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Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: SAS~Storebror on September 29, 2013, 02:31:15 AM

Title: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: SAS~Storebror on September 29, 2013, 02:31:15 AM
You've been waiting for this for a long time, a much too long time actually.
When we lost all data of a nearly finished Whirlie project from Oceanicwings due to the Christchurch Earthquake in 2011, many of us thought that we'd never see this lovely bird in the skies of IL-2 again.

101tfs proved us to be wrong.
He took the task to start this plane from scratch again and when SAS~Bombsaway had the toughest time of his life and received such a tremendous amount of help from the SAS community, we decided to give this bird a kick and roll it out as soon as possible, dedicated to all the people who supported Mark through this, whether with money or words.

So here it is, the Westland Whirlwind, due to the wider range of possible missions we decided to make it the Mk.II version with bomb racks, the so called "Whirlibomber":



Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 (Mediafire) (https://www.mediafire.com/download/sr3gc6jo0yiig2x/Whirlwind_v1.05.zip)

DiffFM required! (Included already e.g. in DBW 1.71, Modact 5.x etc.)

For DBW Users Poltava created a great Campaign called "Reaping the Whirlwind":
Campaign Download Link for DBW users: (151 kB)
Mirror 1: "Reaping the Whirlwind" Campaign (Mission4Today) (http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1779)
Mirror 2: "Reaping the Whirlwind" Campaign (Mediafire) (https://www.mediafire.com/download/b21jg3kczo41w0y/Reaping_the_Whirlwind.zip)

To fly the campaign you have to have the Command and Control Mod (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,13289.0.html) installed!

Some Skins for the Whirlie by SAS~Malone:
HD Skins (2048² pixel, needs HD Mod) Download Link (7.2 MB)
5 HD Whirlie Skins Pack (Mediafire) (https://www.mediafire.com/download/7qw7abh8xifqdrr/Whirlwind5Pack.7z)

SD Skins (1024² pixel, no mod required) Download Link (1.3MB)
5 SD Whirlie Skins Pack (Mediafire) (https://www.mediafire.com/?zt049g7472avu03)

Whirlie Template by SAS~Malone:
Template Download Link (7.2 MB)
Whirlie Template (Mediafire) (https://www.mediafire.com/download/735t91z8lh12hnn/Whirlwind_Template_V1.7z)

Readme including installation instructions and credits:
Code: [Select]
*                                   Installation Instructions:                                                   *

1.) Extract to contents of this mod to the "#SAS" folder of your Modact 5.x game.

2.) Open air.ini (in Modact 5 you find this file at "<Your Game Folder>\#SAS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\air.ini").
    Add the following line:

WhirlwindMkII     air.WhirlwindA 1                      NOINFO  gb01  SUMMER

    Note that you can add the line at any place in the list of existing aircraft, e.g. it makes sense to add it
    after the line defining the "WellingtonMk3" in Modact 5.

3.) Scroll down for further optional .properties and .ini file modifications.

*                                                  Contents:                                                     *

Wirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II including 250lb, 500lb, Cluster and Rocket ordnance options.

*                                                  Credits:                                                      *

- 101tfs: Creator of this lovely bird
- SAS~S3: New Aircraft Slot, Java modifications, Flight Model, SBC ordnance
- GJE52: Cockpit Implementation based on P-38, 3D fixes
- Ranwers: New British Cockpit
- Birdman: Flight Model, 3D model fixes for both plane and cockpit
- SAS~Epervier: Stationary Plane, Weapons for pre-4.12 game versions
- SAS~Malone: Default Skins (pre and post Invasion)
- chrisgibon: 4.12.1 compatibility fix
- Poltava: Sample Mission for DBW + Command&Control Mod
- All SAS Superschool Members: Engine Sound selection
- SAS~Storebror: Few bits and bytes every here and there
- TD, Maddox, 1C: Base game and all the sweet stuff we borrowed

*                                  Optional properties modifications:                                            *

1.)   Tired of seeing unformatted names for plane and weapons? You can have readable descriptions too:

1.1.) Open plane.properties (Modact 5, can be found at "<Your Game Folder>\#SAS\STD\i18n\plane.properties")
      or plane_ru.properties (other game versions, officially unsupported).

1.2.) At the end of the file, add the following lines:
WhirlwindMkII        Whirlwind F.Mk.I/FB.Mk.I/Mk.II, 1940/42

1.3.) Open weapons.properties (Modact 5, can be found at "<Your Game Folder>\#SAS\STD\i18n\weapons.properties")
      or weapons_ru.properties (other game versions, officially unsupported).
1.4.) At the end of the file, add the following lines:

# WhirlwindMkII
WhirlwindMkII.default                           Whirlwind F.Mk.I
WhirlwindMkII.2x250lb                           2x250 lb. GP Bombs
WhirlwindMkII.2x250lbSAP                        2x250 lb. SAP Bombs
WhirlwindMkII.2x500lb                           2x500 lb. GP Bombs
WhirlwindMkII.2x500lbSAP                        2x500 lb. SAP Bombs
WhirlwindMkII.2x500lbMC                         2x500 lb. MC Bombs
WhirlwindMkII.14x40lbsSBC                       14x40 lb. GP Bombs (SBC)
WhirlwindMkII.24x20lbsSBC                       24x20 lb. F Bombs (SBC)
WhirlwindMkII.2xHVAR                            2x60 lb. Rockets (Trial at Boscombe Down)
WhirlwindMkII.8xHVAR                            8x60 lb. Rockets (What If)
WhirlwindMkII.none                              Empty

2.)   You're a mission builder and/or using missions/campaigns using the Whirlie? Then you have to do this
      in order to get a stationary Whirlie available in your game:
2.1.) Open stationary.ini (Modact 5, can be found at "<Your Game Folder>\#SAS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\stationary.ini")

2.2.) If you don't have a section "Self_StationaryPlanes" yet, add it to the end of the file:


2.3.) At the end of your "Self_StationaryPlanes" section, add the following line:

WhirlwindMkII         vehicles.planes.WhirlStatic$WhirlwindA 1

2.4.) Open technics.ini (Modact 5, can be found at "<Your Game Folder>\#SAS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\technics.ini")

2.5.) At the end of the file (if the file ends with an "eof" line, before that line) add the following:

Description     WhirlwindMkII
Icon            Plane
Class           air.WhirlwindA
PanzerType      Car
PanzerSubtype   4
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Explode         WagonMetal

3.)   Got some nice skins to add?
      The Whirlie's Skin folder name is "<Your Game Folder Here>\PaintSchemes\Skins\WhirlwindMkII"


Don't forget to undo all .ini file changes in case you uninstall this mod, otherwise your game will crash.


* British Cockpit implemented, Credits to Ranwers
* M-26 stand-in ordnance replaced by real Small Bomb Containers (SBC), Credits to SAS~S3
* Medium Capacity 500 lb and Semi Armor Piercing 250lb and 500lbs Bombs added, Credits to Dreamk

* Additional Ordnance: 2 x 5 Inch HVAR rockets (one for each wing) according to historical trials at Boscombe Down
* FM fixes (e.g. no bomb bay doors, no airbrake, mixture control enabled etc.)
* Small cockpit texture bug fixed
* Stock game compatibility enhanced, now compatible with 4.07m and later (tested on 4.09m onwards)
* Tail wheel gear doors animation fixed
* plane.properties and weapons.properties entries fixed and added

* Initial public release version
* Featuring the "Whirlibomber" FB.Mk.I/Mk.II (designation depends on sources)
* Ordnance available: "Default" (guns only), 250/500lb GP bombs, 8 x 5 Inch HVAR rockets, empty

A few words concerning historical accuracy:

Likely you have noticed that the ordnance options are not fully historically accurate (the 8xHVAR is just a
"what-if" option). Whether or not further test equipment apart from the 2 HVAR Boscombe Down trial loadout will be
implemented (e.g. 12x.303 guns, 4 hispanos abreast, 37mm or 40mm cannon and various combinations of all of these)
has to be decided on a later day.

Many thanks to 101tfs for bringing the Whirlie back to life!

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: SAS~Anto on September 29, 2013, 02:39:34 AM
Congratulations to all involved! One of the most anticipated and unique aircraft is finally in the Il-2 skies :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Bizu on September 29, 2013, 03:00:26 AM
Thank you all involved in this.

I dreamed of this bird in Il-2 for years, now my dreams finally came true, Thank you!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Mick on September 29, 2013, 03:01:31 AM
... a very beautiful bird, congrats to all the team ...  :P

Here is a tribute by artist Shigeo Koike

(http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g157/micksaf/Whirlwind_zps02a94ad0.jpg) (http://s55.photobucket.com/user/micksaf/media/Whirlwind_zps02a94ad0.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: farang65 on September 29, 2013, 03:13:15 AM
Saw the new site heading picture and now see this thread  :D ;)

Awesome effort on a job well done to everyone involved in this truly sexy aircraft  ;)

i prefer the official releases myself  :D

Excellent craftsmanship, weapons choices and skinning art  ;D



Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: SAS~Malone on September 29, 2013, 03:32:41 AM
so great to finally see this plane in our sim, my heartiest thanks to each and every person who helped with this project, and to all our community members who so graciously helped our friend Bombsaway recently, both in word and in cash - this release is dedicated to all of you, and makes us really proud to be a part of this awesome community.
i have added a link to my 'messy template' at bottom of first post. ;)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: BravoFxTrt on September 29, 2013, 03:35:54 AM
Nice, Thanks :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: vpmedia on September 29, 2013, 03:44:23 AM
Great idea! Thanks to everyone who helped Bombsaway, I could not but certainly kept my fingers crossed...what a great community we got here :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: HBPencil on September 29, 2013, 04:02:21 AM
Awesome! She's fun to fly and those cannon are kick-ass :D

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: cgagan on September 29, 2013, 04:24:55 AM
Awesome bird!!!! Many thanks to all involved,  8)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: matisyasiu on September 29, 2013, 04:49:17 AM
I already lost hope that I will ever have a chance to fly this plane in Il2. Thanks to all involved, it is a great honor to be a member of this community. Once again thank you :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Mission_bug on September 29, 2013, 04:52:58 AM
What a great start to the day guys, glad to finally see her out on the boards, she is truly awesome. 8)

Thank you very much to all involved in the project, we now have one of the most longed for twins available to the community. :)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: vtrelut on September 29, 2013, 04:58:36 AM
Thank you so much and congratulations for your perseverance! :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Hangman on September 29, 2013, 05:15:27 AM
Really nice work thank you all involved in this project :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: rickster on September 29, 2013, 05:28:22 AM
Good things come to those who wait.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Bee on September 29, 2013, 05:45:15 AM
Congratulations and sincere thanks to all who made this possible!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: wb21 on September 29, 2013, 05:49:56 AM
That was a rather unexpected surprise, cheers to the team and everyone involved! (http://www.timawa.net/forum/Smileys/default/armata_PDT_37.gif)


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Tute on September 29, 2013, 06:11:20 AM
Good things come to those who wait.
+1, and THANKS
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on September 29, 2013, 07:05:52 AM
Thank you to 101 and all who worked on this bird. My sincere heartfelt thanks to all who helped me in a rough time both in words of support and those who donated to help me buy my home. Now lets get flying. :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: herbarnold99 on September 29, 2013, 07:26:24 AM
Woo Hoo!!! All hail to the modders!!!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: HotelAlpha on September 29, 2013, 07:38:42 AM
No way! This plane is one of my most beloved late-war projects, and it looks awesome. \

Thank you Storebror, AMT, 101TFS, and anybody else who worked on this beautiful flying machine!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Kopfdorfer on September 29, 2013, 07:45:03 AM
Great Surprise.
Thanks to all involved.
And while I had nothing to do with the assistance to Bombsaway , I'd like to say what a great thing everyone did to lend a hand.
It shows a great deal of the character of the folks who wander the ether at SAS.
Best of luck to Bombs and his son, and congrats to the SAS family.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Epervier on September 29, 2013, 07:46:14 AM
Exactly, do not use what I do not like, well then I will not use this. It is beautiful and well-made, but it is sci-fi. I do not want you to spoil your appetite for the creation of other aircraft, but such creations are for me a reason not to use modované version of the game created here on the SAS forum. It's a shame, because a lot of work listed here is quite good quality.

Previously, I used the very modes available on this site, but the aircraft produced in the last few years, even though they are very nice graphically, are very poor in terms of design and performance.

It's a shame for all of us.
I look forward to your creations!
Thank you in advance!
They are flawless! I'm sure!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: zack on September 29, 2013, 07:47:59 AM
I must admit: one of the most important mods for me.
I was waiting a years for Whirlie.
At last - she has arrived.

THANK YOU for all talented people involved!

