Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Italian_Singles => Topic started by: Red_Fox90 on September 06, 2013, 02:29:24 AM
Aer. Macchi C.205N2
(https://www.mediafire.com/convkey/71ec/axdyyktp11kmbtm4g.jpg) (https://www.mediafire.com/view/axdyyktp11kmbtm/orione1.jpg)
The C.205N had a new wing with the wingspan increased to 11.25 m (36 ft 11 in) and wing area increased to 19 m² (204.5 ft²), and a lengthened fuselage that brought the length to 9.65 m. Also, the fuselage was finally adapted for a 20 mm MG 151 cannon. The heavier weight resulted in decreased performance and handling.
The C.205N2 Orione was the high-altitude interceptor fighter prototype. It was armed with three 20 mm cannon and two 12.7 mm (0.5 in) machine guns.
I'd like to thank once more Spitwulf, without whose contribution this mod could have never reached publication ;)
Original mesh by 1C
New slot by Spitwulf
New pilot 3d by Wolfighter
New 3d by Red_Fox90
unzip and add the folder in your #DBW mods folder.
Copy the following lines in their respective files:
Lines to be added:
MC-205N_2 air.MC_205N_2 2 NOINFO i01 SUMMER
MC-205N_2 MC.205N2 Orione, 1943
# MC-205N_2
MC-205N_2.default Default (2x12,7mm + 3x20mm)
MC-205N_2.none Empty
https://www.mediafire.com/download/ikn1kqd67am9cwk/MC.205N2_Orione.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/download/ikn1kqd67am9cwk/MC.205N2_Orione.7z)
Thanks mates!
Really welcomed and unexpected planes!!!
Now bombers over North Italy 'll have more nightmares!!!
Thanks again!
Beautiful plane - thank you.
Many thanks, Italian beauties are always welcome!
EDIT: Works in 412.1 (SAS ModAct 522)
great, thanks Red_Fox and Spitwulf! :D
That's nice, thanks
Excellent work! ,Thank you Red_Fox 8)
Red Fox, again you have delighted all of us with your Awesome Talent, Thank you so much.
Thanks for this, Red_Fox90.
Excellent aircraft Red_Fox90, thank you very much for this. 8)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Guzknife, could you please be more specific as to the changes proposed? PA_Jeronimo's mod comes as "in built", with SAS ModAct 522, activated through JGSM, so there is no folder to intervene; also, may I take the opportunity and ask any of our resident talented skinners to adapt the MC205 skins for this beauty? A bit of "stretching" in the wings in existent MC205 skins would do the job. Many thanks,
Cant get your link to work Guzknife - 'unable to connect' message after clicking the download link in Mediafire ??
UPDATE Working now for some reasaon my Malwarebytes was stopping it? Never known that before with Mediafire?
Many thanks Guzknife!
70% CTD in DBW and 4.12. :( I wonder why some of these planes install with no problems, and others crash the game? There must be a file conflict somewhere.
Thank you for this great prototype!
70% CTD in DBW and 4.12. :( I wonder why some of these planes install with no problems, and others crash the game? There must be a file conflict somewhere.
I have this plane working in both heavy modded DBW1.71 and 4.12.2 MA5.30.
Please try again. ;)
for finding conflicting mods classfiles use this tool:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,1598.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,1598.0.html)
At least it tells you which mods share the same classfiles in your MOD, DBW etc folder. :-X
it looks very classy with longer wings! thanks! ill take one!
Got a problem with the cockpit any help? SAS Modact 5.2 for IL-2 4.12.1m
Got a problem with the cockpit any help? SAS Modact 5.2 for IL-2 4.12.1m
Very strange Steven... This plane use 205's "stock" cockpit (classes and 3d).
SAS Modact 6.3 for IL-2 4.13.3m (https://www.sas1946.com/main/Themes/core/images/post/thumbup.gif)