Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => ModWorx => Topic started by: max_thehitman on June 26, 2014, 08:20:56 AM
Good day good friends,
in this post I will place my retextured new skins which I am using in my personal game, for the IL2+Mods vehicles and other static objects.
Some of these models are already included in YOUR game, but the original skins make the models look outdated and old.
So in the past months I have been slowly repainting with more details and proper colors many of the old models for my personal game to look more real.
I will share with you here many of my retextures on this "archive - Part 1". As more stuff is being painted, I will create a PART-2 post later.
Like I said, you already have these models and I will only post here only the new skins, and if needed, I will also place a new file in the package for
some new fixes in the model which I was able to do for them to look better in our game. There is no need to add new entry lines in the files for
these models - UNLESS I tell you to do so. - Then I will write for you what is needed, for you to have them in your personal game also.
Some skins posted here are for some new models, and I will post for you the link where you can also download the original models.
You must have these new models in your game so the new skins can show on them.
Please thank the original creators in their original posts. - I do not wish for any credit for them. I just paint the models, I do not create them.
So we all must be thankful to the creators to have made them for us. Without their art, our game would be very poor. So say THANK YOU!
I am doing this for my personal game, no one is paying me, but I will share these skins with my friends, if you would also like to use them.
ALL credit goes to the original creators of these great 3D-models. I don't want any credit and the skins do not have any credits written on them,
because there is just no space on the skin for that. I am just happy to paint them for my personal game and to enjoy them in my IL2-1946 world.
If you are the creator of these old (or new) models and wish to have your name mentioned, I will be happy to do just that. No problem.
I hope I am able to paint them properly with the correct details and make the models look good.
- If you see something I missed, please advise me about it and I will make the necessary changes for the model to look as real as possible.
Damage skin for the models
OK friends, this is what I am using in my personal game now.
It is seven new cars (SKINS) in this package.---- More cars will arrive soon.
car GAZ M1 by Molva
DOWNLOAD new car skins --- https://www.mediafire.com/download/jgu0eyc7892315b/GAZ_M1_NEW_SKINS_and_Cars.7z#!
What is inside this package ?
Original car model made by MOLVA (from Aviaskins)
- Original skin-template made by "Hound Dog"
I have made some changes to the skin-template to make different cars
YOU MUST Download this model from here - http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?p=129712#post129712
and have the car model working in your game first.
Do not forget to write the necessary ini-file lines first.... Then you can use these skins on them.
EMKA -------------------- This is the new car model SKINS - A military version green colored GAZ-M1 car from WW2
EMKA_DMG ------------- damage skins for this model
This New 3d-model will replace your very old car models which were named...
M1_Black ---------------- A civilian version of the GAZ-M1 painted in black. No army tires.
M1_Black_DMG ---------- The Damage version
M1_Green --------------- A version of a captured GAZ-M1 painted in typical German Grey color-With military tires.
M1_Green_DMG ---------- Damage model + skin for the German version
Voit2P_Beige ------------- A civilian Beige colored Ford V-8 built around 1936
Voit4P_Bleue ------------- A civilian Blue colored Ford V-8 built around 1937
Voit4P_Noire_R ----------- A civilian Red colored Ford V-8 built around 1937
FIRST you must erase from your game the folders which are inside your Mapmods / 3do / Cars folder
Erase those folders first.
and then install my new folders with the same name , but inside of them are the new models and new skins ;)
No need to write anything.
It is already written in your ini-files and these new cars will show in your game.
Thank you Molva and great friends from Aviaskins for making it.
Our game will look much more realistic now.
3 NEW Truks for our games by WCAT
- YOU must download and have these trucks working in your game.
DOWNLOAD can be found at Aviaskins - http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?t=3122&page=2
or --- https://yadi.sk/d/vw3KBnxYQAn8c
Only then you can add these new skins.
New skins for
Katyusha rocket launcher truck = NOT Included. A new model has since been introduced to replace this model.
Summer + Winter + Desert Skins included + PLUS damage skins for all models.
Copy my package folder and place them in your game, so to overwrite the old skins in WCATS folder.
Inside the folder " !!!New_Trucks"
It is that easy.