Hats off, Gents.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: HotelAlpha on September 29, 2013, 08:03:09 AM
Code: [Select]

at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.PlaneGeneric$SPAWN.<init>(PlaneGeneric.java:804)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.Parasol5Static.<clinit>(Parasol5Static.java:86)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:84)
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:57)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.preloadStationaryClasses(Main.java:210)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1597)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1540)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.beginApp(MainWin3D.java:211)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:420)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
Problem in spawn: com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.Parasol5Static$Polikarpov_RZ
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.maddox.il2.objects.Whirlwind
at com.maddox.rts.LDR.loadClass(LDR.java:27)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.AirportCarrier.clsBigArrestorPlane(AirportCarrier.java:419)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.AirportCarrier.isPlaneContainsArrestor(AirportCarrier.java:394)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIQuick.fillArrayPlanes(GUIQuick.java:2942)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIQuick.<init>(GUIQuick.java:3371)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUI.create(GUI.java:158)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1845)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1540)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.beginApp(MainWin3D.java:211)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:420)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
GUIQuick: class 'Whirlwind' not found
Main begin: PlMisAir: class 'Whirlwind' not found
java.lang.RuntimeException: PlMisAir: class 'Whirlwind' not found
at com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMisAir.configure(PlMisAir.java:872)
at com.maddox.il2.builder.Plugin.loadAll(Plugin.java:206)
at com.maddox.il2.builder.Builder.<init>(Builder.java:2819)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBuilder.<init>(GUIBuilder.java:73)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUI.create(GUI.java:164)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1845)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1540)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.beginApp(MainWin3D.java:211)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:420)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[29.09.2013 14:00:25] -------------- END log session -------------

Next time use the code option please, not the quote option. Thanks.

70% crash...

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: singüe on September 29, 2013, 08:07:04 AM
A great and very good surprise, thanks to all people involved in the task of giving life to this beauty!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: SAS~Storebror on September 29, 2013, 08:17:42 AM
Code: [Select]
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.maddox.il2.objects.Whirlwind

70% crash...

Looks like an air.ini typo.
You might have entered this
Code: [Select]
WhirlwindMkII     WhirlwindA 1                      NOINFO  gb01  SUMMERinstead of this
Code: [Select]
WhirlwindMkII     air.WhirlwindA 1                      NOINFO  gb01  SUMMER
since your error log refers to a class "com.maddox.il2.objects.Whirlwind" which can't be there cause it's called "com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Whirlwind".

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: cuccos19 on September 29, 2013, 08:18:38 AM
Holy Cow! I just love the swift twins! 8) Thank you very much! :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Jimi wildwood on September 29, 2013, 08:45:31 AM
Wow!!!! Brilliant. Thanks you guy's Just a question though ? Just reinstalled and went from 409 to DBW with Monty's TFM .
How do I go about installing this? Thanks in advance .
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: S.H. on September 29, 2013, 08:49:55 AM
Nice surprise  :)!

Just flew with it with 4.12/modact, all OK except some holes in the wing radiators (I can see through in certain positions)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: S.H. on September 29, 2013, 09:02:16 AM
That's where we're venting our thoughts :D
Joking aside, yes there are several things waiting for improvement, like the radiators, flaps attachment, cockpit et al, tail wheel doors etc. but this time we just didn't want this bird to end up in the next earthquake so we finally decided to kick it out in the state it's in which is, I repeat, not a claim for perfection but it has all it takes.

 :D That's a good one!

No problem, it is waaay better as it is now than some birds in the original sim. I just wanted to mention the holes, in case something was forgotten somewhere.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: alexmepr on September 29, 2013, 09:08:54 AM
Thank you for you hard work.  ;D I really appreciate this new addition.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Epervier on September 29, 2013, 09:19:22 AM
Mk.I or Mk.II ?
Bombs or not Bombs ?
Rockets or not rockets ?

Personally I solved the problem of how silent!

WhirlwindMkII        Westland Whirlwind Mk.I/II, 1940/1942

# Westland Whirlwind Mk.I/II
WhirlwindMkII.default                   Default
WhirlwindMkII.2x250lb                   2x 250lb. Bombs (Mk.II)
WhirlwindMkII.2x500lb                   2x 500lb. Bombs (Mk.II)
WhirlwindMkII.2xM26                     2x M26 Cluster Bombs (fic.)
WhirlwindMkII.8x5                       8x 60lb Rockets (fic.)
WhirlwindMkII.none                      Empty

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: GEORGES44 on September 29, 2013, 09:21:12 AM
Splendid work!
And thanks for the explanation in the readme, even a not-so-gifted computer-wise guy like me could install this long-awaited mod in my vanilla DBW and have it work flawlessly.

Tks to all
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: SAS~Storebror on September 29, 2013, 09:24:45 AM
Good idea Epervier :)

Before the next picks up this one: The M26 is just a stand in for the anti personell cluster bombs used for real on the Whirlie. So it's not quite fictional, it just isn't exactly what it should look like.

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: londo16 on September 29, 2013, 09:26:01 AM
Thanks to all involved for another awesome plane  8)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: HotelAlpha on September 29, 2013, 09:26:10 AM
@Storebror: It works! Thank you so much for your quick reply and for your friendly advice. Hats off to you, Mike!  :D  ;)

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Epervier on September 29, 2013, 09:32:11 AM
Good idea Epervier :)

Before the next picks up this one: The M26 is just a stand in for the anti personell cluster bombs used for real on the Whirlie. So it's not quite fictional, it just isn't exactly what it should look like.

Best regards - Mike
Well !

WhirlwindMkII.2xM26                     2x M26 Cluster Bombs (half fic.)

To satisfy Scouchfs and hunters Drosophila!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: sphantom on September 29, 2013, 09:43:07 AM
Just tried this plane in 412.1m/sasmod5.22 and dbw1,71/fullmonty
Works great Thanks
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on September 29, 2013, 09:47:00 AM
Thread cleaned. Can we now just enjoy this very nice gift? Thank you again to everyone involved in her making. Thank you to who recieved this gift maturely and with posts of thanks. Now lets get flying. :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Fresco23 on September 29, 2013, 09:52:26 AM
OH MY GOD.....  :o


I saw the page top when I came on this morning and I thought, " no.... there's no way..."
then I stroll in here to the aircraft section and my heart stopped...

Thanks for this incredible beauty!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Ivan-le-Rouge on September 29, 2013, 09:56:54 AM
Everyday bring a surprise on this website! Thanks to all involved on this plane.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Benelli on September 29, 2013, 09:59:30 AM
Wow, great plane and wonderful mod, thanks Storebror and all involved! Sadly i tried it on 4.09 installation, and doesn't work (despite the 4.09 compatibility flag).
The game loads and the plane shows in plane list, but tried starting a flight in QMB and there's a memory error and crash to desktop during mission loading. I'll provide a log as soon as possible (my installation takes quite a lot to load ;D ), can anyone check this on a 4.09 installation in the meantime?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: CWatson on September 29, 2013, 10:08:59 AM
Wow, great plane and wonderful mod, thanks Storebror and all involved! Sadly i tried it on 4.09 installation, and doesn't work (despite the 4.09 compatibility flag).
The game loads and the plane shows in plane list, but tried starting a flight in QMB and there's a memory error and crash to desktop during mission loading. I'll provide a log as soon as possible (my installation takes quite a lot to load ;D ), can anyone check this on a 4.09 installation in the meantime?

I had the same results.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: SAS~Storebror on September 29, 2013, 10:09:54 AM
log.lst output would really help us to see what went wrong.

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Lanius on September 29, 2013, 10:33:43 AM
Amazing work !!!!! Thanks so much to all involved ..... Fantastic  8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: squiffy on September 29, 2013, 10:37:23 AM
Wow, what an awesome surprise!  Thank you guys!  :D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: CWatson on September 29, 2013, 10:41:16 AM
log.lst output would really help us to see what went wrong.

Sorry but I am ignorant concerning log outputs.

The error message I originally got is one I have had before with incompatible  cockpit files.

So I removed the cockpit line in the classfile and the plane loads fine as a AI opponent.

Hope that helps.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Epervier on September 29, 2013, 10:52:21 AM
Sadly i tried it on 4.09 installation, and doesn't work (despite the 4.09 compatibility flag).
It is normal ! ;)
Code plane not compatible : "prefixSkinRegiments" + "Move gears"
Code cockpit not compatible : "AircraftLH" + "Use realistic nav"

Version 409 coming soon...
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: SAS~Storebror on September 29, 2013, 11:08:14 AM
There's no need for a dedicated 4.09m version, we can implement the required compatibility enhancements in one build for all, just be patient for a day or two.

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: purgatorio on September 29, 2013, 11:12:03 AM
Beautiful! I've been waiting for this aircraft for a long time.  :D

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Benelli on September 29, 2013, 11:53:13 AM
About 4.09 compatibility, thank you all for responses. Obviously I'm not pushing anyone, just gave my warning about compatibility. As for "4.09 dinosaurs" attitude, I will wait patiently for a solution. :D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: SAS~Poltava on September 29, 2013, 11:55:46 AM
Thanks and congratulations to all involved modders for a WONDERFUL addition to this game!!!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Epervier on September 29, 2013, 12:33:25 PM
As for "4.09 dinosaurs" attitude, I will wait patiently for a solution.
Good ! Good attitude !  ;)
VIVA Rebels !

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: flying scotsman on September 29, 2013, 12:41:35 PM
Thank you, did the Airfix kit, wondered why we never really used it, was it a missed opportunity in a busy war? Was the P-38 any better (at that time).
Anyway thank you for the opportunity to have the sim version - worth waiting for, especially for what the team have been through with earthquakes etc, WELL DONE
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Piotrek1 on September 29, 2013, 12:54:48 PM
Great addition. 8) Thank you everyone who were involved in creating this mod.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: fightingirish on September 29, 2013, 01:14:54 PM
Thank you, did the Airfix kit, wondered why we never really used it, was it a missed opportunity in a busy war? Was the P-38 any better (at that time).

Apparently the Whirlwind used Rolls-Royce Peregrine engines which were a bit unreliable while the Typhoon was seen as adequate for the hit and run raids across the channel.
Still, wonder what it would have been like with a couple of merlins instead???

Many thanks for a wonderful addition to the game  :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: RooMan296 on September 29, 2013, 01:20:04 PM
Wow! What a beautiful plane.It has the most unusual landing flaps I've seen in the game. A fantastic work of art.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Artiglio on September 29, 2013, 01:38:12 PM
WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW Magnificent years were expecting this aircraft! Thank you very much!  ;)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mg_5soG6APE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mg_5soG6APE)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: <Gunny> on September 29, 2013, 01:47:14 PM
A big Thank You for all who worked on this project.
Works great.  Thanks.  :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Mr.Craig on September 29, 2013, 02:37:48 PM
Thank you Whirlwind team! What a great surprise :o
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: sphantom on September 29, 2013, 02:38:12 PM
The campaign made for this plane worked flawlessly could have been more missions for it Poltava excellent work Thanks for the campaign.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: SAS~Poltava on September 29, 2013, 02:45:37 PM
The campaign made for this plane worked flawlessly could have been more missions for it Poltava excellent work Thanks for the campaign.

Thanks for the appreciation! Yes, I agree, but 12 missions isn't a very small number either. And I got some other campaigns to finish as well  ;)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: SAS~GJE52 on September 29, 2013, 02:48:23 PM
but 12 missions isn't a very small number either.
... take it as a compliment that even more have been requested.....  ;)

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: tooslow on September 29, 2013, 04:04:21 PM
This was an unexpected  :o surprise and it has been one the most requested planes for a very long time ... thanks to the whole team

From the enclosed read me file they are

- 101tfs: Creator of this lovely bird
- SAS~S3: New Aircraft Slot, Java modifications, Flight Model
- GJE52: Cockpit Implementation based on P-38, 3D fixes
- Birdman: Flight Model, 3D model fixes for both plane and cockpit
- SAS~Epervier: Stationary Plane, Weapons for pre-4.12 game versions
- SAS~Malone: Default Skins (pre and post Invasion)
- chrisgibon: 4.12.1 compatibility fix
- Poltava: Sample Mission for DBW + Command&Control Mod
- All SAS Superschool Members: Engine Sound selection
- SAS~Storebror: Few bits and bytes every here and there
- TD, Maddox, 1C: Base game and all the sweet stuff we borrowed

Thanks again to all!!

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Dr. Strangelove on September 29, 2013, 04:39:49 PM
Oh man, I remembered this project when I saw the banner today...
And now it's really happened! Thank you so much SAS-Team!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Cycle on September 29, 2013, 08:05:52 PM
Never heard of this aircraft! Looks a bit like the 262!
Many thanks for the work! :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: David Prosser on September 29, 2013, 08:51:06 PM
Thanks, SAS~Storebror, and team. Like many, I thought this plane wouldn't appear any time soon. Thanks for the campaign Poltava.


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: DarkBlueBoy on September 30, 2013, 01:01:26 AM
A massive, sincere thank you to everyone involved in bring this beauty to our game! :) Amazing, out-standing stuff!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Riptide_One on September 30, 2013, 01:15:09 AM

I want to thank you and the many involved in bringing the Westland Whirlwind to IL-2. She's beautiful! :) I've just downloaded it and will start installing shortly.


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on September 30, 2013, 04:26:56 AM
Bloomin' heck what a surprise this morning - absolutely awesome !!  :D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Riptide_One on September 30, 2013, 05:33:33 AM
I am running DBW 1.7.1 and SAS Engine Mod 2.6RC.

On my first attempt, I had my game set at 512 MB. I loaded mission "whirlwind-1b". The Whirlwind showed up solid white in the object window. So, I closed the game and increased the game memory to 1024 MB. At that setting, my game does not load and goes directly to CTD. I tried setting the game to 768 MB and the game loaded. However, when I attempted to load mission "whirlwind-1b" I got CTD.

