activate each New-TFM pack in sequence.

This last step is MUCH faster than before and the downloads are all pretty small.  ;D

I hope this helps and we all want to know when you get back here with your report!   8)

Yep that is what I did.  I am in the process of activating the mods now.  I'll let you know how everything turns out.  One kicker - my game folders are on my E drive (storage and games) and I think it is fixing to crap out.  I have Windows 8 Pro on an SSD so I don't run it from there.  Now I am trying to back everything up to an external drive while I can.  Far as cancer, yes, that is what it is.  I'm gonna have to go through this stuff for the next year.  Whoop de doo!  Appreciate you asking.  Thanks.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: vegetarian on June 24, 2013, 09:12:33 AM
Yep, 24Bit Skins mod is in #DBW-NewTFM-24.  8)

Just that I noticed the game appears to be using the original il2_core.dll files, not the HD Texture DLLs (il2_core.dll and il2_corep4.dll) by carsmaster. Or am I confused how the mod works, which is probably the case  ???
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 24, 2013, 11:48:12 AM
Vegetarian, now that you post that, I had the same problem in my original TFM installation-only after installing the HD Skins mod AND the Light in Il2 mod with their respective dll files did both mods work, and my Reppu and Meteor turned from a girly pink into their full camouflaged splendor :)

I cannot say anything in this regard about the new TFM as I will have time to fiddle with the new TFM only tomorrow when I have a day off :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on June 24, 2013, 12:11:31 PM
cheers monty will get onto it tomorrow - I hadnt seen your reply to bob which explains it all
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: RDDR Hangar19 on June 24, 2013, 03:19:02 PM
  Hey Simon, I think everyone likes it.  ;) ;) ;)

  No kidding, it sure has been a lot of fun as well as a lot of chuckles.....
  Hey guys, Simon loved those V1 attacks .....Lots of fun, except for the Mosquito's he wrote into the end of the mission. :'
  There had to be retribution ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 24, 2013, 05:50:31 PM
  Hey Simon, I think everyone likes it.  ;) ;) ;)

  No kidding, it sure has been a lot of fun as well as a lot of chuckles.....
  Hey guys, Simon loved those V1 attacks .....Lots of fun, except for the Mosquito's he wrote into the end of the mission. :'
  There had to be retribution ;)

Another brilliant idea from RDDR!  Will put those V1 and other missions in the 'Extras' section.  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 24, 2013, 05:53:54 PM
We have a lot of content now, for only a fraction of the size of original TFM.  Those strict limits will mean adding in a few more items to polish it up, and here's another example:




1) LeO451
2) MB120
3) Dewoitine D.520
4) Koolhoven FK51
5) Static Aircraft
6) CY6 Mortars and Infantry

For full compatability with Poltava's early war Blitzkrieg campaigns, some essential rare aircraft are added to New-TFM.  These beautiful models are most welcome and performance is not effected even though our toybox is truly packed now!





Gilles Babin's wonderful Westfront maps.

Map Upgrades take up disc space but, since they only run one at a time, don't greatly effect performance.  The huge Map packs from TFM original have been broken into reduced size pieces to maintain the small uploads and fast JSGME loading.  This last one fills in a few gaps, they all work now!


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: ol' Navy on June 24, 2013, 06:18:03 PM
I did just as instructed.  I got rid of all the previous mods, activated all the new TFM packs in jsgme in order and then activated that Ecran Wide thing, and that is all that is showing up when I look at the JSGME installer.  I had added those four SFS files, deleted the AIR WELLINGTON III mod as instructed. Went into the Selector to start my game.  Happily, the new loading screen showed up, indicated it was loading up through 70% so I thought all was good, and then I get kicked back to my desktop.  Thought maybe I should restart my PC, run CCleaner, etc., but still back to the desktop.  DBW 1916 loads just fine.  I tried reducing the memory down from 512.  Same result.  What have I missed, or screwed up?  Any guesses?  Does the loading to 70% indicate something or other?  Thanks for any advice and help.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 24, 2013, 06:22:46 PM
I did just as instructed.  I got rid of all the previous mods, activated all the new TFM packs in jsgme in order and then activated that Ecran Wide thing, and that is all that is showing up when I look at the JSGME installer.  I had added those four SFS files, deleted the AIR WELLINGTON III mod as instructed. Went into the Selector to start my game.  Happily, the new loading screen showed up, indicated it was loading up through 70% so I thought all was good, and then I get kicked back to my desktop.  Thought maybe I should restart my PC, run CCleaner, etc., but still back to the desktop.  DBW 1916 loads just fine.  I tried reducing the memory down from 512.  Same result.  What have I missed, or screwed up?  Any guesses?  Does the loading to 70% indicate something or other?  Thanks for any advice and help.

Bugger, 70% is usually an Aircraft screwup...

What now?  Go ahead and install the next packs (above) New-TFM-25 & New-TFM-26, since they replace many crucial INI files and will probably fix your issue.

If no joy then, deactivate one at a time until you can launch OK and we can pinpoint the problem area, might be a bad download or something missing.  Don't worry about the deleted Wellington, that won't effect anything as you roll back, I did it many times over the weekend!

Another thing I noticed, did you use a VANILLA #DBW Folder, because stuff left in there from previously is enough to wreck the new install.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 24, 2013, 06:29:23 PM
Yep, 24Bit Skins mod is in #DBW-NewTFM-24.  8)

Just that I noticed the game appears to be using the original il2_core.dll files, not the HD Texture DLLs (il2_core.dll and il2_corep4.dll) by carsmaster. Or am I confused how the mod works, which is probably the case  ???

High Resolution / True Color Textures Mod


This excellent mod ships with a full set of JSGME packs and a Manual.  I have included the 24Bit Skins folder with classfiles in New-TFM (Bomber Command Upgrade) and it all works fine here. 

The thread has more detail but I never had any other issues with it.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Crash_MX06 on June 25, 2013, 12:58:57 AM
Part 25 and 26 downloaded in 1 minute  :-* Thank you 8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: vegetarian on June 25, 2013, 08:30:32 AM
Simon,  yep the Bomber Command Upgrade solved my Pink Lancaster problem.
And thanks for all your fantastic work in compiling these packs.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: si1va on June 25, 2013, 11:08:46 AM
Thanks for the updates :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: matori on June 25, 2013, 11:40:21 AM
Hi guys,
 I can not start the new TFM, I put those sfs files and tiger sounds in the main folder of IL-46, in order JSGM I installed 01 to 24 of TFM, I could not find the folder DBW Wellington Mk III, I installed and a new mode selector sas modact _5.10 for Il-2_ 4.12 to jsgme I VANILLA DBW put in front of TFM, I do not know where I'm wrong and the Mod Activator gives me DBW_NEW TFM, help if you can.Thank you ~S~
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Heretic on June 25, 2013, 02:25:32 PM
Thanks for the pack!
It surely is a gigantic endeavour and quite useful for a one-stop IL-2 install.

If anyone has problems with the radio beacons (crashing, freezing), rename the "CockpitSounds" folder to load last, i.e. by calling it "ZZZ_PAL_CockpitSounds". Picked that up in the old thread and it definitely fixed the crashing for me.

Maybe a new version of TFM could incorporate this by default?

The frame-rate drag in camapigns is quite peculiar though.
I can hardly have 25 planes loaded at once when running a DCG campaign with TFM.
With a "cherry picked" TFM - in my case without most of the plane mods - I have 100+ planes in a single DCG mission without major issues.

So it's either a very unfortunate combination of too many mods or a single (aircraft?) mod dragging down performance.

- Edit:

So far, the v2.6 EngineMod didn't crash for me. And planes now use cats after I replaced the catapult.ini with the one for the 4.11.1m version as described in the respective thread.

*Fingers crossed*
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 25, 2013, 04:37:27 PM
Hi guys,
 I can not start the new TFM, I put those sfs files and tiger sounds in the main folder of IL-46, in order JSGM I installed 01 to 24 of TFM, I could not find the folder DBW Wellington Mk III, I installed and a new mode selector sas modact _5.10 for Il-2_ 4.12 to jsgme I VANILLA DBW put in front of TFM, I do not know where I'm wrong and the Mod Activator gives me DBW_NEW TFM, help if you can.Thank you ~S~

This set is - Il/1946 - Patched to V4.101 - Added to that - DBW 1.71 - Added to that New-TFM.  Patching into this install with V4.12 will certainly break it.   ???
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 25, 2013, 05:04:00 PM
Renaming !00_00_PAL-CockpitSounds to load last is the SAME as turning them off, so I advise NO - please don't do this.  You may as well delete !00_00_PAL-CockpitSounds if you don't like them.

TEST the wonderful effect by flying a quick mission in a B-17 against 12 109s and hear the screams...  This mod does currently kill the Beacon Function, so its one or the other, you have a choice.

From the first Post:

The integration of Tiger33's Engine Sounds and Pal's Cockpit Sounds works really well here.  The sounds are so immersive and yet have no effect on performance.  However, Pal's Cockpit Sounds uses the same classfiles as the Engine Flames Mod and also kills the Advanced-Nav Beacon Function.  So if you wish to use use your radio stations in a mission or campaign, and listen to music while you fly, you must first disable (-) !00_PAL-CockpitSounds.  This mod is easily switched ON/OFF from within #DBW, depending on your preference.  While it is pleasant enough listening to period tunes as you cruise over Europe, there is also nothing quite like the urgent breathing mask sounds when you are working your Sabre hard over the Yalu, so its good to have the choice as long as we remember the switch.

...and again, from the first post...

...the result is an incredible sound experience inside and out, with additional functions like Steam-Catapults on the crucial Korean era aircraft carriers.

SAS AI Hotkeys Mod V2.5 is used here in favour of SAS AI Hotkeys Mod V2.6.  This is because I found perfect stabilty with V2.5 but was able to generate a CTD with V2.6.  This is no reflection on V2.6, just the particular combination of mods in this setup that works better with V2.5 and can get wobbly with V2.6 on DBW/V4,101m.  I personally recommend keeping it that way for this install, update New-TFM further at your own risk.



One other small point, my Beta Testers are great pilots and Il2/1946 fanatics, and while we are good friends, they know me to be a bastard over empirical data.

By all means test New-TFM, beat the crap out of New-TFM, but please make sure you are running 100% New-TFM for the good of everybody who reads these threads.  A thread like this becomes a knowledge base.  We all learn from it.  IMHO it is a little unfair to suggest tweaks and renames when running a different setup to that you are commenting on.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Heretic on June 25, 2013, 06:26:05 PM
Geez, easy there! It was just a suggestion and by no means a Führer directive. ;)

Same classfiles, huh?
Bummer. :/
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 26, 2013, 12:46:10 AM
Geez, easy there! It was just a suggestion and by no means a Führer directive. ;)

Same classfiles, huh?
Bummer. :/

True, I can be a droning git sometimes, but you know what I mean!  Of course we are also trying to lay out the info for all to understand, but honestly, V2.6 is too wobbly for this setup and the load order for PALs Cockpit sounds is important too. 

I spent a few hours today in FMB, straightening out my campaigns and finishing a few new ones, and I have to say, Il2 is looking and sounding better than ever.  I can think of no other ten-year-old sim that comes close to what we have now.  Come to think of it, I can think of no modern sim that does either!  8)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 26, 2013, 05:01:55 AM
Great job Simon!
I managed to get in some time yesterday to install the new TFM and tweak it a little to my likings...

loading time is about the same as with the old pack, performance ditto, although I have to say I like the new folder structure within #DBW much more; makes sorting stuff much easier :)

concerning my "tweaks": I just remmed out the 3do folder in Tiger´s mod, added the modified dll files from carsmaster as well as his Lights in Il2 mod and also added a QMBPro missions folder containing the quick missions for the PAL combo;
just to make sure I also added MiniMap 2.4;
Freddy´s pits for the P-51s and the P-47s were also added, although i will add some of Cromhunt´s pits for the D-Model Mustangs that did not receive the great Freddy pit; (I just need to figure out how to add those pits to the D5 and the D20 models);
fortunately, there is a guide for his excellent F4U cockpit, but none for adding the TBolt or Pony pits;

other than that, besides a smaller font mod, nothing needed to be done to get the beast up and running in its full glory!

even the ECRAN wide view mod is not needed, just open conf.ini, dial in the resolution you would like to have and do not forget to set that retain aspect ratio entry to 0;

after messing around with the new TFM, I quickly installed 4.12 and the new ModAct also; I think this will form the basis of my next install then and I think sticking close to this install is a very very good idea Simon :)

all in all a big thank you for your effort! I bought FC3 in the DCS summer sale because I wanted to do some Flanker/Eagle flying, but have not even installed it yet, as my scarce free time was spent messing around with that old lady that goes by the name of IL2, no greatly enhanced by TFM....
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Jokili on June 26, 2013, 07:37:51 AM
Hallo Monty,

I´ve got a problem. If I aktivated the "New full Monty" with JSGME, the game will CTD by 5%.
I have Il2 1946 4.101 + Ultrapack 3 RC 4 + DBW 1.71.
Do I have aktiveted all parts? I just aktivated 8 parts and tryed to start and it crashed to desktop.
Thanks for help.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 26, 2013, 07:50:41 AM
Hallo Monty,

I´ve got a problem. If I aktivated the "New full Monty" with JSGME, the game will CTD by 5%.
I have Il2 1946 4.101 + Ultrapack 3 RC 4 + DBW 1.71.
Do I have aktiveted all parts? I just aktivated 8 parts and tryed to start and it crashed to desktop.
Thanks for help.

Best thing is to start with a clean #DBW folder, just (-) out your old one and replace it with the new one from the first post, then activate.  They are fairly small downloads so its best to get the lot, but you should be able to launch after each individual pack is copied over.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: ol' Navy on June 26, 2013, 10:27:56 AM
I did just as instructed.  I got rid of all the previous mods, activated all the new TFM packs in jsgme in order and then activated that Ecran Wide thing, and that is all that is showing up when I look at the JSGME installer.  I had added those four SFS files, deleted the AIR WELLINGTON III mod as instructed. Went into the Selector to start my game.  Happily, the new loading screen showed up, indicated it was loading up through 70% so I thought all was good, and then I get kicked back to my desktop.  Thought maybe I should restart my PC, run CCleaner, etc., but still back to the desktop.  DBW 1916 loads just fine.  I tried reducing the memory down from 512.  Same result.  What have I missed, or screwed up?  Any guesses?  Does the loading to 70% indicate something or other?  Thanks for any advice and help.

Bugger, 70% is usually an Aircraft screwup...

What now?  Go ahead and install the next packs (above) New-TFM-25 & New-TFM-26, since they replace many crucial INI files and will probably fix your issue.

If no joy then, deactivate one at a time until you can launch OK and we can pinpoint the problem area, might be a bad download or something missing.  Don't worry about the deleted Wellington, that won't effect anything as you roll back, I did it many times over the weekend!

Another thing I noticed, did you use a VANILLA #DBW Folder, because stuff left in there from previously is enough to wreck the new install.

Activating the two new ones didn't help.  I did use your new #DBW initially.  I deactivated all your Mods, just left the first one and tried to start the game.  Nothing.  I did get to the mission select screen (I think that is what it's called), but everything was frozen.  Mouse wouldn't move, no music, etc.  Had to CTRL ALT DEL out.  Task manager said something or other wasn't responding.  I guess maybe I need to download the mods again, and the #DBW.  Maybe the first one (New TFM-1) I got was bad, and it messed the others up?  Anyway, I'm gonna try.  Thank you for helping out your elder members.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Odin1one on June 26, 2013, 11:11:36 AM
It was actually mission 7, turns out.  Anyhow, I opened it in FMB and resaved it, the exited FMB and loaded the campaign.  Still had the same result.  I was curious what would happen if I landed and applied though, so I did.  Mission 8 loaded up just fine, so I think I'm back in business.  I'm sure it was nothing more than changing mod packs mid campaign. 
Hi! Think i have had the same problem in TFM before. Think it had to do with " Mission Pro combo by PAL" If activated or not in JSG.
Try to deactivate it and fly the mission again. Could work?
Regards Odin1one
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Jokili on June 26, 2013, 11:22:02 AM
Hallo Monty,

I´ve got a problem. If I aktivated the "New full Monty" with JSGME, the game will CTD by 5%.
I have Il2 1946 4.101 + Ultrapack 3 RC 4 + DBW 1.71.
Do I have aktiveted all parts? I just aktivated 8 parts and tryed to start and it crashed to desktop.
Thanks for help.

Best thing is to start with a clean #DBW folder, just (-) out your old one and replace it with the new one from the first post, then activate.  They are fairly small downloads so its best to get the lot, but you should be able to launch after each individual pack is copied over.

Thanks for quick reply, monty. I did so, I deleted #DBW Folder and replace it with yours. Than I aktivated the first Pack, but the same
problem -> CTD by 5%...
If I deaktivate it, game runs normal.
Have I make any chances in the selector? I run it with "Dark Blue World" settings.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flugkapitan on June 26, 2013, 11:46:06 AM
I had the same thing happen to me - the 5% crash - until I remembered to place those .sfs files on the download page in the main IL2 folder. Could this possibly be the cause of your woes?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 26, 2013, 11:46:43 AM
Simon, if I knew how, I would create an  New TFM   "Auto Installer"  for us.  :D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Jokili on June 26, 2013, 12:37:36 PM
I had the same thing happen to me - the 5% crash - until I remembered to place those .sfs files on the download page in the main IL2 folder. Could this possibly be the cause of your woes?


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flugkapitan on June 26, 2013, 12:44:38 PM
Those would be the ones.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Odie1974 on June 26, 2013, 03:58:16 PM
Guys, can you pls tell me how I can install carsmaster Light mod into New TFM?
1. Do I just put the dlls into the main IL folder
2. What do I do with the folders in the "MODS" subfolder? Do I run them thru jsgme? Or copy directly somewhere?

I am relatively new to installing mods, so far my experience has been with really with mod enabler ...

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: RDDR Hangar19 on June 26, 2013, 04:04:58 PM
You go first Bravo.......
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Towarisch on June 26, 2013, 04:07:54 PM
Hello Monty,

at first: THAAAANK YOU so MUCH, for your Great Work. And thank you for the time you spend to do this.

Now I have a little Problem. When I start it, than came this Warning:

" Unsufficient file acces permissions in your IL-2 game-folder!
  Most probably you`ve installed IL-2 in the "C:\Program Files\" folder
  on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system.
  In this case please copy your whole IL-2 game folder to a different
  location, e.g. "C:IL2\", and launch your game there.

Okay ??? >:( :(. Now have I this great New-TFM but in : C:\Programme (x86), where I have all of my other Games. WITHOUT any Probs.
Because this is on a SSD Hardware. And the fastest way for the files on their way :D.

So,     Why this Message ???

Is there a problem with this place for it ?

Or is there anyway a change to play it on C:\...... ???

I hope Monty you can help me to fix this problem :'( :'( :'(

Thank you so much again for your work, and for your advance.....

Wish you the best for the SUMMER 8) :D

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 26, 2013, 04:10:38 PM
Odie1974, I do it this way:

Place the 4.10.1m Folder:  Carsmaster Light in the IL2 (beta)+2048 pix RC version (4 10 1)   Into your New_TFM Folder.

Make a new Folder in your jsgmemods Folder, Rrename it CARSMASTER, Then Place the .dll's into that Folder, then just activated CARSMASTER Folder & .dll's with JSGME.exe

See screeny:
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Gaston on June 26, 2013, 04:39:46 PM
Thanks ! I made a special install, just by curiosity... game loads fine, everythibg works !

But I just have a little thing : sound. When I am in the cockpit, OK, works fine. When I take the external view (F2), also OK, with a SUPER sound (UV3...). But when I press F3, no Fly-By sound... something wrong ?

Also, if I try to launch the Stock game, it does not even start (well, I know... this is not the interest of this ! LOL)... any reason why ?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 26, 2013, 05:09:45 PM
@ Gaston-Fly-By sound problems can be very specific, down to particular maps and even aircraft.  So how widespread is the issue and can you provide detail so we can test for the same situation?

In most cases where an install is broken or malfunctioning though, the structure and small size of New-TFM make it quite practical to start again with a clean #DBW folder.  It is vital to start with the Clean #DBW folder.  Its so easy for stuff to get in there over the years that we forget about and you can be screwed before you start.

Replace this and test your Vanilla #DBW, then copy the packs over agin in sequence.  Then activate New-TFM 01 and 02 and tsest those.  These first ones copy over all the sounds and effects and transform your DBW.  Even using JSGME I have done this many times in testing and the whole thing can be setup in about an hour (usually while listening to music)...

@Towarisch-Sounds like I would have to upgrade my PC and OS to understand your layout.  Maybe one of the younger or brainier types here can give it a go, assuming you provide details of your setup.  I still run XP and my computer is made of wood...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Jokili on June 26, 2013, 05:16:07 PM
Those would be the ones.


That was it  :)

Now it works. But the brit. Lancaster is shown with magenta skin and if I want to load it
the game freezes and I must reboot the system.
I aktivated the first 17 packs and tested some planes and maps I could not find any other
bugs. Very good work.

Will Montys Africa Campagne work with this?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 26, 2013, 05:23:12 PM
Those would be the ones.


That was it  :)

Now it works. But the brit. Lancaster is shown with magenta skin and if I want to load it
the game freezes and I must reboot the system.
I aktivated the first 17 packs and tested some planes and maps I could not find any other
bugs. Very good work.

Will Montys Africa Campagne work with this?

Problems? - Bite the bullet and roll-back your packs until it works, so you can pinpoint the area to look in.  Or test with the Vanilla #DBW first then activate in sequence.  In every case I have fixed, some other item was contaminating the #DBW folder.

My campaigns, and Poltava's will definately be upgraded to this new base and we are going to post our sets on single threads, so you can get a whole collection in one place.  Mine are progressing well and will start going up within the week.  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Towarisch on June 26, 2013, 06:04:15 PM
Sorry Monty, :-[

here my Configurations

Intel Core 2. Generation with Win 8  on SSD. 12 GB DDR3 Ram and a Nvidia Grafikcard.

Was that a joke that your PC is made of wood ? ;)

Because I have seen Pics from a Hardware Modder. He has made one.

Okay. I will try to fix it that problem, and will get in contact. If or not :-\

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 26, 2013, 06:49:50 PM
Sorry Monty, :-[

here my Configurations

Intel Core 2. Generation with Win 8  on SSD. 12 GB DDR3 Ram and a Nvidia Grafikcard.

Was that a joke that your PC is made of wood ? ;)

Because I have seen Pics from a Hardware Modder. He has made one.

Okay. I will try to fix it that problem, and will get in contact. If or not :-\


Back to basics, you'll be OK...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Odie1974 on June 27, 2013, 05:43:55 AM
Bravo, thanks for the info. very clear :)
ATM I am at work but will do it at home and see what happens ...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on June 27, 2013, 06:04:35 AM
Has anyone else found the process of activating these packs incredibly slow? Its taking me 5-10+ mins as each pack enables in JSGME then another 5+ mins for the pack to install into the #DBW folder - Did I do something wrong? Or is it down to my PC? Shes an old girl now but no slouch usually!

QUICK QUESTION? After installing all this lot thru JSGME can I delete the folders in JSGME (or move them) in an effort to save disc space?? BTW, Been at it best part of 3 hours still only up to TFM_13 !! ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Poltava on June 27, 2013, 12:35:37 PM
Followed the instructions. It works like a charm. THANKS!!! :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Gaston on June 27, 2013, 01:04:19 PM
@ Gaston-Fly-By sound problems can be very specific, down to particular maps and even aircraft.  So how widespread is the issue and can you provide detail so we can test for the same situation?

In most cases where an install is broken or malfunctioning though, the structure and small size of New-TFM make it quite practical to start again with a clean #DBW folder.  It is vital to start with the Clean #DBW folder.  Its so easy for stuff to get in there over the years that we forget about and you can be screwed before you start.

Replace this and test your Vanilla #DBW, then copy the packs over agin in sequence.  Then activate New-TFM 01 and 02 and tsest those.  These first ones copy over all the sounds and effects and transform your DBW.  Even using JSGME I have done this many times in testing and the whole thing can be setup in about an hour (usually while listening to music)...

OK, Thanks ! in fact, it is not very important, this Fly-By problem... I fly in the cockpit, not outside... I will look on which particular map, which partixcular plane... I made my install following the instructions, on a vanilla DBW install.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: yokogumo on June 27, 2013, 03:25:22 PM
Can anyone help me?? I have just installed this new-TFM but I have a 70% crash.
I used a fresh new install of DBW 1.71

I think I've done everything right but apparently ...  :(

thank you
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 27, 2013, 04:48:15 PM
Has anyone else found the process of activating these packs incredibly slow? Its taking me 5-10+ mins as each pack enables in JSGME then another 5+ mins for the pack to install into the #DBW folder - Did I do something wrong? Or is it down to my PC? Shes an old girl now but no slouch usually!

QUICK QUESTION? After installing all this lot thru JSGME can I delete the folders in JSGME (or move them) in an effort to save disc space?? BTW, Been at it best part of 3 hours still only up to TFM_13 !! ;D

I hope you mean New-TFM!  5-10 minutes is a bit slow but not a deal breaker surely!  If you are having to save disc space that might explain it.  You could 'do a Bravo', and take a new #DBW folder and unzip everything into it in sequence, that's the quickest way...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 27, 2013, 04:49:45 PM
Can anyone help me?? I have just installed this new-TFM but I have a 70% crash.
I used a fresh new install of DBW 1.71

I think I've done everything right but apparently ...  :(

thank you

Take the new clean #DBW and revert to vanilla #DBW and test from there.  Then activate each pack in sequence.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: ol' Navy on June 27, 2013, 06:11:11 PM
Can anyone help me?? I have just installed this new-TFM but I have a 70% crash.
I used a fresh new install of DBW 1.71

I think I've done everything right but apparently ...  :(

thank you

Take the new clean #DBW and revert to vanilla #DBW and test from there.  Then activate each pack in sequence.

I was having the same problem.  But first let me explain my situation.  The only things that are worse than being stupid, in my case, when doing this New TFM install evolution, is being old and sick also.  I was having one devil of a time sorting things out.  Unfortunately, I had two different game installs on my HDD.  I found that what I was doing was getting mixed up one to the other.  I was placing the plain vanilla #DBW in the wrong install, got mixed up on where the SFS files were supposed to be, etc.  And, all my downloads go to my desktop, and I was losing track of those also.  Well, in my wisdom I got a little program called Folder Colorizer (?) and I proceeded to "color code" my game folders, so that even my 70 yr old eyes could differentiate, I got the #DBW, SFS, New TFM files into their proper places in the proper order, as per Monty27's more than adequate instructions in the first and subsequent posts, and, lo and behold, everything works now.  I owe my gratitude to Monty for his help and patience with me. It just kills me when a bunch of folks here in this forum say how good something is, and I have such a struggle getting it to work.  But, if I am one thing, I am hard headed, and I will try with you guy's help.  Thanks again.     
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 27, 2013, 07:21:59 PM
YEEEEEEEEHAAAA! Well, that's the point.  There will be a couple of TINY update packs just to polish things up a bit, and because these little update packs are so easy to download and work with.  Now building all the campaigns, new and old, to this level...

Here's where we are to date:




1) Ar-234B Nachtjaeger
2) P-51 Hydraulics
3) 00_PAL-HUDConfig

This tiny pack features the excellent Mustang Hydraulics upgrade by Raptor_22, the essential Bomb-Assist Speedbar by PAL and the CirX/Slow Ar-234B Nachtjaeger.  There are also a couple of 3D fixes included.



These are great features, read the full threads here.

P-51 Hydraulics Version 3

Bombsight Assist Speedbar and HUD MOD v1.2, v4.101m compatible




#DBW-NewTFM-28-Polish & Czech
1) Avia Ba-122
2) AviaB.534-III
3) PWS-10
4) PWS-26
5) PZL P.24
6) PZL P.11c/f
7) Z-26 Zlin Z-26

Just one more small update to New-TFM, this is a set of near perfect vintage Polish & Czech aircraft for the ETO.  Its a small content addon but important to complete New-TFM, as it also contains minor revisions to 'Ships', 'Stationary' and 'Chief'.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 27, 2013, 07:31:06 PM
Damn, Iv been messing with 4.12 too long, Im short 4 New TFM Packs.

Im on them!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 27, 2013, 07:35:30 PM
Damn, Iv been messing with 4.12 too long, Im short 2 New TFM Packs.

Im on them!

Campaigns coming asap buddy, get up to scratch!  Love what Raptor did for the Mustang ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 27, 2013, 07:57:26 PM
OK Simon, Im all Patched up, all 28!!! 8)

I even launched QMB quickie, All Working Flawless! "The HolyGrail" man... :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on June 28, 2013, 12:43:21 AM
Hi Monty - Yep all '-newTFM' I gave up yesterday each subsequent packs taking longer and longer to enable, during the process my task manager says its 'not responding' but it does eventually come up with the overwrite list. Think I'm up to 17 at the mo I'll press on over the weekend. I thought I might have a utility slowing it down somewhere but cant find anything  - just one of those things I guess! Pack 16 took about 25mins in total??

I've 9GB space left so shouldnt be an issue there - It should be up and running by Xmas  ;D


BTW, No problems opening the game works flawlessly m8 - new screen looks cool too!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Crash_MX06 on June 28, 2013, 12:48:50 AM
Ah, yes I forgot to tell you that the new musics are great ;) Thank You
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Poltava on June 28, 2013, 01:29:51 AM
I can confirm that the packs take longer and longer time as they land on top of each other - but they DO get there eventually.

Another piece of 2-cent wisdom from an average user: I don't think it possible to overstate the importance of the fact that you MUST start out with a clean #DBW folder!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on June 28, 2013, 03:33:58 AM
Hi poltava, Yep started from Montys clean DBW - just need patience ;D

PS, I guess its ok but can I delete the JSGME folders once its completed?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Gaston on June 28, 2013, 04:05:10 AM
No, you can't delete it, making153.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 28, 2013, 07:10:48 AM
LOL, course you can, rub em out, we always got 'em online again should the need arise... next rebuild... ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on June 28, 2013, 11:00:00 AM
Cheers Monty thought I could as they are just copies, just thought I better check.

The size you've made them now makes its easy to copy them to Disc too - cheers for all the hard work it must have taken you weeks to get all this stuff together (or Months LOL)

Thanks a million mate! If I win the Euromillions tonight I'll make you a donation  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 28, 2013, 05:27:40 PM
Well its partly selfish too, I'm putting up my campaigns shortly, new and WIP, but now we can also look forward to an expanded range from Poltava as well, can't wait for that collection!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: RDDR Hangar19 on June 28, 2013, 11:37:00 PM
 What a Hoot Monty.. ;D ;D ;D ;D
 I went back and looked at the covers you sent last night  They are quite beautiful. Damn! You Free hand artists are something else.
 Aside from the covers, the Hurricane Airfield is stunning. What struck me was the background   Something to behold

 My,haven't we come a long way?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 29, 2013, 12:27:46 AM
What a Hoot Monty.. ;D ;D ;D ;D
 I went back and looked at the covers you sent last night  They are quite beautiful. Damn! You Free hand artists are something else.
 Aside from the covers, the Hurricane Airfield is stunning. What struck me was the background   Something to behold

 My,haven't we come a long way?

Like you said Chris, the New-TFM Battle of Britain campaign is a screenshooter's paradise, what a good looking sim!  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on June 29, 2013, 07:05:38 AM
Hi Monty all loaded brilliantly and game works a treat! I did grow a beard tho  ;D

NB, Is the Wellington sposed to have no fuselage markings? I deleted the old folder as suggested btw
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: toro63 on June 29, 2013, 08:05:07 AM
Hallo to all !!!

Many thanks to Monty 27 for new-TFM mod.

I have a question:

The DBW-Boelcke Westfront campaign is compatible with new-TFM mod ?

I have no problem using it with DBW standard, but with new-TFM when I start a mission the planes explodes on the ground.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 29, 2013, 09:02:47 AM
Hallo to all !!!

Many thanks to Monty 27 for new-TFM mod.

I have a question:

The DBW-Boelcke Westfront campaign is compatible with new-TFM mod ?

I have no problem using it with DBW standard, but with new-TFM when I start a mission the planes explodes on the ground.



...need more detail...

Yes, Boelcke's DGen campaigns are compatible, I fly them all the time.  New-TFM adds to DBW, it doesn't take anything away.  Which planes are exploding on the ground, everyone you try?  Or a specific combination?  I have found an issue with the Gear Damage mod related to Ju-88's and posted the solution at the base of page-1 of this thread.  If its something else you need to give me more information to work with.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drew Henderson on June 29, 2013, 01:21:50 PM
Good evening Gentlemen,
Thank you for all your good work,has anyone perhaps had a problem with TFM-05 .I have gone through all the posts searching for an answer,with no luck I have re-installed IL2 1946 from scratch with all the addons from v4.07 up to 4.10.1 then installed UP 3.0RC4 and the DBW builds 1.1 to 1.71 with the hot fix .I have installed as per instructions with a new#DBW from 01 to 04 checking each install that it works.When I try 05 it crashes back to selector at 70% ( aircraft?) I have tried everything I can think of.........or maybe not.Can you help
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: toro63 on June 29, 2013, 02:53:56 PM
Hallo to all !!!

Many thanks to Monty 27 for new-TFM mod.

I have a question:

The DBW-Boelcke Westfront campaign is compatible with new-TFM mod ?

I have no problem using it with DBW standard, but with new-TFM when I start a mission the planes explodes on the ground.



...need more detail...

Yes, Boelcke's DGen campaigns are compatible, I fly them all the time.  New-TFM adds to DBW, it doesn't take anything away.  Which planes are exploding on the ground, everyone you try?  Or a specific combination?  I have found an issue with the Gear Damage mod related to Ju-88's and posted the solution at the base of page-1 of this thread.  If its something else you need to give me more information to work with.

Thank you for your reply, Monty 27.

Problem solved, I have reinstalled the new-TFM and now the Westfront campaign work very fine.



Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 29, 2013, 03:24:22 PM
Here is a tip from me.

Download and Extract the IL2 Selector 3.1 from SAS ModAct 5.10 and install it over your DBW IL2 Sellector, It is Faster at Launching your Game than Selector v2.3 ;)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Metatron on June 29, 2013, 03:31:06 PM
Beautiful, this is what I have been waiting for-it should be an official patch.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on June 29, 2013, 09:33:55 PM

I had an issue with TFM-05 too it threw up a memory warning thingy so I unpacked it again with 7z instead of Winrar and it installed ok after that - no idea why but it worked!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 29, 2013, 10:03:13 PM
Another Tip from me:

If you see that PA Jeronimos awesome work isnt showing up on your Plane, find that Folder in his (#DBW_Fixed engine cowlings and props_v.12)

Folder, Copy and Paste that folder into ( !_0_0TigersSOUNDSforDBW ) 3do/Plane Folder, let it over write or it might not be there, just paste it in there any way, then you will have beautiful 3d bird on your next mission, The reason is Tigers 3do Folder is loading first...

Here is one I did for the P-38-L:
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 29, 2013, 10:26:18 PM
Ha Ha Ha, Simon I just installed your "Music" Download Pack"  and I just recently changed my "Missions" Load screen to (see screen shot below).

Your Menue Load song goes perfect with this splash screen, almost Haunting!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 29, 2013, 10:34:30 PM
One single solution will be to rename

!_0_0TigersSOUNDSforDBW to +0000_TigersSOUNDSforDBW
to prioritise the 3do,s but preserve the rest of the load order. 

Thanks for looking at these Bravo and working the details.  Putting this fix/improvement on page one.


I took most of that music from Gears of War, plus a few specials, the Japanese theme, for example is awesome.  Love this screen though, we could do some alternative screen packs and make custom built themes.  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 29, 2013, 10:43:00 PM
Oh yes, Simon, I have moved the    !00_PAL-CockpitSounds  Folder to jsgmemods folder Like this:   


Since Iv downloaded some of your Campaign's I like to listen to Beacon Music, so I

can turn the Cockpit Sounds on and off via  JSGME.exe   "works Perfect"

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 29, 2013, 10:58:23 PM
Oh yes, Simon, I have moved the    !00_PAL-CockpitSounds  Folder to jsgmemods folder Like this:   


Since Iv downloaded some of your Campaign's I like to listen to Beacon Music, so I

can turn the Cockpit Sounds on and off via  JSGME.exe   "works Perfect"

JSGME Switch for !00_PAL-CockpitSounds, bloody brilliant! I'm gonna do that too.

I also like graphics and titles...

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 29, 2013, 11:25:20 PM
That is Awesome Simon,  Im going to use it.  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 29, 2013, 11:47:05 PM
I like your JSGME switch idea too.  How about themed screen packs, early war, late war, SWOTL, Korea, and themed national screens too.  Should load fast in JSGME at a click, put them up as optional extras...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 29, 2013, 11:49:10 PM
Hell yes, Very good idea, I would love them.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 30, 2013, 12:04:17 AM
Well don't be shy, if you find any more pics as glorious as that one!  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 30, 2013, 12:10:41 AM
Sorry Crash, but I just "saved as" to my Desktop, and I dont remember where I got it from, but Ill look for it, as I go.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Crash_MX06 on June 30, 2013, 12:12:30 AM
I searched B-29 Wallpaper and I found it in 30 sec, that's why I deleted my post, but I can also put the link for 1920x1080 wallpaper : http://s2.goodfon.com/image/367123-1920x1080.jpg
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 30, 2013, 12:32:14 AM
Thats all I got for now, ill remove them after you choose any, just let m know your done with them.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 30, 2013, 01:25:31 AM
Thats all I got for now, ill remove them after you choose any, just let m know your done with them.

Bloody marvelous Bravo!  Let's do 'em all!  While you were finding these I also made the first screen pack.


No worries here, these JSGME activate in seconds!


New-TFM Splashscreens
Created for:
D  A  R  K    B  L  U  E    W  O  R  L  D + New-TFM


Made from freely available online digital art

UNRAR into your main IL2 install/JSGMEMODS









Got the others thanks Bravo, Splashscreen Pack-02 on the way!  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 30, 2013, 02:49:57 AM
Its interesting, not all images are the right proportions for what we need, but others work well.

















Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Poltava on June 30, 2013, 03:48:16 AM
Ooooh, I love them - not least that old Airfix boxart!  :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 30, 2013, 04:02:35 AM
As a young illustator (20 years ago) I was lucky enough to know Terry Harrison, one of the original Airfix artists.  He did it all with oils and acrylics in those days and I still prefer painting that way.  But these images go deep don't they?  I feel about 6 years old when I see them.  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: si1va on June 30, 2013, 04:21:32 AM
Amazing splash screens Monty, thanks very much :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Gaston on June 30, 2013, 04:40:59 AM
Mmmmmh... I just love those splashscreens !

I am downloading now... do they come with a kind of randomizer, like in the new ModAct for 4.12 ? if yes, can they be installed in a normal DBW install ?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: yokogumo on June 30, 2013, 04:51:55 AM
thank you!!!! everything is OK now.
I re-installed the parts one by one and checked every time after that.   part 8 was faulty.  I downloaded it again, an now it works!.

thnaks for your help.

thanks everyone for making this fabulous game even more fabulous!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: yokogumo on June 30, 2013, 04:52:19 AM
thank you!!!! everything is OK now.
I re-installed the parts one by one and checked every time after that.   part 8 was faulty.  I downloaded it again, an now it works!.

thnaks for your help.

thanks everyone for making this fabulous game even more fabulous!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on June 30, 2013, 05:20:42 AM
concerning the renaming of the Tiger mod folder: would it not also be ok to just rem out the 3do folder inside? I did this right after instaling the new TFM (the problem was there with the old TFM as well) and have not experienced any troubles yet...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: tmansteve on June 30, 2013, 05:25:26 AM
WoW!!! Almost got the lot and the fantastic campaigns.  Are there any special instructions for Tigers sounds as i had to remove the .rc file to get the Fly By's to work?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 30, 2013, 05:41:54 AM
Mmmmmh... I just love those splashscreens !

I am downloading now... do they come with a kind of randomizer, like in the new ModAct for 4.12 ? if yes, can they be installed in a normal DBW install ?

Presently you can just JSGME 'em in and out in a second!  I DID make a randomiser once, a little batchfile that you launch first.  I guess we could revive that one... ;D

The 4:12 Randomiser and interface is so cool isn't it.  I guess the future for DBW and TFM is based on 4:12, but that will be a new build, probably 4:13 or 14 eventually!  Meanwhile, I wonder if we could get that randomiser into our 4:101 based installs?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 30, 2013, 05:46:28 AM
WoW!!! Almost got the lot and the fantastic campaigns.  Are there any special instructions for Tigers sounds as i had to remove the .rc file to get the Fly By's to work?


That sounds wrong, and darkly ominous!  The .RC file lives in ...#DBW/STD - its 12.1Kb in size and MUST contain these lines at the end:

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_basic_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_cntrl_01.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay02.sfs

@sfs MOUNT tigersounds_1.sfs
@sfs MOUNT tigersounds_2.sfs

#preload REGISTER
@file .preload

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 30, 2013, 06:53:25 AM
Simon, with the New awesome splashscreens, your Music and "The-NewTFM" combined,,,  damn, its like a whole New Sim,   F'ing awesome man! Thank you!!!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 30, 2013, 07:06:02 AM
Simon, with the New awesome splashscreens, your Music and "The-NewTFM" combined,,,  damn, its like a whole New Sim,   F'ing awesome man! Thank you!!!

I agree Guy, the music is a particularly overlooked feature IMHO, when I looked at 4:12, that ghastly soundtrack was the first thing to go!  These soundpacks are universal of course, affecting the whole sim.  That's why I would like to have a few more themes to choose from.  But damn, they would have to be at the same quality, I just love scrolling through the New Campaign menu and changing the Nationalities.  Most have a new theme attached, some are shared, and there are some surprises!  Its a rocking set though and definately ain't no game, it sounds like a serious sim now!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: tmansteve on June 30, 2013, 07:24:53 AM
Sorry about that Monty.  That was for another install.

Here we go then   8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 30, 2013, 07:31:36 AM
The New TFM, "Very Cool" 8)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 30, 2013, 07:52:28 AM
Plowshare's new CVL's, Carsmaster's Water-4 and Ranwer's Carrier Crew mod V5, epic set, all built in there!  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 30, 2013, 07:55:39 AM
And PA_Jeronimos Brilliant 3d Work on the Wild Cats
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 'MadDog' on June 30, 2013, 08:08:08 AM
Hello Simon

First of all thank you for all your hard work on the New-TFM. I have climbed out of the CloD cockpit for a few days to install and fly the previous sim and it is looking both compact and streamlined. I am going to play the new Special Editions campaigns with the first being the Ace of Spades as it's JG53. I have a couple of questions for you:

I love the new splashscreens. I downloaded each of the 3 packs and unzipped them into jsgmemods. I then activated them and noticed that they are copied to their own #DBW folder instead of #DBW. Does this matter as the result is that I don't see any other splashscreen than the default one which is good too?

As you know I am a Bf-109 jock and I was wondering whether you have included the cockpits of Der Wurstenfuchs. His pits work seamlessly with the 109 pack.

Anyway, I am so pleased to see the new-TFM campaigns are coming out and am eagererly awaiting the one for BoB.

Best regards and good luck in your new home

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 30, 2013, 08:25:19 AM
Hello Simon

First of all thank you for all your hard work on the New-TFM. I have climbed out of the CloD cockpit for a few days to install and fly the previous sim and it is looking both compact and streamlined. I am going to play the new Special Editions campaigns with the first being the Ace of Spades as it's JG53. I have a couple of questions for you:

I love the new splashscreens. I downloaded each of the 3 packs and unzipped them into jsgmemods. I then activated them and noticed that they are copied to their own #DBW folder instead of #DBW. Does this matter as the result is that I don't see any other splashscreen than the default one which is good too?

As you know I am a Bf-109 jock and I was wondering whether you have included the cockpits of Der Wurstenfuch. His pits work seamlessly with the 109 pack.

Anyway, I am so pleased to see the new-TFM campaigns are coming out and am eagererly awaiting the one for BoB.

Best regards and good luck in your new home


Hi Euan, unzip the individual screen packs into JSGMEMODS, 5 per set, so 15 altogether into JSGMEMODS.

Don't know those pits at the moment, will take a look, any links?

Greif11's pits?  Had 'em in big TFM and they are fabulous.  Yes we should take a look at these, maybe a small sized update...

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 30, 2013, 08:26:11 AM
And PA_Jeronimos Brilliant 3d Work on the Wild Cats

Good, point, beautiful Wildcats!  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 'MadDog' on June 30, 2013, 08:31:28 AM
Wow Simon, talk about high speed comms

Yes, I simply downloaded the packs and unzipped straight into my jsgmemods folder and then activated them but they don't show up at all when I start the game. They appear in their own folders rather than inside #DBW. My thoughts are perhaps I have to manually install the one that I would like at the moment but I read the instruction you had posted which was to simply unzip into jsgmemods and activate. Doesn't work for me, can't see why.

The Der Wurstenfuchs cockpits come in a high and low rez version and the low rez one was designed to work perfectly with the SAS Bf 109 pack that came out some time ago. I will dig out a link to the page in these forums for you.


EDIT: Yes, Greif had reworked the original Der Wurstenfuchs work I believe. The default pit is not bad but the upgraded ones are really nice.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 30, 2013, 08:34:35 AM
Here is a Link to the Hi Res Bf-109 Pits  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,1947.msg20357.html#msg20357

Low Res Pits by CirX/Der Wurstenfuch  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,4505.msg44706.html#msg44706

Greif11    https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,28988.msg309043.html#msg309043
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 30, 2013, 08:38:14 AM
I use GreifWerke Pits myself.

This is the Greif's  Gustav Pit.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 30, 2013, 10:26:20 AM
Guys, if you want to change your QMB Mission Launch screen from the old DBW one: (See Screen Shot below)

In your STD Folder Make a New Folder, Rename it "  Missions  "  Place a copy of    background0_ru.mat   and what ever Picture  you want as long as its Saved  & Named as    Background.tga   :)

Like This:
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 4ent on June 30, 2013, 10:31:03 AM
 I used GW pits in New-TFM ,It worked till G-6,but lost cocpits for G-10,14 and K.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 30, 2013, 10:36:21 AM
@ 4ent    All my 109 Pits work, Try put a  #   in front of the Folder Name
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dpeters95 on June 30, 2013, 10:48:07 AM
Wow Simon, talk about high speed comms

Yes, I simply downloaded the packs and unzipped straight into my jsgmemods folder and then activated them but they don't show up at all when I start the game. They appear in their own folders rather than inside #DBW. My thoughts are perhaps I have to manually install the one that I would like at the moment but I read the instruction you had posted which was to simply unzip into jsgmemods and activate. Doesn't work for me, can't see why.

The Der Wurstenfuchs cockpits come in a high and low rez version and the low rez one was designed to work perfectly with the SAS Bf 109 pack that came out some time ago. I will dig out a link to the page in these forums for you.


EDIT: Yes, Greif had reworked the original Der Wurstenfuch work I believe. The default pit is not bad but the upgraded ones are really nice.

   I originally made the same mistake.  The folders you want to put in the jsgmemods folder are inside the "_DBW-NewTFM-XX" folders.  They are like this, "#DBW-NewTFM-XX".

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 4ent on June 30, 2013, 11:17:50 AM
Good tip,Thx Bravo :-)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on June 30, 2013, 11:37:43 AM

Does NewTFM create a new conf.ini in the main IL2 folder? If so I think i've overwritten mine with my old version as the difference in size was noticeable - can someone post a copy of the new one here please (If it exists LOL)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Crash_MX06 on June 30, 2013, 01:23:27 PM
Bravo, can you give me the links for the originals images, because I want to use them as wallpaper for my desktop :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 30, 2013, 02:04:22 PM
Crash, you have to go to Bogdan Constantin's Facebook Page to view where I got them from https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,34468.msg376062.html#msg376062
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Crash_MX06 on June 30, 2013, 02:07:11 PM
Ok thank you :D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 30, 2013, 03:52:26 PM
Crash, you have to go to Bogdan Constantin's Facebook Page to view where I got them from https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,34468.msg376062.html#msg376062
Lovely, a lot of the old favourites there and some new ones, shall I make some more screenpacks?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 30, 2013, 03:53:29 PM
Its up to you Buddy, Ill use them all. :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: RDDR Hangar19 on June 30, 2013, 05:26:10 PM
 Hi Bravo, Now that is sweet.
  Thanks very much? ;) ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 30, 2013, 05:33:12 PM

Bogdan is a really cool guy.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 30, 2013, 08:26:15 PM
From my new BoB campaign...




+ some New-TFM screens...

Wow, that's a fun place!  I think Facebook is much under-rated.  Its not all pissheads and selfies, there's a lot of interesting people and good stuff out there.  Just have to filter effectively.  ;D









Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 30, 2013, 08:33:53 PM
Cool, now thos Spotters look cool.

& thanks for the cool screen's.

I used to go on facebook to see how my Daughter is doing, she lives far away from me.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 30, 2013, 08:37:12 PM
Lol's  Simon you Posted Pack #2 link  not #4.

Check my new links   https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,34468.msg388416.html#msg388416   Reply #49 & 51
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Wulfy on June 30, 2013, 09:09:32 PM
Ok just to be sure, this is for DBW and 4.10?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 30, 2013, 09:37:16 PM
@ Bravo - Thanks, I'm all thumbs today... fixed link  :-[

@ Wulfy - If you can run DBW, download the 29 (fairly small) JSGME packs called New-TFM and numbered sequentially.  Make sure you have a CLEAN unmodded #DBW folder (one is provided on page 1).  Check you have the sfs files too (links on page 1).  JSGME activate and there you go!  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Metatron on June 30, 2013, 11:35:54 PM
Installed new TFM, was pretty easy, all the wonderful planes are there, however I have some effects issues:
fire and explosions have reverted to the old stock ones
fly by sounds are erratic, sometimes they work sometimes they don't.
jets are silent when at full throttle (as far as I can tell)

Btw due to space issues I installed everything straight to the clean DBW folder, and not through the mod enabler.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could tell me where to look for the problem.
Btw I installed it twice just to make sure.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 01, 2013, 12:54:33 AM

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 01, 2013, 01:18:25 AM
Installed new TFM, was pretty easy, all the wonderful planes are there, however I have some effects issues:
fire and explosions have reverted to the old stock ones
fly by sounds are erratic, sometimes they work sometimes they don't.
jets are silent when at full throttle (as far as I can tell)

Btw due to space issues I installed everything straight to the clean DBW folder, and not through the mod enabler.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could tell me where to look for the problem.
Btw I installed it twice just to make sure.

