Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => ModWorx => Topic started by: western0221 on January 24, 2014, 07:01:00 AM
This topic releasing patches is out of date , now.
Its last update was 19th/September/2016 and no more maintenance.
Those patches still have some bugs and will not have compatibility to later / newer Jet mods.
Newer full package of Engine MOD upgrade "2.7.1w" is here.
---------- ---------- ----------
Here is a private version patch of SAS Engine MOD 2.7.
After installing SAS Engine MOD 2.7 / OR / JapanCat's Merge Effect MOD with Engine MOD 2.7 ,
overwrite classfiles (inside "SAS_Engine_2.7_patch_western_20160504\!SAS_Engine_Mod" folder)
onto your "!SAS_Engine_Mod" folder / OR / "!SAS_Engine_Mod_MargeEffects_20151031R" folder and replace.
NOT TO COPY the folder "SAS_Engine_2.7_patch_western_****DATENUMBERS****".
Also needs SAS Common Utils. -- https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,40490.0.html
Today's version has 8x different patches to enable others' visual or sounds effects only you need and want.
Please take care which one you choose.
And when you report me the bug you face, please make clear which patch you use onto how modded game.
+ Simple update patch of Engine MOD 2.7 , no additional visual / sound effects version.
+ Update patch for JapanCat's Merge Effects , but no others.
Based on benitomuso(Pablo)'s Cockpit sound mod for v4.12.2 on 30th/Sep./2015.
Need installing his package first.
+ Update SAS Engine MOD 2.7 and merging PAL's sound classfiles.
+ Update patch for JapanCat's Merge Effects and merging PAL's sound classfiles.
Adding start-up and full-throttle flame visual effect.
+ Update SAS Engine MOD 2.7 and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.
+ Update patch for JapanCat's Merge Effects and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.
Containing all today's outside effects applying, Pablo's cockpit sound and start-up / full-throttle flame visual effect.
Need installing Pablo's Cockpit sound package first.
+ SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch.
+ Update patch for JapanCat's Merge Effects
Fixing Engine MOD 2.7 bugs
- Carrier Catapults powers
- Canopy closing in taking-off from carriers
- AI Jets behaviers
- AI crashing to the ground (Mountain pass problem)
- some MG bullets power around 20mm are too low
- Artillery stops to fire in being shot by enemy artillery
- "Open/Close Side Hatch" key bind is not saved to user setting file.
- fix the bug in pushing game speed lower key, the game makes an error when a catapult is used by an aircraft.
- Fixing Cockpit sound bug on Seaplanes.
- Fixing wings are folded in the mission spawning on Carriers, but when the deck is full and aircrafts become air-starting.
Fixing old version patch bugs
- drag bug of 29/Dec./2014
- some AI aircrafts cannot take-off by catapults bug of 25/Dec./2015 ~ 05/Feb./2016
New feature
- Ready to Jet Blast Deflector of Carrier deck (24/Jan./2014)
- Ready to ILS/TACAN (21/Apr./2014)
- Ready to new cruise missiles Tu-95 carrying (17/Oct./2014)
- AGM can shoot to bridges (17/Oct./2014)
- containing BT~wasted's CounterMeasures (17/Oct./2014)
- some unguided Rockets shows thier names on HUD when selected (Su-25's S-8/S-13/S-25/Kh-25MR) (17/Oct./2014)
- High speed jets care not to crash when they are shooting ground targets by machine-guns and rockets (12/Nov./2014)
- Rockets (unguided) can have an additional parameter in thier classfiles decreasing drop rate by gravity
(modelize modern rockets with SPINNing) (12/Nov./2014)
- Ready to S3's F/A-18 and AV-8B+ pack (29/Dec./2014)
- Extend Artillery fire range upto 60,000 meters (25/Jul./2015)
- Easy to make a taxing-turn under 30km/h for Jets' heavy loadouts (25/Oct./2015)
- modern carriers' catapults work in full power in any mission year (as default) (15/Dec./2015)
-- When "CatapultReferMissionYear=1" line is written in conf.ini [Mods] section , catapults' power is decreased by mission year in 2 steps earlier than 1953 or earlier than 1946 for backward compatibility.
- Steam Catapult smoke effect is shown in any mission year. Each carrier has Steam Catapult or not is written in Catapults.ini (In example USS Essex CV9 had Hydraulic pressure catapults from the first to Korean war era, for it "bSteamCatapult 0" is right. And in Vietnam war era after SCB-125 angled deck modernized, Essex had Steam catapults .... so "bSteamCatapult 1" is set in its Catapults.ini entry.) . "bSteamCatapult" line works only for Visual effect, nothing for pushing power (it is written as catapultPower and catapultPowerJets lines). (15/Dec./2015)
- Players can manipulate flaps control about the aircrafts having 3x positions "Raised / Take-off / Landing". (20/Dec./2015)
- AI can treat flaps correctly about those 3x positions and/or specific degrees flaps (non FBW modern Jets like MiG 21 and A-6). (20/Dec./2015)
- increase flaps up/down speed about modern Jets in high speed. (20/Dec./2015)
- fix the bug in pushing game speed lower key, the game makes an error when a catapult is used by an aircraft. (20/Dec./2015)
- when aircrafts have an afterburner function (its throttle can be increased upto 110%) , AI waits the thrust power is enough increased in launching by a catapult on carriers. (20/Dec./2015)
- make a "Limiter" code in Gear.class to avoid strange bouncing on the ground (AI often makes it on heavy jets) (09/Jan./2016)
- ready for 3 or more Ejection Seats (09/Jan./2016)
- ready for future easy expansion of new Ejection Seat models (09/Jan./2016)
- merging Pablo's Cockpit sound mod and/or full-throttle flame visual mod (11/Jan./2016)
- AI's throttle code of taking-off from carriers (04/May/2016)
- expanding Smart Analog axis function to 8x engines with 4x axis (04/May/2016)
- add new Wing Sweep Analog axis , V/STOL Jets can use it for nozzle rotating (04/May/2016)
- add new differencial gear brakes Analog axis (04/May/2016)
- Pylons and Rocket launchers can have their own weight and drag values (04/May/2016)
JapanCat's Merge Effect based on Engine MOD 2.7 for 4.12.2m is here.
*** conflicts and limit ***
Not compatible to benitomuso's Chock's MOD
( in future , we will merge both MODs in one without conflicts)
BT~wasted's CounterMeasures MOD
All features of his MOD is now contained in mine.
His old package makes a serious conflict to new mine.
Delete CounterMeasures folder.
*** ***
Canopy closing needs aircraft side new parameter in FM files.
Old FM not having canopy parameter and it doesn't work.
Please use latest FM , like released by
Vega https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=27908.0
Pauls. https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=37193.0
A-4 Skyhawk ... Vega will release a new FM next time.
A-7 CorsairII ... Vega will release a new FM and classfiles next time.
00000_NoOpenCanopy was a very old code 4.10.1m time , nothing compatible and nothing work to 4.12.2 and SAS Engine MOD 2.7. Delete Delete Delete...
*** ***
Rocket sample patch to enable 02/Dec./2014's new feature for Su-25's S-13 and S-25
When you want to step back an old version, I leave it here.
27/Dec./2015 (Stable)
Many thanks Western! :)
Yes, Thank You Western.
00000_NoOpenCanopy was a very old code 4.10.1m time , nothing compatible and nothing work to 4.12.2 and SAS Engine MOD 2.7. Delete Delete Delete...
True, BUT some old planes (like old-and-still-only-available-public F4) refer to it and if you remove it you get error and game won't start....
00000_NoOpenCanopy was a very old code 4.10.1m time , nothing compatible and nothing work to 4.12.2 and SAS Engine MOD 2.7. Delete Delete Delete...
True, BUT some old planes (like old-and-still-only-available-public F4) refer to it and if you remove it you get error and game won't start....
Sigh... You are right.
Here is a quick patch https://www.mediafire.com/download/9g3wi33a9b96klb/F-4%20Phantom%20II%20quick%20patch%2020140125.zip
and do you know another Jets reffer NoOpenCanopy?
If .... I have to make a patch them.
and do you know another Jets reffer NoOpenCanopy?
If .... I have to make a patch them.
I can't say for sure, simply don't remember and I removed original/decompiled classes a while ago so will have to start from scratch to check.
Where to find the "F-4 PhantomII ... I will release a whole new pack in middle February."?
Where to find the "F-4 PhantomII ... I will release a whole new pack in middle February."?
delay... delay... delay... maybe middle or late of this May.
Sorry :). Very want a good REAL phantom.
Thanks !
Version 21/Apr./2014 is released in my 1st post.
(21/Apr./2014 is a developping date. not release date.
I release it here after 1 month testing.)
If I install this mod, will the MiG-21 mod still work?
Using: 4.12.2m, MA5.3, JW1.33
Beta testing release of version 17/Oct./2014
- SAS Engine MOD 2.7
- SAS Common Utils
New feature
- Ready to new cruise missiles Tu-95 carrying (New Tu-95 will be released after about 1 month)
- AGM can shoot to bridges
- containing BT~wasted's CounterMeasures
- some unguided Rockets shows thier names on HUD when selected (Su-25's S-8/S-13/S-25/Kh-25MR)
This new Beta patch contains BT~wasted's CounterMeasures and conflicts with his package.
Delete CounterMeasures folder.
Known limitation features
- AI doesn't treat multiple missiles like F-4 PhantomII's AIM-7 or AIM-9
- AI doesn't shoot AGMs and cruise missiles
These may be solved in next SAS official update of Engine MOD. (cannot tell when)
Today's version is Beta test.
When you find something bugs, tell me here.
Thanks Wasted, will try ASAP.
My game crash's when I try to launch after selecting aircraft, have deleted BT~wasted's CounterMeasures.
My game crash's when I try to launch after selecting aircraft, have deleted BT~wasted's CounterMeasures.
Sorry, I forget 1 more requirement.
SAS Common Utils.
Game loads fine, but when loading a mission with the Su-25 I get a 30% error:
In fact, I am getting errors from most soviet aircraft... :(
SAS Common Utils 1.07 is installed?
Nope, sorry, will do that asap. You just posted while I was writing. I will edit my previous post.
Ok Western, now it works fine. Thank you.
Not seeing any weapons in the HUD display, Using weapon select button in controls, or is there a different setting i should be using.
Beta testing release of version 13/Nov./2014
- SAS Engine MOD 2.7
- SAS Common Utils
New feature
- High speed jets care not to crash when they are shooting ground targets by machine-guns and rockets
- Rockets (unguided) can have an additional parameter in thier classfiles decreasing drop rate by gravity
(modelize modern rockets with SPINNing)
This new Beta patch contains BT~wasted's CounterMeasures and conflicts with his package.
Delete CounterMeasures folder.
Known limitation features
- AI doesn't treat multiple missiles like F-4 PhantomII's AIM-7 or AIM-9
- AI doesn't shoot AGMs and cruise missiles
These may be solved in next SAS official update of Engine MOD. (cannot tell when)
Today's version is Beta test.
When you find something bugs, tell me here.
Rocket sample patch to enable today's new feature for Su-25's S-13 and S-25
Hello, Western! :)
What do you think of moving this topic to the SAS Essentials?..
I don't want it.
This topic is only my personal patch, not SAS official.
But almost of my new functions will be merged to next SAS official Engine MOD update.
Then this topic will be useless.
If I install this mod, will the MiG-21 mod still work?
Using: 4.12.2m, MA5.3, JW1.33
I doubt it, but even then, you could just go into your mods/SAS folder, find the file, and delete it if there are issues.
Today's version is Beta test.
When you find something bugs, tell me here.
Western, I have this problem with Carriers:
AI stock Corsair does a correct catapult start, but refuses to land.
It always "misses" the carrier and simply doesn't land.
Instead goes around and around the carrier ...
Tested this in a 5.12.2 MA5.30 test install with orig engineMod 2.7
patched with your 20141113 version.
Not patched engine mod 2.7 doesn't show this behavior...
Maybe something with the manoever class?
Thanks, Gerax.
I've touch AI behavier then.
I've not touch around landing but elsewhere may be conneced to landing.
I'll look at it.
take your time mate. ;)
Yes, me too.
AI asked for clearance to land, but carrier gave no answer.
Western, I have this problem with Carriers:
AI stock Corsair does a correct catapult start, but refuses to land.
It always "misses" the carrier and simply doesn't land.
Instead goes around and around the carrier ...
This carrier landing problem occues on not only 13/Nov./2014 , older 17/Oct./2014 was the same , wasn't it?
No one found , but the bug might exist.
I'll go back to older code of 21/Apr./2014, if that the same , more older 24/Jan./2014, to find when/why this bug birth.
Please wait to manage them.
you are right. This year in spring I lost my Il-2 installs when my HD died. UNtil I did not play only one carrier based campaign/mission where a mod needs EngineMod. But now when reinstalling some mods (ie ILS Tacan) who needs your patched EngMod versions I realisied that something is wrong. With Anto's orig EngineMod version it works! Therefore I asked you. ;)
Beta testing release of version 02/Dec./2014
- SAS Engine MOD 2.7
- SAS Common Utils
Bug fix
- AI landing to carriers on Recipro aircrafts
New feature
- High speed jets care not to crash when they are shooting ground targets by machine-guns and rockets
- Rockets (unguided) can have an additional parameter in thier classfiles decreasing drop rate by gravity
(modelize modern rockets with SPINNing)
This new Beta patch contains BT~wasted's CounterMeasures and conflicts with his package.