The log file below is from my last attempt with the game set at 768 MB. If anyone has something for me to try as a possible remedy, let me know.



Code: [Select]
[30.09.2013 11:04:19] ------------ BEGIN log session -------------
OpenGL provider: Opengl32.dll
OpenGL library:
  Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
  Render: GeForce 7800 GTX/PCIe/SSE2
  Version: 2.1.2
  Extensions: GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_include GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_import_sync_object GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_alpha_test GL_NV_blend_minmax GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_complex_primitives GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_ES1_1_compatibility GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments GL_NV_fence GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragdepth GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_expand_normal GL_NV_texture_lod_clamp GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_point_sprite GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control
Size: 1600x1200
ColorBits: 32
DepthBits: 24
StencilBits: 8
isDoubleBuffered: true

*** Looking for Advanced CPU Instructions...
[x] PentiumPro
[x] Multimedia (MMX)
[x] 3D (SSE2)
[x] 3D (SSE2)
[-] 3D (3DNow)
ColourBits 32, ABits 0, ZBits 24

*** Looking for Render API Extensions ...
[-] 'GL_EXT_paletted_texture' extension - Palettized textures (8 bit RGBA palette).
[-] 'GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array' extension - Compiled Vertex arrays.
[-] 'GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint' extension - Frustum clipping optimization.
[x] 'GL_EXT_secondary_color' extension - Secondary Color for 3D fog & specular optimization.
[x] 'GL_EXT_separate_specular_color' extension - SeparateSpecular for 3D fog & specular optimization.
[x] 'GL_ARB_multitexture' extension - Multitexturing.
[x] 'GL_EXT_texture_env_combine' extension - Multitextures advanced combining for special effects.
[x] 'GL_NV_texture_env_combine4' extension - Multitextures advanced combining for special effects.
[x] 'GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3' extension - Dot3 Bump advanced combining.
[x] 'GL_NV_depth_clamp' extension - Corrects Shadows rendering
[x] 'GL_NV_texture_shader' extension - NV Pixel Shaders
[x] 'GL_ARB_texture_compression' extension - Saves texture memory by 400%
[x] 'GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' extension - Anisotropic texture filtering.

Maximum texture size : 4096
Maximum simultaneous textures :4
MaxAnisotropic (1.0 = none) : 16.000000
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 75 -> 32 (delta = -43) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 120 -> 60 (delta = -60) to Range 0..60
No spawner for 'com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.Plane$P_51A'
Plane: Parameter [Mig_15]:<Class> not found
Can't set property
java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't set property
at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.PlaneGeneric$SPAWN.getS(PlaneGeneric.java:735)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.PlaneGeneric$SPAWN.LoadPlaneProperties(PlaneGeneric.java:761)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.PlaneGeneric$SPAWN.<init>(PlaneGeneric.java:804)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic.<clinit>(JetEraStatic.java:186)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:84)
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:57)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.preloadStationaryClasses(Main.java:210)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1597)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1540)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.beginApp(MainWin3D.java:211)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:420)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
Problem in spawn: com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.JetEraStatic$Mig_15
FM called 'FlightModels/whirlwind.fmd:whirlwind_FM' is being loaded from File: 'whirlwind_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/Huey.fmd:Huey_FM' is being loaded from File: 'huey_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/OCXHueyAI.fmd:OCXHueyAI_FM' is being loaded from File: 'ocxhueyai_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/A7A.fmd:A7_FM' is being loaded from File: 'a7_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/A7B.fmd:A7_FM' is being loaded from File: 'a7_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/A7D_E.fmd:A7_FM' is being loaded from File: 'a7_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/F4B.fmd:F4E' is being loaded from File: 'f4e'
FM called 'FlightModels/F4D.fmd:F4E' is being loaded from File: 'f4e'
FM called 'FlightModels/F4E.fmd:F4E' is being loaded from File: 'f4e'
FM called 'FlightModels/F4J.fmd:F4E' is being loaded from File: 'f4e'
FM called 'FlightModels/F8A.fmd:F8A_FM' is being loaded from File: 'f8a_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/F8E.fmd:F8A_FM' is being loaded from File: 'f8a_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/RF8A.fmd:F8A_FM' is being loaded from File: 'f8a_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/F-100D.fmd:F100D' is being loaded from File: 'f100d'
FM called 'FlightModels/F-100F.fmd:F100D' is being loaded from File: 'f100d'
FM called 'FlightModels/L-39A.fmd:L39A' is being loaded from File: 'l39a'
FM called 'FlightModels/L-39C.fmd:L39C' is being loaded from File: 'l39c'
FM called 'FlightModels/L-39C.fmd:L39' is being loaded from File: 'l39'
FM called 'FlightModels/JB.fmd:J_B' is being loaded from File: 'j_b'
FM called 'FlightModels/B47E.fmd:SAC' is being loaded from File: 'sac'
FM called 'FlightModels/B52D.fmd:SAC' is being loaded from File: 'sac'
FM called 'FlightModels/B52F.fmd:SAC' is being loaded from File: 'sac'
FM called 'FlightModels/Mig-19.fmd:MIG19' is being loaded from File: 'mig19'
FM called 'FlightModels/SM-12.fmd:MIG19' is being loaded from File: 'mig19'
FM called 'FlightModels/MiG-21PF.fmd:MIG21' is being loaded from File: 'mig21'
FM called 'FlightModels/MiG-21PFM.fmd:MIG21' is being loaded from File: 'mig21'
FM called 'FlightModels/MiG-21FL.fmd:MIG21' is being loaded from File: 'mig21'
FM called 'FlightModels/whirlwind.fmd:whirlwind_FM' is being loaded from File: 'whirlwind_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/Huey.fmd:Huey_FM' is being loaded from File: 'huey_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/OCXHueyAI.fmd:OCXHueyAI_FM' is being loaded from File: 'ocxhueyai_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/A7A.fmd:A7_FM' is being loaded from File: 'a7_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/A7B.fmd:A7_FM' is being loaded from File: 'a7_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/A7D_E.fmd:A7_FM' is being loaded from File: 'a7_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/F4B.fmd:F4E' is being loaded from File: 'f4e'
FM called 'FlightModels/F4D.fmd:F4E' is being loaded from File: 'f4e'
FM called 'FlightModels/F4E.fmd:F4E' is being loaded from File: 'f4e'
FM called 'FlightModels/F4J.fmd:F4E' is being loaded from File: 'f4e'
FM called 'FlightModels/F8A.fmd:F8A_FM' is being loaded from File: 'f8a_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/F8E.fmd:F8A_FM' is being loaded from File: 'f8a_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/RF8A.fmd:F8A_FM' is being loaded from File: 'f8a_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/F-100D.fmd:F100D' is being loaded from File: 'f100d'
FM called 'FlightModels/F-100F.fmd:F100D' is being loaded from File: 'f100d'
FM called 'FlightModels/L-39A.fmd:L39A' is being loaded from File: 'l39a'
FM called 'FlightModels/L-39C.fmd:L39C' is being loaded from File: 'l39c'
FM called 'FlightModels/L-39C.fmd:L39' is being loaded from File: 'l39'
FM called 'FlightModels/JB.fmd:J_B' is being loaded from File: 'j_b'
FM called 'FlightModels/B47E.fmd:SAC' is being loaded from File: 'sac'
FM called 'FlightModels/B52D.fmd:SAC' is being loaded from File: 'sac'
FM called 'FlightModels/B52F.fmd:SAC' is being loaded from File: 'sac'
FM called 'FlightModels/Mig-19.fmd:MIG19' is being loaded from File: 'mig19'
FM called 'FlightModels/SM-12.fmd:MIG19' is being loaded from File: 'mig19'
FM called 'FlightModels/MiG-21PF.fmd:MIG21' is being loaded from File: 'mig21'
FM called 'FlightModels/MiG-21PFM.fmd:MIG21' is being loaded from File: 'mig21'
FM called 'FlightModels/MiG-21FL.fmd:MIG21' is being loaded from File: 'mig21'
FM called 'FlightModels/whirlwind.fmd:whirlwind_FM' is being loaded from File: 'whirlwind_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/Huey.fmd:Huey_FM' is being loaded from File: 'huey_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/OCXHueyAI.fmd:OCXHueyAI_FM' is being loaded from File: 'ocxhueyai_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/A7A.fmd:A7_FM' is being loaded from File: 'a7_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/A7B.fmd:A7_FM' is being loaded from File: 'a7_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/A7D_E.fmd:A7_FM' is being loaded from File: 'a7_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/F4B.fmd:F4E' is being loaded from File: 'f4e'
FM called 'FlightModels/F4D.fmd:F4E' is being loaded from File: 'f4e'
FM called 'FlightModels/F4E.fmd:F4E' is being loaded from File: 'f4e'
FM called 'FlightModels/F4J.fmd:F4E' is being loaded from File: 'f4e'
FM called 'FlightModels/F8A.fmd:F8A_FM' is being loaded from File: 'f8a_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/F8E.fmd:F8A_FM' is being loaded from File: 'f8a_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/RF8A.fmd:F8A_FM' is being loaded from File: 'f8a_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/F-100D.fmd:F100D' is being loaded from File: 'f100d'
FM called 'FlightModels/F-100F.fmd:F100D' is being loaded from File: 'f100d'
FM called 'FlightModels/L-39A.fmd:L39A' is being loaded from File: 'l39a'
FM called 'FlightModels/L-39C.fmd:L39C' is being loaded from File: 'l39c'
FM called 'FlightModels/L-39C.fmd:L39' is being loaded from File: 'l39'
FM called 'FlightModels/JB.fmd:J_B' is being loaded from File: 'j_b'
FM called 'FlightModels/B47E.fmd:SAC' is being loaded from File: 'sac'
FM called 'FlightModels/B52D.fmd:SAC' is being loaded from File: 'sac'
FM called 'FlightModels/B52F.fmd:SAC' is being loaded from File: 'sac'
FM called 'FlightModels/Mig-19.fmd:MIG19' is being loaded from File: 'mig19'
FM called 'FlightModels/SM-12.fmd:MIG19' is being loaded from File: 'mig19'
FM called 'FlightModels/MiG-21PF.fmd:MIG21' is being loaded from File: 'mig21'
FM called 'FlightModels/MiG-21PFM.fmd:MIG21' is being loaded from File: 'mig21'
FM called 'FlightModels/MiG-21FL.fmd:MIG21' is being loaded from File: 'mig21'
Initializing DirectSound playback device...
Primary buffer created.
Playback format is set : sampling rate = 22050, num channels = 2.
Not enought hardware buffers (0), hardware disabled
Buffer caps : Transfer rate = 0, CPU overhead = 0.
Default speaker config is : 1310724.
Direct sound audio device initialized successfully :
DX Version : 7
Hardware    - disabled [buffers : 0]
Extensions  - enabled :
  EAX ver. 1 [ ]  - disabled
  EAX ver. 2 [ ]  - disabled
  EAX ver. 3 [ ]  - disabled
  I3D ver. 2 [ ]  - disabled
  ZoomFX     [ ]  - disabled
  MacroFX    [ ]  - disabled
SIMD render [X]
num channels 32

Loading mission Records/Intro 04 Ed.trk...
Loaded camouflage: PACIFIC
Month = 7 , Hour = 6
Temperature -     0m = 16.0 .
Temperature -  1000m = 9.51001 .
Temperature -  2000m = 3.019989 .
Temperature -  3000m = -3.4700012 .
Temperature -  4000m = -9.959991 .
Temperature -  5000m = -16.450012 .
Temperature -  6000m = -22.940002 .
Temperature -  7000m = -29.429993 .
Temperature -  8000m = -35.92 .
Temperature -  9000m = -42.410004 .
Temperature - 10000m = -48.899994 .
Temperature - 11000m = -55.39 .
Temperature - 12000m = -56.5 .
Loading map.ini defined airfields:
Load bridges
Load static objects
NetAircraft error, ID_03: java.io.EOFException
NetAircraft error, ID_03: java.io.EOFException
NetAircraft error, ID_03: java.io.EOFException
NetAircraft error, ID_03: java.io.EOFException
NetAircraft error, ID_03: java.io.EOFException
NetAircraft error, ID_03: java.io.EOFException
NetAircraft error, ID_03: java.io.EOFException
NetAircraft error, ID_03: java.io.EOFException
NetAircraft error, ID_03: java.io.EOFException
NetAircraft error, ID_03: java.io.EOFException
NetAircraft error, ID_03: java.io.EOFException
NetAircraft error, ID_03: java.io.EOFException
NetAircraft error, ID_03: java.io.EOFException
SectFile load failed: null
at com.maddox.rts.SFSInputStream.<init>(SFSInputStream.java:65)
at com.maddox.rts.SFSReader.<init>(SFSReader.java:19)
at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.loadFile(SectFile.java:157)
at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.loadFile(SectFile.java:136)
at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.<init>(SectFile.java:108)
at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.<init>(SectFile.java:68)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBWDemoPlay.gameBegin(GUIBWDemoPlay.java:305)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBWDemoPlay.gameBeginNet(GUIBWDemoPlay.java:272)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBWDemoPlay.access$1200(GUIBWDemoPlay.java:22)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBWDemoPlay$MissionListener.netMissionState(GUIBWDemoPlay.java:201)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.netInput(Mission.java:2987)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$4(Mission.java:2794)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$NetMissionObj.netInput(Mission.java:381)
at com.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: phaethon on September 30, 2013, 06:30:11 AM
a very big thankyou for all your work guys!
that beauty realy looks and handles fantastic...