Sounds are very subjective and Tiger33's work best with 109's, Mustangs, Corsairs etc.  The heavies are great too, but if you want previous DBW sound to test side by side, simply turn off the Tiger33 sound folder.

New-TFM ADDS to DBW, it doesn't take anything away.  Nothing in there "reverts to stock".

Effects are another finely subjective balance between performance and eye candy.  Sets like Gurners or Plutonium can simply be dropped into the mods folder.  Why not try some? I have a Gurners FX package highlighted on page-1.

Tested the the hell out of various setups and can break the flybys and effects only by taking DBW off PERFECT settings, so don't do that!  It is worth checking with a new setup that you have PERFECT settings from the Open GL menu.  To restate; that will affect the quality of GRAPHICS and SOUND.








Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on July 01, 2013, 03:37:02 AM
This packs a monumental achievement Monty and has rekindled my passion for DBW - cheers mate !!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Metatron on July 01, 2013, 03:53:59 AM
Cheers monty, that sounds like a plan. You are right, the stock effects were there at DBW level.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 01, 2013, 06:20:51 AM
Thank you Simon so much, I had to try the new Splashscreen even before my 1st morning cup of coffee, and I love it. Thanks Buddy.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 01, 2013, 07:44:19 AM
Thank you Simon so much, I had to try the new Splashscreen even before my 1st morning cup of coffee, and I love it. Thanks Buddy.

Team effort mate, like everything else here.  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: matori on July 01, 2013, 07:46:43 AM
I installed IL2 Selector 3.1 from SAS ModAct 5.10 in New TFM JSGME set o1-29 game that comes to 60% and then it turns out, the other thing, in the drop down menu IL-2 SELECT a DBW-NEW TFM does not exist. Please help, thanks in advance.~S~ :'( :-[ ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 01, 2013, 07:50:32 AM
Lol, No you dont look for New TFM, just Launch Dark Blue World in the drop down menue, lol.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 01, 2013, 08:02:23 AM
Lol, No you dont look for New TFM, just Launch Dark Blue World in the drop down menue, lol.

Well  it does for you Bravo!  But let's not get into selector editing, one step at a time, DBW it is!  New-TFM will also confirm its presence when you launch DBW and see the new screen.  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: matori on July 01, 2013, 08:41:41 AM
Thanks mate, it is clear that the picture DBW 1.71 and TFM at the beginning of the game, but I do not understand why it stops at 60% load, trying to find what the real issue, I note that I put the sfs and Tigerr 33 in the main game folder and JSGME going 6DOF and full country and clean DBW-TFM and TFM then only 01-029., but .... _?? ~ S ~
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Wulfy on July 01, 2013, 08:50:51 AM
So just to make sure...
You have a clean DBW 4.10.1

Then you DL all the new TFM packs.

Launch DBW
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: matori on July 01, 2013, 12:36:55 PM
Yes I have clean 4.101 and DBW 1.71,but...?? :'( :-[
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Wulfy on July 01, 2013, 12:47:51 PM
There sould be no reason then. Reinstal Il-2. patch it up, get DBW, get this.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 01, 2013, 05:09:26 PM
There sould be no reason then. Reinstal Il-2. patch it up, get DBW, get this.

Wulfy!  I could not have put it better!  Like Alexander the Great, it really is that simple, cut through the Gordian Knot!  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 01, 2013, 05:57:17 PM
Yeah, folks Wulfy learned like Us,"the hard way", so listen to him, he knows what he is talking about. "You go Wulfy"!!!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Wulfy on July 01, 2013, 07:31:54 PM
 :P I find that may seem like the toughest way to go (re installing) but 99% of the time it solves all problems, so it is actually the easy way (no hassle)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 01, 2013, 08:04:17 PM
Well unless you just pay much attention in what you are doing, but that is hard for most folks to do!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sphantom on July 01, 2013, 08:37:58 PM
Well unless you just pay much attention in what you are doing, but that is hard for most folks to do!!!!!!!!!
A old saying do not throw rocks in a glass house plus I remember you from the early days
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 02, 2013, 01:15:13 AM
Yes when I used to not pay much attention, lol, I used to couldnt! :D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Wulfy on July 02, 2013, 06:16:27 AM
Lol that for some images going in my head ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 02, 2013, 12:00:30 PM
Hello Simon!

just a quick idea from me: could you maybe add Whitecat´s and the missing Redko repaints of the maps they did?
I spent an evening yesterday adding various maps that some campaigns I still have needed, among them the great "War Cruise" series;
its part 3 needs the WHC repaint of Hawaii to function properly in the beginning missions and those look damn great;
being a Corsair guy, this is one of the best campaigns for that bird;
those repaints should not weigh in too heavy and are easy to add, it just takes time to download and add them individually...

just an idea from me to make a great pack even greater :)


ps.: the "Random Failures" mod does not seem to work any more with the new TFM;
I can enter a mission, but then its CTD; without Random Failures, all works well though...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SlowBurn68 on July 02, 2013, 12:33:03 PM
Once all 29 folders are in jsgme, do all mods in each folder require you to add all the lines to Air.ini, Plane_RU.properties, Weapons_RU.properties etc. from the readme?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 02, 2013, 12:53:34 PM
@ Slowburn:  No. Just activate the packs in sequence and let them overwrite each other;
the appropriate ini and properties files will be updated with each sequential pack just as the respective packs require it...
could not be more easy or more convenient :)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SlowBurn68 on July 02, 2013, 01:25:10 PM
@ Slowburn:  No. Just activate the packs in sequence and let them overwrite each other;
the appropriate ini and properties files will be updated with each sequential pack just as the respective packs require it...
could not be more easy or more convenient :)

Phewww. Thanks for that good news.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 02, 2013, 02:05:55 PM
you will see that the beauty of those packs lies in the simplicity to install them :)
its well worth the download and the install effort :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Metatron on July 02, 2013, 03:10:19 PM
Well, I have concluded that the sound issues and slow downs I was experiencing was as a result of pushing my system too far, as Monty described in the initial post about the Java wall. Though I love the features of TFM, I think it is simply too much for my laptop, unless I want to experience it with reduced quality graphics. So I am going to revert to DBW and smaller packs such as Poltava's SCW. I want to avoid installing individual mods as much as possible, as I always end up making a mess.

But I would like to thank Monty once more, not only for compiling TFM, but also demonstrating how simple it is to make a back up with the DBW folder. This will no doubt save my install many times.  :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SlowBurn68 on July 02, 2013, 03:33:45 PM
you will see that the beauty of those packs lies in the simplicity to install them :)
its well worth the download and the install effort :)

Quick question - Special instructions on File #24 Bomber Command Upgrade say: "Once you activate the Bomber Command Upgrade with JSGME you must delete the folder AIR_Wellington MK_III from #DBW." Where is the #DBW folder, where I find the AIR_Wellington MK_III folder, to delete?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Forager on July 02, 2013, 03:53:08 PM
Open your IL2 folder and the top folder should be DBW.

This contains all the TFM stuff you have activated.

 Open DBW and scroll down to the  folder: AIR_Wellington MK_III and delete it.

 If your activation of #24 went well there should be a folder AIR_Wellington_412for409_FLY, DO NOT DELETE THIS ONE.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SlowBurn68 on July 02, 2013, 04:03:39 PM
Open your IL2 folder and the top folder should be DBW.

This contains all the TFM stuff you have activated.

 Open DBW and scroll down to the  folder: AIR_Wellington MK_III and delete it.

 If your activation of #24 went well there should be a folder AIR_Wellington_412for409_FLY, DO NOT DELETE THIS ONE.

I see - Thank you much Forager.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 02, 2013, 11:58:43 PM
Still keeping them small and easy to deal with, addon in minutes!




1) AIR_Stranraer
2) Tanks_411_for409_v1.01

Thanks to SAS~Epervier for converting the 4.11 tanks for DBW and to mikoyan99 for his beautiful RAF Coastal Command Supermarine Stranraer, see this one in the Battle of Britain.



Thanks Bravo, nice screen, lets run it through the old processor... 8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 03, 2013, 12:10:43 AM
Just installed TFM #30, Game started right up. Thanks Simon.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 03, 2013, 12:12:27 AM
Hmmm, tough aspect ratio to balance with widescreen, great picture though.

How's this?


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 03, 2013, 12:13:13 AM
Yes its perfect, Thanks.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 03, 2013, 12:21:00 AM
Yes its perfect, Thanks.
Great, added both of yours to the front page for everybody, love 'em!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Gaston on July 03, 2013, 01:50:29 AM
Nice !

Hope you will add the He-111 A-B-E to the pack... LOL
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 03, 2013, 01:55:19 AM
Are they not more SCW Gaston?  I am trying to keep to WWII/Korea with New-TFM, but I think Poltava should add these older HE-111s to his SCW.  That would be nice... 8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Gaston on July 03, 2013, 01:56:37 AM
Well... you made a Flying Tigers campaign... and the He-111A was used in China by the Chinese Air Force ! so I think it has its place... don't you think so ?

Anyway, this is just a proposal... you da boss, dear friend !
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 'MadDog' on July 03, 2013, 03:19:05 AM
Hello Everybody

I had noticed that on my system the HD skins were not  showing up. I checked that the Pack 24 was correctly installed and that the dll files were present in the  root. All was as it should  be. After reading up  on the  HD mod I  discovered a popular fix is to install the Carmasters Light in IL2 mod which includes a mod folder and 6 dll files which should be allowed to overwrite the originals.

Et voila. Gumpy's lovely HD 109 E-4 with improved spinner in all its glory.

I thought I would pass this on as an  easy fix  for anyone who is struggling  to  understand  why their  HD  skins  don't show up in game. This light mod does something really good for the game's effects too.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Poltava on July 03, 2013, 03:49:27 AM
Are they not more SCW Gaston?  I am trying to keep to WWII/Korea with New-TFM, but I think Poltava should add these older HE-111s to his SCW.  That would be nice... 8)

Yes, I can confirm that DreamK's early He-111's can already be found in "IL-2 SCW", as a part of Update Pack 2. (http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1716)

All remaining SCW-era aircraft will be added with Update 3.  :)

I think that a partitioning of the game along this chronological axis is pretty inevitable, due to the dreaded Java-wall, and due to the fact that we - luckily! - still can see more and more aircraft and objects added. (We already have all WW1 material gathered in "DBW 1916"). The thing is that this is really no big problem, given that you can have multiple installs, switch between different packs with jsgme etc etc.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 03, 2013, 04:57:52 AM
Excellent thank you, I think I only had update-1 so far, great job!  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 03, 2013, 06:29:42 AM
Thats the Beauty of my HolyGrail Install, I can have 2, or more DBW's and so on, see screen shots below, I have SCW for DBW set into a New-TFM and a Normal New-TFM for 1946 to Korea. IL2 Selector 3.1 makes this all work Flawlessly.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Poltava on July 03, 2013, 06:32:55 AM
What a brilliant lack of complication there, Bravo!  :D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Gaston on July 03, 2013, 06:45:14 AM
Well, Monty and Poltava... early He-111 and Br20 have their place in a non SCW install, as they were also used in Asia... just my opinion, of course !

And not bad... I should do a DBW_SCW folder instead of having a SCW complete install... I did it with DBW1966...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Crash_MX06 on July 03, 2013, 06:50:16 AM
Is SCW already in New-TFM or TFM? or we need to download it?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 03, 2013, 07:08:08 AM
Thanks Poltava, I just installed Update Pack two, and all is well! :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 03, 2013, 07:31:06 AM
Is SCW already in New-TFM or TFM? or we need to download it?

SCW is a Separate Era, Spanish Civil War
Get it here:

New-TFM is for WWII - Korea

Both with deliberately separate mod folders for the best performance.  With the V5 Selector they can be run simultaneously in the same install as highlighted by Bravo.
(You may want to write a tutorial on this one Guy, its a brilliant setup)

@Poltava - Ditto the SCW Update, straight into my mods folder (I use #SCW with new selector) works like a charm, absolutely nothing for me to do, everything covered.  Got the early Heinkels now, thanks a lot mate!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bergkamp on July 03, 2013, 07:35:02 AM
Well, thanks a bunch, Monty. I have been out of the game for several months and have spent the last 2 weeks downloading and installing TFM and New TFM, then stap me, just when I thought it safe to resume ops, I turn my back and you go and blind side me with part 30!
Seriously, though, I have recently purchased a new pc and have had great fun installing the packs and seeing if she can take all that TFM's throw at me. All good news so far. I managed to plough through 94 + 18 pages of threads as I went and managed both installations relatively trouble free, so thanks to all who have taken time and trouble to iron out problems and given advice.
On a cautionary note, I got way too clever installing New TFM and renamed Tigers sounds too early in the install. After loading part 24, the whole game crashed as I now had two Tigers sounds folders in my #DBW folder.  I had to roll back to the very beginning and start afresh with a clean #DBW folder. All up and running smoothly now, though, ready for that pesky part30.

Cheers, Only one DB
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 03, 2013, 07:38:52 AM
Hehe, well at least New-TFM's small size makes it possible to roll back all the way and not lose a whole week doing it.  Lean and mean! (I have been spending way too much time lately talking with US Service personnel)  ;D

Even so, there is a whole lot of extra content in New-TFM and the campaigns showcase many of the new features.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 03, 2013, 07:59:14 AM
concerning the SCW this means I just get SCW plus update, drop the files in the #DBW_SCW folder, use the new IL2 Selector, configure it to load the mods from the 'DBW_SCW folder and this works then?

My install runs the new TFM flawlessly I should mention..

oh, and which files do I need from the new Modact to get the new Selector working in the TFM install?
the selector itself, the il2fb.ini, the bin folder (?)

thanks in advance for any help on this

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: matori on July 03, 2013, 08:06:56 AM
So just to make sure...
You have a clean DBW 4.10.1

Then you DL all the new TFM packs.

Launch DBW
I did re-install the Il-46 DBW 4.10.1 + 1.71 + SAS mode act.5.1 + TFM and again falls to 60%?? can you help me, please.
That DL should check where it is in the main folder of the game, not just something the news with computers only learn,  ~ S ~ :-[ ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 03, 2013, 08:09:04 AM
concerning the SCW this means I just get SCW plus update, drop the files in the #DBW_SCW folder, use the new IL2 Selector, configure it to load the mods from the 'DBW_SCW folder and this works then?

My install runs the new TFM flawlessly I should mention..

oh, and which files do I need from the new Modact to get the new Selector working in the TFM install?
the selector itself, the il2fb.ini, the bin folder (?)

thanks in advance for any help on this

You got it!  I used a Clean #DBW folder, renamed to #SCW, then configured the selector Il2fb.INI, then just unzipped Poltava's SCW into the folder followed by the updates.  Best of all worlds now, this is the future!  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 03, 2013, 08:12:10 AM
So just to make sure...
You have a clean DBW 4.10.1

Then you DL all the new TFM packs.

Launch DBW
I did re-install the Il-46 DBW 4.10.1 + 1.71 + SAS mode act.5.1 + TFM and again falls to 60%?? can you help me, please.
That DL should check where it is in the main folder of the game, not just something the news with computers only learn,  ~ S ~ :-[ ;)

OK roll back, go into logical mode, these packs are small and we are only talking New-TFM, BTW.

Test Vanilla DBW launch & quick mission with no JSGME activated

Activate New-TFM-01 - repeat test
Activate New-TFM-02 - repeat test

etc, that will give you a better idea of what's happening and when.

Also: Read up on the selector, you can generate 60% CTD with an inappropriate RAM setting.  512 is usual, higher can get unstable.  Test Vanilla DBW with different RAM settings and observe, or leave it alone at 512 (bet you pushed it?)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 03, 2013, 08:13:15 AM
New Instructions to use IL2 Selector.exe 3.1    https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,35642.msg389112.html#msg389112
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 03, 2013, 08:15:33 AM
New Instructions to use IL2 Selector.exe 3.1    https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,35642.msg389112.html#msg389112

...thinking along the same lines...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 03, 2013, 08:16:30 AM
Lol. its what Team Work is all about!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 03, 2013, 09:03:17 AM
thanks guys!

just came back from testing my SCW section...and it works beautifully!
while testing the Ni-52 I saw a cool effect I did not notice before;
the Ni-52 (and the Spit 1 I tested next) show a distinct black smoking contrail when pushed into a dive, eg putting negative g on the airframe;
that looks really cool and is a good indication that someone is pushing his engine verrry hard... :)

that new selector is great too, maybe the reason to try out that DBW 1916 thingie as well if configuring is that easy :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 03, 2013, 09:54:42 AM
Guys Please Check this out   https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,35642.msg389138.html#msg389138

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 03, 2013, 01:33:28 PM
and for those who want to install the new IL2 Selector, extract it from the new Modact and then copy the "bin" folder, together with the IL2Selector.exe, the il2fb.ini and the il2fb.exe over into your game install directory; for safety, make a backup of the old bin folder together with the ini and the exe files of the old selector;
worked like a charm for me...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Poltava on July 03, 2013, 03:17:29 PM
Well, Monty and Poltava... early He-111 and Br20 have their place in a non SCW install, as they were also used in Asia... just my opinion, of course !

You got a point there! But I could consider making a sort of non-SCW update pack to "IL-2 SCW" as well, with pre-1939 aircraft used in other wars, like the the Fiat CR.20 (for the Chaco War), the Hawk 75 with fixed undercarriage, the Mitsubishi Ki-10 and the Mitsubishi Ki-30 (i.e. Skippers "Ki-51"). Because a number of DreamK's aircraft that can now be found in IL-2 SCW were used in Asia as well - like the Dewoitine 510, the Grumman Delfin, the Polikarpov RZ and the Northrop Gamma. It makes sense.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Gaston on July 03, 2013, 03:58:48 PM
Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking about, Poltava !

But I have another problem...

I have made a special test install for TFM2. Before installing the folders with JSGME, I launch the game, everything works fine. Then, I installed the 30 TFM files. Launches the game again, OK, everything loads fine. Launch a Flying Tigers campaign, and there, no go. I search a bit, and try the map in FMB (cztx_Burma_lower). And here is a problem : impossible to load the map, the game makes a CTD.

So I desinstall everything with JSGME and revert back to a non-TFM2 DBW game. I try the map again, and no problem : it loads fine, I can save a mission. So I load the 1st file (01) in JSGME, launch the game and go directly to the FMB to test the map. And here again, impossible to load it, CTD. Has anyone else the same bug (I hope that I have been clear in my words) ?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 03, 2013, 04:53:07 PM
thanks guys!

just came back from testing my SCW section...and it works beautifully!
while testing the Ni-52 I saw a cool effect I did not notice before;
the Ni-52 (and the Spit 1 I tested next) show a distinct black smoking contrail when pushed into a dive, eg putting negative g on the airframe;
that looks really cool and is a good indication that someone is pushing his engine verrry hard... :)

that new selector is great too, maybe the reason to try out that DBW 1916 thingie as well if configuring is that easy :)

Dead right, here's a few places to start...


Just get yourself fully VPMedia upgraded and chuck away all the obselete stuff!

Created for:
D A R K   B L U E   W O R L D (1.71) - 1916

- DBW 1916 update v2.1 (UPDATED! 15.03)
- DBW 1916 SKINPACKS 1/2/3/4
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 03, 2013, 04:59:00 PM
Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking about, Poltava !

But I have another problem...

I have made a special test install for TFM2. Before installing the folders with JSGME, I launch the game, everything works fine. Then, I installed the 30 TFM files. Launches the game again, OK, everything loads fine. Launch a Flying Tigers campaign, and there, no go. I search a bit, and try the map in FMB (cztx_Burma_lower). And here is a problem : impossible to load the map, the game makes a CTD.

So I desinstall everything with JSGME and revert back to a non-TFM2 DBW game. I try the map again, and no problem : it loads fine, I can save a mission. So I load the 1st file (01) in JSGME, launch the game and go directly to the FMB to test the map. And here again, impossible to load it, CTD. Has anyone else the same bug (I hope that I have been clear in my words) ?

YES SOLVED - The correct Mission entry is:

MAP cztx_BurmaLower/load.ini

Replace cztx_Burma_lower/load.ini with cztx_BurmaLower/load.ini

I have no idea how you have a set of missions with this entry, physical deletion of the old ones and a re-download will also solve the issue.  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Gaston on July 04, 2013, 12:54:54 AM
So the correction has to be done in the all.ini file of the maps folder, I think... am I right ?

Anyway, I was right to insist with my questions... LOL
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 04, 2013, 01:35:20 AM
So the correction has to be done in the all.ini file of the maps folder, I think... am I right ?

Anyway, I was right to insist with my questions... LOL

I was suggesting editing each mission file to match your map entries, but either way we know the answer now and you can fly the missions!  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 04, 2013, 09:12:20 AM
done the new Selector style install, DBW 1916 now also works on my install of the new TFM;
thanks guys for pointing out this method of getting stuff running :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Poltava on July 04, 2013, 02:33:41 PM
I have a VERY special problem.  ???

Right now I am playtesting my big Bf109 campaign "Years of Triumph" with the new TFM. And it has run nicely until the invasion of France. Suddenly the mission starts with a big bang, with pieces of aircraft flying all over the place. When I have just one flight on the map, when the mission starts the other aircraft are zooming straight up into the blue yonder with stalled engines while the players aircraft quietly sits down on the ground with retracted undercarriage.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? It can't be a clash of mods, as I use a pristine new version of TFM, fresh from Montys mint. So what the heck can it be?   :'( And AFAIK nothing you do in FMB can give these pretty bizarre effects...

Any clues anyone?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Flying H on July 04, 2013, 02:41:20 PM
Poltava, I have experienced such madness when one or some waepons where missing for some AC in the mission! There shouldbe a note in the logfile like "cannot  load weapon default" or the like!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Gaston on July 04, 2013, 02:43:14 PM
YES SOLVED - The correct Mission entry is:

MAP cztx_BurmaLower/load.ini

Replace cztx_Burma_lower/load.ini with cztx_BurmaLower/load.ini

I have no idea how you have a set of missions with this entry, physical deletion of the old ones and a re-download will also solve the issue.  ;D

Sorry, Monty, but it is a no-go... I copied this in the all.ini file (in maps) and tried to load the map : impossible, the game tries and CTD... but with a clean DBW, the map loads fine, so it is not a SFS problem... I really do not understand ! I saw that when I load the first pack (#DBW-NewTFM-01), this map begins immediately to cause a CTD... but nothing i linked to maps... or maybe is there an influence by Tiger sound mod (I heard it can affect some maps...)... in this case, maybe is there something wrong in my conf.ini... here it is :

Code: [Select]
title=Il2-Sturmovik Forgotten Battles
hotkeys=HotKey game



Open GL=Opengl32.dll

serverName=No Name




[HotKey game]

[HotKey gui]

[HookViewFly Config]


[HookView Config]

[HotKey builder]
Shift MouseLeft=worldZoom
Alt MouseLeft=select+
Alt MouseRight=select-
Alt Ctrl=unselect
Ctrl MouseLeft=insert+
Ctrl MouseRight=delete+

F4 MouseRight=Zmove
F5 MouseRight=Amove
F6 MouseRight=Tmove
F7 MouseRight=Kmove

[MouseXYZ Config]

[HotKey Console]
Shift Tab=Activate




X=0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 0
Y=0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 0
Z=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
RZ=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0
U=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0
V=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0
1X=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 0
1Y=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 0
1Z=0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 0
1RZ=0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 0
1U=0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 0
1V=0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 0















Is there anything suspicious ?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Poltava on July 04, 2013, 02:58:05 PM
Poltava, I have experienced such madness when one or some waepons where missing for some AC in the mission! There shouldbe a note in the logfile like "cannot  load weapon default" or the like!

Thanks for the tip! Will check it out ASAP!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Gaston on July 04, 2013, 03:28:52 PM
FOUND ! I desactivated the Tiger Sound Mod with a -, and now... map loads fine, I can save mission, track loads fine too, and I launch the first mission : no problem too.

So something must be wrong in my conf.ini, causing an interference between Tiger's mod and this map (and probably others...). But I do not know the colution.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 04, 2013, 07:12:34 PM
I have a VERY special problem.  ???

Right now I am playtesting my big Bf109 campaign "Years of Triumph" with the new TFM. And it has run nicely until the invasion of France. Suddenly the mission starts with a big bang, with pieces of aircraft flying all over the place. When I have just one flight on the map, when the mission starts the other aircraft are zooming straight up into the blue yonder with stalled engines while the players aircraft quietly sits down on the ground with retracted undercarriage.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? It can't be a clash of mods, as I use a pristine new version of TFM, fresh from Montys mint. So what the heck can it be?   :'( And AFAIK nothing you do in FMB can give these pretty bizarre effects...

Any clues anyone?

YES!  This is specifically a LOADOUT problem, often Stukas or bomb carrying 109s.  Changing the loadout will solve the spawn crash.  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 04, 2013, 07:20:11 PM
YES SOLVED - The correct Mission entry is:

MAP cztx_BurmaLower/load.ini

Replace cztx_Burma_lower/load.ini with cztx_BurmaLower/load.ini

I have no idea how you have a set of missions with this entry, physical deletion of the old ones and a re-download will also solve the issue.  ;D

Sorry, Monty, but it is a no-go... I copied this in the all.ini file (in maps) and tried to load the map : impossible, the game tries and CTD... but with a clean DBW, the map loads fine, so it is not a SFS problem... I really do not understand ! I saw that when I load the first pack (#DBW-NewTFM-01), this map begins immediately to cause a CTD... but nothing i linked to maps... or maybe is there an influence by Tiger sound mod (I heard it can affect some maps...)... in this case, maybe is there something wrong in my conf.ini... here it is :

Code: [Select]
title=Il2-Sturmovik Forgotten Battles
hotkeys=HotKey game



Open GL=Opengl32.dll

serverName=No Name




[HotKey game]

[HotKey gui]

[HookViewFly Config]


[HookView Config]

[HotKey builder]
Shift MouseLeft=worldZoom
Alt MouseLeft=select+
Alt MouseRight=select-
Alt Ctrl=unselect
Ctrl MouseLeft=insert+
Ctrl MouseRight=delete+

F4 MouseRight=Zmove
F5 MouseRight=Amove
F6 MouseRight=Tmove
F7 MouseRight=Kmove

[MouseXYZ Config]

[HotKey Console]
Shift Tab=Activate




X=0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 0
Y=0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 0
Z=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
RZ=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0
U=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0
V=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0
1X=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 0
1Y=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 0
1Z=0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 0
1RZ=0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 0
1U=0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 0
1V=0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 0















Is there anything suspicious ?

Hi Gaston

don't know how you have different MAP load.ini entries to me but as long as you have a version of the map it is easily solved.  New-TFM includes an expanded modded map section and that should be good to go.

If not, here are the steps to fix or convert ANY mission from ANY source, that is not playing ball.

1) Identify problem missions and look at MAP entry at the top of each mission file.
2) Load the map in FMB and save a blank mission
3) Check the MAP entry at the top of your new mission file and note  the difference
4) Replace the lines at the top of each of the *.mis files that do not work for you.

Tedious?  A bit, but campaign makers get quick at cut and paste and you are no stranger to this process.   ;D

Even with a different version of the map, the missions will load up and put all the scenery and aircraft where they should be.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Gaston on July 04, 2013, 11:40:41 PM
Yes, I know this... but maybde I did not explain myself well. This is not a problem of typo in all.ini or in mis files of the campaign.

If I desactivate the Tiger sound mod, everything is back to normal : tracks and missions on this map load fine, I can access the map in FMB and save a mission.

What is strange is this problem with Tiger sound mod : if this mod is active, the map does not work anymore...

Anyway, I can live without this sound mod... so, in order to èplay this campaign, I desactivate it and it is OK !
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 05, 2013, 02:45:15 AM
Hello guys and ultra many congratulations for this cyclopean job!!!
I downloading all packs and next time I will try to install they and I hope to do all well....

Just a question: this job could be the start of a prospective DBW 1.8....?


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Poltava on July 05, 2013, 02:47:39 AM
Poltava, I have experienced such madness when one or some waepons where missing for some AC in the mission! There shouldbe a note in the logfile like "cannot  load weapon default" or the like!

Flying H, Monty - thanks for your prompt rensponse. Yes, that was the snag! Problem solved, case closed, on to Paris!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 05, 2013, 05:31:14 PM
Hello guys and ultra many congratulations for this cyclopean job!!!
I downloading all packs and next time I will try to install they and I hope to do all well....

Just a question: this job could be the start of a prospective DBW 1.8....?



I believe it helps! The feedback here is great and we continue to highlight what we like and iron out the gremlins.  Eventually, we may see an official expansion, properly compressed, done by the people who really know what they are doing.  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

We are doing our part...

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: matori on July 06, 2013, 08:42:51 AM
"Once you activate the Bomber Command Upgrade with JSGME you must delete the folder AIR_Wellington MK_III from #DBW."
I did that and the game fell to 60%, when I came to mention the file plays normally start until TFM 28, when I put it on, it drops to 60% when I put the last 27 TFM's all good. Know I'm boring but if you can advice, thanks ~ S ~
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on July 06, 2013, 10:03:25 AM
Crashed at 20%, so I need to start over from scratch.  I followed the directions here to the letter, so my DBW install must not have been as "vanilla" as I thought.   ???

Here's my question:  When I added the 23 parts in sequence (followed by 24, 25, Final Map Upgrade, 28, and Carrier Upgrade), I would get a pop up warning between each one telling me that certain files had already been changed by another part, and did I want to continue?  I entered Yes each time.   The letters of most titles turned gray when I shifted them from the left to right column in JSGME; only a few titles were black.  What does this signify? I'm not sure whether the overwrites were supposed to happen that way or if these parts of the mod never activated.  :-X
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dpeters95 on July 06, 2013, 11:40:50 AM
Crashed at 20%, so I need to start over from scratch.  I followed the directions here to the letter, so my DBW install must not have been as "vanilla" as I thought.   ???

Here's my question:  When I added the 23 parts in sequence (followed by 24, 25, Final Map Upgrade, 28, and Carrier Upgrade), I would get a pop up warning between each one telling me that certain files had already been changed by another part, and did I want to continue?  I entered Yes each time.   The letters of most titles turned gray when I shifted them from the left to right column in JSGME; only a few titles were black.  What does this signify? I'm not sure whether the overwrites were supposed to happen that way or if these parts of the mod never activated.  :-X

rkalhorn109, your JSGME is working correctly.  As you add most of the higher numbered NEW-TFM folders they overwrite previous information.  Inorder to protect the file integrity, JSGME turns the previous filename gray so that you cannot deactivate it out of sequence.  You must deactivate in reverse order except for the folder names which are black which indicates they did not overwrite anything when installed.  Good luck...

p.s.  A 20% crash usually means "missing java class files".

Verify you have these files in your root IL-2 folder:
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on July 06, 2013, 07:46:17 PM
A 20% crash usually means "missing java class files".

Verify you have these files in your root IL-2 folder:

Those were the first files I downloaded and installed.  Can you please specify the meaning of root folder?  I put them in the same general folder as all the other files (IL2fb, JSGME, IL2Setup, conf.ini, etc.).  Is this correct?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sphantom on July 07, 2013, 07:56:06 AM
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Flying H on July 07, 2013, 01:23:44 PM
I have gone through the jsgme-installing buissness all the way to New-TFM 30 and I´m a happy "pilot"!! (I would have preferred to do it the benito TotalMODer way as it´s so much faster but now I´m there!!)
THX Monty27!!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 08, 2013, 12:18:25 AM
I have gone through the jsgme-installing buissness all the way to New-TFM 30 and I´m a happy "pilot"!! (I would have preferred to do it the benito TotalMODer way as it´s so much faster but now I´m there!!)
THX Monty27!!

I also like TotalMODer, its the next gen.  However, sharing these little packages through JSGME works well.  They don't take more than a few minutes to activate and were easier for me to build and test in this format.  Glad you are up and running and can now dive into the kind of campaigns and missions that only the TFM'mers can enjoy!  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 08, 2013, 01:33:17 AM
I believe it helps! The feedback here is great and we continue to highlight what we like and iron out the gremlins.  Eventually, we may see an official expansion, properly compressed, done by the people who really know what they are doing.  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

We are doing our part...

Hi, many thanks for your reply! I really hope in a new DBW 1.8.... in the future :) :)
Good Job!!!!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 08, 2013, 01:51:04 AM



1) Colossus Family
2) HMS E Class Destroyers
3) HMS U class submarines
4) USN Fletcher Class Destroyers
5) Vpmedia ShipPack2 Upgrades

Thanks to Ashehouses, crazyeddie, Flakiten, gio963tto, Plowshare, VPmedia and western0221 for this comprehensive DBW Fleet upgrade.





1 )  J4M1 Senden
2 )  J4M2A Senden Kai
3 )  J7W1 Shinden UPGRADE
4 )  J7W1 Shinden field mod
5 )  J7W1-II Shinden-Otsu
6 )  J7W2 Shinden Kai
7 )  J7M3-A Shinden Kai-Hei
8 )  Ki98 Manshu
9 )  Ki98II Manshu
10) Ki98III Manshu
11) Ki98IV Manshu Ace Mod

Building on the concept models of Kodomo, Paulus has produced a great series of 1946 projects that make very economic use of sim resources and are perfect for New-TFM.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 08, 2013, 04:35:26 AM
A quick question: I must to unzip fb410_clay01.sfs, fb410_clay02.sfs, tigersounds_1.sfs, tigersounds_2.sfs in the JSGMEMODS folder and activate them before start to install TFM 01-32?
Many thanks for your help!



p.s. I apologise for my hard head... :-[
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 08, 2013, 05:00:19 AM
thanks a lot Simon for the new packs :)
is it too much to ask if you could provide a readme in future packs, containing the changes one needs to apply to the various ini files?
I am pretty sure that several buys mod their install a little bit more, adding this and that and it would be fine to be able to just add the necessary stuff to the appropriate ini files without the need for winmerge for example to compare files and add stuff :)

just an idea if its possible and does not involve too much work on your side :)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 08, 2013, 07:20:32 AM
Phil, have a poke around in there and you will find all the 'readmes' and install notes are present...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 08, 2013, 07:22:39 AM
A quick question: I must to unzip fb410_clay01.sfs, fb410_clay02.sfs, tigersounds_1.sfs, tigersounds_2.sfs in the JSGMEMODS folder and activate them before start to install TFM 01-32?
Many thanks for your help!



p.s. I apologise for my hard head... :-[

No Marco, the SFS files live in your Il2 root directory.  :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 08, 2013, 08:14:50 AM
Just installed #31 & #32 all is working perfect. Thanks for the upgrade Simon. :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 08, 2013, 08:48:00 AM
just found out that with the correct workflow, even WinMerge can be used efficiently :) it was very easy to add the new packs to my existing modded version :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 08, 2013, 06:09:13 PM
just found out that with the correct workflow, even WinMerge can be used efficiently :) it was very easy to add the new packs to my existing modded version :)

Excellent, adding ships is a bitch whoever you are, so well done.  The main criteria for any upgrade is:  will we see it or use it in campaigns? - Got some great missions coming up...  ;D

@Bravo - Those new SWOTJN's will be right up your street!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on July 08, 2013, 09:49:05 PM
I've got TFM up and running now.  Spectacular!  But I'm experiencing two problems:

1.  No flyby sounds except when an aircraft is on a takeoff roll.  Once a plane is in the air, complete silence when I hit F3.  I did make the following conf.ini adjustments:


But I cannot find the [Mods] section in my conf.ini, so I cannot make this adjustment:


Do I have to add these two lines in my conf.ini?

2.  The engine of one particular subtype of the Fw 190D-9, the Oct-Nov 1944 version, will not start its motor when I select Scramble in QMB and hit the I key for ignition.  But if I begin the mission in the air, land the aircraft, and shut off the engine, I can start the engine again by hitting the I key.  Other aircraft, including other members of the 190D series, do not seem affected by this bug.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on July 08, 2013, 11:07:50 PM
I'd like to add that the game modded with TFM now looks and runs better than I've ever seen.  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 09, 2013, 01:10:45 AM
Hello Simon!

yeah, everything went smooth as silk; well it helps if one knows what ini files have seen a change during the install of a certain mod;
in my case it was mostly aircraft with the exception of the Midway map repaint that required some changes to the static.ini;
the rest was simply comparing the files with WinMerge and adding what was missing in my inis;

a good advice I am following religiously by now is to back up the ini files BEFORE adding new stuff; that way a rollback is easy to perform;

thanks for the great work and continued support :)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 09, 2013, 02:40:13 AM




Thanks to SAS~Malone and SAS~Epervier for these extra ordnance objects and imports from V4.12.  The new objects include BIG scrimnets, large enough for a B24!


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 09, 2013, 03:02:52 AM



New-TFM Objects.pdf
With New-TFM FMB now packing over 2,500 FMB static objects, its party time for the campaign makers!  To assist with their tracking and location I have recently listed them all, with pictures, and compiled this handy quick reference PDF.

New-TFM Objects.pdf

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 09, 2013, 03:21:37 AM
I've got TFM up and running now.  Spectacular!  But I'm experiencing two problems:

1.  No flyby sounds except when an aircraft is on a takeoff roll.  Once a plane is in the air, complete silence when I hit F3.  I did make the following conf.ini adjustments:


But I cannot find the [Mods] section in my conf.ini, so I cannot make this adjustment:


Do I have to add these two lines in my conf.ini?

2.  The engine of one particular subtype of the Fw 190D-9, the Oct-Nov 1944 version, will not start its motor when I select Scramble in QMB and hit the I key for ignition.  But if I begin the mission in the air, land the aircraft, and shut off the engine, I can start the engine again by hitting the I key.  Other aircraft, including other members of the 190D series, do not seem affected by this bug.

I'd like to add that the game modded with TFM now looks and runs better than I've ever seen.  8)

A very good point rkalhorn109, all of us testing New-TFM noticed this right away.   ;D  Hopefully, once you have the [Mods] section in CONF.INI sorted out you will also find that it sounds better than ever too!

You really must have a [Mods] section, if it ain't there, make one and insert it after Sounds.  Here is my [Mods] section to compare and cut and paste if you wish.

Code: [Select]
/AirShowSmoke=2       <----- white smoke
/AirShowSmoke=3       <----- blue smoke

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on July 09, 2013, 04:07:31 AM
Monty , even if most of the mods section value are default one , you should add it into first post so users that have a clean vanilla can add at their conf.ini!

You can also teach them to use their conf.ini file with the property set to 'read only' to avoid unwilled modification from IL2 engine when shut off the game....
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 09, 2013, 05:23:18 AM
Monty , even if most of the mods section value are default one , you should add it into first post so users that have a clean vanilla can add at their conf.ini!

You can also teach them to use their conf.ini file with the property set to 'read only' to avoid unwilled modification from IL2 engine when shut off the game....

Good point Walter, we tend to forget that while New-TFM is an addon for DBW, some people are new even to DBW.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on July 09, 2013, 05:36:03 AM

A very good point rkalhorn109, all of us testing New-TFM noticed this right away.   ;D  Hopefully, once you have the [Mods] section in CONF.INI sorted out you will also find that it sounds better than ever too!

You really must have a [Mods] section, if it ain't there, make one and insert it after Sounds.  Here is my [Mods] section to compare and cut and paste if you wish.

That fixed the sound problem right away!  Thanks for your help.  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 09, 2013, 05:39:19 AM

A very good point rkalhorn109, all of us testing New-TFM noticed this right away.   ;D  Hopefully, once you have the [Mods] section in CONF.INI sorted out you will also find that it sounds better than ever too!

You really must have a [Mods] section, if it ain't there, make one and insert it after Sounds.  Here is my [Mods] section to compare and cut and paste if you wish.

That fixed the sound problem right away!  Thanks for your help.  ;D

RESULT!  The lack of a proper [Mods] section hadn't ocurred to me.  Now its on the first page, thanks again rkalhorn109, really pleased.  Sounds better than ever now too huh?  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on July 09, 2013, 06:32:29 AM
Hi Monty do you intend to provide a pack for the He111 ABEs - I wouldnt mind these without having to install SCW ?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: matori on July 09, 2013, 07:58:27 AM
"Once you activate the Bomber Command Upgrade with JSGME you must delete the folder AIR_Wellington MK_III from #DBW."
I did that and the game fell to 60%, when I came to mention the file plays normally start until TFM 28, when I put it on, it drops to 60% when I put the last 27 TFM's all good. Know I'm boring but if you can advice, thanks ~ S ~
Know I`m boring but if you can ADVICE,please,thanks ~S~ :'(
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 09, 2013, 08:25:07 AM
No Marco, the SFS files live in your Il2 root directory.  :)

Hi Monty27 many thanks for your kindly reply and patience...

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dpeters95 on July 09, 2013, 08:50:49 AM
I just wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU for helping all of us enjoy this game more every day!  This game is still around and better than ever because of those of you who share your time and talent with the rest of us.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 09, 2013, 09:00:53 AM
@ making153 - No mate, I don't plan to make a pack for the early He-111s because they are outside the remit of New-TFM.  SCW is well worth installing and real easy to do.  I recommend it honestly. Plus you get the campaigns and missions for those aircraft in the set where they belong.


@ matori - Scientific method is all we have.  Plus the fact that the packs don't take long to copy over, really, a couple of coffees at most.  Therefore, back to #DBW - make sure you have a clean one with no stray bits and pieces in it.  Activate in order and test fly as you go.

@ Cheers Dennis, I also have some wicked new campaigns in development and they will see the light of day soon.  More selfishly, we all get to benefit from Poltava's incredible panoply, can't wait to fly those great campaigns in New-TFM.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 'MadDog' on July 09, 2013, 09:05:52 AM
Hello Simon

The posts referring to the conf. file are interesting. I had installed the New-TFM on top of a virgin 1946 4.10.1 and there wasn't any [Mods] section in the conf. file. I have added the section now to include Flyby=0 and altered various other settings to tweak the in-cockpit  sound. I am now  wondering about all the other  entries in your specimen file. Maybe it's just  that I hadn't used any of these mods in a mission so the relevant entries hadn't been written into the conf. file. But my finding is the same  as  others who  say that they don't have this section. If I include your conf entries into mine, could there be any negative consequencies?

Thanks for your  assistance

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 09, 2013, 09:45:57 AM
Euan, the Stock Conf.ini from 4.07 doest have the [Mods] section in it, and never had it, it is up to the Users to Make that section, and it will not have any Negative consequences, at all, If done right that is. In fact it is necessary to have to be able to enjoy the riches from further Editing your conf.ini with the relevant entries.

I hope this helps you further understand what the [Mods] section is for.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 09, 2013, 11:10:30 AM
@making153: why not add the Heinkels yourself if you like to have them in the game? :) it´s easy to do this and it does not take long; I´ve added quite a few birds myself and did not run into any troubles or problems yet; you just need to adjust your ini files if Simon will release a future pack containing aircraft, but WinMerge is a great tool to help you in this regard :)

alternatively, as Simon has suggested, use the new IL2 configuration program and create a dedicated #SCW section and mod file structure for it; the whole setup takes 5 minutes maybe and then you can choose if you want to fly in the Great War, in the SCW or in WW2 or Korea for that part....

that´s the greatness of this concept that Simon has nearly brought to perfection, not to forget the guys who gave us that wonderful Selector!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on July 09, 2013, 11:20:55 AM
....thanks again rkalhorn109, really pleased.  Sounds better than ever now too huh?  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

The sound effects are strikingly different from (and better than) they were before.  It's not just the engines.  The sound of wheels banging on the runway when you land makes a virtual aircraft seem solid.  Maybe it's just my imagination, but the game seems to look and flow better with the new TFM.

The one improvement I'd still like to make is adding a cowling correction mod for the C.202/205 fighters.  I've tried installing this....


.... in the #DBW folder and then through JSGME, but it didn't work either way.  :-[
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 09, 2013, 11:41:28 AM
RKalhorn that is a link to my PM Inbox dude! ???

There I fixed it for you! lol ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on July 09, 2013, 11:51:15 AM
RKalhorn that is a link to my PM Inbox dude! ???

There I fixed it for you! lol ;D

Whoa, sorry about that!  ???  Thanks. (My Cesar Romero avator is really appropriate here).
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 09, 2013, 12:02:10 PM
LOL, roger that RK, its all good Mate!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 09, 2013, 12:28:36 PM
@rkalhorn: have you tried renaming that Macchi folder in a way that it loads BEFORE Tigers mod?
Tigers mod contains a 3do folder with engine meshes and loading some things BEFORE that could help;
for example, I am using the stock A6Ms, not JCat´s excellent reworks just for campaign and skinning issues with various campaigns I have and do not want to spend time on changing to get the appropriate skins on the Zeros;
to get the back to stock 3d mod for the A6Ms to work, i needed to rename that one too to load before Tigers;
could help here as well, but I am sure Bravo is a more knowledgeable person in this regard :)


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 09, 2013, 12:39:16 PM
Simon, I do have a question: how can I get rid of that heading bar in the lower left corner of the screen? I do have it even in cockpit view and it is annoying to say the least;
I managed to edit out the other speed bar thingies, but this one stays unfortunately;
oh and btw could someone who also uses a GeForce 600 series card show his OpenGL entries?
I would like to compare a few things with my current settings...

thanks in advance
Title: Re: New-TFM Gurner's FX Causes Loading to Cease at 95%
Post by: wagslead on July 09, 2013, 12:56:13 PM
After several failed attempts (due to my earlier mistakes), I finally figured out what to do and got all 33 #DBW-NewTFM files activated in JSGME, checking each one as I activated it.  When all were activate, the sim loaded just as it should and I could fly in the QMB.  I then activated only #DBW_1.71_Gurner FX in JSGME.  This time the sim stopped loading at 95%.  I deactivated #DBW_1.71_Gurner FX in JSGME, but loading continues to stop at 95%.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

Thank you,


Edit: Found the problem.  Needed to activate the #DBW_6dofTrackIR_ClassFiles for my TrackIR.  Apologies for the above question.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 09, 2013, 12:57:11 PM
RK, you can download, RedFox's MC's then install them manually, Place a  !  in front of the Folder then you will see RedFox's Brilliant work on those Birds.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 09, 2013, 12:59:48 PM
Yes Wagslead, Re install, starting from #1  to the end of them. Be patient and let the JSGME.exe do its thing, One Pack At A Time!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on July 09, 2013, 02:08:11 PM
Hi Phil, I had thought of adding the He111ABEs but I tried adding a few mapmods and stuff recently and ran into memory errors (got a slapped wrist from Monty for my troubles LOL) - so just wanted to stick to the pack route from now on if poss.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 09, 2013, 03:10:36 PM
Sorry Simon, I could resist the temptation! this in my New-TFM :D

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 09, 2013, 04:37:01 PM
Simon, I do have a question: how can I get rid of that heading bar in the lower left corner of the screen? I do have it even in cockpit view and it is annoying to say the least;
I managed to edit out the other speed bar thingies, but this one stays unfortunately;
oh and btw could someone who also uses a GeForce 600 series card show his OpenGL entries?
I would like to compare a few things with my current settings...

thanks in advance

@ Griffon_301 - Its in the difficulty settings I think, no speedbar.  But you can also toggle it out if you assign a key for Speedbar, I use 'Z', a couple of taps and its all gone.  I agree, flying by reading the instruments is much better.  ;D

@ Bravo - Grrr, what about New-TFM's planelist diet?  As I prefer Campaigns and Missions, and YOU made it easy to select SCW or DBW side-by-side, these early He-111's live in Poltava's Spain where they have a wonderful busy career.  Its their natural habitat.  8)


@ rkalhorn109 - I agree about the quality of the sound in New-TFM, always one of the most important factors that lifts the whole sim.  The Aer. Macchi C-202 & 205 overhaul is also a great piece of work that we should slate for a future New-TFM update.  Thanks for reminding of this one.  :)


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 09, 2013, 05:12:24 PM
No Simon they were Installed as easily they are uninstalled. I have a few Planes that are not in New-TFM that when I had to add a new updated Pack I simply just added a   -   to my air.ini, then coppied my entries to your newly installed air.ini.  It works perfect for me. And no CTD's!

My reasoning for this is when I fly one of your Missions, just for fun I replace them with New Modded Planes, "Just for fun" mind you, its not permanent at all. Id just like to take on the Jerry's with a Mk9 than a Vb or a Va, but thats just me!

Historically to enjoy your Missions, I fly what they did into air combat, but for fun I do what I do! So I have the real world and My World all in one Mission(s)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 09, 2013, 05:53:23 PM
No Simon they were Installed as easily they are uninstalled. I have a few Planes that are not in New-TFM that when I had to add a new updated Pack I simply just added a   -   to my air.ini, then coppied my entries to your newly installed air.ini.  It works perfect for me. And no CTD's!

My reasoning for this is when I fly one of your Missions, just for fun I replace them with New Modded Planes, "Just for fun" mind you, its not permanent at all. Id just like to take on the Jerry's with a Mk9 than a Vb or a Va, but thats just me!

Historically to enjoy your Missions, I fly what they did into air combat, but for fun I do what I do! So I have the real world and My World all in one Mission(s)

Doing it the 'right way' Guy, actually making your own modules.  Bloody brilliant and the only way to mod really.  Can you believe we used to go directly into the old 'files' folder and mess around in there?  Backups was for sissies, it still makes me shudder.   :o

These little packs are so easy to work with too.  Boelcke's new Desert DGen campaign for example, is so good but uses  Northern_Africa_Jir_v3 over New-TFM's Northern_Africa_Jir_v2, but what about other campaigns that use V2?  Now, with a little map upgrade, we can have both versions!  In fact we shall have all 3 versions of RedEye_Jir's wonderful maps, because V1 originally shipped with DBW!  ;D

I guess New-TFM has become like a Japanese meal, small portions, but plenty of courses!  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 09, 2013, 07:12:33 PM
Yep my good friend, New-TFM is not just a a Game, its an IL2 Smorgasbord, if you know how to mix your meal the right way! And to me is Soooo Delicious!!! Good going my good Man!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on July 09, 2013, 08:16:21 PM
I'd like to add some skins for the B-26 Marauder, but I can't find a skin file for this plane in TFM (not under Paint Schemes, at least).  What should I do?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 09, 2013, 08:33:41 PM
You have to Name the skin you want, Just go here and download the Skin Folder Maker. I highly recommend this tool!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Gaston on July 10, 2013, 12:40:29 AM
Did the same as you, Bravo... added early He-111s. Works perfectly.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: vegetarian on July 10, 2013, 02:51:06 AM
Yep, did a similar module the P40 pack. Works well. That's the beauty of JSGME and the fantastic work that Simon has done. Plug n' Play!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 10, 2013, 03:32:15 AM
Yep, did a similar module the P40 pack. Works well. That's the beauty of JSGME and the fantastic work that Simon has done. Plug n' Play!

