Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: Karabas-Barabas on February 23, 2010, 09:50:37 AM
Edit Gerax 10-16-14: renewed all links.
Rearm Pe-2, Il-4, Il-2, A-20, B-25, Ju 87, Ju 88, He 111,
Bf 109, FW 190, Yak, LaGG, La, I-16, P-39, P-40; etc.
Credits to Karabas and the Nullware guys.
Version for 4.11
New links for Nullware 4.11 pack
for a fix of A-20 RKKA Turret see the attached dl:
Version for 4.09 & 4.10
(Classes of some planes can be taken from 4.11)
www.nullwar.com/ftp/nw_works/410/NW_MODS_for_410.7z (100 Mb)
New link for Nullware 4.10 pack:
Sadly the links to Nullware are dead, only documentation I found
is in cyrillic, translate it via Google-Translate by yourself.
Dl for "Nullware_docu.7z" in the attachment.
Pe-2series11, Pe-2series22, Pe-2series32, Pe-2series87
Pe-Pe-2series115, Pe-2series206, Pe-2series354,
Pe-3bis_Serial, Pe-3M (Field-Modifikation)
Pe-2s, Pe-3s for DBW
Thanks to Knochenlutscher for putting together the necessary classfiles.
Readme with air.ini entries and translated weapons-, planes.properties inside.
Pe-2s for 4.12:
Pe-2 series-11, -22, -32, -87,-115,-206,-354
adapted by GUZKNIFE (see reply #58)
edit Gerax 28-10-18: for a new link see reply #77 and dl the attachment.
Pe-3s for 4.12:
Pe-3M (Field mod) and Pe-3bis-serial by Karabas,
for dl's see the attachment.
For a complete translation of all the entries and
for some planes reworked for 4.12 by Guzknife go here:
Thank you
What is the specificity of model 206 ?
Too a wide interval between 110 series and 359 series, in this time some improvements occurred.
That is realised in the given model.
+ Correct bombing loading.
Thank you for this mod and for new buttons!
32 series, for a change and fillings of time holes
Hi mate!!
Just downloaded and think it as installed as I come back home from work tonight!!!
Thanks a lot!!!
Thank's 8)
Thank you very much!
Thanks, Karabas-Barabas !!!
Thanks. They work extremely well.
I was wondering if it would be possible to wire the triggers differently? For example, having both machinguns under the same 'machine gun' trigger, leaving the forward firing rockets with the 'rocket' trigger and using the 'cannon' trigger for the rearward firing rockets.
Right now one has to fire off the forward firing rockets before one can fire the rearward firing ones.
P.S. Also, any chance of having rocket only and bomb only loadouts? Right now some bomb combinations are only available with rockets (and vice versa).
I am absolutely sorry to tell this, Karabas-Barabas, but after downloading your last version, there are still some bugs... Pe-3 FM has a pair of rockets on the back of the fuselage, oriented to the rear... and FAB-100 seem to look as rockets on some loadouts... does anyone else still have bugs with these beautiful birds ???
The LOD value bug in Dr. Jones converter strikes again, and makes parts disappear at distance. To solve this LOD bug, you can change the LOD values in .msh files:
Leave the last value out in Tail1_D0.msh because it has one LOD less than the others.
I am absolutely sorry to tell this, Karabas-Barabas, but after downloading your last version, there are still some bugs... Pe-3 FM has a pair of rockets on the back of the fuselage, oriented to the rear... and FAB-100 seem to look as rockets on some loadouts... does anyone else still have bugs with these beautiful birds ???
http://forum.aviaskins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=7772&d=1258984640 (http://forum.aviaskins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=7772&d=1258984640)
On Pe-3 of a bomb it was possible to suspend on two external holders and in behind motors.
Because the central compartment has been occupied for installation of two additional fuel tanks, for increase in range to 2100 km, according to the task of the customer as the tank was established to the place of the marksman-radio operator therefore crew has decreased to two persons.
The LOD value bug in Dr. Jones converter strikes again, and makes parts disappear at distance.
I somehow have not traced this moment because of time lack :)
Oh... so it is no bug !!! it had rockets on the back !!! quite surprising !!!
Thanks. They work extremely well.
I was wondering if it would be possible to wire the triggers differently? For example, having both machinguns under the same 'machine gun' trigger, leaving the forward firing rockets with the 'rocket' trigger and using the 'cannon' trigger for the rearward firing rockets.
From the button weapon-1 (machine guns) or the weapon-2 (guns) all rockets start one volley.
