Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Frankenstein's Hangar => Topic started by: Blazing on February 19, 2014, 01:18:27 AM
Here is the F104-A by Bison_M
Download Link
*** Version 1.2 New 3D by Bison_M and new FM by Blazing you reach speeds of Mach 1.2 quicker ***
Please remove the older F104A folder and place this one.
http://www.blazing.ptn0.com/?page_id=19 (http://www.blazing.ptn0.com/?page_id=19)
modified by Bison_M using the L139C plane created by
credits of L139C
Pink_Tigger - original L-39 3D
GJE52 - L139C aircraft
F22-Raptor-2006 - Java, original FM
Frecce Tricolori Virtuali for MB-339 Sounds.
FM Team - original slot New FM
other credits related
Enforcer -pylones
Flakiten - tanks F-84
Croc - template
US Grant, OC_Tiger - default skins
F104A Credits
3D modifying by Bison_M
New slot and FM created by Blazing
if I left someone out of credits let me know
Mods need:
The Jet Era v1.33
There may be other but I'm not sure as I use DBW.
Has been tested with 4.12.1 and 4.10.1 DBW
Bison Mentioned this about Skins
Some skins from the L-39 L-139 are suitable for the F-104A.
Skin folder is F-104A
Enjoy and Have fun.
Bison_M and Blazing ;D
AHAA!! Blazing, I can't thank you enough!! I'll give her a thorough testing ASAP! ;D
Lol that would be a good idea, I didn't really test it, and I only scored 1 Kill :(
good one blating! :D just take care of the other frankens ;) ! :D
Thank you! :D
The "lawndart" living up to its name... my fault though. ;D Pilot error. I was attempting a low speed scissor with an angry Mig-19 when I went into an un-recoverable flat-spin, and was forced to abandon the aircraft.
(https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3667/12630870134_d0ba77454c_b.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/90218755@N06/12630870134/)
2014.02.19 08-44-47 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/90218755@N06/12630870134/) by Fresco 23 (http://www.flickr.com/people/90218755@N06/), on Flickr
One side note: Whenever I fly as Blue, as in 'USA-Postwar', I get no cockpit and see the ground/sky/tree phenomenon... Red side nations all work fine though... :) Also, is it normal that the brakes deploy on their own at high speed?
It is very impressive and the cannon is awesome! I thank you for giving us a stand-alone variant of this 'Widowmaker' finally! I will put it to heavy use!
Well, so far I've 'almost matched your kill ratio blazing... I grazed that MiG before I went down.. ;D
lol sorry Fresco but I got 2 guns kills now.
Not sure about the postwar thing I'll look in to it, as for the air brake I was about to post they come out at about 900 but I'm going to fix that and I've noticed the flaps don't work.
fresco can you please send me your logfile. I tried the post war on my setup and it worked. maybe it's a mod I have that you don't.
AHH maybe! ill PM it over right away!
ok so flaps do work but I need to fix something, the air brake problem I'm not sure I hope some other modder can tell me what the fix is.
PM sent blazing.
Hopefully you can make sense of some of it.. but even if we can't fix the blue side thing, its still cool, I can just fly as red side always! ;D
One side note: Whenever I fly as Blue, as in 'USA-Postwar', I get no cockpit and see the ground/sky/tree phenomenon... Red side nations all work fine though...
Hello Fresco! :)
I checked out the cockpit in the 4101m + 3.6 + SASMODAKT+ Jet era, and in 4122 +SASMODAKT5.3 +jet era1.33 for the blue side. View from the cockpit is. What vertion of the game are you use?
About spin: I have specially dropped the craft into a tailspin at 5000 m. Acting on recommendations on the withdrawal of aircraft from the spin I have deduced from the spin Starfighter approximately 2500 m.
Some skins from the L-39 L-139 are suitable for the F-104A.
Skin folder is F-104A
Regards ;)
I am running it in 4.12.2/modact/etc
Ah, thanks Blazing for the skin folder info, this is the primary skin I'll be using.