No need to write new ini.file lines for the new skins.
DOWNLOAD truck skins --- https://www.mediafire.com/download/vejuetb7j2v5xax/WCAT_New_3_Truck_model_skins.7z
Thank you once again to WCAT for making these trucks available for IL2+mods and
all the great 3d-model artists!
In this pack you will find new skins for vehicles and things which are already
included in your modded IL2-1946 game. All you need to do is install and overwrite the old skins for new skins.
You ONLY need to write some new word lines in your static.ini file for some new V-2 missiles and a new bulldozer,
so read the Important READ ME inside the package, to see the new words you must write.
This should work with ALL versions of the modded game.
It changes the skins and some light problems which some 3D-models had before.
DOWNLOAD------- https://www.mediafire.com/download/arygg43dbs3pjte/New_Skins_Naafi_Bulldozer_Gaztrucks2.7z
Inside you find skins for models...
Bulldozer --------------- Green colored machine (Stationary and static model)
Bulldozer2 -------------- Red colored machine (Static only model)
Bus --------------------- Only some small details were painted on this skin (Stationary model)
Bus_NAAFI --------------- Only some small details were painted on this skin (Blue stationary truck)
Bus_NAAFI --------------- New skin textures (Brown static truck)
GAZ_AA ------------------ New skin textures + plus new damage skins (Stationary model)
GAZ_AA_W --------------- New skin textures + plus new damage skins (winter version)(Stationary model)
GAZ_AAA ----------------- New skin textures + plus new damage skins (Stationary model)
GAZ_AAA_W --------------- New skin textures + plus new damage skins (winter version)(Stationary model)
MaximeGAZ --------------- New skin textures + plus new damage skins (Stationary model)
MaximeGAZ_W ------------- New skin textures + plus new damage skins (winter version)(Stationary model)
Wirbelwind (summer) ----- New skin textures (Stationary model)
Wirbelwind (winter) ----- New skin textures (Stationary model)
Coelian (summer)--------- New skin textures (Stationary model)
Coelian (winter)--------- New skin textures (Stationary model)
Coelian (damage)--------- New skin textures
Thank you to all those artists responsible for these models and I hope you enjoy your game.
A nice selection of cool static-objects for you this week.
Our very good friend Western0221 was very kind to create for us all a set of new "Jerry-Cans" (Fuel and Water versions) used by Axis and Allied troops.
and a selection of "Itto Cans" (Fuel containers) which were used by Japanese troops and also allies.
These are completely NEW 3D-Models never seen in the IL2-1946!
These are all very cool! So use them!
Domo arigatou gozaimasu Western0221 ! (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-eatdrink004.gif) (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)
Also in this package is a selection of retextured and New V-2 Rockets from WW2 for your game.
I apologize for the last package posted, because I did not include in it the complete V-2 pack and in it were some of my test-skins and
not the final skins. So, in here you get the good stuff.
Inside is the original model with a new damaged skin, 2 new factory rockets half-built and showing the rocket-engine, and a
late WW2 rocket which was painted in a dark green color. All with proper damaged skins.
Just download and overwrite what you had installed earlier.
If you had the original model in your game, do not worry, I kept it as it is - because it is a great original skin!
Thank you to the artist responsible for it, great painting.
IMPORTANT = Read the file inside the package so you can add the NEW Static.ini lines for them to show in your IL2+Mods game.
DOWNLOAD --- https://www.mediafire.com/download/6gx1nkzhvb7u5a9/Jerrycans_IttoCans_V2rockets_NEW.7z
Thank you to all those artists responsible for these models and I hope you enjoy your game.
As requested, some pilot skins .
So here is a collection of some 263 pilot skins from me.
DOWNLOAD - https://www.mediafire.com/download/jl4bk7x83hn948h/IL21946_PilotSkin_Collection.7z
Post Reserved for more new skins
Thank you to the creators of these models and thank you to the painter! ;)
Good stuff, thanks Max!
Sweet! Thank you. :)
Another masterpiece ! Thank you Max.
Those skins look great Max.