Delete CounterMeasures folder.
Known limitation features
- AI doesn't treat multiple missiles like F-4 PhantomII's AIM-7 or AIM-9
- AI doesn't shoot AGMs and cruise missiles
These may be solved in next SAS official update of Engine MOD. (cannot tell when)
Today's version is Beta test.
When you find something bugs, tell me here.
Rocket sample patch to enable today's new feature for Su-25's S-13 and S-25
many thanks western. Will try and report. ;)
only one question .. what do you mean with "recipro" carrier?
Hi Western,
Tried this on my TFM 4.12 and kept getting the dreaded 'referenced memory' COTD errors when loading missions thru QMB ?? Ok with the old set and no problems prior to using the new beta set!!
Is it OK, "Beta testing release of version 02/Dec./2014" ?
If so... I will replace my 1st post DL link to it.
Beta testing release of version 29/Dec./2014
- SAS Engine MOD 2.7
- SAS Common Utils
New feature from 02/Dec.2014
- Ready to S3's F/A-18 and AV-8B+
This patch contains BT~wasted's CounterMeasures and conflicts with his package.
Delete CounterMeasures folder.
Known limitation features
- AI doesn't treat multiple missiles like F-4 PhantomII's AIM-7 or AIM-9
- AI doesn't shoot AGMs and cruise missiles
These may be solved in next SAS official update of Engine MOD. (cannot tell when)
Today's version is Beta test.
When you find something bugs, tell me here.
Hi Western,
Happy new year m8 - pleased to say your new version works great, I think I omitted to '-' out the original countermeasures mod which probably caused my initial memory errors !!
Not really a problem, but does this mod touch the AI for pre 1946 planes? I ask because installing this mod is a prerequisite for another mod and it seemed to have made the AI flying pre 1946 planes more stupid then normal. Flawed carrier landings, flawed ground attack, and especially not obeying orders. Or is this just a side effect from using jet war in general? Thanks.
Not really a problem, but does this mod touch the AI for pre 1946 planes? I ask because installing this mod is a prerequisite for another mod and it seemed to have made the AI flying pre 1946 planes more stupid then normal. Flawed carrier landings, flawed ground attack, and especially not obeying orders. Or is this just a side effect from using jet war in general? Thanks.
Not only my patch, SAS Engine MOD 2.7 touch AI behaviers not only Jets but also ALL the aircrafts in some parts.
And I retouch again some parts of AI behaviers because of 2.7 has some bugs or not finished , some of my retouching are only for jets but others are for ALL.
Groung attacking or some landing patterns are edited intentionally by me for ALL to make better I feel.
If you can make a video to show comparing TD4.12.2 behavier and Engine MOD 2.7+my patch behavier, with texts in which scene you like TD's behavier it's why etc.... , I can understand your needs more right and think I can make it or cannot, if able how is the way.
No need to make a video. Just load the stock TD canyon (mountain pass?) mission to see the difference between TD 4.12.2 and Engine mod 2.7, and em 2.7 with western patch.
mountain pass mission is well known Engine MOD 2.7's problem.
That problem is not fixed in version 2.7 time even my patch.
In next SAS's version-up to 2.8 may fix it, I think.
But the schedule is not near.
mountain pass mission is well known Engine MOD 2.7's problem.
That problem is not fixed in version 2.7 time even my patch.
In next SAS's version-up to 2.8 may fix it, I think.
But the schedule is not near.
No worries. Take all the time you need. It's a minor pain in the butt for us offline guys when AI fly into the side of a hill lol. Thank you for your/others efforts.
I think version Beta 29/Dec./2014 is tested enough and no bugs to fix, I move it to my 1st post.
Contents and download link is nothing changed from Beta.
Very early stage of Beta testing release -- version 13/Jan./2015
- SAS Engine MOD 2.7
- SAS Common Utils
New feature from 29/Dec./2014
- Ready to S3's F/A-18 and AV-8B+ new update in the future
Bugfix from "all version 2.7 till 10/Jan./2015"
- AI ground avoidance (like 412 mountain mission problem)
This patch contains BT~wasted's CounterMeasures and conflicts with his package.
Delete CounterMeasures folder.
Known limitation features
- AI doesn't treat multiple missiles like F-4 PhantomII's AIM-7 or AIM-9
- AI doesn't shoot AGMs and cruise missiles
These may be solved in next SAS official update of Engine MOD. (cannot tell when)
Today's version is Beta test and its stage is very early, not tested enough in closed.
When you find something bugs, tell me here.
Mainly changed are around Flaps , both by player and by AI.
Using Analogue axis for Flaps is needed testing.
Thank you Western. Should we install it or better wait for S3's next update?
after update SAS Engine MOD 2.7 with last patch my game is crashes (20%). This is probably the cause :-\\
[15:55:25] No spawner for 'com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109K4C3'
[15:55:26] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
I replaced latest version Beta10/Jan./2015 to Beta13/Jan./2015.
Bugfix of "all versions SAS Engine MOD" ... "from 2.7 to 10/Jan./2015"
- AI avoidance ground (412 Mountain mission problem)
Very early stage of Beta testing release -- version 14/Jan./2015
- SAS Engine MOD 2.7
- SAS Common Utils
New feature from 29/Dec./2014
- Ready to S3's F/A-18 and AV-8B+ new update in the future
Bugfix from "all version 2.7 till 10/Jan./2015"
- AI ground avoidance (like 412 mountain pass mission problem)
Bugfix from 26/Dec./2014
- Abnormally large drag (It causes too low top speed in all aircrafts)
This patch contains BT~wasted's CounterMeasures and conflicts with his package.
Delete CounterMeasures folder.
Known limitation features
- AI doesn't treat multiple missiles like F-4 PhantomII's AIM-7 or AIM-9
- AI doesn't shoot AGMs and cruise missiles
These may be solved in next SAS official update of Engine MOD. (cannot tell when)
Today's version is Beta test and its stage is very early, not tested enough in closed.
When you find something bugs, tell me here.
Mainly changed are around Flaps , both by player and by AI.
Using Analogue axis for Flaps is needed testing.
hi western, your last patch fix the speed problem, already tested!
but now there are CTD when you start mission with your plane on the ground, for taking off
check the log
Loading mission QuickQMBPro/EastFront_Smolensk/EastFront_Smolenskbluescramble00.mis...
Month = 7 , Hour = 12
Temperature - 0m = 21.0 .
Temperature - 1000m = 14.51001 .
Temperature - 2000m = 8.019989 .
Temperature - 3000m = 1.5299988 .
Temperature - 4000m = -4.9599915 .
Temperature - 5000m = -11.450012 .
Temperature - 6000m = -17.940002 .
Temperature - 7000m = -24.429993 .
Temperature - 8000m = -30.919998 .
Temperature - 9000m = -37.410004 .
Temperature - 10000m = -43.899994 .
Temperature - 11000m = -50.39 .
Temperature - 12000m = -56.5 .
Loading map.ini defined airfields:
Load bridges
Load static objects
FM called 'FlightModels/AV-8B.fmd:AV8B' is being loaded from File: 'av8b'
FM called 'FlightModels/AV-8B.fmd:AV8B' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'av8b'
FM called 'FlightModels/Rolls-Royce:AV8B.emd' is being loaded from File: 'av8b'
FM called 'FlightModels/Rolls-Royce:AV8B.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'av8b'
Flight Model File FlightModels/AV-8B.fmd:AV8B contains no Mach Drag Parameters.
FM called 'FlightModels/AV-8B.fmd:AV8B' is being loaded from File: 'av8b'
FM called 'FlightModels/AV-8B.fmd:AV8B' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'av8b'
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
WARNING: ****( Unexpected txr reload (tfMipmap,tfNoCompress16Bit,tfCompressMajorAlpha): '3DO/Cockpit/F-18/Canopy.tga'
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
*** Diff Brakes Set to Type: 0
FM called 'FlightModels/He-111H-2.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
WARNING: ****( Unexpected txr reload (tfNoCompress16Bit,tfCompressMajorAlpha): '3do/plane/TEXTURES/glass.tga'
FM called 'FlightModels/Fi-156B-2.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
ERROR file: File users/0/Icons not found
Mission: QuickQMBPro/EastFront_Smolensk/EastFront_Smolenskbluescramble00.mis is Playing
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 10.5 -> 2 (delta = -8.5) to Range 0..2
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
at com.maddox.il2.objects.sounds.MotorSound.onEngineState(MotorSound.java:85)
at com.maddox.il2.fm.Motor.computeStage(Motor.java:2049)
at com.maddox.il2.fm.Motor.update(Motor.java:1126)
at com.maddox.il2.fm.EnginesInterface.update(EnginesInterface.java:280)
at com.maddox.il2.fm.RealFlightModel.update(RealFlightModel.java:551)
at com.maddox.il2.fm.FlightModelMain.tick(FlightModelMain.java:1084)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Interpolators.tick(Interpolators.java:222)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Actor.interpolateTick(Actor.java:434)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.InterpolateAdapter.msgTimeOut(InterpolateAdapter.java:174)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgTimeOut.invokeListener(MsgTimeOut.java:73)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:252)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
but now there are CTD when you start mission with your plane on the ground
Hi Mr.Pirlo! ;)
Just checked this, played 4 109G-6 and again with 2 F-18 scrambling
with "EastFront_Smolenskbluescramble00.mis" QMB mission:
everything is OK in my 4.12.2 MA5.30 EngMod-Patch-14-1-15 ...
something else is wrong in your install,
but its not this latest EngMod I think. :)
Maybe this helps to find the bug..
this happen to me only with the last western patch
if i restore older Patches all is ok
came got CTD exactly when i push "I" to start engines, with all planes
came got CTD exactly when i push "I" to start engines, with all planes
Again I can't confirm this. What says log?
came got CTD exactly when i push "I" to start engines, with all planes
Again I can't confirm this. What says log?
log is in this page ;)
This is only with few planes or with all?
I have CTD problem with few planes (F-18, SU-25, AV-8 etc.)
Try to turn off the shadow in your conf.ini
Probably this is nothing to do with SAS Engine MOD
This is only with few planes or with all?
I have CTD problem with few planes (F-18, SU-25, AV-8 etc.)
Try to turn off the shadow in your conf.ini
Probably this is nothing to do with SAS Engine MOD
with all planes, at the start on the ground when press "I" to start engine
When you install this patch, when you try to shoot any homing missile, on any plane, crashes the game. And without this patch, so I figured not work Phantoms. What to do?
When you install this patch, when you try to shoot any homing missile, on any plane, crashes the game. And without this patch, so I figured not work Phantoms. What to do?
Do you read 1st post all ?
Do you think "Beta version 14/Jan./2015" is stable?
If so, I will move it to the 1st post as a stable version.
I installed all the version of these patches, including the last one (20141229.7z), but it seems that the top speed pf the aircrafts is still lower than stock game:
i.e. A6M-21 in stock game reaches 370 kmh at 1000 mt. After installing this engine mod the speed is 320 kmh maximum at the same altitude.
I installed this engine mod to solve other problems such as AI landing on carriers, launching missiles from jet, etc...and this patches solved them but for the first time I notice this bug about top speed that still remains.
Is it only for me or someone else has noticed what I said?
A lot of thanks to western0221 for his big work!
I solved myself re-installing only 20150114.7z;
Top speed of fighters now is OK.
I get missing static aircraft markings in dgen campaigns with this mod. After I disable it the markings come back. Could you please check this in your install?
I get missing static aircraft markings in dgen campaigns with this mod. After I disable it the markings come back. Could you please check this in your install?
Thanks your report.
That is the first report reffering the bug.
Do you know the bug comes from "western patch" or "SAS Engine MOD 2.7" ?
If from "western patch" , I can check the differences of Java sources between Engine MOD 2.7 ones and mine.
If "SAS Engine MOD 2.7" already has had the bug, I have to check them from Stock4.12 sources.
I've never played DGEN, and don't know its workings.
I have to learn them from now.