I plan on doing some Interceptions, and Ground Busting!
(https://ycpi-farm4.staticflickr.com/3703/12631790225_cae1b90fa6_b.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/90218755@N06/12631790225/)
2014.02.19 10-21-58 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/90218755@N06/12631790225/) by Fresco 23 (http://www.flickr.com/people/90218755@N06/), on Flickr
I checked out the cockpit in the 4101m + 3.6 + SASMODAKT+ Jet era, and in 4122 +SASMODAKT5.3 +jet era1.33 for the blue side. View from the cockpit is.
Now it is working.. the problem was with the map I was using apparently. I changed maps, and blue force nations are working now! ;D
Yeah, thats weird how some maps work with some planes and not with others.
oh good only 2 errors then well 1 really. Thanks for the update on skins Bison_M I'll update it to the 1st post.
Bison_M and I are planning some new weapon load outs let us know what more we can add.
And I have also made a small tweak to the stall / spin it will be with the next update.
update random air brake error fixed only flaps left to fix
*** 5 mins later ***
Update 2 Flaps now working.
update link on first post. It also has working tail hook.
*** 5 mins later ***
Thanks for the update blazing!
Bison_M and I are planning some new weapon load outs let us know what more we can add.
If you are seriously taking suggestions...
I hope for 2 more fuel tank configurations:
2 tanks: 2 at wing tips
4 tanks: 2 at tips, and two on wing pylons
SEA camouflage:
(https://ycpi-farm6.staticflickr.com/5473/12651458785_496c348427_b.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/90218755@N06/12651458785/)
F-104 SEA Camo 2 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/90218755@N06/12651458785/) by Fresco 23 (http://www.flickr.com/people/90218755@N06/), on Flickr
Hello... I like this mod. Problems: weapons don't show ,sound only worked with L159G sound mod, sound cuts out with 80% throttle applied. I am using 4.12, with 5.3 Mod activator. All other Jets/weapons/sounds work including Daisy cutter bombs in the F-100D. Your work is appreciated.
Yea I know about the sound thing not sure about that one, I know it has to do with slot code as before I increased the FM when it was slower there noise at 100%.
As For the weapon I Don't know why they wouldn't show, have you tried to play the loadout and it works or is doesn't show at all in the mission and loadout screen, I'm using 4.10.1 Dark Blue work and it work 100% for me not sure about 4.12
Works for me in 4.12.2
It works in my 4.12.2 with Modact 5.31,but only with default loadout.........when I change to bombs or any Aim loadouts , I get a Mission load "Null"......any ideas?.......... :(.........I have the L-139 and 159 working.........
Congratulations for the excellent mod!
Has no armaments?
I installed, I added the line in air.ini
But no weapons ???
The sting Italian is coming... ;D
Awesome Stefano!
I have also been working on one, what do you think? Still needs a bit of work.. :) Such as the size and stretching of the tail emblem.. lol
(http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7329/13096975065_cac321036b_b.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/90218755@N06/13096975065/)
Escort (http://www.flickr.com/photos/90218755@N06/13096975065/) by Fresco 23 (http://www.flickr.com/people/90218755@N06/), on Flickr
(http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3740/13097314134_d1ed716021_b.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/90218755@N06/13097314134/)
f-104%2056-8673 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/90218755@N06/13097314134/) by Fresco 23 (http://www.flickr.com/people/90218755@N06/), on Flickr
Wow, I think you're doing a remarkable job Fresco, really nice.