...can we hope for a Lizie now... :-\
ok ok donnot shoot...you just trigered my greed :D
THANKS again lovely work!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: oldschoolie on September 30, 2013, 07:05:54 AM
What a lovely piece of work. Thank you.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: jeanba on September 30, 2013, 07:28:28 AM
Thank you
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: doctor on September 30, 2013, 10:57:26 AM
 :)Hello guys is there a chance for 4.09 version?
I was convinced that there was 4.09 sign in front of this mod !? So I made installation and game started,Whirlie was wisible in QMB , weapon loads also but during loading of QMB mission ( Kuban map ) I get this message : The instruction at „0x5ed0530e“referenced memory at „0x0000051c“. The memory could not be „read“. Click OK to terminate the program – I clicked OK and get CTD !  Where could be problem ? I started game again and tried with another plane - everything worked on same map in QMB.

Thanks in advance for advice.


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Epervier on September 30, 2013, 11:04:15 AM
Hello guys is there a chance for 4.09 version?
Just read ...
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: max_thehitman on September 30, 2013, 12:11:16 PM

Thank you to all those involved on this project.
It is a wonderful Whirlywind !
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: SAS~Poltava on September 30, 2013, 12:36:44 PM
I get this message : The instruction at „0x5ed0530e“referenced memory at „0x0000051c“. The memory could not be „read“. Click OK to terminate the program – I clicked OK and get CTD !  Where could be problem ?

Try increasing the amount of RAM in the IL-2 Selector!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Mick on September 30, 2013, 01:02:29 PM
While I wait for the 4.09 version ...

... please read this ...

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Epervier on September 30, 2013, 01:09:00 PM
I get this message : The instruction at „0x5ed0530e“referenced memory at „0x0000051c“. The memory could not be „read“. Click OK to terminate the program – I clicked OK and get CTD !  Where could be problem ?
Try increasing the amount of RAM in the IL-2 Selector!

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Flying H on September 30, 2013, 01:13:36 PM
Yessssssssss! The Whirlwind was the first ever plastic model I built, I think it was a Matchbox model, in the late -50ies or early -60ies! Now I can "fly" it! Thank you modders!!!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: asso58 on September 30, 2013, 02:29:41 PM
For me too, it was an Airfix model, really a long ... long time ago.

I am deeply grateful to the entire Staff for this wonder.

Here are men who make true these old words:

"All men dream: but not equally.
 Those who dream by night in the dusty
 recess of their minds wake in the day
 to find that it was vanity:
 but the dreamers of the day are dangerous
 men, for they may act their dream with open
 eyes in make it possible"
(T.E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom, 1922)

Thanks again,

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: slipper on September 30, 2013, 02:53:34 PM
Great addition to the game, many thanks to all concerned, much appreciated  ;D


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: hoddyman on September 30, 2013, 03:03:50 PM
Thanks for making this plane and putting it in the game! I've still got a pretty good built Airfix model of the plane that I made back in the '80's, when I was still making plastic models. I love this plane. It's too bad it didn't work out in the real world, with it's high landing speed, it's unreliable engines and all.(http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p231/hoddyman/image_zpse7a441d0.jpg)

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Sillius_Sodus on September 30, 2013, 03:09:37 PM
Nice kite, wish it had a bit more ammo though.  :P

If only the Mosquito's fm was this good!

Heartfelt thanks to all the modders involved with this project.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: dietz on September 30, 2013, 07:56:24 PM
I thought we'd never see this beauty..but here it is & it is really, really nifty.With Mission Pro Combo it is some fun substituting the Whirlwind for the Mosquito in Singles missions!
Many thanks for a very professional job! ;)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: baronbutcher on October 01, 2013, 12:32:51 AM
This is wonderful news! The Whirlwind has finally made it to IL-2, and oh, such a beautiful plane. Well done all involved, thank you  :)  :)  :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Jimi wildwood on October 01, 2013, 01:39:39 AM
Wow !!!What a fantastic aircraft , Was the real thing really this good!!! Many , Many thanks to all involved.
Really stable ,fast and an Incredible gun platform, have been knocking stuff down with 2 or 3 rounds.
Great fun.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: Epervier on October 01, 2013, 01:40:38 AM
I see by reading about that many people in several different countries have the same story with this aircraft.
When I was ten years I had the model (Heller / Matchbox / Airfix or otherwise) of the aircraft.
I still have a great affection for this aircraft ... and yet it had only 116 models built.
And yet it is enough to see once to be lovers of its forms ...
Mosquito also has that kind of appeal...

Thank you for this beautiful bird ! ;)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: SAS~Storebror on October 01, 2013, 08:28:31 AM
Hello guys is there a chance for 4.09 version?
We're currently doing a short beta-test for the next release version v1.04.
It will give back 4.09m compatibility and fix a set of FM glitches as well as getting tail wheel doors to function correctly, just to mention a few of the bug-fixes.

Stay tuned, release is scheduled within the coming 24 hours.

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: NIGHTFIGHTER on October 01, 2013, 10:08:08 AM
Just as i was loosing faith (lately everything ive installed into my 4.11 version, has gone wrong) along comes this beast, and guess what? it flys like a ruddy dream! Oh people who hast madest this beast, I thank you for the install that even I couldn't mess up and the incredable work in bringing this flying machine to us (and not leaving us 4.11 guys out) all hail the modders....Thanks Guys
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: ggrewe on October 01, 2013, 12:12:22 PM
Thanks very much to 101tfs & all other involved. Great mod & lots of fun mud moving with this beauty  ;)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: fatty_finn on October 01, 2013, 08:00:38 PM
thanks again modders -fantastic to see the Whirlwind!
Epervier said:
"I see by reading about that many people in several different countries have the same story with this aircraft.
When I was ten years I had the model (Heller / Matchbox / Airfix or otherwise) of the aircraft...."

same story for me too! -Airfix in my case. Wonder why so many did this?
 here's my explanation:
as a 10-11 year old, I made quite a few 1/72 scale models, but all were single-engine types,
because they were the only models I could afford !! [on my pocket money, over 40 years ago].
I always wanted to make multi-engine models too - but they were bigger, and usually well out of my price range.
Except for the very smallest of the twin engine kits -which was...   !!?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind Mk.II ("Whirlibomber") v1.03
Post by: rkalhorn109 on October 01, 2013, 08:12:52 PM
Splendid!  And this is the very first aircraft I've managed to add to the game (thanks to ModAct 5, which makes it easy)  :D  This gives me confidence to add other aircraft.

In the scale model department, I have an unassembled Airfix Whirlwind kit (1/72) that I bought years ago.  Maybe I'll actually get around to building it now.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: SAS~Storebror on October 02, 2013, 08:21:07 AM
New version v1.04 available in first post, please check Changelog (bottom of the readme) for changes.
Probably the most important is that we get our 4.09m rebels back aboard with this version.

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: bomberkiller on October 02, 2013, 10:03:15 AM
Thank you very much!

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: marcost on October 02, 2013, 10:17:09 AM
A unique aircraft from a unique community. Thank you!


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: Fresco23 on October 02, 2013, 10:59:34 AM
nice! thanks a bunch!  8)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: Epervier on October 02, 2013, 11:13:32 AM
Now I am a happy Rebel!  :) :) :)
Thank you very much !
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: snachito on October 02, 2013, 11:16:51 AM
The Whirlwind is so frickin MANLY and tough lookin, plus it's fun to fly!! I've been tearin up 109's and 110's with it, although got my but kicked with some Japanese planes >:(!!

Thank you for this amazing aircraft it really is unique, moreover love that little pic of the girl in on the cockpit panel :-*
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: telephono on October 02, 2013, 12:42:29 PM
Thank you for this nice plane.

I have one problem, though. The additional skins don't show up in the dropdown list.
I put them into
like the instructions said...

Did I miss something?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: Epervier on October 02, 2013, 12:58:16 PM
I have one problem, though. The additional skins don't show up in the dropdown list.
I put them into
like the instructions said...

Did I miss something?
HD skins with bmp extension ?
Do you have mods that allows the use of skins in HD?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on October 02, 2013, 01:28:17 PM
Now I am a happy Rebel!  :) :) :)
Thank you very much !

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: Mick on October 02, 2013, 02:19:16 PM
Thank you for this nice plane.

I have one problem, though. The additional skins don't show up in the dropdown list.
I put them into
like the instructions said...

Did I miss something?

... yep, Epervier is right, you need to convert them to 1024x1024, 256 colours (instead of 24 bits), no compression.

If Malone gives me permission I'll post a link ...  ;)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: leperemagloire on October 02, 2013, 04:46:52 PM
Whirlie Template (Mediafire)
Thank you for the layer.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on October 02, 2013, 05:17:46 PM
Very nice. :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: SAS~Tom2 on October 02, 2013, 05:22:04 PM
(http://s20.postimg.cc/i5dpcw9jh/il2fb_2013_10_02_17_25_23_79.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

Neat plane, thanks to all involved. Look forward to "Britanized" pit.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: crimar on October 03, 2013, 05:42:00 AM
Downloaded and installed under 4.09 old custom install. No problem.  :)
Many, many thanks to all involved !  ;)

Best regards.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: telephono on October 03, 2013, 05:49:34 AM
HD skins with bmp extension ?
Do you have mods that allows the use of skins in HD?

I currently use vanilla #DBW, so maybe that's the problem. I'll have a look into that.
Thanks, I learned something new today.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: LameHawk on October 03, 2013, 07:15:44 AM
Fine in four-O-nine  :D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: SAS~Malone on October 03, 2013, 07:38:23 AM

If Malone gives me permission I'll post a link ...  ;)

of course, go ahead, my friend.
once i release something, it's always with no restrictions, and no need to ask me.
do with them as you please :D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: dietz on October 03, 2013, 01:35:36 PM
I may have missed it but what is skin folder to be titled? :-\
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: jlan5031 on October 03, 2013, 02:45:14 PM
I've always followed your campaigns with pleasure. They're simple to install and a pleasure to fly. Your Whirlwind campaign is the exception.
As far as I can tell, most people aren't having trouble. I am. The Whirlwind aircraft works correctly in Quick Mission Builder, but when I try to load the campaign, both sides of the window, Map and Briefing, appear blank. I think it might be a map problem since I can't get the campaign map to load either in QMB or FMB, but that never seemed to affect the Briefing side.
I've spent the last three days searching for a solution, trying to find the required map to download, solutions to the Briefing, without luck. The campaign rests in Missions/campaigns/ GB. I think it may be in CAP_Channel, but map downloads have been problems for me in the past. I'm at a loss and don't know what else to try. Any help would be appreciated.
Below, find my log.txt entry.

Code: [Select]
------------ BEGIN log session -------------
OpenGL provider: Opengl32.dll
OpenGL library:
  Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
  Render: GeForce GTX 680/PCIe/SSE2
  Version: 4.3.0
  Extensions: GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shader_image_size GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_include GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_levels GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXTX_framebuffer_mixed_formats GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback2 GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_EXT_import_sync_object GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KHR_debug GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_bindless_texture GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_compute_program5 GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_copy_image GL_NV_depth_buffer_float GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_draw_texture GL_NV_ES1_1_compatibility GL_NV_explicit_multisample GL_NV_fence GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_geometry_shader4 GL_NV_gpu_program4 GL_NV_gpu_program4_1 GL_NV_gpu_program5 GL_NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended GL_NV_gpu_program_fp64 GL_NV_gpu_shader5 GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_coverage GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2 GL_NV_path_rendering GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters GL_NV_shader_atomic_float GL_NV_shader_buffer_load GL_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_expand_normal GL_NV_texture_multisample GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_transform_feedback GL_NV_transform_feedback2 GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info GL_NVX_nvenc_interop GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control
Size: 1920x1080
ColorBits: 32
DepthBits: 24
StencilBits: 8
isDoubleBuffered: true

*** Looking for Advanced CPU Instructions...
[x] PentiumPro
[x] Multimedia (MMX)
[x] 3D (SSE)
[x] 3D (SSE2)
[-] 3D (3DNow)
ColourBits 32, ABits 0, ZBits 24

*** Looking for Render API Extensions ...
[-] 'GL_EXT_paletted_texture' extension - Palettized textures (8 bit RGBA palette).
[-] 'GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array' extension - Compiled Vertex arrays.
[-] 'GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint' extension - Frustum clipping optimization.
[x] 'GL_EXT_secondary_color' extension - Secondary Color for 3D fog & specular optimization.
[x] 'GL_EXT_separate_specular_color' extension - SeparateSpecular for 3D fog & specular optimization.
[x] 'GL_ARB_multitexture' extension - Multitexturing.
[x] 'GL_EXT_texture_env_combine' extension - Multitextures advanced combining for special effects.
[x] 'GL_NV_texture_env_combine4' extension - Multitextures advanced combining for special effects.
[x] 'GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3' extension - Dot3 Bump advanced combining.
[x] 'GL_NV_depth_clamp' extension - Corrects Shadows rendering
[x] 'GL_NV_texture_shader' extension - NV Pixel Shaders
[x] 'GL_ARB_texture_compression' extension - Saves texture memory by 400%
[x] 'GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' extension - Anisotropic texture filtering.