heres a mission for your enjoyment
MAP Stgrad/load.ini
TIME 12.0
CloudType 2
CloudHeight 1500.0
player r0101
army 1
playerNum 2
Planes 4
Skill 2
skin0 Me 323 Gigant marked.bmp
skin1 Me 323 Gigant marked.bmp
skin2 Me 323 Gigant marked.bmp
skin3 Me 323 Gigant marked.bmp
numberOn0 0
numberOn1 0
numberOn2 0
numberOn3 0
Class air.ME_323
Fuel 55
weapons default
TAKEOFF 88248.13 86650.18 0 0 &0
NORMFLY 79319.94 99715.43 250.00 160.00 &0
NORMFLY 71426.45 105323.77 500.00 160.00 &0
NORMFLY 59233.29 109943.91 500.00 160.00 &0
LANDING 21287.59 115437.48 0 0 &0
Planes 2
Skill 2
skin0 BF110G2-Ard-W.bmp
skin1 BF110G2-Ard-W.bmp
Class air.BF_110G2
Fuel 55
weapons default
TAKEOFF 88485.60 86684.62 0 0 &0
NORMFLY 82438.04 92744.99 500.00 250.00 &0
NORMFLY 78270.94 98731.25 500.00 300.00 g0102 1 &0
NORMFLY 69883.64 104542.67 500.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 59875.00 108956.59 500.00 300.00 g0102 3 &0
LANDING 22813.75 114995.87 0 0 &0
Planes 3
Skill 1
Class air.YAK_7B_late
Fuel 70
weapons default
TAKEOFF 54442.38 79446.99 0 0 &0
NORMFLY 90086.52 96856.25 500.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 92428.12 94396.67 50.00 400.00 &0
LANDING 54329.75 79383.27 0 0 &0
Planes 4
Skill 2
Class air.JU_52_3MG4E
Fuel 40
weapons default
NORMFLY 101016.82 90128.32 1500.00 160.00 &0
LANDING 89854.56 94757.91 0 0 &0
Planes 4
Skill 1
skin0 Me 323 Gigant marked.bmp
skin1 Me 323 Gigant marked.bmp
skin2 Me 323 Gigant marked.bmp
skin3 Me 323 Gigant marked.bmp
numberOn0 0
numberOn1 0
numberOn2 0
numberOn3 0
Class air.ME_323
Fuel 30
weapons default
NORMFLY 69778.79 114125.30 500.00 250.00 &0
LANDING 86909.77 86680.01 0 0 &0
Planes 2
Skill 1
skin0 Me 323 Gigant marked.bmp
skin1 Me 323 Gigant marked.bmp
numberOn0 0
numberOn1 0
Class air.ME_323
Fuel 20
weapons default
NORMFLY 73739.94 114499.81 200.00 250.00 &0
NORMFLY 87754.71 97638.33 50.00 250.00 &0
LANDING 88784.89 95835.82 0 0 &0
Planes 2
Skill 1
Class air.BF_109G2
Fuel 50
weapons default
TAKEOFF 89699.89 94895.53 0 0 &0
NORMFLY 75058.17 103619.29 850.00 300.00 &0
LANDING 86855.60 86684.62 0 0 &0
Planes 4
Skill 2
Class air.PE_2SERIES32
Fuel 65
weapons 4fab100_10rs82
TAKEOFF 54329.75 79383.27 0 0 &0
NORMFLY 83479.44 95263.75 500.00 375.00 &0
GATTACK 89249.18 95626.81 500.00 375.00 10_Static 0 &0
NORMFLY 91866.67 96379.94 500.00 375.00 &0
GATTACK 89763.07 94804.84 500.00 375.00 41_Static 0 &0
NORMFLY 75587.24 86448.83 500.00 375.00 &0
LANDING 54329.75 79383.27 0 0 &0
0_Chief Vehicles.GermanyCarsColumnB 2
1_Chief Vehicles.GermanyCarsColumnB 2
2_Chief Vehicles.GermanyCarsColumnB 2
3_Chief Vehicles.GermanyCarsColumnB 2
91277.93 95142.14 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
90700.02 95692.01 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
90501.45 95564.39 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
89899.27 95665.71 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
89515.54 95656.33 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
89248.36 95581.54 120.00
89750.15 95773.71 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
89192.67 95653.08 120.00
90085.43 96111.92 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
89914.55 96284.51 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
89449.78 96754.75 120.00 0 4 2.6388890743255615
89300.00 96900.00 20.00
88900.00 97300.00 20.00
88727.95 97463.01 120.00
74746.02 85424.21 120.00 0 6 2.6388890743255615
75100.00 85100.00 20.00
83100.00 85100.00 20.00
85100.00 87100.00 20.00
85900.00 87100.00 20.00
86023.27 87089.30 120.00 0 7 2.6388890743255615
86300.00 87100.00 20.00
87300.00 88100.00 20.00
92300.00 88100.00 20.00
93900.00 89700.00 20.00
96300.00 89700.00 20.00
96430.13 89776.16 120.00
0_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 89575.38 94608.58 360.00 0.0 0
1_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 90089.90 95101.41 360.00 0.0 0
2_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 88543.27 95724.02 360.00 0.0 0
3_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 88849.17 95989.04 360.00 0.0 0
7_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FI_156 2 89524.50 94812.14 315.00 0.0 null
8_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FI_156 2 88857.16 95249.20 360.00 0.0 null
9_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_189A2 2 88659.25 95050.80 360.00 0.0 null
11_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_189A2 2 88689.80 95392.44 360.00 0.0 null
12_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_189A2 2 89110.96 95247.15 360.00 0.0 null
13_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_189A2 2 88634.39 95488.73 360.00 0.0 null
14_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H6 2 88751.24 95259.65 360.00 0.0 null
15_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H6 2 88756.71 95121.91 360.00 0.0 null
17_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H6 2 88641.35 95273.07 360.00 0.0 null
5_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$ME_321 2 88642.37 95127.36 360.00 0.0 null
16_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$ME_321 2 89381.94 94812.04 315.00 0.0 null
18_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_190A4 2 89541.91 94796.20 315.00 0.0 null
19_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_190A4 2 89589.67 94769.15 255.00 0.0 null
20_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$ME_321 2 89658.59 94747.78 315.00 0.0 null
21_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 86370.97 92869.22 360.00 0.0 0
22_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 86555.06 93277.41 360.00 0.0 0
23_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 87160.72 87143.73 360.00 0.0 0
24_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 88437.69 86251.22 360.00 0.0 0
