That is cool! But will it be available a SAS server that uses 4.12.2+SAS ModAct? :)as mike said, Ultra Pack RC4
its so much fun! thanks mike!! 8) 8)
Hi Radge this is a link to my #UP# Folder, has the Ecran Widescreen mod in it.
Just drop it in your UP3RC4 Game Folder.
Other game versions might follow later, it depends on our map makers.
The decision for UP3 was because our most active group of online players, the Flying Ass Clowns, are currently using that version.
Best regards - Mike
Hi Mike,
We are having troubles with Wings being ripped of at Negative G's, almost all planes have this.
Would there be a fix for this?
Thanks for looking into it.
as for maps, the current one is nice, but i think rather too bigMike has already stressed that ;) :D
Mike, is it possible to use or enable on server the HD/True color mod?
Why only BravoFxTrt has normal rank and and constant air force?That's because FBDj doesn't have any Ultrapack features builtin.
Radge, "pusk"means start?Yep :D
Why only BravoFxTrt has normal rank and and constant air force?That's because FBDj doesn't have any Ultrapack features builtin.
The only things I managed to (mostly) get synchronized between FBDj and UP3 yet is the maps list and aircraft list.
You'll notice that when you select a non-stock army then your army to FBDj will be "unknown", the same happens for most of the loadouts implemented in UP3 which are not stock ones.
It's a tedious job to get all these things fixed. I guess Willie had tools for this back in the days when FBDj was actively maintained but unfortunately I don't have them.
Consider FBDj for UP3 as unfinished as UP3 itself.
Best regards - Mike
not that i mind, but why do i have a skull next to my name instead of a flag? :DHA! HAHAHAHA! OMG! I didn't notice that! :))
not that i mind, but why do i have a skull next to my name instead of a flag? :D
Yes, I could.
Would be very cool if the time of day on different missions will be set differentYep, that would be cool :D
Mike, y u do dis? :'( :(Why do I do what?
Mike, y u do dis? :'( :(Why do I do what?
Thanks Radge, I left it in Mediafire for others to use. Please do share it.I reported an issue with the #UP# folder in the regarding thread:
I also have the link here as well:
Yes in that case of course, thanks a lot.
[2:51:40 AM] socket channel '131' start creating: aaa.bbb.ccc.d:51254
[2:51:40 AM] NetUser - Checking if user >Phas3e [aaa.bbb.ccc.d]< has any refly/KIA time penalties...
[2:51:40 AM] Chat: --- Phas3e joins the game.
[2:51:40 AM] socket channel '131', ip aaa.bbb.ccc.d:51254, Phas3e , is complete created
[2:51:41 AM] channel 131 DESTROY
[2:51:41 AM] socketConnection with aaa.bbb.ccc.d:51254 on channel 131 lost. Reason: Connection lost.
[2:51:41 AM] Chat: --- Phas3e has left the game.
[12:37:20 PM] socket channel '165' start creating:
[12:37:20 PM] NetUser - Checking if user >Storebror []< has any refly/KIA time penalties...
[12:37:20 PM] Chat: --- Storebror joins the game.
[12:37:20 PM] socket channel '165', ip, Storebror, is complete created
[12:41:38 PM] socketConnection with on channel 165 lost. Reason:
[12:41:38 PM] Chat: --- Storebror has left the game.
[2:51:41 AM] channel 131 DESTROY
And the only thing that differs between your name and mine (or others) is that the log shows more empty space behind your name.The map you were offering is in the rotation already.
No clue what's wrong with NW Europe Beeps. I confirm the error but I don't have the slightest clue what causes this.
Any MDS expert around here who can shed some light on this?
A map with 5 bases, 2 red and 3 blue, but the blue bases are mostly unavailable?
Best regards - Mike
Had a go for a couple of hours today. Only issue might be the Rabaul map, The flying distances are pretty long for Red, especially for the navy fliers. Not much you can do about the land bases but you might consider moving the carriers a lot closer to Rabaul.
Good show!
Had a go for a couple of hours today. Only issue might be the Rabaul map, The flying distances are pretty long for Red, especially for the navy fliers. Not much you can do about the land bases but you might consider moving the carriers a lot closer to Rabaul.