Bloody marvelous gents!  Now we have backups in place, nice n clean.  I have only a couple of 3do updates and a map update planned, which will not effect aircraft or object mods, so let's fly!  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Gaston on July 10, 2013, 03:44:22 AM
Cool ! so, I will rearrange the air.ini file to my taste, and add the optionnal DBW planes !
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 10, 2013, 04:05:37 AM
Yes Guys all you have to do for updates is Place a   -  in front of your current air.ini then copy your added Planes to the new air.ini

I even edit my air.ini to show as New_Planes, like this:

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 10, 2013, 04:40:39 AM
Hello Simon!

as you added those fantasy IJN/IJA planes recently, how about adding the A7M and the F8F and F2G as well?
all those birds actually flew, in contrast to those fancy Japanese thingies and they would form a great addition to any 1946 set; AFAIK, some Bearcats made it as far as Okinawa before VJ Day and they were also present on a carrier in the waters off Korea before the war there officially began, so I guess they fit into the timeframe you have set for the new TFM;

concerning objects, how about adding those nice new objects of max? those ruined towers and dispersal area tables and crates and stuff look really great and could do a lot to enhance immersion on airfield scenarios;
and mapwise, I think at least all of redkos and whitecat´s repaints should make it into the new TFM; some of them are not present in the all.ini and I added them manually;

concerning those modded air.inis: have I understood that correctly that you are just creating update packages with the desired birds and then using the mod enabler to copy them in or remove them?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 10, 2013, 05:12:44 AM
Wolfighters RAF Pilot in a MkIIb
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on July 10, 2013, 05:37:11 AM
RK, you can download, RedFox's MC's then install them manually, Place a  !  in front of the Folder then you will see RedFox's Brilliant work on those Birds.

Can you please elaborate on the procedure?  I dropped and dragged the folder into #DBW and placed a ! in front of it.  No result; the C.202/205s look as unmodded as ever.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 10, 2013, 06:22:44 AM
ehm, what I did was to rename the folder in such a way, that it is loading BEFORE Tiger´s mod, as posted already!
if you are familiar with basic sorting within a folder structure sort the folders within #DBW in such a way that all folders with ! in front are displayed first; then simply rename the folders in a way that the modded Macchi folder appears before Tigers folder;
quite easy :)
to be honest, I have not noticed much difference in the appearance of the Veltro/Folgore yet, but I did not have a close and long look at it yet either;
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on July 10, 2013, 07:58:18 AM
ehm, what I did was to rename the folder in such a way, that it is loading BEFORE Tiger´s mod, as posted already!
if you are familiar with basic sorting within a folder structure sort the folders within #DBW in such a way that all folders with ! in front are displayed first; then simply rename the folders in a way that the modded Macchi folder appears before Tigers folder;
quite easy :)
to be honest, I have not noticed much difference in the appearance of the Veltro/Folgore yet, but I did not have a close and long look at it yet either;

Thanks,  I will work on arranging the folders.  :)  Changes to the Macchi cowlings are fairly subtle: topside intake vents are smaller and more streamlined, and the sand filter is given more detail.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 10, 2013, 08:13:38 AM
ehm, what I did was to rename the folder in such a way, that it is loading BEFORE Tiger´s mod, as posted already!
if you are familiar with basic sorting within a folder structure sort the folders within #DBW in such a way that all folders with ! in front are displayed first; then simply rename the folders in a way that the modded Macchi folder appears before Tigers folder;
quite easy :)
to be honest, I have not noticed much difference in the appearance of the Veltro/Folgore yet, but I did not have a close and long look at it yet either;

Thanks,  I will work on arranging the folders.  :)  Changes to the Macchi cowlings are fairly subtle: topside intake vents are smaller and more streamlined, and the dust filter is given more detail.

Advice - work on arranging your new addon folder, but don't mess with the names of the New-TFM loaded folders unless directed in the 'fix' section on the front page.   8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Forager on July 10, 2013, 11:43:09 AM
Bravo, would you please post your [MOD] conf settings for your QMB Aircraft and Maps windows?

My windows are too narrow and the names of planes and maps run off the side.

(If it matters I run 1920 1080 resolution.)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 10, 2013, 11:55:09 AM
I dont use those entries, My Monitor resolution  is 1600 x 900.

Someone posted what settings they use to fix that Problem , If I find it Ill post a link for you, and maybe some one that uses those settings will post it for you as well.  Sorry I couldnt help you Mate!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Forager on July 10, 2013, 12:05:26 PM
No Problem and thanks for the reply.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 10, 2013, 12:06:15 PM
Forager, I am running 1920x1080; I use the ECRAN wide 2 mod together with resolution for the game defined in the conf.ini;
this is the appropriate section in my conf.ini


hope this helps
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 10, 2013, 12:09:23 PM
Thanks for coming to the rescue Griffon :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 10, 2013, 12:22:41 PM
no problem :) took me a little time to figure out how to run at 1920x1080 myself; the only problem I have is that all the small font mods do not seem to work with the Ecran mod, no matter if I load the small fonts before Ecran or put them inside Ecran; maybe someone can help in this regard?

Bravo, while you are here-do you have an idea when that mythical Java wall might hit TFM?
I mean I am running a setup currently on my new built rig, that would have killed my old rig a long time ago but as I intend to add a few aircraft and maps still, it would be interesting to know if that "wall" might hit my install as well;
my current rig is a I7 3770K, 16GB Kingston 1600Mhz RAM and a nice 680GTX 2GB GPU running on Windows 7 Home Premium;

cheers and thanks in advance for any answers
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 10, 2013, 12:31:37 PM
Unfortunately you will only know you hit the wall is when you do, you will get the dreaded Memory error, when it happens, Its like flying out of the safe envelope and gamble a safe recovery, lol. Iv not seen that error in ages so I think we are all safe to strech New-TFM as far as we want to, just dont be greedy or foolish!

Hope this fills you in Phil!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 10, 2013, 12:43:28 PM
thanks for the answer-so I will add and wait and see :)
actually, I had that memory leak error happen to me only once but as said, that happened on my old rig which would have broken down under the mods that TFM provides a long time ago already :)

greedy? ah just adding the Griffon Seafires pack, the P-40s pack and maybe the Yaks and the JU-388; I guess TFM should be able to handle that....
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Forager on July 10, 2013, 12:48:45 PM
Griffon_301, although I have the same conf. settings, you have indeed come to the rescue, thank you.

As usual with my issues with mods, the problem resides between my ears....I had not enabled  ECRAN wide.

All is well now, thanks all.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 10, 2013, 01:01:32 PM
Lol, join the many of us Club Forager, you aint the first nor will you be the last, Glad your all sorted Mate!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 10, 2013, 01:07:34 PM
:) great to see I could help you and you got your problem sorted
that´s why I love communities like this-having a great time digesting all that stuff, getting help when needed and sometimes being able to reply and kind and be of assisstance myself :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 10, 2013, 03:38:17 PM
:) great to see I could help you and you got your problem sorted
that´s why I love communities like this-having a great time digesting all that stuff, getting help when needed and sometimes being able to reply and kind and be of assisstance myself :)

+1  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 10, 2013, 03:44:46 PM
Griffon, Keep it up Bro, your making a good name for your self with me and a lot of others, ~S~
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: RDDR Hangar19 on July 10, 2013, 10:59:02 PM
 Hey Bravo,Hi Everyone,
Just to let you know that Monty will be missing from A&A and here at SAS for a week to a week and a half.

  He is in the middle of moving from his place in Adelaide up the Coast to new digs.
  The move also entails changing his Internet cable profider. He is hoping to bounce back ASAP. With a new provider Monty? ;) Domini Domini !!
  Last night we did more work on understanding how to make Tigers sounds and the samples that came with with IL-2 originally
  work more fluidly and by the end of the evening I think we both accomplished what we were hoping for.
 Now that all the JSGME folders are in place and have been tested  ( adnauseum) I must say that  everything feels very robust. . and much faster.
I'm sure there are going to be a lot more questions between now and Monty's return so I'm thinking of putting up a thread where you can put your messages and also you should know that Bravo is another one of our testers so don't hesitate to ask him if I'm not around.
Take Care guys,Your a good bunch. Cheers
Christopher aka RDDR  Admin Axis & Allies Paint Works, SAS Modder

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 11, 2013, 01:22:21 AM
Hello guys, well, yesterday I spent the entire afternoon trying to install DBW+TFM. You can’t believe, and me too….it really works!!! There are still some things to fix but is almost ok.
I did so:
·   A backup copy of my entire DBW in a separate folder.
·   Delete the DBW folder and replaced with a plain vanilla #DBW
·   Fb410 clay-sfs.7z+UV3 sfs.rar in the IL-2 main directory folder.
·   Unzip #DBW-NEW TFM 01-30 in the jsgmemods folder
·   Unzip NEW-TFM Optional Extras in the jsgmemods folder
·   Unzip NEW-TFM Splashscreen in the jsgmemods folder
·   Correct the as suggested by “Fixes and Edits” tips.

However, there are still some problems:
·   In QMB there are only 13 maps. In my previous DBW there were many more. In FMB there are many. Is   
        possible to have these maps in QMB also?
·   No air start in QMB, only ground start: is possible to have air start as in previous DBW?
·   In this time I play a  default career with USAAF: P40 New Guinea, started with the previous DBW but now 
        when the mission starts to load it crashes because “No map in mission files”. How can I do to have the 
        correct maps to play careers? And where is the load.ini file?

Many thanks for all your helps and congratulations for this wonderfull mod!!!



Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 11, 2013, 02:58:04 AM
Hello Markino!

great that you are "montied up" as well-you will love the experience!

to answer your questions:

QMB: forget the original QMB, get the QMBPro from benito! one of the best additions to the game ever IMHO!
using QMBPro changes the folder structure inside the missions folder a little though;
instead of QMB\.... you will find a QMBPro\.... folder which various subfolders, named after the maps the missions take place on. inside those folders you will find the actual missions for the maps.
you can find mission sets for the new QMBPro and several new maps in a special section here at SAS;
the only limit for QMBPro is the number of map folders, or basically the number of QMBPro mission sets dedicated to specific maps;
when you download and install QMBPro, there is a nice selection of QMBPro map/mission-sets included in the download already;

if you airstart or groundstart depends on the mission type you load up via QMB; a scramble will not let you start in the air of course; so it depends on the mission set you have installed for the specific map if you have airstart or groundstart or both; at least it works that way in my install;

concerning the New Guinea map, is it a DGen mission or a static campaign?
I am no big expert in DGen campaigning but IIRC, inside the DGen campaigning folder, you should also find files that end with .mis
if you open them up with wordpad or another text editor, you will find a line that defines the map this mission uses;
something like japan1/redko_load.ini
in that case the map is the japan1 map modified by redko.
the redko_load.ini is the file that "loads" the mission, telling the sim where to look for the map folder, the textures, the elevation files etc.
EDIT: you will find the load.ini for the maps in their respective map folders and these are located in #DBW\mapmods\maps\.....
if this load.ini is missing for some reason, then the map will not load;
this will also happen if the map is not defined in the all.ini in the mapmods/maps folder;
the all.ini is the global ini file for all maps in IL2, while the load.ini files contain the specific load info for their respective maps;

again, I am no expert on DGen campaign files, but AFAIK, old DGen campaigns should work on a TFM install without troubles, the more so if they use stock maps;
as you did not provide the info which type of campaign you fly in New Guinea, it could be helpful to know that;

if you need further information, feel free to ask; btw, adding additional maps is easy, as long as it does not involve having to add additional objects;
so if you are missing one specific map for a certain campaign, that would be easy to rectify, you would just need to know which map you would need...

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 11, 2013, 02:59:24 AM
RDDR - please wish Simon all the best for his big move! we are looking forward to hearing from him again, and of course his BoB campaign teasers have made us itch for more great campaigns :)

all the best
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 11, 2013, 03:22:56 AM
See ya chaps, moved a couple of truckloads of stuff and my back is killing me!  Just popped in for a look before I pull the plug for the last time at this place.    ???

@ Markino - A good point about QMB.  Here is a JSGME Pack which installs QMBPro and adds a whole load of maps and missions.  This is the latest set zipped straight from my own DBW New-TFM which sould give you a massive range of QMB missions and maps.   Just enable it and go see.  If you have the older set, chuck it away and get this one.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 11, 2013, 04:06:19 AM
Hi Phil, many thanks for your kindly reply.

·   Usually I used QMB to check skins, maps, or something else or just for a quick combat when I have not time to play a   
        mission and, always, the mission started in air. I never start on ground started...
        I will try to get QMBpro by Benito and then I let you know the results...
        But if I wish to have air start always there is the way to do that?

·   Concerning New Guinea I don’t know the exact difference between Dgen and static campaigns… It is created by “Pilot 
        career” then selected country, type of mission, type of aircraft and then selected “generate”… I hope this explain 
        quite well.
        I thought to copy and paste the stock maps folders, and therefore also with original all.ini and                   
        load.ini files, for New Guinea campaign, from my old DBW but I don’t know where they are….and 
        where I must to put  them… I think in this way it could works well again…
        Any suggestions/instructions to do that?

@Monty27: many thanks for your set of maps! I will get it soon as possible and I will try to install the pack. Then I will show you the results.

Many thanks for your help!

Ciao & Good Job!!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 11, 2013, 05:24:59 AM
Hello Markino!

must be a Dgen thingie then;
to be honest I do not fly PTO Dgen campaign as they were last reworked by a very kind guy named Nimits and they were based on now outdated maps and used limited planesets;
if you look around at sites like M4T or here at SAS, you will find quite a few good campaign playing in the PTO;
some might work better than others as some might be a little old by now and the odd one might require you to install an additional map or repaint of a map, but generally even older ones play out quite well;

maybe also have an eye on the DGen mod that is under development currently; might be that the PTO gets a fair treatment there as well which might change the situation regarding maps and planesets again :)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 11, 2013, 06:24:14 AM
Phil, many thanks for your reply and help. Surely there are maps and campaign newest then default ones but since I started the New Guinea campaign I'd like to finish it...

Next time I'll try to install QMBpro and maps as suggest by Monty27 and I hope that this could work for my New Guinea campaign....


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 11, 2013, 06:37:44 AM
Hello Marco!

as soon as I am at home I can try to replicate your error or have a look inside the mis files for a dgen campaign over New Guinea; I am pretty sure its a small problem that should be rectified by a modified entry in the mis file;
or even if you would need to add a new (or old) map manually, thats easily done;

see you later here :)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 11, 2013, 06:48:38 AM
Phil many many thanks for your courtesy and helpfulness. Even I think is not a very hard trouble, but I have not enough knowledge to solve it...
Ok, see you later here!


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 11, 2013, 08:01:50 AM
For the record this was what was happening when I was enabling the mods. I always replies "yes".... If not the mods remained on the left side.


And this is the result at the end of enabling operations.


Was this the correct way?


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on July 11, 2013, 08:21:55 AM
You got it Markino !!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on July 11, 2013, 09:52:30 AM
Last night I noticed something funny about the Fiat BR.20's damage model.  When the aircraft is substantially damaged, the skin on the nose section changes to a weird, miniature amalgam of skin sections (including a row of tiny, distorted, white roundels with the triple fasces).  This happened in the MTO map.  No idea if the model behaves like this in other maps.  It's no big deal, but is there a fix for this?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flugkapitan on July 11, 2013, 10:06:44 AM

Good luck with your move! Also, wanted to thank you and anyone else responsible, for providing the settings for the sound section and mod section of the conf ini!! I was having numerous sound issues (no external sound from the I-16, I-153, Fi-156, intermittent cockpit and external sounds from jets, flyby sounds, etc...) and since I have used the settings you provided on the front page of this posting, the problems have all disappeared  :)

Going to have a go with the QMB Pro by Pal this weekend that you provided a link for!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 11, 2013, 10:15:31 AM
Hi Chris, thanks for the Heads up about Simon.

@Simon, We miss you Man!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 11, 2013, 10:31:53 AM
Hello Markino!

did a quick test: I selected the 5th Air Force Fighter Campaign, selecting one thats starting in New Guinea 1942;
I afterwards checked, which map is involved and got out this in the load.ini

MAP NewGuinea/load.ini

could you please check which map is required by your DGen New Guinea campaign?
just head to "Missions\Campaign\US\<your pilot name>\dgen_.... folder with newguinea in its name and have a look at a .mis file;
open it up with wordpad or any texteditor you like and see what map it tries to load...

post this info and we will see what we can do for you :)


btw my 13th AF Fighter dgen campaign generated a "beep"
maybe time to reinstall some dgen stuff again :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 11, 2013, 01:08:34 PM
Oh I forgot to say a big Thanks to Bravo for the kind words! It´s a pleasure to be part of this bunch of guys who make up that great forum;
the funny thing is that I bought my new rig with the sole intent of getting into CloD and the DCS series of sims and therefor spent quite a money
to be able to run those sims maxxed out.
I had nearly given up on Il2 as my heavily modded UP3 install had reached the limit of what was achievable on my last rig and besides the occasional Corsair session or TBolt mission, I did not fly much in Il2;
then came the WndWpn sets and finally TFM;
now my modded TFM install has taken pride of place amongst my installed sims again and since getting montied up, DCS and CloD have not seen much of me;

so thanks to you guys, first and foremost Simon and Bravo and the other modders who have contributed to make Il2 what it is today-quite simply the most awesome sim ever created!

and I have to say goodbye to you guys over the weekend. my gf and me are heading to Scalaria Air Challenge in Salzburg to spend a few nice days there. We are looking forward to seeing some flying action there, featuring a Catalina, a Do-24X, maybe the Flying Bulls B-25, DC-6 and their aerobatic helos and other great acts;

will be back on Wednesday, have a nice weekend and enjoy flying

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 11, 2013, 01:19:43 PM
Thanks Griffon, & my self, I own LockOn with FC, DCS BlackShark, BattleField 3, & BIA's, but I havnt had them in my HDD in forever, IL2 takes up all my time these days. Thanks to our so many Talented Modders in our Community, I thank them all!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: RDDR Hangar19 on July 11, 2013, 11:08:06 PM
 Bravo,Were you ever able to get organized in reference to our last conversation.? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
 Chris :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 11, 2013, 11:23:32 PM
No buddy, not yet, I havnt heard nor seen my friend for over a week now. But I will get what I need as soon as I can.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Boelcke on July 12, 2013, 12:22:48 AM
Hello Markino!

must be a Dgen thingie then;
to be honest I do not fly PTO Dgen campaign as they were last reworked by a very kind guy named Nimits and they were based on now outdated maps and used limited planesets;
if you look around at sites like M4T or here at SAS, you will find quite a few good campaign playing in the PTO;
some might work better than others as some might be a little old by now and the odd one might require you to install an additional map or repaint of a map, but generally even older ones play out quite well;

maybe also have an eye on the DGen mod that is under development currently; might be that the PTO gets a fair treatment there as well which might change the situation regarding maps and planesets again :)


Hi Griffon,

looks like you missed something about dgen PTO campaigns :)

At A&A we have some new PTO dgen stuff from juri_js for stock dgen.exe


and for Asuras new dgen.exe mod


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bergkamp on July 12, 2013, 04:24:16 AM
Sorry to be a pain but this has been nagging at me and I cannot find a

I have installed New-TFM successfuly together with all the fixes and conf.ini

amendments listed on page1. I have two small problems which appear to be

related but I can find no connection concerning FlyBy=0 in the [mods] section

of my conf.ini and Storebror's FOV changer Mod

With FlyBy=0 set in conf.ini, I lose Tigers sounds in game (keystroke F3)

flyby mode. Sounds are not disimilar to stock, but FOV mod works normally ie:

if I am in internal FOV wide at 105deg, for example, and hit F2 key external

view, I will still be in FOV105deg.

With FlyBy=1 set in conf.ini, Tigers sounds work perfectly but if I am in FOV

wide mode internally and hit F2, Fov mod changer will zoom my external out to

175deg almost as if it is reading this as a default value.

I have checked for any classfile conflicts and found none related.
I realise SAS~Monty (Simon) is in the middle of a move, but if anyone has had

similar problems, any comments would be appreciated.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bergkamp on July 12, 2013, 11:38:47 AM
RDDR, that's what I have in my [mods] section. It doesn't solve the FOV changer issue.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: jacques54 on July 14, 2013, 10:09:39 AM
 :)Hello everybody

How is the installation process for the new TFM,

should I install on game 4.11.1 the patch 4.12 and then the UC 3 and then the DBW 1.71, and at last all the new TFM ?

Many thanks for any reply


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sphantom on July 14, 2013, 10:45:51 AM
:)Hello everybody

How is the installation process for the new TFM,

should I install on game 4.11.1 the patch 4.12 and then the UC 3 and then the DBW 1.71, and at last all the new TFM ?

Many thanks for any reply


No a 4.10.1 with a cherry dbw read the first post will help too
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 15, 2013, 01:26:51 AM
Hello guys,
Well I almost solve the trouble with DBW+TFM. In past weekend I follow your instructions and I do as follow:

·   Install and activate TFM 31/33
·   Install and activate QMBpro by Monty27
·   Copy and paste the whole campaigns and user folders from my previous DBW 1.71.

I don’t know what exactly happened but PTO campaign and missions starts again from point I left it. QMB works fine also, with air start…..hurrà!!!

However a strange thing happens: when I start again to play with PTO campaign the game goes in jerky, with a bad fluency, so I supposed a worsening of the graphical features of my pc…

But I decide to do several tests: in QMB I play several quick combat with several maps and planes:
I used Crimea maps by Cyberolas and several planes and all works very good. The same happened with Ardenness RRR, Palau, Balaton and some other with same results: good fluency and not jerky…
So I test New Guinea map and if I fly with P-40, Zeke, Spit, Fiat G55 and certain others it starts again in jerky and bad fluency, very unpleasant to play it.
But if I fly with Me.109 (all series), LaGG-3, Yak’s and MiG’s, again good fluency and not jerky: same excellent graphic performance as my previous DBW 1.71.

Somebody could help me to understand what is the problem and if is possible to solve it?

@making153: thanks for your confirmation

Ciao and many thanks for your kindly help!!!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 'MadDog' on July 15, 2013, 04:00:36 AM
Hello Bravo & Monty's road crew

Using the Gurner's effects pack I get great visuals but especially when there are lots of bombers in the air dropping their loads the fps suffers dramatically. This on a state-of-the-art rig that plays CloD at 60 fps almost constantly. When I deactivate Gurner's I get smooth gameplay throughout. As normal I deleted the rogue classfile within the Gurner's pack before I activated it. I haven't yet incorporated one of the restrictions for distance as I am not sure what to do with these classfiles. The mod I think is set to a distance of 30 km and this has the biggest effect on fps, so could you guide me through what to do in order to reduce the view distance to 20 or 10 km, these files are included in a separate download.

It could be that this is not the source of my issue. I would dearly love to use the Gurner's effects mod but not when the action stutters during a bombing run. I had previously used +Ice Eagles+'s Historical Effects for Big Campaigns mod which was brilliant and had very little effect on fps but all his downloads have been withdrawn for some reason. That is a shame as he had lots of good stuff here.

If anyone has any guidance here it would be most appreciated as this is just about the only niggle that I am having with IL2 New-TFM at the moment. I am really enjoying this new iteration of Monty's work. The stock effects just hardly show up in game, or somehow they have been hidden with all the mods, but there must be some way to configure one of the effects packs to show good smoke and fire during heavy bombing on a rig like this one.

Thanks in advance for all your help here which has proven invaluable to me and many others

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 15, 2013, 04:38:23 AM
Using the Gurner's effects pack I get great visuals but especially when there are lots of bombers in the air dropping their loads the fps suffers dramatically...   When I deactivate Gurner's I get smooth gameplay throughout.....

Very interesting. In PTO missions there are a lot of Betty dropping bombs on American airfields... and many airplane in air..
I will try to deactivate Gurner's effect to verify if graphic performance improve again...
Thanks for idea Euan...

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Dauntless1 on July 15, 2013, 05:22:56 AM
Gurner has a 10k distance mod.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 16, 2013, 12:17:43 AM
Using the Gurner's effects pack I get great visuals but especially when there are lots of bombers in the air dropping their loads the fps suffers dramatically...   When I deactivate Gurner's I get smooth gameplay throughout.....

Very interesting. In PTO missions there are a lot of Betty dropping bombs on American airfields... and many airplane in air..
I will try to deactivate Gurner's effect to verify if graphic performance improve again...
Thanks for idea Euan...


I quote myself... I disabled Gurner's FX, now all works fine... Pity, Gurner's is a nice set of effects, but it slows down and go to jerky too much the graphic performance of my pc. I hope in the future this trouble can be solve.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: vpmedia on July 16, 2013, 10:47:25 AM
Imho with GurnerFX when you destroy lot of buildings with bombs then they start to emit fire and smoke at the same moment which contributes to the fps drop a lot, the stock game has no such feature hence the fps drop is no so noticeable there. A 5-10 second delay in the start of those smoke/fire effects would fix the problem but I dont know how to do it because I'm not that familiar with the eff files.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: RDDR Hangar19 on July 16, 2013, 10:49:05 PM
 That my friend is a great grab. Kudos!!!! :o
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Mick on July 17, 2013, 12:55:07 AM
... may be those with severe fps drops should try the 10 km java file instead of the stock 30 km, and also try this setting in their conf.ini:

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 17, 2013, 01:31:12 AM
... may be those with severe fps drops should try the 10 km java file instead of the stock 30 km, and also try this setting in their conf.ini:


And then enable Gurner's FX again, it is right?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 17, 2013, 03:32:36 AM
Guys, a quick question: are these folders, files and images in the right place or I must to move it in a dedicated place? Or I must to create a folder and put them inside in?




Many thanks for your help.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: vpmedia on July 17, 2013, 04:20:33 AM
... may be those with severe fps drops should try the 10 km java file instead of the stock 30 km

that could explain a lot because I'm only using the 10k smoke view distance mod
the one with 30k is a total fps killer, I didnt know that its included by default in the 4.3 version
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on July 17, 2013, 04:55:09 AM
I'm using Gurners without the classfiles with the low particle effects (also minus classfiles) overwritten on top - works gr8 for me.

PS, Heres hoping Monty does a pack with max_thehitmans new textures/objects on his return ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flugkapitan on July 17, 2013, 05:41:11 AM
Greetings. I've been following this discussion with interest, since I'm one of those with a quite capable gaming rig, but suffer the stuttering and low fps when large bomber formations appear. I'm using TFM and Gurner's FX. Where can I find this 10 km Java file and how/where would I install it?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 17, 2013, 06:04:28 AM
... may be those with severe fps drops should try the 10 km java file instead of the stock 30 km, and also try this setting in their conf.ini:


Scott look Mick's suggestion as above, in the conf.ini. I will try this afternoon to modify my conf.ini as suggested by Mick and then to enable Gurner's FX once time. I hope this works...

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flugkapitan on July 17, 2013, 06:17:43 AM
Thanks Marko, I'll probably try adopting those setting this evening and see what happens. Still where does one find that 10 km Java file?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 17, 2013, 07:11:20 AM
Hi Scott, unfortunately I don't know where find the java 10 km. I hope somebody can help us... ;)


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 17, 2013, 07:25:05 AM
Go here and scroll down untill you see it near the bottom of the first post   Long View Distance Mod

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 17, 2013, 07:43:12 AM
Hi Bravo, many thanks for you help! Sorry for my hard head but...which of the three, in regarding the problem that I have?

DBW versions

30km version to go with 800m V4.3 smokes  https://www.mediafire.com/?lo0tp6j0iiye8n0

30, 20 and 10k Versions for DBW uploaded by Korrigan: http://www.packupload.com/SFTKWMEA13F

Mediafire link thanks to PA_Willy:  https://www.mediafire.com/?id4uwj5oqc16zob

Many thanks for your patience also... :-[


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 17, 2013, 07:58:08 AM
You want this one    30, 20 and 10k Versions for DBW uploaded by Korrigan.   Then choose   Gurner's_distance10k  Folder to Install.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 17, 2013, 08:10:20 AM
You want this one    30, 20 and 10k Versions for DBW uploaded by Korrigan.   Then choose   Gurner's_distance10k  Folder to Install.

Many thanks Bravo!!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: fabo28 on July 17, 2013, 08:10:35 AM
Hi Monty,

When moving file 17 and 29 to jgsm I get the warning that some of the folders  have too long names!
Does anybody else get it? Is there a way around it?
I did transfer all the files and then activate them and I get a 5% ctd.

Thanks for any help
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 17, 2013, 08:45:53 AM
Your welcome Markino :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Smilinjack on July 17, 2013, 01:03:43 PM
"You want this one    30, 20 and 10k Versions for DBW uploaded by Korrigan.   Then choose   Gurner's_distance10k  Folder to Install."
Can you tell me where to install the class files from the Gurner's_distance10K folder.
Thanks much,
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flugkapitan on July 17, 2013, 07:42:30 PM
Thanks for the tips and replies everyone!

However, no luck  :( I used the recommended conf ini settings from a few posts above and also downloaded and installed the Gurner 10K file. Flying Boelcke's Defense of the Reich campaign/career on the Berlin map, there may have been a slight improvement - difficult to say. Flying Boelcke's Defense of the Reich campaign/career on the Lake Balaton map against B24's - it is a slideshow. Everything is OK until I'm in range of the bombers, then it becomes choppy and then unplayable once I'm in the contrails behind the bombers.

Here are my system specs, this box should be able to handle this sim, I should think:

* Intel Core i7-2600K Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz Quad Core 8000K

* Coolermaster Hyper TX3 Vertical, 3 Copper Heat Pipes, Extra Quiet CPU fan

* Gigabyte GA-Z68MA-D2H-B3 Z68, Onboard Video, DVI & HDMI, SLI & X-Fire, SATA3,  USB 3.0, GB LAN

* 8GB (4x2GB) PC12800 DDR3 1600 Dual Channel/ Nov 2012 upgraded to 16GB

* GeForce GTX 560 1GB PCI EXpress 16X dual head, HDMI/ Nov 2012 upgraded to GeForce GTX 670 2GB

* 1000.0GB  Western Digital Blue 7200RPM SATA 3 6.0Gb/s 32m cache

* 1000.0GB  Western Digital Blue 7200RPM SATA 3 6.0Gb/s 32m cache

* LG  Blu-ray 10X Recorder,16x LightScribe DVD Recorder SATA combo drive

* Sound  Blaster X-Fi Titanium PCI express

* Case  Fan 120 mm Extra Quiet DC fan

* Thermaltake  TR2 750W ultra quiet ATX Power Supply, SLI & X-fire ready

* Microsoft  Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit DVD

I don't have any problems with Rise of Flight, but I realize that is comparing apples to oranges  ;)

If I remember correctly, I could run the Boelcke campaign/careers OK with v1.71 DBW, but the problem seems to have cropped up with the advent of TFM and the TNFM. This is not any criticism of Simon and the modders! This is a great package they have worked very hard to put together. Evidently there must be something in settings I'm missing - and goodness knows I've tried almost all of them that have been posted in the various forums. I'd hate to have to bail from the Monty and give up all those wonderful mods.

Anyway, there are just my observations.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 17, 2013, 08:20:06 PM
@ Smilinjack   Just place the   Gurner's_distance10k Folder in your #DBW Folder, thats it.

@ Flukap.  Boelcke's Defense of the Reich  is demanding on even the Best machines, even mine, you just have to weed through the slide show until it settles out. You may want to Post in his thread and read through the thread to see how others managed.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flugkapitan on July 17, 2013, 08:36:56 PM
Thanks Bravo! I was hoping it was something like that. I'll check that thread again. Hopefully he will maybe update the campaign to work better with TNFM at some point in time.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on July 18, 2013, 12:59:11 AM
@ Smilinjack   Just place the   Gurner's_distance10k Folder in your #DBW Folder, thats it.

This is interesting for me also. I put it in the jsgme folder and then I enabled it (...or rather, I thought you were to do so...). Soon I will modify as Bravo's suggested....
Thanks a lot!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Boelcke on July 18, 2013, 04:05:32 AM
Thanks for the tips and replies everyone!

However, no luck  :( I used the recommended conf ini settings from a few posts above and also downloaded and installed the Gurner 10K file. Flying Boelcke's Defense of the Reich campaign/career on the Berlin map, there may have been a slight improvement - difficult to say. Flying Boelcke's Defense of the Reich campaign/career on the Lake Balaton map against B24's - it is a slideshow. Everything is OK until I'm in range of the bombers, then it becomes choppy and then unplayable once I'm in the contrails behind the bombers.

Here are my system specs, this box should be able to handle this sim, I should think:

* Intel Core i7-2600K Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz Quad Core 8000K

* Coolermaster Hyper TX3 Vertical, 3 Copper Heat Pipes, Extra Quiet CPU fan

* Gigabyte GA-Z68MA-D2H-B3 Z68, Onboard Video, DVI & HDMI, SLI & X-Fire, SATA3,  USB 3.0, GB LAN

* 8GB (4x2GB) PC12800 DDR3 1600 Dual Channel/ Nov 2012 upgraded to 16GB

* GeForce GTX 560 1GB PCI EXpress 16X dual head, HDMI/ Nov 2012 upgraded to GeForce GTX 670 2GB

* 1000.0GB  Western Digital Blue 7200RPM SATA 3 6.0Gb/s 32m cache

* 1000.0GB  Western Digital Blue 7200RPM SATA 3 6.0Gb/s 32m cache

* LG  Blu-ray 10X Recorder,16x LightScribe DVD Recorder SATA combo drive

* Sound  Blaster X-Fi Titanium PCI express

* Case  Fan 120 mm Extra Quiet DC fan

* Thermaltake  TR2 750W ultra quiet ATX Power Supply, SLI & X-fire ready

* Microsoft  Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit DVD

I don't have any problems with Rise of Flight, but I realize that is comparing apples to oranges  ;)

If I remember correctly, I could run the Boelcke campaign/careers OK with v1.71 DBW, but the problem seems to have cropped up with the advent of TFM and the TNFM. This is not any criticism of Simon and the modders! This is a great package they have worked very hard to put together. Evidently there must be something in settings I'm missing - and goodness knows I've tried almost all of them that have been posted in the various forums. I'd hate to have to bail from the Monty and give up all those wonderful mods.

Anyway, there are just my observations.


i have this problems also with old and new TFM, even without Gurners effects i can´t use the packs, tried a lot of things but i never found a solution for it

with DBW and some additional mods added bymyself or with HSFX 6 (+ Mods + Gurners Effects + Gurners Distance 10km) i don´t have any fps problems - even with the latest Beta of my campaign which has now far more than 100 planes in the air

(i´m using an INTEL 2500K, 8 GB RAM and Radeon 7950 Boost)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Mick on July 18, 2013, 06:26:11 AM
... the very last trick I can think of, for those who have extreme fps drops with very demanding missions, is this setting in your conf.ini :


This setting applies texture compression and thus saves ressources to the cost of slightly lower graphics appearance ...  ;)

It is also very important to reduce graphics demand by deleting all "useless" objects in your .mis file, I mean far away bases and their objects (trees and buildings included), convoys, moving vehicles etc ... everything that is not useful in that very mission, simply because the action will take part very far away from all these objects, so you will never see them from your cockpit ...  ;)

Deleting clouds is also a good thing in that case, especially if you use a Hi-Rez cloud mod ...

Regarding Boelke's Defense of the Reich campaign, since this is a DGen one I am sorry that I don't know how to modify its heavy missions ... :'(

Just my 2 cents ...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Boelcke on July 18, 2013, 06:44:21 AM

Regarding Boelke's Defense of the Reich campaign, since this is a DGen one I am sorry that I don't know how to modify its heavy missions ... :'(

there is no way to modify the missions ... only to reduce the number of planes, but there is no reason for it as the vanilla mod packs are working flawlessly, i´m only relying on complete mod packs like DBW and HSFX, everything else is impossible
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Smilinjack on July 18, 2013, 07:09:04 AM
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flugkapitan on July 18, 2013, 10:12:17 AM
Hi Boelcke,

Thanks for the explanation!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: gixxerthou04 on July 18, 2013, 10:02:22 PM

I'm an absolute rookie when it comes to adding such an enormous modification to my IL-2 game but, it appears in order to install some of the missions I would like to play I'm required to use this "Full Monty" modification also. I have been successful at installing DARK BLUE WORLD but, trying to add missions or campaigns has been a nightmare.

First of all I have downloaded up to #23 folder for the New Full Monty and have been trying to figure out how to install them with the JSGME application. However, when I extract each #DBW-NewTFM... folder they contain the exact same contents. A #DBW folder, a documentation folder and a TXT file. I don't understand how I am to install all of these files.  ???
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on July 18, 2013, 10:34:23 PM

You need to install each pack into your jsgme folder in your main IL2/DBW folder then use the jsgme UI to activate each one in turn - they take a while and look like they are not responding but persevere they will all install into your new vanilla DBW folder (montys provided this for us). Best to leave a whole day to do it as each one loads the process gets slower and slower - do each one in order and ignore the overwrite warnings just click ok each time.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Stig12VII on July 19, 2013, 02:51:16 AM
The link in post #1 to TFM-29 is broken, or so Mediafire says. Are there any alternative downloads?

Download working again.  :)


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: zionid on July 19, 2013, 05:45:41 AM
First off; thanks for a suberb package.

The install was clean, and the scope and potential of the collection is fantastic.

With your massive campaings, whick you seem to be making at an industrial scale, there is a lot to like:)

One thing though; Any missions containing the FW 190 A3 (1942) causes a crash. The FW's don't show up and
cause random game failures, like the players aircraft starting with engine off mid-air, or littered all over the ground at the airfields at take offs.

I have a clean, functioning New-TFM install up to #28

Any ideas?

And oh; should you feel a need for further campaign making, how about some 1942+ action for western front with circuses, rhubarbs etc?;) Just in case you run out of ideas which does seem rather unlikely;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 19, 2013, 07:00:56 AM
do the other 190s work?
I have just tried the some of the Doras and the Sturmbock version, but those run normally on my install.
have to try that A3 though when I am at home

are you sure you have Claymore´s FW190s installed correctly? I mean the sfs files?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 19, 2013, 09:08:30 AM
update: tried all three A3 models I have in my install, all work without troubles...

@Bravo: do the 190s have openable canopies in your install?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: zionid on July 19, 2013, 09:53:50 AM
I see. I thought the sfs. files went in the main 46 folder? If not, where?  Hopefully that is the problem:)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 19, 2013, 10:48:25 AM
zionid  the SFS Files do go in the main folder and you have to edit your .rc file like this:
@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay02.sfs

@Griffon, yes to open canopies
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Smilinjack on July 19, 2013, 12:33:39 PM
zionid  the SFS Files do go in the main folder and you have to edit your .rc file like this:
@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay02.sfs

@Griffon, yes to open canopies

Check your .rc file (\#DBW\STD).. mine already had the mount statements for Clay01.sfs and Clay02.sfs included. I suspect they were inserted by one of the New TFM packs.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 19, 2013, 12:37:30 PM
Thanks Bravo!

silly me forgot to try opening the canopy only AFTER landing on the Focke, being used to open it BEFORE landing on carriers when flying Corsairs :)
another issued has popped up on my install though, and a weird one that is:
I got myself that nice Woodlark map and it works (at least in QMB);
when trying the Corsair campaigns for that map though, the Hayates on the island crash or explode and my own Corsair is destroyed immediately after entering the mission;
it seems some object is missing and my suspect is a US Escort Carrier file;
the same happens on PhilK´s "Emperors Hellcats" campaign, where the player is supposed to take off from the Emperor, another USS CVE type carrier;
in that first mission, my Hellcat lies in the water upside down and in the distance another CVE can be seen plowing thru the water;
any ideas on that?
is there a CVE mod that I might miss?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: zionid on July 19, 2013, 01:30:46 PM
Thanks for the response guys, but thats not it. It seems I got both the files and the correct lines... :( I have to look around and see if there could be anything I have, but I cannot imagine what it could be...

I'll have some time to look later the weekend, but if anyone else has any clever ideas as to what could make an aircraft NOT appear/make other aircraft freak out, shout out:) (This is both QMB and Campaign missions...)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: wargod on July 19, 2013, 02:48:43 PM
Okay i came late to this party. i looked al through this thread and didnt find an answer so "help".
clean DBW folder(download)
Needed files installed where they should be.
Mod packs 1-9 installed and tested- works great.
70% CTD after install of #10. re-downloaded and tried again, same thing.
Uninstall #10 and it again works fine. I have no idea what is wrong. Please help!
I love this mod so far and want the rest. Thanks in advance
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: gixxerthou04 on July 19, 2013, 07:04:39 PM

You need to install each pack into your jsgme folder in your main IL2/DBW folder then use the jsgme UI to activate each one in turn - they take a while and look like they are not responding but persevere they will all install into your new vanilla DBW folder (montys provided this for us). Best to leave a whole day to do it as each one loads the process gets slower and slower - do each one in order and ignore the overwrite warnings just click ok each time.


Thanks "Making123". I'm still trying to figure out exactly how to install this monster. I thought a long time about it last night and maybe the correct way is to decompress each folder into a new folder with the same name and them simply place that folder inside the JSGMEMODS folder? The issue I'm very confused about is do I remove all the content from each folder and place those contents inside the JSGMEMODS folder or just place the folder inside the JSGMEMODS folder. I'm sorry but, it is extremely confusing without screenshots.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 19, 2013, 08:34:07 PM
gixxer, installing the new TFM is really EASY :)
a 70% crash usually relates to either missing objects or a wrongly set up ini file in the STD folder;
I do not know by heart what pack #10 adds, but I guess you made a small mistake while installing the pack;
after download you should get a series of rar files; these you unzip; the resulting folders go DIRECTLY INTO THE JSGME Folder; you should get a series of folders with numbers in the end; activate those in sequence, one after the other, letting them overwrite each other when requested sequentially; this is VERY important because it guarantees the updated ini files you will need to get additional aircraft and objects and stuff up and running;

it is really easy to do, Simon has gone to great lengths to provide easy install and great content;
should you need anything else, feel free to ask :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: gixxerthou04 on July 19, 2013, 09:17:28 PM
gixxer, installing the new TFM is really EASY :)
a 70% crash usually relates to either missing objects or a wrongly set up ini file in the STD folder;
I do not know by heart what pack #10 adds, but I guess you made a small mistake while installing the pack;
after download you should get a series of rar files; these you unzip; the resulting folders go DIRECTLY INTO THE JSGME Folder; you should get a series of folders with numbers in the end; activate those in sequence, one after the other, letting them overwrite each other when requested sequentially; this is VERY important because it guarantees the updated ini files you will need to get additional aircraft and objects and stuff up and running;

it is really easy to do, Simon has gone to great lengths to provide easy install and great content;
should you need anything else, feel free to ask :)

Thanks Griffon_301! I'll keep at it. I've made several attempts and several re-installs of the entire game without any success getting this "New Full Monty" modification to work yet.

Question: Where is the JSGME application supposed to reside? Maybe that is another problem I'm encountering. And I do not understand this "Plain Vanilla" mods folder. Where is it supposed to go? Do I NOT use the standard 1.71_SuperInstall.7z first to install Dark Blue World in the first place? I'm sorry but, I do find this entire process extremely confusing.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 19, 2013, 09:42:37 PM
the JSGME application - the exe resides in the main folder of your game install; it reads from the JSGMEMODS folder IIRC;
inside that folder, all the stuff you want to load via the JSGME should reside; BUT it is important to keep the file structure of the folders consistent with the game file structure;
this means: DBW-Mods reside in the #DBW folder in the main game folder;
they are named whatever you want like "testmod" for example; within this folder, there can reside classfiles, other folders like "3do" or "aircraft" or "Cockpit" or whatever
if you want to add something via JSGME now, you need to keep that file structure; the mod enabler basically is just a copy and paste tool, it copies stuff out of the JSGMEMODS folder into the MAIN INSTALL FOLDER of your game;
therefor, if the file structure of the mod you want to add is wrong inside the JSGME folder, than the files are not placed correctly within the game;
and this is what I think went wrong with your install;
it sounds much more complicated than it actually is, but a wrongly placed mod folder or a folder with the wrong file structure can ruin your modding day quickly, a lesson I have learned the hard way myself over the modding years;

the plain vanilla DBW folder is there just for reference, to provide a common starting point before adding the TFM packs;
you dont need this one if you have a working DBW 1.71 install;
after getting up to version 1.71 of DBW, just fire it up via the IL2Configurator and see if it loads up correctly;
if it does, you are set to add TFM;
if it does not, you made a mistake and need to start again-without a working DBW 1.71 version, it does not make any sense at all to try and add TFM;
TFM is basically a very well laid out and integrated set of mods, put on top of the original DBW which in itself is a set of mods, put onto a working 4.101 game install.

hope this helps
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: gixxerthou04 on July 19, 2013, 11:11:59 PM
Thank you for the detailed descriptions Griffon_301. However, I still unable to get this to work. I am on my 8th attempt. I will give this one more try but, I'm afraid I have reached the end of my patience.

1. I have installed the IL2 game from my DVD.
2. I have updated the game up to 4.10.1
3. Copied the updated game to the Local Disk (C).
4. Re-named the game folder to: IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_DBW
5. Installed the DBW_1.71_SuperInstall.7z
6. Restarted the PC.
7. Attempted to start game with the IL-2 Selector
8. GAME CRASHES only after 5%.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 19, 2013, 11:46:00 PM

this is the thread to check for the loading errors :)
your error seems to come from a missing or wrongly linked sfs file;
I did not use the superinstaller personally, coming from the old sequential DBW install school, so I cannot comment on the update procedure via the super install pack;
but maybe check if you have all sfs files in place and if they are mounted in the rc file;
just check the old original DBW thread, there is a pretty good description on how to install the original DBW files and this can serve as a good guide on what to check and where it needs to be in place for DBW to function properly :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 19, 2013, 11:48:26 PM
this thread should be helpful :)
forgot to mention, did you use the 4.07 to DBW 1.71 suuuperpack install?
because if you just installed IL2 and patched it up to 4.101 and then added DBW files directly, you are missing UP3 RC4 which is essential for DBW to work...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: tbauchot on July 20, 2013, 01:53:10 AM
For all :

Please don't forget an easy way to install the new TFM:

1 : Make a copy of your working IL2 game DBW 1.71
2 : Rename it as you like ( for example: DBW new TFM )
3 : Replace your #DBW folder with the clean one.
4 : Then, in order put the content of each Monty pack in the new #DBW folder.
5 : Don't forget that the SFS files may be put in the root folder of the game !!! (with the over SFS files.)
6 : Run the game.
This way run easily and perfectly.

7 : To avoid conflit and easily remove it, then you can activate your personal Mods (cockpits, clouds, etc...)
     or TFM optional with JSME ...

My english is not very good and I hope that you have understand me ?

A french friend, Best regards, Thierry. 
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: wargod on July 20, 2013, 05:04:03 PM
Easy you say, I wish. Re- downloaded # 10 again, unzipped it and copied it(#DBW-NewTFM-10) to the JSGME folder just like I have the first 9, they worked this one didn't Still get 70% CTD. Can not see what I could be doing wrong. Very frustrated.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 20, 2013, 11:15:22 PM
wargod: TFM#10 contains some new addon aircraft plus new stationary aircraft which require some new ini files;
I checked the rar and everything is in place where it should be!
a 70% crash relates to a missing object or a missing entry for an object in one of the ini files contained in the com folder within the STD folder;
have you tried adding and applying some more packs? maybe if have added some more stuff and the appropriate ini files, your problem settles itself :)
when I installed the whole pack, I added all packs then available and they worked right out of the box...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: tmansteve on July 21, 2013, 10:27:49 AM
The work here is just fantastic. Thanks ever so much.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: gixxerthou04 on July 21, 2013, 05:13:44 PM
Well, after 10 separate attempts with no success, I give up. >:( The ridiculous installation process is simply far too complicated and I have lost my patience. I apologize for my tone but, as you can imagine, I'm very frustrated. Oh, how I wish I could just simply purchase the game and have the visual quality I have witnessed in some of the screen shots and videos I've seen. Dear God, they look incredible. :(
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 21, 2013, 05:18:56 PM
Well gixxer, out of all the people who play IL2, I guess your the one exception, maybe  Pokémon  might be more your speed

Here a link for you so you dont get lost  http://www.pokemon.com/us/
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: gixxerthou04 on July 21, 2013, 05:33:30 PM
Well gixxer, out of all the people who play IL2, I guess your the one exception, maybe  Pokémon  might be more your speed

Here a link for you so you dont get lost  http://www.pokemon.com/us/

Real cute. Maybe more detailed instructions might help.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 21, 2013, 05:36:25 PM
I dont know how simpler it can be with out someone coming to your house and doing it for you.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: nikmaving on July 21, 2013, 07:03:45 PM
bravo. if he can't copy the #dbw folders on top of each other,then i guess if anybody went round and pressed the doorbell,i'm fairly sure he might turn the alarm clock off instead of answering the door.
 the install instructions couldn't be any easier.
1.unzip all NTFM files.
2.rename or delete #DBW folder that's in your main game folder.(it's probably empty if your struggling installing this)
3.create a new folder.
4.open each unzipped folder and copy all the #DBW and paint schemes folders and the SFS files that are inside INTO THE NEW FOLDER,overwriting each time.
6.move the #DBW and PAINT SCHEMES and SFS files OUT of the new folder and put them all in THE MAIN GAME FOLDER.overwrite everything if asked.
7.give your head a wobble for not properly reading and understanding the very simple instructions.
8.if it doesn't work,get that PS1 out of the cupboard and play that instead. :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: wargod on July 21, 2013, 08:32:22 PM
Okay still having problems. I deactivated all mods then Reactivated them one at a time Testing after each one And I'm still getting a 70% CTD even after activating up to number 13. I even tried skipping number 10 but still got the 70%. Now I'm going to try a total reinstall see if that works.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: nikmaving on July 21, 2013, 08:54:45 PM
it would be easier to change to the standard default game using the il2 selector.if it loads ok,delete your #DBW folder,then install the clean #DBW folder,then copy all unzipped NTFM #DBW folders to main game folder and overwrite them when asked. make sure you haven't got #DBW folder inside a #DBW folder. each folder MUST overwrite the previous folder.
if it wont start up the standard default game,then reinstall. hope this helps
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: wargod on July 21, 2013, 09:08:55 PM
Oh everything helps. standard game works, DBW works, TFM works right up to # 10. something must be wrong with that installation so I'm gonna try a new one and see if that works. should I update the buttons or anything before loading the monty files? and I can still use the skin files too right?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: wargod on July 21, 2013, 09:53:31 PM
I think I found my problem. #9 was loading in to the main game folder as #DBW-NewTFM-09 and not into the DBW folder so it wasn't overwriting the previous DBW folder. Some bug with jsgme I suppose. I just did what nikmaving said and no more 70% CTD. Here I come #33.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: DD_BadAim on July 22, 2013, 06:57:18 AM
Mine is doing the same thing at #6! I guess that's what we get for being cautious. :P I shall throw caution to the wind and just slam them all in the folder with wild abandon SAS style. I'm sure that will work.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: wargod on July 22, 2013, 08:08:58 AM
Yes I definitely think the "Bravo" method (direct install) is the one that works the best. Have no idea why the Jsgme did what it did. It worked Right on the first eight and then just screwed up on the ninth. I think I might clear everything out and do it the direct way for every mod part.
Thanks for the help guys, happy flying.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 22, 2013, 09:49:25 AM
Direct Install is open each Zip File one at a time Drag and drop the #DBW Folder, say yes to over write, if it has other folders drag and drop them.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 22, 2013, 01:31:42 PM
Bravo, do you know if we should have those nice blue exhaust flames on more than just the Spit/Hurri/Mustang? I noticed today that Corsairs, P-40s and Lightnings and TBolts do now have them but I can vaguely remember reading somwhere that they should have. is this correct? and if so, which mod does this in the new TFM, because as said, on mine it does not...