25_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 88739.77 87157.46 360.00 0.0 0
26_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 87311.76 86278.69 360.00 0.0 0
27_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 96484.00 90521.53 360.00 0.0 0
28_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 97431.43 92388.94 360.00 0.0 0
29_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 95261.95 96576.86 360.00 0.0 0
30_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 90401.21 92649.82 360.00 0.0 0
31_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 93078.74 94572.15 360.00 0.0 0
32_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$IL_2MEarly 1 54479.12 79560.98 420.00 0.0 null
33_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$IL_2MEarly 1 54442.14 79542.74 420.00 0.0 null
34_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$IL_2MEarly 1 54424.69 79534.78 420.00 0.0 null
35_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES35 1 54535.25 79540.07 420.00 0.0 null
36_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES35 1 54496.51 79571.48 420.00 0.0 null
37_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES35 1 54495.46 79518.29 420.00 0.0 null
38_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES35 1 55735.18 79968.95 240.00 0.0 null
39_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES35 1 55713.93 79954.28 240.00 0.0 null
40_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$LAGG_3SERIES35 1 55688.47 79939.61 240.00 0.0 null
41_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$ME_323 2 89626.23 94834.16 315.00 0.0 null
42_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$ME_323 2 89771.31 95124.31 480.00 0.0 null
43_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$ME_323 2 89836.72 95082.38 495.00 0.0 null
44_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_52_3MG4E 2 89879.49 95036.26 495.00 0.0 null
45_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_52_3MG4E 2 89866.91 94912.99 225.00 0.0 null
46_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_52_3MG4E 2 89735.25 95026.20 225.00 0.0 null
47_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_52_3MG4E 2 89873.62 94946.53 225.00 0.0 null
49_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$ME_323 2 89544.89 94871.89 315.00 0.0 null
48_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$VW82 2 89714.19 95045.37 615.00 0.0
50_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$VW82 2 89627.59 94747.46 690.00 0.0
6_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$ME_323 2 89168.64 95664.81 495.00 0.0 null
10_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$ME_323 2 89224.27 95587.84 494.10 0.0 null
52_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 89226.99 95578.69 495.00 0.0
53_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 89182.13 95671.68 495.00 0.0
54_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 88911.78 95765.86 495.00 0.0
55_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_medic 2 88839.88 95822.90 495.00 0.0
56_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_radio 2 88831.86 95827.36 495.00 0.0
51_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 89214.22 95592.06 495.00 0.0
57_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 89160.03 95661.49 495.00 0.0
58_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 89164.97 95655.41 495.00 0.0
59_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz36S 2 89219.15 95580.05 495.00 0.0
4_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$ME_323 2 88644.75 95191.68 360.00 0.0 null
60_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz6Flak37 2 79438.58 89208.52 360.00 0.0 0
61_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz6Flak37 2 91207.78 89322.05 360.00 0.0 0
62_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$SdKfz6Flak37 2 87082.88 95225.57 360.00 0.0 0
63_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_110G2 2 87298.31 87029.03 449.10 0.0 null
64_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_110G2 2 87411.68 87032.47 449.10 0.0 null
65_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_110G2 2 87558.38 87039.59 449.10 0.0 null
66_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_190A4 2 87526.09 87038.31 449.10 0.0 null
67_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_190A4 2 87535.25 86990.52 449.10 0.0 null
68_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_190A4 2 87353.71 87052.04 449.10 0.0 null
69_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_200C3U4 2 87543.13 86934.58 449.10 0.0 null
70_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_200C3U4 2 87245.41 86878.14 360.00 0.0 null
71_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_200C3U4 2 87248.20 87031.20 360.00 0.0 null
72_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_200C3U4 2 87323.20 86889.58 360.00 0.0 null
73_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H2 2 87437.11 86960.26 449.10 0.0 null
74_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H2 2 87308.97 86964.33 449.10 0.0 null
75_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H2 2 87458.97 86856.53 449.10 0.0 null
76_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_52_3MG4E 2 87547.20 86876.87 449.10 0.0 null
77_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_52_3MG4E 2 87453.89 86893.14 449.10 0.0 null
78_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_52_3MG4E 2 87962.84 86478.53 524.10 0.0 null
79_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_52_3MG4E 2 87960.95 86523.83 539.10 0.0 null
80_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_52_3MG4E 2 87958.09 86567.32 539.10 0.0 null