Maximum texture size : 16384
Maximum simultaneous textures :4
MaxAnisotropic (1.0 = none) : 16.000000
15 Splashscreens available.
AutoMounting SFS files from folder SFS_AUTO now...
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_02.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_03.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_04.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_05.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_06.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_07.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_16.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sasup_decals_01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sasup_effects01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sas_ai_3do01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sas_basic_50.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sas_maps_01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sas_sound_01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sas_sound_02.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\Through JSGME - Big Clouds by Manysh.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\Through JSGME - Cowling Engines & Prop by PA_Jeronimo.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\Through JSGME - Guncam Tracers by santobr.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\Through JSGME - New Mod Wheels by PA_Jeronimo.sfs... mounted successfully!
AutoMounting SFS files from folder SFS_AUTO finished.
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 75 -> 32 (delta = -43) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 120 -> 60 (delta = -60) to Range 0..60
FM called 'FlightModels/Do17Z0.fmd:Do17_FM' is being loaded from File: 'do17_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/Do17Z2.fmd:Do17_FM' is being loaded from File: 'do17_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/whirlwind.fmd:whirlwind_FM' is being loaded from File: 'whirlwind_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/B-26B.fmd:B26B_FM' is being loaded from File: 'b26b_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/Do17Z0.fmd:Do17_FM' is being loaded from File: 'do17_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/Do17Z2.fmd:Do17_FM' is being loaded from File: 'do17_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/whirlwind.fmd:whirlwind_FM' is being loaded from File: 'whirlwind_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/B-26B.fmd:B26B_FM' is being loaded from File: 'b26b_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/Do17Z0.fmd:Do17_FM' is being loaded from File: 'do17_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/Do17Z2.fmd:Do17_FM' is being loaded from File: 'do17_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/whirlwind.fmd:whirlwind_FM' is being loaded from File: 'whirlwind_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/B-26B.fmd:B26B_FM' is being loaded from File: 'b26b_fm'
The sample music/menu/ru.wav not found
Initializing DirectSound playback device...
Primary buffer created.
Playback format is set : sampling rate = 44100, num channels = 2.
Not enought hardware buffers (0), hardware disabled
Buffer caps : Transfer rate = 0, CPU overhead = 0.
Default speaker config is : 1310724.
Direct sound audio device initialized successfully :
DX Version : 7
Hardware    - disabled [buffers : 0]
Extensions  - enabled :
  EAX ver. 1 [ ]  - disabled
  EAX ver. 2 [ ]  - disabled
  EAX ver. 3 [ ]  - disabled
  I3D ver. 2 [ ]  - disabled
  ZoomFX     [ ]  - disabled
  MacroFX    [ ]  - disabled
SIMD render [X]
num channels 16
cannot open file for reading
Cannot open audio file samples/music/menu/ru.wav

1>mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 6.000
Friendly Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 6.0 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>mp_dotrange FOE DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 0.005
Foe Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 6.0 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>timeout 60000 file il2stab.rcu
The sample music/menu/gb.wav not found
SectFile load failed: null
at com.maddox.rts.SFSInputStream.<init>(SFSInputStream.java:65)
at com.maddox.rts.SFSReader.<init>(SFSReader.java:19)
at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.loadFile(SectFile.java:227)
at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.loadFile(SectFile.java:154)
at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.<init>(SectFile.java:126)
at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.<init>(SectFile.java:86)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBriefingGeneric.fillMap(GUIBriefingGeneric.java:368)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBriefing.fillMap(GUIBriefing.java:1005)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBriefingGeneric._enter(GUIBriefingGeneric.java:55)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBriefing._enter(GUIBriefing.java:90)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameState.enter(GameState.java:97)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUICampaignBriefing.enter(GUICampaignBriefing.java:21)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameStateStack.change(GameStateStack.java:36)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameStateStack.change(GameStateStack.java:24)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUICampaigns.doStart(GUICampaigns.java:182)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUICampaigns.access$100(GUICampaigns.java:16)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUICampaigns$DialogClient.notify(GUICampaigns.java:304)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindow.notify(GWindow.java:144)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowDialogControl._notify(GWindowDialogControl.java:51)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIButton._notify(GUIButton.java:18)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowDialogControl.mouseClick(GWindowDialogControl.java:86)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIButton.mouseClick(GUIButton.java:22)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindow._mouseButton(GWindow.java:556)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowRoot.doMouseButton(GWindowRoot.java:251)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowManager.doMouseButton(GWindowManager.java:69)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.GUIWindowManager.msgMouseButton(GUIWindowManager.java:126)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgMouse.invokeListener(MsgMouse.java:98)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToArray(Message.java:1147)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1128)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:180)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
Bad MAP description in mission file
java.lang.Exception: Bad MAP description in mission file
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBriefingGeneric.fillMap(GUIBriefingGeneric.java:372)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBriefing.fillMap(GUIBriefing.java:1005)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBriefingGeneric._enter(GUIBriefingGeneric.java:55)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBriefing._enter(GUIBriefing.java:90)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameState.enter(GameState.java:97)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUICampaignBriefing.enter(GUICampaignBriefing.java:21)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameStateStack.change(GameStateStack.java:36)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameStateStack.change(GameStateStack.java:24)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUICampaigns.doStart(GUICampaigns.java:182)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUICampaigns.access$100(GUICampaigns.java:16)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUICampaigns$DialogClient.notify(GUICampaigns.java:304)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindow.notify(GWindow.java:144)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowDialogControl._notify(GWindowDialogControl.java:51)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIButton._notify(GUIButton.java:18)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowDialogControl.mouseClick(GWindowDialogControl.java:86)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIButton.mouseClick(GUIButton.java:22)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindow._mouseButton(GWindow.java:556)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowRoot.doMouseButton(GWindowRoot.java:251)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowManager.doMouseButton(GWindowManager.java:69)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.GUIWindowManager.msgMouseButton(GUIWindowManager.java:126)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgMouse.invokeListener(MsgMouse.java:98)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToArray(Message.java:1147)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1128)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:180)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$U_2TM' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$RAF_Bus' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$RAF_Bus' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Voit4P_Noire_R' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Citerne_POMP' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Citerne_POMP' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Fourgon_POMP' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Voit4P_Bleue' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
cannot open file for reading
Cannot open audio file samples/music/menu/gb.wav

[Oct 3, 2013 8:09:44 PM] -------------- END log session -------------
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: Mick on October 03, 2013, 02:52:36 PM

If Malone gives me permission I'll post a link ...  ;)

of course, go ahead, my friend.
once i release something, it's always with no restrictions, and no need to ask me.
do with them as you please :D

Here is a Mediafire link to your HD skins converted into 1024x1024,  Malone ...  ;)

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: Epervier on October 03, 2013, 03:14:48 PM
Code: [Select]
Bad MAP description in mission file
java.lang.Exception: Bad MAP description in mission file
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBriefingGeneric.fillMap(GUIBriefingGeneric.java:372)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBriefing.fillMap(GUIBriefing.java:1005)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBriefingGeneric._enter(GUIBriefingGeneric.java:55)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBriefing._enter(GUIBriefing.java:90)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameState.enter(GameState.java:97)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUICampaignBriefing.enter(GUICampaignBriefing.java:21)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameStateStack.change(GameStateStack.java:36)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameStateStack.change(GameStateStack.java:24)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUICampaigns.doStart(GUICampaigns.java:182)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUICampaigns.access$100(GUICampaigns.java:16)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUICampaigns$DialogClient.notify(GUICampaigns.java:304)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindow.notify(GWindow.java:144)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowDialogControl._notify(GWindowDialogControl.java:51)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIButton._notify(GUIButton.java:18)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowDialogControl.mouseClick(GWindowDialogControl.java:86)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIButton.mouseClick(GUIButton.java:22)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindow._mouseButton(GWindow.java:556)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowRoot.doMouseButton(GWindowRoot.java:251)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowManager.doMouseButton(GWindowManager.java:69)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.GUIWindowManager.msgMouseButton(GUIWindowManager.java:126)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgMouse.invokeListener(MsgMouse.java:98)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToArray(Message.java:1147)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1128)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:180)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$U_2TM' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$RAF_Bus' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$RAF_Bus' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Voit4P_Noire_R' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Citerne_POMP' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Citerne_POMP' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Fourgon_POMP' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Voit4P_Bleue' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
cannot open file for reading
Cannot open audio file samples/music/menu/gb.wav
No correct map and missing objects.
Read a mission file to see the map required.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: bomberkiller on October 03, 2013, 03:24:42 PM
I may have missed it but what is skin folder to be titled?

Hello dietz,


The right name of a skin-folder ever is the first third of the "air.ini" entry.

For example...:


WhirlwindMkII         air.WhirlwindA 1      NOINFO gb 01  Summer

wbr, Gerhard
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: jlan5031 on October 03, 2013, 07:57:49 PM
Thanks for your response. I was pretty sure that was the problem, but I haven't been able to locate the map, or the missing items. The map is CAN_EnglishChannel/w1940 load.ini. I have CAN_Channel in MAPMODS and the all.ini, but it doesn't activate.  I'm missing some 88s and an RAF Bus, among others, but I can't find the downloads.  I guess I need to be pointed in those locations and would appreciate some directions.
My thanks for any help.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: Hally on October 04, 2013, 02:16:11 AM
thx for this plane
i wait for it for a long time
so now i can fly with it on missions à made
the attack of The Munsterland on Cherbourg Harbor on 1942
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: crimar on October 04, 2013, 02:55:39 AM

Here is a Mediafire link to your HD skins converted into 1024x1024,  Malone ...  ;)


Thank you, Mick ! ;)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: SAS~Poltava on October 04, 2013, 03:31:50 AM
Thanks for your response. I was pretty sure that was the problem, but I haven't been able to locate the map, or the missing items. The map is CAN_EnglishChannel/w1940 load.ini. I have CAN_Channel in MAPMODS and the all.ini, but it doesn't activate.  I'm missing some 88s and an RAF Bus, among others, but I can't find the downloads.  I guess I need to be pointed in those locations and would appreciate some directions.
My thanks for any help.

Sorry to hear this, but this map is a standard map in DBW 1.71. Where you D/L it I don't know right now. I assumed everyone had it...  :-\
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: Epervier on October 04, 2013, 06:33:50 AM
Here is a Mediafire link to your HD skins converted into 1024x1024,  Malone ...
First post updated !

Merci camarade ! ;)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: SAS~Malone on October 04, 2013, 07:02:32 AM
jlan, your map problem may be a similar one that i encountered with this campaign, but luckily easily fixed.
i am using a Modact 5.2 install, don't know why it might be different for some, (not on my gaming rig now, so i'm trying to remember what i did.
it was only for the first few missions, the ones that use the CAN_Channel winter map, that i needed to make changes.
if you look in the CAN_Channel map folder, it references GWin_1940load.ini for the winter map.
the winter map missions reference w1940load.ini.
simply open those first few winter map missions, and replace the w1940load.ini with GWin_1940load.ini, and then your missions should work.
the later missions, that use the Autumn map, etc, don't need any editing, at least not in my case.
maybe this is the problem you're having.
try that and let us know if it works. :D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: SAS~Poltava on October 04, 2013, 07:57:31 AM
Again: sorry about the map snags. Thought they were "standard issue"!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: SAS~Malone on October 04, 2013, 09:20:26 AM
it's no biggie, mate - those are minor things which can't always be helped with all the different installs available - as long as the guys with problems give us the correct info, it's pretty easy to sort it out.
that said, it would be better if guys with campaign problems rather post in the campaigns thread, as opposed to the plane thread, though. ;)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: dietz on October 04, 2013, 10:01:29 AM
WhirlwindMkII         air.WhirlwindA 1      NOINFO gb 01  Summer
Thanks for the info & for the tip!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: jcalonso on October 04, 2013, 10:50:18 AM
Thanks Storebror for this long awaited plane and Ranwers for its new cockpit. Not many films about this plane on the internet, but I managed to find this one:



Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: Mick on October 04, 2013, 10:58:05 AM
Here is a site worth a visit ...  ;)

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: Spitwulf on October 04, 2013, 11:59:41 AM
I really love this plane!!! Thanks to all involved in this project! Nice work, guys!  8)

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: nonaiansia on October 04, 2013, 01:06:45 PM
Thank you very much for this fantastic plane!!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: jlan5031 on October 04, 2013, 05:21:52 PM
I tried what you suggested but no luck. I've spent several days looking for a solution without success. Today, I finally got the (a?)map to show when I loaded the Whirlwind mission, but when it loaded a half screen of empty blue and another half with some part of a landscape. Superimposed on that was some purple abstract design along with the sounds of an explosion. I can see the CAN_Channel folder in Mapmods and the ".ini" in the all.ini, so I know something is there. However, when I look at the map list, I can't see any "CAN_Channel" listed. The closest is "English_Channel_1940.   I still haven't been able to find a static.ini, or object.ini with any 88 Batteries which show up as missing in the log.txt. I can't make heads or tails of why the map loading fails. It's frustrating, since most of the time there's no problem about adding aircraft and missions. Also, I've tried to load the missions from FMB without success.
Below please find my latest log.txt offering. I would greatly appreciate your help.