Fixing the bug may need not short time.
hi western, i continue to have CTD when start engines with this patch
log here
[Feb 17, 2015 12:38:13 AM] ------------ BEGIN log session -------------
OpenGL provider: Opengl32.dll
OpenGL library:
Vendor: Intel
Render: Intel(R) HD Graphics
Version: 2.1.0 - Build
Extensions: GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_NV_blend_square GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_NV_conditional_render GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!
at com.maddox.il2.objects.sounds.MotorSound.onEngineState(MotorSound.java:85)
at com.maddox.il2.fm.Motor.computeStage(Motor.java:2049)
at com.maddox.il2.fm.Motor.update(Motor.java:1126)
at com.maddox.il2.fm.EnginesInterface.update(EnginesInterface.java:280)
at com.maddox.il2.fm.RealFlightModel.update(RealFlightModel.java:551)
at com.maddox.il2.fm.FlightModelMain.tick(FlightModelMain.java:1084)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Interpolators.tick(Interpolators.java:222)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Actor.interpolateTick(Actor.java:434)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.InterpolateAdapter.msgTimeOut(InterpolateAdapter.java:174)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgTimeOut.invokeListener(MsgTimeOut.java:73)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:252)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
i solved replacing the MotorSound.class file into your upgrade
maybe there is smth corrupt?
hello westerns , I wanted to point this strange behavior of Jet AI when attacking ground targets
the approach and the attack is carried out correctly , but only use the cannon and bombs , if there are rockets on board these are not fired
sorry for the slightly confusing post, but to explain my question i have to explain some different things:
does this mod in any way influence the power of (20mm japanese) Aircraft Cannon Shells or the armor strength of planes, or anything else that could be related to these factors on purpose?
if not then there might be a bug somewhere:
when TFM was released, i noticed my 20mm cannons from all japanese aircraft were rendered almost useless against american planes, it took MANY more hits to destroy enemy aircraft and also they almost never broke apart or went up in flames anymore.
i stopped using TFM because there was no way to fix this and it was obvious in a direct comparing to my normal #sas modact (without enginemod). for me it was clear it had something to do with the SAS engine MOD, but since i don't have access nor the knowledge about the JAVA classfile sources, i could not present decisive evidence and just posted a lot of comparisons of hit counts and stuff (you can see those postings back in the old mega thread about TFM).
now i started using CUP-WAW and this comes with an (i think?) modified version of engine mod without your private western patch. This is most obviously noticeable since the AI crashes into Mountains really bad <- this behavior is instantly fixed by adding your engine mod Western Patch to #waw.
furthermore: in CUP the 20mm cannon damage is exactly as strong as in modact without engine mod. the 20mm cannon shells explode and can rip american aircraft apart with 2-3 good hits most of the times (up close).
but here is the catch: when i add the SaS Engine MOD WESTERN PATCH to #waw the power of the 20mm japanese cannons is diminished instantly! i can hit enemy planes 20-30 times and they still fly, VERY RARELY fires, ripped up wings, explosions, mostly just bullet holes.
would it be possible for you to create a patch that only and exclusively fixed the AI behavior, so airplanes don't crash into mountains anymore, but NOTHING else?
this would in my opinion be perfect for CUP WAW, since there are no Missiles, no modern jets. all these options are not needed.
and especially since i would love to have proper AI flying AND my powerful 20mm cannons back
with best regards,
i tested some more and i think i found a Classfile that might be responsible for the weird damage reduction i am noticing:
without this classfile i can ripp off F6F-5 Wings with my A6M5 20mm cannon with 2-3 bullets.
with this classfile the F6F-5 is MUCH more resistant to damage and takes much more hits and keeps flying.
i can see in the text editor that this classfile is handling different things about hits, explosions, different part of airplanes, armor, texts about "gore_blowwing", bullet emitters, etc. so i think there is something changed?
i tested some more and i think i found a Classfile that might be responsible for the weird damage reduction i am noticing: 4B598398AD1D180C
Thank you so much for figuring this out, decipher! Now we can have working cannons AND wingmen who don't crash constantly 8)
The difference is like night and day - those cannon shells really tear the target apart now like they should. Easy to see why the Zero was so terrifying...
The bug decipher and others reported about machine gun damage may be fixed in this new patch.
Please test and feedback me.
It is not my bug, but "SAS Engine MOD 2.7" one.
The bug decipher and others reported about machine gun damage may be fixed in this new patch.
Please test and feedback me.
It is not my bug, but "SAS Engine MOD 2.7" one.
Arigato, Western - I will try it out!
wow! i did not see this before. i will try this soon and report. thank
you for considering my report! i am looking forward for testing!
thank you very much for your hard work!
i used only files recently modified from you:
for my working !Engine_mod folder. = successful. no crash. no AI crash into mountain. 20mm cannons seem strong like before. but need more testing i guess
first test was not successful :(
1. tried with my #sas folder (i don't use engine-mod in this folder usually).
result: il-2 refuse to start
2. tried with "old" cup #WAW folder (i have special homemade version of engine mod+western patch + japancat merged effects open beta WORKING in this installation. for this test i disabled it and enabled this new western patch)
result: crash to desktop on mission start with this error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/maddox/il2/objects/air/TypeFastJet
at com.maddox.il2.ai.air.AutopilotAI.update(AutopilotAI.java:186)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.air.Maneuver.update(Maneuver.java:4986)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.air.Pilot.update(Pilot.java:196)
at com.maddox.il2.fm.FlightModelMain.tick(FlightModelMain.java:1084)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Interpolators.tick(Interpolators.java:222)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Actor.interpolateTick(Actor.java:434)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.InterpolateAdapter.msgTimeOut(InterpolateAdapter.java:174)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgTimeOut.invokeListener(MsgTimeOut.java:73)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:252)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
maybe we can just get the special classfile you edited? or i can search it from creation date. and try again. with only replaced single classfiles.... more testing needed.
I got a couple of crashes to desktop with this latest iteration - probably a coincidence but worth keeping in mind if you suddenly start having problems.
I followed up with Simon on my earlier forum post and they are working on the official CUP solution now 8) So I'm hunkering down until then.
The usage of all patches are same as this 1st post.
ah.. sorry. yes. i was confused. of course.
my mistake. gomenasai!
i used only the update folder. ok!
seems to work ok!
could you explain what the error was in engine_mod? was it just for 20mm cannon? or for all bullets? or armor? i am curious
could you explain what the error was in engine_mod? was it just for 20mm cannon? or for all bullets? or armor? i am curious
The bug came from the first version of SAS Enngine MOD 2.7 .
patch version 23/Jun./2015 seems to work well.
I replace the DL link in 1st post.
thanks again for your hard work. i am very grateful that you were able to find this Engine Mod bug about the bullet power and fix it!
i have a great time flying my A6M5s again versus the american navy planes in CUP thanks to you!
New Beta patch 25/Jul./2015.
Increasing ground Artillery fire range upto 60,000 meters in technics.ini definition lines.
Requested here https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,47316.0.html and contained Railgun Leopold one.
Thanks for that. I plugged it in and it works great, especially the Leopold and other K5 guns.
But, the other artillery I was hoping to have use their historic ranges seem a little hit and miss. I've seen 85mm and 88mm guns fire on ground targets at long range, but their shells never seem to reach their target. Other guns simply don't fire (suggesting they lack the muzzle velocity to reach their targets).
Is their a lifetime for artillery shells or something?
Good evening. I have Il-2 4.13RC4, and after installing Engine mod, game doesn't start. Don CTD after loading, it's just doesn't start, so I didn't see even loading splash (so it's not 5% CTD).
When I removing Engine mod - game loading absolutely without any problems.
What can be a reason of it?
p.s.: maybe I just missed some information? I'm very bad in English (my native languages is Russian and Ukrainian), so can't correctly read all information in thread.
I also attaching my #folder screenshot, maybe it will helps (Tu-95 disabled) : http://savepic.ru/7648871.png
Good evening. I have Il-2 4.13RC4, and after installing Engine mod, game doesn't start. Don CTD after loading, it's just doesn't start, so I didn't see even loading splash (so it's not 5% CTD).
When I removing Engine mod - game loading absolutely without any problems.
What can be a reason of it?
No Engine MOD is available on 4.13m.
Western, it occurs to me that once we start seeing more self-propelled artillery (especially modern ones) it might be a good idea to increase the maximum range of tanks and other armored vehicles to match the new maximum for artillery.
New Beta patch, fixing a bug of base version of SAS Engine MOD 2.7 .
Fix - Artillery stops to fire in being shot by enemy artillery.
Why not put this to post No 1? :-\
Why not put this to post No 1? :-\
No one reports me "It's safe, no bugs" about that Beta version.
I'll replace 1st post download link after enough testing time.
Why not put this to post No 1? :-\
No one reports me "It's safe, no bugs" about that Beta version.
I'll replace 1st post download link after enough testing time.
Copy that. ;) Makes sense and members with the ability to read will find this update anyway.
I think we need a unified post for the Engine mod and all patches in one link once the version is safe. It always bothered me (for the fans) that the base mod is under "SAS Essentials" and this mod under "ModWorx".
Just a suggestion. Of course a test phase is logical.
The version 22/Aug./2015 is moved to the 1st post as a stable patch.
Great job on this version... it really seems to have fixed the traffic jams for columns under fire.
Unless I'm just seeing things in my game. XD
Noticed that prop planes as A-1 Skyraider or Sea Fury, when used on carriers, have stock spawn point of original pacifica fighters.
If the carrier have catapult, they move on it but not takeoff, remains on catapult with engine at full throttle.
With Jets is all ok
Can someone elaborate on the install...
After installing SAS Engine MOD 2.7,
overwrite classfiles (inside "SAS_Engine_2.7_patch_western_20150623\!SAS_Engine_Mod" folder)
onto your "!SAS_Engine_Mod" folder and replace.
NOT TO COPY the folder "SAS_Engine_2.7_patch_western_****DATENUMBERS****".
Also needs SAS Common Utils.
I know this is an easy step, but I'm missing something. In other words, when I install the download, do I simply install it in the original !SAS_Engine_Mod folder and replace, which is what I think I'm reading above, or do I install in the mod folder and move it? Thanks.
Noticed that prop planes as A-1 Skyraider or Sea Fury, when used on carriers, have stock spawn point of original pacifica fighters.
If the carrier have catapult, they move on it but not takeoff, remains on catapult with engine at full throttle.
With Jets is all ok
Please more detailed.
The aircraft remaining on the catapult is....
1 - Both Player and AI ?
2 - Only AI ?
3 - Only Player ?
and other you know.
The aircraft remaining on the catapult is....
1 - Both Player and AI ?
2 - Only AI ?
3 - Only Player ?
Only AI, human can do all he wants
Only AI, human can do all he wants
After 4S_Vega reported this bug I made some tests and I noticed that if when my Skyraider (or Fury) is on catapult and I press twice Key A (for toggle autopilot) the plane take off normally. I did not understand why some time is necessary, once having arrived on catapult, also press Ctrl+B (after being passed by the autopilot to full control of the plane) and then press key A to turn again on autopilot and finally the plane take off... ???
I hope I have explained well... ;)
After 4S_Vega reported this bug I made some tests and I noticed that if when my Skyraider (or Fury) is on catapult and I press twice Key A (for toggle autopilot) the plane take off normally. I did not understand why some time is necessary, once having arrived on catapult, also press Ctrl+B (after being passed by the autopilot to full control of the plane) and then press key A to turn again on autopilot and finally the plane take off... ???
I hope I have explained well... ;)
Which key do you bind "Chocks" key?
Dear Western I use Ctrl + B as default key for Toggle chocks, used also to leave the catapult...as explained in the intructions for using catapults. It's obvious that anyone can use what he prefers.
Maybe I didn't understand what you mean asking me that.
i had to report another bug
after takeoff AI start to attack bridges
if have guided missiles as AGM65, they fire
if have bombs, they drop
Only AI, human can do all he wants
I haven't installed A-1 Skyraider or Sea Fury, so I test stock prop fighters F6F and Seafire....
AI's those prop fighters use catapults as planned.
I'll install A-1 Skyraider and Sea Fury next..... but is your problem really coming from my patch?
Dear Western I use Ctrl + B as default key for Toggle chocks, used also to leave the catapult...as explained in the intructions for using catapults. It's obvious that anyone can use what he prefers.
Maybe I didn't understand what you mean asking me that.
Now I first know you keep the default key bind "Ctrl + B for Toggle chocks".
IL-2 1946's players can set any keys to any functions as they like.... so no one can know who use which key as which function without his description. OK?
And you said: "(or Fury)"
What Fury?
I know at least 3 different "Fury" mod aircrafts exist in IL-2 1946 world.
Even I suppose which of them you want to voice, but I cannot convince it.
When I misunderstand it, I may lose time to modding / bug-fixing.
I'll install A-1 Skyraider and Sea Fury next..... but is your problem really coming from my patch?
With Jets all is ok also in my game, like i wrote first ;)
i think that th problem is in Engine mod, is the only mod that manage these stuffs i think
With Jets all is ok also in my game, like i wrote first ;)
i think that th problem is in Engine mod, is the only mod that manage these stuffs i think
I cannot understand what you say.
Stock prop fighters F6F and Seafire use catapults as you can see in my movie.
And you said: "(or Fury)"
What Fury?
Dear Western, yes I use Ctrl+B as default key for toggle chocks and to leave catapult (I thought it was implied, but it is better to be precise as you said ;) )...
About "Fury" I mean Sea Fury as Vega reported in his post before mine.
Stock prop fighters F6F and Seafire use catapults as you can see in my movie.
Ok, i will try hellcats and seafury
I haven't installed A-1 Skyraider or Sea Fury, so I test stock prop fighters F6F and Seafire....
I'll install A-1 Skyraider and Sea Fury next..... but is your problem really coming from my patch?
I installed ..... HurricanePackSAS -- czk_101tfs_Typhoons & Tempests PACK V2c -- CY6_Skyraiders_410 and tested them with catapults / AI.
- Sea Hurricane .... OK
- Sea Fury .... OK
- Skyraider .... NG ; The catapult catches the Skyraider, the JBD becomes up, but never be released and stays on the catapult.
I think that comes from Skyraider's Java codes.... some parts of them around Gear or AI taking-off may override Engine MOD codes (that is possible) working as carrier catapults and ignore those functions.
Vega, you are working on new Skyraider codes! Do you know something about it?
Without any "Toggle Autopilot" key, Player's Skyraider and SeaFury can use catapults as planned taxing by myself onto the catapult and Set chocks -- release chocks by "Toggle chocks" key.
I haven't installed A-1 Skyraider or Sea Fury, so I test stock prop fighters F6F and Seafire....
I'll install A-1 Skyraider and Sea Fury next..... but is your problem really coming from my patch?
Vega, you are working on new Skyraider codes! Do you know something about it?
I never work on this kind of issue, but i can compare Skyraider javaclass with F6F or Seafire to find the code that i need
i had to report another bug
after takeoff AI start to attack bridges
if have guided missiles as AGM65, they fire
if have bombs, they drop
It is a half bug, but another half planned feature.
