Always open to more IJN ships.
My only question is: Are you planning to do the carrier-battleship only? Or are you going to do a no-flightdeck version?
Wow interesting. I wasn't aware off such rocked launchers on ships.
It was possible also land here? I think that Suisei started with the help of a catapult, then had to go back only to the mainland.
Wow interesting. I wasn't aware off such rocked launchers on ships.
The Royal Navy also used rockets for AAA, a 20 rocket mount.
Details here:
Apparently spectacular but ineffective. They were all replaced at the earliest opportunity.
Wow interesting. I wasn't aware off such rocked launchers on ships.
The Royal Navy also used rockets for AAA, a 20 rocket mount.
Details here:
Apparently spectacular but ineffective. They were all replaced at the earliest opportunity.
magnificent ship
dCatapultOffsetX 2.0
dCatapultOffsetY 4.0
dCatapultYaw 7.9
catapultPower 20
bSteamCatapult 1
... Mates, if you want to use this beautiful ship as a aircraft carrier to take off from her, with SAS Engine mod (, you can do that adding the following lines to your Catapults.iniCool 8) Thx for the hint ;D
Hello Damawo! Cool ship you have made, thanks for this! :)
I've made some testing today... Mates, if you want to use this beautiful ship as a aircraft carrier to take off from her, with SAS Engine mod (, you can do that adding the following lines to your Catapults.ini ( ;) :) Sure you'd like it 8)
(tested with D4Y2, 100% fuel and 500 kg bomb; Ise's speed 5 km/h)
Is there anything specifically that would prevent this from working in 4.10.1 / DBW? I know the amidships turrets would have restricted fields of fire, but anything else?
Thank you for your work! This is indeed a very unusual ship :o But why are turned catapults?..
Ise's catapults was directed to aft to open the field of fire for #3-4 turret when battle of cape Engano.It is understood. But, it may be wise to turn the catapult along the boards, at least for the version that you called 'firing situation'. Then start from catapults will look more natural, do not you think?
My model expresses this situation.
It is understood. But, it may be wise to turn the catapult along the boards, at least for the version that you called 'firing situation'. Then start from catapults will look more natural, do not you think?
Oh, of course! I just made a mistake, sorry :-\It is understood. But, it may be wise to turn the catapult along the boards, at least for the version that you called 'firing situation'. Then start from catapults will look more natural, do not you think?Hmm? I think what you want is normal version that catapults directed to forward.
The version I release now is firing situation.
Please wait progress of my works!Waiting ... impatiently ;)
And what if idea - Can catapult be alligned to main guns ? I.e. directed to forward and turn to the side when main guns start to move ? Could it be done ?
How do you get the plane take off from the deck? The plane spawns on the deck facing forward and I don't think you could take off when you are facing that direction.Do you have this ( installed?
I'm using 2.6 on my 4.10+DBW1.71How do you get the plane take off from the deck? The plane spawns on the deck facing forward and I don't think you could take off when you are facing that direction.Do you have this ( installed?
Speed 29.632 //47.4
Pivot axes for the shadow mesh must be aligned normal to the surface, not aligned to the world.This line was important for me!
Hello all! I've made some research and found out (according to wiki) that speed of the Ise lineship should be quite different from current values. If you agree with me, here are my search results (to replace in ships.ini):Code: [Select]Speed 29.632 //47.4
Have a nice flights, have a nice fights ;D
Hello all! I've made some research and found out (according to wiki) that speed of the Ise lineship should be quite different from current values. If you agree with me, here are my search results (to replace in ships.ini):Hi The Radge.
Have a nice flights, have a nice fights ;D
we need an E16A1 now :)
Recently I'm looking for information about the bomb mount rack in the under fuselage.
Is it swing rod type like as Type99 bomber Val, implanted type like as mount of N1k2-ja's wing or other type?
Maybe I should go library of the National Institute for Defense Studies in japan to search the official text by Aichi Aircraft Company.
Damawo one question, the seaplanes took off from the aft deck launched by catapult and then recovered by a crane?Hi RealDarko.
Hi RealDarko.
The catapult will work by SAS engine mod without special technical addition.
However, Ise-Mod doesn't have crane recovery function now and I don't have no idea to implement it.
Damawo one question, the seaplanes took off from the aft deck launched by catapult and then recovered by a crane?Hi RealDarko.
The catapult will work by SAS engine mod without special technical addition.
Help!.......Do you have youre hd mod on
Ise "works" in my 4.12 5.30, except the flight deck is pink...
Very strange.
Any ideas????
Do you have youre hd mod on
what I can do?
They not Working and They not showed up
Overwrite? What mean this :(
I'm still confused?
Its can't work can you help me?