Code: [Select]
[Oct 4, 2013 10:45:00 PM] ------------ BEGIN log session -------------
OpenGL provider: Opengl32.dll
OpenGL library:
  Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
  Render: GeForce GTX 680/PCIe/SSE2
  Version: 4.3.0
  Extensions: GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shader_image_size GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_include GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_levels GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXTX_framebuffer_mixed_formats GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback2 GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_EXT_import_sync_object GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KHR_debug GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_bindless_texture GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_compute_program5 GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_copy_image GL_NV_depth_buffer_float GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_draw_texture GL_NV_ES1_1_compatibility GL_NV_explicit_multisample GL_NV_fence GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_geometry_shader4 GL_NV_gpu_program4 GL_NV_gpu_program4_1 GL_NV_gpu_program5 GL_NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended GL_NV_gpu_program_fp64 GL_NV_gpu_shader5 GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_coverage GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2 GL_NV_path_rendering GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters GL_NV_shader_atomic_float GL_NV_shader_buffer_load GL_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_expand_normal GL_NV_texture_multisample GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_transform_feedback GL_NV_transform_feedback2 GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info GL_NVX_nvenc_interop GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control
Size: 1920x1080
ColorBits: 32
DepthBits: 24
StencilBits: 8
isDoubleBuffered: true

*** Looking for Advanced CPU Instructions...
[x] PentiumPro
[x] Multimedia (MMX)
[x] 3D (SSE)
[x] 3D (SSE2)
[-] 3D (3DNow)
ColourBits 32, ABits 0, ZBits 24

*** Looking for Render API Extensions ...
[-] 'GL_EXT_paletted_texture' extension - Palettized textures (8 bit RGBA palette).
[-] 'GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array' extension - Compiled Vertex arrays.
[-] 'GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint' extension - Frustum clipping optimization.
[x] 'GL_EXT_secondary_color' extension - Secondary Color for 3D fog & specular optimization.
[x] 'GL_EXT_separate_specular_color' extension - SeparateSpecular for 3D fog & specular optimization.
[x] 'GL_ARB_multitexture' extension - Multitexturing.
[x] 'GL_EXT_texture_env_combine' extension - Multitextures advanced combining for special effects.
[x] 'GL_NV_texture_env_combine4' extension - Multitextures advanced combining for special effects.
[x] 'GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3' extension - Dot3 Bump advanced combining.
[x] 'GL_NV_depth_clamp' extension - Corrects Shadows rendering
[x] 'GL_NV_texture_shader' extension - NV Pixel Shaders
[x] 'GL_ARB_texture_compression' extension - Saves texture memory by 400%
[x] 'GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' extension - Anisotropic texture filtering.

Maximum texture size : 16384
Maximum simultaneous textures :4
MaxAnisotropic (1.0 = none) : 16.000000
15 Splashscreens available.
AutoMounting SFS files from folder SFS_AUTO now...
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_02.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_03.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_04.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_05.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_06.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_07.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\dbw_objects_16.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sasup_decals_01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sasup_effects01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sas_ai_3do01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sas_basic_50.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sas_maps_01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sas_sound_01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sas_sound_02.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\Through JSGME - Big Clouds by Manysh.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\Through JSGME - Cowling Engines & Prop by PA_Jeronimo.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\Through JSGME - Guncam Tracers by santobr.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\Through JSGME - New Mod Wheels by PA_Jeronimo.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\updbw_mapex_01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\updbw_mapex_02.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\updbw_mapex_03.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\updbw_mapex_04.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\updbw_mapex_05.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\updbw_mapex_06.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\updbw_mapex_07.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\updbw_mapex_08.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\up_maps01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\up_maps02.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\up_maps03.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\up_maps04.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\up_maps05.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\up_objects01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\up_objects02.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\up_objects03.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\up_objects04.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\up_textures01.sfs... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\up_textures02.sfs... mounted successfully!
AutoMounting SFS files from folder SFS_AUTO finished.
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 75 -> 32 (delta = -43) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 120 -> 60 (delta = -60) to Range 0..60
The sample music/menu/ru.wav not found
Initializing DirectSound playback device...
Primary buffer created.
Playback format is set : sampling rate = 44100, num channels = 2.
Not enought hardware buffers (0), hardware disabled
Buffer caps : Transfer rate = 0, CPU overhead = 0.
Default speaker config is : 1310724.
Direct sound audio device initialized successfully :
DX Version : 7
Hardware    - disabled [buffers : 0]
Extensions  - enabled :
  EAX ver. 1 [ ]  - disabled
  EAX ver. 2 [ ]  - disabled
  EAX ver. 3 [ ]  - disabled
  I3D ver. 2 [ ]  - disabled
  ZoomFX     [ ]  - disabled
  MacroFX    [ ]  - disabled
SIMD render [X]
num channels 16
cannot open file for reading
Cannot open audio file samples/music/menu/ru.wav

1>mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 6.000
Friendly Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 6.0 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>mp_dotrange FOE DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 0.005
Foe Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 6.0 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>timeout 60000 file il2stab.rcu
The sample music/menu/gb.wav not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$U_2TM' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$RAF_Bus' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$RAF_Bus' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Voit4P_Noire_R' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Citerne_POMP' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Citerne_POMP' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Fourgon_POMP' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Voit4P_Bleue' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
cannot open file for reading
Cannot open audio file samples/music/menu/gb.wav

Loading mission campaign/gb/whirlwind/whirlwind-1.mis...
Detected Vertex Shaders 3.0.
 *** Detected Shaders 4.0. NVidia 8XXX+ series!!!
Vertex texture units: 32

PBuffer: suitable formats: 6

Created a 1024x1024 RenderTexture with BPP(8, 8, 8, 8)
 Depth = 24, stencil = 8
PBuffer: suitable formats: 6

Created a 2048x2048 RenderTexture with BPP(8, 8, 8, 8)
 Depth = 24, stencil = 8
Loading vertex/fragment programs: *1287453824*
*** Loading: [vpFogFar2Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vpFog2Tex2DBlend]
*** Loading: [vpFogFar4Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vpFogFar8Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vpFogNoTex]
*** Loading: [vpFog4Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vpFog4Tex2D_UV2]
*** Loading: [vp4Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vp6Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vpTexUVTex2D]
*** Loading: [vpWaterGrid_NV]
*** Loading: [vpWaterSunLight_NV]
*** Loading: [vpWaterSunLight_ATI]
*** Loading: [vpWaterSunLight_FP]
*** Loading: [vpTreeSprite]
*** Loading: [vpTreeTrunk]
*** Loading: [vpVAObjectsN]
*** Loading: [vpVAObjectsL0]
*** Loading: [vpSprites]
*** Loading: [vpSimpleGL]
*** Loading: [fpWaterSunLightFast] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterSunLight] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterSunLightBest] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastBump] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastFoam] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastFoamFast] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastFoamFarFogTex] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCausticSimple] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCaustic] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpSprites] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpObjectsL0] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpObjectsL0_2L] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpSimpleGL]
*** Loading: [fpNearLandFog] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpFarLandFog] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpRiverCoastAA]
*** Loading: [vpWaterDM_GPU] -> NV4X Optimized!
*** Loading: [vpWaterDM_GPU8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastFoam8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastFoamFarFogTex8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastBump8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [vpWaterDM_CPU]
*** Loading: [fpWaterNearDM] -> NV4X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterMiddleDM] -> NV4X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterFarDM] -> NV4X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterDM_CPU] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterDM_CPULo] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterNearDM8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterMiddleDM8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterFarDM8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterLFogDM8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterLFogDM]
*** Loading: [fpIceWater] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpNearNoBlend] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpNearNoBlendNoise] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpNearBlend] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpNearBlendNoise] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpFarBlend] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpForestPlane] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpForestPlaneNoise] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpForestPlaneEdges] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpForestPlaneEdgesNoise] -> NV3X Optimized!
Load bridges
Load static objects
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/French/frenchvillage1/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/French/rubble_block/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/French/rubble/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/jetty5/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/jetty2/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/jetty3/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/jetty6/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/jetty1/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/French/eiffeltower/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/French/arcdetriumph/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/jetty4/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/French/querqueville_fort2/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/French/querqueville_fort1/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Airdrome/earth_2/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/semi2/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/phonebox/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Airdrome/Needles/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/memorial/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/signpost/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Furniture/Sandbag_Wall/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Trench/Short/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Trench/SingleU/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Port/BaseSegment/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Airdrome/earth_1/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Port/Floor/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Trench/End/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Trench/TripleU/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Trench/Weapons/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Trench/Long/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/stonehenge/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/westminsterbuttress/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Furniture/Sandbags_Round/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Port/BaseSmallSegment/live.sim)
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 5 -> 2 (delta = -3) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 2e+006 -> 1e+006 (delta = -1e+006) to Range 0..1e+006
FM called 'FlightModels/whirlwind.fmd:whirlwind_FM' is being loaded from File: 'whirlwind_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/Peregrine:whirlwind_FM.emd' is being loaded from File: 'whirlwind_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/Peregrine:whirlwind_FM.emd' is being loaded from File: 'whirlwind_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/whirlwind.fmd:whirlwind_FM' is being loaded from File: 'whirlwind_fm'
Mission error, ID_04: java.lang.RuntimeException: Weapon set 'default' not registered in air.WhirlwindA
java.lang.RuntimeException: Weapon set 'default' not registered in air.WhirlwindA
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsLoad(Aircraft.java:3287)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.load(Aircraft.java:2853)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadAir(Mission.java:1368)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.Wing.load(Wing.java:144)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadWings(Mission.java:1111)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:487)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:135)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:433)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
Mission: Wrong chief's type [Ships.Zephyr]
Mission: ActorSpawn for 'vehicles.planes.WhirlStatic$WhirlwindA' not found
Mission: ActorSpawn for 'vehicles.planes.WhirlStatic$WhirlwindA' not found
Mission: ActorSpawn for 'vehicles.planes.WhirlStatic$WhirlwindA' not found
Mission: ActorSpawn for 'vehicles.planes.WhirlStatic$WhirlwindA' not found
Mission: ActorSpawn for 'vehicles.planes.WhirlStatic$WhirlwindA' not found
Mission: ActorSpawn for 'vehicles.planes.WhirlStatic$WhirlwindA' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$U_2TM' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$RAF_Bus' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$RAF_Bus' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Voit4P_Noire_R' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Citerne_POMP' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Citerne_POMP' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Fourgon_POMP' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Voit4P_Bleue' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Battery88mm' not found
1>mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 14.0 COLOR 6.0 RANGE 6.0 TYPE 6.0 ID 6.0 NAME 6.0 ALTICON 0.1 ALTSYMBOL + ALTCOLOR 0
1>mp_dotrange FOE DOT 14.0 COLOR 6.0 RANGE 6.0 TYPE 6.0 ID 6.0 NAME 0.0050 ALTICON 0.1 ALTSYMBOL + ALTCOLOR 0
Mission: campaign/gb/whirlwind/whirlwind-1.mis is Playing
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 5 -> 2 (delta = -3) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 2e+006 -> 1e+006 (delta = -1e+006) to Range 0..1e+006
com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorException: Interpolators destroying in invoked method 'tick'
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Interpolators.destroy(Interpolators.java:263)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Actor.destroy(Actor.java:777)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorMesh.destroy(ActorMesh.java:49)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorHMesh.destroy(ActorHMesh.java:66)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.stationary.CandCGeneric.destroy(CandCGeneric.java:186)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.stationary.CandC$RandomWeatherUnit.danger(CandC.java:4473)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.stationary.CandCGeneric$Move.tick(CandCGeneric.java:130)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Interpolators.tick(Interpolators.java:222)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Actor.interpolateTick(Actor.java:434)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.InterpolateAdapter.msgTimeOut(InterpolateAdapter.java:174)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgTimeOut.invokeListener(MsgTimeOut.java:73)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:252)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorException: Interpolators destroying in invoked method 'tick'
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Interpolators.destroy(Interpolators.java:263)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Actor.destroy(Actor.java:777)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorMesh.destroy(ActorMesh.java:49)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorHMesh.destroy(ActorHMesh.java:66)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.stationary.CandCGeneric.destroy(CandCGeneric.java:186)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.stationary.CandC$RandomTimeUnit.danger(CandC.java:4317)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.stationary.CandCGeneric$Move.tick(CandCGeneric.java:130)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Interpolators.tick(Interpolators.java:222)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Actor.interpolateTick(Actor.java:434)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.InterpolateAdapter.msgTimeOut(InterpolateAdapter.java:174)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgTimeOut.invokeListener(MsgTimeOut.java:73)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:252)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorException: Interpolators destroying in invoked method 'tick'
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Interpolators.destroy(Interpolators.java:263)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Actor.destroy(Actor.java:777)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorMesh.destroy(ActorMesh.java:49)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorHMesh.destroy(ActorHMesh.java:66)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.stationary.CandCGeneric.destroy(CandCGeneric.java:186)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.stationary.CandC$RandomAircraft2Unit.danger(CandC.java:4077)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.stationary.CandCGeneric$Move.tick(CandCGeneric.java:130)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Interpolators.tick(Interpolators.java:222)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Actor.interpolateTick(Actor.java:434)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.InterpolateAdapter.msgTimeOut(InterpolateAdapter.java:174)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgTimeOut.invokeListener(MsgTimeOut.java:73)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:252)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
1>mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 6.000
Friendly Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 6.0 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>mp_dotrange FOE DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 0.005
Foe Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 0.0050 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>timeout 60000 file il2stab.rcu
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics.restoreAllHouses(Statics.java:362)
at com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMission.load(PlMission.java:158)
at com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMission$19.doAction(PlMission.java:664)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgAction.doAction(MsgAction.java:36)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgAction.invokeListener(MsgAction.java:152)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:180)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
1>mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 6.000
Friendly Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 6.0 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>mp_dotrange FOE DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 0.005
Foe Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 0.0050 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>timeout 60000 file il2stab.rcu
1>mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 6.000
Friendly Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 6.0 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>mp_dotrange FOE DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 0.005
Foe Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 0.0050 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>timeout 60000 file il2stab.rcu
Detected Vertex Shaders 3.0.
 *** Detected Shaders 4.0. NVidia 8XXX+ series!!!
Vertex texture units: 32