The coat of arms of the tail at first glance I think it should be a little bit tight, and lifted slightly, so that with the serial number, it will have the most natural one aspect, however, the white band that wraps around the fuselage and wings give his coup d 'eye ;)
As for my work, I'm reworking some skins I made long ago for L 39C
I have a lot of work to re fit for F-104 8) :D
Fresco, here it can find the livery of that beautiful F-104 Nippon in all its fullness and beauty ;)
http://reocities.com/CapeCanaveral/cockpit/3873/starfighter.html (http://reocities.com/CapeCanaveral/cockpit/3873/starfighter.html)
AH thanks for the link Stefano! That will help! I knew I would have to re work the tail emblem, its very tricky with the warping of the model now, but ill get it worked out eventually! lol
I also see that the red/white wraps all the way around and mine's only on top and sides so ill fix that also.. :D
next one will be MOST LIKELY be like this
then I want to do a couple of French and Canadian Aircraft
so sorry for the later reply University take alot of time, mission null means you may be missing something like A mod (weapon or plane), I will check and update the list,
Here is a list of the Jet Era Planes I have if you have installed only this plane and nothing else the weapons will not show and will get a null error as you need that original plane that has the weapons.
if you find that you don't have 1 or a few planes it's most likely the reason it won't work.
Also it would help if you can look at your log file at the bottom to tell me the error it can help with what weapon is the problem
( This list if mostly planes from Jet Era not included in the pack )
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=15649.0 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=15649.0)
**************************************** air.Placeholder
* air.Placeholder
FJ3M_Fury air.FJ_3M 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-86C air.F_86C 1 usa01 SUMMER
A-7A air.A7A 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
A-7B air.A7B 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
A-7D air.A7D 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
A-7E air.A7E 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-100D air.F_100D NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-4B air.F_4B 2 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-4D air.F_4D 2 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-4E air.F_4E 2 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-4J air.F_4J 2 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-8A air.F8A 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-8E air.F8E 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
RF-8A air.RF8A 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
* air.Placeholder
Red_1966 air.Placeholder
**************************************** air.Placeholder
* air.Placeholder
MiG-15UTI air.Mig_15UTI 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MiG-15 air.Mig_15 1 r01 SUMMER
MiG-15(bis) air.Mig_15bis 1 r01 SUMMER
MiG-15SB air.MiG_15SB 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MiG-17A air.Mig_17A NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MiG-17F air.Mig_17F 1 r01 SUMMER
MiG-17PF air.Mig_17PF NOINFO r01 SUMMER
MiG-19S air.Mig_19S 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
L-39C air.L39C 1 r01 SUMMER
L-159G air.L159G 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
L-139C air.L139C_159 1 r01 SUMMER
L-159A air.L139A_159A 1 r01 SUMMER
Blazing Hello, I need help, I would like to know which file is the one that makes up the unloading of the reactor.
As you can see from the screen I was able to adapt to those skins of the rudder and the mouths of ventilation, but I could not find the file mentioned above, but not for my knowledge of English, as you can see I'm writing and translating with Google translator :P
Blazing Hello, I need help, I would like to know which file is the one that makes up the unloading of the reactor.
As you can see from the screen I was able to adapt to those skins of the rudder and the mouths of ventilation, but I could not find the file mentioned above, but not for my knowledge of English, as you can see I'm writing and translating with Google translator :P
Hi Stefano! :)
Regards ;)
Blazing Hello, I need help, I would like to know which file is the one that makes up the unloading of the reactor.
As you can see from the screen I was able to adapt to those skins of the rudder and the mouths of ventilation, but I could not find the file mentioned above, but not for my knowledge of English, as you can see I'm writing and translating with Google translator :P
Hi Stefano! :)
Regards ;)
Thank you very much Bison, I'm back to work now, time for a shower and get back to work on the skins of "stinger" ;)
Intersting franken, thanks for all involved!
And beautiful skin and photos especially the two italian Starfighters from 28^ Gruppo (3^ Stormo) and 23^ Gruppo (5^ Stormo) posted by fresco23 (the F-104 never was in service with Armée de l'Air... But the french had another great cold war fighter, the Mirage III :P )
Very early "nuclear strike" camo for this newly arrived F-104G of 4^ Stormo Caccia (early '60s)
(source: http://webcommunity.ilvolo.it/lockheed-f-104-starfighter-monography-t14704.html)
An italian F-104S from 36^ Stormo Caccia with a soviet Tu-16 "Badger" over mediterranean sea. Note the AIM-7 Sparrow under left wing.