What you install high resolution mod? What version you installed?
My ise ship still not work :\'( :-[ ???
I'm still confused?
Its can't work can you help me?
What you install high resolution mod? What version you installed?
My ise ship still not work :\'( :-[ ???
I and damawo have shown you the checkpoints you have to look at.
texture files are correctly extracted and set in the folder? HD mod is working?
You don't feed back us about them, which checkpoint is OK another is OK.... we have no information about your game.
So, we cannot advise you any more without your feed backs.
I know but its not work because the HD not installed yet maybe sorry and my games version is 4.12.2+modact 5.3 with HD. this is work for 4.12.2?
Yes it work correctly and I installed themNext question, can you use other ship mod that use HD texture?
Next question, can you use other ship mod that use HD texture?
If not, try this file. (
This file include Ise that textures are changed to under 1kx1k.
Answer to pink deck in fmb is on page 8In what program should I add "hidden" ?
When HD texture mod isn't working, similar error comes.As weatern0221 said, I guess my 2k texture cause some problem.
Some PC environments (using not Intel CPU) may make strange behavior of HD texture mod --- enabling aircrafts HD textures, but not for others / ships , maps.
[IJNIseBB:Part5] <--- this is for #3 main Gun and [part6] is for #4 main Gun
BaseChunk Head3
AdditionalCollisionChunk0 Gun3
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunHuge
gunBasedOnThisSection gun_MkVII_356
FireFastTaget 1
HeadMinYaw 60 <--- -60
HeadMaxYaw 150 <---- -150
HeadMinYaw 60 <--- -150 (+direction is right direc. - is for left )
HeadMaxYaw 150 <---- -60 (sorry i mistake this value *edit on Dec. 29 2015 )
GunHeadChunk Head3
GunBarrelChunk Gun3
GunShellStartHook ShellStart3
// mid-ship 28mm quad - existence not definte
BaseChunk Head58_x
AdditionalCollisionChunk0 Gun58_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall
gunBasedOnThisSection gun_28_75Mk1
HeadMinYaw -130
HeadMaxYaw 130
NoFireMinYaw -50 /// Defines zone +/- 50deg where gun will not fire.
NoFireMaxYaw 50
GunHeadChunk Head58_x
GunBarrelChunk Gun58_x
GunShellStartHook ShellStart58
DamawoThanks! I don't know this function.
You can make the 3rd and 4th turret fire on both sides.
Sample ships.ini text from Lexington_42 is below.
Use the NoFireMinYaw and NoFireMaxYaw to prevent gun firing on superstructure.
BaseChunk Head3
AdditionalCollisionChunk0 Gun3
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunHuge
gunBasedOnThisSection gun_MkVII_356
FireFastTaget 1
HeadMinYaw -150
HeadMaxYaw 150
NoFireMinYaw -60
NoFireMaxYaw 60
GunHeadChunk Head3
GunBarrelChunk Gun3
GunShellStartHook ShellStart3
BaseChunk Head4
AdditionalCollisionChunk0 Gun4
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunHuge
gunBasedOnThisSection gun_MkVII_356
FireFastTaget 1
HeadMinYaw -150
HeadMaxYaw 150
NoFireMinYaw -70
NoFireMaxYaw 70
GunHeadChunk Head4
GunBarrelChunk Gun4
GunShellStartHook ShellStart4
You can make the 3rd and 4th turret fire on both sides.
Sample ships.ini text from Lexington_42 is below.
Use the NoFireMinYaw and NoFireMaxYaw to prevent gun firing on superstructure.
Love this hybrid ship..........but would also like the E16A 'Paul' Seaplane featured on this thread,can someone please point me in the right direction to where it's located.can't find it,thanks.
Love this hybrid ship..........but would also like the E16A 'Paul' Seaplane featured on this thread,can someone please point me in the right direction to where it's located.can't find it,thanks.If you have not received an answer for 3 years it may be because there has been no change!
Love this hybrid ship..........but would also like the E16A 'Paul' Seaplane featured on this thread,can someone please point me in the right direction to where it's located.can't find it,thanks.
Love this hybrid ship..........but would also like the E16A 'Paul' Seaplane featured on this thread,can someone please point me in the right direction to where it's located.can't find it,thanks.Love this hybrid ship..........but would also like the E16A 'Paul' Seaplane featured on this thread,can someone please point me in the right direction to where it's located.can't find it,thanks.If you have not received an answer for 3 years it may be because there has been no change!
Love this hybrid ship..........but would also like the E16A 'Paul' Seaplane featured on this thread,can someone please point me in the right direction to where it's located.can't find it,thanks.
E16A 'Paul' (Zuiun) is not finished, not published.
Only in damawo's hand .... Works In Progress.