This feature was implemented in the version 20141017.
From then, no one requests me to change the AI behavior.
I think it's not easy, not quick work to change that code, but possible for me.
I'll try it regarding your request.
Modern guided weapons for modern jets are complex to be manipulated by AIs. I havn't finished to make codes I want to make them working I hope.
New Beta patch version 15/Oct./2015
New feature....
- increase max degrees of Nose gear active steering (P-38, P-63, P-80, F-86....) in low speed taxing (0 - 30km/h)
- and Heavy Jets with Heavy loadouts (over 10,000kg total weight) become easy turning in low speed taxing
thanks western!
i hope to test it this weekend - sounds like some nice improvements :D
thanks western!
To Suedfrucht
My MOD published in this topic is ONLY FOR 4.12.2m based SASModAct5.30 game.
And nowadays modern Jets MODs like Su-25 are also only for 4.12.2m based game.
We can have and play not only one version IL-2 1946 game in one PC..... we can install IL-2 1946 multiple by different installing folder name and make them in different base versions or different MOD environments.
You can keep your 4.10.1m based DBW install and make another fresh install to upgrade 4.12.2m in different named folder.
When you have questions more about them, please post another place, not here.
Here is "SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch western for 4.12.2m" topic.
Please take a look here....
Version 15/Oct./2015 Beta seemed still a bit hard to make a taxing-turn by heavy loadouts Jets/Bombers.
Here is a new Beta version I increase taxing-turn effect values.
A Change is only it.
Thanks Western :)
Version Beta 25/Oct./2015 seems safe and OK.
I move it to the 1st post as a stable version.
Thank you Western.
Has anyone had success using this with 4.13/6.01?
My MOD published in this topic is ONLY FOR 4.12.2m based SASModAct5.30 game.
as 413 introduces new classes, it's highly unlikely to work correctly, if at all, duffy's.
you can try it, though, and let us know if the sparks start flying, lol :D
@ western, i have a question, i think it's okay to ask you - i hope so! :D
the carrier catapult sequence used to have a steam trail effect behind the plane - i don't see that anymore in my latest testing?
as i've been away for a long time, i might have overlooked something, possibly this effect is only on specific CV's?
or some other dependance/mod is required?
@ western, i have a question, i think it's okay to ask you - i hope so! :D
the carrier catapult sequence used to have a steam trail effect behind the plane - i don't see that anymore in my latest testing?
as i've been away for a long time, i might have overlooked something, possibly this effect is only on specific CV's?
or some other dependance/mod is required?
That steam effect visual On/Off is written in Catapults.ini ( placed in the folder !SAS_Engine_Mod/com/maddox/il2/objects/ ).
dCatapultOffsetX 6.9
dCatapultOffsetY -41
dCatapultYaw -1.6
dCatapultOffsetX2 24.1
dCatapultOffsetY2 -43.8
dCatapultYaw2 -1.6
catapultPower 19
catapultPowerJets 25
bSteamCatapult 1
bSteamCatapult 1 line works as enabling a steam visual effect.
(Only a visual effect , no effect its pushing power.)
Steam catapult was in service late 1950s.
WWII time carriers didn't, they used Hydraulic pressure catapults (Cruisers, Battleships used Gunpowder catapults. )
About Essex class, SCB-27C modernization (straight deck) and SCB-125 modernization (angled deck) had Steam catapults.
About IL-2 1946 mods, others having Steam catapults are... Clemenceau class and Colossus class.
thanks mate! ;D
and yes, i forgot to re-read the f'in manual, lol - sorry bout that! :P
SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch western 07/Dec./2015 (Beta)
Change: only 1
- Fixing "Open/Close Side Hatch" key bind is not saved to user setting file.
----- ----- -----
When you use JapanCat's MergeEffect for SAS Engine MOD 2.7 20151031R,
Overwrite this patch onto his MOD folder.
SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch western 15/Dec./2015 (Beta)
- modern carriers' catapults work in full power in any mission year (default)
-- When "CatapultReferMissionYear=1" line is written in conf.ini [Mods] section , catapults' power is decreased by mission year in 2 steps earlier than 1953 or earlier than 1946 for backward compatibility.
- Steam Catapult smoke effect is shown in any mission year. Each carrier has Steam Catapult or not is written in Catapults.ini (In example USS Essex CV9 had Hydraulic pressure catapults from the first to Korean war era, for it "bSteamCatapult 0" is right. And in Vietnam war era after SCB-125 angled deck modernized, Essex had Steam catapults .... so "bSteamCatapult 1" is set in its Catapults.ini entry.) . "bSteamCatapult" line works only for Visual effect, nothing for pushing power (it is written as catapultPower and catapultPowerJets lines).
----- ----- -----
When you use JapanCat's MergeEffect for SAS Engine MOD 2.7 20151031R,
Overwrite this patch onto his MOD folder.
Great work (and quick!), thanks a lot western!
Best regards - Mike
Thanks Western, For the Update.
or , if you prefere in english....
Just downloaded....a side note , any chance to add a little readme with those entries:
- modern carriers' catapults work in full power in any mission year (default)
-- When "CatapultReferMissionYear=1" line is written in conf.ini [Mods] section , catapults' power is decreased by mission year in 2 steps earlier than 1953 or earlier than 1946 for backward compatibility.
- Steam Catapult smoke effect is shown in any mission year. Each carrier has Steam Catapult or not is written in Catapults.ini (In example USS Essex CV9 had Hydraulic pressure catapults from the first to Korean war era, for it "bSteamCatapult 0" is right. And in Vietnam war era after SCB-125 angled deck modernized, Essex had Steam catapults .... so "bSteamCatapult 1" is set in its Catapults.ini entry.) . "bSteamCatapult" line works only for Visual effect, nothing for pushing power (it is written as catapultPower and catapultPowerJets lines).
Only for future 'memory' issue....aka....forgetfulness....
many thanks western! :D
Spec thx for bigggg work, and MergeEffect-JapanCat's runs tip-top.
SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch western 20/Dec./2015 (Beta)
- Players can manipulate flaps control about the aircrafts having 3x positions "Raised / Take-off / Landing".
- AI can treat flaps correctly about those 3x positions and/or specific degrees flaps (non FBW modern Jets like MiG 21 and A-6).
- increase flaps up/down speed about modern Jets in high speed.
- fix the bug in pushing game speed lower key, the game makes an error when a catapult is used by an aircraft.
- when aircrafts have an afterburner function (its throttle can be increased upto 110%) , AI waits the thrust power is enough increased in launching by a catapult on carriers.
* I'm not sure today's version is enough stable or not.
* I let near 2 beta versions downloadable, you can choose a stable version or a Beta version you like.
----- ----- -----
When you use JapanCat's MergeEffect for SAS Engine MOD 2.7 20151031R,
Overwrite this patch onto his MOD folder.
many thanks for all your work with this Western! :)
How about these Beta versions? stable OK?
SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch western 07/Dec./2015 (Beta)
SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch western 15/Dec./2015 (Beta)
SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch western 20/Dec./2015 (Beta)
If all Beta versions look like no new bugs and stable, I'll move "SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch western 20/Dec./2015" to my 1st post as a latest stable version recommended.
From my brief test I had no issue....
SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch western 27/Dec./2015 (Stable)
- "RemoteControlRocket" class is ready for smart coding of AGM12 and Kh-25MR.
- merging "TypeLaserSpotter" class from Su 25 and/or USMC pack.
----- ----- -----
When you use JapanCat's MergeEffect for SAS Engine MOD 2.7 20151031R,
Overwrite this patch onto his MOD folder.
Thanks again Wes.
With the 27th december patch I got no issue in my heavy modded JW dedicated installation....
I move 27/Dec./2015 version to my 1st post as a new stable version.
SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch western 09/Jan./2016 (Beta)
- make a "Limiter" code in Gear.class to avoid strange bouncing on the ground (AI often makes it on heavy jets)
- ready for 3 or more Ejection Seats
- ready for future easy expansion of new Ejection Seat models
----- ----- -----
When you use JapanCat's MergeEffect for SAS Engine MOD 2.7 20151031R,
Overwrite this patch onto his MOD folder.
Thanks for the Update Western, It Works for now.
Updated Beta 11th/Jan./2016. ---- newer Beta is released on 05th/Feb./2016
Today's version has 8x different patches to enable others' visual or sounds effects only you need and want.
Please take care which one you choose.
The archive filenames "20160110" and "20160111" are in the same developing level.
Only I used 1 day to make and add the variants applying various outside effects.
And when you report me the bug you face, please make clear which patch you use onto how modded game.
General bug fix of Engine MOD 2.7
- Fixing Cockpit sound bug on Seaplanes.
+ Simple update patch of Engine MOD 2.7 , no additional visual / sound effects version.
+ Update patch for JapanCat's Merge Effects , but no others.
Based on benitomuso(Pablo)'s Cockpit sound mod for v4.12.2 on 30th/Sep./2015.
Need installing his package first.
+ Update SAS Engine MOD 2.7 and merging PAL's sound classfiles.
+ Update patch for JapanCat's Merge Effects and merging PAL's sound classfiles.
Adding start-up and full-throttle flame visual effect.
+ Update SAS Engine MOD 2.7 and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.
+ Update patch for JapanCat's Merge Effects and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.
Containing all today's outside effects applying, Pablo's cockpit sound and start-up / full-throttle flame visual effect.
Need installing Pablo's Cockpit sound package first.
+ SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch.
+ Update patch for JapanCat's Merge Effects
( "_20160111_" was a bug version, please download and install again "_20160112_")
thanks for the updates, western!
will be testing the other ones soon, but hopefully this will resolve a lot of issues that some users have been reporting.
Hohoho bravo bravo bravo :) , I bow to and take off his cap, Sir Western you spoil us :)
I mistook in making the archive of "Containing all today's outside effects applying, Pablo's cockpit sound and start-up / full-throttle flame visual effect -- for JapanCat Merge Effect".
The filename "_20160111_" was bad, incorrect classfiles.
I already replace it and make a new download link with the filename "_20160112_".
I think other variants are ok.
If not... tell me.
I have to honorable colleagues two questions.
1. Do I have to install all the patches from oldest to newest, or just install the latest.
2. What is "JapanCat's MergeEffect for SAS Engine", whether it is needed or op- tional.
Thank you in advance for your answer.
I have to honorable colleagues two questions.
1. Do I have to install all the patches from oldest to newest, or just install the latest.
Step-1 : install original SAS Engine MOD 2.7
Step-2 : install latest (if you are OK -- latest Beta, if not -- latest stable in 1st post) western patch
2. What is "JapanCat's MergeEffect for SAS Engine", whether it is needed or op- tional.
Thank you in advance for your answer.
The link to introduction topic of his mod blog is 1st post.
Not needed, it's optional. You can choose it only when you like.
If you want to install this side:
Step-1 : install original JapanCat's MergeEffect for SAS Engine 2.7 (containing full-set of Engine MOD 2.7)
Step-2 : install latest (if you are OK -- latest Beta, if not -- latest stable in 1st post) western patch for JC's MergeEffect.
Thank you very much for your answer.
Mission loading: NULL - with the latest beta patch.
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[15:43:08] SectFile load failed: null
[15:43:08] java.io.FileNotFoundException
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.rts.SFSInputStream.<init>(SFSInputStream.java:65)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.rts.SFSReader.<init>(SFSReader.java:19)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.loadFile(SectFile.java:227)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.loadFile(SectFile.java:154)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.<init>(SectFile.java:126)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.<init>(SectFile.java:86)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBWDemoPlay.gameBegin(GUIBWDemoPlay.java:305)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBWDemoPlay.gameBeginNet(GUIBWDemoPlay.java:272)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBWDemoPlay.access$1200(GUIBWDemoPlay.java:22)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBWDemoPlay$MissionListener.netMissionState(GUIBWDemoPlay.java:201)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.netInput(Mission.java:3073)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$400(Mission.java:120)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$NetMissionObj.netInput(Mission.java:377)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.rts.NetObj.msgNet(NetObj.java:375)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.rts.MsgNet.invokeListener(MsgNet.java:56)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:180)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
[15:43:08] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[15:43:08] **net bigship unknown ng cmd 0
[15:43:08] **net bigship unknown ng cmd 0
[15:43:08] **net bigship unknown ng cmd 0
[15:43:08] **net bigship unknown ng cmd 1
[15:43:08] **net bigship unknown ng cmd 0
[15:43:08] **net bigship unknown ng cmd 0
[15:43:08] **net bigship unknown ng cmd 0
[15:43:09] Time overflow (1371): speed 0.6263048
[15:43:09] **net bigship unknown ng cmd 0
[15:43:09] **net bigship unknown ng cmd 0
[15:43:10] **net bigship unknown ng cmd 0
[15:43:14] Loading mission Quick/Kuban/KubanRedNoneA00.mis...
[15:43:14] Month = 7 , Hour = 8
[15:43:14] Temperature - 0m = 19.0 .
[15:43:14] Temperature - 1000m = 12.51001 .
[15:43:14] Temperature - 2000m = 6.019989 .
[15:43:15] Temperature - 3000m = -0.47000122 .
[15:43:15] Temperature - 4000m = -6.9599915 .
[15:43:15] Temperature - 5000m = -13.450012 .
[15:43:15] Temperature - 6000m = -19.940002 .
[15:43:15] Temperature - 7000m = -26.429993 .
[15:43:15] Temperature - 8000m = -32.92 .
