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Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: mac1 on June 27, 2014, 05:42:15 AM

Title: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: mac1 on June 27, 2014, 05:42:15 AM
Hi all, I would like to present on behalf of Docholiday an aircraft that has been sorely missed from Il-2. The A-26 Invader.

Screenshot: Thorsten

The development of this aircraft started a few years ago with Docs lovely model and has had a difficult development history with modders coming and going and the lovely craft gathering dust on hard drives. About a year ago I started a collaboration with Doc to finish the model and classes. This is the end result.

I would also like to thank all the help I've received along the way from everyone who tested this plane and to those who took time out of their days to help with the more serious roadblocks like the FM, parts scaling and turret code.

Enjoy! And of course, as bugs are inevitably spotted I will be snagging them and releasing patches.

If there are any skinners out there who would like to have a crack at a nice default skin and damage textures please get in contact

To Air.ini

A-26B             air.A_26B 1                           NOINFO  usa01 SUMMER
A-26K             air.A_26K 1                           NOINFO  usa01 CBI

To plane_ru.properties

A-26B               A-26B Invader, 1943
A-26K               A-26K Invader, 1950

To Weapons_ru.properties (thanks maty12)

# A-26B
A-26B.default                           Default
A-26B.6x500lbs                          6x 500lbs Bombs
A-26B.16x100lbs                         16x 100lbs Bombs
A-26B.2xMk13                            2x Mk13 Torpedos
A-26B.14xHVAR5                          14x HVAR 5" Rockets
A-26B.10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm              10x HVAR 5" + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.10xHVAR5+2x154DT                  10x HVAR 5" + 2x 154gal.
A-26B.4x1000lbs+10xHVAR5                10x HVAR 5" + 4x 1000lbs Bombs
A-26B.6x500lbs+10xHVAR5                 10x HVAR 5" + 6x 500lbs
A-26B.6x500lbs+10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm     10x HVAR 5" + 6x 500lbs + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.16x100lbs+10xHVAR5                10x HVAR 5" + 16x 100lbs Bombs
A-26B.16x100lbs+10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm    10x HVAR 5" + 16x 100lbs + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.4x500lbsExternal+10xHVAR5         10x HVAR 5" + 4x 500lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.4x250lbsExternal+10xHVAR5         10x HVAR 5" + 4x 250lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.4x100lbsExternal+10xHVAR5         10x HVAR 5" + 4x 100lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.6x500lbs+4x500lbsExternal         6x 500lbs + 4x 500lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.6x500lbs+4x500lbsExt+2x154DT      6x 500lbs + 4x 500lbs Bombs (Ext) + 2x 154gal.
A-26B.6x500lbs+4x500lbsExt+2x175Napalm  6x 500lbs + 4x 500lbs Bombs (Ext) + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.2x154DT+4x1000lbs                 4x 1000lbs Bombs + 2x 154gal.
A-26B.PTO_Default                       Default (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_8xHVAR5                       8x HVAR 5" Rockets (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_2x154DT+8xHVAR5               8x HVAR 5" + 2x 154gal. (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_4x1000lbs                     4x 1000lbs Bombs (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_6x500lbs                      6x 500lbs Bombs (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_16x100lbs                     16x 100lbs Bombs (PTO)
A-26B.none                              Empty


3D: Docholiday, Birdman, Mac1, Red_Fox90
FM: Vega, Birdman, Storebror, Mac1
Java: Crazyflak, Storebror, Mac1
Skin: Malone

And everyone who helped beta test this bird, cheers
Anyone I'm forgetting?

1)It is absolutely vital that you install CY6 skyraiders from here https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=14170.0 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=14170.0) in order for all the weapons to function correctly.
2)I am also running 4.12 with the latest sas engine mod https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=37774.0
3)I am also running the latest jetwar https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=15649.0.

If some weapons are missing then make sure you have these packs.

The rear turret is controlled by one turret operator, this means that you view above and below through a periscope and only one turret can fire at a time, as per real life. (cheers Storebror for the code for this nifty little setup)

Also included is a late war pacific version with bottom turret removed and replaced by a long range fuel tank, this is an approximation of the A-26B-51-DL  - A-26B-66-DL variants and can be selected in the loadout options for the A-26B

V1.0 https://www.mediafire.com/download/2nli88iuzyb8c03/A-26.rar (https://www.mediafire.com/download/2nli88iuzyb8c03/A-26.rar)

To anyone who downloaded on the 29/06/14 or before -The following four classes are surplus and can be deleted: F74B0DB8C8758A50, 51F607A047446EBE, 35313934CD3515BA, AACFEB0AD4D57450.

V1.1 Patch fixing a number of weapon issues, cockpit change and other minor cosmetics. More to come in the future - Many thanks to Dreamk and Docholiday for the fixeshttps://www.mediafire.com/download/injtru9vntvx9dc/A-26+V1.1+Patch.rar
Title: Re: A-26B/K
Post by: Ace on June 27, 2014, 05:47:35 AM
Awesome 8) 8) 8), Thanks to everybody involved!!!!
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: OberstDanjeje on June 27, 2014, 05:57:16 AM
Very nice, thanks mac1 and Docholiday
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Spider16 on June 27, 2014, 06:19:32 AM
Thanks a lot Mac1, would be possible to 4.10 version also, please .



Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: mac1 on June 27, 2014, 07:45:04 AM
Thanks a lot Mac1, would be possible to 4.10 version also, please .