81_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_52_3MG4E 2 87814.17 86532.24 270.00 0.0 null
82_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_52_3MG4E 2 87811.64 86465.14 270.00 0.0 null
83_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$ME_323 2 87397.59 86514.47 315.00 0.0 null
84_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$ME_323 2 87516.86 86385.55 315.00 0.0 null
85_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$ME_323 2 87427.92 86456.56 315.00 0.0 null
86_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$ME_323 2 87645.08 86546.18 270.00 0.0 null
0_bld House$46BoxCoverMedW 1 89757.52 95132.93 600.00
1_bld House$46BoxCoverMedW 1 89787.82 95132.04 600.00
2_bld House$46BoxCoverMedW 1 89732.71 95018.01 600.00
3_bld House$46BoxCoverMedW 1 89872.04 94927.86 600.00
4_bld House$46BoxCoverMedW 1 89780.38 95121.80 600.00
5_bld House$46BoxCoverMedW 1 89770.20 95137.45 600.00
6_bld House$46BoxCoverMedW 1 89763.06 95143.80 600.00
7_bld House$46BoxCoverMedW 1 89511.05 94839.69 600.00
8_bld House$46BoxCoverMedW 1 89544.35 94909.74 600.00
9_bld House$46BoxCoverMedW 1 89900.71 95027.50 600.00
10_bld House$46Palette_W 1 89921.59 95007.14 600.00
11_bld House$46Palette_W 1 89530.18 94892.57 600.00
12_bld House$46Palette_W 1 89512.23 94867.60 600.00
13_bld House$46Palette_W 1 89504.50 94857.91 600.00
14_bld House$46Palette_W 1 89735.07 95014.22 600.00
15_bld House$46Palette_W 1 89937.80 94987.29 600.00
16_bld House$46Palette_W 1 89554.92 94771.59 585.00
17_bld House$46Palette_W 1 89594.34 94741.21 585.00
18_bld House$46BoxCoverMedW 1 89222.29 95595.12 360.00
19_bld House$46BoxCoverMedW 1 89219.81 95596.55 360.00
20_bld House$46BoxCoverMedW 1 89209.89 95694.98 360.00
21_bld House$46BoxCoverMedW 1 89234.33 95584.58 360.00
22_bld House$46BoxCoverMedW 1 89232.97 95587.63 360.00
23_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 89172.63 95650.95 495.00
24_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 89160.05 95669.36 495.00
25_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 89184.75 95663.08 495.00
26_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 89224.28 95601.10 495.00
27_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 89233.26 95572.35 495.00
28_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 89237.75 95567.86 495.00
29_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 89233.26 95566.51 495.00
30_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 89824.78 94941.45 495.00
31_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 89907.38 94943.21 495.00
32_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 89907.38 94955.51 495.00
33_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 89907.38 94962.54 495.00
34_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 89907.38 94962.54 495.00
35_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 89708.80 95094.34 495.00
36_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 89712.32 95106.64 495.00
37_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 89722.86 95115.42 495.00
38_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 88624.55 95315.76 495.00
39_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 88671.10 95315.76 495.00
40_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 88735.26 95315.76 495.00
41_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 88765.13 95310.48 495.00
3 2 1 55 501 55166 79695 2050
1 0 0 30 250 89694 95326 1300
FrontMarker0 93108.43 127730.12 1
FrontMarker1 66698.80 115585.54 1
FrontMarker2 58409.64 102091.57 1
FrontMarker3 106620.93 54856.97 1
FrontMarker4 135903.61 95537.35 1
FrontMarker5 118746.99 119633.73 1
FrontMarker6 101196.67 86484.66 2
FrontMarker7 71518.07 113272.18 2
In the download of the FMs there is a FM_Pe-2_3_190F\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\flightmodels.ini folder. The author wrote the classfiles so they will not work as is without this file in your game.
All the same < i will inlcude their FMs in our next buttons, so you wont need this file, if you can wait.
Karabas, it would be great if you can for future mods, email the FMs to me so I can easily put them in SAS buttons immediately :)
Karabas, it would be great if you can for future mods, email the FMs to me so I can easily put them in SAS buttons immediately :)
5.2B buttons is up.
OK, thanks!!
All works now, but there are still some LOD value issues that I had to correct.
Konstantin just emailed me the FM's. I am sure in the future we will get it all working better :D Our timings were all off this time.
Anyway, they are all in the buttons now.
All works great for me
cheers to Karabas and CirX
thanks guys
It all works now ;D
Strangely enough once I got all the relevant files this mod worked no problem whatsoever. Spooky...
Okay, I'll bite.
What's the idea with the rockets?
Are they meant to fire at attacking planes? Or do you make an attack run, pull up very sharply, and attack it on the way out as well?
Just a guess but there as a nasty sting for German fighter getting too close.
or maybe they are just glad to see you? :)
Speaking of rockets; i am unable to get my AI PE-2 type 32 to use its FORWARD firing rockets on ground targets, since the load out is mixed such as 4 fab 100 //10 rs 82 rockets, whenever i attack an airfield they dump bombs on target and just continue along waypoints. This is with the target linked as a ground attack target not just the bomb icon over the airbase. Giving the wingman the command of target ground/all or vehicles gets a radio response but no attack. Can anyone else test this and see if im not seeing things. Pe-3 types m and serial both have the capability and do attack ground targets on a repeat pass after bombs away.