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 22, 2013, 01:56:11 PM
Hi Phil, the Blue Flame is in Tigers 3do/Plane Folder, Crazyflak has an 3do Pack that does the same but more, But Im not sure Simon included it in the New TFM. If not then the flames are from Tigers Mod.

According to Crazyflak you can use his 3do Folder to replace Tigers. But I havnt tried that in the New TFM, yet!

See here:

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 22, 2013, 02:18:29 PM
Ah thank you! will have a look into this tomorrow as it is getting late here in Vienna;
will report back what I find out about this

good night from me
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sphantom on July 22, 2013, 05:43:44 PM
Nice target for a night fighter those blue flames
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 22, 2013, 05:48:09 PM
Lol, notice my rudder is at full right, I just fixed that, "again", Ill be glad when I get my new stick.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 23, 2013, 07:22:50 AM
Hello Bravo!

I messed around a little with the 3do fix you have suggested and still get those blue exhaust flames only on the Spit/Hurri/Mustang combo that had them originally;
I tried the Fulmar, the F4F and the F6F with no joy;
the modded Spits/Seafires show them as well so could you maybe be so kind and try if any of the other planes I have mentioned show the blue flames on your install?
the Tiger folder is the first folder to load that should have affect any effects in my install;

thanks in advance
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 23, 2013, 07:34:42 AM
Hmm, I dont know Phil, I got the blue flame on Modded and stock planes. All of them.

Here is what my folder looks like:
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 23, 2013, 10:10:29 AM
Hello Bravo!

the sweet taste of success appeared here :)
I got it sorted; I renamed some of my effects folders following your setup (the Tigersounds for example), as some are loaded in a different order if going by stock new TFM;
that produced still no results, but when I added that Flammes mod from the "old" big TFM and loaded this BEFORE Tigers sound mod, I now have the blue exhaust flames as intended;
and this on all fighters I have tried so far;

well, but I found another problem - the Corsair II will not load; if I click on its skin button in the QMB, nothing happens and if I load a mission with it, I get the mission load null error or can enter the sim, but have some strange colors then and float between heaven and earth somehow;
I do not know where this error now comes from....
have to check the ini files it seems...

nevertheless, thanks a lot for your help with the exhaust flames...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 23, 2013, 10:22:58 AM
UPDATE on my Corsair II problem: it loads only if I select RNZAF as airforce; it does not load with anything else...has anyone experienced this problem before?
is there something I can do about?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 23, 2013, 10:23:55 AM
Phil, try disabling Corsair MkII(GB) with a  -   in Tigers 3do/Plane Folder, see if it will load then. Any Planes that might cause problems, check there first. ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 23, 2013, 10:50:41 AM
Hello Bravo!

no joy! I tried first disabling the three entries related to the Corsair II and as this did not help, I disabled the whole Tigers mod, just to make sure;
still nothing! the Corsair II does not work for RAF, RAAF, RN and RCAF, it loads for RNZAF and ALL other air forces;
this I have never seen before!
as it looks, only the GB Corsairs are the ones that do not work...
I have looked at every mod that does something to my Corsairs, but could not find anything strange...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 23, 2013, 11:01:22 AM
I just checked mine, and they are working
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 23, 2013, 11:12:20 AM
I checked them also in my old TFM install and also in the new 4.12 MODACT;
it works in the 4.12 modact version but does not in my old TFM install, which carried over some mods from another old install; seems the fault lies somewhere there....
and the search begins :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 23, 2013, 11:22:49 AM
that was quick :) found the culprit - the new Corsair canopies mod does not work for the MkII; do not ask me why, the Mk1 and the MkIV do work as they should though..weird that is :)
update: I just put a ! before the mod making it to load rather to the begin of the sequence of the mods and everything works as it should without remming out the MkII Corsairs in the canopy mod

btw, Bravo, what map and what time of the day did you use for the Corsair screenie? the landscape lighting looks great in combination with the skin :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 23, 2013, 12:29:39 PM
one last question: as I started the RN Corsair campaign for the woodlark islands map, I noticed that the Corsairs seem to float in the air initially before getting dumped onto the deck for their takeoff runs; is this normal? I have not seen that behaviour before... Carrier take off mod?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 23, 2013, 12:47:10 PM
Yes, for some reason the wheels arent aligned by Highth, been like that for as long as I can remember.

The map is WestFront44_S @ 1700, Poor WX Conditions.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 23, 2013, 01:12:36 PM
funny, although I fly much carrier stuff, I never really noticed this;
thanks for the info about the map-looks like that are good settings for getting nice screenies;

oh and thanks a lot for your help as well, it got me in the right direction and now I have working RN campaigns (involving Corsair IIs), blue exhaust flames on ALL aircraft and a few mods less loaded up as I took the chance to clean my mods folder a little;

the support of guys like you especially here is way better than what some big companies call customer care :D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 23, 2013, 01:29:55 PM
Glad I can help, Phil.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: matori on July 23, 2013, 03:29:13 PM
In #NEW TFM 27 i have two species of buttons ,first is named "buttons" and second"buttonsx".If so should be??Because in DBW in root Il-46 I have one  (Il-46NEW_TFM/#DBW/STD/gui/game/buttons),
please comment.My game crash at 60% ,when I put #NEW TFM28 in jsgme??? Thanks~S~
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on July 23, 2013, 07:41:19 PM
After several weeks of flawless operation New-TFM has quit on me.  When I start up the game and press the QMB button, only the QMB background screen appears (no buttons, no text).  If I select FMB, the normal FMB screen and options appear.  Is there any way to troubleshoot and fix this problem, or will I have to rebuild from scratch?  :( 
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 23, 2013, 07:51:49 PM
any clues in your log.lst?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: gixxerthou04 on July 23, 2013, 07:54:23 PM
bravo. if he can't copy the #dbw folders on top of each other,then i guess if anybody went round and pressed the doorbell, i'm fairly sure he might turn the alarm clock off instead of answering the door.
8.if it doesn't work,get that PS1 out of the cupboard and play that instead. :)

I'll let the snide and sarcastic comments slide fellas. After many, many attempts I finally got this to work and it looks and sounds beautiful! A very gracious THANK YOU to the builders who created such a beautiful modification for IL-2. (which I have been playing in stock form since its original release on a single CD!) I've kept clear of ever modifying the game because I found it far too intimidating and complicated. But, I'm happy I persevered and finally got this to work.

However, I am still of the opinion that it is not an easy installation process. It is very long and you must be extremely precise in the order in which parts are installed.

1. Re-installed IL-2 from DVD
2. Update from 4.07 to 4.08 to 4.09 and finally to 4.10.1. (even though there is a 4.11.1 and 4.11m update available.)
3. Make a copy of the game that is automatically installed into the Program Files (x86) folder and place the new copy on the "C" drive of the P.C.
3. Download and install the "4.10.1m_to_UP3_RC4_Update" (D.B.W. modification would not work without "4.10.1m_to_UP3_RC4_Update" being installed first.)
4. Download and install DBW_1.71_SuperINstall.7
5. Download each "#DBW-NewTFM-#" packs 1 through 33
6. Un-zip, un-archive or extract each individual "#DBW-NewTFM-#" folder into the JSGME folder inside the "IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_mod" folder placed inside the "C" drive of the P.C.
7. Open the "Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157" software and move each "#DBW-NewTFM-#" packs 1 through 33 to the right side or "Activated Mods" section of the application.
8. As each subsequent "#DBW-NewTFM-#" folder-pack is installed it asks to over write from the previous pack installations. I click YES to over write and continue this for the 32 remaining folders. (This took about 6 hours!)
9. Close the "Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157" software.
10. Double click the "IL-2 Selector" application inside the "IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_mod" folder placed inside the "C" drive of the P.C. ...... Select "Dark Blue World" from the Game Type drop down menu, click the save settings button and then click the "Start IL-2 now!" button.


It appears that most of you are using Nvida graphics cards as well. After much digging through the forum I discovered I had to edit a config file with different numbers in order to replicate the water images I was seeing in so many screen shots and videos. Perhaps I need to replace my ATI video card for an Nvida one next to help improve the graphics levels of the game.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on July 23, 2013, 08:01:48 PM
any clues in your log.lst?

Is that the same as initlog.lst?  If so, I found the following text when I opened it a few minutes ago:

2013-07-23 20:35:55:192 : JVM Parameters injector activated
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : Applying JVM Memory Settings from IL-2 Selector...
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : Adding JVM Option: -Xms443M
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : Adding JVM Option: -Xmx443M
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : Adding JVM Option: -Xss4096K
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : Adding JVM Option: -XX:PermSize=64M
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : Adding JVM Option: -XX:MaxPermSize=64M
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : Checking duplicate JVM Options...
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : Checking mandatory JVM Options...
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : Adding JVM Option: -Djava.class.path=.
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : Adding JVM Option: -Xincgc
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : Adding JVM Option: -Xverify:none
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : Adding JVM Option: -Xcomp
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : Final JVM Option List:
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : -Xms443M
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : -Xmx443M
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : -Xss4096K
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : -XX:PermSize=64M
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : -XX:MaxPermSize=64M
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : -Djava.class.path=.
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : -Xincgc
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : -Xverify:none
2013-07-23 20:35:55:207 : -Xcomp
2013-07-23 20:35:55:426 : Hooked "SAS_CreateJavaVM" function activated, injecting JVM Parameters
2013-07-23 20:35:55:457 : JVM Parameters injected successfully
2013-07-23 20:35:55:457 : MODS Folder = "#DBW", No FILES Folder set.
2013-07-23 20:35:56:128 : Scanning #DBW folder took 676 milliseconds.
2013-07-23 20:35:56:128 : Total number of modded files = 84223.
2013-07-23 20:35:56:159 : Sorting modded files list took 19.039 milliseconds.
2013-07-23 20:35:56:159 : Removing 1308 Duplicates took 1.819 milliseconds.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 23, 2013, 08:04:00 PM
Good for you Gixxer, I have a ATI HD 7770, and Im quite happy with it. With your ATI Card, use the CCC settings for best results, and Conf.ini, Check this out:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,9756.msg185327.html#msg185327
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 23, 2013, 08:04:50 PM
No Rk, go here:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,19308.msg207722.html#msg207722
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SGT68 on July 24, 2013, 09:19:04 AM


While we are on the subject, CONF.INI has itself been modified over the years.  The file, located in your Il2 root directory, should contain a [Mods] section which ideally would look like this:

Code: [Select]
/AirShowSmoke=2       <----- white smoke
/AirShowSmoke=3       <----- blue smoke

Once set up it is also a good idea to make the CONF.INI 'read only' to avoid inadvertant altering by the sim itself.  Remember, your new CONF.INI is now ahead of the game engine and a look inside those setup menus can send the whole thing back to the basic level.  When you have new keys to assign, Fuel Dump, Beacons, Bay-Doors etc, take it off 'read only' status while you launch and enter the controls menu, then exit and revert to 'read only' before you start again.


Hello, Good to be back after my brief offline period as i changed ISP from Virgin to BT...

Thought I'd mention this:

I cut and pasted the above into my conf.ini as suggested and i found i had to set

other wise Tiger33 flyby sounds dont work..

Thanks for the effort you put into this by the way. Much appr

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dietz on July 24, 2013, 09:21:22 AM
Iam absolutely SOLD! One question ( probably asked & answered elsewhere so forgive me..) I assume we disable all JSGME before the install?I guess it might not matter since we'll have a fresh DBW folder anyway ,but just thought I'd better ask.... :-\
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 24, 2013, 09:40:03 AM
hello dietz!
yes, deactivating all mods you might have activated via JSGME before doing the TFM dance is a good idea;
should you have enabled the ECRAN wide mod, you can leave this one activated, but you can also copy the ECRAN mod into #DBW at a later stage;
if you are not intending to use the mod enabler, you could as well delete it plus the folder that contains the mods to copy, they just take up disc space that could be valuable for some users...

other than that, I suggest you use the direct install method as described by Bravo several times...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dietz on July 24, 2013, 01:13:41 PM

I've never dropped Tigers sound mods into my DBW install unless they were part of a JSGME mod,so where do they go?
Mant thanks for your work & your patience! :-X
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 24, 2013, 01:19:05 PM
Put Tigers 2 .SFS Files in your Main Game Folder
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dietz on July 24, 2013, 01:32:36 PM
Thanks Bravo -will do.Have deleted the first part of my post as apparently I had downloaded a mod for CloD & put it in this folder with everything else for this install...my bad!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 26, 2013, 03:22:30 AM
New-TFM Level 34



Introduces RedEye_Jir's Northern_Africa_Jir_v3 alongside previous Northern_Africa_Jir_v2 so that campaigns new and old, which feature either version, will all be compatible with New-TFM!  RedEye_Jir's Algeria_Tunisia_Sicily is also upgraded, now all are flyable with New-TFM.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on July 26, 2013, 03:48:39 AM
Welcome back Monty !!

BTW, You got any plans to do a pack for max_thehitmans new objects??
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 26, 2013, 04:15:01 AM
Welcome back Monty !!

BTW, You got any plans to do a pack for max_thehitmans new objects??

Sure thing!  Max has produced some great looking objects for FMB, playing with those in FMB at the moment.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on July 27, 2013, 02:35:45 AM
Fab - these packs of yours take away the worry of altering and adding to .ini's! Your a star mate !!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dietz on July 27, 2013, 01:30:10 PM
It just keeps getting better!
All of these all go into JSGME...even this last map mod? 8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 27, 2013, 01:54:46 PM
dietz, if you have not installed any additional maps by yourself and altered the all.ini in the maps folder, then you can safely and happily add the new pack to your install via JSGME;
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 27, 2013, 09:53:09 PM
I suggest for those who installed the IL2 Selector version 3.0, to upgrade to the latest version 3.1.1`@ SAS Essentials,  ModAct 5.12. ;) https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,35348.msg384686.html#msg384686

p.s., it uses the old il2fb.ini, so you dont have to edit anything.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: FANATIC MODDER on July 27, 2013, 10:44:07 PM
I just realized that the Beauforts and the Wellington are now availlable for the DBW...thank you!!!!!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: JG7_X_Man on July 27, 2013, 11:19:40 PM
I just found an issue with #DBW-NewTFM-16. I noticed that after I active this package, the Yak-3VK-107 3do model disappears. You can select the aircraft, but there is no aircraft in the viewer window. Is there a work around for this issue?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: JG7_X_Man on July 27, 2013, 11:52:55 PM
Awesome! Johnny on the spot!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 28, 2013, 12:06:02 AM
Gentlemen, nice catch with those gear files, thanks.  Will post this fix at the front, not bad though, 3 fixes in 34 packs...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 28, 2013, 12:20:17 AM
Not bad at all!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: HotelAlpha on July 28, 2013, 09:09:38 AM
Sounds good!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: JG7_X_Man on July 28, 2013, 10:13:20 AM
Not bad at all!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: RDDR Hangar19 on July 28, 2013, 11:52:27 AM
  :) ;) :) ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dietz on July 28, 2013, 12:34:57 PM
dietz, if you have not installed any additional maps by yourself and altered the all.ini in the maps folder, then you can safely and happily add the new pack to your install via JSGME;

I'm just going to start this fresh with new DBW folder & new JSGME& transfer my users & mission folders from my older DBW install...this is too good to pass up! Thanks for you advice!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on July 28, 2013, 03:55:35 PM
An amusing bug in the Normandy map (New-TFM Quick Mission Builder)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 28, 2013, 04:09:57 PM
Look at your log, at the bottom where it says your Plane, and see whats going on.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 28, 2013, 05:05:23 PM
From page one...


The odd thing might still crop up, this is the place for some simple edits, fixes and tune-up tips:

1) FOLDER:  ...#DBW/_0_0GearDamageFX V 1.3 - delete the following class file: F5F37ACE5B99838E (defective)

2) FOLDER:  ...#DBW/!_0_0TigersSOUNDSforDBW - RENAME TO - +0000_TigersSOUNDSforDBW (for 3do improvements)

3) FOLDER:  ...#DBW/_Fix Cowling Engines & Prop Yak´s Spinners/Yak-3_VK107(Multi1) - delete the following files: gear2.mat - GearC1_D0.msh - GearL1_D0.msh - GearR1_D0.msh

4) texcompress=2:  In your CONF.INI, be sure to check this line: texcompress=2.  Switching it to lower values will adversely affect performance.  Make sure you use it to avoid the dreaded slide show.


That first fix refers to the defective classfile which causes this effect.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on July 28, 2013, 05:54:37 PM
From page one...

Thanks! I knew I forgot some steps in the process.  :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 28, 2013, 06:11:13 PM
Not at all mate, that first page is way too big and weighty!  ;D  I have tried to summarise information we figure out in thread though and present it as clearly as possible, so happy to point you there at this moment.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 28, 2013, 09:48:33 PM
New-TFM, right out of the box :D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: RDDR Hangar19 on July 29, 2013, 04:10:12 AM
How you doin Partner ;)
Definitely big enough to get some attention isn't it ;D

I have been watching you handing out the help everywhere.
So nice to see ;)
Are you still out in the Hinterland?  :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 29, 2013, 04:16:04 AM
Howdy Chris. Sure is.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Moezilla on July 30, 2013, 12:09:27 PM
Hey Bravo,

Can you do a search in your NewTFM jsgmemods folder for these two classfiles and tell me which resulting mod folder is first in the load order?


Thanks, Moe.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 30, 2013, 12:36:34 PM
Sure, stand by.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 30, 2013, 12:41:22 PM
C1175F8CD8B28230  this one is in   1. XTD Folder   2. Tigers Fly By Folder

9147012A04461808  this one is in  Tigers Fly By Folder only
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Moezilla on July 30, 2013, 01:18:39 PM
Thanks Bravo.

Interesting that I have both classfiles in XTD, Tigers and SAS_AI_v25 folders.

As a final test to check a bug could you fly a mission as a gunner in a Heinkel or Stuka? Don't start in pilot slot and switch to gunner - choose the gunner slot right off the bat (may have to create a MP server to host your mission).

When the speed is over 330kmh see if you get any freezes.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 30, 2013, 01:22:05 PM
Ok, Ill check that out.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 30, 2013, 01:51:28 PM
Hey Moe, I cant get on any Server so I created one but when I choose Gunner I am still in control of the plane, so I cant really do a good test this way.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Moezilla on July 30, 2013, 03:30:46 PM

Thanks for trying.

One more try?

Here's a link to an old mission that should work. http://files.moelan.net/apps/fubar_peanut_specials.zip

Unzip to IL2/missions/net/coop/<yourfoldernamehere>

Then create your own MP coop server and load the Gelendzhik Bay Bomber Attack mission. Choose a gunner position in a Heinkel or Stuka and run the mission for a couple of minutes and see if you get any freezes.

Appreciate you helping me out.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 30, 2013, 03:41:36 PM
Ok, Im on it.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 30, 2013, 03:59:21 PM
Well I didnt have any freezes, nor nothing other than crashing on the ground during air battle with a enemy plane.

Every thing was cool. 8)  That was the first time I flew Online since about 2005, lol.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Moezilla on July 30, 2013, 04:05:39 PM
Thanks a lot for your time, Bravo

Glad you got some fun out of it.

But I guess it's back to the lab for me to find out what's causing gunner missions to freeze on my game.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on July 31, 2013, 12:39:31 AM
Well I didnt have any freezes, nor nothing other than crashing on the ground during air battle with a enemy plane.

Every thing was cool. 8)  That was the first time I flew Online since about 2005, lol.

What a beautiful shot of the Stuka over that coastal town.  Scenery and perspective is superb, that the Kuban map?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 31, 2013, 12:44:02 AM
Yes it is.

It was fun, I almost shot one (Yak) down. lol
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Moezilla on July 31, 2013, 02:22:32 AM
Yeah, the Cyberolas Kuban repaint and VPMedia's default Stuka skins are real easy on the eyes. Superb work.

Just a thought Bravo, did you manage to get over 330Kmh in the Stuka? That's the key part of it. I know for sure if you take a gunner spot in the last Heinkel you should see the freeze within 1 minute of the start of mission.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 31, 2013, 02:34:18 AM
Yes, and I exceeded that speed ??? in a dive to get away from the guy trying to kill us, lol
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Flying H on July 31, 2013, 12:26:52 PM
I´vegot another problem, my Bf109 B,C,D and E-1 have mysterious canopies! It´s as if I have a second canopy frame to my lower right inside the pit. I am full NTFM and TFM Dgen with nothing extra installed. I have tried to find the pit-files for the 4 ACs but I´m lost. Do I need to install one of the cockpit mods around or is it something else to be done? (moving a folder, disabeling a classfile or someting that easy?) By the way I´m flying the Phoney War campaign Dgen standard.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 31, 2013, 12:57:13 PM
It wont hurt FlyinH, you got three different 109 Pits to choose from. Just go to the Pit Section here at SAS and do some widow shopping, lol
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: lyteyr on August 01, 2013, 06:19:26 PM
Good evening,

This is a message I received when extracting NTFM-17 using WINRAR.  Anyone know what it means?  I closed the error screen and continued extracting.  How can I tell if all the items were successfully extracted to JSGMEMODS folder?  Sorry I could not print the screen, will copying suffice?

!   C:\Desktop\#DBW-NewTFM-17.rar: Cannot create #DBW-NewTFM-17\#DBW\Wflyr_NEW_Armor_Cars_Flaktower\3do\Buildings\Furniture\BF_109_MOTOR\1-Bf-109E-8.JG2-replacing-Daimler-Benz-601-engine-Octeville-France-1940-01.jpg

    Total path and file name length must not exceed 260 characters
    The system cannot find the path specified.

Thanks in advance,
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Kaoclya on August 01, 2013, 06:46:00 PM
Good evening,

This is a message I received when extracting NTFM-17 using WINRAR.  Anyone know what it means?  I closed the error screen and continued extracting.  How can I tell if all the items were successfully extracted to JSGMEMODS folder?  Sorry I could not print the screen, will copying suffice?

!   C:\Desktop\#DBW-NewTFM-17.rar: Cannot create #DBW-NewTFM-17\#DBW\Wflyr_NEW_Armor_Cars_Flaktower\3do\Buildings\Furniture\BF_109_MOTOR\1-Bf-109E-8.JG2-replacing-Daimler-Benz-601-engine-Octeville-France-1940-01.jpg

    Total path and file name length must not exceed 260 characters
    The system cannot find the path specified.

Thanks in advance,

If "#DBW-NewTFM-17" in in the JSGME folder and it lets you enable it then you should be fine. I did not get that message myself but I do always have issues with winrar and I am able to continue and use the content.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on August 02, 2013, 03:03:39 AM
ehm, try to not use an "extract to..." path but simply copy the rar into a temp folder and then use "unzip here" and copy the file later on; this has always worked for me so far :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 02, 2013, 03:26:08 AM
ehm, try to not use an "extract to..." path but simply copy the rar into a temp folder and then use "unzip here" and copy the file later on; this has always worked for me so far :)

I agree, never trust RAR's and especially installers.  De-compress it somewhere clear and empty then drag and drop the contents into place.  That way you learn the file structure and can check the contents.  I have a '00-DUMP' Folder where everything goes first, like a waiting room.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dietz on August 02, 2013, 02:59:25 PM
After a few false starts TFM is installed & working...GREAT STUFF! ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on August 02, 2013, 03:48:06 PM
great to hear Dietz that you are montied up now as well :)

btw Simon, I noticed a small glitch today when adding some more aircraft: the czk_Typhoon Ib is missing a few loadout options;
those are included in the readme that comes with it, but they did not find their way into the weapons.ru, at least not on my install, which has TFM as a base;
it´s just a copy and paste job, maybe something for the first page to add :)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 02, 2013, 10:16:36 PM
great to hear Dietz that you are montied up now as well :)

btw Simon, I noticed a small glitch today when adding some more aircraft: the czk_Typhoon Ib is missing a few loadout options;
those are included in the readme that comes with it, but they did not find their way into the weapons.ru, at least not on my install, which has TFM as a base;
it´s just a copy and paste job, maybe something for the first page to add :)


Thanks phil, much appreciated, will get a patch up or include the fix in New-TFM35, which adds Max's objects, carrier crew to the Boxer and Valley Forge, plus a few tweaks.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on August 02, 2013, 11:16:31 PM
This evening I noticed that one of the P-51D's in New-TFM will not allow you to shut off the engine after landing.  I've tried hitting the I key and switching off the magnetos.  No effect either way.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on August 03, 2013, 02:11:23 AM
good morning guys!

@rkahlhorn: which of the D-model Ponies shows this behaviour? I tested all of the D models yesterday (only in flight though) because I installed new pits for them plus the P-82 but none of them showed a weird behaviour in any form...(canopies open, gears extend, blue flames show up etc. :) )

@Simon: cool to hear you add some more content; as you are adding the carrier crews to the Happy Valley and the Boxer, how about adding some new ships in the process too;
the US Pacific fleet could need some more battlewagons, the Iowa, the Colorado and the Tennessee maybe; and as we have the Enterprise and her sisters in game now, how about also adding the reworked Lady Lex?
I added them all yesterday and they look great in formation and in game, but maybe for some guys it is a little bit over the top to add those ships as it is a little bit more complicated than adding a new aircraft....

and while we are speaking about aircraft-I also noticed that the D-30/40 and the N model Jugs are not included in the new TFM; I did not realize this until yesterday when I wanted to test something using the N Jug :)

oh and those beautiful Griffon Seafires to go along with the nice new RN Carriers ..... :D I am just drooling

just some ideas though;
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on August 03, 2013, 06:57:11 AM
@rkahlhorn: which of the D-model Ponies shows this behaviour? I tested all of the D models yesterday (only in flight though) because I installed new pits for them plus the P-82 but none of them showed a weird behaviour in any form...(canopies open, gears extend, blue flames show up etc. :) )

I've experienced this problem on two separate occasions in the P-51D-30NA.  :-X
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dietz on August 03, 2013, 09:03:47 AM
Not sure how universal this apparent glitch is:inthe Killer in the Dark offline campaign there are missions against Brit Bombers including the Wellington;in my one try to get back into this campaign the "new & improved Wellington "( in the#24 package , I think) was not recognized & the little inserted note telling me so would not go away no matter what i tried .It even stayed when I went to a single mission elsewhere. I did not try to re-do the KitD mission with the older very of the Wimpy, because the new version is better visually to me.Any ideas? All of these great newTFM mods have been put into a fresh install so I'm more or less sure there are no prior mods interacting here.
BTW in my last version of DBW I could never quite get the "new & improved Lancaster" but it does now with no problems & it really is beautiful! to work!

p.s. Just tried the Mini Map mod that i really have enjoyed over the years that does away with the leather surround & gives 4 different versions of the map,& it causes a CTD going to mission.Is there a version that works?-Thanks! :-\
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on August 03, 2013, 01:21:50 PM
hello guys!

ok, just back from some testing:

@rkalhorn: the Ponies in my install behave as they should; just took both, the P-51D30 and the F-51D30 into Hawkinge, landed there, taxied to the hangars and shut down the engines on both planes with the assigned keys for starting and stopping the engines, in my install CTRL+I; so no problem here;

@dietz: your problem with the Wellington is easy to solve; the first mission in the KiT campaign that has Wellis in is #4;
if you look into the .mis file for it, you will find a class entry for the Welli titled "Wellington_MKIII" - this is the culprit!
it should read "Wellington3" as per air.ini
if you work through all the .mis files and change those class entries for the Wellington, the missions load up and you can fly them plus you get the reworked Wellington that really looks great;
btw, mission #4 in that campaign seems to be a blast! right out of a chapter of the "Nachtjagd War Diaries", both volumes of which I can highly recommend for getting a picture of what nightfighting meant for LW crews;

your problem with the mini map is not reproduceable here: I have it working an can switch between nav, radar and other modes easily; maybe remove the version you have and get the most recent from the forum here;

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 03, 2013, 05:31:25 PM
Killer in the Dark is a brilliant campaign made by Poltava.  However, it was built in the days before New-TFM and is not yet fully compatible.  From the start of New-TFM Poltava agreed to upgrade his campaigns for New-TFM and I believe he is presently doing so. 

This is a very time consuming project and will probably take many long hours.  We may eventually look forward to a New-TFM Poltava Campaigns thread, and that project is in his very capable hands.  Meanwhile, as Phil has illustrated, there are some temporary teaks and fixes, although personally I am going to wait for the new editions, they will be epic!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 03, 2013, 06:32:24 PM
Guys, if you want all the Effects from 4.12, then download this and drag it to your New-TFM #DBW Folder. https://www.mediafire.com/download/kondnai4fbrvdv4/%23412_Effects_Files.zip

The screenshot of the 4.12 Blue Start up Smoke, only in 4.12, well up until now! 8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on August 03, 2013, 07:45:39 PM
Guys, if you want all the Effects from 4.12, then download this and drag it to your New-TFM #DBW Folder. https://www.mediafire.com/download/kondnai4fbrvdv4/%23412_Effects_Files.zip

The screenshot of the 4.12 Blue Start up Smoke, only in 4.12, well up until now! 8)

I'm beginning to think there is nothing the modders here cannot do, given sufficient time to work on a problem.  :D

Update:  Just installed and tried it.  It works great.  Thanks!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rkalhorn109 on August 03, 2013, 07:48:47 PM
@rkalhorn: the Ponies in my install behave as they should; just took both, the P-51D30 and the F-51D30 into Hawkinge, landed there, taxied to the hangars and shut down the engines on both planes with the assigned keys for starting and stopping the engines, in my install CTRL+I; so no problem here;

I found the same twitch with another Mustang (D20) today, so evidently something went wrong during the install.  It's only a minor inconvenience.  Thanks for checking and verifying that it's an isolated problem rather than a genuine New-TFM bug.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 03, 2013, 08:48:55 PM
Guys, if you want all the Effects from 4.12, then download this and drag it to your New-TFM #DBW Folder. https://www.mediafire.com/download/kondnai4fbrvdv4/%23412_Effects_Files.zip

The screenshot of the 4.12 Blue Start up Smoke, only in 4.12, well up until now! 8)

mmmmmmmmmmmm gonna give that a try, thanks Bravo.  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: redshirt78 on August 04, 2013, 02:17:36 AM
I had just found The Full Monty a few days ago until I came across the new TFM.  If I am correct I think I noticed the F4 Phantom and MiG21 in the first TFM (I never finished installing it to find out).  I was hoping to see some semi modern jets in Il2...any hope of those two airplanes being put into the New TFM?

Also I had a bug concerning a ship in the FMB.  I was scrolling through ships to place in a map editor (Football field I think?) and the game kinda crashed while scrolling through the ships.  Not quite sure which ship I got to though.  The map went black (While zoomed in to see the terrain) and I had to ctrl alt del to restart the sim.  Just food for thought in case I found a bug.  I'll try to recreate it soon.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Poltava on August 04, 2013, 02:52:22 AM
Killer in the Dark is a brilliant campaign made by Poltava.  However, it was built in the days before New-TFM and is not yet fully compatible.  From the start of New-TFM Poltava agreed to upgrade his campaigns for New-TFM and I believe he is presently doing so.

Yes, I am working on that right now, albeit at a slow pace due to a lot of RL distractions at the moment ;)

But I eventually hope to upgrade if not all than most of my campaigns to New TFM standards. At the moment I am doing a NTFM  version of "Abbeville Boys", but "Killer in the Dark" will come pretty soon after that.

My problem is not just lack of time, but also the temptation to add some of the new gadgets that comes with NTFM...  :o 
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 04, 2013, 03:00:46 AM
Killer in the Dark is a brilliant campaign made by Poltava.  However, it was built in the days before New-TFM and is not yet fully compatible.  From the start of New-TFM Poltava agreed to upgrade his campaigns for New-TFM and I believe he is presently doing so.

Yes, I am working on that right now, albeit at a slow pace due to RL distractions  ;)

But I eventually hope to upgrade if not all than most of my campaigns to New TFM standards. At the moment I am doing a NTFM  version of "Abbeville Boys", but "Killer in the Dark" will come pretty soon after that.

My problem is not just lack of time, but also that I get tempted to use all the new gadgets that comes with NTFM...  :o

Know exactly what you mean mate, I have a few more campaign projects so close to completion, but you can't hurry this kind of work!    ;D

In your own time my friend, we are looking forward to them.  8)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 04, 2013, 07:10:39 AM
RedShirt78, New-TFM is based exclusively for Periods from 1938 to Korean War thus there were no Modern Jets in these Periods. Its, World War II in its Finest Pack thanks to Monty27. Thank you very much!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dietz on August 04, 2013, 10:44:53 AM
hello guys!

ok, just back from some testing:

@rkalhorn: the Ponies in my install behave as they should; just took both, the P-51D30 and the F-51D30 into Hawkinge, landed there, taxied to the hangars and shut down the engines on both planes with the assigned keys for starting and stopping the engines, in my install CTRL+I; so no problem here;

@dietz: your problem with the Wellington is easy to solve; the first mission in the KiT campaign that has Wellis in is #4;
if you look into the .mis file for it, you will find a class entry for the Welli titled "Wellington_MKIII" - this is the culprit!
it should read "Wellington3" as per air.ini
if you work through all the .mis files and change those class entries for the Wellington, the missions load up and you can fly them plus you get the reworked Wellington that really looks great;
btw, mission #4 in that campaign seems to be a blast! right out of a chapter of the "Nachtjagd War Diaries", both volumes of which I can highly recommend for getting a picture of what nightfighting meant for LW crews;

your problem with the mini map is not reproduceable here: I have it working an can switch between nav, radar and other modes easily; maybe remove the version you have and get the most recent from the forum here;


Thanks for this advice- I see that a new verion of KitD is planned , so I'll be patient for that.

As to working Mini map would this be V2.4 found elsewher in SAS?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Raven Morpheus on August 04, 2013, 11:54:59 AM

I'm having a few problems with framerates with this super-mod.  I wasn't sure if I should load all of the 33 packs, or just some, so I loaded all the packs (took about an hour or so).  However, with HSFX 6.17 and Patch 4.11.1m I get about 50fps on average, but with TFM and patch 4.10.1m I'm getting 30fps on average!

I've tried disabling gurnersFX pack, and also the single file mentioned, and that doesn't improve matters much.

I've also set the RAM usage in the selector to 1024, I previously tried 512, but again there is little difference in fps.

Can anyone tell me what else is a resource hog that I can disable to improve framerates?

Also here's my PC specs -

AMD Phenom II x4 @3.2ghz
Sapphire Radeon HD 5870 1GB
8GB RAM 1333mhz

And here's my OpenGL settings in my conf.ini (would DX8 give me a significant, i.e. 20-30 fps, boost?) -

Code: [Select]







I've also put this at the end of the conf.ini as suggested in the first post of this thread -

Code: [Select]
FOV=110 - I put this in because I'm using the DefaultFOV mod
/AirShowSmoke=2       <----- white smoke
/AirShowSmoke=3       <----- blue smoke

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on August 04, 2013, 12:08:07 PM
Hello Dietz!

yes, that is the one I am using :) the V2.4
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Mick on August 04, 2013, 02:11:42 PM
And here's my OpenGL settings in my conf.ini (would DX8 give me a significant, i.e. 20-30 fps, boost?)

DX8 (or any other version) will prevent you from using "perfect landscape" settings that are only available with OpenGL ...  ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on August 04, 2013, 02:14:16 PM
I recently installed New TFM on top of my DBW 1.71. I am using Gurner FX 4.3 10 km distance. I followed all instructions from Monty and have updated my config to perfect with the exception of effects=1. I searched Gurners thread and commented out the class file he recommended. I have set texture compression=2 and arbtexcompression=1. My game is very unstable. I average about 35 fps, but it often jumps to 55, then dips to 20. Is there anything I can do?. I read somewhere that UV3 can cause loss of fps. What other fixes can I try? I am running on a Lenovo y500 with an i7-3630qm and a gt 750m with 2gb gddr5. Any input from Monty or anyone else would be greatly appreciated!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Mick on August 04, 2013, 03:21:27 PM
... it is quite normal to see what you call "unstable" fps, because fps rate varies according to the scenery (you get much higher fps if you fly over sand dunes than if you fly over Berlin for ex...) the effects (explosions, smokes, fires ...) objects on a map, convoys, and also the number of AC flying at a given moment etc ...

For ex if you look at the blue sky (with no Hi-Res clouds) your fps will sky rocket, but if you decide to take a look at the very nicely populated city just underneath, your fps will sink down to your toes ...  ;)

Gurner's beautiful effects mod is known for being very demanding, I am using it in a castrated 4.09 adaptation of mine (several java class files deleted) and I almost get a slideshow when I take a look at ground explosions for ex ...  :'(

May be you should try that one, it is way more fps friendly ... :

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on August 04, 2013, 06:36:29 PM
It just freezes sometimes; I love TFM, if I can't get it to work I will try the effects you posted.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dietz on August 04, 2013, 06:54:02 PM
Love this ...but I have little bits & pieces going wrong: No Stuka gunners at least in the Ju-87B I tested off line( I think on pg43 someone had something similar except online.)
F-9-F Tokori mission catapult doesn't work & entire air group went into the drink.I may have to try to find the old catapult mod unless there's a better way.Good news: the Carrier crew & aircraft on deck mods work fine with TFM!
Fimally still tinkering with on again off again low FPS with GurnerFX on & off.It seems to react with several add-on mods -have no idea what's going on.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sphantom on August 04, 2013, 07:02:35 PM
Dump gurnerFX or read the first page and delete or disable the class files that is listed to do that
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 04, 2013, 07:24:18 PM
Like Phantom says James, delete the Classfiles in GurnersFX Folder, you will have a lot of his FX but no fps drop.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 04, 2013, 07:45:18 PM

Mod sets are complicated, compatibility and integration takes many hours of testing.

Any mission not written for new-TFM is unlikely to work until it is modified to this set and any other mods added to New-TFM are also done at your own risk.

ALL Ju-87 Gunners are fine in DBW and DBW+New-TFM.


Mods INCLUDED in New-TFM are fair game for bug reports and feedback is very useful.  Bug reports from other mods or stuff added to New-TFM are not fair or useful Data.  This arises because some users take New-TFM as it is and enjoy it.  Other users take New-TFM, pull it to bits, add their own stuff then post here looking for support! 

Of course I want to encourage everyone to do their thing and really am not criticising you negatively.  However, we must try to phrase feedback accurately and fully if it is to be useful.

"have no idea what's going on" is a place I recognise!  But this is the point at which to roll back your packs or undo the last thing you did in order to compare results and establish the cause of whatever the issue is.

If you want to further mod New-TFM its a good idea to keep one clean #DBW folder, with just New-TFM mods added, and a second copy for your experiments.  Switch the relevant folders on/off as you need them.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 04, 2013, 07:47:47 PM
"The newest, editable SAS Selector, packaged with JSGME for DBW+New-TFM.  With this pack enabled you will have DBW-1916 and DBW listed in order as 'The First World War' and 'WWII to Korea New-TFM', with new mod folders also created for #SCW and #JTW.  The #SCW and #JTW are actually Clean #DBW folders, ready for customisation.  Ecran_Wide_4101 and PAL-MissionProCombo are already added. 


On my setup #SCW is for Poltava's 'Spanish Civil War'.  Simply extract the contents of his SCW pack to the #SCW folder in order to have it alongside DBW-1916 and DBW+New-TFM.  The #JTW is intended for a future project; "The Cold War and the Jet Age", which could be released like the SCW and New-TFM sets if people want them.

Previous DBW New-TFM Mods remain unaffected.  This Selector is simply an extra choice you may enable, safely with JSGME, anywhere in your mod sequence.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 04, 2013, 07:56:07 PM
This is all too cool Simon, Way to go Brother!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 04, 2013, 08:03:21 PM
Thanks for your help with this one Bravo, as well as SAS~Storebror for creating the new SAS Modact.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 04, 2013, 08:05:44 PM
My Pleasure my good Friend!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dietz on August 04, 2013, 09:21:33 PM

Mod sets are complicated, compatibility and integration takes many hours of testing.

Any mission not written for new-TFM is unlikely to work until it is modified to this set and any other mods added to New-TFM are also done at your own risk.

ALL Ju-87 Gunners are fine in DBW and DBW+New-TFM.


Mods INCLUDED in New-TFM are fair game for bug reports and feedback is very useful.  Bug reports from other mods or stuff added to New-TFM are not fair or useful Data.  This arises because some users take New-TFM as it is and enjoy it.  Other users take New-TFM, pull it to bits, add their own stuff then post here looking for support! 

Of course I want to encourage everyone to do their thing and really am not criticising you negatively.  However, we must try to phrase feedback accurately and fully if it is to be useful.

"have no idea what's going on" is a place I recognise!  But this is the point at which to roll back your packs or undo the last thing you did in order to compare results and establish the cause of whatever the issue is.

If you want to further mod New-TFM its a good idea to keep one clean #DBW folder, with just New-TFM mods added, and a second copy for your experiments.  Switch the relevant folders on/off as you need them.

I will - I appreciate your advice.This is a terrid=fic set of mods& again thanks for all your work!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 04, 2013, 10:50:38 PM
OK Dietz, I know it can be frustrating at times but I'm glad you are enjoying the build.  Your posts, and replies to them, continue to help everyone who reads the thread.

Here are the new 4:12 FX, packaged for your DBW JSGME.

#DBW_1.71_New 412 FX

(all available at the first post too)




#DBW-NewTFM-35-GeeBee Upgrade
Thanks to Loku for the beautiful GeeBee, MAX_TheHitman, for both his work with Loku on the GeeBee skins and a massive new FMB Object Library Upgrade, and Griffon_301 for highlighting previous loadout errors with the Typhoon MkIb.  This pack also upgrades the Il4 to 4:12 levels, upgrades Ten010's Aichi M6A Seiran and adds carrier crew to the decks of the Boxer and Valley Forge.


A few glitches in the FMB File structure of New-TFM-35 have been corrected.

Anyone reading this message who already has New-TFM-35 installed should disable it (JSGME) and re-download.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  The whole process just took me about 20 minutes, so not too bad.  The re-upload is slightly larger and contains a notice confirming it is the corrected version.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on August 05, 2013, 03:12:14 AM
Simon you are the best!!! thanks for that great addon again!

dietz: I know how frustrating it can be to find out that something is not working while with other guys install, this seems to work flawlessly!
maybe with the new Selector, do as Simon and Bravo have suggested: it is easy to get multiple mods under one hood with this one, as long as the mods stay on the same patch level;
I myself have three of them, DBW-TFM, DBW 1916 and DBW SCW;
all three work and stuff can be easily added to one set while not affecting the others;
you can also add a stock TFM and a modded TFM so you have one base for campaigns and one do it yourself for adding various stuff you would like to have additionally to stock TFM, which is pretty all encompassing though (with the exception of a few aircraft, ships and other stuff that many people might not need at all :)

if you need any help with the selector, Bravo has done a terrific job in the dedicated thread for the new selector, describing how it works, what it does and how it does this...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 05, 2013, 03:38:21 AM
***How to Utilise IL-2 Selector.exe v3.1.1- Properly***

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on August 05, 2013, 07:25:01 AM
ehm I still have a small question: do the new 4.12 fx go over Gurners, should I load them after Gurners or should I use them instead of Gurners?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 05, 2013, 07:29:24 AM
You can use the 4.12 FX over Gurners, You should Delete Gurners Classfiles though.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on August 05, 2013, 07:35:54 AM
thanks a lot Bravo! will try that out immediately, I am just in the process of getting the new selector up and running and need to winmerge a few inis for use with the new TFM pack :)
oh, and I suppose it is sufficient to just rem the class files out?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 05, 2013, 08:33:19 AM
Yes Phill, you will not get the fps hit from the Class Files, Game will run much smoother.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on August 05, 2013, 09:19:17 AM
I opted for a simpler method, just copied all the class files in a backup folder inside Gurners and remmed this one out :)
other than that, looking good so far, after a small problem with the new selector, which was easily solvable after having a look inside the il2fb.ini :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 05, 2013, 08:45:16 PM

A few glitches in the FMB File structure of New-TFM-35 have been corrected.

Anyone reading this message who already has New-TFM-35 installed should disable it (JSGME) and re-download.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  The whole process just took me about 20 minutes, so not too bad.  The re-upload is slightly larger and contains a notice confirming it is the corrected version.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on August 06, 2013, 01:00:18 AM
Hello, I have a few questions: first, I disabled Gurners FX in JGSME and unzipped and placed 4.12 fx files in my DBW folder. Then, I downloaded Monty's 4.12 jgsme 2mb link and activated the effects in jgsme. Did I do that correctly? If not, what should I do from here? Also, Monty, I downloaded your radio files, put them in the correct places, assigned beacon keys, and turned on realistic navigation, but I can't get the radio to play tracks while in flight. I also tried to activate the splashscreens, but I still only see the default one when I start my game. What am I doing wrong? Sorry for the questions, but I'm having other issues with my install. I don't know if this is the place, but there is a lot of support going on here and I have DBW and TFM, so I'm going to ask: I have the true colors and textures mod and when I converted some of my skins to 2048x2048, they wouldn't work in the game. Should I convert them back? Sorry if these are dumb questions, but I just want to get in the air again!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 06, 2013, 01:24:11 AM
Hello, I have a few questions: first, I disabled Gurners FX in JGSME and unzipped and placed 4.12 fx files in my DBW folder. Then, I downloaded Monty's 4.12 jgsme 2mb link and activated the effects in jgsme. Did I do that correctly? If not, what should I do from here? Also, Monty, I downloaded your radio files, put them in the correct places, assigned beacon keys, and turned on realistic navigation, but I can't get the radio to play tracks while in flight. I also tried to activate the splashscreens, but I still only see the default one when I start my game. What am I doing wrong? Sorry for the questions, but I'm having other issues with my install. I don't know if this is the place, but there is a lot of support going on here and I have DBW and TFM, so I'm going to ask: I have the true colors and textures mod and when I converted some of my skins to 2048x2048, they wouldn't work in the game. Should I convert them back? Sorry if these are dumb questions, but I just want to get in the air again!

Gurner's and 412 FX - I'm running all of the JSGME activated FX packs and looking at what shows up, its easy to enable/disable according to taste and framerates.

Splashscreens - The contents of the RARs go into JSGME, take a look at the file structure compared to other JSGME addons and you will see you probably decompressed one level short.

Radio tracks in flight - The radio stations have to be placed by the mission builder.  You can do this if you know your way around FMB or you can try any of my campaigns or single mission sets.  It won't work with a QMB mission since they don't contain radio station beacons.  My "Ace of Spades" and "The FlyingTigers" have lots of pre-placed radio beacons.

The true colors and textures mod has an excellent thread with downloadable Dlls and Classfiles all labelled clearly and activated by JSGME.  Try different combos, New-TFM-24 already provides the classfiles, some people have also had to install the dlls.  Check out the link.


No questions are dumb, we are not born knowing everything.  However, all of these answers are available around the site and you will learn a lot more a lot faster once you can locate and read the relevant threads.  When I get stuck I use the search feature to see if other people are talking about the problem I just discovered.  Most of the time a whole buch of people are there already and the issue is solved before I even ask.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on August 06, 2013, 02:25:33 AM
Thanks so much Monty! Your pack and campaigns are awesome. I fixed my splashscreen, and now I understand the true color and textures mod and radio stations, but I'm still a little confused on the effects. Was I supposed to drop these: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,36184.0.html in my DBW folder and then download your 4.12 fx link to activate in jgsme?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 06, 2013, 02:59:36 AM
Thanks so much Monty! Your pack and campaigns are awesome. I fixed my splashscreen, and now I understand the true color and textures mod and radio stations, but I'm still a little confused on the effects. Was I supposed to drop these: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,36184.0.html in my DBW folder and then download your 4.12 fx link to activate in jgsme?
Hey 3 out of 4, we are getting there!  The 4:12 FX - Its either one really,  Bravo's drop into place, my package is the same but JSGME activated, so I would go for that if I were you.  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: x-try on August 06, 2013, 04:24:33 AM
Hi everybody,
First thank you Monty and all of the modders who created this awsome pack :D I rediscover this fabulous game.
However since one month I encounter a problem, my NFM install works great to the #23 pack but when I enable the 24th I've got a 60% crash (deleting or not the old wellington folder).  :'(
I've reinstall all my game twice (1946 stock, then 4.07 to DBW superinstall and the NFM checking they work one by one) but it's still here.  :(

I've also check my air.ini when the #24 is enable and when I desactivate the Beauforts and Wellington line, the game works well but... when I install #25 (and also desactivate beauforts & wellington lines) i've got a 60% again  ???

If somebody have a solution or help me, I'd be very gratefull  :)

Have good flights  :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 06, 2013, 07:57:24 AM
Hi everybody,
First thank you Monty and all of the modders who created this awsome pack :D I rediscover this fabulous game.
However since one month I encounter a problem, my NFM install works great to the #23 pack but when I enable the 24th I've got a 60% crash (deleting or not the old wellington folder).  :'(
I've reinstall all my game twice (1946 stock, then 4.07 to DBW superinstall and the NFM checking they work one by one) but it's still here.  :(

I've also check my air.ini when the #24 is enable and when I desactivate the Beauforts and Wellington line, the game works well but... when I install #25 (and also desactivate beauforts & wellington lines) i've got a 60% again  ???