Hi Spider, I haven't checked the compatibility of this version with 4.10, did you try it yet?
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Batbomb on June 27, 2014, 08:17:38 AM
Works fine on 4.10 for me

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Edlor on June 27, 2014, 09:40:09 AM
Been waiting patiently for this one for some time now. Got er downloaded and can't wait to get er in the air.  ;D
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Koty on June 27, 2014, 10:36:42 AM
Yatta!! It's out!!!
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Mad026 on June 27, 2014, 10:40:52 AM
I confirm that this is working with 4.10, very nice job!!
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: duffys tavern on June 27, 2014, 11:22:38 AM
4.12 / 5.3
Wow, works just fine. Swell job.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Koty on June 27, 2014, 12:27:28 PM
So, I installed it and - it flies like devil! Grrrrrrr... Awesome plane, awesome FM!
But I found two things: if you have napalm + bombs, you can't drop the napalm unless the bombs are dropped, even with closed bombbay you can't drop them, strange... and second - the gunsight aims a bit higher than it actually fires.

Excuse me now, off to punish some grounds with this new birdie :)

PS: How many ammo the hell does it have?!
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on June 27, 2014, 12:28:38 PM
Great looking bird! Do you plan on doing the glass nose version, the A-26C-45?
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on June 27, 2014, 12:31:37 PM
Also, where is the skin from the picture?
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: mac1 on June 27, 2014, 12:45:04 PM
Hi Maty, I've contacted some of the people who have the skins in their collections and asked for them to be released or sent to e so I can put together a skin pack, which I will add a link to in the first post. We haven't thought about the C version yet
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on June 27, 2014, 12:52:35 PM
I ask mainly because of the movie Always (1989). As soon as there's a glass nosed one, you bet I'll make a Fire Eaters skin for it:

(http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad337/Maty10225/A-262_zps712d06f5.jpg) (http://s949.photobucket.com/user/Maty10225/media/A-262_zps712d06f5.jpg.html)
(http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad337/Maty10225/A-261_zpsf9091354.jpg) (http://s949.photobucket.com/user/Maty10225/media/A-261_zpsf9091354.jpg.html)
(http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad337/Maty10225/A-263_zps293d3101.jpg) (http://s949.photobucket.com/user/Maty10225/media/A-263_zps293d3101.jpg.html)

Just don't expect to be able to put out fires!  ;D
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Mr.Craig on June 27, 2014, 08:37:21 PM
Another long overdue aircraft touches down. Thank you mac1 8)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on June 27, 2014, 10:12:04 PM
Thanks Andy, one of my favourite interdiction aircraft.  That Ho Chi Minh Trail is getting ever closer!  8)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: GilB57 on June 28, 2014, 01:10:43 AM
Great !!!

If I remember well, UF-Zargos made skins for her :

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Riptide_One on June 28, 2014, 01:45:50 AM
mac1, Docholiday, Birdman, Vega, Crazyflak and Storebror,

I want to thank all of you for the technical expertise, creative energy and hardwork you put into bringing the A-26 to IL-2. I've downloaded it, flown it and I think its great :)!


Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: LuseKofte on June 28, 2014, 02:16:24 AM
mac1, Docholiday, Birdman, Vega, Crazyflak and Storebror,

I want to thank all of you for the technical expertise, creative energy and hardwork you put into bringing the A-26 to IL-2. I've downloaded it, flown it and I think its great :)!




I am very grateful, many thanks to all involved
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Docholiday on June 28, 2014, 04:17:46 AM
A THX to  ALL the nice guys who helped me as I was still active in building this plane ....  and .....    a BIG THANK YOU to mac1   !!!

Without Your adoption of this plane    would never fly in Oleg`s skys   :)


Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: cgagan on June 28, 2014, 04:23:43 AM
Great plane, long overdue important addition to the game; many thanks Doc, mac1!!!!
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Gaston on June 28, 2014, 04:46:06 AM
Great !!!

If I remember well, UF-Zargos made skins for her :


You are right, Gilb57 ! Zargos prepared some skins for it !

If you want to have a look, just go to see this thread at C6 : http://www.checksix-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=322&t=175330 (http://www.checksix-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=322&t=175330).

I downloaded and installed the plane in my 5.3 ModAct install. It is hell ! Difficult to take off with full loadout, but once in the sky...

But I also saw a problem with some loadout options, with the most "full", with many sort of weapons. When loading the mission in FMB, I get the famous loading error null message, and can't play it. If I choose a little reduced option, no problem. All works fine.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: DU30 on June 28, 2014, 05:37:36 AM
Great plane, great work and i wish you make a different slot for each plane some day. Thank you very much.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Spider16 on June 28, 2014, 05:49:13 AM
I'm having 70% CTD after installing the mod Invader. I'm running DBW + MODS 4.10 .
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Koty on June 28, 2014, 05:56:48 AM
I'm working on a void for this as we speak. Will post a screenie when I've gotten a couple kinks worked out.  ;)

The default one is good enough ;)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Edlor on June 28, 2014, 06:16:30 AM
Hmmm..... Musta missed that somewhere in my download. Oh well guess I'll just move on to making a template and some skins then.  :D 
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: crazyflak on June 28, 2014, 06:36:55 AM
Nice! :-)

Anyone I'm forgetting?

Yes, I'll provide the proper details when I have the chance to take a close look at it, but:

At least K wingtip tanks might be from Red_Fox90, likely some other things (depending on what got included in this first release).

Skin, I have to look at it, might be my panel lines or zargo's depending on which skin was used as base for the dress (maybe I sent zargos a first set of panel lines which he reworked? I'll remember when I see up close).