below is the mission:
MAP Net1Summer/load.ini
TIME 16.0
CloudType 1
CloudHeight 1500.0
player r0100
army 1
playerNum 2
Planes 4
Skill 2
Class air.PE_2SERIES32
Fuel 70
weapons 4fab100_10rs82
NORMFLY 40407.61 44014.52 700.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 43059.01 31470.93 700.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 44897.24 17715.95 700.00 350.00 &0
GATTACK 45544.01 8208.10 700.00 350.00 13_Static 0 &0
NORMFLY 41538.28 11598.41 700.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 37670.77 24867.06 700.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 38150.03 37915.20 500.00 350.00 &0
LANDING 42188.74 41369.63 0 0 &0
Planes 3
Skill 1
Class air.YAK_7B_late
Fuel 75
weapons default
NORMFLY 38869.27 44335.55 1500.00 350.00 r0100 0 &0
NORMFLY 40147.18 31549.57 1500.00 350.00 r0100 1 &0
NORMFLY 42855.83 16665.17 1500.00 350.00 III_KG302 2 &0
NORMFLY 45558.49 7453.01 1500.00 350.00 III_KG301 0 &0
NORMFLY 44631.16 12000.54 1000.00 350.00 &0
LANDING 40786.68 42188.51 0 0 &0
Planes 2
Skill 1
Class air.JU_52_3MG4E
Fuel 35
weapons default
NORMFLY 42743.68 6464.67 650.00 197.00 &0
LANDING 46878.56 8468.88 0 0 &0
Planes 2
Skill 1
Class air.JU_52_3MG4E
Fuel 40
weapons default
NORMFLY 29447.86 3208.00 650.00 197.00 &0
LANDING 46878.56 8468.88 0 0 &0
Planes 2
Skill 1
Class air.BF_110F2
Fuel 50
weapons default
NORMFLY 29198.39 4986.35 1000.00 300.00 III_KG301 0 &0
NORMFLY 38811.24 7402.41 1000.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 45545.38 9407.23 1000.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 48938.15 10846.59 1000.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 48218.47 4266.67 1000.00 300.00 r0100 2 &0
Planes 4
Skill 1
Class air.PE_2SERIES32
Fuel 70
weapons 4fab100_10rs82
NORMFLY 39406.15 45183.01 700.00 350.00 r0100 0 &0
NORMFLY 42121.67 31367.58 700.00 350.00 r0100 1 &0
NORMFLY 43684.46 17448.78 700.00 350.00 r0100 2 &0
GATTACK 45455.35 8578.74 700.00 350.00 11_Static 0 &0
NORMFLY 42204.02 11926.10 700.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 38554.22 24777.51 700.00 350.00 r0100 5 &0
NORMFLY 38502.81 35881.12 500.00 350.00 &0
LANDING 40765.38 42193.55 0 0 &0
Planes 2
Skill 1
Class air.BF_109F4R1
Fuel 100
weapons pods
TAKEOFF 45290.43 8468.88 0 0 &0
NORMFLY 47500.08 8483.85 1800.00 300.00 r0101 3 &0
0_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E4 2 45487.34 8606.39 449.10 0.0 null
1_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E4 2 45582.53 8613.88 449.10 0.0 null
2_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E4 2 45414.03 8611.12 449.10 0.0 null
3_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E4 2 45562.22 8606.89 449.10 0.0 null
4_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E4 2 45444.12 8320.27 360.00 0.0 null
5_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E4 2 45438.99 8238.07 360.00 0.0 null
6_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109E4 2 45433.85 8155.87 360.00 0.0 null
7_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_200C3U4 2 46503.69 8639.21 449.10 0.0 null
8_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_200C3U4 2 45546.87 8130.18 360.00 0.0 null
9_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_200C3U4 2 45475.83 8208.51 360.00 0.0 null
10_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H2 2 45450.97 8603.97 449.10 0.0 null
11_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H2 2 45512.90 8606.16 449.10 0.0 null
12_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H2 2 45648.03 8606.74 449.10 0.0 null
13_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H2 2 45546.25 8212.69 360.00 0.0 null
14_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H2 2 45547.78 8269.46 360.00 0.0 null
15_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$HE_111H2 2 45523.39 8332.33 360.00 0.0 null
16_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak38_20mm 2 45226.75 8662.12 360.00 0.0 0
18_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 46946.57 8736.89 360.00 0.0 0
19_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 45273.47 8152.06 360.00 0.0 0
20_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$VW82t 2 45587.94 8611.71 360.00 0.0
21_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 45517.66 8610.16 360.00 0.0
22_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 46516.41 8638.11 360.00 0.0
23_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_radio 2 46045.94 8422.31 630.00 0.0
24_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_medic 2 46060.84 8421.36 630.00 0.0
25_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_medic 2 45446.32 8287.59 360.00 0.0
26_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_radio 1 41471.97 41915.72 480.00 0.0
27_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS5_medic 1 41448.29 41925.53 480.00 0.0
28_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS6_fuel 1 40874.59 41782.65 480.00 0.0
29_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$ZIS6_fuel 1 41641.47 41531.53 480.00 0.0
30_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$IL_4_DB3M 1 41178.87 42353.27 480.00 0.0 null
31_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$IL_4_DB3M 1 41251.29 42319.03 480.00 0.0 null
32_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$IL_4_DB3M 1 41301.34 42298.33 480.00 0.0 null
33_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$IL_4_DB3M 1 41343.12 42279.52 480.00 0.0 null
34_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153P 1 41390.91 42264.09 480.00 0.0 null
35_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153P 1 41421.02 42252.04 480.00 0.0 null
36_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$I_153P 1 41454.89 42208.39 480.00 0.0 null
37_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$IL_2_1940Late 1 41154.57 42299.46 480.00 0.0 null
38_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$IL_2_1940Late 1 41181.66 42282.15 480.00 0.0 null
39_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$IL_2_1940Late 1 41216.66 42258.06 480.00 0.0 null