Good show!
Hey Conky! had some fun playing with ya earlier ;D
could you add me to the FAC squad? i fly online as 488th~rockdoonDone :)
could you add me to the FAC squad? i fly online as 488th~rockdoonDone :)
then it'd be nice to have reall-events based missions...
+ is it possible for someone to switch view over the planes even if it is set off in settings? (somebody like GM) Then you can tell who's cheating and who not :)
I meant the insignia...
IL-2 is such a matured game with mostly matured players, cheating in IL-2 is like faking an orgasm when you jack off.
We will later have to decide which difficulty settings we're going to run the server with and depending on that decision, it might or might not be required to have markings on all aircraft (imagine we decide to run it with no icons and we allow not to carry any markings: Chaos).
Best regards - Mike
@Bîzu: Done.
@fresco: Please understand that currently the server is still up for testing only. We will later have to decide which difficulty settings we're going to run the server with and depending on that decision, it might or might not be required to have markings on all aircraft (imagine we decide to run it with no icons and we allow not to carry any markings: Chaos).
Best regards - Mike
You may kick/ban players not using any marking (the IL-2's nor the one on skin). You can actually make sure if (and who) was (or was not) having the markings by checking the track files.
You may kick/ban players not using any marking (the IL-2's nor the one on skin). You can actually make sure if (and who) was (or was not) having the markings by checking the track files.
Again, why the hell do you want to do that?
I didn't mean the missions where it is clearly visible who's who (like P-51 against Bf-109), but if it was like Bf-109 against another Bf-109, there it would be a problem (that goes for Slovakian national rise or the Yugoslavian warfare).
I bet you know that it will be only essential to have markings requirement on such a map...
I bet you know that it will be only essential to have markings requirement on such a map...
That's just you, if you can differentiate from friends to foes, what kind of fighter ace are you?
about the new missions, they did not last more then 30 sec. earlier todayYep sorry, my mistake. It's fixed now, thanks for the report!
this server uses UP3 RC4 with no mods?It uses UP3 RC4 with a mod which reduces the accuracy of AAA flak gunners (which otherwise would turn any strike mission into a suicide task).
Today, I fought alone against 50 allied AI planes :PThe world belongs to the brave ;)
Well I got a problem I got multiple installs when I try to start this game server it always choose the one HSFX and not my UP install
'selected homebase has no aircraft available at the moment'Start JSGME in your IL-2 1946 UP3 game folder.
I received this error on the stats page today at 15.55 CETThat's an FBDj error, caused by the apostrophe in the mission name.
Is this an error of my system or a server problem?
What we could do is that you send us a couple of missions (3 hours... 3 missions maybe) and if they're working well on the server, I could setup a static schedule where between 9 and 12 these three missions would run for 60 minutes each.
...Map is Kiyv (or whatever you english spell it like..)...
UP3 is still the FAC-Server. ;)
Mike, I can't play on the FAC_Westfront_S_1944_blue_d mission, fps is veeery low... :(
[...]I know that my mods aren´t the ones I need[...]
I'd like to add that the DBW Superpack in UP3 mode can connect flawlessly to our server.
If your game version differs, it does so because of additional mods you've installed on top, and these mods apparently aren't compatible.
From experience I'd say that most likely you've enabled a couple of additional "#UP#_..." options from JSGME.
Be advised to only switch on "#UP#_enable_UP3.0" in JSGME, all other "#UP#_..." options are outdated and will bump you back to UP3 RC1 level, whereas the current UP3 is RC4.
"#UP#_Enable_Hakenkreuz" is unnecessary as this is included in RC4 by default.
"#UP#_Enable_WideScreenSupport" doesn't fit RC4, you need a dedicated widescreen mod for UP3 RC4.
Best regards - Mike
Old System | New System |
( | ( |
"Fixed cowling engine & props"All files from "3do" folder are okay.
"RU_reticles"No clue, didn't try that yet.
