Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Polish/Czech_Singles => Topic started by: Ranwers on February 06, 2010, 07:25:09 AM

Title: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit [4.09]
Post by: Ranwers on February 06, 2010, 07:25:09 AM

Plane full skinable
DOWNLOAD > Early Avia in own slot (https://storebror.it.cx/sas/archive/sas2/Ranwers/AviaB.534-III.7z)
Add to air.ini
AviaB534R        air.AVIA_B534R 2                       NOINFO  g01   SUMMER

Skin folder: AviaB534R

Now you can fly 'Hawker Fury' etc. what you want  ;)

1c for game and meshes

Thanks to Sani for classes
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Cranky.1 on February 06, 2010, 07:34:39 AM
WOW Thanks Ranwers
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: alge_1 on February 06, 2010, 08:03:33 AM
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: cgagan on February 06, 2010, 08:40:54 AM
Many thanks for this wonderful addition!  8)
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Badger on February 06, 2010, 09:21:16 AM

its a beauty, danke
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Uzin on February 06, 2010, 09:21:48 AM
Many thanks for this wonderful addition!  8)
I am joining the above guys. And the plane has very pleasant FM, I just shot down Bf109B2 over Slowakia flying this Avia. :)
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: agracier on February 06, 2010, 10:38:39 AM
I de-installed the previous version, the Hungarian slot version and installed this new one.

However I have the oddest problem - the game refuses to go into the map and remains stuck at 100% loading when using either QMB or FMB for a mission ...

I've never had this before and am wondering if there is anything to do about this or if anyone else has the same problem?
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on February 06, 2010, 10:46:48 AM
Thanks mate for this new one!!!

I don't understand what you mean with this:  'Now you can fly 'Hawker Fury' etc. what you want'


Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: srsen on February 06, 2010, 11:48:32 AM
Good job, but marking B.534R ? It were B.534 I,.II.,and III. series with easy canopy and back and IV. serie from patch 4.09... But it well LUXUS! Thanks you

Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Epervier on February 06, 2010, 12:56:07 PM
However I have the oddest problem - the game refuses to go into the map and remains stuck at 100% loading when using either QMB or FMB for a mission ...
+1 !   :(
IA is ok !
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Checkyersix on February 06, 2010, 02:03:04 PM
I'm having a bit of an odd problem with this one - when I go to outside view, I can't go back into the cockpit - the game freezes until I press F2 again...
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Lewicide on February 06, 2010, 02:11:26 PM
Do you need to have 4.09 with the avia for this to work ?
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Docholiday on February 07, 2010, 12:38:47 AM
Nice Work Ranvers

only on Problem, in Cockpit-view wenn I zoom in the game freezes...

Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Metatron on February 07, 2010, 12:23:48 PM
Thanks for this!
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: tata on February 07, 2010, 12:26:38 PM
thx Ranwers
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: RealDarko on February 07, 2010, 12:59:38 PM
Got it working, nice, really nice addition, thanks for all the efforts on this one. Just a question, what happened with the loadouts? This plane should have the same weapon loadout of the in-game IV series, IIRC.
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: alge_1 on February 07, 2010, 01:39:34 PM
Got it working, nice, really nice addition, thanks for all the efforts on this one. Just a question, what happened with the loadouts? This plane should have the same weapon loadout of the in-game IV series, IIRC.

Darko, ese avión es el B-534-III, que era igual que el B-534-IV pero con cabina abierta y sin portabombas.

Darko, that plane is the B-534-III, which was like the B-534-IV but with open cockpit and no bomb rack.