Do you plan on doing the glass nose version, the A-26C-45?

That was indeed on the works, Red_Fox90 had already done the glass nose meshes and some other things. I may look into my files and pull them out for some future update. What do you think (Red_Fox90, mac1)? -I mean I assume you would make the update, mac1-
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: max_thehitman on June 28, 2014, 08:05:04 AM

Super nice airplane! Just GREAT!
Thank you so much for all the hard work that went into making it

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Joberg on June 28, 2014, 08:18:16 AM
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on June 28, 2014, 06:30:55 PM
I took the liberty of adding the following lines to the weapons.ru file (In my case, weapons.properties):

# A-26B
A-26B.default                           Default
A-26B.4x1000lbs                         4x1000 lb. Bombs
A-26B.6x500lbs                          6x500 lb. Bombs
A-26B.16x100lbs                         16x100 lb. Bombs
A-26B.2xMk13Torpedo                     2x Type Mk13 Torpedo
A-26B.14xHVAR5                          14x5"HVAR
A-26B.10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm              10x5"HVAR + 2x175 Napalm
A-26B.10xHVAR5+2x154DT                  10x5"HVAR + 2x154DT
A-26B.4x1000lbs+10xHVAR5                4x1000 lb. Bombs + 10x5"HVAR
A-26B.6x500lbs+10xHVAR5                 6x500 lb. Bombs + 10x5"HVAR
A-26B.6x500lbs+10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm     6x500 lb. Bombs + 10x5"HVAR + 2x175 Napalm
A-26B.16x100lbs+10xHVAR5                16x100 lb. Bombs +10x5"HVAR
A-26B.16x100lbs+10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm    16x100 lb. Bombs +10x5"HVAR + 2x175 Napalm
A-26B.4x500lbsExternal+10xHVAR5         4x500 lb. Bombs (External) + 10x5"HVAR

# A-26K
A-26K.default                           Default
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 352nd_Hoss on June 28, 2014, 06:37:41 PM
Works in HSFX 7.0.2, but I left out the ini entry for the K model since the load outs wont work.

Looking forward to some nice skins, the markings in game will not work..............

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on June 28, 2014, 07:07:20 PM
I hate to be a bother, but the right wing seems to be larger than the left one:

(http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad337/Maty10225/2014062901-01-16_zps3d221254.jpg) (http://s949.photobucket.com/user/Maty10225/media/2014062901-01-16_zps3d221254.jpg.html)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Fresco23 on June 28, 2014, 07:36:29 PM
to counter torque  ;D
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on June 28, 2014, 07:50:59 PM
Sure, why not? ;D
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: redbaron on June 28, 2014, 08:41:27 PM
YAH it's here! It's Christmas in June. Cant wait to get this sexy beast into the air!
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Malone on June 28, 2014, 11:47:47 PM
i'll just try to clear up the skin issue - still downloading the plane, but the skin shown in the opening pic is the one that i did for it.
if the one in the pack is different, i can add mine, as well as a few other skin versions i was working on - iirc, a French Indo-China version, amongst others.
mac1, i added my name in for the skin in the opening post, hope that's okay with you.
anyway, give me a bit of time to dig those skins out and i'll post them up here. :D
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Malone on June 28, 2014, 11:59:05 PM
hey, i found some, lol -
here's some screens dug up from the beta thread, and a link to some skins i did.
please note, these skins were done almost a year ago, i hope not too much has changed with the 3d, and that they still fit.
well, i'm sure you guys will let us know, lol  :D


bear in mind, these skins were done in a hurry for testing purposes, and are far from perfect.
there are some great skins in the works (and already made) that will soon be available - meanwhile, you can use these beta monstrosities i did, lol
(there is one skin with incorrect format, just delete it or whatever.)

skins here: https://www.mediafire.com/?3ubhsu7jnetc17d
 and here: https://www.mediafire.com/?zjdhl8kfl63lxfi
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Riptide_One on June 29, 2014, 12:39:50 AM
I can't get the bomb bay door to open. My game version is IL2 4.10.1m, DBW 1.71.


Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Gumpy on June 29, 2014, 12:40:27 AM
BIG THANKS! to all involved.   (http://i58.tinypic.com/dmcif5.jpg) I been looking forward to this one being finished for a long time.  8) 8) ;D
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: baronbutcher on June 29, 2014, 01:54:45 AM
This is fantastic. Beautiful work. :)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Mission_bug on June 29, 2014, 04:23:14 AM
Outstanding work you guys did with this beauty, thank you very much indeed. 8)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: duffys tavern on June 29, 2014, 04:36:21 AM
Thanks Malone for sharing these skins with us.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: ton414 on June 29, 2014, 05:52:44 AM
Thank you very much to whole team has worked on this beautiful plane. ;)

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Gerax on June 29, 2014, 06:04:48 AM
many thanks mac1!  :)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on June 29, 2014, 07:51:27 AM
Malone, can I have a link to the template? There's a skin I really need to do.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Malone on June 29, 2014, 08:17:02 AM
Maty, i didn't work from a template, just the void skin that the model came with.
i believe there might be a template floating about somewhere, but i don't have it, sorry mate.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on June 29, 2014, 08:29:04 AM
Can I have the void? It didn't come with the mod.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Malone on June 29, 2014, 08:33:16 AM
give me some time to see if i can dig it up, not on my home pc right now ;)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on June 29, 2014, 09:45:59 AM
Roger that. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: doctor on June 29, 2014, 10:23:58 AM
Hello guys, any chance to see this nice bird in 4.09 version ?