Thanks Max! Lovely new colours. :) Will use those new missile repaints as strafing targets. :) :P
max, these are awesome, mate :D
i must confess, i'm a bit stumped with trying to get the new car skins to show up, any of them.
i see the old M1 has a nice new 3d and skin as well, but the new M1, no matter which folders i try to use, just keeps displaying the same stock black skin.
really puzzled here, i mean, i even open the folder and check that the tga's are correct for the alternate version, but the game shows the same old black one.....
Superb work max! Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Superb job, indeed! Many thanks for sharing, 8)
Many Thanks Max !!!
It's a BEAUTIFUL !!!
Bolshoe SPASIBO !!! :)
Yet another outstanding collection of skins Max, thank you very much indeed. 8)
Your art is truly amazing.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Looking good, thanks
Thanks Max, they look great.
Yet another outstanding collection of skins Max, thank you very much indeed. 8)
Your art is truly amazing.
Totally agree. Kudos, lots of kudos for your excellent skins.
This new car is so nice that although it is different, I have decided to make it a substitute for the very ugly stock Opel Kadett ... ;)
Many THX to all involved ...! :-*
(http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g157/micksaf/NewOpelKadett_zps8f238d05.jpg) (http://s55.photobucket.com/user/micksaf/media/NewOpelKadett_zps8f238d05.jpg.html)
FIRST you must erase from your game the folders which are inside your Mapmods / 3do / Cars folder
Erase those folders first.
and then install my new folders with the same name , but inside of them are the new models and new skins ;)
No need to write anything.
It is already written in your ini-files and these new cars will show in your game.
Thank you Molva and great friends from Aviaskins for making it.
Our game will look much more realistic now.
Max, I have no idea how to erase these vehicles since I did not install them in my 4.09m and 4.12.2 installs and probably have them hardcoded inside.
Hello Tom,
What I mean is, look in your "Mapmods" folder and inside the CAR folder. If you have the same
folders as the ones I have named, you can either erase them or put a "-" (minus sign) in front of them and use the
skins and models that I posted.
They will simply replace the old 3d-models for the new one with diferent skins on it.
OK Max,
since I do not have them I simply install your cars and see what I get. ;)
I backuped my STD. ;D :P
Yes, do that.
Back up your file (make copy) and test it in your game version first.
It looks good. Where did the Citroen-Kegresse HT, and the 6x4 truck come from? Will they appear in IL2 some time?
Yes, do that.
Back up your file (make copy) and test it in your game version first.
Worked fine! made a few new Quicks, one for Woodlark (Scramble and Airbase red quicks, latter with some new objects)...and one for Ifni, with a funky player takeoff inside a settlement. :D
Did not realize playing with this stuff and tomoose's great airbase stuff objects is that funny, adds a lot!
Only I suck at building these missions. :D
Reminds me of my beloved LEGO days. Quite addictive. :-*
Worked fine! made a few new Quicks, one for Woodlark (Scramble and Airbase red quicks, latter with some new objects)...and one for Ifni, with a funky player takeoff inside a settlement. :D
Did not realize playing with this stuff and tomoose's great airbase stuff objects is that funny, adds a lot!
Only I suck at building these missions. :D
Reminds me of my beloved LEGO days. Quite addictive. :-*
Great! ;D I also enjoyed those LEGO days too.
Start using some cars and put them driving around on cities, villages and roads. It will make your flying much more enjoyable.
I am almost finished doing a pack with some civilians to place in cities, villages, factories, and in ship seaports,
but I need a few more.
Excellent work Max 8), many thanks for sharing.
i'm going to throw my own little spanner in the works, and say that i do not like having any 3do mods inside my Mapmods folder, simply as it makes no sense.
i rather just create a new mod folder 'Car Skins' or whatever, and move the 3do folder inside there. ;)
Thanks a million for releasing these great details. I feel you can never have too many small details scattered around when you're on the ground. And, now that we taxi to take off in 4.12, we'll get even more opportunities to see this stuff!
i do not like having any 3do mods inside my Mapmods folder, simply as it makes no sense.
i rather just create a new mod folder 'Car Skins' or whatever, and move the 3do folder inside there. ;)
I've been wondering about this for some time now - is there a technical advantage to keeping the objects all in one place, such as the various folders in MapMods, or is there a technical advantage to placing them in their own folders in the #SAS folder?