Salut Jacques, Il dépend. La plupart du temps nous pouvons recevoir que vous voulez dire, quelquefois nous ne faisons pas et quelquefois nous sommes sur le point de mourir de rire.
Vous ne pouvez pas éviter que, tous les traducteurs en ligne ont leurs défauts spécifiques.
Salutations distinguées - Mike
Bonjour Jacques, cela dépend. La plupart du temps nous pouvons obtenir ce que vous voulez dire, parfois nous ne le faisons pas, et que, parfois, nous sommes sur le point de mourir de rire.
Vous ne pouvez pas éviter que, tous les traducteurs en ligne ont leurs propres défauts.
Meilleures salutations - Mike
Salut Jacques, Il dépend. La plupart du temps, nous pouvons obtenir ce que vous voulez dire, parfois, nous ne le faisons pas, et parfois nous sommes sur le point de mourir de rire.
Vous ne pouvez pas éviter cela, tous les traducteurs en ligne ont leurs défauts spécifiques.
Cordialement - Mike
Salut Jacques, ça dépend. La plupart du temps, nous pouvons obtenir ce que vous entendez, parfois nous n'avons pas, et parfois nous sommes sur le point de mourir qui rit.
Vous ne pouvez pas éviter que, tous les traducteurs en ligne ont leurs défauts spécifiques.
Meilleures salutations - Mike
Greeting Jacques, He depends. Mostly we can accept that you mean, sometimes we do not make and sometimes we are on the point of diing laughing.
You cannot avoid that, all online translators have their specific defects.
Distinguished salutations - Mike
Hello Jacques, it depends. Most of the time we can get what you want to say, sometimes we do not, and that, sometimes, we are on the point of dying of laughter.
You cannot avoid that, all translators online have their own faults.
Best regards - Mike
Hi Jacques, It depends. Most of the time, we can get what you mean, sometimes we do not do it, and sometimes we are about to die laughing.
You can not avoid this, all online translators have their specific defects.
Sincerely - Mike
Hi James, it depends. Most of the time, we can get what you mean, sometimes we don't, and sometimes we are on the point of dying laughing.
You cannot avoid that, online translators have their specific defects.
Best regards - Mike
-Encore une fois vous remercier pour votre travail.
Une autre chose ? .... Quel traducteur est meilleur pour vous ?
Bons vols et au plus tard
Other game versions might follow later, it depends on our map makers.
1 entire minute to load a 250lb bombAt good times that's just enough to have a p*ss and a new ... BK stop it! ... beer.
Thx for the informations.
I hate it to install a couple of versions of one game, I prefer only one but this is absolutly impossible by IL2.
All those big mods have there advantages and disadvantages and I cannot understand why it is so difficulty for the modding community,
to bundle their power and create on mod, which can be use by onliners and offliners. A best of HSFX, DBW and UP based on 4.12.2 or better on 4.13.
I have two words for you saw palmetto1 entire minute to load a 250lb bombAt good times that's just enough to have a p*ss and a new ... BK stop it! ... beer.
Sometimes even the first part becomes tight, must be the age :P
No matter how you shake and dance, the last few drops go in your pants.
Best regards - Mike
The short answer is "yes". UP3RC4 can be installed on top of a clean 4.12 version of IL-2. Here:,43147.0.html
Cheers and enjoy.
First time I hear any 4.10 modpack works with 4.12.Not "with", just in parallel ;)
Stats can be funny.
Look at mine:
Victory Over Top 10, Defeated by Top 10, Top 10 Friendly Victims or Defeated by Friendly Top 10 , whatever you're looking for, skylla always comes first :P
Best regards - Mike
The same way like e.g. gerula has 5650, at the same time where he flew red 3172 times and blue 2464 times (sums up to 5636).
There's exactly two reasons for this "mismatch":
- In the beginning of server operation, we've had at least one mission that featured more than 2 sides, for instance Rabaul strikes back ( was such a mission.
You could fly a third side there (gold or so) and that would confuse FBDj completely.- In the first year of server operation we frequently stumbled upon FBDj lacking content of UP3.