[15:43:15] Temperature - 9000m = -39.410004 .
[15:43:15] Temperature - 10000m = -45.899994 .
[15:43:15] Temperature - 11000m = -52.39 .
[15:43:15] Temperature - 12000m = -56.5 .
[15:43:15] Loading map.ini defined airfields:
[15:43:18] Load bridges
[15:43:18] Load static objects
[15:43:19] ##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Port/BaseSmallSegment/live.sim)
[15:43:19] ##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Port/BaseSegment/live.sim)
[15:43:19] ##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Port/Floor/live.sim)
[15:43:20] FM called 'FlightModels/MiG-17F.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[15:43:20] FM called 'FlightModels/KlimovEngine.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[15:43:20] Flight Model File FlightModels/MiG-17F.fmd contains no Mach Drag Parameters.
[15:43:20] FM called 'FlightModels/MiG-17F.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[15:43:20] ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@1b415c] cannot load sample: null
[15:43:20] Mission error, ID_04: java.lang.NullPointerException
[15:43:20] java.lang.NullPointerException
[15:43:20] at com.maddox.il2.objects.sounds.SndAircraft.sfxInit(SndAircraft.java:72)
[15:43:20] at com.maddox.il2.objects.sounds.SndAircraft.initSound(SndAircraft.java:681)
[15:43:20] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.setFM(Aircraft.java:2139)
[15:43:20] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.setFM(Aircraft.java:2095)
[15:43:20] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.load(Aircraft.java:2607)
[15:43:20] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadAir(Mission.java:1666)
[15:43:20] at com.maddox.il2.ai.Wing.load(Wing.java:144)
[15:43:20] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadWings(Mission.java:1344)
[15:43:20] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:762)
[15:43:20] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$600(Mission.java:120)
[15:43:20] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:463)
[15:43:20] at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
[15:43:20] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
[15:43:20] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
[15:43:20] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[15:43:21] null
[15:43:21] java.lang.NullPointerException
[15:43:21] at com.maddox.il2.game.order.OrdersTree.getSection(OrdersTree.java:627)
[15:43:21] at com.maddox.il2.game.order.OrdersTree.missionLoaded(OrdersTree.java:567)
[15:43:21] at com.maddox.il2.game.order.OrdersTree.missionLoaded(OrdersTree.java:531)
[15:43:21] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:897)
[15:43:21] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$600(Mission.java:120)
[15:43:21] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:463)
[15:43:21] at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
[15:43:21] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
[15:43:21] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
[15:43:21] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
My got No problem, Latest beta patch also No Problem.
Updated Beta 05th/Feb./2016.
Today's version has 8x different patches to enable others' visual or sounds effects only you need and want.
Please take care which one you choose.
And when you report me the bug you face, please make clear which patch you use onto how modded game.
General bug fix of Engine MOD 2.7
- Fixing wings are folded in the mission spawning on Carriers, but when the deck is full and aircrafts become air-starting.
+ Simple update patch of Engine MOD 2.7 , no additional visual / sound effects version.
+ Update patch for JapanCat's Merge Effects , but no others.
Based on benitomuso(Pablo)'s Cockpit sound mod for v4.12.2 on 30th/Sep./2015.
Need installing his package first.
+ Update SAS Engine MOD 2.7 and merging PAL's sound classfiles.
+ Update patch for JapanCat's Merge Effects and merging PAL's sound classfiles.
Adding start-up and full-throttle flame visual effect.
+ Update SAS Engine MOD 2.7 and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.
+ Update patch for JapanCat's Merge Effects and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.
Containing all today's outside effects applying, Pablo's cockpit sound and start-up / full-throttle flame visual effect.
Need installing Pablo's Cockpit sound package first.
+ SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch.
+ Update patch for JapanCat's Merge Effects
Hi i tried installing Engine MOD on my IL2 13m patch (the RC4 official one) with 6.0 SAS MODACT and my game crashes with this log error.
Main begin: No such file or directory: sas_basic_50.sfs
com.maddox.rts.SFSException: No such file or directory: sas_basic_50.sfs
at com.maddox.rts.SFS.mount(Native Method)
at com.maddox.rts.SFS.mount(SFS.java:20)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1614)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1579)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.beginApp(MainWin3D.java:212)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:432)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[2016-02-06 18:43:13] -------------- END log session -------------
I've tried every patch, optional mod combination and this problem still occurs, can anyone help me?
Hi i tried installing Engine MOD on my IL2 13m patch (the RC4 official one) with 6.0 SAS MODACT and my game crashes with this log error.
No 4.13m.
4.12.2m only
Hey western, thanks for update, it works now.
I moved version 05/Feb./2016 to the 1st post as a latest stable version.
hi western, a little late here, but i only just got around to installing the latest patch today, and on my first attempt, simply running a test mission i have been running repeatedly in FMB without problem, i immediately had a 30% loading fail with my Modact 530 game. the error log shows the following:
FM called 'FlightModels/Rolls-Royce-Merlin:HurriFAC.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'hurrifac'
[5:24:03 PM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[5:24:03 PM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[5:24:03 PM] Flight Model File FlightModels/HurricaneMkIaFAC.fmd:HurriFAC contains no Mach Drag Parameters.
[5:24:03 PM] FM called 'FlightModels/HurricaneMkIaFAC.fmd:HurriFAC' is being loaded from File: 'hurrifac'
[5:24:03 PM] FM called 'FlightModels/HurricaneMkIaFAC.fmd:HurriFAC' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'hurrifac'
[5:24:04 PM] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
[5:24:04 PM] at com.maddox.il2.engine.Actor.<init>(Unknown Source)
[5:24:04 PM] at com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorMesh.<init>(ActorMesh.java:56)
[5:24:04 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.Bomb.<init>(Bomb.java:583)
[5:24:04 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.BombFACFlare.<init>(BombFACFlare.java:35)
[5:24:04 PM] at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
[5:24:04 PM] at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[5:24:04 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.BombGun.newBomb(BombGun.java:384)
[5:24:04 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.BombGun.set(BombGun.java:440)
[5:24:04 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.BombGun.set(BombGun.java:419)
[5:24:04 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsLoad(Aircraft.java:2903)
[5:24:04 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsLoad(Aircraft.java:2866)
[5:24:04 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.load(Aircraft.java:2504)
[5:24:04 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadAir(Mission.java:1666)
[5:24:04 PM] at com.maddox.il2.ai.Wing.load(Wing.java:144)
[5:24:04 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadWings(Mission.java:1344)
[5:24:04 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:762)
[5:24:04 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$600(Mission.java:120)
the aircraft i'm using here, the FAC Hurricane, i thought at first it might be the FAC loadout now causing the problem, but i then also tried the default loadout, and again a 30% loading fail, with a similar, but not exactly the same, error in the log:
FM called 'FlightModels/HurricaneMkIaFAC.fmd:HurriFAC' is being loaded from File: 'hurrifac'
[5:37:52 PM] FM called 'FlightModels/HurricaneMkIaFAC.fmd:HurriFAC' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'hurrifac'
[5:37:52 PM] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
[5:37:52 PM] at com.maddox.il2.engine.Actor.<init>(Unknown Source)
[5:37:52 PM] at com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorMesh.<init>(ActorMesh.java:56)
[5:37:52 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.Bomb.<init>(Bomb.java:583)
[5:37:52 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.BombFOFlare.<init>(BombFOFlare.java:29)
[5:37:52 PM] at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
[5:37:52 PM] at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[5:37:52 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.BombGun.newBomb(BombGun.java:384)
[5:37:52 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.BombGun.set(BombGun.java:440)
[5:37:52 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.BombGun.set(BombGun.java:419)
[5:37:52 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsLoad(Aircraft.java:2903)
[5:37:52 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsLoad
to try and see if it's just that plane, i then loaded up another mission, this time a mission that i have also flown repeatedly in QMB prior to adding this update, and again i get a 30% load fail, this time the error seems to be about the torpedo loadout for the Betty - i have not changed this, it's the same loadout i was using on several missions earlier. ALL that changed since was my updating of the Engine Mod...
FM called 'FlightModels/G4M1-11.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[5:42:48 PM] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.engine.Actor.<init>(Unknown Source)
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorMesh.<init>(ActorMesh.java:56)
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.Bomb.<init>(Bomb.java:583)
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.Torpedo.<init>(Torpedo.java:461)
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.BombTorpType91_mod1_Tail1.<init>(BombTorpType91_mod1_Tail1.java:7)
[5:42:48 PM] at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
[5:42:48 PM] at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.BombGun.newBomb(BombGun.java:384)
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.BombGun.set(BombGun.java:440)
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.BombGun.set(BombGun.java:419)
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsLoad(Aircraft.java:2903)
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsLoad(Aircraft.java:2866)
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.load(Aircraft.java:2504)
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadAir(Mission.java:1666)
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.ai.Wing.load(Wing.java:144)
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadWings(Mission.java:1344)
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:762)
[5:42:48 PM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$600(Mission.java:120)
the torpedo loadout the Betty is using there is from this mod of Dreamk : - https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,46400.0.html
but again, I must stress, this exact same mission had no such errors prior to updating the Engine Mod.
i use this version of the update: MargeEffects_20151031R_patch_western_20160205_PALsCockpitSounds_FullThrottleFlame
since my previous post, i have tried several other planes, such as a Hurricane IIb with 250lb bomb loadout, and still i'm getting a 30% fail, error log for this:
FM called 'FlightModels/Rolls-Royce-Merlin.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[5:57:34 PM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[5:57:34 PM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[5:57:34 PM] Flight Model File FlightModels/HurricaneMkIIa.fmd contains no Mach Drag Parameters.
[5:57:34 PM] FM called 'FlightModels/HurricaneMkIIa.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[5:57:34 PM] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
[5:57:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.engine.Actor.<init>(Unknown Source)
[5:57:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorMesh.<init>(ActorMesh.java:56)
[5:57:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.Bomb.<init>(Bomb.java:583)
[5:57:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.Bomb250lbsE.<init>(Bomb250lbsE.java:7)
[5:57:34 PM] at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
[5:57:34 PM] at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[5:57:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.BombGun.newBomb(BombGun.java:384)
[5:57:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.BombGun.set(BombGun.java:440)
[5:57:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons.BombGun.set(BombGun.java:419)
[5:57:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsLoad(Aircraft.java:2903)
[5:57:34 PM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsLoad
i guess i could keep posting more of this up, but i think you get the idea.... :D
for now i have to go back to the previous version, as i obviously can't get anywhere with this happening.
now, after testing more, i realised that when i updated this Engine Mod, i also renamed the PAL_VisualMod9 to load just after the Engine Mod in load sequence, and it now seems as if this is the cause of the 30% problem.
when i reverted back to the previous Engine Mod, i found i was still getting the same 30% crash, so it could not be the new Engine Mod patch....
when i renamed the VisulaMod9 to load before Engine Mod again, i no longer get the 30% crash.
now, i f memory serves, this is exactly the opposite of the VisualMod instructions - i'm sure it's supposed to load AFTER the Engine Mod - either way, it doesn't work that way, so i have it again loading early in the load order, with only the Common Utils and the A-6 beta Weapons Pack_Gen2016 in the load order before it.
i should also inform that i have been experiencing some of the VisualMod features not functioning, even though it loads so early in the sequence.
i won't repeat them all here, but you will see if you look in the VisualMod thread, there are numerous posts where i am just adding problem after problem. it does seem i'm in a minority of one with these problems, but i can't really make any progress until i resolve this seeming problems between the VisualMod and the Engine Mod.
problems between the VisualMod and the Engine Mod.
I just checked with classchecker EngMod 5-2-16 and VisualMOD9 with OrdnanceView
in a heavy modded MA530 Jetwar enviro and there is only one file wich both mods share:
35AE75DA10682FAA. VisMod shares some files with Pablos HUDConfig and MiniMap
but thats no problem I think. So, to load it before this mods should make no problems imho.
btw: I really like the ordnance mod, many thanks Pablo! :)
yes, Gerhard, Mike has even looked into this for me recently and found no problem there.
still, it doesn't change the fact that when the VisualMod loads after the Engine Mod, i get a 30% mission load fail basically across the board.
with the VisualMod loading before Engine Mod, the problem goes away.
i can recreate this scenario at will, so there MUST be something going on here.
don't get me wrong, i am probably one of the biggest fans of the VisualMod, and it hurts that all i've been doing in that thread lately is report problems, but what other course of action is there for me?
anyway, i guess if the top minds in IL-2 don't know what's going on here, then there's little chance of me figuring it out.
most likely the only way i can resolve this is to start from scratch with a fresh install. :P
if it helps to understand, here is the situation as it looks in my SAS folder.
i can rename the VisualMod to load before or after the Engine Mod, and the results are the same each time.
i'm not going to repeat the same thing over too many times and expect a different result - that is apparently a definition of insanity, lol :D
btw, there are no conflicts with the Project 85 mod, if anyone is wondering.
Eugene, maybe you misunderstood what I meat:
you can do what you did in pic2 as its no problem
to load the visMOd before the engMod I think. ;)
Gerhard, yes, i know - the only reason i was trying to load the VisualMod first, was to illustrate that even with the VisualMod loading first in the order, so that nothing else should (in theory) interfere with it, i am still having some of the functions of VisualMod that aren't working - two biggest problems being that i can't select any chief/static camera - as per my posts in the VisualMod thread - and i also can't zoom in or out of the minimap with the scroll-wheel, or any other control, for that matter.
i was trying to illustrate that, but should rather just leave those problems for the VisualMod thread.
unfortunately, i have recently been a chorus of one with my problems, and no-one has any advice on how to fix this mess.
so, for now, i am back to having the VisualMod load after the Engine Mod, so that at least my missions load correctly, and i can fly.