If somebody have a solution or help me, I'd be very gratefull  :)

Have good flights  :)

Reinstall yes, but not to 4:07.  DBW needs an Il2 patched all the way up to 4:101m before installing UP3RC, then DBW.  The latest 'Buttons' file is introduced in New-TFM-24 and it requires V4:101m minimum.  Selecting the Stock game for a test launch will confirm your current patch level.

It isn't too bad doing a reinstall, I do it quite regularly, messing about with the sim all the time.  Did a vanilla disc install this weekend in fact, then patched and New-TFM'd it.  It was raining all day... 8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: x-try on August 06, 2013, 08:14:52 AM
Hi everybody,
First thank you Monty and all of the modders who created this awsome pack :D I rediscover this fabulous game.
However since one month I encounter a problem, my NFM install works great to the #23 pack but when I enable the 24th I've got a 60% crash (deleting or not the old wellington folder).  :'(
I've reinstall all my game twice (1946 stock, then 4.07 to DBW superinstall and the NFM checking they work one by one) but it's still here.  :(

I've also check my air.ini when the #24 is enable and when I desactivate the Beauforts and Wellington line, the game works well but... when I install #25 (and also desactivate beauforts & wellington lines) i've got a 60% again  ???

If somebody have a solution or help me, I'd be very gratefull  :)

Have good flights  :)

Reinstall yes, but not to 4:07.  DBW needs an Il2 patched all the way up to 4:101m before installing UP3RC, then DBW.  The latest 'Buttons' file is introduced in New-TFM-24 and it requires V4:101m minimum.  Selecting the Stock game for a test launch will confirm your current patch level.

It isn't too bad doing a reinstall, I do it quite regularly, messing about with the sim all the time.  Did a vanilla disc install this weekend in fact, then patched and New-TFM'd it.  It was raining all day... 8)

Thanks for your answer but when i launch the stock version i'm already in 4.10.1m.
The Stock game 4.10.1m works well, DBW 1.71 version too, and NFM from #1 to #23. I've also download again the #24 (if there was a download error?) but nothing change :(
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dietz on August 06, 2013, 08:44:16 AM
OK Dietz, I know it can be frustrating at times but I'm glad you are enjoying the build.  Your posts, and replies to them, continue to help everyone who reads the thread.

Here are the new 4:12 FX, packaged for your DBW JSGME.

#DBW_1.71_New 412 FX

(all available at the first post too)




#DBW-NewTFM-35-GeeBee Upgrade
Thanks to Loku for the beautiful GeeBee, MAX_TheHitman, for both his work with Loku on the GeeBee skins and a massive new FMB Object Library Upgrade, and Griffon_301 for highlighting previous loadout errors with the Typhoon MkIb.  This pack also upgrades the Il4 to 4:12 levels, upgrades Ten010's Aichi M6A Seiran and adds carrier crew to the decks of the Boxer and Valley Forge.


A few glitches in the FMB File structure of New-TFM-35 have been corrected.

Anyone reading this message who already has New-TFM-35 installed should disable it (JSGME) and re-download.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  The whole process just took me about 20 minutes, so not too bad.  The re-upload is slightly larger and contains a notice confirming it is the corrected version.

Now I can play Rocketeer! If only someone could put cowl mounted 30 calibers on it ...then I could take it to the Spanish Civil War...whenever I get tat to work properly!
All kidding aside the screen shown on this post is as pretty as the rest...is it somewher in the package or did I just miss it in the other new title screens?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Gaston on August 06, 2013, 01:42:41 PM
Thanks for all the work !

I just saw an old bug coming back : the Fokker G1... the famous no cockpit bug !

A little correction, maybe ?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: FANATIC MODDER on August 07, 2013, 05:29:24 AM
I downloaded the TFM-35, still I see the old gunner/bombadier position in IL-4 of 4.11, and not the new revised one of 4.12....
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 07, 2013, 07:36:49 AM
I downloaded the TFM-35, still I see the old gunner/bombadier position in IL-4 of 4.11, and not the new revised one of 4.12....
Yep, misprint, it is still at 4:11 presently, but something to aim for, it will happen eventually.

The Fokker G1 is still fine.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: FANATIC MODDER on August 07, 2013, 08:41:20 AM
I downloaded the TFM-35, still I see the old gunner/bombadier position in IL-4 of 4.11, and not the new revised one of 4.12....
Yep, misprint, it is still at 4:11 presently, but something to aim for, it will happen eventually.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on August 08, 2013, 05:05:23 AM
I tried the new 4.12 effects on top of GurnersFX (without classfiles) but got square/rectangular smoke shadows? Anyone else noticed this? Did I do something wrong?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sphantom on August 08, 2013, 01:00:21 PM
You did something wrong
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on August 09, 2013, 01:23:16 AM
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on August 09, 2013, 04:36:03 AM
hello making!

the 4.12 effects work with no trouble on my install;
have to decide still though if they are better than Gurners :)

also the Fokker pit works, no problem here....
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on August 09, 2013, 05:54:11 AM
I think I may have mixed up some of the 'low particle' effects by mistake - I'll try again !! No probs with Fokker pits here either btw
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 09, 2013, 06:17:55 AM
Man guy's, you have to be carefull with additional Mods in your New-TFM, it is already stuffed to the gills with many Mods that may not be compatible with what you choose to add to it, just test every thing first to see if it works in your TFM then you will have less or no problems.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on August 09, 2013, 06:33:44 AM
Yep cheers Bravo its looking a bit full in there at the mo - just deleted my 'sportsters' which I never use to make some room, might ditch a few more soon. Want room for the SM81/Barracuda/Firefly/Kingfisher .......
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 11, 2013, 03:55:32 AM
Yep cheers Bravo its looking a bit full in there at the mo - just deleted my 'sportsters' which I never use to make some room, might ditch a few more soon. Want room for the SM81/Barracuda/Firefly/Kingfisher .......

You writing a Navy campaign then?  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: HotelAlpha on August 11, 2013, 09:42:49 AM
Man guy's, you have to be carefull with additional Mods in your New-TFM, it is already stuffed to the gills with many Mods that may not be compatible with what you choose to add to it, just test every thing first to see if it works in your TFM then you will have less or no problems.

That´s why I swithched to the old one. I wanted to add the F-4 phantom, and gave me a CTD so I knew it was incompatible. Sphantom told me so.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 11, 2013, 09:47:55 AM
You have to have Jetwar and Engine Mod to run those Jets.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sphantom on August 11, 2013, 12:19:30 PM
Man guy's, you have to be carefull with additional Mods in your New-TFM, it is already stuffed to the gills with many Mods that may not be compatible with what you choose to add to it, just test every thing first to see if it works in your TFM then you will have less or no problems.

That´s why I swithched to the old one. I wanted to add the F-4 phantom, and gave me a CTD so I knew it was incompatible. Sphantom told me so.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: darky1958 on August 13, 2013, 04:28:52 AM
hallo evrybody !
I have a big problem!
I can´t put the Arizona , Tennesse and Yamato ship mods on my new TFM. its doas´t work , system break the game.
At old full monty was OK.
Whats wrong



Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on August 13, 2013, 08:46:08 PM
hallo evrybody !
I have a big problem!
I can´t put the Arizona , Tennesse and Yamato ship mods on my new TFM. its doas´t work , system break the game.
At old full monty was OK.
Whats wrong



If you mod on top of New-TFM, you do so at your own risk.  If you have a technical question - but fail to post a logfile - nobody can even guess.

If you have a suggestion for New-TFM, and post that here, with a link, its more likely to result in a new pack with the addons you mention.  I actually like the new Yamoto 3D, by Diving Hawk:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21754.0.html as well as Gofo's improved fleet.  Could be well worth including in New-TFM.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on August 13, 2013, 10:33:47 PM

You writing a Navy campaign then?  8)

I wish Monty I never have the free time - You guys really amaze me with the amount of stuff you churn out for us. And its all free - never ceases to amaze me !!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on August 14, 2013, 08:21:44 AM
Hello Simon!

just another small item for updating on the first page of this thread;
the new Lancaster 3d model does not show up correctly in the current situation as the Tiger mod is loaded before the AIR_Lancaster;
as Tiger contains a Lancaster folder, this ruins all the 3d updates, at least it was so on my rig;
just to rem out the Lancaster folder in the plane folder of Tiger is enough to cure this :)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on August 17, 2013, 03:17:06 PM
Monty, I don't think I have Tiger's sounds working correctly. I put the sfs files in my main il-2 1946 folder, tweaked my config accordingly, and followed all the instructions. When listening to others flyby sounds (with Tiger) on YouTube, mine don't compare. What am I missing? Also, when I am listening to in flight music (not radio), the tracks play for a few seconds, then cut off and go to the next. How can I fix that? Last, is there any way to randomize your radio tracks so I hear different ones and not just the same 5?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on August 17, 2013, 08:56:40 PM
My flyby sounds DON'T sound like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBFjrzSULyY
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on August 18, 2013, 02:37:44 PM
I just tried the .rar over my regular sfs and it didn't work  :-X.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: matori on August 19, 2013, 08:33:05 AM
Fantastic NEW TFM I did it at least :P ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Jenato on August 20, 2013, 01:03:54 PM
TFM works fine but I have discovered some - hopefully minor - flaws. Opening Spitfire cockpits is impossible (or has this always been the case?) and the sound of the sliding Zero and Ki-43 cockpits goes on too long. It has the looks of it the sound "repeats" itself a few times. Is there a solution for this problem? And of course there is the cowl flaps and radiator problem I have mentioned before in another topic...
But, considering the "weight" of the original IL-2 1946 in comparison with what TFM offers now... It has grown and became more complex, of course. Keeping in mind the gigantic efforts by many people to make it what it is today... in fact I shouldn't have any reason to complain and go on with what I have.  8) ;)


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: v.Greiff on August 20, 2013, 01:26:10 PM
@Simon....first of all a big "thank you!!!" to you and your incredible work...I mean thank all of you!
Did you already include cyberolas new masterpiece the RRR ardennes map or do I have to do it all by myself???

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on August 20, 2013, 06:30:15 PM
I fixed the flyby sounds by setting flyby=1 in the config. However, I messed up my all.ini when installing map mods into DBW. If someone could post their DBW+NEW TFM all.ini located in mapmods\maps that would be great!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: RealDarko on August 21, 2013, 05:32:26 AM
Please correct me I'f I'm wrong. I need to download first the 4 sfs files, then 35 packs (unzip those on JGSEM folder) and install ALL the 35 packages one by one?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on August 21, 2013, 08:37:54 AM
Please correct me I'f I'm wrong. I need to download first the 4 sfs files, then 35 packs (unzip those on JGSEM folder) and install ALL the 35 packages one by one?
Correct. The sfs files go in your main install then you unpack the 35 packs in order via jsgme. And Darko, once you complete this can you use the editors function (#) to post your all.ini. It is mapmods\maps.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on August 21, 2013, 11:51:39 AM
Hello Jenato!

have tested that problem you have reported with the Spitfires and can confirm your findings, but only for the MkIX Spits;
the other, younger modded Spits seem to work ok, the Mk1 (confirmed) to MkV (not all tested) and the Griffon marks;
also, the Seafires work;
I will install these 3d modded MkIXs and see if they work (radiators and canopies) and report back;

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Jenato on August 21, 2013, 02:20:41 PM
Thanks Griffon

any chance you can tell me why the sound of opening and closing canopies of the Zero's and Ki-43's act weard. As I mentioned, they repeat themselves about three times. Its almost like an echo! Very odd. I re-installed TFM from a complete vanilla DBW version, according to the rules, but this didn't help a lot.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Jenato on August 21, 2013, 02:47:25 PM
Just tried it out: it has nothing to do with the TigersSOUNDS. Disabled them and problem remained.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on August 22, 2013, 07:42:11 AM
I am no modding god so I am not able to help you with the sounds;
I will look into the Spit IXs tomorrow; a quick solution I may have is to install those 3d modded IXs and use them and see if the problem persists;

more from me tomorrow then....
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: RDDR Hangar19 on August 23, 2013, 02:57:04 AM
  You know something I have noticed this anomaly for quite a while and also
 wondered why.
Monty and I went through all sounds and especially Tigers pack when we were updating my rig
and it wasn't something I noticed,but you know I do believe I noticed it back in DBW before the both Montys were released although I could be wrong.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on August 23, 2013, 02:03:08 PM
ok, went through the whole host of Spitfire and can confirm that radiator and openening canopies dont work on the MkVIIIs, the MkIXs (the stock ones) and the MkXII (early); ironically on the MkXII late, both the rad and the canopy opening works...
for the new 3d/slot IXs, the opening canopies work too, radiators do not work though either...

well, not that big of a problem though I guess :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Jenato on August 24, 2013, 07:58:46 AM
No, no Griffon, thanks for searching it out. There are more annoying things in life than that but the technicality of the problem intrigues me...
About the sound of the opening cockpits of the Zero's and the Ki-43's... I discovered it is not the sound at all which is the problem. In a standard DBW isntall the same sound is used, only...the canopy opens slower! In TFM the sliding back or forward of the canopy goes too fast! Faster than the sound ;) if you like. And also this is not a very world moving issue here but may be... for perfectionists...


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: emken67 on August 24, 2013, 04:35:30 PM
Just installed the New-TFM.  It's been a couple of months since I did any modding and I made a couple of mistakes, but finally got it all up and running.  It is fabulous, thanks all you guys :-)  Maybe getting a bit ahead of myself, but I wanted a look at the TB-7 and needed the Ju 188 for a campaign, so I installed them.  Both aircraft fly well, but I have a wierd hydraulic noise -like the landing gear or flaps are actuating.  Flip to F2 and no sign of anything wrong.  Any idea what it may be? 

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Peachy9 on August 25, 2013, 01:54:06 PM
Monty, it appears that loading tfm35 prevents me from using the quick track function - I just get the error "track not saved". I have all of the packs loaded along with Guncam tracers mod - nothing else! Any ideas?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: the202 on August 26, 2013, 08:14:02 AM
Monty, thanks for he excellent packs. Just one question, could you please add these planes to new-TFM along with the Yamato class battleship?
Ju 188/288
H6K Mavis
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: lam on August 26, 2013, 10:32:50 AM
Ok, I just have to confirm that the F/A-18 Hornet that Bravo posted on the first screen has not been released yet, correct?

For that matter, neither has the Jet Age mod been released (that is mentioned in Bravo's pic), correct?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 26, 2013, 10:44:59 AM
Not yet lam, be patient please.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on August 26, 2013, 01:23:59 PM
202, you can easily add the planes and the ship yourself :) - ehm ok, the Yamato is a little bit tougher to add than the birds, but it is not that difficult, takes about 10minutes of reading thru the readme and then add whats necessary to the various inis :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Poltava on August 26, 2013, 01:25:27 PM
And the He-280 is already in there  :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dik_splash on August 26, 2013, 03:03:01 PM
Hello chaps,

I've started totally from scratch from DVD added patches, DBW from scratch etc and the enabled all the New TFM mods in the correct order. *(also deleting Wellington folder etc where necessary)

I fired it up and it loaded no problem, I then picked a Luftwaffe campaign and got the beep, (Africa fighter 1941), damn I had enabled the modded version instead of the DGen stan.

I got rid of the modded and enabled the standard DGen, but now the computer hangs at 95% and comes up with an IL2 6DOF has stopped working error message.

Has anybody seen this before or have any ideas of the the cause?

I just thought I would ask on the off chance before I disable all the patches and start again as it took quite a while to enable them.

I've done a quick search but only saw 70% crash reports.  I still have the old version installed, so all is not lost.

Many thanks in advance


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: lam on August 26, 2013, 03:13:59 PM
Not yet lam, be patient please.

no problem. just checking. i'll patiently wait...!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: emken67 on August 26, 2013, 03:35:06 PM
dik_splash I've had that a few times whilst installing.  I don't think it's a specific problem, more general installation not right.  Once I did a complete vanilla install of 410 then DBW I've had no problems with adding extras.  I know that that doesn't sound too helpful, but it's my experience. 
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: lyteyr on August 27, 2013, 09:59:01 AM
Hi All,

Thanks first of all to Monty for all his work and effort to simplify the once cumbersome mod installation process.  Secondly, I would like to thank all those who have asked and responded to installation questions (too many to note!) that paved the road for me to follow. After many missteps, I have all 35 NTFM files installed as per directions, the game loads and I am good to go.

However in the JSGME folder, activated mods 19, 26, 34 and 35 have not grayed out.  I understand 35 not graying, but is this normal for the remaining even though the game loads and the sample missions that have been used as test subjects work?

Thanks in advance,
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 27, 2013, 10:54:52 AM
I do the Direct install method, If your game is working I wouldnt worry about the not graying out  lyteyr
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: nzmigman on August 28, 2013, 02:14:32 AM
New install DBW 1.71 + new TFM.

Seems the frames do not flow as smoothly as my standard dbw171 install, don't know why that should be.
have ATI card and Hardware shaders on causes problems so =0

Also testing with bf110 Blind landing Practice mission, game crashed when I tried to change the beacon type.

Question: is the dbw 171 hotfix necessary as I did not install this.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dik_splash on August 28, 2013, 02:40:05 AM
dik_splash I've had that a few times whilst installing.  I don't think it's a specific problem, more general installation not right.  Once I did a complete vanilla install of 410 then DBW I've had no problems with adding extras.  I know that that doesn't sound too helpful, but it's my experience.

Yeah thanks for posting, I will have another look when I get more time.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flugkapitan on August 28, 2013, 07:14:12 PM

I have the New TFM installed up to the latest download in DBW 1.71. I'm in a career that is now flying FW190D's and I have no choices for weapons load outs. The only choices in the drop down box are:

Kind of makes it difficult for those air to mud missions  ;)

If anyone has a suggestion, please let me know.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Blackadder on August 29, 2013, 06:53:31 PM
Hi team, thanks for making this grand effort. I look forward to getting into the skies with TFM.

I am having an install problem if you don't mind giving me a bit of help. I started afresh and my game installer installed to 4.07. I then did a 4.07 to 410.1 patch which worked. I then did a 410.1 to ultrapack 3 rc4 install and the game loaded up. I then did a DBW 1.71 install (which told me to deactivate up3 mods in jsgme so I did). Once I installed DBW 1.71 I activated 5 or 6 of the jgsme options and the game loaded up to the main menu.

I then downloaded and unzipped the TFM files into the jgsme folder. I activated 1 to 35 one at a time and then activated the music and one of the splash screens. I then did the fixes you had at the start of the instructions. I did not deactivate any of the DBW 1.71 mods I had selected.

When I try to load up DBW from the il2 selector the game does not start up, nothing happens. However if I select ultrapack 3 in the il2 selector that will start now despite UP3 being deactivated in jsgme.

Do you have any idea on what the problem could be? I noticed that at the end of the installation guide it says that there should be a [mod] section in the config.ini with quite a lot of options. There is no section in my config.ini which says [mod], maybe this will help explain why.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on August 29, 2013, 11:07:58 PM
Blackadder, use the selector to select DBW, then just click on il2fb.exe to run the game. The selector doesn't launch the game for me either.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Blackadder on August 30, 2013, 10:51:23 AM
Unfortunately that does not work either. Starting the game via the exe causes the loading ring to appear for a second and a half and then nothing.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 30, 2013, 04:08:23 PM
Might need to do a re install dude.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: HotelAlpha on August 30, 2013, 07:37:11 PM
...Or get the Log.ist/AKA Logfile?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flugkapitan on August 30, 2013, 07:59:50 PM
Hey Guys,

Kinda seems my post is getting buried. Just giving it a "bump" in the hopes of a reply:


I have the New TFM installed up to the latest download in DBW 1.71. I'm in a career that is now flying FW190D's and I have no choices for weapons load outs. The only choices in the drop down box are:

Kind of makes it difficult for those air to mud missions  ;)

If anyone has a suggestion, please let me know.


Thanks again!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: tmansteve on August 31, 2013, 11:59:37 AM
Got all the files and a clean install.  Do you have to install the lot before testing it?  Don't want to mess this up. Gonna do the lot anyway....stupid question.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sphantom on August 31, 2013, 03:52:19 PM
Well first are you going to use jsmge or are you going to do a direct install
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 31, 2013, 09:36:33 PM
Tman, do a direct install, its much faster.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: tmansteve on September 01, 2013, 04:09:43 AM
Hi Bravo

Did a complete re install of IL-2 from my safe 4.10.1 then DBW and UP3. I then used JSGME and activated the lot and got it going.  Will now get some of the extras activated.  Is Gurner FX ok with 4gig ram? And the Gurner FX 412, is that for the new 4.12 upgrade? but i thought that DBW doesn't work on anything other than 4.10.1.

Had a problem with loading as i kept getting the taskbar on screen and couldn't escape the movie with no sound.  After Ctrl+Alt+Del it then kicked in.  Maybe i might stop the intro movie and that might help.  Apart from that, it looks great and fly's with no problems.  Now to look at the Conf.ini etc.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: tmansteve on September 01, 2013, 06:07:19 AM
Just an update.

Everything worked fine without the intro.  Used the conf.ini mods script as a start.  Still ok until i activated Gurner FX.  Lost Tigers Fly by sounds.  It also slowed the hell out of it.  Are there any single effects i can use for Tracers etc that might be FPS friendly?

Will try to get sounds back as i deactivated the FX.  When you deactivate something, does it still leave the files overwritten?

Any help appreciated.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: tmansteve on September 01, 2013, 06:16:49 AM
Looked in my DBW folder and found i have 2 Tiger folders.  1st that i renamed to +0000_TigersSOUNDSforDBW and another +0000TigersSOUNDSforDBW. +0000TigersSOUNDSforDBW folder has just 3do folder with 4 Lancaster .msh files.  Should they be in my 1st folder? is this causing a conflict with the original and stopping my flyby sounds?

[Mods] removed Flyby=0 and got my sounds back. Gettin there.  Looked at topic on Gurners FX and removed the classfile 8A318408BB7C513E which gave me more fps.  Only other problem is the trails bounce of the water.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: tmansteve on September 03, 2013, 11:02:46 AM
Downloaded the Extras and saw #DBW_1.71_New 412 FX.  Is this the same as Gurners but updated?  Can you add both?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on September 03, 2013, 01:49:32 PM
4.12 fx are the new effects from the 4.12 patch. They are based off of Steppenwolf's effects, not Gurner's. I have an i7 and a gt 750m with 2 gb gddr5 and I can't run Gurner either.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: ol' Navy on September 04, 2013, 05:34:40 PM
Time for a quick question from one who is old (71) and not very smart.  I have all the new TFM mods up and running, through #27.  If I wanted to download and activate #34, would it be a problem since I don't have 28 thru 33 activated?  Thanks for any assistance
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sphantom on September 04, 2013, 06:22:59 PM
yup must the others before
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: tmansteve on September 05, 2013, 03:55:01 AM
Thanks Drewm3i

The only way i could get Gurners to work was to deactivate or delete a file that i saw posted. I think it was maybe the distance thing but it went ok after that.  The only thing with Gurners FX is i don't like the tracers as they sometimes bounce off the sea which is a little out of wack.

So i will try the new ones out and see what happens.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: ol' Navy on September 05, 2013, 05:45:46 PM
yup must the others before

Well, I was afraid of that.  By the way, were you a USAF or a USN pilot?  I spent 22+ yrs in the Navy, most of it around the airdale Navy for some reason, but not as a pilot.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: tmansteve on September 07, 2013, 10:44:52 AM
Not sure if you was asking me that Bob, but the answer is no. I'm in UK.  Dad taught me a lot as he was in the RAF during the war.  Was quite a pin in the Berlin Airlift etc.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: ol' Navy on September 07, 2013, 11:01:09 AM
Not sure if you was asking me that Bob, but the answer is no. I'm in UK.  Dad taught me a lot as he was in the RAF during the war.  Was quite a pin in the Berlin Airlift etc.


Not really, it is the guy who says retired fighter pilot above.  Well, I'm in south Texas myself, wish I was in the UK.  Hot and dry (really hot and dry) here, I'm sure not the same there.  Wife and I spent 3yrs in London back in the 60's and heck, I don't think we ever saw the sun (not often anyway).  Loved your country.  I retired from the Navy in 1982, thank your dad for his service.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: timmy1963 on September 08, 2013, 01:53:55 AM
Thank you Monty and to everyone who have done anything to enhance this game and all the people who posted to help with this install.I've been playing this game from its beginning and all of you are always taking it to another level.The graphics and new sounds are amazing.The only thing is Gurners effects are a little demanding on my pc but thats ok.Got to have that eye candy!!I have a couple of versions and i tried one with a FX repack by Mad026 and it runs great for me.Its in Visual/Effects section.I posted there with a short explanation.This is the best birthday gift(i hit the big 50) i could receive ;D Thanks to all of you for making this the best damn flight sim. :) :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: zack on September 08, 2013, 12:47:46 PM
Hello Guys,
After long, long break (little boy was on the way) - I've decided: back to flying!

Just discovered this fantastic pack for download.
But, honestly speaking - I don't understand how to install it.
Could anyone explain me in points (step by step) what should I do to enjoy TFM?
Should I remove my old DBW installation?

Thank You.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: JG7_X_Man on September 08, 2013, 04:00:26 PM
just follow the instructions - don't think to much - reading the post is all you need.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: CoolBreeze on September 09, 2013, 12:17:43 PM
I'm also back after being away for more than a year.  Cheers to Monty for an absolutely bang-up job with this mod pack (and the excellent offline campaigns that go with it).  Zack, don't forget to backup your installation, that way if you make a hash of the installation you can easily start fresh.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sphantom on September 09, 2013, 04:52:00 PM
yup must the others before

Well, I was afraid of that.  By the way, were you a USAF or a USN pilot?  I spent 22+ yrs in the Navy, most of it around the airdale Navy for some reason, but not as a pilot.
Not the Navy but the USMC in the 60s flew F4 and no I did not fly off carriers could not qualify the landing
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Smilinjack on September 09, 2013, 05:02:12 PM
yup must the others before

Well, I was afraid of that.  By the way, were you a USAF or a USN pilot?  I spent 22+ yrs in the Navy, most of it around the airdale Navy for some reason, but not as a pilot.
Not the Navy but the USMC in the 60s flew F4 and no I did not fly off carriers could not qualify the landing

I served in the USMC in Vietnam, '66-'67. I can recall calling in F4's for CAS. Still smell the Napam.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sphantom on September 09, 2013, 07:11:59 PM
Nothing better than crispy critters
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Darkwind on September 11, 2013, 07:59:04 PM
Love the New TFM, all works great, just can't get the Splashscreens to function. Downloaded into jsgme and activate without results, any suggestions?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: tmansteve on September 12, 2013, 08:47:49 AM
Lost the exhaust flame.  Checked Tigers Sounds Folder and inside 3do/effects i see the Textures folder has a minus by it (-TEXTURES) is this correct? Checked my HSFX and there is no minus. Is this stopping the flame effect?  :(
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: FNRennier on September 13, 2013, 11:36:29 AM
Hello, Tenho 2 perguntas  :-\:
1>  I have to delete the old TFM to install the new TFM?
2>  the new TFM, does not have: "FFR-41MR", "F4 Phantom," Russian Helicopter "Mi 24v", and others of the old TFM. How to obtain them?

Thank you!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on September 13, 2013, 12:11:05 PM
Hello rennier!

quick answer - Yes!
the new TFM does contain some different things and therefor the various ini and properties files are not compatible, if you know what I mean;
therefor its either TFM or new TFM;
of course you can add stuff yourself, you just need to add the necessary lines to the mentioned various ini and properties files;
so if you want the fancy helo and jet stuff, add them yourself :)
and if you need them, either download them individually or copy them over from the TFM and read the readme files :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on September 13, 2013, 12:12:27 PM
@steve: by default, new TFM does not have the blue exhaust; I needed to fiddle around myself till the blue flames appeared again-for more details, in the Tech Help-Using Mods section here is a thread about this problem...I posted there how I got my blue exhaust back again...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: FNRennier on September 13, 2013, 12:51:15 PM
Hello rennier!

quick answer - Yes!
the new TFM does contain some different things and therefor the various ini and properties files are not compatible, if you know what I mean;
therefor its either TFM or new TFM;
of course you can add stuff yourself, you just need to add the necessary lines to the mentioned various ini and properties files;
so if you want the fancy helo and jet stuff, add them yourself :)
and if you need them, either download them individually or copy them over from the TFM and read the readme files :)

Hello Griffon_301,
Thank you for the answers!
I'm reading about all ... It's a little hard for me because I do not speak english, but I'm walking slowly get there  :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on September 13, 2013, 01:25:11 PM
Heya no problem :) if you need any help, just ask :)
there´s a great bunch of people here (me included) who will help you with any issues or questions you have :)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: FNRennier on September 13, 2013, 01:42:56 PM
Griffon 301, Thank you for your support, I feel at home here at SAS  :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on September 13, 2013, 08:18:36 PM
ah I know what you mean :) really a great bunch of people this is here!
and a way better customer support for free, than most large companies have on offer :D

so as said, if you have any questions or problems with a TFM install, just post them here :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: tmansteve on September 14, 2013, 07:57:31 AM
Many thanks Griffon, much appreciated.  Forgot there was no blue flame.  Like you say, there are a great bunch of people here and always someone can help.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: tmansteve on September 15, 2013, 10:09:07 AM
Hey Griffon, I managed to get the Flammes mod but when i opened the folder i found that the 2 files inside are the same as the ones i already have in my Tiger 33 sounds. Any light on this?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: zack on September 15, 2013, 01:08:30 PM
Zack, don't forget to backup your installation, that way if you make a hash of the installation you can easily start fresh.
Thanx Cool Breeze, but:
1. Should I download all TFM parts?
2. Then - should I run the first one - and everything will be installed automatically?

Once again - big thanks.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: harpia on September 16, 2013, 12:03:38 PM
Thank you for the wonder of TFM in DBW. Two days downloading, net slow and lack of time. I hope I have time to install everything. Thanks to Monty27 and everyone involved in the project on the excellent work! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: AuburnAlumni on September 20, 2013, 01:55:18 PM
Everything works and is smooth as silk EXCEPT....

Gurner's FX.  When I enable it, my framerate drops significantly.  I have a beast rig that should be more than ample for running everything at max settings, but as soon as I enable Gurner's FX mod...it goes pretty darn choppy.

When I disable it...back to a smooth 60fps.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on September 20, 2013, 04:11:07 PM
Auburn, do yourself a favor and delete only the Classfiles=(files look like this 00B509F2DD168B52), you will still get good effects but your fps will be spot on.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: AuburnAlumni on September 20, 2013, 04:16:27 PM
Auburn, do yourself a favor and delete only the Classfiles=(files look like this 00B509F2DD168B52), you will still get good effects but your fps will be spot on.

Thanks for the tip!  Where are the class files located that I need to delete?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Peachy9 on October 03, 2013, 03:10:58 PM
I am using New-TFM and its fantastic, there is one small issue - Bomb bay doors function perfectly well in mission, they open and close flawlessly. However whenever I record tracks of bombing runs bomb doors remain firmly open in the track, never closing despite receiving the message "bomb bay doors closed" on screen. I am running a clean New-TFM with the Guncam tracers mod. I have tried to disable all mods individually (particularly Gurners FX and the Engine Mod) but nothing makes a difference. Any ideas?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on October 04, 2013, 10:52:42 AM
Auburn, do yourself a favor and delete only the Classfiles=(files look like this 00B509F2DD168B52), you will still get good effects but your fps will be spot on.

Thanks for the tip!  Where are the class files located that I need to delete?
In the folder for Gurner fx in dbw and the gurner fx folder. If you browse around in your folders, you'll find them.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: zack on October 11, 2013, 08:07:57 AM
One basic question.
Everything is clear for me, except one thing:
I would like to install TFM pack, but I don't know, what is "base" for such operation: A CLEAN IL2 v. 4.12.1?
Thank You.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on October 11, 2013, 10:26:36 AM
No Zack, a clean 4.10.1m is needed for this TFM...Use this   https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21514.msg239532.html#msg239532   to get  4.07  to  4.10.1m  and DBW all in one shot. Then you can install The New TFM.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: zack on October 11, 2013, 11:11:29 AM
Ufff....at last everything is clear now, but...uhm..wait:
No Zack, a clean 4.10.1m is needed for this TFM
to get  4.07  to  4.10.1m  and DBW all in one shot.

So..should be CLEAN 4.10.1m or DBW?  :)

Thanks a lot Bravo!

Btw-is it possible to install new planes on TFM?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: snachito on October 11, 2013, 01:19:57 PM
No Zack, a clean 4.10.1m is needed for this TFM...Use this   https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21514.msg239532.html#msg239532   to get  4.07  to  4.10.1m  and DBW all in one shot. Then you can install The New TFM.

Bravo I just got a new rig and downloaded the BigF'in pack (v4.07 to 4.10.1 DBW 1.71)so do I need the DBW folder I that's in the first post:
*For Backup purposes and to ensure a Clean Vanilla #DBW Install
 PLAIN VANILLA DBW 1.71 #DBW Mods Folder
 DOWNLOAD -           https://www.mediafire.com/?dre4yd3jof79twc
or can I just start loading the TFM packs with the 4.10.1 DBW 1.71 install I have right now (although I wanted to badly I didn't install any mods so it's still the original install)? Also, I take that I need to de-activate all things on the right hand side of the JSGME enabler to the left before installing TFM packs correct? I've been wanting to install the full monty for a while, but the rig I had couldn't handle it!! Now this new one is a BEAST and want to thank all those that offer their expertise help on the forum and also Monty and all those that made TFM!!! Big props to all of you!!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on October 12, 2013, 12:51:21 AM
Zack, Yes it is possible to add new Planes, and you want a clean 4.10.1m & DBW.

Snachito, I would recomend using the new DBW Folder, just so you wont have any snags. Then you will have a nice clean New TFM Install.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: snachito on October 12, 2013, 03:03:49 AM
Zack, Yes it is possible to add new Planes, and you want a clean 4.10.1m & DBW.

Snachito, I would recomend using the new DBW Folder, just so you wont have any snags. Then you will have a nice clean New TFM Install.
Thanks Bravo, I just did a TFM install and everything looks AWESOME!! I was floored when I put the water=4 and hardwareshaders=1 in the confi.ini now my game is as Jodi Foster put it in Contact "They should have sent a poet"!!!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on October 12, 2013, 09:31:37 AM
Way to go Snachito, I happy for you Buddy! ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sr-71 on October 12, 2013, 09:54:17 AM
Hi everybody!  :D

I'm just registered, after downloading this awesome TFM mod, and my first post is because I have two little problems:

I see that I need, apart of 4.10.1 (which I have) install 1.71 DBW. The question for me is: do i need the DBW complete mod that I can see on other SAS forum, or only need to activate using JSGME the "clean" DBW that you have here on this thread?  ???

And the second, I see that about installing it's stated "only two minutes per pack" "installed in an hour"... and actually I'm having ten or fifteen minutes activanting each pack...  :o As I'm a habitual JSGME user and never had any problem, perhaps I am doing anything wrong???  :(

Thx on advance and thx for you excellent mod.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on October 12, 2013, 10:00:40 AM
Hi SR71, welcome to SAS, if you want to install faster just unzip and install each of the Files & Folders to your DBW Folder directly, using JSGME is very time consuming
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sr-71 on October 12, 2013, 10:20:25 AM
Hi SR71, welcome to SAS, if you want to install faster just unzip and install each of the Files & Folders to your DBW Folder directly, using JSGME is very time consuming

Thanks a lot for your prompt answer. Do you mean that I have to activate the DBW 1.71 listed here with JSGME and THEN copy all the DBW-TFM on it?  ???

In that case, do I must use the DBW-512 Selector or only starting Il2 normally? Thx again on advance and sorry for the noob questions, I'm wasting too much time with JSGME  :-\
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sr-71 on October 12, 2013, 11:31:05 AM
I'm a bit stressed, because i cannot get TFM to work... >:(

I've put all New-TFM files on the #DBW folder, on the right order and overwriting, and I don't know what to do. If I start, I have a CTD. If I try with the DBW selector 512, I have CTD... all is CTD  ???

Do I have to enable #DBW with JSGME or what? I'm getting really outraged :o Sure I'm doing something wrong
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Smilinjack on October 12, 2013, 12:17:12 PM
You need to install the complete DBW package in your 4.10.1 installation, then procede to install the New TFM packs into JSGME and activate them in serial order via JSGME.
Your selector will list DBW as an option.. select that then start game via selector.
New-TFM packs are best installed into a "clean" #DBW. The "clean DBW" included in JSGME is intended to be used to disable all (including New-TFM) mods.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on October 12, 2013, 12:54:31 PM
To do a Direct New-TFM Install, just do as this Screenshot shows, and you will have a successful New-TFM Install:


Just Drag and drop what I did with the Blue Arrows!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sr-71 on October 12, 2013, 01:10:11 PM
You need to install the complete DBW package in your 4.10.1 installation, then procede to install the New TFM packs into JSGME and activate them in serial order via JSGME.
Your selector will list DBW as an option.. select that then start game via selector.
New-TFM packs are best installed into a "clean" #DBW. The "clean DBW" included in JSGME is intended to be used to disable all (including New-TFM) mods.

Well, I'll try to write the complete process as I understand, with the problems I encounter:

1- Install, over stock 4.07 or 4.10, the "Stock 4.07m to DBW 1.71 SuperPack One-Stop Download & Install (the famous SAS F'nBigSuperPack !)" https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21514.msg239532.html#msg239532 right or not?
2- Get the mandatory 4 sfs files and put into il1946 dir (easy)
3- The first problem: what must I do with the "Clean#DBW" folder??? Paste it in il1946 dir OR put in jsgme folder and activate as the first mod?  ???
4- Download and put all New-TFM packs as said by "BRAVO" (thx mate  ;) ) This would be easy if I know what to do in 1 and 3 :-[
5- Dwnld, put in jsgme folder and activate the the  512-selector mod and start game with it... If I get to this point I think there would not be any problems  :-X

So which is the right process? Thanks on advance guys  ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on October 12, 2013, 02:23:29 PM
SR-71, you need to Install DBW on a full clean 4.101.m, here:   https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21514.msg239532.html#msg239532

Then install New-TFM one by one.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: zack on October 12, 2013, 02:30:18 PM
Ok, to make things easier:
Each "NewTFM" pack should be unzipped (one by one) directly into "DBW_1946" OR into #DBW folder?

PS. I as understood - at the moment there is not possible to add MiG - 21 into TFM?
     Do we have somewhere a list of the planes which are present in TFM?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: snachito on October 12, 2013, 03:22:34 PM
Ok, to make things easier:
Each "NewTFM" pack should be unzipped (one by one) directly into "DBW_1946" OR into #DBW folder?

PS. I as understood - at the moment there is not possible to add MiG - 21 into TFM?
     Do we have somewhere a list of the planes which are present in TFM?

I think there is a way Zack, I added the F4phantoms, A7's, F8 crusaders, F100D and Mig 19 to my TFM, BUT I believe you would need to add the 2.6 engine mod for the Mig 21that might be a problem. The engine mod  in TFM is the previous version and that might prevent you from getting the Mig21 to work. I believe you also have to upgrade jet wars to 1.32, although I'm not sure about that one.

I was planning on adding the newer 4.10 2.6 engine mod version then exchanging the catapults from the 4.11 2.6 version ,but I don't know if that would be a problem with TFM as I LOVE THIS TFM SETUP and I don't want to mess things up!!!!!  I still plan on trying but I want to make sure I can undo things if they don't work!!!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: snachito on October 12, 2013, 03:36:54 PM
While I'm at it, I had a question that I need help with. I always like starting out in the QMB, but when I opened it up I only have like 10 maps in there and before in the DBW I had a WHOLE BUNCH N.Korea, Vietnam, etc but they aren't there. Am I missing something or is that the way it's supposed to be? The maps open up in FMB but I would love to have the maps I had before in the stock DBW-QMB. 

Now in my JSGME I have TFM packs 1-35 activated on the right hand side with:
1. 6DOF
2. Ecran wide
3. Small FX
4. CirX PovMod
5. Forgotten countries full

Now I tried to activate 1.7 Gurners effects (I removed the classfile that was causes FPS) to the right hand side, but everytime I try to put it on the right side of the JSGME it stops responding!! I get the same with trying to activate Mission Pro Combo or even after I deactivate the Small FX and try to add the Gurners effects it still wont go to the right side it stops responding never activates to the right side and I have to shut the JSGME. Everything still works when I turn on the game, but is this my solution below:

Can I just add Gurners effects as well as the Mission Pro Combo mods directly into my main DBW folder instead of trying to activate through the JSGME? Thank you fellas for your help!!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Smilinjack on October 12, 2013, 04:16:08 PM
You need to install the complete DBW package in your 4.10.1 installation, then procede to install the New TFM packs into JSGME and activate them in serial order via JSGME.
Your selector will list DBW as an option.. select that then start game via selector.
New-TFM packs are best installed into a "clean" #DBW. The "clean DBW" included in JSGME is intended to be used to disable all (including New-TFM) mods.

Well, I'll try to write the complete process as I understand, with the problems I encounter:

1- Install, over stock 4.07 or 4.10, the "Stock 4.07m to DBW 1.71 SuperPack One-Stop Download & Install (the famous SAS F'nBigSuperPack !)" https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21514.msg239532.html#msg239532 right or not?
2- Get the mandatory 4 sfs files and put into il1946 dir (easy)
3- The first problem: what must I do with the "Clean#DBW" folder??? Paste it in il1946 dir OR put in jsgme folder and activate as the first mod?  ???
4- Download and put all New-TFM packs as said by "BRAVO" (thx mate  ;) ) This would be easy if I know what to do in 1 and 3 :-[
5- Dwnld, put in jsgme folder and activate the the  512-selector mod and start game with it... If I get to this point I think there would not be any problems  :-X

So which is the right process? Thanks on advance guys  ;)

Skip # 3 in your list. Once you install the full DBW in Step 1 of your list, you'll have a "Clean #DBW Folder". You can then procede to install the New TFM packs.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sr-71 on October 12, 2013, 04:55:16 PM
SR-71, you need to Install DBW on a full clean 4.101.m, here:   https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21514.msg239532.html#msg239532
Then install New-TFM one by one.

Skip # 3 in your list. Once you install the full DBW in Step 1 of your list, you'll have a "Clean #DBW Folder". You can then procede to install the New TFM packs.

Thank you very much you two guys. I'll do so. The only doubt about all is what is the purpose of the file in the first post like this:

For Backup purposes and to ensure a Clean Vanilla #DBW Install
DOWNLOAD - mediafire.com/?dre4yd3jof79twc

Start with a healthy enema! - Use this NEW Clean #DBW folder.

As said by you, it is not necessary if DBW is already installed, or perhaps is an alternative way to install DBW 1.71??

Meanwhile i'll try all your tips. Thx again!  ;)

P.S. After observing it, I think it's only for replacing a modified DBW folder for a clean one; if DBW is just fresh installed is not needed.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on October 13, 2013, 05:52:22 AM
Yes SR-71, that is correct.    if DBW is just fresh installed is not needed
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sr-71 on October 13, 2013, 07:32:37 AM
Hey! After a big bunch of hours I've finally got New-TFM running OK!  ;D 8)

The only little problem is that with normal selector works fine, but if I activate and use the 512-selector I have CTD. Don't imagine why...  :(

Now the next step is to get Poltava's SCW mod to work.

Thanks everybody for your help  ;)

EDIT: I've got 512-selector and SCW to run perfectly, only looke like a little problem with JSGME  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: jasta11ace on October 15, 2013, 08:30:29 AM

I have read and tried all of the above advice on installing TFM. I uninstalled IL-2 1946 and the IL-2 folder from the Ubisoft folder. I re-installed IL-2 1946 from the disk to 4.07m, then installed the DBW 1.71 Superpack to 4.101m. Success so far and DBW loads and flies. I installed the four files in the IL-2 main folder. I un-zipped the first 35 TFM files into JSGME and activated. TFM starts, loads to 5% then CTD. I've tried this process at least six times and am ready to jump on my sword. Any advice would be appreciated.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: marcost on October 15, 2013, 09:15:54 AM
jastaace, sounds like an .sfs file problem (a compressed file that the game uses to load data).

Read here for more causes of 5% crashes



Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: jasta11ace on October 15, 2013, 01:07:34 PM
Thanks, Marcost.

It must be the four sfs files, fb_clay 01 & 02 or tigersounds 1 &2, since DBW loads and flies OK. I'll do a new download and give it a try. These four sfs files go in the main IL-2 directory with the other sfs fliles, right?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: jasta11ace on October 15, 2013, 06:02:18 PM

Thanks for the help. Replaced the Clay sfs files with new ones and TFM works!!!! For two weeks I've had to resort to flying CLOD. Even with Desastersoft campaigns it gets a little repeditive.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: jasta11ace on October 15, 2013, 08:11:42 PM
OK, now that TFM works I downloaded "Ace of Spades". Got so excited that I forgot to start up my TrackIR. Quit IL-2 DBW-TFM and started TrackIR. Restarted IL-2 and TFM loads to 95% and stops responding. Turned off IL-2 and screen resolution went from 1280x1024 to 1024x768.

Repeated start-up with TrackIR shut off and TFM starts OK at 1280x1024.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: marcost on October 16, 2013, 01:56:13 AM
Glad you got it fixed  :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: darky1958 on October 17, 2013, 03:19:14 PM
Hallo Monty
Its the big deal , indeed....
Thank you for your hard work!

Darky !

Ps. I´m using the new TFM. Unfortunately I´ve cancelled " Screenshot " from my system. Since this time I have not this function. I have tried to create  new file "MyScreenShots " , but its nothig helps. What can I do ? Could you help ? Thanks !

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Malone on October 18, 2013, 12:40:27 AM
Simon, just reporting in to say i finally got around to installing the New TFM last weekend, all went off without a hitch, and it's a brilliant package, mate - maybe my favorite to date!
thanks again for all your efforts with this, it's hugely appreciated, mate. :D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: zack on October 18, 2013, 03:30:42 AM
Hello Guys,
Each of TFM .rar pack should be activated.
But - into "jgsme" folder or "DBW" folder?
Thanks a lot.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: marcost on October 18, 2013, 06:47:27 AM
Hi Zack,

Unzip/unrar each pack and put the contents into jgsmemods folder then use jgsme application to activate each one in the correct order. (This moves them for left to right pane in jsgme and copies the folder into the mods folder so that the game loads it)



Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: zack on October 18, 2013, 06:49:01 AM
Thank You Marcost.
I think this great pack will replace my old DBW installation :-)
All the best!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Malone on October 22, 2013, 01:35:51 AM
hi Simon
i just found that the included DRK_Circus map is missing a few objects, not allowing one to save missions.
i found one of the missing objects already, House$Furniture20mm_Flak_Pos_w.
the remaining 3 missing objects seem to be part of the DRK map, DRKCHReceiver, DRKCHTransmitter1 and DRKCHTransmitter2.
i'm still trying to locate them, i know i have them somewhere...
so, either these are missing for all TFM installs, or i have some broken files somewhere.... ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flatsixes on October 22, 2013, 08:25:21 PM
Not much for posting, but I did want to thank you for the wonderful mod. For once I followed the directions very carefully and, somehow, I didn't manage screw anything up. (Or if I did, I don't know it, which is just as good.)

I do have a question about campaigns, though. Are the campaigns that are associated with the New Monty (e.g., Flying Tigers, Ace of Spades, etc.) the only ones that will work with New TFM? If not, what other sorts of campaigns will work? Not that I'm in any hurry. Right now I've got my hands full trying to keep my P-40 in the air.

Again, thanks for all of your great work. You modders are a godsend to we mere mortals.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: marcost on October 23, 2013, 02:05:38 AM
Hi Flatsixes lots of other campaigns will work with TFM, they just won't make use some of the features that TFM has included (i.e. mods and objects etc created after they were made)

DBW campaigns section on M4T would be the best place to start


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flatsixes on October 23, 2013, 05:41:37 PM
Thanks, Marcost. I feel like a kid in a candy store.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Malone on October 23, 2013, 11:45:32 PM
just an update, i resolved my earlier problem of missing objects by installing the DRK_Circus 2.0 map. ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Malone on October 31, 2013, 06:24:27 AM
i've just discovered another issue, that i cannot use radio beacons at all.
when i use the commands to go to next/previous beacon, i just get a game freeze, and have to restart. anybody have any issues like this, and know what might be the cause?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on October 31, 2013, 09:39:20 AM
Eugene, you have to deactivate   !00_PAL-CockpitSounds

Read here on the first page  SOUNDS, BEACONS & FLAMES   "Scroll down untill you see it"

What I did was placed  !00_PAL-Cockpitsounds in my JSGMEmods Folder so I can activate or deactivat with JSGME.exe  ;)

If I wanted to use Beacons I would deactivate  !00_PAL-Cockpitsounds
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Malone on October 31, 2013, 11:28:24 AM
thanks a bunch, Guy - i knew i had read something about it, but couldn't find where i had read it. :D
a classic case of RTFM, lol  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on October 31, 2013, 12:22:09 PM
Lol, Glad I can help Buddy!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: GrumpyBadger on November 01, 2013, 03:37:12 AM
ok, noob question here so if I get flamed out, so be it.

this^^ is from IL2?!? regardless of anything else this is the same game?!?!  :o ??? ;D

umm, yeah.  Basically I've been "out of the world for a spell" and haven't been doing much with computer games for well over a decade.  Do these mods work okay with the basic "recommended" requirements for IL-2:1946?  Or should better graphics cards and such be used?  And the key word is "should" or "have to" or "required" lol because I'm having a hard time with all this!  This is amazing.

I've been all over this forum, trying to get a gist of things since I registered. And I'm sorry if this is all "noobish" instead of just "nugget" (nugget I'm hoping means at least partially educated.  In the RW people need to have an "aptitude" to become a Naval Aviator, therego to become a "nugget" vs just a complete NOOB.)  Basically my lady is getting me IL-2:1946 as a gift next month  :D (yes, I know I'm indeed blessed and lucky!) and I've joined this forum and M4T to help gain some knowledge before I step back into computer flight simulators.  Last ones I played, and they were new at the time, were Chuck Yeager's Air Combat and X-Wing: Collector's CD-Rom!