(source: http://theaviationist.com/works/scramble/)
:-[ ooops..... I knew that.... I just looked really fast and saw French... I didn't even realize the green center....
dang that's embarrassing...
No problem fresco23, it happens sometimes ;) And good luck with japanese skin!
Hi All! :) Little fix for 3D. Pilot, cannon and keel...
https://www.mediafire.com/download/2z61jlelsdgujgx/F-104Afix140314.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/download/2z61jlelsdgujgx/F-104Afix140314.7z)
Make a backup previous version.
Unzip the file, overwrite the contents of your folder F-104 A in MODS:
With the replacement - agree.
Enjoy ;)
No weapons problem solved. Mod F104A, required install of L-159A&139C which contains weapons folder _0_JGE52_Arms. All weapons now show, and work in 4.12.2 with mod activator 5.3. I tried to install Just the weapons pack without the 159/139, but it was a no-go! Maybe a patch could contain files needed, just a suggestion. Love the mod, thanks for your work.
Disregard my above post, When I downloaded the F104, I did not see the requirements as now listed in your post. Thanks again.
Damn I thought that by changing the skins I had, it would have been easy and I would have done early in the release package, but it seems that the work is more difficult than expected ... :P
Greetings Mr. Bison_M, the " under tail fin" from which the tail hook extends, appears to be angled in the opposite direction from the actual aircraft in the photos, which causes ground strike upon takeoff. The tapered end should point toward the rear exhaust, I might be wrong!
? did I miss something I don't see the problem with the skin :)
Hello blazing, the problem, or problems are to complete a multiple skins, as I happened to AMX, even for the F-104 is the same, but I did not give up and continue to go on with the job. ;)
However, I have encountered a problem, if I change the file "skin12o" equivalent to the reactor exhaust, basically in the game seems to me that instead of Franken_F-104, The L39 Albatros, so I had to give up on this and keep the original file as is was created.
But you can add the choice of weapons instead of the usual two additional tanks, put 4? I think it makes the model even if Franken a bit more realistic.
http://www.rostro.eu/intercettori.htm (http://www.rostro.eu/intercettori.htm)
yea Ok I'll add 4 fuel tanks when I get home if I remember
Here's the problem that is to create skins, F-104, I tried them all in order to achieve a good result, but the fact remains that if the skin is made like the one in the picture, there is no way to match the parties even if the result can be pretty good at first glance, this does not apply to the skin with a color integrity, as saying a uniform skin color does not exhibit this problem, but for those camouflaged you can easily disguise the parties do not match so as to make the skin appear smooth.
With this, I want to emphasize that the final result of the skins will have a boun compromise with the model Franken F-104, but will not be perfect.
Here's the skin in all its integrity: :D
noticed a problem during takeoff: front wheel is very weak(may collapse at 250km/h+) and this is very likely to tail hit ground when raising aircraft(causes it to tear apart)
oh ok now I see your problem with skins, I'm not sure about that it may have to do with original model is was taken from.
As for the gear I will check it out for improves
I am at the moment trying to get the 4 x Tanks but have run into a problem with hook position I don't think you want the tanks as they are yet, I continue to work on it but if I can't get it to work I'll added 4 on the wings I know it's not want was asked but if it doesn't work on the wing tips its the only thing I can do but that only percentage of that happening.
Not a problem blazing, hides as mentioned in the previous post have joint problems, as you see in the skin over the end result can be quite acceptable. The question that I submitted, it is more for the purists of the genre, because if I change a part on the skin to make it smooth to the aircraft, this will inevitably I will also change a part of the aircraft itself, always and only parts of skins make up the aircraft.
