Special Aircraft Service

the SAS Hangar => The Lounge => Movies & Screenshots => Topic started by: BravoFxTrt on January 29, 2014, 08:47:06 AM

Title: Want to be a Fighter Pilot for one Day?
Post by: BravoFxTrt on January 29, 2014, 08:47:06 AM

See them all here:  http://www.flyfighterjet.com/?gclid=CNORyv3co7wCFatcMgoddHQAtw
Title: Re: Want to be a Fighter Pilot for one Day?
Post by: Gaston on January 29, 2014, 10:32:35 AM
In Switzerland, there are 2 places you can fly in a Hawker Hunter. You can fly in a Mirage III too ! of course, I do not tell you the price, guys...
Title: Re: Want to be a Fighter Pilot for one Day?
Post by: BravoFxTrt on January 29, 2014, 10:36:11 AM
Yes, if one has to ask the price, one will never fly in a Fighter.
Title: Re: Want to be a Fighter Pilot for one Day?
Post by: Ivan-le-Rouge on January 30, 2014, 03:00:30 AM
My girlfriend has offer me a fly on L-39 (1500€ for 30 minutes of flight). But the compagny who sale the fly (racingbax) don't work anymore with aeroclubs. So I don't make my fly and we could'n be refunded...
Avoid Racingbox, they are really dissapointing.