I'm asking because I also found this on youtube:
and I love watching it just for entertainment's sake, let alone the fact it's actually a game!  I also appreciate that he says exactly what he's done to his IL-2 and computer to get that look.  Skyrim on the XBox360 doesn't have as good of atmospheric textures (anyone see the moon in that game?!? seriously! :D)

even if this requires more modern graphics cards and such, this is awesome.  A game this old doing these great things because of the fans keeping it along.  During that decade out, I enjoyed XBox since its beginning, we had it on ship, in the recdecks, practically everywhere.  I've never seen this kind of support for a console game ever.

k, I think I'm done with my complete noobness and ramblings... to put it plainly
and if I need a (http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly4wxiPIJn1r5ttulo1_400.gif) that's fine too  8)  all things considered I'm back to being the "low man on the totem pole" again.  Looking forward to sharing the skies with you all this coming Veteran's Day (November 11th for our international friends).

and if there's anything not covered by the basics given at M4T or here, that I've gone through, or something extra important, please by all means PM me them, I'd greatly appreciate it.  Computers and the games on them have gotten way out of control since I last played :D 
(and all of this is because I was looking for a game with a realistic FM of an SBD-Dauntless after playing Damage Inc!)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flatsixes on November 01, 2013, 06:33:00 PM
Yep. That's IL-2 all dolled up. Pretty spiffy for an old gal, isn't she?

I don't know jack about modding or skinning or AI or flight models - its pretty much all magic to me.  But the people that do know about such things have taken the greatest sim ever and turned it into something down-right amazing.

I upgraded my rig last spring to take advantage of the all goodies available for IL-2 these days (like DBW and TFM), and it made a world of difference. If your lady is going to  buy you the game anyway, then it sounds to me like she's giving you the perfect excuse to upgrade your hardware. ("But honey, I had to upgrade my system in order to play the game that you bought me! You wouldn't want me not to enjoy your gift to me,would you?") Throw in a pair of shoes and a new scarf for her, and you're on your way.

Good luck.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: GrumpyBadger on November 01, 2013, 09:02:41 PM
I upgraded my rig last spring to take advantage of the all goodies available for IL-2 these days (like DBW and TFM), and it made a world of difference. If your lady is going to  buy you the game anyway, then it sounds to me like she's giving you the perfect excuse to upgrade your hardware. ("But honey, I had to upgrade my system in order to play the game that you bought me! You wouldn't want me not to enjoy your gift to me,would you?") Throw in a pair of shoes and a new scarf for her, and you're on your way.

Good luck.


any idea what the system requirements are for all that prettiness though?  Right now, I'm on a mean laptop for basic stuff, but it only has an "onboard graphics card"  ??? that isn't all that great.  Very good CPU and RAM, just not much in the graphics department.  However, I'm having my friends build me a nice desktop that will be crazy sweet.  I'm just wondering if I'll be able to run these kind of things (maybe at lower settings) on her laptop or even my current dinosaur of a desktop until then  :D

as a point of reference, I downloaded "Aces High 2" (I know, I know, the other flightsim) because it has a free download.  It runs fine on this laptop at 2048 but with some of the details lower and runs a 50+ FPM.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Malone on November 01, 2013, 10:28:30 PM
system requirements are not heavy at all, although to take advantage of some of the new mods, such as the high resolution textures and such, it would obviously help to get the best graphics card you can - that said, the actual specs required to play the game haven't really changed since it's release back in 2001. ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: GrumpyBadger on November 02, 2013, 03:12:59 PM
wow, yeah I'm in a bit of shock here then!  ;D
yeah, this laptop is pretty when it comes to its RAM(4Gb) and the processor isn't too bad either (2ghz duo).  My lady's grandpa gave it to her for school back in 2009.  It just doesn't have much of a graphics card. 

I figure the desktop being built for me then will definitely make this game shine!  I'm having it built for graphics/CAD applications which just makes it pretty nice for video games too.  But for a game like this, man oh man, this'll be sweet. 

I think the best part, being a nugget having just found this and M4T's and the IL2 community as a whole, is it doesn't seem to be slowing down.  We just had another update by TD, for a game how old?!?  Combining that with the online experience, the mission editors, and such, and the fact I have my favorite games that I play on console still no matter how old they get, yeah, I'm really excited.  8 days and a wake-up! :D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Malone on November 02, 2013, 10:22:06 PM
i'd say the two most important parts of any machine that wants to run IL-2 well with all the latest eye-candy options, is your GPU and your CPU - it doesn't need a super quad-core processor and such , either.
you're right, though - when we first started this site, we didn't really see modding going much past the 5 year mark, but it has, and as you rightly say, with no sign of slowing down yet.
testament to a great sim with a great, dedicated fan base.;)
Long live IL-2!  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sphantom on November 03, 2013, 05:14:17 AM
try the intel graphic card I use it with good results
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Peachy9 on November 14, 2013, 01:38:04 PM

Was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem with tracks in il2 - I know they have been glitchy for many years however I have a very specific and odd problem -

I am using Montys New-TFM and its fantastic, there is one small issue - Bomb bay doors function perfectly well in mission, they open and close flawlessly. However whenever I record tracks of bombing runs bomb doors remain firmly open in the track, never closing despite receiving the message "bomb bay doors closed" on screen. I have tried to disable all mods individually (particularly Gurners FX and the AI/Engine Mod) but nothing seems to make a difference. I have compared classfiles and commented out clashes. At a bit of a loss how to sort this - All other aspects of the track recording are fine (.ntrk mode)

Any ideas gratefully received?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: farang65 on November 14, 2013, 11:25:28 PM
After finally installing The New Monty over a vanilla DBW some months ago

No Wuckin Furries for The New Monty

Just flying the single missions and campaigns for Flying Tigers


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: telephono on November 16, 2013, 12:12:26 PM

I'm not sure if this is the right location to ask, but I have a problem playing Operation Taifun in The New Full Monty.
It looks like every time the game loads in buildings (?), the game stutters.
Looking at the game log, there is a repeating Java error message when the game stutters:

Code: [Select]
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._msgDreamGlobal(Statics.java:1014)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._msgDreamGlobalTick(Statics.java:949)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics.msgDreamGlobalTick(Statics.java:937)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.MsgDreamGlobal.invokeListener(MsgDreamGlobal.java:43)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1158)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.send(Message.java:1079)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.MsgDreamGlobal.sendTick(MsgDreamGlobal.java:27)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.DreamEnvXY.doChanges(DreamEnvXY.java:65)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.InterpolateAdapter.updatePos(InterpolateAdapter.java:141)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.InterpolateAdapter.msgTimeOut(InterpolateAdapter.java:161)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgTimeOut.invokeListener(MsgTimeOut.java:73)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:252)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:437)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)

Everything is fine in vanilla Dark Blue World. It only happens in The New Full Monty.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Robbie1234 on December 04, 2013, 03:59:55 AM
hey guys, this probably sounds like a dumb question, but what file do i put the sfs files which you have to download first into, i mean i just dont know what to do with them when ive got them,and also all the download links say they are different sizes. me so confused please help
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: ryan55510 on December 04, 2013, 04:54:49 AM
hey guys, this probably sounds like a dumb question, but what file do i put the sfs files which you have to download first into, i mean i just dont know what to do with them when ive got them,and also all the download links say they are different sizes. me so confused please help

First of all, welcome to the forums Robbie! 8)
Answering your question, BASIC requirement for the New TFM is Dark Blue World 1.71, find out all about it here : https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,16523.0.html

Got that? Now you download ALL 4 .sfs fies on the first post (Torrent/File DL, up to you), put them in your (Drive Name):/ IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 folder.

Finally, with those "New-TFM-(number)" folders, unzip them and throw them straight into the (Drive Name):/ IL-2 Sturmovik 1946/JSGME folder. Open up "JSGME.exe" in your base IL-2 folder, enable them 1 by 1 (In chronological order!) and you're good to go! ;)

Regarding Effects and Visuals though, check this out: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,37900.0.html

Hope it helped  :)
(Trust me, when I first started I was baffled by the swarm of folders and downloads just like you ;))
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Robbie1234 on December 04, 2013, 12:48:32 PM
thanks so much, however i am getting a 60% craSH after installing 8 of them, is it because they need a certain amout installed, by the way it was a clean dbw with no mods installed at all, so confused, any help i will apreciate loads, thanks :) sorry for being a pest

ps: ive messed up my game so im starting again, any help will be greatly apreciated :) basically i installed the huge superpack which gets stock 4.07 to dbw 1.71. thats okay, i have that up and running, my problem occurs with  the NEW full monty, thats the smaller one.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 04, 2013, 02:57:03 PM
Robbie, dont be impatient, just Install the whole package first before you do any thing, or you will be starting over and over and over again dude
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Railer on December 04, 2013, 06:52:45 PM
Hi guys,
A huge thank you for all of the hours you put into TFM and of course all the modders. I have been flying IL2 since the beginning.
I installed to the letter the instructions and everything loads and works excellent so far.
Now I will install DCG and head to the Eastern front to report for duty.
I now have a rig that will handle all these new treats.
I have been off for a year due to real life issues.
Thank you again!
Railer :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Robbie1234 on December 04, 2013, 07:38:39 PM
finally ive got it up and running, my mistake misplaced a file in my eagerness to get it up and running, however i do not have the mods section in my conf ini, and it says to help make tiger33 sound mod better, i need to change flyby to =0 in the [Mods] section, and also the air show smoke sounded pretty cool, can someone help please? thanks very much
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Railer on December 04, 2013, 08:04:24 PM
Hi Robbie,
Copy from the first page of this thread the mods section that Simon has posted and paste it right after the existing sound section in your conf.
It works perfect.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Robbie1234 on December 05, 2013, 09:10:16 AM
awesome, thanks railer, got the airshow smoke up and running too!!!!! however can i make it thicker, because when im flying in jets, its just so thin, its fine how it is, although it would be great if it could be improved :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Typhoon Ib on December 14, 2013, 11:04:26 PM
Guys this drives me nuts.
separate install: dbw1.71
DBW folder: as recommended, the clean one.
jsgme: clean everything to the left.

What does one do with the 512-selector, unzip into the main folder? its the only place that makes sense.
nobody says a word on that.

can i launch with only the first part or do i NEED to have all the parts? enabling them all in jsgme takes hours with neverending warnings for overwriting files.
i would rather just slap everything into the DBW folder, overwrite, and be done with it.

this is bonkers.


i really mean it like that.
instead of stacking 3 mods on top of 4.10, why not strip them bare and call it UP4?
I mean, this "great news! UP3.1 update is round the corner" that was posted in the Lounge is merely a sad Joke...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Typhoon Ib on December 14, 2013, 11:12:24 PM
because on top of NTFM, one needs the wheels and cowlings mods too.
so that is actually five layers elements that need to be compatible, the "other" mods
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on December 15, 2013, 01:35:07 AM
Hello Typhoon!

to answer your questions:

to start with - BEFORE- adding newTFM, make sure to have a working UP3/DBW install!
back that one up, but I am sure I need not tell you this :)

forget the JSGME as well! you can have a working 4.101 install that has clean DBW/SCW/DBW 1916/(new)TFM available via the Selector you have mentioned, that´s the beauty of the Selector;
but take the one from the new Modact version :)

there is a great tutorial from Bravo on how to configure the Selector and if you have additional questions, feel free to ask via PM;

I am with you that for a current up to date 4.101/DBW/newTFM install, the situation is very complex and one has to follow a strict mod loading order to have certain mods working, the Blue Flames for example;

but I think packing everything up to create something like DBW 1.8 or DBW 2.0 would require a team effort of a dedicated team here; first of all to define what should be in and what should be left out, than create a working install with the agreed upon mods, and finally packing it up in sfs files to ease up the loading procedure;
of course all creators of mods involved would have to be asked to agree to include their work in such an endeavour!

but I think creating a "new" DBW would be a nice task, be it as improvement over DBW1.71 or entirely new and based upon 4.12

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Typhoon Ib on December 15, 2013, 05:52:48 AM
oh, i am all with you on the "back the freak up!" strategy.
Lots of space, for a dedicated NTFM install, so no hassle.

to answer my own question... yes, i can run with only the first of the thirty packs.
i ams tarting to get this thing to work, but i do not remember walking such a long road before...
that goes back to cfs3, in 03 with the countries mod, 1% mod and stuff...

and as said.... when NTFM is rolling, there is a lot of other stuff to do. Jeronimos stuff, the widescreen fix. the 24bit/2048pixel skins, things that do not necessarily add content, but Framework.

first time in a 219. no tracers against the lancasters. feels weird, but it makes sense.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on December 15, 2013, 12:04:26 PM
I have both packs, TFM and new TFM in a Selector based DBW install, but I have never really used TFM since I got newTFM up and running and further modded it;
I am limiting the planeset to the 1938 to 1959 timeframe so there is no need for me for more jets, the SAMs, helicopters like the Mi-8/24 or the Huey etc...
newTFM is simply copying the various respective parts into the respective folder (in my case #newTFM) in a selector based install, letting each part overwrite certain files if required...
the whole process takes about 10 minutes on my rig and if done in a safe temporary folder to check the filestructure first and make changes if needed is virtually bullett proof to do :)
as you mentioned CFS3, I know that was a little hard to mod; in my case, modding started with AoTP where there were some additions to the 1946 pack which introduced new planes like the XP-72 (one bird I´d like to see flying in IL2 sometime) and then of course came CFS2 with all its addon planes and stuff :)

but Il2 has grown into something completely different now.

but as you have said, once you get newTFM up and running, there is a few things to add still, but Simon has provided a great base with which to start...

btw, I looked rather silly myself when I first tried the F6F-5N against a Jap Betty bomber and pressed the trigger...the gunsound was there, but no tracers...
only when the bits and pieces started to come off the Betty, I realized what was going on...really great stuff..
concerning the HE-219, and other German nightfighters, ARAIK, some used a few tracers mixed with normal ammo, some did not, out of fear that using tracers might give their presence away to other gunners in bombers or the prowling RAF nightfighters; but mostly, late in the war, tracers were not used in LW nightfighters...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Typhoon Ib on December 15, 2013, 09:08:43 PM
yup... anything past Hiroshima is not my cup of tea, except a few "conventional" items a la meteor for example, so i will remove some planes, and add others, like the P-40 pack... the "sumbeechtwocee" and similar.

Il-2 Community P-40 Pack v1.0
Credits (in no particular order):
Karaya, SAS~Anto, Beowolff, Checkyersix, Birdman, Red_Fox90, SAS~Sani, Cranky.1, SAS~Cirx, HaDeS, SAS~BombsAway, Highlander

1) Delete ALL previous versions of the P-40F, L, N and K (include Kittybomber Mk III) as well as the P-40 opening canopies and wings fix prior to installation
2) Extract archive to your MODS, #SAS or #DBW folder within your Il-2 modded install
3) Find air.ini, plane_ru and weapons_ru, and add lines as per below
4) Please note the updated loadouts for the P-40E and P-40M

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 18, 2013, 06:01:18 PM
Decided to get back to Flying Simons Great Mod Pack.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on December 19, 2013, 01:32:13 AM
welcome back Bravo :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 19, 2013, 04:39:29 AM
Good to be back Griff, I missed all the 4.10.1m stuff. Never going to delete this install.:)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on December 19, 2013, 01:05:13 PM
I can imagine Bravo :) it´s hard for me to switch over to 4.12 as my 4.101 DBW/newTFm works flawlessly and looks great, even though I think I could gain some more visual quality somehow as some screenies from you guys look a little better than they do on my install...

other than, I LOVE my newTFM install; easy to mod, easy to maintain and if you count in SCW and DBW_1916 you have the whole airwar from the beginning of aerial warfare up to the dawning of the jet age covered in one single game - c´est magnifique like the French would say :)

still need to get all ships and the ship extension mod in though, I am currently integrating Barnesy´s LW pilots, one set for ETO and one for MTO; they even work with Claymores FW 190s :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 19, 2013, 01:14:04 PM
Griff, if you get the Ship Extension to work, will you PM me your .ini's? I gave it a go, but my patients level got the best of me, glad I made some back up's. You are doing it right, chip by chip, one bit at a time. Keep it up Dude. It'll pay off in the end.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on December 20, 2013, 02:31:37 PM
sure Bravo;
I just need to get some ships into my install before, as several DDs are missing from the new TFM which I plan to include as well, just to complete the collection;
the ship extension mod is a beast, I tried it once and killed my install with the 70% crash although I think I wrongly rearranged some shipmods with the extension mod and that was responsible for the crash, not wrong ini edits;
but I reverted back and deleted the already modified ini files in the process, so I have to start again..

but as promised, as soon as it works, you will get the files :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 20, 2013, 02:32:41 PM
Rog. Thanks Buddy.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: pandacat on December 22, 2013, 02:42:50 PM
Does full monty include a working F4u-4?  The stock DBW doesn't seem to have one.  Wonder where I can get one.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Bizu on December 23, 2013, 09:04:20 AM
The source of the splash screens is from a facebook page, right? 8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on December 24, 2013, 03:40:45 AM
The source of the splash screens is from a facebook page, right? 8)
Those images are freely available in a dozen places online, we just added the TFM Dark Blue World stuff, with the approval of SAS Admin.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Bizu on December 24, 2013, 05:53:42 AM
Sorry, wrong guess then
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on December 25, 2013, 06:07:26 PM
Here are some upgrades and addons for New-TFM.  These are, as usual, small packages to download, with a LOT of new content.  Carefully tested for performance and compatibility with all of the New-TFM features.




#DBW-NewTFM-36-3D Upgrade
Some wonderful new effects and 3D work have been developed over the past year.  Careful testing with the previous TFM now allows these addons to be seemlessly integrated into your New-TFM install.

DBW-NewTFM-36 now has more great new environmental sounds that can be added in FMB as static objects.  Stuka40 and CY6 have brought the airfields, coastlines, forests and cities to life with these wonderful environmental sounds!  The extra sounds feature in many New-TFM campaigns, and it would simple to retro mission-patch any others, so don't miss out!

Featuring various Upgrades to 3D models, sounds and textures.
1)sputnikshock's Navaid and Gee Beacon Mod
2)Japan Cat's Zero Expansion
3)Ten010's Zero Trainer
4)Wildcat's 3D Imports
5)archie1971's Elephant
6)Stuka40's Enviromental FX
7)INI Updates and Fixes





#DBW-NewTFM-37-Westland Addon
What a fine pair!  This pack adds the Westland Whirlwind, by 101tfs and SAS~Storebror and the Westland Wyvern by Mikoyan99.  Once installed I recommend Poltava's excellent Whirlwind campaign.

Reaping the Whirlwind


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flugkapitan on December 25, 2013, 06:24:41 PM
Thank  you!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on December 25, 2013, 07:44:10 PM
Thank  you!

Thanks Scott, finding me sea-legs again after so much downtime, everything working OK with these?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 25, 2013, 08:31:32 PM
Very Cool Simon, Thanks, to Poltava too.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: flugkapitan on December 25, 2013, 08:36:30 PM
Hi Simon,

I'll be downloading and installing them sometime in the next couple of days. I have 4 days off from work coming up  :)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on December 26, 2013, 03:37:28 PM

Here's a great new Splashscreen idea from Bravo, from the Dark Blue World movie.  Thanks Bravo!  Presented here as another ready to go switch ON/OFF pack.




Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 26, 2013, 04:16:35 PM
Very Cool Simon, Thank You Sir!!!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on December 26, 2013, 04:57:05 PM

Last cockup of the year!




Please re-download - due to missing elements in previous packages.
Deactivate old packs, delete and use the new ones please.
The New-TFM packs 36 and 37 now contain ALL of the new features.

This is precisely why the small packs are sequential and modular, so its easy to fix little issues like this. 

DBW-NewTFM-36 now has more great new environmental sounds that can be added in FMB as static objects.  Stuka40 and CY6 have brought the airfields, coastlines, forests and cities to life with these wonderful environmental sounds!  The extra sounds feature in many New-TFM campaigns, and it would simple to retro mission-patch any others, so don't miss out!

All fixed on Page One and previous links, so if you downloaded before today, please grab 'em again.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 26, 2013, 05:09:46 PM
Easy to do even with my Direct Install, Thanks Simon.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on December 26, 2013, 05:20:33 PM
Easy to do even with my Direct Install, Thanks Simon.

Yeah no worries, its an overwrite, the FMB sounds are found under stationary objects.  Try a flying boat from a coastal station with seagulls crying overhead and and waves lapping against the plane!

For example; here's a couple ready to go from the soon to be released BoB.

https://www.mediafire.com/?dh1feocyy4cr51d (https://www.mediafire.com/?dh1feocyy4cr51d)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 26, 2013, 05:38:33 PM
Lol, thats very Cool.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 28, 2013, 02:44:15 PM
Yes continue with the ones you are doing but at the end use Monty's 36 & 37 posted not long ago, they have some very good changes.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: stormbird on December 28, 2013, 07:06:09 PM
WOW!!! Excellent work! Thank you to all those that made this mod possible. I just got it working this weekend and am loving it  :P
I've been away from IL-2 for a few years and had to get back into it after seeing the incredible improvements.
Thank you so much gents!

I have one question though. Is there a way to change the settings in Carsmasters Water Effects in #DWB_NewTFM-16?
For some reason it does not look that great on my system. It would be fine except the animation looks too fast and bugs out my eyes when down low over the water.

Thank you!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 28, 2013, 07:39:09 PM
Yes, there is, just put a  -  in front of the Mod
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: stormbird on December 28, 2013, 07:51:41 PM
Let's see if I understand correctly.
Place a - at the beginning of the folder name of the mod in jsgmemods>#DBW-NewTFM-16?
I will give that a try. Thank you!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 352nd_Hoss on December 28, 2013, 09:23:41 PM
What?...................... ???
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: stormbird on December 28, 2013, 10:05:45 PM
Thanks for your help
I'm sorry, what I meant was to change the folder name of the specific mod.
In my example like this:

I managed to mess with the water setting in my ini file and now have stellar results. Just WOW!!  ;D

It's nice to know how to turn off individual mods in the pak though!
Thanks again
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 29, 2013, 07:59:51 AM
Hey Stormbird, I did sound Harsh when I replied, for that Please accept my Sincere Apology.

Have you got your question sorted?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: stormbird on December 29, 2013, 08:46:47 AM
No problem SAS~Bravo. I appreciate your help. Yes, I did get things sorted out and everything is running great now.
Thanks again!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 29, 2013, 08:55:12 AM
Your Welcome Stormbird. Happy Flying Mate!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 29, 2013, 09:46:18 AM
Hamm, Ill tell you of a faster way, but you use it at your own risk:

instead Use the Direct Install

Open each Zip File and Drag and Drop into your Clean DBW Game Root Folder,Say yes to overwrite, keep doing each one until the last one has Copied to and overwritten, then you are done. Itll take only about 45 to 50 minutes compared to All Day.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 29, 2013, 11:56:15 AM
Yes, those entries will work in your Conf.ini..
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on December 29, 2013, 11:40:43 PM
Well sadly when I went in to try one of my bigger missions which I made in DBW I got a massive hit in the FPS (down to 2fps! Good Grief ???).

So I went back disabled the optional extras and tried again with just the 37 TFM folders active, still massive hit.

My specs are all right, W7 64 bit, AMD A8-5500 APU Quad Drive, 8 GB RAM, 1 GB Radeon VC.

Plays my modded DBW a dream even with massive numbers of ground objects and aircraft it rarely drops to 32fps.

I can only think something went amiss with the direct copying rather than going through the jsgme.

I've either got to scrub the slate and start again (next week) or give up :(.

Unless someone has some brilliant insight or can see my problem in a crystal ball??

Oh yeah, this is place for brilliant insights, people come up with them all the time here! 

For example, if you have tested your New-TFM in other situations it is likely to be the mission itself.  Have you opened it in FMB recently and had a close look under the new install?  If you would like to copy/paste your mission here we can take a look and have a good chance to nail the culprit.  Probably some wierd object or combination specific to a situation or map...no worries!

This is, of course, providing we are working within 'pure' New-TFM - Untested mods and consequences outside of that criterion cannot be foreseen... 8)

For the best config.INI tweaks I recommend talking to AG-51 Hoss or Bravo.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 30, 2013, 06:10:03 AM
Yes Hamm, you must have a Clean/Vanilla DBW to Install New-TFM, Good Luck Mate, it can be done.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: blackmage62 on December 30, 2013, 02:19:15 PM
Hey guys, I need some help with this install. I downloaded TFM all the way to 36, everything installed correctly, but when I launch the game now (with and without any of the extra add-ons like Widescreen, font, DGEN) The game only loads 5% and then crashes to desktop.

I did like Hamm66 and copied the nonexistent [Mods] section into my config, but that's all I did. There's no error popup, just a quiet CTD.

EDIT: I somehow didn't unzip the fb401 files, so that fixed things. However, the DGEN add-ons aren't working at all, haven't figured it out yet.

EDIT2: I tried just leaving the DGEN folder alone, now things load up great, but a few campaigns don't work right. (All Bomber missions start flipped over; The enemy in Africa is called the Soviets, No enemy bases, that sort of thing.) I don't really know what to do. I'll probably just roll it all back to vanilla, as I get better framerates there without the added graphical mods.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: CALINHO on December 31, 2013, 08:38:10 AM
Is possible to create a torrent file with all TFM packs?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 31, 2013, 04:12:36 PM
Hamm, download SAS ModAct 5.3, Install it in an empty Folder, then drag and drop just these Files and Folders Into your DBW Root Folder. Say yes to Overwrite!

1. bin
2. DINPUT.dll
3. IL-2 Selector.exe
4. il2fb.exe
5. il2fb.ini
6. wrapper.dll

The code is 40930

Then you will have a new IL2fb.exe 3.01/Selector... ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on January 01, 2014, 07:19:09 AM
Glad you got it sorted Hamm.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on January 02, 2014, 11:25:32 PM
Thanks Bravo, Selector now working and I found a solution to some of the other problems in the process.

For some reason my 7z program was not fully unpacking some of the files, probably because I was trying to unpack several at once.

I went back unpacked each individually and re-installed and now the fps is better, the FMB is responding well and the splash screens are working.

My greatest fault is impatience and that's what causes most of my problems.

Told you mate... you just picked up two or three 'brilliant insights' right there!  Seriously, these discussion threads solve a great deal, from the simple stuff to the un-anticipated.

Fortunately the 'Patience Levels' of Bravo and a number of other 'gurus' here approaches a level I'd call Zen... 8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on January 07, 2014, 01:55:05 AM
Cheers Monty

And by the way brilliant job putting this together and I am enjoying your Ace of Spades campaign...well done!

And your Malta campaign is brilliant as well!

Where do you find the time!?! :D
Thanks Hamm66, always good to welcome another entusiast aboard.  Its a pretty painless setup for so much content but a very steep learning curve - Kudos for sticking with it.  Where do we find time? - Had a few years at it now, scraping and saving it wherever possible to spend on Il2.  Having a great wife is probably the key!  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on January 07, 2014, 01:58:40 AM
Hello guys, a big congratulations for those new TFM mods!! I downloaded #DBW-NewTFM-36, Reaping the Whirlwind and New-TFM-37. Now, wich is the best way to install them? By jsgme or by direct unpackaging in the #DBW folder, as suggested by Bravo ?
Hamm, Ill tell you of a faster way, but you use it at your own risk:

instead Use the Direct Install

Open each Zip File and Drag and Drop into your Clean DBW Game Root Folder,Say yes to overwrite, keep doing each one until the last one has Copied to and overwritten, then you are done. Itll take only about 45 to 50 minutes compared to All Day.

Many thanks for your help!!


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: marcost on January 07, 2014, 04:43:37 AM
Hi Markino,

Depends on your definition of best:

JSGME - slow to install, reversible quickly and automatically

Direct - fast to install, no reversal possible wherever existing files are being overwritten

Third way - copy your DBW folder, then install updates the direct way. Then you can go back a step if it messes up.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on January 07, 2014, 06:05:13 AM
Hi Marcost, thanks for your kindly reply! Well, next days I will try to do as you suggested and then I will report you the results. IMHO maybe the third way is the more functional...


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on January 08, 2014, 12:35:48 AM
Hello guys, yesterday I tried to set #36, whirlwind and #37 by jsgme but DBW crashed at 60%. Any ideas/suggestions about, please?

Today I will try the third way suggested by Marcost.
Third way - copy your DBW folder, then install updates the direct way. Then you can go back a step if it messes up.

I hope this will be working...


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on January 08, 2014, 11:27:55 AM
Hi guys, not even third way works...:(   DBW always crash at 60%. I thought to set #36 step by step but I have seen files in STD folder and they are very different from mine, so I don't know what causes 60% crash...

Could someone  help me out please (Logfile is available, too)? Many thanks!!



Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on January 08, 2014, 11:48:06 AM
Markino, LOGFILE
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on January 09, 2014, 02:24:38 AM
Hi Bravo, it is too long! I tried several times but I can not to insert all logfile... :(

How can I do it, please?

Many thanks!


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on January 09, 2014, 02:46:13 AM
60% crash is quite easy to track, at least it always was in my install - own stupidity :D (dont want to offense you marco :) )
no serious - if the game crashes at 60%, you are either missing an entry in the air.ini or have the entry but miss the files (eg the plane that goes along with it);

have you modified your TFM install in any way? I mean did you add your own aircraft, maps, objects?
if so, you will have to add the content of any new TFM package manually, which is easily doable if you know what you are doing; but simply copying over the STD folder with the ini and properties files will surely crash your game then;

if you have not modified the stock TFM install, no planes, maps, objects added, it should be ok to simply copy over the STD folder into your install and add the package files in the correct file structure;

load up crashes (5, 60, 70%) have always been directly related to a wrong file structure, missing ini entries or missing files in my case;
5 and 60 are easy to trace, a 70% can give you nightmares far beyond a jealous girlfriend if you like your IL2 install :)

oh and a little bit contrary to what marcost said, you can also revert from a direct install TFM - ask me, I have done it quite often by now :)

1) BACK UP YOUR ENTIRE STD folder (from the running install you want to add stuff to)
2) add the stuff you want to add (keeping track of what you add and how it is called; for example, I label all aircraft with an AIR_ before the actual file name, that way all aircraft are easily identifyable - within the correct mod loading order of course)
3) if your game crashes, try to resolve why, if you cannot, simply delete the last added mods and revert back to the backed up working STD folder

hope this helps so far

best regards
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on January 09, 2014, 04:00:47 AM
Hi Phil, many thanks for your reply  :). Yes, I added some stuff, as planes, e.g. Hawk H-75 by karaya, Hs-123, clouds as Bender's ultimate environment, effects as smoke trials for mg-ff, but unfortunately I not kept track of them... :(

Maybe if I could to insert my logfile all would be more easy to found the troubles...

How could I post the entire logfile here, please? When I try to load logfile is not complete when I post the message... :(...

Thanks for your help and patience...


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on January 09, 2014, 04:10:14 AM
Marko I have a pretty good idea what the problem is...
Just post your air.ini or write a pm with the content of your air.ini :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on January 09, 2014, 08:13:24 AM
Hi Phil, I try by pm to you and Bravo.

Many thanks for all your help!!!



Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on January 09, 2014, 10:55:04 AM
Hello Marco!

thanks for the air.ini, unfortunately it is not complete;
but I think I know what I need to know to diagnose your 60% crash;
I noticed you have a load of planes in the air.ini, that newTFM does not contain by default;
there are HE-111A and Bs, many SCW planes and others that Simon has not packed into newTFM;
so if you use the air.ini as provided in the newTFM packs (they contain the Whirlwind and the Wyvern), you will crash with 60% because the air.ini files do not contain all these birds;

you would have to merge the two air.ini files as well as the planes.ru and the weapons.ru with something like WinMerge to get a working install...

alternatively, you add all the apprpriate ini lines for the aircraft you have added yourself again..

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on January 10, 2014, 01:40:22 AM
Hi Phil, thanks for suggestion! Winmerge merge really all the lines of the files or it delete and replace?


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on January 10, 2014, 07:04:32 AM
Markino, It is a good habit to save any Modified .ini's prior to Updating any Mod Pack. Then you can replace them after you updated your Pack.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on January 10, 2014, 08:35:59 AM
Hello Marco!

as Bravo has said - before you add anything - BACK UP the relevant files (I always back up the whole STD folder - better to be safe than lucky in this regard)
if you mod a mod package, you really need to know what you are doing and how modding works; simply copying files around and adding a line there and then in an ini file is prone to get you a crashing install;

in your case, my suggestion would be to first analyze, memorize or finding out in any other way, which planes you have added yourself to the stock new TFM!
then, unzip the new TFM packages to a safe place and analyze the file structure there - you will find the STD folder with some ini and .ru files, namely those that contain updated lines;
if you have only added aircraft to your stock TFM, you are lucky...you just need to add some stuff to the air.ini, the plane.ru and the weapons.ru
alternatively, take your air.ini, weapons.ru and plane.ru and just add the necessary lines for the Westland Whirlwind and the Westland Wyvern from their respective readme files;
can be done in 2 minutes :)
if you have not modified other ini files, the static, stationary, ships or whatever, you can safely overwrite your other "old" ini files with the new ones from the packages 36 and 37;

WinMerge does not do anything by itself, it just compares two or more files with each other, pointing out the differences and letting you move identified differences around - you need to see for yourself how it works;

but as said already, WinMerge is a tool for semi-pros and pros who know their way around the ini files;
for my install, I need it always when adding stuff Simon provides, as my own install is highly modified;
but once again - be careful when using WinMerge - it is not a click and be happy tool; its more of a there are the differences what shall i do for you thingie

hope this helps
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on January 10, 2014, 09:39:30 AM
+1   Very good Post Griff.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Adler on January 10, 2014, 01:45:00 PM
hi I have a problem with Wellington. in the QMB line is, but the image window is empty. N - TFM works perfectly. I followed the instructions and removed the folder AIR_Wellington MK_III from #DBW, remained AIR_Wellington_412for409_FLY. where I made a mistake?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Adler on January 11, 2014, 10:56:10 AM
Guys, can I not clear described the problem? I write poorly in English, sorry)))
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on January 12, 2014, 03:36:20 AM
Hello guys, well, thanks to the hints by Griffon I was able, finally, to set all New-TFM, #36, #37 and reaping Whirlwind. :) :)
I checked very well the new stuffs, I carefully read all the "readme" documents, and setting manually all stuffs.
Now BDW works fine. I checked A6M2-k+weapons, Whirlwind and Wyvern, plus Whirlwind campaign and all is working. Hurrà!!!

I also made a backup copy of my working #DBW+#37... ;)...

Many thanks to you all guys, for helps and patience!!!!


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on January 12, 2014, 04:00:03 AM
Hello Marco!

great job!!! once you have added some stuff successfully, doing it again is easy :)
best way is to develop a certain workflow that works for you...as it seems you have done that now

happy hunting in the virtual skies :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on January 13, 2014, 08:40:42 AM
Hi Phil, I really hope to have found a good way for myself to do well. Without stressing you too... ;)...


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on January 13, 2014, 08:47:00 AM
hi I have a problem with Wellington. in the QMB line is, but the image window is empty. N - TFM works perfectly. I followed the instructions and removed the folder AIR_Wellington MK_III from #DBW, remained AIR_Wellington_412for409_FLY. where I made a mistake?

Hi Adler, I no check for your Wellington troubles. When I have a while I will try to check it...


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: rattodaddo on January 14, 2014, 07:58:01 AM
Hi guys,

I keep getting the old 20% CTD, have tried 4 or 5 times now and keep getting the same result, I have put in the 4 .sfs files into the root folder as prescribed by the first page and followed all instructions to the letter! Can't seem to figure out why I get this result, I'm sure I read somewhere that someone had the same issue with the New TFM but can't remember how they worked round it...!

this is trying to install on a:
clean base install (tested and working)
Patched correctly (tested and working)
modded to UP3 RC4 (tested and working)
clean DNW 1.71 (tested and working)
then new TFM through jsgme (20% CTD)

can't figure it out, I know that this usually means a .sfs file error but even when I have added everything through jsgme then re-added the 4 .sfs files it still crashes out!

Any ideas?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: telephono on January 15, 2014, 02:47:01 PM
So just to let you know, the problem was InstantLog I had installed. Without InstantLog there is no stuttering noticeable.


I'm not sure if this is the right location to ask, but I have a problem playing Operation Taifun in The New Full Monty.
It looks like every time the game loads in buildings (?), the game stutters.
Looking at the game log, there is a repeating Java error message when the game stutters:

Code: [Select]
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._msgDreamGlobal(Statics.java:1014)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._msgDreamGlobalTick(Statics.java:949)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics.msgDreamGlobalTick(Statics.java:937)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.MsgDreamGlobal.invokeListener(MsgDreamGlobal.java:43)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1158)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.send(Message.java:1079)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.MsgDreamGlobal.sendTick(MsgDreamGlobal.java:27)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.DreamEnvXY.doChanges(DreamEnvXY.java:65)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.InterpolateAdapter.updatePos(InterpolateAdapter.java:141)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.InterpolateAdapter.msgTimeOut(InterpolateAdapter.java:161)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgTimeOut.invokeListener(MsgTimeOut.java:73)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:252)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:437)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)

Everything is fine in vanilla Dark Blue World. It only happens in The New Full Monty.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on January 16, 2014, 01:04:05 AM
hi I have a problem with Wellington. in the QMB line is, but the image window is empty. N - TFM works perfectly. I followed the instructions and removed the folder AIR_Wellington MK_III from #DBW, remained AIR_Wellington_412for409_FLY. where I made a mistake?

Hi Adler, follow the instructions for installation and check for plane/s in your #DBW folder and air.ini, plane.ru and weapons.ru files if you have all the lines inserted correctly.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on January 16, 2014, 09:27:19 AM
What Marco says...
might be that you have a wrong ini entry somewhere...for example any older campaigns (some of Poltava´s excellent night fighter campaigns) use the earlier Welli which prevents the the campaigns from loading, as those campaigns use the older labelling for the Welli;
your problem might stem from the same fact!
alternatively, remove the wellington from your install and add it manually after downloading it from the twins section here...
but only if the ini check did not reveal something..
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Adler on January 20, 2014, 11:13:12 AM

Hi guys, thanks for yours help!
i have folder: E:\Game\DBW\#DBW\AIR_Wellington_412for409_FLY - it is right as i know.
in air.ini i i have: WellingtonMk3     air.Wellington3              gb01  SUMMER ---it s right i think.
this air.ini lies E:\Game\DBW\#DBW\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects

this all right or no?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Adler on January 20, 2014, 11:30:39 AM
i think, i should reinstal the new tfm  :-X
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Sharkzz on January 20, 2014, 07:59:03 PM
OHHHHHH for a torrent of this all new TFM !!!!!!!!! :-[     ohhhhhh the waitening and the downloadening  oh the pain the pain,  :(
ohhhh but what fun it will be when its over !!!!!! ;D
thanks Monty  and all who helped.
pssssst, has anyone  done a torrent seeding of  this yet ???? if I had a separate puter I would do it, just because I love you all   :o
LOL thanks again m8..awsome work. ooopsy. up to TFM 19.20,21  sooo long to go..... oh the pain .....LOL
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: harpia on January 22, 2014, 06:16:11 AM
I lost all my installation of TFM, now wanting to download the parties in medifire're crap begging for a captcha that does not work, you guys will not provide other links for us to download? :( :( :( :( >:(
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: harpia on January 22, 2014, 06:36:45 AM
I had to open an account linked to my facebook mediafire, hope not to have problems, I'm downloading part two. Although no problems with the DBW 1916 DBW does not enter, go to the splashscreen and closes. Go for the DBW vanilla and install parts of TFM, I hope to be lucky this time ;D ;D ;D :P
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on January 22, 2014, 08:57:21 AM

Hi guys, thanks for yours help!
i have folder: E:\Game\DBW\#DBW\AIR_Wellington_412for409_FLY - it is right as i know.
in air.ini i i have: WellingtonMk3     air.Wellington3              gb01  SUMMER ---it s right i think.
this air.ini lies E:\Game\DBW\#DBW\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects

this all right or no?

It should be right... I have C:\game\il-2 1946\#DBW.....etc

I not remember the installation notes. If you have a bit patience I check them and I tell you as soon as possible.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: MoerasGrizzly on January 22, 2014, 04:48:28 PM
For those having trouble with mediafire, there is a "Rapidshare Downloader" addon for Firefox users which could prove usefull. I would post the direct link, but apperently I can't yet. I must be too much of a nugget :P. Tools like "RSE tools" and "SkipScreen" may also work for you.

Although a single "pack everything together" link may be usefull - I would love for SAS to enable players to download New-TFM with the same ease as DBW can be downloaded, or that might just already be in the works for all I know :P. Considering that this enables the usage of many a lauded campaign and everything.

Hugely interested by this, also very suprised by the vibrancy of the 1946 modding scene. I hope to contribute one day.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: vonOben on January 29, 2014, 01:11:57 PM

Does the AI overheta mod work with DBW + New TFM?

The AI overheta mod uses the AF5F8A326C3FA53C class files AFAIK.

When I searched my #DBW folder for AF5F8A326C3FA53C I found these:

#DBW\+0000_TigersSOUNDSforDBW (Dated 2012-05-19)
#DBW\00000_SAS_AI_Engine_HotKeys_Carriers (Dated 2011-09-10 18.26)
#DBW\XTD (Dated 2011-09-10 09.56)

IL-2 only read and use the first one it finds in the loading sequence, so that means that the one in Tigers Sounds is used.

But is the AI overheat also included in Tigers AF5F8A326C3FA53C class file?


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: marcost on January 30, 2014, 01:51:52 AM
Hi VonOben,

Struggling to remember but I think Engine mod is not in tiger Sounds as Tiger sounds was built for HSFX, but there is a way to get them to work side by side as I have done so in HSFX 6.17. The answer may be in the Tiger sounds thread. But it's a long time ago and I can't recall the detail.

First thing to do is try changing the loading order by putting an '!' in front of the engine mod file name and see if the game loads and you still have Tiger sounds


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Cloudsurfer on February 01, 2014, 12:24:32 AM
Hi Guys

I only have 2gigs ram. Will my computer burn up like a stricken Gloster Gladiator after clicking "START" or do you rate it's worth a shot?
I have an Intel core Duo CPU @2.53Ghz. (whatever that means)

I am unfortunately not the most computer literate out there..

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on February 03, 2014, 12:29:44 PM
I made a comparison of IL-2 1946 DBW+Gurner FX+New-TFM and CoD. Everyone that has helped make 1946 into what it is today should be proud. The 1946 maps, sounds, effects, and content are out of this world. 1946 is an amazing sim thanks to your hard work. Enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h_-COIaU3Y
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Poltava on February 04, 2014, 12:31:55 AM
Thanks Drew! Very interesting.

Your movie PLUS the important fact that the content of IL-2 is enormously much bigger shows that with all probability IL-2 will be around for years to come!!!  ;D
Title: Unfortunate Matter's
Post by: Hauptmann Held on February 05, 2014, 02:13:11 PM
Unfortunately after many attempts my DBW with all TFM Mods Activated on JSGME, STill Fails to get past the 5% Mark. I have a clean Vanilla Install of DBW and all 4 SFS sound files. However I did test to see if the game was working once the tenth JSGME TFM was activated and all was well, then continued to activate the rest and it continued to be stuck fast at the 5% mark, Could This Be A Problem?. Please, I will accept any Suggestions. I just really hoped some more experienced gamer's could help. Thankyou.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 05, 2014, 02:33:28 PM
Hi Hauptmann, welcome to SAS Forums.

As for your CTD, just to be sure, you did place the  4 .SFS  Files in your root Folder?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Hauptmann Held on February 06, 2014, 10:24:16 AM
Yes I Have all the SFS Files in My root Folder, But still Experience a 5% CTD, I also deleted the Unit AIR_WELLINGTON_MKIII Once TFM 24 was enabled. I also Have the Ecran Wide Screen Mod Enabled, But Still to No Avail. Any Other Suggestions?

Thankyou, Held.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on February 06, 2014, 11:19:48 AM
could you maybe please the text in your .rc file?
you will find this one in the STD folder;
its a file without a name, just the .rc ending, you can open it with any text editor;
just copy its contents and post them here...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Hauptmann Held on February 07, 2014, 09:38:36 AM
Hello, This Is The Content of My .Rc File-

Code: [Select]
@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdParam NAME param \
HELP param <name of command> [<name param> [<value>]]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdLoad NAME load \
  load <full class name> \n \
\t[NAME <command name>] \n \
\t[HELP <help string>] \n \
\t[PARAM <name param> [<value>]]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdLoad NAME unload \
HELP unload <command name>
@param unload DELETE on

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdFile NAME file PARAM CURENV on \
HELP file <file name of list commans> [BREAK] - in current environment

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdFile NAME f \
HELP f <file name of list commans> [BREAK] - in new environment

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSet NAME set \
HELP set <name of atom> <string>

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSet NAME del PARAM REMOVE on \
HELP del <name of atom>

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdShow NAME show \
HELP show [<pattern of name atoms>] [AREA <name of area>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdShow NAME history PARAM HISTORY on \
HELP history

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHelp NAME help PARAM SIZE 10 WIDTH 60 \
HELP help [<pattern of commands>] [NAMES] [SIZE <size of colons>] [WIDTH <width>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHelp NAME ? PARAM SIZE 10 WIDTH 60 \
HELP ? [<pattern of commands>] [NAMES] [SIZE <size of colons>] [WIDTH <width>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdAlias NAME alias \
HELP alias [<name> <string>] | [<name> REMOVE]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHotKey NAME hotkey \
HELP hotkey [<hot key> CMD <command>] [ENV [<environment>]] [CMDRUN [<cmdrun>] [REALTIME]]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHotKeyCmd NAME hotkeycmd \
HELP hotkeycmd [ENV [<environment>]] [EXEC <name> [TIME <sec>]] [START <name>] [STOP <name>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdActorSpawn NAME spawn \
  spawn <actor class name> \n \
\t[NAME <name>] [POSP <position>] [POSO <orientation>] \n \
\t[BASED <actor name for calculate position and orientation>] \n \
\t[BASE <name base actor>] [HOOK <name hook base actor>] \n \
\t[OWNER <name owner actor>] \n \
\t[ICON <icon name>] [MESH <mesh name>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdTimeout NAME timeout \
HELP timeout <timeout in ms> <command name> [<params>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdConsole NAME console0 \
  console0 [WRAP [on|off]] [PAGE [<size>]] [PAUSE [on|off]] [CLEAR] \n \
\t[HISTORY [<size>]] [HISTORYCMD [<size>]] [LOG [on|off]] [LOGTIME [on|off]] \n \
\t[LOGFILE [<file name>]] [LOAD <file name>] [SAVE <file name>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdConsole NAME console \
  console [CLEAR] [HISTORY [<size>]] [HISTORYCMD [<size>]] \n \
\t[LOG [on|off]] [LOGFILE [<file name>]] [LOAD <file name>] [SAVE <file name>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdFObj NAME fobj \
HELP fobj [mask] [RELOAD]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSFS NAME sfs \
HELP sfs [MOUNT <lib name> [<as path>]] [UNMOUNT <lib name>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdGC NAME GC

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdPreload NAME preload \
HELP preload [<name of resource>] [SAVE <file name>] [REGISTER] [NOREGISTER] [CLEAR]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdWindow NAME window \
HELP window [<width> [<height> [<bpp> [<stencilbits>]]]] [FULL] [PROVIDER <name.dll>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdFov NAME fov \
HELP fov [<angle>]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdMission NAME mission \
HELP mission [LOAD <name>] [BEGIN] [END] [DESTROY]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdTOD NAME tod \
HELP tod [<hour.min>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSocket NAME socket \
 <empty>          (list protocols)\n \
 LISTENER [<0|1>] (enable/disable connect from remote hosts)\n \
 JOIN [BREAK]     (show status join/ break join)\n \
 <protocol>       (list sockets)\n \
 <protocol> CREATE [[LOCAL]HOST <nm>] [[LOCAL]PORT <n>] [CHANNELS <n>] [SPEED <n>]\n \
 <protocol> CHANNELS <n> [SPEED <n>] [[LOCAL]HOST <nm>] [[LOCAL]PORT <n>] \n \
 <protocol> SPEED <n> [CHANNELS <n>] [[LOCAL]HOST <nm>] [[LOCAL]PORT <n>] \n \
 <protocol> DESTROY [LOCALHOST <nm>] LOCALPORT <n> [HOST <nm>] [PORT <n>]\n \
 <protocol> JOIN [LOCALHOST <nm>] [LOCALPORT <n>] HOST <nm> [PORT <n>] [SPEED <n>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSocks NAME socks \
HELP socks [ON|OFF] [HOST <socks host addr>] [PORT <socks host port>] [USER <user name>] [PWD <password>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdChannel NAME channel \
 <empty>  (list channels)\n \
 <number> [DESTROY] [SPEED <b/s>] [TIMEOUT <sec>] [STAT <sec>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHost NAME host \
 <empty>  (list hosts)\n \
 PATH   (list pathes)\n \
 <name> (rename local host)

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdUser NAME user \
HELP [<name>|<*>] [# <N>] [ARMY <N>|<name>] [STAT]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdKick NAME kick \
HELP <name>

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdKickN NAME kick# \

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdBanned NAME ban \
 [ADD] [REM] [NAME [<name>]] [PATTERN [<pattern>]] [IP [<ip mask>]]\n \
 [CLEAR] [LOAD [<file name>]] [SAVE [<file name>]]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdChat NAME chat \
HELP <message> [ALL] [MY_ARMY] [TO# <N>] [TO <name>|<*>] [ARMY <N>|<name>]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdRadio0 NAME rch \

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdRadio NAME radio \
HELP radio [<name>] [NONE] [COMMON] [ARMY] [list]

@load com.maddox.sound.CmdMusic NAME music \
HELP music [PLAY] [STOP] [BREAK] [VOL] [PATH <randpathname>] [FILE <filename>]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdDotRange NAME mp_dotrange \
HELP mp_dotrange [FRIENDLY|FOE] [DEFAULT] [COLOR <km>] [DOT <km>] [RANGE <km>] [TYPE <km>] [ID <km>] [NAME <km>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdFPS NAME fps \

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdSpeedBar NAME speedbar \
HELP speedbar [SHOW|HIDE]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdExtraOcclusion NAME extraocclusion \
HELP extraocclusion [ON|OFF]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdSaveWeapons

@sfs MOUNT fb_3do.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do08p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do09p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do10p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do11p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do12p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do13p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do14p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do15.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do16.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do16p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do17.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do18.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do19.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do20.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do21.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do22.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_planes01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes07.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_10.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_cockpits01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_cockpits02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_cockpits03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_cockpits04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_cockpits05.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_15.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb_maps.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps07p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps08p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps09p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps10p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps12p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps15.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps16.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps17.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_maps01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_maps02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_maps03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_maps04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_maps05.sfs

@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_08.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_10.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_textures01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_textures02.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_07.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_objects01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects04.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_07.sfs

@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_15.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_fbdsm_16.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_fbdsm_17.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_fbdsm_18.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_fbdsm_19.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_fbdsm_20.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_effects01.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_07.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_12.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb_sound.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound06.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_07.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_decals_01.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_decals_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_decals_02.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_misc_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_misc_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_misc_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_misc_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_misc_05.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_cod_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_cntrl.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_basic_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_cntrl_01.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay02.sfs

@sfs MOUNT tigersounds_1.sfs
@sfs MOUNT tigersounds_2.sfs

#preload REGISTER
@file .preload

If any suggestions can be made I would be Highly Great full Of Your Contribution.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bgn on February 08, 2014, 08:20:35 AM

My 'pedigree' as an IL-2 player begins with Microsoft Combat flight Simulator 1, then 2, then the quite frankly awful 3. So I have long memories of installing aircraft, tinkering with textures, air files, MDL, etc. Remember the fw190-A5 that was miles better than everything else, opening canopy, etc?