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on June 29, 2014, 11:03:40 AM
There already is a 4.09 version, by Checkyersix:

https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=18497.msg198493#msg198493 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=18497.msg198493#msg198493)

It even has the C version.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Epervier on June 29, 2014, 11:23:24 AM

Thank you very much for these new version !

Do you intend to make a 409 version?
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: mac1 on June 29, 2014, 12:55:13 PM

Thank you very much for these new version !

Do you intend to make a 409 version?

Hi Epervier, I can't remember the 4.09 base code differences its been so long. Please feel free to work your magic as always. keep the rebel fires burning :)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: mac1 on June 29, 2014, 12:55:38 PM
Hi Maty, this is not the same plane but a much older stand in by CY6

There already is a 4.09 version, by Checkyersix:

https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=18497.msg198493#msg198493 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=18497.msg198493#msg198493)

It even has the C version.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Epervier on June 29, 2014, 01:12:03 PM

Thank you very much for these new version !

Do you intend to make a 409 version?
Hi Epervier, I can't remember the 4.09 base code differences its been so long. Please feel free to work your magic as always. keep the rebel fires burning :)
Thank you very much ! ;)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: mac1 on June 29, 2014, 01:18:45 PM
A THX to  ALL the nice guys who helped me as I was still active in building this plane ....  and .....    a BIG THANK YOU to mac1   !!!

Without Your adoption of this plane    would never fly in Oleg`s skys   :)



Hi Doc! I cannot thank you enough either for all the hardwork you put into this project over the last few years and never gave up faith! 250 downloads in the first two days says it all :) Congrats :)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Malone on June 29, 2014, 02:42:33 PM
guys, i've just had a look at the skin that comes with this download, and it's the exact skin i worked from, the white-gray with a blue background.
that's all i had to work from, nothing else, although i'm still trying to locate the files i was working with.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Draken on June 29, 2014, 06:12:34 PM
Thanks for this new plane !
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on June 29, 2014, 08:22:20 PM
Also, is it possible to make the canopy "openable"? Is canopy the right word? It's more of a hatch...I don't know. Point is, is it possible to make it possible to open?

(http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad337/Maty10225/A-262_zps712d06f5.jpg) (http://s949.photobucket.com/user/Maty10225/media/A-262_zps712d06f5.jpg.html)
(http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad337/Maty10225/A-267_zps4b085114.jpg) (http://s949.photobucket.com/user/Maty10225/media/A-267_zps4b085114.jpg.html)
(http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad337/Maty10225/A-264_zps3f345389.jpg) (http://s949.photobucket.com/user/Maty10225/media/A-264_zps3f345389.jpg.html)
(http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad337/Maty10225/A-265_zps66bc7cd3.jpg) (http://s949.photobucket.com/user/Maty10225/media/A-265_zps66bc7cd3.jpg.html)
(http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad337/Maty10225/A-266_zpsab627b73.jpg) (http://s949.photobucket.com/user/Maty10225/media/A-266_zpsab627b73.jpg.html)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 352nd_Hoss on June 29, 2014, 08:31:03 PM
I noticed while playing around with the plane, you can see through the floor under the front panel...............  and will the guns and gunsight be boresighted........... i.e. aligned....

also noticed the guns on the underside are blue...................  one of my files get corrupted?.......... or is anyone else seeing this?

Looks great and fly's like a bat out of hell.................

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on June 29, 2014, 09:19:08 PM
Not corrupted, the plane has its bugs. However, I think the blue guns might be result of a poorly made skin. You'll notice that some parts of the engine cowl rings are also blue. If you get the skinpack, you'll see that the mask is light blue.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Malone on June 29, 2014, 10:51:29 PM
yes, the blue guns are obviously from a part of the skin that wasn't painted.
as i said, the skins i made were done in a real hurry for testing purposes, never meant foe public release.
i decided to release them so that you guys at least have some skins to work with.
we have said there might be errors.
so, don't moan, and point out obvious errors, rather be more productive and start fixing these things instead. this is a community forum, after all.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Gumpy on June 29, 2014, 11:08:41 PM
Malone's right.   (http://i60.tinypic.com/2ljlriq.jpg)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: mac1 on June 30, 2014, 02:00:40 AM
Yes there are things that need to be addressed, that's the point of a patch ;) I will have a look at these issues for a 1.1 update
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Malone on June 30, 2014, 03:38:54 AM
meanwhile, i botched another skin together to help guys get through until some decent skins start arriving, this one a version with invasion stripes.

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Lanius on June 30, 2014, 09:01:39 AM
Thanks for all the time and effort thats gone into the Invader .... A few tweaks here n there and she'll be fab :-)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Piotrek1 on June 30, 2014, 01:43:54 PM
Thank you very much! :)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Poltava on July 01, 2014, 12:19:12 AM
A BIG thank you to all involved: Mac1, Docholiday, Birdman, Red_Fox90, Vega, Birdman, Storebror, Crazyflak and Malone. Seen a bit of the work going on behind the scenes and you guys have really made this into a labour of love. The line-up of aircraft in modded IL-2 is nothing short of incredible!!!

I have too little time for IL-2 in my life right now, but I've made a point to make at least one campaign (as my way of saying "thanks") when a new aircraft like this appears on the scene. So right now I am working on a Invader campaign set in Korea, involving mainly night interdiction mission (a role this aircraft excelled in).