40_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$MIG_3UD 1 41251.66 42239.62 480.00 0.0 null
41_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$PE_2SERIES1 1 41287.42 42222.69 480.00 0.0 null
42_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$PE_2SERIES1 1 41337.47 42207.26 480.00 0.0 null
43_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$PE_2SERIES1 1 41394.30 42173.01 480.00 0.0 null
44_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$PE_2SERIES1 1 41795.43 41938.23 524.10 0.0 null
45_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$PE_2SERIES1 1 41812.66 41899.54 524.10 0.0 null
46_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$SB_2M103 1 41769.85 42008.39 524.10 0.0 null
47_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$SB_2M103 1 41785.70 41977.79 524.10 0.0 null
48_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$TB_3_4M_34R 1 41298.47 41639.48 255.00 0.0 null
49_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$TB_3_4M_34R 1 41319.33 41562.28 240.00 0.0 null
50_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$TB_3_4M_34R 1 41405.28 42207.95 480.00 0.0 null
51_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$TB_3_4M_34R 1 41200.64 42312.30 480.00 0.0 null
52_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Maxime4 1 41748.44 41773.43 615.00 0.0 0
53_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Maxime4 1 41059.89 42217.24 615.00 0.0 0
54_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit61K 1 40507.11 42008.09 615.00 0.0 0
55_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit61K 1 40877.41 42436.65 615.00 0.0 0
56_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit61K 1 42286.70 41622.07 510.00 0.0 0
57_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit61K 1 41955.10 41232.80 615.00 0.0 0
58_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Maxime4 1 41404.96 41602.67 615.00 0.0 0
17_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_37mm 2 46930.88 8136.06 360.00 0.0 0
59_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Citerne_POMP 1 41820.09 41887.50 389.10 0.0
60_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Citerne_POMP 1 41500.75 41905.37 389.10 0.0
61_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Citerne_POMP 1 41366.73 41620.16 389.10 0.0
0_bld House$FurnitureSandbags_Round 1 45226.24 8662.17 360.00
1_bld House$FurnitureSandbags_Round 1 45272.08 8152.34 360.00
2_bld House$FurnitureSandbags_Round 1 46929.93 8135.96 360.00
3_bld House$FurnitureSandbags_Round 1 46945.07 8736.94 360.00
4_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 46698.43 8654.69 360.00
5_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 46674.75 8655.64 360.00
6_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 46016.50 8427.38 360.00
7_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 45405.60 8102.52 360.00
8_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 45405.60 8134.72 360.00
9_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 45406.54 8164.08 360.00
10_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 45591.23 8089.26 360.00
11_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 45584.61 8111.99 360.00
12_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 45455.80 8084.52 360.00
13_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 45487.10 8083.57 360.00
14_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 45425.49 8365.82 360.00
15_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 45466.21 8197.23 360.00
16_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 45452.95 8194.39 360.00
17_bld House$46Bomb2 1 45521.11 8333.59 360.00
18_bld House$46Bomb2 1 45520.21 8334.26 360.00
19_bld House$46Bomb2 1 45518.13 8334.37 360.00
20_bld House$46Bomb2 1 45540.97 8263.53 360.00
21_bld House$46Bomb2 1 45542.28 8259.29 360.00
22_bld House$46Bomb2 1 45542.28 8218.52 360.00
23_bld House$46Bomb2 1 45540.97 8207.42 360.00
24_bld House$46Bomb2 1 45418.96 8210.36 360.00
25_bld House$46Bomb2 1 45418.96 8216.23 360.00
26_bld House$46Bomb2 1 45419.29 8223.41 360.00
27_bld House$46Bomb2 1 45445.58 8607.69 360.00
28_bld House$46Bomb2 1 45445.74 8609.15 360.00
29_bld House$46Bomb2 1 45445.74 8611.58 360.00
30_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 45406.70 8602.75 360.00
31_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 45407.67 8591.42 360.00
32_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 45509.73 8611.18 360.00
33_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 45454.00 8608.26 360.00
34_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 45640.38 8611.24 360.00
35_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 45420.90 8361.13 360.00
36_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 45419.90 8373.18 360.00
37_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 45612.25 8349.07 360.00
38_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 45605.72 8346.56 360.00
39_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 45608.74 8316.43 360.00
40_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 45441.50 8313.42 360.00
41_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 45608.24 8223.01 360.00
42_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 45609.24 8253.15 360.00
43_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 45418.39 8230.05 360.00
44_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 45417.39 8239.59 360.00
45_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 45609.74 8163.75 360.00
46_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 45608.74 8194.39 360.00
47_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 45594.67 8366.65 360.00
48_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 45595.18 8356.10 360.00
49_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 45595.18 8345.56 360.00
50_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 45595.18 8334.51 360.00
51_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 46455.88 8624.31 360.00