I've been playing IL-2 since the first one came out and the most recent version I have is 1946. Cliffs of Dover passed me by. A relative has a PS3 so I've plaved Birds of Steel and found the Simulator setting a tad tricky. Meanwhile, on Easy you get all the usual skiddy stuff of bombing you on the runway, etc- and everyone is tearing about on permanent WEP, doing 600 IAS. So I don't like it.         
I've installed countless mods and so on, most recently HSFX7. I've decided to go over to DBW and TFM for a change. The main motivation was that it is hair-pullingly fiddly to import aircraft from an exterior source into an HSFX install. I think I've had enough of spending more hours on tinkering (unsuccessfully) with installs than active game-time. So I sigh at instructions which ask me to open air.ini and meddle!   

New TFM grabbed my attention for one last spin about the mod circuit because we have filled in some gaps in the aircraft selection that have waited far too long for us to find them- he says- for example, the two-seater me 262, JU 88 nightfighters, the Lancaster bomber and my personal favourite the unholy Heinkel Uhu- the aircraft equiiivalent of a pitbull terrrier. All of these were around as mod aircraft for CFS, to varying levels of sophistication, so it's been a wait!

Anyway, enough waffling. I have found that DBW 1.71 is perfectly happy to install and work over a stock  IL-2, from the DVD. However, TFM throws in the towel with a 5% ctd if you try to install it next. Patches Scrolls has 4.08, 4.09, 4.10, 4.10.1 and these are needed to get TFM to work. Upgrade IL" to 4.10.1, then install DBW, then install TFM.

The experts will smile at this point and talk about .sfs files etc. Fair do's but I am taking a bloody-minded plug and play approach here!           
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: CWMV on February 08, 2014, 11:40:32 AM
I made a comparison of IL-2 1946 DBW+Gurner FX+New-TFM and CoD. Everyone that has helped make 1946 into what it is today should be proud. The 1946 maps, sounds, effects, and content are out of this world. 1946 is an amazing sim thanks to your hard work. Enjoy:
Good comparison, but dang it makes '46 look bad.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: marcost on February 08, 2014, 01:12:15 PM
Herr Hauptmann Held,

Can I just double check that you have the four .sfs files for Clay and Tiger mods in your IL2 1946 folder and not in your SAS_DBW folder?


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: MoerasGrizzly on February 08, 2014, 01:20:02 PM
Hmm. Whenever I try to activate the radio beacons to listen to the music offered in the optional package, the game crashes.
Or at least, it does when playing the first mission of Deadlock over Casino
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 08, 2014, 01:48:55 PM
Grizzly, you need to disable PAL Cockpit Sounds Mod to use Beacons.

!00_PAL-CockpitSounds <-------The Folder, put a  -  infront of the folder to deactivate it.

You can also make a new Folder in jsgmemods folder where you can turn Cockpit Sounds on and off. ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: MoerasGrizzly on February 08, 2014, 03:25:54 PM
That did the trick, thanks :).
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 08, 2014, 04:45:12 PM
Your welcome Grizz :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on February 09, 2014, 02:12:46 AM
Thanks as always Bravo - Of course you are too polite and too mellow to point out that this information is on the first page post.  It is well worth scrolling down and reading through the various headings - lots of useful bits and pieces.  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: vonOben on February 09, 2014, 07:12:15 AM
Hi VonOben,

Struggling to remember but I think Engine mod is not in tiger Sounds as Tiger sounds was built for HSFX, but there is a way to get them to work side by side as I have done so in HSFX 6.17. The answer may be in the Tiger sounds thread. But it's a long time ago and I can't recall the detail.

First thing to do is try changing the loading order by putting an '!' in front of the engine mod file name and see if the game loads and you still have Tiger sounds



Thank you marcost!

I fond this post by SAS~Anto from June 14, 2013:

If you do that, it will cause other issues as UV3 will disable parts of the SAS Engine Mod.
Unfortunately, SAS Engine Mod is not compatible with UV3 nor do we have plans to make it compatible (as it does't use the common sound matrix adopted by SAS, UP and HSFX). However, Tiger33, as I've stated before, is welcome to use our code and adapt it to UV3.

I disabled the class file AF5F8A326C3FA53C in TigersSOUNDSforDBW.
The class files in 00000_SAS_AI_Engine_HotKeys_Carriers and XTD was identical when checked with WinMerge.

I haven't noticed any problems so far.

Title: Sound problem
Post by: dufrasnes on February 09, 2014, 08:16:37 AM
Fist, i wish to thank you for this work.
Coming back to IL2 DBW1.71, I have installed your mods following to the letters ( I think) the instructions on page1, including the fixes but i have a sound problem.
Only tested in QMB.

It seems that i can't have both engine and Mg./Cannons sounds. If i can heard the engine, the Mg are silent, if i can head the Mg, the engine is silent, depending of aircraft.
IE: FW family has engine sound but no weapons sounds, Hurricane has weapons but no engine sounds.
In external view, the engine sound is always ok but the Mg sounds like Star War laser cannons.

Does someone have an idea to solve this ?

Thank you.

Here is my [sound] config:

Code: [Select]
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: MoerasGrizzly on February 09, 2014, 09:25:56 AM
Thanks as always Bravo - Of course you are too polite and too mellow to point out that this information is on the first page post.  It is well worth scrolling down and reading through the various headings - lots of useful bits and pieces.  8)

Oh bloody... I knew I missed something :(.

Hmm. That being said, the info that states that you need to rem-out pal's cockpit navigation sounds to use Advanced Navigation is mentioned during the introduction, which seems a bit of an non-obvious spot. I tend to skip over introductions and go straight to the download and installation instructions whenever I know I messed up something. I geuss I am too lazy :P.
(But can that tidbit of info please be copypasted into the description of the radio addon? I think it would be... neater).

Also, greatly enjoying Deadlock over Casino, especially whenver Glenn Miller's "In the Mood" is on :D. That artillery spotting feature is quite novel (esp. for a flight sim), although I can't get the hang of actually pulling of accurate shots without moving in too close and being torned into half :O.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 09, 2014, 09:32:02 AM
@ dufrasnes

Guys every thing is explained on the first post, Please refer to it, it will help you solve many problems, if you will just read through the first Post. Thanks.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dufrasnes on February 09, 2014, 10:13:13 AM
ok, lets check the first post:

Started with the clean dbw1.71 folder : ok

2 tigersounds and 2 fb410 sfs files in root il2 directory: ok

37 new tfm installed in order with jsgme : ok

New selector, 1.71 Gurner fx and New 4.12 fx installed.

Fixes 1,2,3,4,5 : ok

Tiger 33 sound tweak, [sound] and [mod] : ok

So, what m'I missing ?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 09, 2014, 10:29:35 AM
Did you make Tigers sounds load before Engine Mod?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dufrasnes on February 09, 2014, 10:47:03 AM
I don't understand what you mean, sorry.
I have just rename tigersound folder like asked in fixes :

2) FOLDER:  ...#DBW/!_0_0TigersSOUNDSforDBW - RENAME TO - +0000_TigersSOUNDSforDBW for 3do improvements and fixes.

Thank you for your help.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: farang65 on February 10, 2014, 04:16:38 AM
Some of you seem to be having the odd problem with the New TFM.

For me completely flawless.

That's even after copying it all to an external drive stashing that away for some time.
Reloading good ol XP and some internal system updates on this computer

Just copied it over on to the revamped rig and its a bloody charmer.

No problem loading, no game crashes, and no mission freezing.

The only thing I remember with The New TFM was having a hell of a time downloading all the parts.

Once that was properly achieved and instructions followed I recall by Bravo's install method.

An easy load up.



Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: dufrasnes on February 10, 2014, 08:47:16 AM
ok it works.

I made a new install from the beginning.
It seems that one of the Tigersounds files was corrupted, badly downloaded.

Now, I have all the new sounds playing correctly, awsome work.

Thank you.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 10, 2014, 08:51:07 AM
He he, sometimes a new Install will fix alot of problems. Way to go Duf. Glad your all sorted.
Title: Verification
Post by: Hauptmann Held on February 10, 2014, 12:14:53 PM
Hello There, I can Indeed Verify that the four SFS Files are in My Il2 1946 folder and not in my #DBW Folder. Held.
Title: Re: Verification
Post by: marcost on February 10, 2014, 01:06:52 PM
Hello There, I can Indeed Verify that the four SFS Files are in My Il2 1946 folder and not in my #DBW Folder. Held.

Hi might be worth downloading the sfs files again, they are large files and could be corrupted


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Hauptmann Held on February 10, 2014, 01:25:29 PM
I would have to agree with you there!, I might just start form the beginning again. After all its best to have it fully functioning quickly rather than just pondering around what's gone wrong. Regards all the same and thanks to all those who offered their support. Yours Truly, Held.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: LynxNot on February 11, 2014, 02:04:27 PM
Hi, it may have already been asked or being common knowledge, but is it normal that I cannot set gun convergence and bomb timings when I'm in a static campaign? The only place where I can set them is in QMB or the conf.ini.

I have not tried a dynamic campaign or single missions but I assume the GUI would be similar.

Title: Installing SCW
Post by: dufrasnes on February 12, 2014, 02:57:23 AM
Sorry to bother you again but I'm lost ( again!!!!!).

I have downloaded and extracted all the SCW packs in a temp folders.
In this folder, i have three folders; missions, paintschemes and jsgmemods.
Using the #dbw_512_selector, it creates a #SCW folder in the il2 folder.

Quote from page 1:
"On my setup #SCW is for Poltava's 'Spanish Civil War'.  Simply extract the contents of his SCW pack to the #SCW folder in order to have it alongside DBW-1916 and DBW+New-TFM."

So, do i simply need to put these three folders in the #SCW folder ?

I have read various posts about selector and JSGME but it remains foggy to me and I do not want to mess my install again. ( Obviously, english is not my mothertong)


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 12, 2014, 06:49:09 AM
No, they go in your Main Game Folder!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 12, 2014, 11:27:29 AM
  I am totally speechless.  This is an outstanding effort.  I cannot believe how good this is. 
I seriously think this is the best mod pack ever offered.  Thank YOU to all the personnel who spent countless hours on this project.   
Finally done, now time to back up this Behemoth!  60Gigs.... WOW!
This is the ONE,  I am back to 4.10... for now

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Seal on February 12, 2014, 12:08:03 PM
Is the any torrent version available for download?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 14, 2014, 07:40:43 AM
I am checking in with a progress report.  After I finished installing everything, I had a problem.  When I went to outside view and back to the pit, I would loose sound in the cockpit.  This made the sim unplayable.  I then applied the fixes at the end of the post and all was fixed.  Now I am enjoying the heck out of TFM!

Impatient people never win and I never learn :P

Word to the wise.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 16, 2014, 06:31:07 AM
  I am getting slow fps and stutters, is anyone else having this?  Is there a known fix?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 16, 2014, 06:39:07 AM
Maico, if you have Gurners FX running will cause slow fps. I usually remove all his class files, and that corrects it for me.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Benjamin2557 on February 16, 2014, 12:26:32 PM
I'm sorry but i am not anderstand how to install the "New TFM". I know this question has been repeated but I still do not understand.  :-[

I think to install "New TFM", I must be installed DBW 1.71 build on my computer. It is done, I have Il2 1946 4.101 + Ultrapack 3 RC 4 + DBW 1.71

Except that when I install the parts (# "DBW-NewTFM-01 NewTFM" up to # "DBW-NewTFM-37") manually (I do not know if that's to do), the game crashes at 5 %.

Note: I have already installed "# DBW_5.12_Selector" and download the # DBW folder cleaned.

Please help me !  :(
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 16, 2014, 01:10:26 PM
Did you add the 4 .SFS Files?


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 16, 2014, 01:17:23 PM
  Thanks Bravo, I will try that.   
  Step ONE, make a backup of the game you have now that is working.  Then proceed as per instructions on page one. 
Download and install these(see first page)
Claymore FW-190s SFS files



Tiger33 sounds SFS Files


Ok, now Download new TFM 1.  Open the zip file using 7zip, put the folder inside in your game like this...
Open the folder your game is in.  Look for a folder called "jsgmemods"  Put the new TFM 1 folder in there. 
Ok, go back to the main game folder and scroll down until you find a icon with a yellow "G" called jsgmemods.  Open and activate#DBW new TFM 1.  Close, start game and make sure it works.  Ok, repeat process
Hope this helps.  Let us know if you need more help.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 17, 2014, 03:36:47 AM
  YOU Have got to be Kidding me with these sounds!  This is the best sound mod I have ever heard.  Flying the Hellcats and P-38 is totally addictive.   The P-38 cannon will have me singing Sledgehammer all day long.  Completely immersive.  Do yourself a favor.  Open the canopy and fire the fifties...  You will be in love. 

  Too bad there is no 4.12 update to Tiger 33's sound mod.  This guy imo got it spine tingling right. 


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on February 17, 2014, 07:04:51 AM
This is the best sound mod I have ever heard. Completely immersive.  Do yourself a favor.  Open the canopy and fire the fifties...  You will be in love.  This guy imo got it spine tingling right.  GREAT MOD! Maico
If you don't already, make a folder called [MOD] in your conf and set flyby=1. Now go check out your flyby sounds!
Title: Working!
Post by: Hauptmann Held on February 17, 2014, 08:48:35 AM
I got my TFM to Work at Pack Number 25!, But i Am Now fearful Of Installing/Activating the Rest, In case Of any Unexpected CTD Errors Again. Should I activate the Rest?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Benjamin2557 on February 17, 2014, 10:53:10 AM
No I haven't. I'm downloading the files :



I will keep you posted....

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 17, 2014, 11:15:34 AM
Roger that buddy!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: sphantom on February 17, 2014, 11:35:21 AM
you will find out when they are installed the games changes greatly.
Bravo if the picture you are showing is you do you have problems getting women
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 17, 2014, 12:03:34 PM
No because I quit looking for women, they cause too many problems, and I like being a Hermit. :D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 17, 2014, 01:20:51 PM
  Hey Bravo,
  Sorry to put you out buddy.  How do I remove the classfiles for Gurners FX?  Can you shed a little light on this for me.  Hopefully someone else can use this information as well. 
   Oh and good luck benji

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 17, 2014, 01:45:40 PM
First locate Gurners FX Folder, then delete or move all of the files that look like this:  C6EF065E28F3732E
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on February 17, 2014, 01:56:44 PM
Bravo what exactly do the class files do? Does this remove some effects? Do you replace them with the 4.12 ones?
Title: Turret's
Post by: Hauptmann Held on February 17, 2014, 02:48:19 PM
Things Are Working Perfectly Now With all Mods Activated!, However Aircraft Turrets Don't Seem To Function Whatsoever, Any Suggestions?.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on February 17, 2014, 02:53:02 PM
care to elaborate how turrets do not work?
simply stating that they do not work is like getting your car to the dealer and tell him its not driving properly...

it has become good custom here to post a precise description of the problem one experiences, and if it is connected to a crash to add the log file...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 17, 2014, 11:21:02 PM
No...  Can't find that.  I looked  in jsgmemods and #DBW folders to no avail.  Then I did a search within the folder and still nothing. 
  I reloaded my video drivers and it runs a bit better.  I would still like to try your solution.

Title: Turrets
Post by: Hauptmann Held on February 18, 2014, 12:39:08 AM
Turrets cease to function. I am unable to move in a turret or indeed use the weaponry within Said turret (Simply Meaning I Cannot Move Or Fire). However NO CTD's Have become apparent whilst trying to use turrets, I just cannot Use Turrets.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Moezilla on February 18, 2014, 01:34:16 AM
Did you turn off gunner autopilot when in turret?
Title: Re: Turrets
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on February 18, 2014, 01:35:21 AM
Turrets cease to function. I am unable to move in a turret or indeed use the weaponry within Said turret (Simply Meaning I Cannot Move Or Fire). However NO CTD's Have become apparent whilst trying to use turrets, I just cannot Use Turrets.


Have you double checked whether your crew position is set to auto or not? - It is possible to toggle either condition and sometimes catches out even the old hands.

Haha - As above same idea - posted same time! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Hauptmann Held on February 18, 2014, 04:43:53 AM
Thank you Very Much I've Got them Working!. As Always I am Very Grateful.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 18, 2014, 05:02:01 AM
Sorry Maico, I dont think Gurners FX is in the New-TFM.

So you have another problem, and I dont know where to tell you to look.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Benjamin2557 on February 18, 2014, 10:38:29 AM
Thank you very much Maico. My game starts normally and the graphics is very good !!  :D

But I detect an error on the new aircraft mods, this is the "fly-bye" view, there are no sound  :(

What is it necessary to make ?

I think that there is more than a which had the same problem.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 18, 2014, 11:41:27 AM
  Hey welcome, another satisfied customer :-\

I am glad you got it working,  (make a backup)

Hope you are having fun and... (Made a Backup)

Don't worry too much about no sound in Flyby's, this is something that can be corrected. 
I personally don't know what is going on there.  But I hope someone can help you just
as soon as you get done Making a Backup of the game 8)

  The video thing seems a lot better now with new drivers.  Thanks for your candor, and outstanding support.  I was a supervisor in communications for the Army.  If there is one quality that I value the most among my people, it was the ability to say "I don't know".
Seriously, it is a good quality. 

Have a great day guys.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Benjamin2557 on February 18, 2014, 01:03:06 PM
Thank you for this nice compliment and for your help Maico  ;D I bought IL-2 sturmovik there a few years ago. Before, I did not know anything about modding IL-2.
Since I had dropped, and finally I resumed.
Do not take it badly but I am registered on this forum to ask questions about modding, what I mean is that if you send me messages, I'll be able to answer several weeks later. I do not like to discuss on forum and instead I prefer to play. Like you, I think.  :-X

Sorry for my bad english, I'm not english-speaking.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 18, 2014, 02:42:07 PM
That is A ok :)  You can just ask away and we help you if we can.  If not someone else picks up the slack.  Don't worry, we are all here to ask questions.  YOu can message me if that makes you more comfortable.  However, don't worry no one here bites lol.

What is your language?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on February 18, 2014, 03:59:31 PM
A word on Support
The regulars here offer fantastic support but can we please all try to apply some basic principles in order to make everyone's life a little easier:

In the event of ANY unexpected behaviour, missing sounds, odd functions, anything that seems wrong:

Do the Vanilla Test and ESTABLISH whether New-TFM is the source of the glitch or whether it was already in your DBW or Rig Setup.  If New-TFM, where exactly and how do we pinpoint the issue?  Here's how its done:

1)Can-Do Attitude.  Based on the premise that the mod packages work, by consensus, then a new user is more likely to encounter a local malfunction than a general bug. ie: its more often going to be something you did.

2)The Vanilla Test.  All users should be familiar enough with the file structure to be able to temporarily rename their current #DBW (with a -#DBW, for example) and REPLACE that folder with a CLEAN VANILLA #DBW for testing of their basic setup.  This procedure will revert you to Vanilla DBW in seconds (limited only by how fast you can type). 

3)Safety Briefing.  New-TFM requires 4 additional SFS files in the ROOT Directory but ONLY modifies #DBW.  Therefore it is PERFECTLY SAFE.  Assuming you have a working #DBW in the first place; your Il2 Dark Blue World install cannot be broken by New-TFM and can always be returned to the previous Vanilla State (see above).

4)Reversible Modular Modding.  Use JSGME (or anything Similar that you understand well) to add packs sequentially and test each new install stage.  You must be able to establish a working addition that you build on and be able to revert to a previous stage the second you fail to launch or encounter something unexpected.

5)Ground Control. Some patches and MANUAL fixes have resolved genuine bugs and incompatibilities at a few key stages.  Read the sections on Special Instructions and Fixes and make sure those easy fixes are implimented.  However, none of the fixes address serious 'game breakers', so exactly when you do them is not too crucial, just apply them when indicated.

6)Situational Awareness. If you encounter a malfunction be aware of which pack you are up to in the sequence and double-check Special Instructions and Fixes.

7)A Level Playing Field.  Do not add other mods to New-TFM and then report problems.  New-TFM + 'Something Else We Haven't Tested' - is hardly fair and serves nobody!

8)Pilot's Briefing.  Do take part in the discussion and please suggest new content and criticise all you can.  Feedback here is very helpful for everyone.  Properly structured, informative, feedback is the heartbeat of this site and what makes it such a fascinating place to hang out!

More New-TFM MOD content is currently being tested and will be uploaded this weekend.  Are you ready?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on February 18, 2014, 04:07:40 PM
Thank you for this nice compliment and for your help Maico  ;D I bought IL-2 sturmovik there a few years ago. Before, I did not know anything about modding IL-2.
Since I had dropped, and finally I resumed.
Do not take it badly but I am registered on this forum to ask questions about modding, what I mean is that if you send me messages, I'll be able to answer several weeks later. I do not like to discuss on forum and instead I prefer to play. Like you, I think.  :-X

Sorry for my bad english, I'm not english-speaking.
This is an international forum my friend!  English is only a convenience.

With regard to Flybys, nothing in New-TFM could make them disappear.  They are enhanced, but should work with or without specific mods.  I suggest you do the Vanilla DBW test and check your sounds.

EDIT: From Tiger33's thread...

Guys who have NO FLYBY sounds, please try this in your conf.ini:


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 18, 2014, 04:14:23 PM
Thanks for that Simon!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on February 18, 2014, 04:25:53 PM
Thanks for that Simon!
Ahh Sensi!  Your words originally, I learned at the feet of the master!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: MJJWalsh on February 18, 2014, 05:52:54 PM
I was flying the Stranraer - great plane, loved landing on the water - on a Quick Mission and noticed that the engines stopped about 4 minutes into the mission. The plane seemed to keep flying with stationary props!  I repeated this twice more and the same thing happened. Are you familiar with this  - is it a bug, or do I disable the specific new TFM pack, download afresh, and try again?  I presume if I do that, I have to re-enable the subsequent TFM packs in the proper sequence, or can I just re-enable the one I've uninstalled which included the Stranraer?

Many thanks for your amazing support - and patience!! :-\
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on February 18, 2014, 06:53:24 PM
I was flying the Stranraer - great plane, loved landing on the water - on a Quick Mission and noticed that the engines stopped about 4 minutes into the mission. The plane seemed to keep flying with stationary props!  I repeated this twice more and the same thing happened. Are you familiar with this  - is it a bug, or do I disable the specific new TFM pack, download afresh, and try again?  I presume if I do that, I have to re-enable the subsequent TFM packs in the proper sequence, or can I just re-enable the one I've uninstalled which included the Stranraer?

Many thanks for your amazing support - and patience!! :-\
Let's try to re-create the situation:  Which Map?

I have flown this seaplane many times in specifically written FMB missions, there are some soon to be released, but in QMB I guess you would start in flight?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bergkamp on February 19, 2014, 03:48:44 AM
More New-TFM MOD content is currently being tested and will be uploaded this weekend.  Are you ready?

Hi Monty, re your quote from post 879 above. Just a general question before the onslaught begins. I am up to date with New-TFM37 installed and have added some individual mods such as fix engine and cowling updates, one or two aircraft, artillery etc. My question is, as an example, when New-TFM 36/37 was released with the Whirlwind included, I already had this a/c installed as an individual mod. Before copying in the New-TFM updates, as a precaution I removed the individual Whirlwind install. With any future New-TFM updates, should I check and delete any clash of mod, or is it ok to let the duplicated New-TFM mod copy over?

Thanks in advance, Bergkamp 
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on February 19, 2014, 04:07:21 AM
More New-TFM MOD content is currently being tested and will be uploaded this weekend.  Are you ready?

Hi Monty, re your quote from post 879 above. Just a general question before the onslaught begins. I am up to date with New-TFM37 installed and have added some individual mods such as fix engine and cowling updates, one or two aircraft, artillery etc. My question is, as an example, when New-TFM 36/37 was released with the Whirlwind included, I already had this a/c installed as an individual mod. Before copying in the New-TFM updates, as a precaution I removed the individual Whirlwind install. With any future New-TFM updates, should I check and delete any clash of mod, or is it ok to let the duplicated New-TFM mod copy over?

Thanks in advance, Bergkamp

Let the onslaught begin!   ;D As long as you can read and understand the content of each New-TFM package and incorporate them as you like, that's all well and good.  New-TFM content may still be helpful to you. 

However; with regard to support when/if you run into problems, you are on your own!  Observations and data from all kinds of users is welcome and helpful.  But obviously I can't help you bughunt an install I didn't put together.

The main idea of New-TFM was to provide everybody, regardless of expertise, with a common platform that expands on DBW.  To help everyone it is better, IMHO, to suggest content, or build an addon pack to share with everyone.  The other thing is that we want to keep an eye on the Java wall and avoid too much clutter.

My suggested method for you is this:  Use Pure-New-TFM up to the latest package then make your own addon pack building on the previous numbered New-TFM package.  When New-TFM is updated simply pull out your pack - add the latest New-TFM - Then re-examine your pack and adjust accordingly.  This is assuming you are modding using JSGME or a similar type of 'Reversible Package' system?

If not?  Then you are heading for that dark mysterious breakdown we have all worked so hard to avoid!  I'm only a virtual pilot, but even here I hate flying blind. :'(
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: MJJWalsh on February 19, 2014, 05:01:13 AM
Dear Monty,

Many thanks for quick response to my post re Stranraer. When do you sleep!!!!
Have reflown 3 missions, all QMB Pro, and the engine died just the once!  Mission 1 used Europe_Channel_1940-41 map, Mission Rednone00, Alt 500, situation none, Stranraer on default load out, RAF No 6 Sqn with 2 rookie Bf 109E-4 as hostile, realistic weaponry but invulnerable. The engines died 6min 30 sec into the mission, with throttles showing themselves firmly set to zero and not adjustable with my joystick throttle.  I then reflew twice using the Europe_Channel_Spring map, against 2 CR-42 as hostile, this time with vulnerability switched on, but non realistic gunnery (you have to give a guy a chance!). The first time I was still flying after 10 mins having seen off the enemy and exited the mission, the second the engines died at 4min 26 sec.

Annoying but not worth you spending valuable time on I suggest if this hasn't come up in all your testing of the BoB campaign. I can live with that - a screwed up QMB mission isn't the end of the world!

More important, these 3 questions which have emerged as I explore the fascinating world of DBW plus new TFM.

1.  Before getting into new TFM I installed Santobr's Guncam Tracer mod - and just loved it!  As far as I can see there is nothing similar included in the new TFM tracer FX - am I right?  If so, how feasible is it to include that as one of your 'optional' new TFM downloads? I guess it will not be compatible with the tracer FX you have included, plus Gurner's FX, so an overwrite isn't possible?

2. As advised I tested after enabling each new TFM pack, but loved the new splash screens so much I thought I'd try out the Mossie before I had enabled all the packs - I was at pack new TFM 12.  It worked perfectly, but when I enabled subsequent packs the game reverted to the original splash screen. Trying to disable the Mossie I got the warning that it had been overwritten by the subsequent packs so would have to disable them too.  Can I just leave it there, enabled but 'inactive' and enable the other ones?  I presume I have lost the Mossie unless I want to disable back to pack TFM 12?

3.  Finally, a really noob question  :-[ can't wait to get my hands on the new campaigns. I have downloaded Ace of Spades, extracted the files - but where do I install them? Do they all go into one place, and if so exactly where?  Or do the component files (Missions, Paintschemes etc) go into different folders?  I've tried putting them into various destination folders but no luck. Sorry to throw what must be a really basic problem at you - I'm on a very steep learning curve!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bergkamp on February 19, 2014, 05:07:31 AM
Thanks Monty, I get what your saying, re your reply @ 11.07. I have been fairly selective and have only added half a dozen or so mods to the New-TFM pack and only downloads from this site. I have been reasonably successful in troubleshooting, solving any problems (hence I don't post too often!). I normally extract the latest New-Monty packs to a "dump" folder and examine the content before install to ensure there are no clashes with already installed mods (i.e the Whirlwind). I just wondered if I had allowed the Whirlwind in pack 36/7 to overwrite, all would have been ok. I guess the only way to find out is to do it in future. (I have backups!!)

Thanks again,

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 19, 2014, 07:11:48 AM
I don't know who is responsible for these.... BUT I LIKE IT.
Today some fantastic effects on TFM. 
During a fantastic fight with a Hamp (a6m3) We got in rolling scissors.  I was in P-38(yes, I'm hard headed) but at the bottom of the spiral he broke off.  As he came around I was there waiting for him,  I got one of them once a year 90degree deflection shots.  His wing folded and he hit the ground at over 200kph. 
  The effects are sooooo good.  The sound is out of this world.

Thanks modders.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Benjamin2557 on February 19, 2014, 08:45:19 AM
I tried to insert it in the con.ini but there is still no sound!  :(

What does it do? I think I'm doing wrong. My con.ini is on (Ubisoft/IL-2 Sturmovik 1946/conf.ini)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 19, 2014, 10:21:35 AM
Yes conf.ini  goes in main folder.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Benjamin2557 on February 19, 2014, 12:42:34 PM
My link sound of conf.ini is :


It is correct ?

For answer your question Maico, I speak French (sorry for the delay)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 19, 2014, 02:16:30 PM
  To save space, all conf.ini stuff must be posted using the # symbol above the chat box.  Click on the # then paste your conf.ini between the brackets, you will see.  Don't worry, I just learned this today.  It should look like this.(see below)   

Ok, I will try to hook you up but be aware I am no modder.  Your conf.ini should have a Mods section.  It is probably the last section.  If you don't have it, then add this


Also make sure you have these in your conf.ini SoundMode=2  Let me know if this help, then I can bill you LOL. 

Code: [Select]
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on February 19, 2014, 03:17:35 PM
Dear Monty,

Many thanks for quick response to my post re Stranraer. When do you sleep!!!!
Have reflown 3 missions, all QMB Pro, and the engine died just the once!  Mission 1 used Europe_Channel_1940-41 map, Mission Rednone00, Alt 500, situation none, Stranraer on default load out, RAF No 6 Sqn with 2 rookie Bf 109E-4 as hostile, realistic weaponry but invulnerable. The engines died 6min 30 sec into the mission, with throttles showing themselves firmly set to zero and not adjustable with my joystick throttle.  I then reflew twice using the Europe_Channel_Spring map, against 2 CR-42 as hostile, this time with vulnerability switched on, but non realistic gunnery (you have to give a guy a chance!). The first time I was still flying after 10 mins having seen off the enemy and exited the mission, the second the engines died at 4min 26 sec.

Annoying but not worth you spending valuable time on I suggest if this hasn't come up in all your testing of the BoB campaign. I can live with that - a screwed up QMB mission isn't the end of the world!

More important, these 3 questions which have emerged as I explore the fascinating world of DBW plus new TFM.

1.  Before getting into new TFM I installed Santobr's Guncam Tracer mod - and just loved it!  As far as I can see there is nothing similar included in the new TFM tracer FX - am I right?  If so, how feasible is it to include that as one of your 'optional' new TFM downloads? I guess it will not be compatible with the tracer FX you have included, plus Gurner's FX, so an overwrite isn't possible?

2. As advised I tested after enabling each new TFM pack, but loved the new splash screens so much I thought I'd try out the Mossie before I had enabled all the packs - I was at pack new TFM 12.  It worked perfectly, but when I enabled subsequent packs the game reverted to the original splash screen. Trying to disable the Mossie I got the warning that it had been overwritten by the subsequent packs so would have to disable them too.  Can I just leave it there, enabled but 'inactive' and enable the other ones?  I presume I have lost the Mossie unless I want to disable back to pack TFM 12?

3.  Finally, a really noob question  :-[ can't wait to get my hands on the new campaigns. I have downloaded Ace of Spades, extracted the files - but where do I install them? Do they all go into one place, and if so exactly where?  Or do the component files (Missions, Paintschemes etc) go into different folders?  I've tried putting them into various destination folders but no luck. Sorry to throw what must be a really basic problem at you - I'm on a very steep learning curve!

Hi MJJWalsh

Sleep:  I'm in South Australia, so probably when most of you guys are up and about!

Answers: -

1) Tracers - We already have 00_PAL-SmokeTrails mod built into New-TFM at an early stage and tuned for performance.

2) JSGME can be awkward in the way it overwrites one-way.  'Switches' ie: packs that go in and out as required, should be unloaded and reloaded last in your order.  A quick solution here is to make a copy of the Mossie Splashscreen pack, rename it with a 2 on the end, and activate at the end of the JSGME order.  Just remember to temporarily unload it when you upgrade.

3) The file/folder structure for campaign/mission sets is:

Root Dir/Missions/Campaign/{Nationality DE/DK/GB etc as required}/Campaign Folder

Single Missions
Root Dir/Missions/Single/{Nationality DE/DK/GB etc as required}/Single Mission Folder

Root Dir/PaintSchemes/Skins/New Skin Folder named by aircraft type

My campaign/mission sets are packed like this so you should be able to unpack them right into the main directory.  With WinRAR I also prefer drag and drop from window to the target.  Take a look inside the zipped folders and compare the folder positions with your Il2 install.

Simon (SAS~Monty27)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Benjamin2557 on February 19, 2014, 11:27:05 PM
Thank you anyway Maico but it does not work!  >:(
These are just the MODS aircraft added by TFM.
Have you got sound in fly-bye ?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 20, 2014, 12:55:14 AM
Yes.  I have flyby sounds.  Don't worry about it.  It is just a small feature.  Go kill some planes.  You feel better.  ;D
  Also look at Sounds on the front page of this forum.  Read Tiger33 sounds thread. On last page see the settings u Must have.
  Is making a w install an option?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Benjamin2557 on February 20, 2014, 10:59:01 AM
Ok Maiko and thank you for all your answers and support.  :D
But I want to ask you one last question: Apparently, the fix fly-bye sound is not yet fixed. Except that I had found in the # DBW folder files new aircraft added by TFM, these files do not contain the "Samples" folder, or "Samples" should contain MP3 files to the sounds of airplanes. The problem does not he come there?  :-\ (I didn't installed "the full monty" here) :

But please Maico, how did you do to have sound of  fly-bye (after I leave you tranquil :) )

"Is making a w install an option?" ,  sorry I'm don't anderstand.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 20, 2014, 11:59:47 AM
  Sorry, I mean making a new install.  Can you make a new install.  You should try to make a new one.
But before all that, lets take this step by step...
  If you did not install TFM, then why are you asking for support here...  I am confused..

"But please Maico, how did you do to have sound of  fly-bye (after I leave you tranquil :) ) "

I come here to be helped and I am glad that I can help you.... But step by step.
Have you done this?

In your CONF.INI check and change these settings to these values:

  If you don't have TFM, then what is the point??

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Benjamin2557 on February 20, 2014, 12:23:44 PM
I didn't installed 'the full monty" here : https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=28809.0 but  I installed "the New TFM" here : https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=35424.0 (I think there are different and wanted to know if that was the cause of the bug)
Otherwise I would never have asked for help here if I had not  ;)

I added this: Attenuation = 7         in the [sound] section of conf.ini and that at the very end : [MOD]   
                  SoundMode = 2                                                                                           flyby=1
                  SamplingRate = 2
                  NumChannels = 4
                  SoundFlags.hardware = 1                                                                         
It is correct ?

Installing as I do, the sound still does not work!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 20, 2014, 01:33:01 PM
  Ok, I am with you now.  8)

I added this: Attenuation = 7         in the [sound] section of conf.ini and that at the very end : [MOD]   
                  SoundMode = 2                                                                                           flyby=1
                  SamplingRate = 2
                  NumChannels = 4
                  SoundFlags.hardware = 1                               

I hope not, In your sounds, you should have changed the numbers to what they are above.
Then at the end of the conf.ini
add :

IF you don't have a [MOD] section
Go back to page one and read the part about conf.ini  Then this will all make sense.
I am glad we are both talking about TFM. ;D

Good Luck!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 20, 2014, 01:45:43 PM
  This is what happens to people like me, too lazy to read and too anxious to play instead of following instructions. 
"5) texcompress=2:  In your CONF.INI, be sure to check this line: texcompress=2.  Switching it to lower values will adversely affect performance.  Make sure you use it to avoid the dreaded slide show."

I changed my game from 0 to 2 and now I can count the rivets on the enemy planes.  What a big difference. 
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 20, 2014, 02:10:23 PM
Glad you got it sorted Maico, now go become a multi Ace.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on February 20, 2014, 03:11:23 PM
I didn't installed 'the full monty" here : https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=28809.0 but  I installed "the New TFM" here : https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=35424.0 (I think there are different and wanted to know if that was the cause of the bug)
Otherwise I would never have asked for help here if I had not  ;)

I added this: Attenuation = 7         in the [sound] section of conf.ini and that at the very end : [MOD]   
                  SoundMode = 2                                                                                           flyby=1
                  SamplingRate = 2
                  NumChannels = 4
                  SoundFlags.hardware = 1                                                                         
It is correct ?

Installing as I do, the sound still does not work!

Keep it Simple...

1) Test DBW using the Vanilla #DBW Folder (rename old one and replace)
2) Install New-TFM-01 and test.
3) Repeat with New-TFM-02 test.

It may seem a bit tedious but when it starts to work for you all will become clear.  Simple step by step method is the only solution I can advocate.

When helping people directly, on Skype for example, often the first thing to do is to get them to stop jumping around randomly and calm down.  Back to Square One.

Square One is not such a bad place, I have been there many times and it holds no fears.  8)

With specific regard to flyby sounds - The MAP is important too.  Some winter maps had to be specially fixed.  Which map are you testing on?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 21, 2014, 06:15:49 AM

  I will like this on facebook LOL
  "It may seem a bit tedious but when it starts to work for you all will become clear.  Simple step by step method is the only solution I can advocate."

  Was there ever any other method?  No!  This is the way to go.  It took me a few days to get TFM all the way installed.  Along the way I asked questions, did back ups and surfed the internet while waiting for packs to upload.  Once uploaded, I launched the game, went to QMB and made sure things were working. 
  This is the way to go.

Thanks Monty27

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: MJJWalsh on February 21, 2014, 07:00:52 AM
Hi Monty

Just a note to say thanks for the help - Ace of Spades installed and working perfectly.  Decided to reinstall and re-enable the new TFM packs in proper sequence and everything is up and running smoothly - thought I'd have fps problems given how much I had installed - but having followed the advice in the earlier posts she is smooth and silky :D!  Which I can't say about my flying yet!  Just completed my first training flights in Ace of Spades.......I don't think those Poles will have too much to worry about!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 21, 2014, 07:59:02 AM
  This is the best way to fly and die in IL2.  This week I got the scream when my guy got hit, the landing gear/hydraulic failure and a few other "Easter eggs".  The hard work was Most definitely worth it.   
  I reloaded my vid card drivers and corrected the texcompress=2.  This gave me a bunch more eye candy and smoothness.  I fly  8vs8 so smoothness is important.  In the Palau Map 8 P- 38 vs Ki it looks great.  The cannon and Mg sounds are so cool.
  I also found out you can use Tigers fly by and fly the plane towards the camera and fire the guns.  Looks and sounds amazing. 
  Im still on my P-38 kick and besides flying the Ki43/44/61 have not flown much else.  I did take a spin in the Mig-15.  If I live to be 100 I don't think I will see all the features in this New TFM.

  Outstanding.  I am so grateful


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Benjamin2557 on February 21, 2014, 11:31:21 AM
It works!!!!  ;D ;D
In fact, you had to install Engine Mod v2.6RC.  :-X (Maybe I'm wrong). Have you installed it ??
I am very happy that it works and I can say a big thank you for all your support and your patience. :D  ;)  :-\

I found mods added for new TFM, for example :

#DBW_1.71_New 412 FX
#DBW_1.71_Gurner FX
#DBW_Fw 190 D-11 Flat Canopy

and many more ...  Do you recommended them ?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 21, 2014, 12:06:42 PM
  I am really happy you figured this out.  I hope you learned something, You have to read All of the instructions.  Not like me, I did not do number 5(see below) then I complained that I had low fps...   :( not good. 
               Now, lets practice some Safe Modding :-\
  Rule 1.)  Make a Backup of the game somewhere safe.  Copy the game to a folder named for example "L2 backups" 
         2.) Did you do the following? If not, see page one again. 


The odd thing might still crop up, this is the place for some simple edits, fixes and tune-up tips:

1) FOLDER:  ...#DBW/_0_0GearDamageFX V 1.3 - delete the following class file: F5F37ACE5B99838E (defective).

2) FOLDER:  ...#DBW/!_0_0TigersSOUNDSforDBW - RENAME TO - +0000_TigersSOUNDSforDBW for 3do improvements and fixes.

3) FOLDER:  ...#DBW/_Fix Cowling Engines & Prop Yak´s Spinners/Yak-3_VK107(Multi1) - delete the following files: gear2.mat - GearC1_D0.msh - GearL1_D0.msh - GearR1_D0.msh.

4) FOLDER:  ...#DBW/#DBW/_Fix Cowling Engines & Prop D3A - disable or delete this folder for 3D Mesh Fix.

5) texcompress=2:  In your CONF.INI, be sure to check this line: texcompress=2.  Switching it to lower values will adversely affect performance.  Make sure you use it to avoid the dreaded slide show.

  Let me know how it goes.  I would not mess with any new mods till you know the game is stable.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Benjamin2557 on February 21, 2014, 12:25:47 PM
Thanks Maico

Add "texcompress=2" in the [sound] section of conf.ini ?

You can continue....
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 21, 2014, 12:31:12 PM
  NO, you see after asking me a question like that, I say... Don't touch anything!  If your game works now, GO PLAY!  You will eventually mess something up. 
  What I mean is go to your conf.ini and find this line under here. 

Change the "0" to a "2" and this will make the game look better. 
Just cos you asked, I tried Gurners FX (Cos I have a backup and nothing to lose)  They look good. 
For now get the game up to speed.
How is that BackUP going?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Benjamin2557 on February 21, 2014, 12:41:30 PM
Oh sorry Maico  ;D
I restored all the files I deleted. The game works very well!
I changed your modification. The graphics are great ! 8)
I saved the game, there will be no risk for me to lose.

SAS ~ Monty said: Which map are you testing it?

No, none.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 22, 2014, 07:31:28 AM
Hi Simon,

Here is another Plane from Mission_Bug, you can add to your next Patch, if not too late: (Works in DBW 1.71/New-TFM)   https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=39520.msg440772#msg440772

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Knochenlutscher on February 23, 2014, 03:58:02 AM
Today I will test it, everything loaded, Read Me (PDFs), Instructions (Save homepage as...).
I must back up my personal stuff, my personal Jumo004B sounds, cropped Spit Vcs.
At least your TFM contains most of the stuff I regularly use. That's promising.
One question, my install (DBW 1.71) has probs with SAS Engine Mod, installing it gives me shivers,
nothing works in the old Catapult/Carrier/Engine Mod way. It's the Bug when all planes explode on that Carrier and/or you get CTDs.
All my old Modact, SAS installs suffered from that Mod not working for me.
In a clean DBW 1.71 all is OK, these features are brilliant, I can enjoy these features I set up through [Mods] section in conf.ini.
That's the cause I stick to DBW 1.71, no mess with that Mod any longer. Since it's creation I grew grey hairs over being unlucky to not
get it working if loaded.
That's exciting nevertheless.

Thanks for creating this New TFM,
Regards Knochenlutscher
Title: New-TFM and FZG76 : Trouble !
Post by: POUSSIN1 on February 23, 2014, 03:30:35 PM
Hi Monthy !

First of all, thank for this wonderfull pack you gave us. I was big fan of the Full Monthy but now I am a bigger fan of the new TFM. I plan to achieve in the next weeks a few campaign by night and by days !

I am currently working on a doodlebug hunting campaign and I face a trouble with FZG76. The doodlebug seems to glide and has no thrust. I changed the differents setting (Distance in weapons, altitude, speed...) but still no joy. I have read in the full monthy post that it had something to do with He-111 H22...My He111 has no weaponry at all ! :)

Could you help me ?

Many thanks in advance.



Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 352nd_Hoss on February 23, 2014, 04:00:32 PM
Hey Simon, in the Radio sound packs, I noticed you had nothing for Radio Tokyo, I had someone send me some not too long ago, if you want it let me know.  The other big omission is Radio Paris, I can't find anything for that, have you?.................

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 23, 2014, 11:31:46 PM
  My first Bug report.  I am not running any other mods with this btw.  When I toggle the radiator open all the way, it stays open.  If I use a button, once open I cannot close it.
  Has anyone else encountered this?
  I am short on axis to assign to things.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on February 24, 2014, 08:16:36 AM
Put this in the mods section of your conf.ini: SeparateRadiatorOpenClose=0
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 24, 2014, 12:26:58 PM
  Thanks!  I appreciate this.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Griffon_301 on February 24, 2014, 01:08:01 PM
hey Drew!

that is the solution to a long standing problem I had

thank you very very much!!!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: marcost on February 24, 2014, 01:34:44 PM
Hey Simon, in the Radio sound packs, I noticed you had nothing for Radio Tokyo, I had someone send me some not too long ago, if you want it let me know.  The other big omission is Radio Paris, I can't find anything for that, have you?.................


Hi Radio Tokyo content here too  :)


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on February 24, 2014, 06:31:21 PM
No problem guys, I know this is off topic, but it is an active topic and Monty is great with splash screens. How would I change my splash screen in an HSFX install? Also, is there anyway to change the wallpaper in 4.12?
Title: Re: New-TFM and FZG76 : Trouble !
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on February 24, 2014, 07:15:28 PM
Hi Monthy !

First of all, thank for this wonderfull pack you gave us. I was big fan of the Full Monthy but now I am a bigger fan of the new TFM. I plan to achieve in the next weeks a few campaign by night and by days !

I am currently working on a doodlebug hunting campaign and I face a trouble with FZG76. The doodlebug seems to glide and has no thrust. I changed the differents setting (Distance in weapons, altitude, speed...) but still no joy. I have read in the full monthy post that it had something to do with He-111 H22...My He111 has no weaponry at all ! :)

Could you help me ?

Many thanks in advance.



Yep, they work great and the He-111s air-launched V1s are really impressive.  Setting them up requires a few exact parameters though:  I can't find the missions I made earlier, soon as I do you can have them and take a close look.  RDDR and me had a great time launching them over the North Sea and bombing East Anglia.  Release and flight times were a factor, along with fuel load for the bomb determining flight time.  We were able to launch them ourselves, let the AP do it, and watch the AI doing it too!

I hope Chris still has them, he's a hoarder and a good backup man.  ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 25, 2014, 02:12:17 AM
Put this in the mods section of your conf.ini: SeparateRadiatorOpenClose=0

Perhaps this should be part of the instructions on page one?
Just to keep people from asking this over and over.

Thanks again.  I fly this build exclusivelly.   

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: polo199 on February 25, 2014, 08:27:37 AM
Hi Monty,

I'm wondering something about your pack and the compatibility between Tiger's UV3 and PAL's cockpit sound mod. In the original TFM, it was written that we should use either one or the other and not both at the same time (I suppose because they're using the same files/classes). Is that still the case in the new-TFM pack? Or did you amend them to be compatible with each other?


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: harpia on February 25, 2014, 09:23:51 AM
A save the entire team at SAS and especially to the excellent work of Monty TFM. I'm having some problems I can not solve:
- The Wild cats do not collect the train and landing to take off for a mission.
- The maps do not open the list at QMB, only a 6.
- The Flying Tigers Campaign mission statement bombing which will destroy a mockup aircraft near a column of cars already destroyed everything, cars, aircraft mockup, and no way to finish it. Always give as mission failure in the first goal in time to land back on the base. Have redid a lot of times and nothing works. Just do not tell me to reintalar all over again, my 56 years can not stand all this workload again :) :) :) :) :)
I will try to make some prints of these errors so return home
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on February 26, 2014, 04:25:48 PM
Hey Monty, I'm interested in "modifying" the background image of the in-game menu. How would I go about this? I know how to modify the splashscreens and backgrounds for each country, but what about the main game menu? I hate that peeling paint look lol.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on February 28, 2014, 01:28:08 AM
Hi Monty,

I'm wondering something about your pack and the compatibility between Tiger's UV3 and PAL's cockpit sound mod. In the original TFM, it was written that we should use either one or the other and not both at the same time (I suppose because they're using the same files/classes). Is that still the case in the new-TFM pack? Or did you amend them to be compatible with each other?



Affirmative Paul, there are a few lines on that Page one... 8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on February 28, 2014, 01:31:53 AM
Hey Monty, I'm interested in "modifying" the background image of the in-game menu. How would I go about this? I know how to modify the splashscreens and backgrounds for each country, but what about the main game menu? I hate that peeling paint look lol.
My suggestion is to look at the file structure, find the appropriate tga, with a little experimentation, then package the new tga (in the right format) so it can be swapped in and out and share it with the rest of us!

I can't recall the exact paths offhand but could get us started with an example you could clone and overwrite.  Got one of those busy weekends coming up, so which of us will do it first?  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on February 28, 2014, 07:52:56 AM
  I don't know if it is a bug, so I come here for help.  I am flying a lot of P-38 atm.  Every time I land the landing gear collapses.  What makes it worse is that it is also happening to the ai. 


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on February 28, 2014, 08:09:40 AM
I have looked at the folder, but can't seem to find the background. Could it be in an sfs file? It isn't in #DBW/std/gui. So, I'm happy to upload a few different options, but I have no idea what file to overwrite.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on February 28, 2014, 03:40:20 PM
I have looked at the folder, but can't seem to find the background. Could it be in an sfs file? It isn't in #DBW/std/gui. So, I'm happy to upload a few different options, but I have no idea what file to overwrite.
Yes its in an SFS for #DBW,  so had a look inside #DBW_1916 and found that the Background.tga for menus is located in #ModFolder (ie:#DBW/DBW_1916/#SCW - whatever) ...GUI/Missions. 