(http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t286/Poltava/invader_WIP_zps4c126729.jpg) (http://s163.photobucket.com/user/Poltava/media/invader_WIP_zps4c126729.jpg.html)

I'm just waiting for a proper Korea War skin - hopefully a black painted, night intruder one, like yours Edlor! - to finish it.

Again: super job! The fire-power is just amazing! Great addition to the game!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Epervier on July 01, 2014, 03:24:20 AM
I hate to be a bother, but the right wing seems to be larger than the left one:
You have very good eyes!  :D
Right wing: 9.55m
Left wing: 9.50m
But this difference does not bother me!

There are also two external rocket racks left that pierce the left wing!  ;)

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Malone on July 01, 2014, 03:28:01 AM
no wonder i had such a mother of a time trying to get the wing markings to line up properly, lol. :D
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Epervier on July 01, 2014, 04:13:59 AM
I took the liberty of adding the following lines to the weapons.ru file (In my case, weapons.properties):

# A-26B
A-26B.default                           Default
A-26B.4x1000lbs                         4x1000 lb. Bombs
A-26B.6x500lbs                          6x500 lb. Bombs
A-26B.16x100lbs                         16x100 lb. Bombs
A-26B.2xMk13Torpedo                     2x Type Mk13 Torpedo
A-26B.14xHVAR5                          14x5"HVAR
A-26B.10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm              10x5"HVAR + 2x175 Napalm
A-26B.10xHVAR5+2x154DT                  10x5"HVAR + 2x154DT
A-26B.4x1000lbs+10xHVAR5                4x1000 lb. Bombs + 10x5"HVAR
A-26B.6x500lbs+10xHVAR5                 6x500 lb. Bombs + 10x5"HVAR
A-26B.6x500lbs+10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm     6x500 lb. Bombs + 10x5"HVAR + 2x175 Napalm
A-26B.16x100lbs+10xHVAR5                16x100 lb. Bombs +10x5"HVAR
A-26B.16x100lbs+10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm    16x100 lb. Bombs +10x5"HVAR + 2x175 Napalm
A-26B.4x500lbsExternal+10xHVAR5         4x500 lb. Bombs (External) + 10x5"HVAR
Sorry but this list is wrong ! Due to an error in the Java code!
If you do not see "none" to the end of the payloads is that there was a mistake ...  ;)

In A_26B Class, please, change :
"BombGun250bs"   ===>   "BombGun250lbs"

         s = "2xMk13";
         a_lweaponslot = GenerateDefaultConfig(int1);
         a_lweaponslot[19] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunTorpMk13", 1);
         a_lweaponslot[24] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunTorpMk13", 1);

         s = "2xMk13";
         a_lweaponslot = GenerateDefaultConfig(int1);
         a_lweaponslot[19] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunTorpMk13", 1);
         a_lweaponslot[20] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunNull", 1);
         a_lweaponslot[24] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunTorpMk13", 1);
         a_lweaponslot[25] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunNull", 1);

Here is the list (for future version 409)!
Code: [Select]
# A-26B
A-26B.default                           Default
A-26B.6x500lbs                          6x 500lbs Bombs
A-26B.16x100lbs                         16x 100lbs Bombs
A-26B.2xMk13                            2x Mk13 Torpedos
A-26B.14xHVAR5                          14x HVAR 5" Rockets
A-26B.10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm              10x HVAR 5" + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.10xHVAR5+2x154DT                  10x HVAR 5" + 2x 154gal.
A-26B.4x1000lbs+10xHVAR5                10x HVAR 5" + 4x 1000lbs Bombs
A-26B.6x500lbs+10xHVAR5                 10x HVAR 5" + 6x 500lbs
A-26B.6x500lbs+10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm     10x HVAR 5" + 6x 500lbs + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.16x100lbs+10xHVAR5                10x HVAR 5" + 16x 100lbs Bombs
A-26B.16x100lbs+10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm    10x HVAR 5" + 16x 100lbs + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.4x500lbsExternal+10xHVAR5         10x HVAR 5" + 4x 500lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.4x250lbsExternal+10xHVAR5         10x HVAR 5" + 4x 250lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.4x100lbsExternal+10xHVAR5         10x HVAR 5" + 4x 100lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.6x500lbs+4x500lbsExternal         6x 500lbs + 4x 500lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.6x500lbs+4x500lbsExt+2x154DT      6x 500lbs + 4x 500lbs Bombs (Ext) + 2x 154gal.
A-26B.6x500lbs+4x500lbsExt+2x175Napalm  6x 500lbs + 4x 500lbs Bombs (Ext) + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.2x154DT+4x1000lbs                 4x 1000lbs Bombs + 2x 154gal.
A-26B.PTO_Default                       Default (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_8xHVAR5                       8x HVAR 5" Rockets (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_2x154DT+8xHVAR5               8x HVAR 5" + 2x 154gal. (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_4x1000lbs                     4x 1000lbs Bombs (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_6x500lbs                      6x 500lbs Bombs (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_16x100lbs                     16x 100lbs Bombs (PTO)
A-26B.none                              Empty
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maico on July 01, 2014, 04:33:07 AM
  IF that is all that is wrong with the bird right now, that is simply awesome.  I love this version of the 26.  What a great addition!

Big Thanks to All!

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Spider16 on July 01, 2014, 06:49:57 AM
Gentlemen, as I was informed before I'm taking 70% CTD in loading the new MOD A-26. I owned this unit before the frankplane functioning normally and did you uninstall before installing the new MOD. After this the problems started from 70% CTD. My setup is DBW + 4.10 and the latest mod jet war. Now the new mod uninstalled and deleted data air.ini and still have 70% CTD. I appreciate any help.


Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on July 01, 2014, 09:33:02 AM
I really didn't see a "none" at the end of the list. I had added a "A-26B.none    Empty" line, but I didn't see it in the list, so I just removed it. I'm still confused, does the real plane also have one wing bigger than the other or is it a mistake?
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Malone on July 01, 2014, 09:38:18 AM
it's a mistake, Maty
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Texx on July 01, 2014, 11:51:15 AM
Thank you Mac1 and Docholiday!!

Thanks to all involved!  8) 8) 8)

I was just wondered about that Invader... and looking in the screenshot section it was a nice surprise to see it finnaly completed!

 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: mac1 on July 01, 2014, 02:37:53 PM
Ok so I'm putting together a neat little snag list so far for a v 1.1 patch, please all add your input in a constructive manner as you have been doing so far.

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: mac1 on July 01, 2014, 02:44:43 PM
Gentlemen, as I was informed before I'm taking 70% CTD in loading the new MOD A-26. I owned this unit before the frankplane functioning normally and did you uninstall before installing the new MOD. After this the problems started from 70% CTD. My setup is DBW + 4.10 and the latest mod jet war. Now the new mod uninstalled and deleted data air.ini and still have 70% CTD. I appreciate any help.



Hi Carlos, if you want technical help then please post your log so I can see whats causing the crash. Thanks! Have you a 4.101 version of the SAS engine mod?https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=23327.0  (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=23327.0)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on July 01, 2014, 02:54:01 PM
Mac, you need to press the globe shaped button do make it a link. Or type  address here  (http://address here).
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=23327.0 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=23327.0)

As for suggestions:
-The left wing is slightly shorter than the right one, but that's a small problem.
-And I, personally, would love to be able to open the canopy hatches. Can you do that?
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 352nd_Hoss on July 01, 2014, 05:41:54 PM
Ok so I'm putting together a neat little snag list so far for a v 1.1 patch, please all add your input in a constructive manner as you have been doing so far.

  • Fix engine cowling parts that are see through
  • Fix cockpit floor panel
  • Fix loadout typo (thanks epervier!)
  • Add template and new default skin when complete
  • Add international markings?

Don't forget to boresight the guns and sight..............  off badly like the Helldiver is............... I can't hit the broadside of a barn and it's even harder when the sight is off and I miss even worse................. :)

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Spider16 on July 01, 2014, 06:09:38 PM
Thanks mac1 !!!


Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: psychobobicus on July 01, 2014, 06:19:08 PM
WOW! I can't say why but the Invader is one of the most gorgeous planes. Maybe it's those two big beautiful P&W ta-ta's  ;) . They have one at the Tillamook Air Museum, and I always go see it first. THANK YOU!
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Texx on July 01, 2014, 10:06:14 PM
Thanks again Mac1!!

These are coming soon  ;D


Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Malone on July 02, 2014, 12:44:30 AM
great looking skins - just what we need! :D
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: mac1 on July 02, 2014, 01:14:26 AM
Ah ha! Fantastic looking skins all coming along! :) Ok I'll try and fix the gunsights and then I'll take a look into opening canopies
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on July 02, 2014, 08:01:13 AM
Thanks, Mac!
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Dreamk on July 03, 2014, 03:21:51 AM
Corrected java file for the A-26K - solves the weapons array error problem
just copy the file inside the mod folder over the current hashed file of same name
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Edlor on July 03, 2014, 04:12:54 AM
Worked like a charm  ;) Thanks DreamK !
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Mono27 on July 03, 2014, 04:47:56 AM
Nice plane! Thank you! It works fine in 4.10.

Is it posible to use one of those skins as default skin? How?

It is a bit annoying that everytime I select the A-26 in the QMB, I have to enter and change the skin because the plane doesn't have any "default" skin.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Spider16 on July 03, 2014, 05:44:07 AM
hi Mac1 gladly inform you that the problems of the A26 were resolved in my installation and now works fine. I appreciate the help and interest in the case, congratulations to you and DocHolyday for creation.


Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: mac1 on July 03, 2014, 10:16:36 AM
Hi all, so I am working on a 1.1 patch to address the issues seen so far and polish off the plane. This will include a default skin and damage markings in the correct place. Also for expanded loadouts for the A-26K what would people like to see? Be reasonable and sensible and I will consider!
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: max_thehitman on July 03, 2014, 10:41:57 AM

I love to see when everyone works together as a team to finish an airplane to be perfect. Modders, skin-artists and everyone.
Well done guys and gals.
Outstanding job!
This aircraft is looking really good.

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Dreamk on July 03, 2014, 11:30:06 AM
The B-26Ks were delivered to the USAF between June 1964 and April 1965. The B-26Ks spent the first couple of years of their service on training units in the USA and in Central America.
In the spring of 1966, it was decided to deploy B-26Ks to Southeast Asia in an attempt to stem the flow of war material down the Ho Chi Minh trail from North Vietnam via Laos. Since northeastern Thailand was much closer to the intended area of operations in southern Laos, the US Government obtained permission for the Invaders to be stationed there rather than in South Vietnam. However, during the mid-1960s, Thailand did not permit the basing of bombers on its territory, and so in May 1966 the aircraft were reassigned the old attack designation of A-26A, thus bringing the Invader full-circle.
 The A-26As deployed to Southeast Asia were attached to the 606th Air Commando Squadron, based at Nakhon Phanom Air Base in Thailand. The mission of the 606th was known as Lucky Tiger. The A-26A unit was officially known as Detachment 1 of the 603rd Air Commando Squadron on six months' temporary duty in Thailand. The operations of the A-26As over Laos were highly "black" and the national insignia were painted out in order to maintain some sort of plausible deniability if something went wrong and one of them were forced down. The area of the Laotian panhandle along the North Vietnamese border became known as Steel Tiger, and it became the primary target of the A-26As.