I haven't tested enough times and focused which parts have this problem, but.....
Some parts of my patch make game crashing when players' aircraft is a multi-crew bomber and it hits the ground.
Maybe co-pilot and/or bombardier scream sound effect in SndAircraft.class make ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception at SndAircraft$1.soundUpdate(SndAircraft.java:577) .
I think 1 crew (only the player pilot) aircrafts don't make the problem.
Are ALL of my patch make the same problem? or only Cockpit Sound by PAL version?
I had not tested Cockpit Sound mod by PAL without my Engine MOD patch, it was OK or not in this situation.
I'll fix it.
Do you have more information?
Sorry but I can't help in this tesing because I haven't tested any of your patch for PAL cockpit sound....mainly because the first time I add them I discover that , for my stricltly personal feelings , the sounds I heard are not syncronized with what I think I should feel in the same situation....and also neither allow me to imagine anouther crew mate doing that sounds....
Besides SndAircraft.class bug I asked 2 posts above,
I publish a new ALPHA test patch here.
This patch is common for all the branches of mine.
Please change the installing folder name to fit your branch, not to copy as is in my archive.
* Not compatible to latest Pablo's Visual MOD V9. Exclusion.
Stock 4.11.1m and later games has "Smart Axis" function with this conf.ini setting.
SAS Engine MOD 2.7 increased engine numbers from stock's 4x into 8x , but this Smart Axis function was not expanded and disabled in riding modded 5x / 6x / 8x engines aircrafts.
Today I expand it into 2 ways.
About 2x throttle axis players, you can control all 5x ~ 8x engines with 2x axis like stock game 4x engines aircrafts.
About 4x throttle axis players, you can also control 5x ~ 8x engines with your 4x axis in the same way of 2x Smart Axis function.
I don't have 4x throttle axis device or install 6x / 8x engine MOD aircrafts.
So, I have not tested those functions, I cannot test my plan is implemented correctly and working.
Please test them when you have, and feedback here.
Stock game's "Smart Axis" has not only throttle control, but also prop pitch control.
Today's my ALPHA patch has only throttle control.
After I will be reported "Working OK for throttle" , I'll make same function into prop pitch.
i would test this, but i also don't have a dual throttle control, and generally, if any mod is not compatible with VisualMod, i won't use it - VisualMod is of primary importance to the way i play and test the sim.
western, i don't want to change direction here, but am wanting to find out if you think that the issue with multi-crew planes (not 1 crew, nor 2 crew, but 3 crew or more) crashing the game with the 'TangleChute' error might also be a result of one of these Engine Mod patches recently?
there are several threads regarding this issue, i can link one or two if you like....
western, i don't want to change direction here, but am wanting to find out if you think that the issue with multi-crew planes (not 1 crew, nor 2 crew, but 3 crew or more) crashing the game with the 'TangleChute' error might also be a result of one of these Engine Mod patches recently?
there are several threads regarding this issue, i can link one or two if you like....
Not only my patch.... SAS Engine MOD 2.7 never touch Chute.class of com.maddox.il2.objects.air from Stock 4.12.2m game.
Engine MOD 2.7 and my patch don't contain Chute.class classfile.
I have no idea what MOD has Chute.class file and causes the compatibility problem.
Thanks for the Update Western, I will Test it Soon.
It Works, Thanks.
thanks for the confirmation, western - i didn't think it was this mod, but just wanted to check with you for certainty. cheers! :D
About installation of ALPHA patch....IIUC I should add it at the previously installed patch....right?
About installation of ALPHA patch....IIUC I should add it at the previously installed patch....right?
One branch of 1st post ones you need before today's ALPHA.
Thanks for your reply!
Did you think that this new patch could be compatible with Visual Mod version 8?
Did you think that this new patch could be compatible with Visual Mod version 8?
I think V8 has compatibility.
And also probably one before version V9 ... (Ordnance view function makes problem? )
Well I can downgrade Visual mod to V8....but maybe I'll test also on my V9 as I haven't yet upgraded to last ordinance view....
Hello western I have some bugs when I shoot some aircrafts they stack in air and me-323 is constantly stack in air.
New ALPHA patch on patch of Engine MOD 2.7 .
Not stable, not tested enough.
1. apply one of 1st page's patch onto SAS Engine MOD 2.7 , test working OK.
2. apply today's patch onto 1 (common to all the versions of my 1st page ones)
02nd/Apr./2016 contains 11th/Mar./2016 's new implements fully.
Adding these new features or fixing:
- fixing Flap switch function by analog axis
- new Flap step positions by analog axis (for MiG-21 and future A-6)
- Smart Axis function expansion about Prop Pitch, 4x axis and upto 8x engines (3x axis is not supported)
- new analog axis "Diff" tow brakes (similar to 4.13m's one , not equal)
- new analog axis for Variable Sweep Wing (AV-8B+'s jet nozzles rotation is controllable by an analog axis)
(maybe compatible to Pablo's Visual MOD V9 with Ordinance view, not needed tuning their loading order)
Hello western I have some bugs when I shoot some aircrafts they stack in air and me-323 is constantly stack in air.
About Me 323 , it has strange values in both Java classfile and flightmodel (only flyable one? from stock AI? I haven't checked to that level thought... )
Pablo's Cockpit Sound MOD and my patch interpret strictly those values and aircrafts' side hidden bugs come out.
Me 323's fixing will be uploaded to Ranwers' new cockpit topic not so far.
B-17 flyable might have similar bugs.
When you find another problem aircraft, tell me which aircraft and its error log.
Maybe almost case that side bugs, not here.
Thanks Western, I like to Enjoy the View,
New ALPHA patch on patch of Engine MOD 2.7 .
Not stable, not tested enough.
1. apply one of 1st page's patch you like onto SAS Engine MOD 2.7
2. test it working OK?
3. apply today's patch onto 1. (common to all the versions of my 1st page ones)
04th/Apr./2016 contains both 02nd/Apr. and 11th/Mar. /2016 's new implements fully.
- supporting sweep wing with no middle step (0 or FULL) --- future Yak-36 update will use it
Thanks western0221.
I test it ,always following your work.
New ALPHA patch on patch of Engine MOD 2.7 .
Not stable, not tested enough.
1. apply one of 1st page's patch you like onto SAS Engine MOD 2.7
2. test it working OK?
3. apply today's patch onto 1. (common to all the versions of my 1st page ones)
11th/Apr./2016 patch contains all the updates of 04th/Apr. , 02nd/Apr. and 11th/Mar. /2016.
New feature:
- "Pylon" or "Rocket launcher" can have each specific Mass and Drag values without main classfiles changing any more.
-- My "Weapon pack Generation 2016" will use its function in the future.
Please test its new implements don't make bad side effects to stock or traditional MOD aircrafts and weapons.
When today's version will be tested enough and not reported new bugs , I'll decide to merge those Alpha "patch on a patch" into all the package and move to 1st page.
Newer ALPHA patch on patch of Engine MOD 2.7 .
Not stable, not tested enough.
1. apply one of 1st page's patch you like onto SAS Engine MOD 2.7
2. test it working OK?
3. apply today's patch onto 1. (common to all the versions of my 1st page ones)
14th/Apr./2016 patch contains all the updates of 11th , 04th , 02nd/Apr. and 11th/Mar. /2016.
- Fixing internal codes of "Pylon" or "Rocket launcher" 's having each specific Mass and Drag values.
Please test its new implements don't make bad side effects to stock or traditional MOD aircrafts and weapons.
When today's version will be tested enough and not reported new bugs , I'll decide to merge those Alpha "patch on a patch" into all the package and move to 1st page.
Hello, I installed the this patch (above) yet i got the "Mission Loading Failed: NULL" error, any fix?
Keep in mind I got the IL 2 1956 mod installed (refer to the newbie safety area thread I made, you replied there too)
"Mission Loading Failed: NULL" usually means that one of the planes you choose has an engine model referenced in it's flight model which isn't present in your game.
This will not happen if you have installed Modact 5.3, latest Engine Mod and Jetwar + Hotfix correctly, but there are plenty of opportunities to make mistakes ;)
To be on the safe side, we need the log of your "Mission Loading Failed: NULL" error.
Best regards - Mike
"Mission Loading Failed: NULL" usually means that one of the planes you choose has an engine model referenced in it's flight model which isn't present in your game.
This will not happen if you have installed Modact 5.3, latest Engine Mod and Jetwar + Hotfix correctly, but there are plenty of opportunities to make mistakes ;)
To be on the safe side, we need the log of your "Mission Loading Failed: NULL" error.
Best regards - Mike
[11:02:08 AM] Maximum texture size : 8192
[11:02:08 AM] Maximum simultaneous textures :8
[11:02:08 AM] MaxAnisotropic (1.0 = none) : 1.000000
[11:02:08 AM] WARNING: 'Perfect' Mode required latest drivers with 'vertex buffer' support
[11:02:08 AM] WARNING: 'Perfect' Mode required pixels shaders
[11:02:08 AM] WARNING: 'Perfect' Mode required latest drivers with vertex shaders support'GL_ARB_vertex_program'
[11:02:08 AM] WARNING: 'Perfect' Mode is not supported for this combination of hardware and drivers.
[11:02:08 AM] 15 Splashscreens available.
[11:02:08 AM] AutoMounting SFS files from folder SFS_AUTO now...
[11:02:08 AM] Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sasamt_jetwar_01.sfs... mounted successfully!
[11:02:08 AM] Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sasamt_jetwar_02.sfs... mounted successfully!
[11:02:08 AM] Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sasup_decals_01.sfs... mounted successfully!
[11:02:08 AM] Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sasup_effects01.sfs... mounted successfully!
[11:02:08 AM] Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sas_maps_01.sfs... mounted successfully!
[11:02:08 AM] Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sas_sound_01.sfs... mounted successfully!
[11:02:08 AM] Trying to AutoMount SFS_AUTO\sas_sound_02.sfs... mounted successfully!
[11:02:08 AM] AutoMounting SFS files from folder SFS_AUTO finished.
[11:02:08 AM] INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 75 -> 32 (delta = -43) to Range 0..32
[11:02:08 AM] INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 120 -> 60 (delta = -60) to Range 0..60
[11:02:11 AM] Plane: Parameter [MIG_21MF]:<Class> not found
[11:02:11 AM] Can't set property
[11:02:11 AM] java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't set property
[11:02:11 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.PlaneGeneric$SPAWN.getS(PlaneGeneric.java:1117)
[11:02:11 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.PlaneGeneric$SPAWN.LoadPlaneProperties(PlaneGeneric.java:1143)
[11:02:11 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.PlaneGeneric$SPAWN.<init>(PlaneGeneric.java:1192)
[11:02:11 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.MiG21Static.<clinit>(MiG21Static.java:73)
[11:02:11 AM] at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
[11:02:11 AM] at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
[11:02:11 AM] at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:84)
[11:02:11 AM] at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:57)
[11:02:11 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.preloadStationaryClasses(Main.java:257)
[11:02:11 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1650)
[11:02:11 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1579)
[11:02:11 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.beginApp(MainWin3D.java:212)
[11:02:11 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:432)
[11:02:11 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[11:02:11 AM] Problem in spawn: com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.MiG21Static$MIG_21MF
[11:02:18 AM] Initializing DirectSound playback device...
[11:02:18 AM] Primary buffer created.
[11:02:18 AM] Playback format is set : sampling rate = 44100, num channels = 2.
[11:02:18 AM] Not enought hardware buffers (0), hardware disabled
[11:02:18 AM] Buffer caps : Transfer rate = 0, CPU overhead = 0.
[11:02:18 AM] Default speaker config is : 1310724.
[11:02:18 AM] Direct sound audio device initialized successfully :
[11:02:18 AM] DX Version : 7
[11:02:18 AM] Hardware - disabled [buffers : 0]
[11:02:18 AM] Extensions - enabled :
[11:02:18 AM] EAX ver. 1 [ ] - disabled
[11:02:18 AM] EAX ver. 2 [ ] - disabled
[11:02:18 AM] EAX ver. 3 [ ] - disabled
[11:02:18 AM] I3D ver. 2 [ ] - disabled
[11:02:18 AM] ZoomFX [ ] - disabled
[11:02:18 AM] MacroFX [ ] - disabled
[11:02:18 AM] SIMD render [X]
[11:02:18 AM] num channels 16
[11:02:18 AM]
[11:02:18 AM] Loading mission Records/Intro 04 Ed.trk...
[11:02:18 AM] Month = 7 , Hour = 6
[11:02:18 AM] Temperature - 0m = 16.0 .
[11:02:18 AM] Temperature - 1000m = 9.51001 .
[11:02:18 AM] Temperature - 2000m = 3.019989 .
[11:02:18 AM] Temperature - 3000m = -3.4700012 .
[11:02:18 AM] Temperature - 4000m = -9.959991 .
[11:02:18 AM] Temperature - 5000m = -16.450012 .
[11:02:18 AM] Temperature - 6000m = -22.940002 .
[11:02:18 AM] Temperature - 7000m = -29.429993 .
[11:02:18 AM] Temperature - 8000m = -35.92 .
[11:02:18 AM] Temperature - 9000m = -42.410004 .
[11:02:18 AM] Temperature - 10000m = -48.899994 .