52_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 46457.17 8640.10 360.00
53_bld House$46LWBoxes 1 46455.88 8605.06 360.00
54_bld House$FurnitureSandbags_Round 1 41955.25 41232.19 614.10
55_bld House$FurnitureSandbags_Round 1 42287.20 41622.26 524.10
56_bld House$FurnitureSandbags_Round 1 41748.95 41773.14 524.10
57_bld House$FurnitureSandbags_Round 1 41405.57 41602.56 524.10
58_bld House$FurnitureSandbags_Round 1 40876.87 42436.41 704.10
59_bld House$FurnitureSandbags_Round 1 40506.80 42008.99 434.10
60_bld House$FurnitureSandbags_Round 1 41059.61 42217.28 389.10
61_bld House$46Bomb2 1 41801.66 41934.94 389.10
62_bld House$46Bomb2 1 41792.88 41974.54 389.10
63_bld House$46Bomb2 1 41776.51 42006.78 389.10
64_bld House$46Bomb2 1 41695.80 42008.20 389.10
65_bld House$46Bomb2 1 41701.93 42007.87 389.10
66_bld House$46Bomb2 1 41156.67 42298.08 389.10
67_bld House$46Bomb2 1 41183.80 42280.90 389.10
68_bld House$46Bomb2 1 41221.14 42254.46 389.10
69_bld House$46Bomb2 1 41291.45 42220.96 389.10
70_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 41261.61 42074.65 389.10
71_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 41310.11 42215.66 389.10
72_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 41262.37 42240.21 389.10
73_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 41225.83 42260.76 389.10
74_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 41165.81 42302.06 389.10
75_bld House$46Bomb2 1 41293.14 42224.95 389.10
76_bld House$46Bomb2 1 41342.28 42204.10 389.10
77_bld House$46Bomb2 1 41338.93 42211.92 389.10
78_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 41255.54 42072.14 389.10
79_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 41249.22 42067.67 389.10
1 0 0 0 500 46274 8305 1250
3 2 1 55 501 41467 41785 1150
FrontMarker0 452.01 11341.25 1
FrontMarker1 18737.72 16354.41 1
FrontMarker2 35379.78 28558.59 1
FrontMarker3 49063.24 36571.43 1
FrontMarker4 534.19 8957.95 2
FrontMarker5 19148.64 15614.77 2
FrontMarker6 38379.45 23011.24 2
FrontMarker7 49843.98 36160.51 2
Updated at v1.0
All work fine without any CTD or issue that can be noticed by an unskilled guy like me!
Really top work mate!!!
Updated at v1.0
All work fine without any CTD or issue that can be noticed by an unskilled guy like me!
Really top work mate!!!
Only Pe-2 and Pe-3_fieldmod.
Pe-3_bis_serial - beta vershion, small alteration of a nose is required.
There will be still a completion since on new sources it is found out that attacking RS should be RS-132 and RS-82 defensive
How widespread was this rear firing rocket thing or merely a short lived prototype/test? By looking at it not very effective and easily avoided by attacking from low 6. I have read accounts on IL-2's and PE's dropping small bomblets behind them that explode on contact to scare off a fighter.
It would be nice if the variants included all rocket or all bomb loadouts (as opposed to the current situation where almost all loadouts have a combination of rockets and bombs)
Pe-3 field mod., the exact data about quantity is not present, but it is known that such alterations were carried out in several regiments are tens planes. Simultaneously there were not modified planes.
Pe-2 32 series and Pe-3 bis - planes serial, RS on them were factory installation.
RS for shooting back on them it is field completion and the data as are unknown, but as it is tens planes.
I have CTD at 60% with these planes.
My path is - C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Il-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\Pe-2_32_206
I included the 2 sub folders for the planes in the parent folder.
I am using the latest (April 15) buttons. What's up?
Should I put the 2 folders into the mods folder INDIVIDUALLY? They come packaged together in one parent folder.
Spassiba, tovarishch. Worked perfectly.
I don't understand the differences between the stock Pe-3 bis and the Pe-3 bis serial.
The field mod should have the back rockets if I remember right.....
The field mod should have the back rockets if I remember right.....
Exactly, it does :)
I am talking about the Pe-3 bis serial, NOT the initial Pe-3 field mod version.
Was recently reading that Gneiss-2 airborne radar was installed on the Pe-3 in 1942 as a nightfighter version. 8)
I don't understand the differences between the stock Pe-3 bis and the Pe-3 bis serial.
The serial had other shooting arms: 1x ShVAK, 3x UB, 1x ShKAS
That that in game - not serial, is constructed one skilled copy.
The arms - SAB-15 and SAB-100 (Light aerial bombs) are added
Small corrections.
Should we put the new weapons folder into the MODS folder, or something else?
Should we put the new weapons folder into the MODS folder, or something else?
Thanks for the help! :D
Tip: download the newly improved pe-32 and 206, there are changes in the weapons ru etc. Download and install the sab folder, unzip it it says "weapons", put weapons into mods folder. Result is new sab flares. quite cool, good stuff, many thanks for this update.
I just downloaded the Pe-3bis_serial.rar
In the Pe-3bis_serial.txt, the loadouts are not in western characters, only cyrillic
Can someone help ?
OK, here are my loadout entries:
# Pe-3bis_serial
Pe-3bis_serial.default Default
Pe-3bis_serial.2fab100 2xFAB-100
Pe-3bis_serial.4fab100 4xFAB-100
Pe-3bis_serial.2fab250 2xFAB-250
Pe-3bis_serial.2fab250_2fab100 2xFAB-250 + 2xFAB-100
Pe-3bis_serial.scout Scout
Pe-3bis_serial.fieldmod 8xRS-82 + 2xRS-82
Pe-3bis_serial.none Empty
This has gotten over my head .... :-X not noticing it at all :'( until now ;D juhuu thank you very much Sir
Thank you birdman
Pe-3 not compatiple with 4.10+DBW ? any chances to have it working there?
A nice Tool called: Auto DiffFM
Give it a try, I could run these Pe's and Schmittfire in my 4.101m+DBW 1.71 install.
Thanks, I tried that, but no result...Perhaps some other mods conflict
I use it without auto diff fm, and works fine, yes maybe it conflict with an other mod
Pe-3 not compatiple with 4.10+DBW ? any chances to have it working there?