For so I am trying to find a good compromise between the parties, but as you said yourself well for the problem application of 4 additional tanks, if you can not find another way then we should be content with what we have ;)
the 4 tanks work but the wing tanks point in to the plane I have to move them to point in the right direction. I tried yesterday but the java side was making problems for it
Guys I need some help, I'm stuck in this problem for about three days, and did not go out.
Does anyone know what song it is those that are shown in the picture? :(
God I'm going crazy, I'm using the numeric table to identify the pieces but I can not seem to be like those ghosts targets that are on a mission that would make me turn in the virtual skies for hours and hours until fuel exhaustion :P :)
the 4 tanks work but the wing tanks point in to the plane I have to move them to point in the right direction. I tried yesterday but the java side was making problems for it
Blazing Wow great, I am sending you a kiss on the forehead ;D
are there more skins coming? was hoping for a USAF air superirority gray camo; i see the italian one. Also, marineflieger? Thx.
link is dead. somebody help me, please
link is dead. somebody help me, please
link works perfectly, at least for me.
Link works I'll put another one on maybe. however I just noticed my images are gone so I'll fix that.
hello, the link does not work for me ("This webpage is not available"). please add another one! ))
This link does not work:
Hi everyone! ;)
This is an alternative link with corrections in 3D (3D distortion corrected on the wings).
https://www.mediafire.com/download/evhg43448vxw87o/F-104A_v2014.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/download/evhg43448vxw87o/F-104A_v2014.7z)
Be careful when landing! It is just as difficult as the MiG-21! ;D
Best wishes!
Thanks, Bison! ;D
Patch that adds insignia to F-104A.
https://www.mediafire.com/download/pjy749g9h6lw6m6/F-104APatch_insignia.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/download/pjy749g9h6lw6m6/F-104APatch_insignia.7z)
Installation: Make a backup of your installed mod F-104, extract the patch and overwrite.
Big Thanks:
Wasted and the team that worked on the MiG-21.
Template by CROC
Enjoy! ;)
Congratulations for the excellent mod!
Has no armaments?
I installed, I added the line in air.ini
But no weapons ???
I myself shall answer ;)
Was lack of attention on my part.
At the beginning of this post, is rocomendado installing L139C.
That's what I did ... and here is my aircraft loaded with ammunition. ;D
Mod needed, so you can have the armaments.
L-139C & L-1939A: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,34417.0.html
Thanks Alex! :)
Thank you Gentlemen, I hope you enjoy it. ;)
Very nice skin patch. Could ,or should I say have you any upgrade on the brakes for this mod. The air brakes works fine in flight, but not when landing. Same problem with brakes on landing, the mod appears to accelerate with the throttle closed, and brakes applied. I thank you for, and appreciate your work.
This is an alternative link with corrections in 3D (3D distortion corrected on the wings).
thank you so much! ))
The link is broken :( :(
Could someone reupload it?
The link is broken :( :(
Could someone reupload it?
Hi. see here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,39498.msg471800.html#msg471800 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,39498.msg471800.html#msg471800)
I am so happy with this plane!! Ty Bison!.
I only notice that its so dificult stop it at landing, and the AI never stop at landing..crashing with anything at the end! ;D ;D
Its posible add it a Parachute like the F-105 or the F-16.... or something to stop the AI! ;)
I hope that my request will not enought too crazy..
ty anyway!!!
Hi! Just wanted to let you all know for future reference:
If you DO NOT have the lovely L-139 series in your jet game(which... why wouldn't you??? They're awesome!), or DO NOT WANT to add it(again.... why??? They're awesome!) you can get around this little requirement IF you are running THIS mod:
I have just removed my L-139s to make sure! Have fun!
So ignore my ravings.... this setup described above WILL run just fine. But without the L-139s you will not have engine sounds! OOPS
Perhaps this should be noted in the first post.
Fucking amazing work
Can somebody give me the air ini please?
Here : air.F104A , or the full entry : F-104A air.F104A 1 g01 SUMMER
Thank you very much
Glad to help a mate. :D