[11:02:18 AM] Temperature - 11000m = -55.39 .
[11:02:18 AM] Temperature - 12000m = -56.5 .
[11:02:18 AM] Loading map.ini defined airfields:
[11:02:19 AM] Load bridges
[11:02:19 AM] Load static objects
[11:02:19 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/F4F-3.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/PrattWhitney_R-1830_Series.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/F4F-3.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/F4F-3.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/PrattWhitney_R-1830_Series.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/F4F-3.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/F4F-3.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/PrattWhitney_R-1830_Series.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/F4F-3.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/A6M2-21.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/Nakajima.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/A6M2-21.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/A6M2-21.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/Nakajima.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/A6M2-21.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/A6M2-21.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/Nakajima.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/A6M2-21.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/A6M2-21.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/Nakajima.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/A6M2-21.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/F4F-3.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/PrattWhitney_R-1830_Series.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
[11:02:20 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/F4F-3.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:20 AM] ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@5741b0] cannot load sample: null
[11:02:20 AM] SectFile load failed: null
[11:02:20 AM] java.io.FileNotFoundException
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.rts.SFSInputStream.<init>(SFSInputStream.java:65)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.rts.SFSReader.<init>(SFSReader.java:19)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.loadFile(SectFile.java:227)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.loadFile(SectFile.java:154)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.<init>(SectFile.java:126)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.rts.SectFile.<init>(SectFile.java:86)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.sound.SoundPreset.<init>(SoundPreset.java:77)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.sound.SoundPreset.get(SoundPreset.java:107)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.sound.SoundFX.<init>(SoundFX.java:47)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.engine.Actor.newSound(Actor.java:658)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.sounds.SndAircraft.sfxInit(SndAircraft.java:71)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.sounds.SndAircraft.initSound(SndAircraft.java:681)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.setFM(Aircraft.java:2139)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.setFM(Aircraft.java:2095)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.load(Aircraft.java:2607)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadAir(Mission.java:1663)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.ai.Wing.load(Wing.java:144)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadWings(Mission.java:1344)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:762)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$600(Mission.java:120)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:463)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[11:02:20 AM] Cannot load sound preset Mask (java.lang.Exception: Invalid preset format)
[11:02:20 AM] Mission error, ID_04: java.lang.NullPointerException
[11:02:20 AM] java.lang.NullPointerException
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.sounds.SndAircraft.sfxInit(SndAircraft.java:72)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.sounds.SndAircraft.initSound(SndAircraft.java:681)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.setFM(Aircraft.java:2139)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.setFM(Aircraft.java:2095)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.load(Aircraft.java:2607)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadAir(Mission.java:1663)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.ai.Wing.load(Wing.java:144)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadWings(Mission.java:1344)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:762)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$600(Mission.java:120)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:463)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
[11:02:20 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[11:02:21 AM] **net bigship unknown cmd 11
[11:02:21 AM] **net bigship unknown cmd 11
[11:02:21 AM] **net bigship unknown cmd 11
[11:02:21 AM] **net bigship unknown cmd 11
[11:02:21 AM] **net bigship unknown cmd 11
[11:02:21 AM] **net bigship unknown cmd 11
[11:02:21 AM] com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.Ship$USSEssexCV9
[11:02:21 AM] java.lang.ClassCastException: com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.Ship$USSEssexCV9
[11:02:21 AM] at com.maddox.il2.fm.FlightModelTrack$SPAWN.netSpawn(FlightModelTrack.java:686)
[11:02:21 AM] at com.maddox.rts.NetChannel$SpawnMessage.msgNet(NetChannel.java:2068)
[11:02:21 AM] at com.maddox.rts.MsgNet.invokeListener(MsgNet.java:56)
[11:02:21 AM] at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
[11:02:21 AM] at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
[11:02:21 AM] at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
[11:02:21 AM] at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
[11:02:21 AM] at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:180)
[11:02:21 AM] at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
[11:02:21 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
[11:02:21 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
[11:02:21 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[11:02:22 AM] **net bigship unknown ng cmd 0
[11:02:22 AM] **net bigship unknown ng cmd 1
[11:02:39 AM] Loading mission Quick/Slovakia_summer/Slovakia_summerRedNoneN00.mis...
[11:02:39 AM] Month = 8 , Hour = 12
[11:02:39 AM] Temperature - 0m = 19.0 .
[11:02:39 AM] Temperature - 1000m = 12.51001 .
[11:02:39 AM] Temperature - 2000m = 6.019989 .
[11:02:39 AM] Temperature - 3000m = -0.47000122 .
[11:02:39 AM] Temperature - 4000m = -6.9599915 .
[11:02:39 AM] Temperature - 5000m = -13.450012 .
[11:02:39 AM] Temperature - 6000m = -19.940002 .
[11:02:39 AM] Temperature - 7000m = -26.429993 .
[11:02:39 AM] Temperature - 8000m = -32.92 .
[11:02:39 AM] Temperature - 9000m = -39.410004 .
[11:02:39 AM] Temperature - 10000m = -45.899994 .
[11:02:39 AM] Temperature - 11000m = -52.39 .
[11:02:39 AM] Temperature - 12000m = -56.5 .
[11:02:39 AM] Loading map.ini defined airfields:
[11:02:42 AM] Load bridges
[11:02:42 AM] Load static objects
[11:02:42 AM] ##### House without collision (3do/Tree/Tree2.sim)
[11:02:42 AM] ##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Furniture/10x1_5_White/mono.sim)
[11:02:45 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/MiG-17PF.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:45 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/KlimovEngine.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:45 AM] Flight Model File FlightModels/MiG-17PF.fmd contains no Mach Drag Parameters.
[11:02:45 AM] FM called 'FlightModels/MiG-17PF.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
[11:02:45 AM] ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@2b76b9] cannot load sample: null
[11:02:45 AM] Mission error, ID_04: java.lang.NullPointerException
[11:02:45 AM] java.lang.NullPointerException
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.sounds.SndAircraft.sfxInit(SndAircraft.java:72)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.sounds.SndAircraft.initSound(SndAircraft.java:681)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.setFM(Aircraft.java:2139)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.setFM(Aircraft.java:2095)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.load(Aircraft.java:2607)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadAir(Mission.java:1666)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.ai.Wing.load(Wing.java:144)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadWings(Mission.java:1344)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:762)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$600(Mission.java:120)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:463)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[11:02:45 AM] null
[11:02:45 AM] java.lang.NullPointerException
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.order.OrdersTree.getSection(OrdersTree.java:627)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.order.OrdersTree.missionLoaded(OrdersTree.java:567)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.order.OrdersTree.missionLoaded(OrdersTree.java:531)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:897)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$600(Mission.java:120)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:463)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
[11:02:45 AM] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[Apr 16, 2016 11:02:49 AM] -------------- END log session -------------
Is Klimov Jet Engine's sound file missing?
Is sas_sound_01.sfs is not loaded?
What files exist in your ROOT-FOLDER/SFS_AUTO/ ?
Please show us last 30 lines of your #SAS/STD/.rc
Is Klimov Jet Engine's sound file missing?
Is sas_sound_01.sfs is not loaded?
What files exist in your ROOT-FOLDER/SFS_AUTO/ ?
Please show us last 30 lines of your #SAS/STD/.rc
Last 30 lines from RC:
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps07p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps08p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps09p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps10p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps12p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps15.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps16.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps17.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps18.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps19.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps20.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound06.sfs
@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSFSAutoMount NAME sfsautomount \
HELP sfsautomount [MOUNT <folder name>] [UNMOUNT <folder name>]
@sfsautomount MOUNT SFS_AUTO
#preload REGISTER
@file .preload
SFS foler:
They look like no problems.
You might mistake something in installing MODs or their setting places (folder name, folder level).
But I have no idea to determine what that is.
They look like no problems.
You might mistake something in installing MODs or their setting places (folder name, folder level).
But I have no idea to determine what that is.
Here's my mod folder, did I name anything wrongly?
I'll wait to see what Mike has to say about my logs and stuffs, really want this to work :/
When ALL the procedure of installing MODs (guaranteed full-compatibility) are OK, no problem comes.
In fact, you face that crashing problem, that shows something was mistaken.
But no one knows what that is.
I think....
The only way you can solve it is proceeding the Modding steps only 1 and 1 by checking its running, instead of installing 2 or 3 MODs in a time.
It will save your time.
1. How about Stock 4.12.2m game ? OK ?
2. How about SASModAct5.3 ? OK ?
3. How about JetEra1956 and SAS Engine MOD 2.7 (no patching) ? OK ?
4. How about SAS Engine MOD 2.7 's western patch ? OK ?
5. How about Vega's Weapon pack ? OK ?
6. How about MiG-21 Unified pack ? OK ?
Checklisting all of them will surely take time, I'll wait for Mike, if he has no other solution then I'll have to do so one by one as you said. As far as I can see, the stock game is okay(as I played the vanilla 4.12.2m and it is all fine). SASModAct is fine (as the loading screen shows its loaded), Jet Era's models and all is fine, BUT one problem is when I found out that everytime I'm trying to use the missile, it crashes. I used the engine mod 2.7 without your patch when i found out the problem, which led me to post all of this stuff, then Mike came with all the solution to download your patch, however now the null loading problem thing came.
What version do you choose from 8x variations from 1st page ?
What version do you choose from 8x variations from 1st page ?
At first I chose this :
as this gives the error, i thought its just this version, so I changed to this:
https://www.mediafire.com/download/3fo8psbwb6vc55s/SAS_Engine_2.7_patch_western_20160414alpha.7z (currently installed)
but then again, it gives the error
What version do you choose from 8x variations from 1st page ?
At first I chose this :
You say you've installed "Update SAS Engine MOD 2.7 and merging PAL's sound classfiles." version,
but your #SAS folder seems not to contain "benitomuso(Pablo)'s Cockpit sound mod for v4.12.2".
What version do you choose from 8x variations from 1st page ?
At first I chose this :
You say you've installed "Update SAS Engine MOD 2.7 and merging PAL's sound classfiles." version,
but your #SAS folder seems not to contain "benitomuso(Pablo)'s Cockpit sound mod for v4.12.2".
Yeah, that's why I changed it to your latest version
Yeah, that's why I changed it to your latest version
Do you read and understand installing instructions correctly?
I never say such thing "Latest Alpha patch on patch can replace 1st post ones".
When you don't feel confident about modding, please avoid "Beta" or "Alpha" versions. They are often not stable, not easy to install, not friendly to beginners. It's noted.
Yeah, that's why I changed it to your latest version
Do you read and understand installing instructions correctly?
I never say such thing "Latest Alpha patch on patch can replace 1st post ones".
When you don't feel confident about modding, please avoid "Beta" or "Alpha" versions. They are often not stable, not easy to install, not friendly to beginners. It's noted.
Mike instructed me to specifically use the latest patch, that's why I did. I tried installing this one: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,39075.msg542231.html#msg542231 and yet the same thing happens
Thanks for the Update Western, It works.
Mike instructed me to specifically use the latest patch, that's why I did.
Sure, that's what I did.
You need to read the installation instructions carefully and follow them to the letter.
I'll bail out here, all this supersonic jet stuff, not my cup of tea.
Best regards - Mike
Mike instructed me to specifically use the latest patch, that's why I did.
Sure, that's what I did.
You need to read the installation instructions carefully and follow them to the letter.
I'll bail out here, all this supersonic jet stuff, not my cup of tea.
Best regards - Mike
I'll reinstall the whole game and all and checklist them one by one, nevertheless, thanks a lot.
Sounds like a good plan.
Sorry that I'm not a big help here, but to be honest I'm just not using all that late jet stuff myself, so my 2 cents would rather add to the confusion than bringing any helpful hints to the issue.
Best regards - Mike
I run 412.2 MA 5.3
I notice that with the latest patch 2016 04 14 the AI of AV8B and F18 go to
the catapults,run the engines but dont launch.Its ok for others AI.
All work fine with the patch 2016 02 05 ( no additional visual / sound effects version).
For my game the patch 2016 04 14 is compatible with the latest benitomuso's Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest).
The patch 2016 02 05 is not compatible.
Sorry for my bad english.
Thank you.
I run 412.2 MA 5.3
I notice that with the latest patch 2016 04 14 the AI of AV8B and F18 go to
the catapults,run the engines but dont launch.Its ok for others AI.
All work fine with the patch 2016 02 05 ( no additional visual / sound effects version).
For my game the patch 2016 04 14 is compatible with the latest benitomuso's Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest).
The patch 2016 02 05 is not compatible.
Sorry for my bad english.
Thank you.
Thanks your feed-backing.
Your case has been not tested by me.
I'll test it and fix ... umm need 3 or 4 days ?
the AI of AV8B and F18 go to the catapults,run the engines but dont launch.Its ok for others AI
I noticed the same thing on carriers like Graf Zeppelin or Peter Strasser (only tested these 2 for the moment) with navalized FW-190 'Seawolves' for example ; the plane takes place on catapult...and never launches. No problem with other planes like Bf-109T, Ju-87C (or more traditional carrier planes ;) ). I think I still have the 'standard' CUP version of SAS Engine MOD.
I'll test it and fix ... umm need 3 or 4 days ?
I don't forget it, but I'm interrupted another task and not begin.
I'll finish "another" in today, need 4 days from tomorrow for this one?
Take your time, we are still waiting patiently.
Thank you.
I've tested my "Pure" SAS Engine MOD 2.7 + my patches game.