Code: [Select]
AviaB534R           Avia B-534-III, 1936
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: RealDarko on February 07, 2010, 01:56:33 PM
Always tought that the Series III was also bomb capable. Thanks for the info Alge!
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Birdman on February 07, 2010, 02:02:33 PM
I also get that 100% freeze after mission loading. However, I managed to recover from it by pressing F2, and found hundreds of these error messages in console:

   at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.CockpitAVIA_B534R.reflectWorldToInstruments(CockpitAVIA_B534R.java:476)

AI planes are OK, and once in external view I can fully control my plane. Whenever I try to get inside cockpit my game freezes again until I hit F2.
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: alge_1 on February 07, 2010, 02:17:29 PM
Always tought that the Series III was also bomb capable. Thanks for the info Alge!

A lo mejor me equivoco, pero según el monográfico que tengo sobre el Avia B.534, solo las series I, IV y el BK-534 tenían portabombas.

Maybe I'm wrong, but according to the monograph I have on the Avia B.534 only the I, IV and BK series had bomb rack.
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: CUJO_1970 on February 07, 2010, 03:15:08 PM
This is a great addition!

Many thanks!
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Mission_bug on February 09, 2010, 03:45:25 AM
Lovely aircraft Ranwers, thank you very much.



Wishing you all the very best, Pete. :)
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: SAS~highlander_262 on February 09, 2010, 05:10:38 AM
I also get that 100% freeze after mission loading. However, I managed to recover from it by pressing F2, and found hundreds of these error messages in console:

   at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.CockpitAVIA_B534R.reflectWorldToInstruments(CockpitAVIA_B534R.java:476)

AI planes are OK, and once in external view I can fully control my plane. Whenever I try to get inside cockpit my game freezes again until I hit F2.

Got the same problem, re-downloaded in case file was corrupted in some way, still the same
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Dan46 on February 15, 2010, 08:19:39 AM
Thanks Ranwers!
You can made new wheelspast to this aircraft, like you earlier mod http://allaircraftarcade.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21205 (http://allaircraftarcade.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21205) ?
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: tater718 on February 15, 2010, 10:02:52 AM
I tried the spats mod on this bird last week. Like most of my brilliant ideas,it didn't work.But you just never know till you try.
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Moggy Cattermole on February 15, 2010, 03:26:36 PM
ah awesome, thanks ranwers!
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Reisenkaze on February 16, 2010, 05:30:26 PM

Got the same problem, re-downloaded in case file was corrupted in some way, still the same

Me as well. What's going on with that?
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Lewicide on February 20, 2010, 04:20:09 AM
Do you need to have 4.09 with the avia for this to work ?

I have multiple installs, some with 4.09, some without

does this need to have 4.09 ?


Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Slikk on March 01, 2010, 01:33:45 PM
I can get in game just fine but after testing this out, I noticed that the ammo counter dose not work and when the ammo gets to the point that its just about to run out of ammo, the game always freezes every time.

Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Benelli on March 02, 2010, 03:23:48 PM
I confirm: the freeze bug happens when there is no more ammo. Now I think that someone could fix this long-time-lasting bug... ;)
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Artiglio on March 02, 2010, 03:34:25 PM
Yes, me too from the same problem  ???
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Lewicide on March 06, 2010, 05:21:38 AM

I have multiple installs, some with 4.09, some without

does this need to have 4.09 ?


Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: WALLYGATOR on March 06, 2010, 11:47:27 AM
The freeze bug happens when there is no more ammo. ;)
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: 313_Paegas on March 09, 2010, 10:28:23 AM
Gents I have similar problem with cockpit.
When quick missing is loaded freeze on 100%. I can go into game only through F2- external view, but I can not go into cockpit :-(

....because unlimited ammo. When it is switched off game is normaly started, unfortunately when ammo is finished, cocpit view is frozen  :(
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: 313_Paegas on March 29, 2010, 10:53:26 AM
Some news?

Is it really so big problem to fix this bug?
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 29, 2010, 05:07:45 PM
try this and see if it help. I have not tested at all, so make backups.
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Birdman on March 30, 2010, 03:51:51 AM
OK, the nasty freeze bug is gone, but also trigger and ammo box animations are gone.
So now this plane at least works, thanks!!