So any new tga, using the same image format as the New-TFM Screens, for example, will change the menu background at the Mission Screen.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on February 28, 2014, 06:01:55 PM
So any new tga, using the same image format as the New-TFM Screens, for example, will change the menu background at the Mission Screen
So I can only change the mission loading screens for each country and not the main menu (peeling paint)wallpaper. DBW 1916 has a nice gui, so I imagine it is doable? I'll keep meddling around. I wish it was as easy as overwriting the ugly peeling paint .tga!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on February 28, 2014, 09:06:55 PM
YOU CAN!! - the peeling paint one will go into #DBW/STD/GUI/Missions
For Backgrounds by Country #DBW/STD/GUI/Missions/Single-OR Campaigns/Country (ie DE/GB etc)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on February 28, 2014, 09:56:54 PM
Hmm. I placed my background.tga along with the .mat file into #DBW/STD/gui/Missions/background.tga and the peeling paint was still there. Why is this? Have you gotten it to work Monty? If so, kudos to you :0! Is there any way I can just "mod" the .sfs file and replace the peeling paint background with a custom one that is more sleek? If so, how? Sorry if I'm asking to many questions!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: marcost on March 01, 2014, 01:58:23 AM
Hi Drewm3i,

I don't have this version to check but I'm pretty sure what you are looking to change goes in GUI/game not /missions. Don't think it's called background.tga either


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on March 01, 2014, 12:07:34 PM
  Bug report update.  It is only the P-38F.  The G and J models have no such problems. 
Yes, the G does it too.  Landing gear collapse after nearly every mission... :'(
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 01, 2014, 02:16:22 PM
Maico I moved my file into game and I still have the same background. This is odd. In the sfs file, the peeling paint backdrop is background.tga and it is inside a folder called missions.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on March 01, 2014, 02:55:44 PM
Sorry buddy, I never have messed around with that.  I really am lost when it comes to that.  Hope you get sorted. 
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 01, 2014, 03:47:33 PM
Thanks man!
Title: Re: New-TFM and FZG76 : Trouble !
Post by: POUSSIN1 on March 03, 2014, 10:14:05 AM
Hi Monthy !

First of all, thank for this wonderfull pack you gave us. I was big fan of the Full Monthy but now I am a bigger fan of the new TFM. I plan to achieve in the next weeks a few campaign by night and by days !

I am currently working on a doodlebug hunting campaign and I face a trouble with FZG76. The doodlebug seems to glide and has no thrust. I changed the differents setting (Distance in weapons, altitude, speed...) but still no joy. I have read in the full monthy post that it had something to do with He-111 H22...My He111 has no weaponry at all ! :)

Could you help me ?

Many thanks in advance.



Yep, they work great and the He-111s air-launched V1s are really impressive.  Setting them up requires a few exact parameters though:  I can't find the missions I made earlier, soon as I do you can have them and take a close look.  RDDR and me had a great time launching them over the North Sea and bombing East Anglia.  Release and flight times were a factor, along with fuel load for the bomb determining flight time.  We were able to launch them ourselves, let the AP do it, and watch the AI doing it too!

I hope Chris still has them, he's a hoarder and a good backup man.  ;D

Thanks a lot for your reply, Monthy !

I wandered in SAS and found this topic : https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,%205316.0.html
After a few trials, it is suiting me fine ! I'm doing a Doodlebug hunting campaign in the summer of 44  and would be able to post within a fortnight (If life agrees !) :P

However, if Chris has got them, I will be very interested to test !

Thanks a lot again,


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maico on March 03, 2014, 12:46:06 PM
Hi Monty,
  I don't mean to be a pain the buttocks but was wondering if you had any comments on my P-38 Bug...
Landing gear collapse on the F and G model almost every landing.
Other than that I am having a fantastic time with this mod.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maj. Tom on March 05, 2014, 06:36:15 PM
Hey Monty!

 I've downloaded The New TFM and yet it doesn't work. It starts up and loads to 5% then CTD. I've already tried changing the RAM and Compatibility settings to no avail although Vanilla DBW 1.71 works flawlessly. I've run out of ideas as to what is causing this.

 I have a:
 HP ENVY 17 Notebook PC
 Windows 7 Home Premium
 64-bit OS
 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU
 6.00 GB RAM
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 05, 2014, 07:45:05 PM
I've downloaded The New TFM and yet it doesn't work. It starts up and loads to 5% then CTD. I've already tried changing the RAM and Compatibility settings to no avail although Vanilla DBW 1.71 works flawlessly. I've run out of ideas as to what is causing this.
You MUST have the four sfs files in your MAIN game folder or the game won't start!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Maj. Tom on March 06, 2014, 08:58:20 AM
I've put the sfs files into the game folder and now the game works flawlessly!!

 Thank You!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 06, 2014, 11:25:30 AM
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: psone on March 08, 2014, 04:28:34 AM
Morning all, so having a bit of a frame rate problem I'll list my conf and system specs below but long story short

Whenever a city or large town (for example Sevastopol) comes into view my framerate gets absolutely crushed, outside of that i'm averaging around 50fps. just wondering if someone might have some tips, maybe I'm wrong but I think my current settings are relatively modest. I do have GurnersFX and Carsmaster's Light in the il2 running.

system specs are as follows

Board: Asus P9x79 Pro
Proc: i7-3930K
Ram:16GB of ram
GPU: 2 x 560ti 448 core (SLI is disabled atm)
Storage: Kingston HyperX ssd (game is installed on a 1TB Mechanical)
PSU: 1000w ocz
oh and my Screen res is 2560x1440

Conf settings:
Code: [Select]








/AirShowSmoke=2       <----- white smoke
/AirShowSmoke=3       <----- blue smoke

And here are my Inspector settings
(http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i306/ikotepp/IL-2/il2_inspector_settings_zps27fcc6a6.jpg) (http://s75.photobucket.com/user/ikotepp/media/IL-2/il2_inspector_settings_zps27fcc6a6.jpg.html)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: marcost on March 08, 2014, 04:49:06 AM
Hi not sure it will help with the problem specifically but I have Nvidia and I keep water=2 in conf.ini and in inspector set pre-rendered frames to 8 and scroll to the bottom and turn dynamic tiling ON. I also notice you have vsnc off, I have Force ON. You want Triple Buffering ON as well

Quite a few of your other conf.ini settings are not optimised for graphics quality. You could try my conf.ini and NV profile and see if better/worse. Reduce AA and AF to suit your card


The best Nvidia drivers for my system are 320.49, anything after that I get stutters

If none of that helps, then it may be CPU limitation because of number of objects. You may be able to overclock your processor if you're willing.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: psone on March 08, 2014, 04:56:48 AM
Thanks marcost, will try rolling back to 320.49 + your edits and see how I get on.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: marcost on March 08, 2014, 06:33:56 AM
You're welcome!


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: psone on March 08, 2014, 07:49:14 AM
@marcost and anyone who cares to answer :)

just a quick question about your conf settings...if we're forcing AF through nvidia/inspector why set Texmipfilter=3 and TexAnisotropicExt=1?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: marcost on March 08, 2014, 08:33:50 AM
I know what you mean but it does make a difference what they are set to... Nvidia settings overlay (not substitute) those settings in conf.ini


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 08, 2014, 04:50:01 PM
Hey guys! You're going to be excited! I made a user interface mod that is compatible with the New-TFM. This includes replacing the peeling paint background with something much more beautiful. Check out the thread here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=39753.0.

Monty: feel free to add a download link to the first post if you so choose!
Cheers :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bandongogogo on March 12, 2014, 10:11:15 PM
Hello! thanks for the great mod compilation, but i have a problem.
I installed the mods right in the stated order, then installed the sas campaign mod for tfm, then the dgen expansion for tfm, but and everything works wonderfully, BUT, when i enable the gurners FX 4.3 everything goes down the toilet, fps drops so dramatically that its pretty annoying.
I ALREADY USE the gurner fx 4.3 mods with my DBW install BEFORE instaling this package and it worked well -no stutters, no fps drop, even using the gurners 30miles view mod-
I aplied the fixes in the "fix" section, including the texcompress=0 (i use 2 with my old mod list and it worked with 0 as well)

My rig: Core 2 Duo E8400 @3.00Ghz, GTS 250 1Gb, 2Gb ram DDR3, win 7 32bits home premiun.
Pls help, it took me 2 days to enable the mods, had to relocate FSX (24Gb simulator) to another disk just to fit this package, its so frustrating.
Here ill post my 2 mod list, the old one (both of them use Gurner'sFX4.3)

Old working mod list, without any TFM pack, dgen or anything:
#DBW_Ecran Wide for 4.101
#DBW_Forgotten Countries Full
#DBW_MissionPro Combo by PAL
#DBW_MyScreenshots as TGA v2.0
#DBW_Small_Font_Mod 4 FMB Maps
#DBW_FX_Small Collection
#DBW_1.71_Gurner FX
#DBW_Third party mods

New MOD list with the FPS drop problem when enabling Guner's FX 4.3 (i tried both the old one and the one provided in the TFM post and its the same problem)

#DBW_Ecran Wide for 4.101
#DBW_Forgotten Countries Full
#DBW_MissionPro Combo by PAL
#DBW_MyScreenshots as TGA v2.0
#DBW_Small_Font_Mod 4 FMB Maps
#DBW_Fw 190 A-D Flat Canopy
#DBW_Fw 190 D-11 Flat Canopy
#DBW_Fw 190 Night Reticles
#DBW_Fw-Ta152H1 EZ42
TFM-Spitfire Scramble
TFM-Spitfire Scramble PATCH
TFM-Deadlock Over Cassino
TFM-Four Days in June Updated
TFM-The Flying Tigers
TFM-The Flying Tigers TRACKS
TFM-The Ace Of Spades
TFM-Pioneer Corps2
Pioneer Patch
TFM-The Desert Air Force
TFM-The Siege of Malta
Highres textures
#DBW_FX_Small Collection
#DBW_1.71_Gurner FX
#DBW_Third party mods

PLS NOTICE: #DBW_Third party mods  its just a small combo of mods, self contained like the big blouds mod and so.
THX IN ADVANCE, beautiful sound mod BTW, if you guys could help me it would be great, i'm really looking forward to use this amazing mod compilation.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 12, 2014, 11:39:30 PM
Band: You must comment out the classfiles that Monty said to in the first post. Also install the 10km distance mod and you should be good to go!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bandongogogo on March 13, 2014, 12:36:15 PM
Band: You must comment out the classfiles that Monty said to in the first post. Also install the 10km distance mod and you should be good to go!

Ok, 2 question:
1. There's no way to use the 30km version?
2. I already did the "fix" to those class files, (deleting them or renaming them -on my last try i deleted the files to be sure-) but i dont get what you mean with "commenting", i mean i know what commenting is (put ; to "line" in the files to make a command line neutral, iow to make then useless... or am i wrong?)

What i'll try today: testing each mod 1 by 1 till i get wich one gets me the fps drop so that i can pinpoint the problem.
Thanks so much for answering, ill try the 10km mod once i install all the mods.. again... xD
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 13, 2014, 04:49:12 PM

1. There's no way to use the 30km version?
2. I already did the "fix" to those class files, (deleting them or renaming them -on my last try i deleted the files to be sure-) but i dont get what you mean with "commenting", i mean i know what commenting is (put ; to "line" in the files to make a command line neutral, iow to make then useless... or am i wrong?)

1. If you want a slideshow you can use the 30km version lol, but in all seriousness, just drop the classfiles from the 10km version inside your gurner fx 4.3 folder inside your #DBW folder. Also, make sure when commenting out classfiles you are doing it in your #DBW folder not the jsgmemods folder.

2. NO! From my knowledge, you must put a "-" in front of the classfile, not a ";"

3. I looked at your mods folder and you have WAY to many mods on top of the New Full Monty. The Full Monty is designed as a standalone mod pack for DBW. It is supposed to have very few (if any mods) used with it. It includes maps, planes, objects, effects, vehicles, etc. etc. So I am sure you have conflicts. It would be best to start with a vanilla DBW and then add mods one by one that don't break your install. Some likely culprits include:
Highres textures
#DBW_Third party mods

Try disabling those and then let me know if anything changes! Best of luck!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bandongogogo on March 13, 2014, 09:25:24 PM

1. There's no way to use the 30km version?
2. I already did the "fix" to those class files, (deleting them or renaming them -on my last try i deleted the files to be sure-) but i dont get what you mean with "commenting", i mean i know what commenting is (put ; to "line" in the files to make a command line neutral, iow to make then useless... or am i wrong?)

1. If you want a slideshow you can use the 30km version lol, but in all seriousness, just drop the classfiles from the 10km version inside your gurner fx 4.3 folder inside your #DBW folder. Also, make sure when commenting out classfiles you are doing it in your #DBW folder not the jsgmemods folder.

2. NO! From my knowledge, you must put a "-" in front of the classfile, not a ";"

3. I looked at your mods folder and you have WAY to many mods on top of the New Full Monty. The Full Monty is designed as a standalone mod pack for DBW. It is supposed to have very few (if any mods) used with it. It includes maps, planes, objects, effects, vehicles, etc. etc. So I am sure you have conflicts. It would be best to start with a vanilla DBW and then add mods one by one that don't break your install. Some likely culprits include:

Try disabling those and then let me know if anything changes! Best of luck!

ST THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU =) the problem was the 30km version, i placed the class files from the10km and its working AWESOMEEE, love the sounds, love the looks, love my 60fps back =).
I use the third party mods (as i labeled them so...) because i made a mod that combines two mods, one that enables the bullet shells, and other that regulates the amount of shells (i dont like the "smoke instead of shells" mod, neither the massive ammount of shells that you see in the standart DWB nor the dark colour that some mods put onto those shells, so i've made one that fills my soul =), the exact amount of shells is the exact amount of bullets shot + a nice bronce colour, and no ugly "default" shells like those in the original IL2.), other than that its not giving problems at all. As far as that i havent had any issues.
Again thank you, i would never thought it was the 30km version, i mentioned just in case, and .. it was it! xD
PS: i LOVE, the north africa campaign, just LOVE IT. finally a nice excuse to use those pretty desert fashioned 109s!
Thank you monty =) we all owe you the time and effort, really preciate it.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 13, 2014, 10:34:05 PM
Cool stuff and enjoy! Glad you're up and running! Some campaigns will still struggle with Gurner FX tho, so for the ones that do, just unactivate them in jsgme and then activate the 4.12 fx Monty posted in the first post.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bandongogogo on March 14, 2014, 04:17:15 AM
Cool stuff and enjoy! Glad you're up and running! Some campaigns will still struggle with Gurner FX tho, so for the ones that do, just unactivate them in jsgme and then activate the 4.12 fx Monty posted in the first post.

Good to know, i'll keep that in mind, =) im so rediculously happy right now! ear to ear smile, just played a full desert batte, 25 bf109 f2-f4 vs 25 hurricanes-spits, over 1 airfield near to a port with 1 destroyer, lots of AA, lots of aircraft without dropping a single fps!!! the new sound of the Spits shooting at my back IS SO FREAKING SCARYYYYYYY!!!! i just love ittttt!!!
Thank you so much, both to You and mr Monty! Freetrack RULESSS
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 14, 2014, 12:06:53 PM
Hey would you mind posting how you got free track to work. I've always tried racetrack noir, but actually prefer using the hat switch due to an improper setup.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bandongogogo on March 14, 2014, 02:07:50 PM
Hey would you mind posting how you got free track to work. I've always tried racetrack noir, but actually prefer using the hat switch due to an improper setup.

Well, it wasnt easy, mostly because of my old cam -videocam treck genius- and w7, a.k.a driver uncompatiblity. First (in my case) i use the version, it has more stability, and tracking presition. I had to download the treck310 drivers for wVista, then go to device manager and download a generic driver using the windows interface. It downloaded itself -trustedwebcam 1.6.5-, after that i got it to work.
The camera, i modified the lens putting a old cam negative (wanst easy to find), you can use a diskete layer as well.
The exposure was locked by default, i use windows enabler v1.1 to unlock it, then down it to "3". it depens on what camera do you have and the driver itself. the key elemets to get a good point tracking are 3:
1. good leds (ultra bright with the "cap" cutted, or just use square "flat-top" leds) actually cutting the regular shaped led makes a better tracking because it leaves only a small red point for the camera to track.. NO MORE JITTERS - NO MORE TEARS. You can turn your head nearly 100° and still getting a good track.
2. bright setting, i recomend as low as you can, test the tracking device till you see no more stutters nor jitters.
3. contrast, as high as possible but never on 100% as it will ctd. -screen will go full retard.. i mean full red and then CTD.

In the config, to get perfect head tracking, go to setup and put the right meassurements of your home made device, mine was about 10dollars -actually i live in venezuela so it was about 100 bolivares.- (3 ultra brithe leds, 3 220ohm resistors, 1 of thse big square batteries 9v, a switch, and the "case" i made it from an old notebook cover. my distances are 3up-3forward; 4down-4forward.
I recomend the 3 point clip as it alows perfect 6dof and breat tracking, besides simple to made.

Play with the rolling, yaw balance to avoid unwanted translating while rotating, if you get that right, you should have a nearly perfect head tracking, 6dof with the "oh so beloved" real head movement (moving your head to place it in front of the aim, "zooming"* out and in as you where in the aircraft) A.K.A no more "gunsight view"

*Not zooming really, more like head forwards, backwards.

I recomend to get the zooming to 0. so the camera wont "zoom" when you move forward, backward, that way you'll get real fov, and you'll get closer to the reflective aim, but not zooming the image (fairly unrealistic)

the curves, at your taste, i've got them with a tiny tiny tiny dead zone, right in the middle to avoid head shaking.

now what i consider is the most important thing. Dynamic smooth reduction. set it to 40 (full), and the "average" section to 3. that will give you REAL TIME head tracking, no more delais when turning your head, you'll feel literally inside the cockpit, actually the first time i got my cfg to work i could belive it, so cheap and so good.

As soon as i find how to upload the screenshots here ill post my freetrack page =)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: markino on March 17, 2014, 02:13:27 PM
Hello guys, in this time I am playing Whirlwind campaign by Poltava. Somebody know how taking off with whirlwind without going in circles endlessly. Usually I must start take off run with autopilot and then turn it off and go on normally.
Many thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bandongogogo on March 18, 2014, 12:37:23 AM
Hallo again guys!, quick question:
1. Im using both TFM + TFM-DGEN EXPANSION + NEWTFM Campaigns SAS. Is there a specific order i should enable those? Are they compatible?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 18, 2014, 09:08:31 AM
New TFM campaigns go directly in your Missions/Campaigns folder. You don't use jsgme for those.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bandongogogo on March 18, 2014, 01:58:49 PM
New TFM campaigns go directly in your Missions/Campaigns folder. You don't use jsgme for those.
Hmm.... well i use jsgme for those and they are working well, i think the jsgme just make it easy to add-remove, because i can play all of those campaigns just fine. 1 question (idk if its related, and i've read that somewhere here but cant remember where), i was going to play the north africa bomber campaign and a weird error showed up, something like: SPITFIREV5 air is missing, Geebee air file will be used instead.. or some thing like that. Why's that?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 18, 2014, 06:55:33 PM
I quit using DGen because I always got errors, but you could try going into your #DBW folder and commenting out "-" Pal Mission Pro. This has messed up some of my campaigns, although it is excellent for QMB.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on March 19, 2014, 04:06:42 AM
I quit using DGen because I always got errors, but you could try going into your #DBW folder and commenting out "-" Pal Mission Pro. This has messed up some of my campaigns, although it is excellent for QMB.
+1 Great advice! This is exactly what I recommend with all campaigns.  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 19, 2014, 08:01:12 AM
+1 Great advice! This is exactly what I recommend with all campaigns.  8)
Haha I've been trying to help folks out with tech issues :p
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bandongogogo on March 20, 2014, 01:49:04 PM
+1 Great advice! This is exactly what I recommend with all campaigns.  8)
Haha I've been trying to help folks out with tech issues :p
And we all thank you my good man!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bandongogogo on March 20, 2014, 02:06:06 PM
Another weird thing!
Well, i reinstalled everything -just reenabled on jsgme xD- all the TFM mods, because i found something werid:

I was playing on the map EastFront_Stalingrad_Summer and i noticed some buildings over the water of a river -more precisely over the Volzhskyi area-, naturaly i though it would be because of the mod #DBW_MOD_Maps (default "add-on" mod that came with the DBW install and that against all advice i had enabled) on top of the TFM mod group... then went to the folder and commented the "MapMods" folder "-MapMods".... the map was fixed... so far ok, but then i disabled all mods and reenabled them in order to get a correct install and bump! the map was again bugged, the river crossing the city was filled with houses and buildings.. so i thought the problem was not the default mod, but the mods in the TFM... am i correct? why's that?

I also realized that the *mini-map* with the commented "-MapMods" folder was in the regular "map-like" theme, then with the TFM mod map it was white with red stars instead of the yellow fashioned shape of the city... that way i realized the problem was the TFM.. or am i wrong?
Any fix to that?... i dont seem to get anything to work correctly and as a person with some degree of OCD it takes away my sleep no get a clear-smooth-correct installation.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bandongogogo on March 20, 2014, 02:16:07 PM
Here's again my mod list (the modified one) i also request help on determinig if the mods noted with a ******** in FACT damage the other TFM mods (an example, the #DBW_MOD_Aircraft default DBW, mod comes with some nice textures for the Corsair F4U series that i would like to keep, as well with some spinners mod that i think might damage the TFM spinners mod)

#DBW_Ecran Wide for 4.101
#DBW_Forgotten Countries Full
#DBW_MissionPro Combo by PAL
#DBW_MyScreenshots as TGA v2.0
#DBW_Small_Font_Mod 4 FMB Maps
#DBW_MOD_Static *********
#DBW_MOD_Ships *********
#DBW_MOD_Pilots *********  --->after this mod was the "#DBW_MOD_Maps" that i disabled. i disabled all mods then reenabled all of them again to get a clear install thinking that this was causing the "objects on water" problem.
#DBW_MOD_Aircraft *******
#DBW_MOD_Effects ********
Highres textures
#DBW_Fw 190 A-D Flat Canopy
#DBW_Fw 190 D-11 Flat Canopy
#DBW_Fw 190 Night Reticles
#DBW_Fw-Ta152H1 EZ42
TFM-Spitfire Scramble
TFM-Spitfire Scramble PATCH
TFM-Deadlock Over Cassino
TFM-Four Days in June Updated
TFM-The Flying Tigers
TFM-The Flying Tigers TRACKS
TFM-The Ace Of Spades
TFM-Pioneer Corps2
TFM-Pioneer Corps2 PATCH
TFM-The Desert Air Force
TFM-The Siege of Malta
#DBW_FX_Small Collection ******  ---> this is my modified version of the FX_Small collection to regulate aircraft gun shells (realistic and in realistic numbers)
#DBW_1.71_Gurner FX  ********
#DBW_Third party mods ******* (big clous, .50 trail and stuff)

These last 3 mods are all effects that doesnt seem to affect the game, in fact make it look amazing.

Cheers and thanks 4 everything.
PS:Drewm3i got freetrack to work?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 20, 2014, 06:39:06 PM
I haven't tried freetrack lately, but when I do I'll look up your instructions. Regarding your question, do you have this bug in vanilla DBW, what about vanilla DBW+ New-TFM?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bandongogogo on March 20, 2014, 07:51:58 PM
I haven't tried freetrack lately, but when I do I'll look up your instructions. Regarding your question, do you have this bug in vanilla DBW, what about vanilla DBW+ New-TFM?
Actually i've isolated the problem, it is the TFM map mods. In the vanilla DBW the map looks different but without the bug (houses and buildings in the rivers and in the layered forest, and ground building textures without actual 3d buildings in them).
Its the TFM map mod that also changes the "style" in the mini-map. To see what i'm refering, check out the FMB and load the EastFront_Stalingrad_Summer map and look up the Volzhskyi area, you'll see what i mean, besides of the white/red star style of the map when its zoomed out.

I once again reinstalled TFM with the vanilla DBW folder provided by Monty, and with out any extra mods:

#DBW_Fw 190 A-D Flat Canopy
#DBW_Fw 190 D-11 Flat Canopy
#DBW_Fw 190 Night Reticles
#DBW_Fw-Ta152H1 EZ42
TFM-Spitfire Scramble
TFM-Spitfire Scramble PATCH
TFM-Deadlock Over Cassino
TFM-Four Days in June Updated
TFM-The Flying Tigers
TFM-The Flying Tigers TRACKS
TFM-The Ace Of Spades
TFM-Pioneer Corps2
TFM-Pioneer Corps2 PATCH
TFM-The Desert Air Force
TFM-The Siege of Malta

The problem IS there.
Using the default DBW folder without any mod, the map looks ok (different as it is default map but without any weird stuff going on)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 21, 2014, 08:24:44 AM
Okay. Well I guess just don't worry about this one? Cyberolas is getting ready to release a Stalingrad map, so once he does, you will want to get that anyways. He makes the best maps (along with Bombsaway, Canon, GilB67, etc. etc.)!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bandongogogo on March 21, 2014, 06:11:47 PM
Okay. Well I guess just don't worry about this one? Cyberolas is getting ready to release a Stalingrad map, so once he does, you will want to get that anyways. He makes the best maps (along with Bombsaway, Canon, GilB67, etc. etc.)!
Oh sure, i've seen his work, like ardenes map, its amazing! Now, does changing a map, or using map mods doesnt affect the capaigns?
Unfortunely i'm a Dgen fan, i love it (that why i got TFM), i use to play Stuka and Bf109 campaigns all the time, and never had problem with those, not even once xD, i wonder if changing maps will affect the map objectives or locations, or even damage a entire campaign. This is the point where i get confused, i mean, is there a "ultimate" -heavy word here..- mod compilation that has maps that are compatible with the dgen campaigns?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 21, 2014, 07:50:39 PM
Nope, certain maps like all of Cyberolas' replace the stock maps.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Mr45Thompson on March 22, 2014, 05:51:55 AM
Hi there,
I'm new to modding, but I learn fast. I can see that you've done an excellent job on TFM. Got one question though. How do I install those .sfs files for claymore's 190 and tiger's sound mod? Are both of the 190 files .sfs in the same download? Thanks for your time and effort in making this amazing mod pack!!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on March 22, 2014, 07:40:24 AM
Hi there,
I'm new to modding, but I learn fast. I can see that you've done an excellent job on TFM. Got one question though. How do I install those .sfs files for claymore's 190 and tiger's sound mod? Are both of the 190 files .sfs in the same download? Thanks for your time and effort in making this amazing mod pack!!
The 4 extra sfs files go in the main Il2 directory, there is nothing else to do besides manually placing them there.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Mr45Thompson on March 22, 2014, 12:44:42 PM
Thanks Monty!! This is an amazing game!!!!!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: BravoFxTrt on March 22, 2014, 07:11:24 PM
Simon, your inbox is full, I cant PM you buddy!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on March 22, 2014, 11:47:58 PM
Simon, your inbox is full, I cant PM you buddy!
Sorry old boy, having a tidy up now!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bandongogogo on March 27, 2014, 02:08:46 AM
Bug report maybe?
1. On some aircraft of the fw 190 series the pilots head is moved forward (in the 3d external model), not sure if its because of the fw 190 expansion in the NTFM main thread.
2. The wheel mode seems to have being updated, so i included the new version and it works nice, except for some aircraft whose model disappears (ie the bf 110 e-1). I solved the problem by deleting the gear.mat file that wasnt on the other bf 110 family aircraft and got the bug solved.

A question: is the Azura MOD part of the DGEN Expansion or do i need the DGEN_Stan and DGEN_MOD folders in the TFM main thread to run the game correctly? have in mind that i use NTFM+TFM DGEN EXP
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on March 27, 2014, 08:34:54 PM
Bug report maybe?
1. On some aircraft of the fw 190 series the pilots head is moved forward (in the 3d external model), not sure if its because of the fw 190 expansion in the NTFM main thread.
2. The wheel mode seems to have being updated, so i included the new version and it works nice, except for some aircraft whose model disappears (ie the bf 110 e-1). I solved the problem by deleting the gear.mat file that wasnt on the other bf 110 family aircraft and got the bug solved.

A question: is the Azura MOD part of the DGEN Expansion or do i need the DGEN_Stan and DGEN_MOD folders in the TFM main thread to run the game correctly? have in mind that i use NTFM+TFM DGEN EXP

Terms like 'Bug Report' are bandied about quite carelessly sometimes.  The fact is that New-TFM's modular construction is designed to solve incompatibilities between diverse mods.  The way it is put together solves more issues than it raises and makes it easy to track and eliminate any conflicts.  It has become a springboard for many new modders who would otherwise not have dared to try without TFM's jump-start and backups.

Because of the sheer scope of the sim it is the case that some users spot an over-looked issue and it always gets resolved here through succinct and open dialogue.  The term 'bug' doesn't really apply, unless you are dis-satisfied with New-TFM in some way, or don't understand it.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: bandongogogo on March 27, 2014, 10:10:34 PM
Bug report maybe?
1. On some aircraft of the fw 190 series the pilots head is moved forward (in the 3d external model), not sure if its because of the fw 190 expansion in the NTFM main thread.
2. The wheel mode seems to have being updated, so i included the new version and it works nice, except for some aircraft whose model disappears (ie the bf 110 e-1). I solved the problem by deleting the gear.mat file that wasnt on the other bf 110 family aircraft and got the bug solved.

A question: is the Azura MOD part of the DGEN Expansion or do i need the DGEN_Stan and DGEN_MOD folders in the TFM main thread to run the game correctly? have in mind that i use NTFM+TFM DGEN EXP

Terms like 'Bug Report' are bandied about quite carelessly sometimes.  The fact is that New-TFM's modular construction is designed to solve incompatibilities between diverse mods.  The way it is put together solves more issues than it raises and makes it easy to track and eliminate any conflicts.  It has become a springboard for many new modders who would otherwise not have dared to try without TFM's jump-start and backups.

Because of the sheer scope of the sim it is the case that some users spot an over-looked issue and it always gets resolved here through succinct and open dialogue.  The term 'bug' doesn't really apply, unless you are dis-satisfied with New-TFM in some way, or don't understand it.

Not at all dis-satisfied! i love this mod! just pointing out some "problems" some people might have. I always try to update my mod list, i realized the mod wheels were already in the mod list, and it was updated, but i got some airplanes dissappearing, so i tried to fix it (and succed) so that if any1 else have that problem, the solution can be found here. Im trying to figure out different mod combinations with the TFM to enhance the experience. Sorry if i used "bug report" in a bad manner -notice the "maybe?" i used- just pointing that out. I really like your mega mod (because i think thats what it is), Just trying to help.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on March 27, 2014, 11:36:10 PM
Thanks OK, its only language, I get you... 8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Drewm3i on March 28, 2014, 12:20:18 PM
Thanks OK, its only language, I get you... 8)
Hey Monty, is your inbox full? I sent you a pm about the background I made for DBW!  8)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: citizen67 on April 09, 2014, 10:48:47 AM
Hi everybody,
I need help about New TFM, because i'm not sure the way I installed it it's right...
I followed the instruction on the first post of this topic, but something goes wrong (or i made some errors) because the mod doesn't work.

I installed all 37 .rar in the jsgme folder one by one, separately, so when I run JGSME, on the left appears the folders named #DBW-NewTFM-01, #DBW-NewTFM-02, #DBW-NewTFM-03 and so on. Is this correct?

The problems start when I try to activate the various folder. The #DBW-NewTFM-01 goes fine, but the other doesn't activate and a warning window appears saying: ".rc" is already been altered by "#DBW-NewTFM-01" mod. or "country.properties" is already been altered by "#DBW-NewTFM-01" mod. or "hud_log.properties" is already been altered by "#DBW-NewTFM-01" mod. and so long for almost every folder (#DBW-NewTFM-02, 03, 04, ... 37).


I admit, my skills in modding are very poor, so I would ask you where is my error...
Is it right to put the 37 folder separately in the jsgme folder or I have to merge it together?
Why appear that warning window? Can't I activate all the #DBW-NewTFM folder at the same time? I have to activate it only one at a time?

 Thank you very much for the help


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 'MadDog' on April 09, 2014, 11:12:53 AM
You did everything right right up to the point where you got concerned about the warning messages. Activate one by one only, not as a group, and do so in numerical order and almost each time you get a message about whatever, just confirm it is okay and go on to the next one once it has activated over to the right hand side.

Having said that if your pc can run the New-TFM which is based on the old DBW of version 4.10 why not try the TFM-412 which is based on the most updated version and knocks the socks of 4.10 it really does. Looks better, runs better, does so much more, it's a whole different ball game. Give it a try!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: citizen67 on April 10, 2014, 03:51:58 AM
Hi MadDog,
thank you for the reply.

So, if I understood correctly, in the JSGME I have to activate the #DBW-NewTFM folders one after the other in numerical order, and when the warning window appear, I have just to click "Yes" to the activation without worrying about the warning. Is it correct?

As far as TFM-412, I'll try, but actually I love DBW, that doesn't work on Il-2 4.12

Thank you again, bye

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 'MadDog' on April 10, 2014, 04:05:57 AM
Fellow Citizen

Yes, that is correct. It looks like  your sytem is giving you some kind of error warning but it comes from the mod enabler and is really only just telling you that the relevant .ini and other internal files have been overwritten and you are now cleared to proceed with the activation of the modpack. I remember doing a lot of this .ini editing manually especially for CVs and CVLs. This is so much easier and bombproof.

DBW was great and we are awaiting DBW2 which will be built on 4.12.2m. TFM-412 is a preview of this and gets us used to the greater functionality and performance that is incorporated within the 4.12 code together with the brilliant adaptations of ModAct 5.3. If you love DBW you will not fail to get even more psyched about TFM-412. It does perform much better and at higher altitudes. What's not to like?

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: citizen67 on April 11, 2014, 03:35:10 AM
Ok, MadDog, I'll proceed.

Thank you

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: farang65 on April 11, 2014, 05:53:00 AM
The new incredibly modded The Next Level.
Astounding, amazing, and awesome  :D

Hollandia Hayabusas

Just a +100 plug for the new The Next Level  8)

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: signs80 on April 20, 2014, 12:44:11 PM
I'm a bit confused, do we still need to activate the stock DBW mods in jsgme or just TFM?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on April 20, 2014, 06:53:05 PM
I'm a bit confused, do we still need to activate the stock DBW mods in jsgme or just TFM?

New-TFM = Version 4:10.1m   + UP.30RC + Dark Blue World + New-TFM downloads
TFM-412  = Version 4:12.2m   + SFS files (19 listed) + TFM-412 downloads
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: signs80 on April 23, 2014, 02:16:46 PM
Ok so I can't get this to work, here is what I am doing:

1. Clear JSGME of activated modules
2. rename original DBW folder and use the provided stock one
3. Unzip TFM modules into jsgme folder
4. Unzip Tiger sounds and clay sfs thing into root folder of il2
5. Activate modules

And I keep getting a crash after all the above is done  ???
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 'MadDog' on April 30, 2014, 10:16:02 AM
Dear Sirs,
fifth attempt with an operating vanilla DBW, I introduce the New TFM 01, stuck directly at 5%. I meet the same experience with TFM 412. I give up.

Your experience should tell you that you are doing something fundamentally wrong. You don't include what steps you have taken in any detail and there is nothing for anybody to work with in order to assist you. Your attitude is quite negative. All the TFM packages are quite straightforward in fact but they do require that you follow a set of instructions implicitly, otherwise you will come to grief.

Why not come on back and we can discuss where you are going wrong? Would be a shame to miss out on all that this sim has to offer.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Malone on April 30, 2014, 10:29:18 AM
yes, i think you should start a thread in the newcomers section, so we can try and go through it step by step with you, without derailing this thread too much... ;)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: ThePilot4ever on May 02, 2014, 07:01:25 AM
Hi Monty.

Sorry for not replying to your post on The Full Monty. I messed up my IL-2 install by trying to uninstall DBW in a hurry. Now I "think" its fixed. I wanted to say thanks for the help. However in the end it was just too big for my machine to handle.

As you suggested I looked up your newer version. I am currently installing it as we speak. I must say the main attraction off your mod to me was the Cold War and modern jets. But I see that you are planning on making a Jet war pack at a later date to be added seperatly. ( I myself am getting your optional download to change Between ww1, SCW, WW2/KW, and JW). My plan is to get New TFM installed. Then the updated 3.0 version of the WW1 mod, the SCW mod and hopefully soon, your Jetwar mod.

So will it be released anytime soon? Or maybe there has been a change of plans that I don't know of?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: David Prosser on May 05, 2014, 05:18:50 AM
If I'm only using it for DBW 1916, do I need the FW190 stuff? I've just downloaded them. The two d/l sites for the other stuff are terrible. They either want $, or take for ever. Can they be put on Mediafire, M4T, or Uloz too please? If you want, I've got a Mediafire acccount with very little on it.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Forager on May 05, 2014, 09:04:09 AM
David, if I understand correctly, you just want DBW with only DBW 1916.

If so, you do not need New-TFM at all.

You just need a clean DBW folder and then install all the DBW 1916 content.

Then, in the main IL2 folder you will have a DBW folder and under that a DBW 1916 folder

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: David Prosser on May 05, 2014, 05:56:33 PM
WWI is a priority, but I'm greedy, and want it all. I'm also slowly installing TFM for 4.12. It's proceeding slowly, and I hope I haven't botched it up. I'll also get around to doing a 4.12 install for HSFX 7.0. In regard to the material from non-Mediafire sites, I'm happy to host it on my old still active Mediafire site. I no longer need it.


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: David Prosser on May 06, 2014, 09:56:24 AM
The two activation codes for  the selector vary according to the amount of RAM you select don't they. I simply can't figure them out. Why are they necessary anyway?


Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: MrGoTime on June 03, 2014, 10:07:44 AM
Help! Ok. I'm a little nervous to ask, because I'm totally new at this and don't want to get reamed for missing some procedure...but I've searched the forums and seem unable to find some help.

I am getting the infamous 60% CTD. I've isolated it to TFM pack 08. I can load the first 7 packs just fine. I've not tried farther, as TFM-08 makes the 60% crash happen.

I even tried a complete fresh install (no additional mods!)

Here are the steps I took to install (using the Gog.com version):
1.) Installed Gog.com version of IL-2 1946 (it's like version 4.11)
2.) Downgraded to 4.10
3.) Patched to the 4.10.1m
4.) Installed UltraPack 3, RC4 (works)
5.) Installed DBW 1.71 Superpack (works)
6.) Put Fresh #DBW folder in main folder, along with needed SFS and Tigersounds files
7.) Tried installing the packs...but still get a 60% CTD at TFM-08.

Is there something I am missing? Again, apologies if I seem dense for missing something obvious.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: MrGoTime on June 03, 2014, 04:04:47 PM
Classic case of "i spoke too soon".

It was a pain, but I re-downloaded the DBW superpack and reinstalled everything from square one. I thought I had already done that...but I must have missed something.

Now it works wonderfully! The new campaigns are GORGEOUS and I'm digging the Monty's Dgen overhaul. Between my DCG/DBW set-up and this, I have all of the WW2 era flying stuff that I need. Thanks for the great work here!
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: edc1 on June 17, 2014, 01:21:22 PM
Can anyone help have installed New DBW ok ,and it works great !
But  I am getting  a massive frame rate drop when its running ( on average 11 FPS.)
If I run the same  campaign in stock game mode I am getting 60FPS.
The scenery and effects look the same in both games etc.,  except for the sound.
What could cause this?
Cheers. EC1
System Specs:-
Intel E6500 dual core @2.93GHZ.  RAM 8.0 GB Windows 7 64bit  Nvidia GTX760  2GB mem graphics card
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Yeti on June 23, 2014, 04:49:57 PM
Must say guys very nice work indeed. If you guys get a chance is there a possibility that you's would be able to put the Australian Boomerang Fighter in one of your future patches ?
Keep up the good work.  :)

Cheers Yeti.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Raven Morpheus on June 25, 2014, 06:18:17 PM
Hey there guys.  I Dl'd this fantastic mod last year and I've been enjoying it since, but I'm wondering - I see 4.12 mentioned.  Does this mean that if I patched my game to 4.12.2m all the parts available on page 1 work?


EDIT - Nevermind, I've just seen the TFM-412 thread.  Great work gents.  Will download that asap.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 'MadDog' on June 25, 2014, 06:24:10 PM
If you enjoyed DBW with TFM Raven, then you'll have an absolute blast with TFM-412. The performance is so much better and there is so much more functionality in it, you just won't want to bother with the old stuff again.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Raven Morpheus on June 25, 2014, 07:34:06 PM
Thanks.  Yeah I have a blast with this version of TFM.  Although I tend to dip in and out and only play offline, thus I've never really been all that good.  For example I only recently learned to land the Mosquito on land and the F4U on a carrier, and I can just about do it 3 times in a row...  Landings have always been a problem for me but I upgraded to a Saitek X45 from a Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X late last year after initially installing this version of TFM and I've found using the Saitek X45 is much better, thus I've progressed in my flying.

Currently in progress of downloading all the parts of TFM-412.  I wish there was a torrent with all parts in one lump though...

Great work though, I really appreciate the effort in keeping this old sim going.  8) :)
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 'MadDog' on June 25, 2014, 08:31:46 PM
Having the right hardware is critical to really nailing the skillset in sim flying. If you haven't tried it already I would recommend Straight From the Farm by Zeus-Cat as mandatory flight training - aimed at getting you onto the carrier in one piece every time.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Raven Morpheus on June 26, 2014, 04:43:16 AM
Thanks.  I tried the Straight From The Farm missions late last year.  Great mission pack and very useful.  My problem is more that I don't play regularly enough to remember it all, and then by the time I have gotten back to being capable I end up getting bored and playing other games.  >:( ;D
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 'MadDog' on June 26, 2014, 05:23:51 AM
Yes, I quite understand what you mean there. It's the lack of challenge that makes us lose interest I think and pushes us towards the more challenging sim environments. This is the appeal of CloD where the learning curve is much steeper and even FSX/Prepar3d where it can be as real as you want.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Thefox on July 10, 2014, 08:04:15 PM
Okay, I hold my hands up and say I messed up a tad. I started with "TFM-412 The Next Level" and started to install things there, and soon after starting I realized that Id much rather stuck with this version old DBW -TFM. Ive already installed SAS Mod activator, and hoped that installing all the New-TFM in JSGME would just over ride everything and everything would be fine. Turns out soon after starting IL2 from the selector the game doesn't even start. So the point of my post is thus.
Where do I go from here?

Full restart on IL2 install, or can I poach the SAS modact files and start from there?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Malone on July 11, 2014, 01:33:37 AM
considering you started with one version, then tried to change to another (the two are not compatible, btw), the best course of action would be to start from scratch...
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Thefox on July 11, 2014, 05:38:55 AM
Okay, My bad! Ill get straight on it =]

And just to make sure, its all 4.12 compatible? Im sure I read it was, but theres quite abit to take in, and when I last used TFM it wasnt 4.12 compatible.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 'MadDog' on July 11, 2014, 06:37:01 AM
Before you make another mess of an install, STOP!

You need to go to the thread for TFM-412 The Next Level and follow the setup guide there. Do not deviate from it as there are many false branches called 'Shortcut' and 'Quick Way' but follow the instructions from Monty and you won't go wrong.

Only use the modpacks 1-27 for TFM-412. All the other TFM packs are for DBW which is based around 4.10 and not suitable for the more advanced 4.12.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Thefox on July 11, 2014, 05:03:41 PM
Afraid its too late, Ive completely deleted everythign and started all over again. Ive got atleast on to the loading screen. It gets to 5% then crashes.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 'MadDog' on July 11, 2014, 05:24:26 PM
Well, if you have deleted everything and started again from scratch then you have chosen perhaps the best way to continue. But you must have failed a hurdle if you're only getting to 5% CTD. That sounds like you haven't included the 19 .sfs files from UP/DBW.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Thefox on July 11, 2014, 05:27:34 PM
What? I didnt see that O_o

Ive just briefly read through, I didnt see anything about 19 sfs. Files.

May you inform me where I obtain these.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 'MadDog' on July 11, 2014, 05:34:39 PM
Then don't read through the first post so briefly. You need to study, understand and get with it, otherwise you will come a cropper as many others have before you. You are wanting to install TFM-412 aren't you now?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Thefox on July 13, 2014, 07:45:40 PM
Im still trying for just New-TFM.

I thought I had it, this is my procedure.

1.Install game complete stock.
2.Patch up to 4.10.1
3.Installed UP3
4.Patched up to UP3/RC4
5.Installed DBW super pack 1.71
6.Placed in the four files and put in a clean #DBW
7.Installed all new-TFM in order from 1-37.

And soon as i launch the game from the launcher it doesnt even get the load screen. Just crashes immediately.

I really wonna play DBW again, its been too long and I've been a fan of modding IL-2 since AAA, but Ive been trying to get this game to work over the last four days, and I thought I got it right this time but clearly not. Im slowly loosing the will to bother with my favorite game. I'm prepared to receive all the flak I'm gonna get for posting this. Could someone please, tell me where I'm going wrong.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: 'MadDog' on July 14, 2014, 02:07:25 AM
Ok Foxy, listen up!

You don't need some of the steps that you have taken, ie 2-4. DBW already contains UP, it is built around it, so you don't need both.

If  I were you I would uninstall everything, clean up your HDD and defrag if not an SSD. Then install the game to 4.07 and use the superpack single DBW install  to take it to 4.10.1. You already now have DBW which contains all the UP files necessary.

Add in the .sfs files that need to go to your root directory. Sort out the Selector as required and activate any JSGME options you want. Then write into the 'jsgmemods'  folder the packs 1-37 and activate each in numerical order.

Et voila, a well presented install of DBW drizzled with all that TFM goodness.

But do be aware that TFM and New-TFM are now considered obsolete by Monty himself. They won't  be updated as the push now is all about TFM-412 The Next Level. Improved  performance, greater functionality, better everything almost. Most recommended and if Carlsberg made flight simulators, this is the one that they would be developing!

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Thefox on July 14, 2014, 02:36:32 AM
Thank you sooooo much. Its been a long time since I ever added mods to IL-2, and Ive long been to sleep and hibernated since then. I thank you for your patience with me, and its alright with this obsolete, its an upgrade of what I already know and loved. After the amount of work put in I dont think ill change anything till a definitive Uber release... And i still might not change even if hat was tomorrow.

Many thanks again. I appreciate your help and patience to gettin me back into the cockpit.
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: MatJan on July 28, 2014, 01:00:27 PM
Hello and thank you for this great mod/add-on for DBW.

I partially resolved the problem I had, it stills shows up from time to time but it,s bearable.
on the other hand can someone tell me what is a difference between hard drive space usage between this new-TFM and TFM for 4.12?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: Progunator on August 19, 2014, 03:43:00 PM

Question on activating each mod and what it should look like.

The first set of mods to be activated
       1) PAL Cockpit Sounds - Goes in fine
       2) SAS Small FX Collection  - Goes in fine (should I use this, or Gurner FX, or use Gurner FX after all mods are installed from your above pack?)
       3) TigerSoundsforDBW - Installs but requires an overwrite of the previous two mods. When this is done, both mods 1 and 2 are greyed out and Tiger stays black. Is this    right?
       4) SAS AI Engine Hotkeys Carriers - Same deal, this greys out Tiger but Engine Hotkeys stays black.
       5) AIR_Schmittfire - Checked the actual file and this appears to be a SpitfireMkVbCAP. When this is installed, it stays black and Engine Hotkeys stays black. However, I do not see any versin of this Spitfier in the game when checking QMB. Should I be seeing a new flyable plane?

I am just trying to find out what I am doing wrong. This seems cut and dry/black and white on how to install, I just can't seem to get half of the mods to work correctly when I install them. I'll have 2-3 new planes installed, then install the next plane on the list and boom, I lose 2 of the 3 that were just installed, and not gain the new one. This happens a lot especially when I get to the Japanese pack. Thoughts?

Thank you,

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: mumo on September 16, 2014, 03:42:05 PM
#DBW-NewTFM-32-1946-UPGRADE....Is this pack available for TFM412 one day?
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on October 31, 2014, 10:21:14 PM
#DBW-NewTFM-32-1946-UPGRADE....Is this pack available for TFM412 one day?
Most of that wonderful content is there in TFM-412 now.
Title: Re: New-TFM. Landing
Post by: jg1234 on November 03, 2014, 09:53:06 PM
I finally got my install of the New TFM up and running. Removing th class file from the Gurner FX folder as indicated in previous posts really smoothed things out. Thank you Monty and all others.

I had one question. Even with my difficulty settings set to "realistic landings", I am finding the landings in the New TFM to be somewhat easy on all plane types I have tried so far. Specifically I noticed there is very limited bouncing when I touch down and planes that used to be nose heavy to me don't appear that way now.

Were the FMs changed a lot or has anyone else noticed the same things ??

Thanks in advance for any information. This is not a complaint - just wondering if I overlooked something or if anyone else has similar results.

Thanks - jg1234
Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: No105_Ogdens on December 08, 2014, 07:41:44 PM
Hi Guys, I wonder if someone can help?!

I did a clean install starting with the disc up to 4.07. I then installed the mega patch 4.07 to DBW 1.71 then started installing the new TFM using JSGME. The problem is that when I get to #5, the RAF pack, I don't see any of those aircraft i.e the Wellington etc in my planes list. I used a clean #DBW folder.

I'm wondering if I have missed a step somewhere? Any help is much appreciated.

Title: Re: New-TFM
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on December 10, 2014, 02:28:51 PM
Hi Guys, I wonder if someone can help?!

I did a clean install starting with the disc up to 4.07. I then installed the mega patch 4.07 to DBW 1.71 then started installing the new TFM using JSGME. The problem is that when I get to #5, the RAF pack, I don't see any of those aircraft i.e the Wellington etc in my planes list. I used a clean #DBW folder.

I'm wondering if I have missed a step somewhere? Any help is much appreciated.

This is because the Wellington is not a flyable aircraft until Pack-24.  Up until then only AI use it.  If you stick with it and get all of the sets in the whole thing is there, runs pretty sweetly and you can fly the Wellington.

However;  We have honestly gone as far as we can with this project.  New-TFM, for V:10.01, hit the Java-Wall some time ago and is as complete as its going to get.  The entire set starts to push the envelope on 4:10;01.  It is not practical to add anything else to this set.

The new TD Patch to V4:12.2m solved these issues, and a lot more, which is why TFM-412 was made for the latest game version.  I appreciate that a lot of people also have a 4:10.1 Install that they are perfectly happy with; and New-TFM will take it as far as possible.  But with different code and upgraded mods I believe that support should focus on TFM-412 now.

This is a great thread with a lot of very useful information.  Thanks to all who contributed and taught us all such a great deal.

This Thread is now Locked.