For examples:
1/ Does it take longer to read the objects in the MapMods folder (because they are down deeper) but takes less memory?
2/ Or, does it take more memory having more folders in the #SAS folder but less time reading them?
I found out not too long ago that there is a limit to the number of characters that can be used in depths of folders so #2 above makes more sense for that case. However, if this is not an issue would #1 above make the better sense?
It can be rather messy in both cases but I like to be able to get to individual objects, such as these, rather than try to remember where the hell they are in amongst a bunch of others.
Thank you very much for the third package! :) :)
I hope to don't be vanitous but I have a very updated static folder , I plan to release a map mods that allow all user to have the same maps in all game versions....in this release there 'll be also all the static objects available I have collected in the last years....
Fantastic idea!!!! I'll be among the first to d/l it.
Thanks for the update Max! :)
Excellent Max! waiting for more!!!!! keep this great work!
Very, very good!
Thank you! :o :P ;D ;)
OK, some pilot skins are now posted for you as requested. - SEE THE FIRST PAGE
I hope you enjoy them in your flying adventures.
I will post the other 250 skins later ;)
Thanks for your work Max! Excellent as usual!
Slight problem max, what if you havn't got a mapmod folder, also ive downloaded the original car as said, what are the ini-file lines? Ive found the StationaryObjects config file. My system runs like this MODS folder, Items, STD Folder, 3DO Coms Gui i18 Folders...In the 3do folder I have no cars......Sorry if this sounds totally Irish but ive never added ground objects.
Slight problem max, what if you havn't got a mapmod folder, also ive downloaded the original car as said, what are the ini-file lines? Ive found the StationaryObjects config file. My system runs like this MODS folder, Items, STD Folder, 3DO Coms Gui i18 Folders...In the 3do folder I have no cars......Sorry if this sounds totally Irish but ive never added ground objects.
Ok, what game version are you flying on?
I am flying on the DBW-4.10, but I believe most modded games do come with Mapmods/3do folder where you place your stationary and static objects+vehicles.
Check your game. If it does not have it, its because its all placed in those SFS files to save up space in your hardrive and make your game work faster.
My game is also like that.
But if you look at the file and see where its placed, then you create a folder for it, if you do not have it., and put the things inside that folder.
As for the car.... please read what I posted...
YOU MUST Download this model from here - http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?p=129712#post129712
and have the car model working in your game first.
Do not forget to write the necessary ini-file lines first.... Then you can use these skins on them.
After you download the ORIGINAL car by MOLVA , and have it in your game working, then you can come back here to this forum section and
then download this package which will give your car some new skins.
Hi Max, thanks for the advice. guess i wasn't very clear, I use 4.12.2m with HSFX 7.0.2 and having now done a search have found like you said my SFS files are indeed floating around in the game and not in any folder...this is what threw me as with older versions of the game I was alway looking to put vehicles, maps, ground objects, in the mapmods folder. It would seem that i now have to find out how to create a working folder in HSFX. The strange thing is, I did download the car from the site provided and installed it and added the stat ini file lines, and having just looked into the game "view Objects" box found the car (in its black color) present there....Only last night i updated to 7.0.2 so i dont know weather or not the car came with the update....Many thanks for your help and fine work..Gary
hi Max!! keep`em coming !!! Nurse? who said nurse?
It's a necro, sorry! The link to new skins for WCAT's truks is kaputt. They look perfect, Max do you still have 'em pretty please?
Hi Max,
Love these repaints, adding them to my fave 4.09 classic modded install. 8)
Any chance of a new upload for NEW_4_Trucks_Retextures.7z
Original link has gone to the big internet graveyard in the sky... :(
Hi Max,
Love these repaints, adding them to my fave 4.09 classic modded install. 8)
Any chance of a new upload for NEW_4_Trucks_Retextures.7z
Original link has gone to the big internet graveyard in the sky... :(
That is weird. Where the link go?
I did not remove them.
I will upload them again for you.
The new WCAT truck 3d-model updates look very nice.
New download link on first page.
Only skins for 3 trucks.
The Katyusha rocket launcher truck = NOT Included. A new model has since been introduced to replace this model.
Thanks Max! :)