Pe-2_32 is already in DBW1.7, Pe-2_206 and Pe-3M also, but hidden !
I installed the mods and just filled the air.ini: I got the year informations, and double loadouts...
So I removed the mod folders and keep the infos in the air.ini: no CTD at 70%, no double loadouts.
The good question now is: are the DBW aircrafts the same of the mods, or a previous version with differences, FM for instance?
Works in 4.12 SAS ModAct 5.11 :) Thank you!
Pe-2, 1941 (11 series),Pe-2, 1941 (22 series),Pe-2, 1941 (32 series),Pe-2, 1942 (87 series),Pe-2, 1942 (115 series),Pe-2, 1943 (206 series),Pe-2, 1944 (354 series) - https://www.mediafire.com/download/aveqvvyr908xcna/plane_Pe2.rar
Author- Karabas-Barabas! This Pack works in 4.12 SAS ModAct 5.11 :) Thank you!
Works in 4.12 SAS ModAct 5.11 :) Thank you!
Pe-2, 1941 (11 series),Pe-2, 1941 (22 series),Pe-2, 1941 (32 series),Pe-2, 1942 (87 series),Pe-2, 1942 (115 series),Pe-2, 1943 (206 series),Pe-2, 1944 (354 series) - https://www.mediafire.com/download/aveqvvyr908xcna/plane_Pe2.rar
Author- Karabas-Barabas! This Pack works in 4.12 SAS ModAct 5.11 :) Thank you!
Can someone put this into the first page, please? :)
For easy search for the working link ;)
done (so far). :-X
have you tested Guzknifes mod in 4.09 or 4.10?
No, I do only have 4.12.2 + SAS MA and 4.10 + UP installs so far.
But I can't install any mod on UP even if it works in the 4.10 and/or DBW...
Using it only for online flying.
Gerax, no chance with Guzknife's in 4.101m/DBW, 20% CTD. I don't have Karabas' files no more. :'(
I will do a search .. hope I find something on my external HD. :-X
found the 410 pack (100MB), extracted and unzipped the weapons only.
KL please try.
If this doesn't help, I try to upload the whole pack. ;)
No Gerax, 20% CTDs all the way.
Sorry... :-\
OK, lets forget the weapons extract, I uploaded the whole 4.10 pack
and the relevant 4.11 mods (but without the maps).
Please see first post for DLs. ;)
As I had the original DL page on my HD (the links here was dead)
I attach the (cyrillic) text.
Took a while to go trough, here is what worked in my DBW.
Of note is one extra air.ini left by the authors, it does no harm.
3E32EB401F865CB8 Pe-2series115
4F16CB22E958CA68 Pe-2series32
5A7A1336E22D89A8 Pe-2series87
A65BF2B2EF1BED8E Pe-2series11
ABB840F4F87B9C10 Pe-2series354
74AB6970B8E29B90 Pe-2series206
AC509C3C57C7CD2A Pe-2series22
9B281E185B521046 PE_3M
Pe-3bis_Serial air.PE_3BIS_SERIAL 1 r01 WINTER
Pe-2series11 air.PE_2SERIES11 1 r01 SUMMER
Pe-2series22 air.PE_2SERIES22 1 r01 SUMMER
Pe-2series32 air.PE_2SERIES32 1 r01 SUMMER
Pe-2series87 air.PE_2SERIES87 1 r01 WINTER
Pe-2series115 air.PE_2SERIES115 1 r01 SUMMER
Pe-2series206 air.PE_2SERIES206 1 r01 SUMMER
Pe-2series354 air.PE_2SERIES354 1 r01 WINTER
Pe-3M air.PE_3M 1 r01 WINTER
Hope this helps
Thanks for reviving
Many thanks KL! :)
One question: what exactly have you used to have the Pe's in DBW?
I assume: the 412 Pack by Guzknife (as in reply #58) + the classfiles
you uploaded (they are from the 410 pack now linked in first post?).
And the entries are as in your second quote without the Pe-3bis_Serial?
Correct? When, I could do a proper entry in first post. ;)
Original Pack provided by Gerax is dated to be edited December 2011
Guzknife's is dated to be edited April 2012
I didn't tried mixing the way you described,
as I got CTD, thought sth. was missing.
Not even looked up manually as I had no further reference (original Backup).
Infact I took 3 folders from this:
New link for Nullware 4.10 pack:
The sort of state they are in this Patch, no further editing.
After it worked I looked up manually the Classfiles, then later found the entry in this Basic file given.
Hope this Helps,
Hope this Helps
It does. many thanks. ;)
Make a entry in first post later.
But for now I install into my DBW. ;D
EDIT: works!
one air.ini line was missing:
Pe-3M air.PE_3M 1 r01 WINTER
first post completely renewed. Packs and planes are available now. ;)
Flew these over Stalingrad(cyberolas of course), a great pack! Thanks!
:-[ Uuups, that went under, ahem, corrected the entries.
Thanks for the Heads up...
Best wishes
can this mod be done for 4.13?
These ones should be in BAT ! same for the A-20 with Russian turret too...
I don't want Bat I love SAS modact 6.0
Hi all does anyone have the 4.12 versions of the Pe-2s still lying around?
Thanks in advance!
Hi all does anyone have the 4.12 versions of the Pe-2s still lying around?
Yes. See the attachement! ;)
Awesome! Thanks Gerax! ;D