Most of the A-26A combat missions over Laos were interdiction missions flown at night, the North Vietnamese antiaircraft defenses that were installed along the Ho Chi Minh Trail making it too dangerous to fly slow-moving aircraft such as the piston-engined A-26A over the area during the day. The primary targets were truck traffic along the Trail. Sometimes the A-26As were equipped with AN/PVS2 Starlight scopes for enhanced nighttime visibility. Most of the time they were equipped with solid noses, but a few missions were flown with glass noses. By December 1966, the A-26As had claimed a total of 99 trunks destroyed or damaged. At the end of December, the aircraft were reassigned to the 634th Combat Support Group at Nakhon Phanom. In April of 1967, the A-26As were officially transferred over to the 609th Air Commando Squadron, which was part of the newly-formed 56th Air Commando Wing.
 The A-26A could carry a maximum of 800 pounds underneath the wings plus 4000 pounds internally. However, the actual load carried on combat missions was usually somewhat less in order to gain maneuverability and to reduce stress loads.
A typical underwing load was a pair of SUU-025 flare dispensers, two LAU-3A rocket pods, and four CBU-14 cluster bomb units.
Later, the rockets and flares were often replaced by 500 lb BLU-23 or 750 lb BLU-37 finned napalm bombs.
The M31 and M32 incendiary clusters could also be carried, as well as M34 and M35 incendiary bombs, M1A4 fragmentation clusters, M47 white phosphorus bombs, and CBU-24, -25, -29, and -49 cluster bomb units.
General-purpose bombs such as the 250-lb MK-81, the 500-lb MK-82, and 750-lb M117 could also be carried.

In the summer of 1968, all Air Commando Wings were redesignated as Special Operations Units, and the 56th ACW became the 56th Special Operations Wing, with the 609th ACS becoming the 609th Special Operations Squadron.

The night interdiction tasks of the A-26A were gradually taken over by AC-130A and AC-130E gunships, and the Counter Invaders were phased out of active service by November of 1969. The losses had been fairly heavy, with no less than twelve out of the 30 that had served in Thailand at one time or another having been lost to enemy action. The 609th SOS was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for extraordinary gallantry.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Texx on July 03, 2014, 03:31:42 PM

I love to see when everyone works together as a team to finish an airplane to be perfect. Modders, skin-artists and everyone.
Well done guys and gals.
Outstanding job!
This aircraft is looking really good.

Indeed ! 8)

I´ve just uploaded a template for this bird in M4today, stay tunned  ;)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on July 03, 2014, 08:01:25 PM
Texx, I can't find it. Can you upload it to mediafire and give us the link? M4T takes time to process 4 Mods downloads. I waited a whole day for my B-26B Marauder Template.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Gumpy on July 03, 2014, 09:32:53 PM
I second the motion.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on July 03, 2014, 09:49:18 PM
Hey, Mac, since you want loadout suggestions, may I suggest Slurry so we can put out a few fires?
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Epervier on July 04, 2014, 06:15:51 AM
Hi all, so I am working on a 1.1 patch to address the issues seen so far and polish off the plane. This will include a default skin and damage markings in the correct place. Also for expanded loadouts for the A-26K what would people like to see? Be reasonable and sensible and I will consider!
LandingLight for B & K ?  :-X
Please !
I was looking for photos showing the landing lights ... without success!  :'(
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Malone on July 04, 2014, 06:43:55 AM
geez guys, Texx says he has uploaded it, and no-one is prepared to wait a little while, but rather ask that he re-upload again somewhere so that you can have it immediately?
that's just rude, in my book - come on, if a guy has spent many hours working on something, the least you guys can do is simply wait a few hours form your side...

+1 for Epervier's request for landing lights :D
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: mac1 on July 04, 2014, 06:59:22 AM
Great, I'll have a look at the landing light, anyone have any idea where it was located?! :O Thanks for looking epervier
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Malone on July 04, 2014, 07:37:26 AM
hi mac, i tried to find a pic with the landing lights, but all i could come up with so far is this pic, which seems to show the light outboard of the engines, under the wing, kind of mid-wing area...
i guess it would be one on each wing...
hope it helps a bit ;)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Epervier on July 04, 2014, 07:48:08 AM
Thanks Eugene !
That's what I assumed.
Tilting headlights ...
An under each wing.
Other aircraft in IL-2 have this system ... to take the mesh missing.  ;)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Edlor on July 04, 2014, 08:26:41 AM
Thanks for the template Texx. Very nicely done !  ;)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Epervier on July 04, 2014, 08:46:37 AM
Thanks Eugene !
That's what I assumed.
Tilting headlights ...
An under each wing.
Other aircraft in IL-2 have this system ... to take the mesh missing.  ;)
2 LandingLight yes !  :-X


Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: mac1 on July 04, 2014, 09:02:36 AM
thanks for the diagrams and photos guys! Hopefully I can get that sorted now this weekend :)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: mac1 on July 04, 2014, 09:06:14 AM
Just found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxj2Ugfm7Vs Great fun
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Epervier on July 04, 2014, 09:17:21 AM
Very nice video !