WARNING: ObjectVACache_Clear()
WARNING: * Buf0 : Obj: 0,  Vert 0,  Ind 0
WARNING: * Buf1 : Obj: 37,  Vert 20126,  Ind 46407
WARNING: * Buf2 : Obj: 0,  Vert 0,  Ind 0
PBuffer: suitable formats: 6

Created a 1024x1024 RenderTexture with BPP(8, 8, 8, 8)
 Depth = 24, stencil = 8
PBuffer: suitable formats: 6

Created a 2048x2048 RenderTexture with BPP(8, 8, 8, 8)
 Depth = 24, stencil = 8
Loading vertex/fragment programs: *1287453824*
*** Loading: [vpFogFar2Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vpFog2Tex2DBlend]
*** Loading: [vpFogFar4Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vpFogFar8Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vpFogNoTex]
*** Loading: [vpFog4Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vpFog4Tex2D_UV2]
*** Loading: [vp4Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vp6Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vpTexUVTex2D]
*** Loading: [vpWaterGrid_NV]
*** Loading: [vpWaterSunLight_NV]
*** Loading: [vpWaterSunLight_ATI]
*** Loading: [vpWaterSunLight_FP]
*** Loading: [vpTreeSprite]
*** Loading: [vpTreeTrunk]
*** Loading: [vpVAObjectsN]
*** Loading: [vpVAObjectsL0]
*** Loading: [vpSprites]
*** Loading: [vpSimpleGL]
*** Loading: [fpWaterSunLightFast] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterSunLight] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterSunLightBest] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastBump] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastFoam] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastFoamFast] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastFoamFarFogTex] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCausticSimple] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCaustic] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpSprites] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpObjectsL0] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpObjectsL0_2L] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpSimpleGL]
*** Loading: [fpNearLandFog] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpFarLandFog] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpRiverCoastAA]
*** Loading: [vpWaterDM_GPU] -> NV4X Optimized!
*** Loading: [vpWaterDM_GPU8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastFoam8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastFoamFarFogTex8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastBump8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [vpWaterDM_CPU]
*** Loading: [fpWaterNearDM] -> NV4X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterMiddleDM] -> NV4X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterFarDM] -> NV4X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterDM_CPU] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterDM_CPULo] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterNearDM8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterMiddleDM8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterFarDM8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterLFogDM8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterLFogDM]
*** Loading: [fpIceWater] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpNearNoBlend] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpNearNoBlendNoise] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpNearBlend] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpNearBlendNoise] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpFarBlend] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpForestPlane] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpForestPlaneNoise] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpForestPlaneEdges] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpForestPlaneEdgesNoise] -> NV3X Optimized!
Load bridges
Load static objects
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/ToW/wheel_001/mono.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Tree/Tree2.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Furniture/5x1_White/mono.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Troops/uk/uk_officer_jumelles/live.sim)
1>mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 6.000
Friendly Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 6.0 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>mp_dotrange FOE DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 0.005
Foe Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 0.0050 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>timeout 60000 file il2stab.rcu
1>mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 6.000
Friendly Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 6.0 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>mp_dotrange FOE DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 0.005
Foe Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 0.0050 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>timeout 60000 file il2stab.rcu
at com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMapLoad.mapLoad(PlMapLoad.java:128)
at com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMission.load(PlMission.java:160)
at com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMission$19.doAction(PlMission.java:664)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgAction.doAction(MsgAction.java:36)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgAction.invokeListener(MsgAction.java:152)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:180)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
1>mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 6.000
Friendly Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 6.0 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>mp_dotrange FOE DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 0.005
Foe Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 0.0050 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>timeout 60000 file il2stab.rcu
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics.restoreAllHouses(Statics.java:362)
at com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMission.load(PlMission.java:158)
at com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMission$19.doAction(PlMission.java:664)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgAction.doAction(MsgAction.java:36)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgAction.invokeListener(MsgAction.java:152)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:180)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
1>mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 6.000
Friendly Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 6.0 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>mp_dotrange FOE DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 0.005
Foe Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 0.0050 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>timeout 60000 file il2stab.rcu
1>mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 6.000
Friendly Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 6.0 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>mp_dotrange FOE DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 0.005
Foe Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 0.0050 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>timeout 60000 file il2stab.rcu
1>mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 6.000
Friendly Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 6.0 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>mp_dotrange FOE DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 0.005
Foe Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 0.0050 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>timeout 60000 file il2stab.rcu
IniFile load failed: null
at com.maddox.rts.SFSInputStream.<init>(SFSInputStream.java:65)
at com.maddox.rts.SFSReader.<init>(SFSReader.java:19)
at com.maddox.rts.IniFile.loadFile(IniFile.java:112)
at com.maddox.rts.IniFile.<init>(IniFile.java:65)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.UserCfg.createUserConf(UserCfg.java:362)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIPlayerSelect.saveUsersList(GUIPlayerSelect.java:95)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIPlayerSelect.access$100(GUIPlayerSelect.java:15)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIPlayerSelect$DialogClient.notify(GUIPlayerSelect.java:245)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindow.notify(GWindow.java:144)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowDialogControl._notify(GWindowDialogControl.java:51)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIButton._notify(GUIButton.java:18)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowDialogControl.mouseClick(GWindowDialogControl.java:86)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIButton.mouseClick(GUIButton.java:22)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindow._mouseButton(GWindow.java:556)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowRoot.doMouseButton(GWindowRoot.java:251)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowManager.doMouseButton(GWindowManager.java:69)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.GUIWindowManager.msgMouseButton(GUIWindowManager.java:126)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgMouse.invokeListener(MsgMouse.java:98)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToArray(Message.java:1147)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1128)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:180)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
IniFile load failed: null
at com.maddox.rts.SFSInputStream.<init>(SFSInputStream.java:65)
at com.maddox.rts.SFSReader.<init>(SFSReader.java:19)
at com.maddox.rts.IniFile.loadFile(IniFile.java:112)
at com.maddox.rts.IniFile.<init>(IniFile.java:68)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.UserCfg.createUserConf(UserCfg.java:362)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIPlayerSelect.saveUsersList(GUIPlayerSelect.java:95)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIPlayerSelect.access$100(GUIPlayerSelect.java:15)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIPlayerSelect$DialogClient.notify(GUIPlayerSelect.java:245)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindow.notify(GWindow.java:144)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowDialogControl._notify(GWindowDialogControl.java:51)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIButton._notify(GUIButton.java:18)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowDialogControl.mouseClick(GWindowDialogControl.java:86)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIButton.mouseClick(GUIButton.java:22)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindow._mouseButton(GWindow.java:556)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowRoot.doMouseButton(GWindowRoot.java:251)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowManager.doMouseButton(GWindowManager.java:69)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.GUIWindowManager.msgMouseButton(GUIWindowManager.java:126)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgMouse.invokeListener(MsgMouse.java:98)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToArray(Message.java:1147)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1128)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:180)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
The sample music/menu/fi.wav not found
cannot open file for reading
Cannot open audio file samples/music/menu/fi.wav

The sample music/menu/gb.wav not found
cannot open file for reading
Cannot open audio file samples/music/menu/gb.wav

Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$P_38J15LO' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$TYPHOON1BLate' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$TYPHOON1BLate' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$TYPHOON1BLate' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$TYPHOON1BLate' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$TYPHOON1BLate' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$TYPHOON1BLate' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$TYPHOON1BLate' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$TYPHOON1BLate' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$TYPHOON1BLate' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$TYPHOON1BLate' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$TYPHOON1BLate' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$TYPHOON1BLate' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$CoastBunker_PTO' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$CoastBunker_PTO' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.planes.Plane$TYPHOON1BLate' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Voit4P_Noire_R' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Voit4P_Noire_R' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$CoastBunker_PTO' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$CoastBunker_PTO' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$CoastBunker_PTO' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$CoastBunker_PTO' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$CoastBunker_PTO' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LST_1' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LST_1' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LST_1' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LST_1' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LST_1' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LST_1' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LCM_2' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LCM_2' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LST_1' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LCM_2' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LCM_2' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LST_1' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LCM_2' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LCM_2' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LCM_2' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LCM_2' not found
Mission: class 'ships.Ship$LCM_2' not found
Mission: class 'vehicles.artillery.Artillery$CoastBunker_PTO' not found
1>mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 6.000
Friendly Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 6.0 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>mp_dotrange FOE DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 0.005
Foe Dot Ranges:
  DOT 14.0 km
  COLOR 6.0 km
  TYPE 6.0 km
  NAME 0.0050 km
  ID 6.0 km
  RANGE 6.0 km
  ALTICON 0.1 km
1>timeout 60000 file il2stab.rcu
Loading mission campaign/gb/ton1/typhoon_44-1.mis...
Detected Vertex Shaders 3.0.
 *** Detected Shaders 4.0. NVidia 8XXX+ series!!!
Vertex texture units: 32

WARNING: ObjectVACache_Clear()
WARNING: * Buf0 : Obj: 0,  Vert 0,  Ind 0
WARNING: * Buf1 : Obj: 14,  Vert 1066,  Ind 1785
WARNING: * Buf2 : Obj: 29,  Vert 6832,  Ind 10632
PBuffer: suitable formats: 6

Created a 1024x1024 RenderTexture with BPP(8, 8, 8, 8)
 Depth = 24, stencil = 8
PBuffer: suitable formats: 6

Created a 2048x2048 RenderTexture with BPP(8, 8, 8, 8)
 Depth = 24, stencil = 8
Loading vertex/fragment programs: *1287453824*
*** Loading: [vpFogFar2Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vpFog2Tex2DBlend]
*** Loading: [vpFogFar4Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vpFogFar8Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vpFogNoTex]
*** Loading: [vpFog4Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vpFog4Tex2D_UV2]
*** Loading: [vp4Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vp6Tex2D]
*** Loading: [vpTexUVTex2D]
*** Loading: [vpWaterGrid_NV]
*** Loading: [vpWaterSunLight_NV]
*** Loading: [vpWaterSunLight_ATI]
*** Loading: [vpWaterSunLight_FP]
*** Loading: [vpTreeSprite]
*** Loading: [vpTreeTrunk]
*** Loading: [vpVAObjectsN]
*** Loading: [vpVAObjectsL0]
*** Loading: [vpSprites]
*** Loading: [vpSimpleGL]
*** Loading: [fpWaterSunLightFast] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterSunLight] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterSunLightBest] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastBump] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastFoam] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastFoamFast] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastFoamFarFogTex] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCausticSimple] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCaustic] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpSprites] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpObjectsL0] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpObjectsL0_2L] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpSimpleGL]
*** Loading: [fpNearLandFog] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpFarLandFog] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpRiverCoastAA]
*** Loading: [vpWaterDM_GPU] -> NV4X Optimized!
*** Loading: [vpWaterDM_GPU8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastFoam8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastFoamFarFogTex8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpCoastBump8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [vpWaterDM_CPU]
*** Loading: [fpWaterNearDM] -> NV4X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterMiddleDM] -> NV4X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterFarDM] -> NV4X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterDM_CPU] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterDM_CPULo] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterNearDM8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterMiddleDM8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterFarDM8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterLFogDM8800] -> NV5X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpWaterLFogDM]
*** Loading: [fpIceWater] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpNearNoBlend] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpNearNoBlendNoise] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpNearBlend] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpNearBlendNoise] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpFarBlend] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpForestPlane] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpForestPlaneNoise] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpForestPlaneEdges] -> NV3X Optimized!
*** Loading: [fpForestPlaneEdgesNoise] -> NV3X Optimized!
Load bridges
Load static objects
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Furniture/10x1_5_White/mono.sim)
House: Section House$DRKCHReceiver not found
com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.House$DRKCHReceiver.registerSpawner() failed.
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't register spawner
at com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.House$SPAWN.<init>(House.java:710)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.House.registerSpawner(House.java:95)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:126)
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:57)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._load(Statics.java:180)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics.load(Statics.java:94)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadMain(Mission.java:833)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:476)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:135)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:433)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._load(Statics.java:186)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics.load(Statics.java:94)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadMain(Mission.java:833)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:476)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:135)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:433)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
House: Section House$DRKCHTransmiter2 not found
com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.House$DRKCHTransmiter2.registerSpawner() failed.
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't register spawner
at com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.House$SPAWN.<init>(House.java:710)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.House.registerSpawner(House.java:95)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:126)
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:57)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._load(Statics.java:180)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics.load(Statics.java:94)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadMain(Mission.java:833)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:476)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:135)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:433)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._load(Statics.java:186)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics.load(Statics.java:94)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadMain(Mission.java:833)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:476)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:135)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:433)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
House: Section House$DRKCHTransmiter1 not found
com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.House$DRKCHTransmiter1.registerSpawner() failed.
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't register spawner
at com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.House$SPAWN.<init>(House.java:710)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.House.registerSpawner(House.java:95)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:126)
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:57)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._load(Statics.java:180)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics.load(Statics.java:94)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadMain(Mission.java:833)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:476)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:135)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:433)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._load(Statics.java:186)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics.load(Statics.java:94)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadMain(Mission.java:833)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:476)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:135)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:433)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._msgDreamGlobal(Statics.java:1014)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._load(Statics.java:229)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics.load(Statics.java:94)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadMain(Mission.java:833)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:476)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:135)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:433)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._msgDreamGlobal(Statics.java:1014)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._load(Statics.java:229)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics.load(Statics.java:94)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadMain(Mission.java:833)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:476)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:135)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:433)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._msgDreamGlobal(Statics.java:1014)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._load(Statics.java:229)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics.load(Statics.java:94)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadMain(Mission.java:833)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:476)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:135)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:433)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._msgDreamGlobal(Statics.java:1014)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics._load(Statics.java:229)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.Statics.load(Statics.java:94)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadMain(Mission.java:833)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:476)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:135)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:433)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: SAS~Malone on October 04, 2013, 10:37:25 PM
jlan - please make use of the 'insert code' option for lengthy texts.
also, as your problem is related to the campaign map, it should not be in this thread.
this is for problems with the plane, not maps/missions. please post with your queries in the missions/campaign section, mate. ;)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: Epervier on October 05, 2013, 03:13:11 AM
Mission error, ID_04: java.lang.RuntimeException: Weapon set 'default' not registered in air.WhirlwindA
java.lang.RuntimeException: Weapon set 'default' not registered in air.WhirlwindA
   at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsLoad(Aircraft.java:3287)
Quand je vois le nombre d'erreur dans le LOG... je suis impressionné !
Erreurs qui pour beaucoup n'ont rien à voir avec une quelconque carte.
Je ne peux donc que te conseiller ceci : REINSTALLATION COMPLETE et PROPRE !