I notice that with the latest patch 2016 04 14 the AI of AV8B and F18 go to
the catapults,run the engines but dont launch.Its ok for others AI.
F/A-18 and other CATOBAR Jets are all OK of AI taking-off from carriers' catapults.
AV-8B+ is a Short Take-off aircraft and cannot use catapults in historical (but today's MOD doesn't prohibit AI using catapults.)
Next I'll test with Pablo's Visual MOD V9.
Haven't you installed other MODs making conflicts with those AI carrier take-off functions .... ? like Pablo's Gear MOD.
Hello western0221.
I run 412.2 MA 5.3 and reinstall SAS Engine mod 2.7 + patch 2016 02 05 ( no additional visual / sound effects version)+ the latest patch 2016 04 14 .
Now AI F-18,Yak-36 V 3.00,and others AI work fine on carriers.
Only AI AV-8B dont want taking off on carriers (with or without catapulte).
I delete the latest aircrafts of my game but its the same.
The presence of the latest Visual MOD V9 (with walking pilot on carrier) has no influence for me.
I dont have Pablo's Gear MOD.
I run the game ten time an its always the same.
Thank you. :)
Newer ALPHA patch on patch of Engine MOD 2.7 .
Not stable, not tested enough.
1. apply one of 1st page's patch you like onto SAS Engine MOD 2.7
2. test it working OK?
3. apply today's patch onto 1. (common to all the versions of my 1st page ones)
04th/May/2016 patch contains all the updates of 14th , 11th , 04th , 02nd/Apr. and 11th/Mar. /2016.
- Fixing AI's AV-8B+ taking-off from carriers.
- Fixing non-needed AI rudder differencial on catapults.
When today's version will be tested enough and not reported new bugs , I'll decide to merge those Alpha "patch on a patch" into all the package and move to 1st page.
Many thanks Western for this new patch! :)
Thanks western0221, now the AI jumps for joy.
(http://s32.postimg.cc/malojpu1x/2016_05_04_at_20_43_11.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Best regards.
Newer ALPHA patch on patch of Engine MOD 2.7 .
Not stable, not tested enough.
04th/May/2016 patch contains all the updates of 14th , 11th , 04th , 02nd/Apr. and 11th/Mar. /2016.
May I merge this patch on patch into the base patches and move to 1st post as stable ?
May I merge this patch on patch into the base patches and move to 1st post as stable ?
That's a very good idea!
Regards, der Blaubär
Until now i dont encounter any problem.(412.2 MA 5.3).
Best regards.
Until now i dont encounter any problem.(412.2 MA 5.3).
Best regards.
Thanks your feedbackings.
I post merged version 04th/May/2016 to my 1st post.
When you've already installed the patch on patch of 04th/May/2016 successfully, no need to install 1st page one. They are only merged version, nothing changed from that patch on patch.
I'm trying to import 4.13.2m's choosing "Bomb release mode: Salvo / Single / Pair / Train --- Wing / Fuselage" function into my 4.12.2m's Engine MOD.
The screenshot is A-6A Intruder dropping 28x Mk82 bombs in Train mode.
The functions of setting Train amount and Train delay are kept from 4.13.2m.
I also have an additional plan to select a specific bomb class (like "Mk82" , "CBU-24") instead of carried place.
When I'll succeed it, we will be able to play like.... "At 1st dropping all Mk82 in Train mode and auto-stop, next dropping CBU-24 in Pairs".
Nice, Western, Where did you Get that A-6 Intruder, From Steven. Thats Cool.
Nice, Western, Where did you Get that A-6 Intruder, From Steven. Thats Cool.
This A-6 is Ranwers' one.
I'm helping him in Java coding (animation and weapon loadouts), correcting small parts shape and adding new weapon models (Navy Napalms, Clusters).
My motivation of today's Engine MOD update comes from his A-6. A-6 often carries two different bombs (LDGP and Cluster, LGB and LDGP, etc. etc.) and I want to select which one to drop.
That Ranwers A-6 Intruder Folder, Because I need To Test it First, Can You PM me For that A-6 Intruder Folder.
That Ranwers A-6 Intruder Folder, Because I need To Test it First, Can You PM me For that A-6 Intruder Folder.
I don't have any Authority about it, sorry.
I finish to implement my first plan about bomb release select function only for player's aircraft.
I'll try to AI aircraft and Net aircraft before releasing.
- toggle modes
- dropping a pair of Mk77
- dropping Mk82 SnakeEye in Train mode
When I'll finish all rest things and publish it, other Jets or props can use this function with only adding "1" line in their classfiles (onAircraftLoaded() method) as "FM.CT.bHasBombSelect = true;".
Ok western, just keep testing the A-6,
Out of date and containing a serious bug.
Beta-Hotfix release on 21th/July/2016.
1st install full package of 04th/May/2016 version of 1st page, after it, overwriting today's Hotfix.
Beta is not so Reliable, not enough tested. Take your own risk to install.
When today's version will be enough tested and seem no new bugs, I'll make a new full package and move it to the 1st page.
For standard version
For JapanCat's Merge Effect version
New features:
- Importing Stock 4.13.2m's Bomb Release Mode function.
- New "Select Bomb class" function. It needs aircraft side special Java codes and no aircraft is available, now.
- Rocket release mode is separated from Bomb Release Mode.
- "Dump Fuel" function enables total 3x dump points (visual effect points) on the aircraft.
Today's hotfix replaces i18n/ controls.properties and hud_log.properties (with their multi language files).
When you've touch those files already, please merge 2 into 1 with your hands.
Hello western0221.
I have a small problem with the last patch (standard version).
In the QMB if i engage auto pilot my propeller aircraft dont want to take off.
No problem with jet.
In QMB if i begin in flight i must manipulate the propeller pitch at 100% to continue the flight.
The same for take off.
Thanks for your work.
Best regards.
Thanks Western for the Update.
I have a small problem with the last patch (standard version).
In the QMB if i engage auto pilot my propeller aircraft dont want to take off.
No problem with jet.
In QMB if i begin in flight i must manipulate the propeller pitch at 100% to continue the flight.
The same for take off.
Thanks your feed-back, taskf53.
I've not tested your situations before my 21th/July/2016 Beta release.
I'll need 2 or 3 days to check it in my own game and reply here.
In my game, the taking-off bug problem reported by taskf53 is also seen.
I think that comes from gear brake codes, but not sure.
I may need some days to search where I made that bug and how to fix it.
In my game, the taking-off bug problem reported by taskf53 is also seen.
I think that comes from gear brake codes, but not sure.
I may need some days to search where I made that bug and how to fix it.
I've tested and compared classes again and again.
That is not coming from gear brake codes.
I've identified the bug class is --- Controls.class --- in switching each classes old one and my latest one.
In comparing latest source codes and old stable source codes, I cannot find what codes make the bug in Controls.class .
When I find it, I'll be able to fix it in 3 hours. But how long time I need to find the bug codes, I don't know.... 1 day? 3 days? 7 days? Sigh.
So, version 04th/May/2016 in my 1st post is stable.
Please use it till my next bugfix.
A new bug is found. This version is out of date , now.
Beta-Hotfix release on 30th/July/2016.
Only prop power bugfix of 21th/July/2016 version.
1st install full package of 04th/May/2016 version of 1st page, after it, overwriting today's Hotfix.
(No need 21th/July/2016 version)
Beta is not so Reliable, not enough tested. Take your own risk to install.
When today's version will be enough tested and seem no new bugs, I'll make a new full package and move it to the 1st page.
For standard version
tp://www.mediafire.com/download/1jgui sxsv/SAS_Engine_2.7_patch_western_20160730Hotfix.7z
For JapanCat's Merge Effect version
tp://www.mediafire.com/download/2l6yb d1o/MargeEffects_20151031R_patch_western_20160730Hotfix.7z
New features:
- Importing Stock 4.13.2m's Bomb Release Mode function.
- New "Select Bomb class" function. It needs aircraft side special Java codes and no aircraft is available, now.
- Rocket release mode is separated from Bomb Release Mode.
- "Dump Fuel" function enables total 3x dump points (visual effect points) on the aircraft.
Today's hotfix replaces i18n/ controls.properties and hud_log.properties (with their multi language files).
When you've touch those files already, please merge 2 into 1 with your hands.
Hello western0221.
I have a big trouble with the last patch 30th/July/2016 standard version, when i play the F 18,the aircraft remain often stationary in the sky (internal and external view).The problem still persists when i return to 04th/May/2016 version. Something seems broken in the game. :-[
I have exactly the same game as backup with the 04th/May/2016 version and there is no problem.
Thank you.
Best regards.
Hello western0221.
I have a big trouble with the last patch 30th/July/2016 standard version, when i play the F 18,the aircraft remain often stationary in the sky (internal and external view).The problem still persists when i return to 04th/May/2016 version. Something seems broken in the game. :-[
I have exactly the same game as backup with the 04th/May/2016 version and there is no problem.
In my game, F-18 and AV-8B+, other Jets / Props don't show such behavior.
Please check again installing steps.
When other players face the same problem, please post the error log.
How about my 30th/July/2016 version ?
If no other bug reports, I'll merge it onto main version and move to 1st page.
How about my 30th/July/2016 version ?
until i had no problems so far .. ;)
I'm out for holiday an I can't test news still for the next week....
Anyway , I was always wondering which kind of not common bugs target we should search for....
....not take it as absolutely as a critic , I was only asking to help you in spotting bugs that maybe I don't know where search....
Beta-Hotfix release on 16th/August/2016.
Bomb select bugfix of 30th/July/2016 version. It remained .... :-[
1st install full package of 04th/May/2016 version of 1st page, after it, overwriting today's Hotfix.
(No need 21th/July/2016 or 30th/July/2016 version)
Beta is not so Reliable, not enough tested. Take your own risk to install.
When today's version will be enough tested and seem no new bugs, I'll make a new full package and move it to the 1st page.
For standard version
For JapanCat's Merge Effect version
New features:
- Importing Stock 4.13.2m's Bomb Release Mode function.
- New "Select Bomb class" function. It needs aircraft side special Java codes.
-- F-105 patch for enabling "Select Bomb class" will be released soon.
- Rocket release mode is separated from Bomb Release Mode.
- "Dump Fuel" function enables total 3x dump points (visual effect points) on the aircraft.
Today's hotfix replaces i18n/ controls.properties and hud_log.properties (with their multi language files).
When you've touch those files already, please merge 2 into 1 with your hands.
F-105 patch is released:
Today's Beta has a new function Mike's Stab4all v1.0 merging with a little expansion.
1st install full package of 04th/May/2016 version of 1st page, after it, overwriting today's Hotfix.
(No need 21th/July - 30th/July - 16th/Aug./2016 versions , all are contained in today's one.)
Beta is not so Reliable, not enough tested. Take your own risk to install.
When today's version will be enough tested and seem no new bugs, I'll make a new full package and move it to the 1st page.
For standard version
For JapanCat's Merge Effect version
New feature:
- Merging Mike's Stab4all function with Enable/Disable selectable in conf.ini
in conf.ini , add this entry to enable Stab4all
Without the line of "Stab4all" , it is disabled (or written as =0 means disable).
No need to Enable/Disable the mod by JSGME.
Today's hotfix replaces i18n/ controls.properties and hud_log.properties (with their multi language files).
When you've touch those files already, please merge 2 into 1 with your hands.
F-105 patch is released:
Thanks western0221.
The patch Beta 22/Aug/2016 standard version works fine for me (412.2 ma 5.3). :)
Best regards.
Finally today I have the time to test again....
I noticed that the 4th may 2016 patch miss the 3do/effect folder with the subfolders tracers and fireworks (all about the piropatron)....
Did we need those files or are them the same as the one inside the F-16 and F-18 mods?
Today's Beta fixes one more Bomb Select function bug.
And also fixes a stock game bug of "Gears.nearGround()".
1st install full package of 04th/May/2016 version of 1st page, after it, overwriting today's Hotfix.
(No need 21th/July - 22nd/Aug./2016 versions , all are contained in today's one.)
Beta is not so Reliable, not enough tested. Take your own risk to install.
When today's version will be enough tested and seem no new bugs, I'll make a new full package and move it to the 1st page.
For standard version
For JapanCat's Merge Effect version
New feature:
- Merging Mike's Stab4all function with Enable/Disable selectable in conf.ini
in conf.ini , add this entry to enable Stab4all
Without the line of "Stab4all" , it is disabled (or written as =0 means disable).
No need to Enable/Disable the mod by JSGME.
Today's hotfix replaces i18n/ controls.properties and hud_log.properties (with their multi language files).
When you've touch those files already, please merge 2 into 1 with your hands.
F-105 patch is released:
I noticed that the 4th may 2016 patch miss the 3do/effect folder with the subfolders tracers and fireworks (all about the piropatron)....
They are added in Today's patch.
Many thanks Western! :)
Installed the new hotfix and got all working flawless....
I also spot the issue about the bombs selections (I haven't disabled the old stabs x all mod)....
Whenever when I patch my vanilla engine mod with the western patch, when I will create a mission I get this message: mission loading failed null. I don't know why my Jet wat with engine mod works 100% fine but when I try this patch i got this message on the mission load screen. Please someone can help me?
@ Orlok Lucas.
In the FMB try to press:Brief,Arming,Aircraft customization,Apply,Apply,Fly.
the download link is dead someone has the SAS Engine MOD 2.7.1 still available
This is, as the topic says, "out of date". Also "out of service", also "out of support."
There is literally no reason to resurrect this dead thread and this long outdated and superseded package.