Could the Wellington crew index issue be solved next like it was solved with KJ-1? At least the error message is similar.
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Benelli on March 30, 2010, 06:41:13 AM
CirX, thanks for the bugfix, tested and working !!!  :D
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: 313_Paegas on March 30, 2010, 12:33:04 PM
Thanks its working good job  ;D
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: WALLYGATOR on April 02, 2010, 05:36:29 AM
CirX, thanks for the bugfix

all is ok. :)
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: SAS~Skipper on July 21, 2010, 08:51:35 AM
What's this?

Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: cuccos19 on July 21, 2010, 09:59:25 AM
Should be a Dewoitine D.510. Maybe a D.500 or 501, I don't know. I think Chines had the 510 only.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dewoitine_D.500 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dewoitine_D.500)
http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww15/f/638 (http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww15/f/638)
I have the same model exactly shown above. The last one left of mines. :(
I love this beautiful aircraft, but maybe it is one of the most obsolate monoplane ever built. Same category like Boeing P-26 Peashooter. Became outdated very-very quickly. Rather the same category as for performance like the latest biplanes, Gloster Gladiator, Polikarpov I-153, Fiat Cr.32/42. Not really better than they. And clearly inferior than Fiat G.50, Macchi C.200 and Polikarpov I-16 Ratas.

For those who understand Hungarian here is a doc about early Dewoitines and the Spanish Civil War:
http://www.kalasnyikov.hu/dokumentumok/i.12.12.doc (http://www.kalasnyikov.hu/dokumentumok/i.12.12.doc)
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: RealDarko on July 27, 2010, 04:44:37 AM
Ranwers made a mod of it some time ago, he posted some pics here on SAS but AFAIK never released the mod itself. Will be a nice addition for SCW, Sino-Japanese war and fictional scenarios too.
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: SAS~Skipper on July 27, 2010, 08:41:14 AM
What Bubble (money) they want? (((((
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Cracken on July 28, 2010, 05:19:38 AM
I can not open the archive, the file is corrupted. Ranwers, can U please upload it again?
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: SAS~Skipper on July 28, 2010, 05:34:40 AM
Archive downloaded and unpacked. I checked.
Archiver 7z http://www.7-zip.org/ (http://www.7-zip.org/)
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Cracken on July 29, 2010, 08:10:44 AM
OK, mea culpa. It was due to the bad connection, it never fully downloaded. Now it is all right. Sorry for pestering.
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: tater718 on November 16, 2010, 09:15:48 AM
Here's a headscratcher for you.....I had the old version of this AC that shared the slot with the B-534. I noticed that it didn't have any gunsmoke and a kind soul provided a fix for that problem. Anyway, this new version has no smoke but the file now contains the identical on that was sent to me for the smoke fix.
Is there any way to get rifle caliber smokes for the Russian aircraft guns? My humble apologises if this post is not in the correct forum.
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Rudi_Jaeger on December 27, 2010, 09:26:28 AM
Custom made skins, specifically mapped for this model are now available. Please see this thread for details and linkage.. Czech B-534 Type III, skin pack (modded only) (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,12277.msg129319.html#msg129319)

Cheers! 8)
Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Jjuurraa on December 27, 2011, 07:07:46 AM
Like franken are your changes very nice  :) , original Avia B-534 series III (with open canopy) had different shape of cockpit together with different windy shield. Avias of III series had maximum 380 km/h speed.  ;) But nice franken mod of Avia

Title: Re: Early Avia in own slot & cockpit
Post by: Rudi_Jaeger on December 29, 2011, 01:44:24 PM
Wow, it's been a year already! Thanks for the bump; I had forgotton to update the download linkage to the Type III skins since our Summer housekeeping at A&A.

These, and all my other Avias (the more recent ones), can be found in the Avia B-534 Section, at Axis & Allies Paintworks (http://axis-and-allies-paintworks.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=205)  ;)