When I see the number of errors in the LOG ... I'm impressed!
Errors which for many have nothing to do with any map.
I can only advise you do this: clean and complete reinstallation !
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: Benno on October 05, 2013, 03:37:33 AM
The Whirlwind is quite a fancy model,  I really like the coolant radiater flap door,  fancy  :P
Thank you
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: jlan5031 on October 06, 2013, 10:43:53 AM
Sorry about the thread mix up and thanks for your help. I rebuilt the game.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: mexchiwa on October 07, 2013, 08:43:19 AM
Did a scheme for G-AGOI here:  http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1781 (http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1781)


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: 33lima on October 08, 2013, 09:49:54 AM
Many thanks to 101tfs and all involved with this great new plane and to Poltava for the campaign! A very welcome addition to the IL-2 RAF planeset!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: leperemagloire on October 09, 2013, 05:42:39 PM
Thank you for this nice plane.
This is really a great achievement  ;)

two little things:
- There is only one under surface for wings:
Not possible camo:


- For an "Opération Jubilée" plane , under the wing,reinforcements are reversed:



Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: cuccos19 on October 10, 2013, 06:11:13 AM
leperemagloire, may I ask, which book is this one, on the first picture the page?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: leperemagloire on October 10, 2013, 09:43:26 AM
I don't know,just find with Google/images/Westland whirlwind
http://www.google.fr/imgres?start=187&biw=2021&bih=968&tbm=isch&tbnid=W-24QTNBhLBVXM:&imgrefurl=http://www.collectair.com/kitannex6.html&docid=gbQ8RNaFfHEWBM&imgurl=http://www.collectair.com/images/whirlwindflypast1008.jpg&w=350&h=435&ei=bspWUqm3Jqmc0wWl4YG4CA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=498&vpy=8&dur=4906&hovh=250&hovw=201&tx=144.10528564453125&ty=98.3157958984375&page=4&tbnh=156&tbnw=125&ndsp=63&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:200,i:34 (http://www.google.fr/imgres?start=187&biw=2021&bih=968&tbm=isch&tbnid=W-24QTNBhLBVXM:&imgrefurl=http://www.collectair.com/kitannex6.html&docid=gbQ8RNaFfHEWBM&imgurl=http://www.collectair.com/images/whirlwindflypast1008.jpg&w=350&h=435&ei=bspWUqm3Jqmc0wWl4YG4CA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=498&vpy=8&dur=4906&hovh=250&hovw=201&tx=144.10528564453125&ty=98.3157958984375&page=4&tbnh=156&tbnw=125&ndsp=63&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:200,i:34)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: cuccos19 on October 10, 2013, 09:55:37 AM
Ah, it's in the Fly Past magazine 2008 October. Unfortunatelly I don't have it and I cannot find. Maybe latter.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: steph12 on October 12, 2013, 10:45:05 AM
Oh my! First time I heard about the Whirlie was while reading The Big Show (P. Clostermann, WWII French Top Scoring Ace) with a picture of this lovely bird!

Thanks a lot for bringing her to our IL2 skies!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.04 *Update 2013-10-02*
Post by: Mick on October 22, 2013, 01:52:33 AM
Hello, I am forwarding an email I just received from whirlwindfighterproject.org, just in case it rings a bell among all aficionados here...  ;)

"Does any one know of any Whirly parts recovered from digs?

It's quite possible people might be quite protective over what ever they have and would want some assurance it would just be a loan or even just a visit by one of us to record it.  The latter has been the preferred choice by most of those who have been kind enough to offer those parts for examination.

Please if you can help it would be much appreciated and would help us add to our knowledge of the Whirlwind."


(http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g157/micksaf/Whirlie_zpsbff157f6.jpg) (http://s55.photobucket.com/user/micksaf/media/Whirlie_zpsbff157f6.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*
Post by: SAS~Storebror on October 25, 2013, 03:37:43 AM
New v1.05 available in first post featuring these main changes:
* British Cockpit implemented, Credits to Ranwers
* M-26 stand-in ordnance replaced by real Small Bomb Containers (SBC), Credits to SAS~S3
* Medium Capacity 500 lb and Semi Armor Piercing 250lb and 500lbs Bombs added, Credits to Dreamk

This version replaces any previous Whirlie mod version, for updating please remove old Whirlie first then install new one.

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*
Post by: SAS~Malone on October 25, 2013, 04:29:18 AM
great update, my thanks to all involved! :D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*
Post by: sturmbock on October 25, 2013, 05:06:05 AM
Thanks a lot.  :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*
Post by: Crazy G on October 25, 2013, 08:27:29 AM
Wooow...rigth! Great ad to IL2, it´s been years since somedy in AAA begun do make it. Thank you! Now, for me, the DO 24 would be great, to have all aircrafts for Circus missions..
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*
Post by: Hubberranz on October 25, 2013, 10:09:28 AM
Thanks a lot for this update !

v1.05 is working fine in my 4.101m_DBW1.71 / 4.111m_SASmodact4 / 4.122m_SASmodact5.22

Congratulations all who worked on this wonder plane, for a job very well done !   :-*

The original designers of this bird ( from Westland ) must be applauding with a large grin wright now !

...in ops vid: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=75e_1298672772
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*
Post by: bomberkiller on October 25, 2013, 11:27:40 AM
Hello Storebror and all the friends involved in the Whirlwind mod.

for me the 1.5 version run wonderful on 4.10.1 & DBW 1.71.

A clean very straight flight to reach by the FM version 1.3 is replaced with the 1.5 version. Thank you very much for the Westland Whirlwind and the new update,

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*
Post by: Lanius on October 25, 2013, 02:45:38 PM
Wonderful Westland v1.5 .....

(http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l584/Lanius1/a0bc92f7-78ab-457e-89a6-56bc238762f5_zps81c03c93.jpg) (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/Lanius1/media/a0bc92f7-78ab-457e-89a6-56bc238762f5_zps81c03c93.jpg.html)

(http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l584/Lanius1/il2fb2013-10-0300-00-23-21_zpsdf79c405.png) (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/Lanius1/media/il2fb2013-10-0300-00-23-21_zpsdf79c405.png.html)

Fantastic new luggage, thanks guys
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*
Post by: ACUMV on November 06, 2013, 02:13:55 AM
great plane! ;D
will there be more updates?
I found it almost never stall
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*
Post by: PA-Dore on November 16, 2013, 05:22:31 AM
I built a jsgme mod for HSFX7.01 (4.12.2m).
I'm now allowed to post external link, you will find it here adding www. :
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*
Post by: no145_bunny on June 25, 2014, 11:20:41 AM
Hello everyone.

Could someone tell me if this aircraft is compatible with HSFX7.2 ?
Any links ?

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: jg1234 on April 11, 2016, 08:45:42 AM
Hi Folks,

I guess I am way late to the party on this one. I just discovered this plane and the campaign by Poltava and am excited.

Fast question. In DBW 1.71 the cockpit only opens and closes in external view - not in internal view. Is this correct or what others have experienced ??

Not a complaint mind you - just curious.

Thanks to all who worked on the plane and Poltava for the campaign.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: tigerlima on April 26, 2016, 02:38:54 PM
~S~ I have a request please. It's possible someone transform the PSD Template in PSP for Paint Shop Pro program, please? Tks in advance.

Regards ;D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: SAS~Storebror on April 27, 2016, 03:01:01 AM
As far as I know, Paint Shop Pro is supposed to be able to open PSD files.
It may have issues with attributed layers though...
The other way around there's unfortunately no PSP export available in Photoshop and as far as I know there are no converters available either, so I'm afraid there's little we can do for you.

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: tigerlima on April 28, 2016, 12:19:36 AM
As far as I know, Paint Shop Pro is supposed to be able to open PSD files.
It may have issues with attributed layers though...
The other way around there's unfortunately no PSP export available in Photoshop and as far as I know there are no converters available either, so I'm afraid there's little we can do for you.

Best regards - Mike

Tks Storebror. The PaintShop open some layers but lose others.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: SAS~Storebror on April 28, 2016, 01:02:42 AM
That's what I expected.
I've uploaded two other versions, maybe they can be imported to PSP layers correctly.

This is the template saved as layered TIFF image:
And these are the layers extracted one by one as PNG images, numbered according to their layer position:

Hope that helps.

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: tigerlima on April 29, 2016, 09:24:14 PM

Yes he helps! Tks Storebror. Regards  ;D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: leperemagloire on July 18, 2016, 10:42:52 AM
For a good skin for" Opération Jubilée" Whirlwind :


 it will be nice  if the author of this plane could remedy two anomalies :

the mapping of the wing reinforcements is reversed at the intrados( black & white  stripes) & mapping of flap guide


Thank you by advance  ;)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: leperemagloire on August 01, 2016, 11:47:02 AM
Is the author of this aircraft can tell me if it's possible, thank you ;)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: SAS~Storebror on August 01, 2016, 12:39:56 PM
Anything is possible but this has such low priority, I doubt that in my remaining lifetime I will ever get back at it.
If someone else wants to change this, be my guest!

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*
Post by: SAS~Malone on August 01, 2016, 10:56:44 PM
yes, a great opportunity for an aspiring 3d guy to get his name added onto the credit list of one of the most epic mod planes around   ;)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: leperemagloire on August 02, 2016, 03:53:15 AM
No problem , I understand. If a good soul could look at the problem , it would be nice ;)

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*
Post by: SAS~Ghost129er on August 02, 2016, 08:26:18 AM
yes, a great opportunity for an aspiring 3d guy to get his name added onto the credit list of one of the most epic mod planes around   ;)

... :-X
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*
Post by: SAS~Malone on August 02, 2016, 10:06:30 AM
what's wrong, Rickster? i'm not sure how to interpret your emoticon there......
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: SAS~Ghost129er on August 02, 2016, 01:11:48 PM
Temptation... Excruciating temptation... And second thoughts :P
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*
Post by: SAS~Malone on August 02, 2016, 01:37:48 PM
give in to the power of the dark side...... :D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: steph12 on August 03, 2016, 05:50:05 AM
Very nice plane! Thank you!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: Artiglio on February 26, 2017, 05:34:21 PM
SAS Modact 6.3 for IL-2 4.13.3m (https://www.sas1946.com/main/Themes/core/images/post/thumbup.gif)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25*
Post by: GPreddy on October 05, 2017, 01:29:30 PM
I feel pretty late to the party with this one, but beautiful plane!

Was this ever updated with a pilot adjustable constant speed prop? I know there was very brief discussion about it here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,46080.msg514079.html#msg514079
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: Jolly Green on January 19, 2020, 03:02:03 PM
I'm so far behind most of you here having only just added this plane. Amazing detail and lethal fire power makes it a must to add.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I and FB.Mk.I/Mk.II v1.05 *Update 2013-10-25* [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: gb027 on February 08, 2020, 10:11:51 PM
Got this beauty working in VP modpack. Thank you for all the effort in making this plane.