When a mission for instance used a tank that wasn't listed in FBDj, as a result at mission end FBDj would be unable to store your sortie stats, however since the mission was running on the server and FBDj did "see" you flying a sortie on it, the sortie would be counted, you'd just lack any detailed sortie stats like points, kills etc., the sortie would just not appear on the list.
Bottom line is that this is an FBDj thing and it's been sorted about a year ago.
Best regards - Mike
Hi Guys,
it was very nice to fly with you this afternoon. I think I will come back next sunday.
Best regards
Yeah welcome to the club Printe :D
Don't know if anyone noticed yet, but "we" germans are about to conquer the world on our gameserver:
Skylla, BK, Thorsten, Mr. Bluebärie, Ede, now Printe, me, ..., I forgot some for sure ;)
Yankees + Tommies, we got you surrounded! :P
Best regards - Mike
PS: i'm not allowed to post link :-[This is a protection machanism against spambots, now that you have five posts it should work.
File PaintSchemes/Regiments/thumbs.db.bmp
[2019-05-19 17:42:54.293] dT: 1 Chat: Server: Next Mission Load in 30 Seconds
[2019-05-19 17:43:04.128] dT: 328 Chat: Loku: <nextmap
[2019-05-19 17:43:04.695] dT: 19 warning: no files : music/inflight
[2019-05-19 17:43:09.284] dT: 152 Chat: Server: Mission Over ** TimeLimit( 60 minutes ) Reached **
[2019-05-19 17:43:09.284] dT: 0 Chat: Server: Next Mission Load in 15 Seconds
[2019-05-19 17:43:20.535] dT: 376 warning: no files : music/takeoff
[2019-05-19 17:43:31.732] dT:-11439 Before GC, Memory: total(465305600) free(383948040)
[2019-05-19 17:43:32.520] dT: 0 After GC, Memory: total(465305600) free(408869192)
[2019-05-19 17:43:34.226] dT: 0 Loading mission FBDj/gubi/blue/Rabaul Dec42.mis...
[2019-05-19 17:43:34.226] dT: 0 Loading mission.mis defined airfields...
[2019-05-19 17:43:34.248] dT: 0 Loaded camouflage: PACIFIC
[2019-05-19 17:43:34.248] dT: 0 Loading map.ini defined airfields...
[2019-05-19 17:43:37.655] dT: 0 Load bridges
[2019-05-19 17:43:37.666] dT: 0 Load static objects
[2019-05-19 17:43:43.621] dT: 0 Searching for missing resources...
[2019-05-19 17:43:43.622] dT: 0 Done!
[2019-05-19 17:43:43.624] dT: 0 TDestroyGround (298930.0, 256595.0, 0.0) - Objects to destroy 29
[2019-05-19 17:43:43.812] dT: 0 Loading RRR objects resources data...
[2019-05-19 17:43:43.812] dT: 0 Done.
[2019-05-19 17:43:44.997] dT: 0 ZSM_NS - requestAcList executed by user >Ghost129er<.
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.072] dT: 1 java.lang.StackOverflowError
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.072] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.072] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.072] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.074] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.075] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
[2019-05-19 17:43:45.076] dT: 0 at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.PBYX.update(
We're mostly a group of Co-Op players ...
Is it just me whom that question doesn't make sense to?We're abstainersI understand that.
But why can't you have beer in the fridge?
Nope, doesn't make sense either.We're vegansI understand that.
But why can't you have meat in the fridge?
No sorry, don't get the idea.We're catholicsI understand that.
But why can't you have whores?
Mikeyou're a reasonable person, so I'll try again
All missions remain as they are now.
And the group of Co-Op players continues to kill bots.
I ask only one small modification: I go for the AI-team and fly on the same aircraft against you ;)
Oh yes we're going to totally change about 200 missions just for you, your majesy.No
I go for the AI-team and fly on the same aircraft against youUnderstood and denied.
All missions remain as they are now.
And the group of Co-Op players continues to kill bots.
I ask only one small modification: I go for the AI-team and fly on the same aircraft against you
~snip~be part of it when it happens!
At last, I decided to try this famous server :)
Which Ultrapack version should be used? 3.3 patch 7 as mentioned in the first post or 3.4?