2 LandingLight yes !  :-X


I correct!
If you look at the second link (right wing seen better!) ... You will see that the lights are retractable!
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on July 04, 2014, 10:00:13 AM
Oh, I just love those How to fly videos. First on I saw was the B-25. Then the A-20 (Which was funny) and the B-26 (Which was also funny). They made jokes in them to make 'em more relatable.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: csvousden on July 04, 2014, 11:00:26 AM
Love this plane, but can't get the PTO loadouts on the A-26B version.

Is there a fix for this?  I would be grateful. 

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on July 04, 2014, 11:27:14 AM
Also, Malone was right, that was kinda rude of me. Still, it's one damn fine template.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Epervier on July 04, 2014, 12:52:44 PM
Love this plane, but can't get the PTO loadouts on the A-26B version.

Is there a fix for this?  I would be grateful.
The answer has already been given!
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 352nd_Hoss on July 04, 2014, 01:08:00 PM
Love this plane, but can't get the PTO loadouts on the A-26B version.

Is there a fix for this?  I would be grateful.
The answer has already been given!


Try post #73 or #90, I think that's what you are looking for... from scanning the posts it the only thing I have seen for ordnance... 73 for the B and 90 for the K.............

# A-26B
A-26B.default                                          Default
A-26B.6x500lbs                                        6x 500lbs Bombs
A-26B.16x100lbs                                      16x 100lbs Bombs
A-26B.2xMk13                                         2x Mk13 Torpedos
A-26B.14xHVAR5                                      14x HVAR 5" Rockets
A-26B.10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm                   10x HVAR 5" + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.10xHVAR5+2x154DT                         10x HVAR 5" + 2x 154gal.
A-26B.4x1000lbs+10xHVAR5                       10x HVAR 5" + 4x 1000lbs Bombs
A-26B.6x500lbs+10xHVAR5                        10x HVAR 5" + 6x 500lbs
A-26B.6x500lbs+10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm     10x HVAR 5" + 6x 500lbs + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.16x100lbs+10xHVAR5                       10x HVAR 5" + 16x 100lbs Bombs
A-26B.16x100lbs+10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm    10x HVAR 5" + 16x 100lbs + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.4x500lbsExternal+10xHVAR5              10x HVAR 5" + 4x 500lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.4x250lbsExternal+10xHVAR5              10x HVAR 5" + 4x 250lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.4x100lbsExternal+10xHVAR5              10x HVAR 5" + 4x 100lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.6x500lbs+4x500lbsExternal                6x 500lbs + 4x 500lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.6x500lbs+4x500lbsExt+2x154DT         6x 500lbs + 4x 500lbs Bombs (Ext) + 2x 154gal.
A-26B.6x500lbs+4x500lbsExt+2x175Napalm   6x 500lbs + 4x 500lbs Bombs (Ext) + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.2x154DT+4x1000lbs                        4x 1000lbs Bombs + 2x 154gal.
A-26B.PTO_Default                   Default (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_8xHVAR5                              8x HVAR 5" Rockets (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_2x154DT+8xHVAR5                 8x HVAR 5" + 2x 154gal. (PTO)..................  this is for a future 4.09 only because it does not work in 4.12.2 HSFX 7.0.2 so I deleted them 
A-26B.PTO_4x1000lbs                             4x 1000lbs Bombs (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_6x500lbs                               6x 500lbs Bombs (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_16x100lbs                             16x 100lbs Bombs (PTO)
A-26B.none                              Empty

But like they said before, the A-26.none does not show up either when you put it at the end of the weapon.ru infact you will see 6 different entries that say External, but there is only one in game.
and it looks like this, which can't be right.............

Good luck!


Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Texx on July 04, 2014, 01:55:56 PM
Thanks Malone! 8)

No problem guys, I had no access to my computer until now. I use to put all my skins at M4today, it´s a way to save time and distrubute to all at the same time.  :)

Another skinpack is up there now too:

Template: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1992 (http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1992)

Skinpack: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1993 (http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1993)

Here some shots of the planes, so far only WWII Europe and Korean War.





Have fun

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on July 04, 2014, 02:00:33 PM
They look great Texx. Could you post a mediafire link please? Thank you. :)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Epervier on July 04, 2014, 02:55:19 PM
Love this plane, but can't get the PTO loadouts on the A-26B version.

Is there a fix for this?  I would be grateful.
The answer has already been given!
The answer was given by mac1 itself by announcing the creation of patch 1.1!
Quoted about you!
My answer shocked you because it is very short?
Is this a reason to report to moderator?
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Texx on July 04, 2014, 02:57:35 PM
They look great Texx. Could you post a mediafire link please? Thank you. :)

Ok Bombs, it´s done! :) 8)

Take a look here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,41556.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,41556.0.html)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on July 04, 2014, 04:38:49 PM
Hey, Texx, got a minute? As I said before, I'm doing a Fire Eaters skin for the A-26B and, since it's your template, can you help me out ?
I need you to, in the following screenshot, tell where the spinners/prop hubs are (Although I think it's the dark grey square) and how they're mapped, since the plane has silver spinners but black hubs.

(http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad337/Maty10225/Template_zpsf8c1a59d.jpg) (http://s949.photobucket.com/user/Maty10225/media/Template_zpsf8c1a59d.jpg.html)

Also, that is my skin. Only thing missing are some wing markings and noseart (And the aforementioned spinners/hubs)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Texx on July 04, 2014, 04:56:44 PM
Hy Maty,

Nice skin!! I hope you will share it when finnished  :)

I don´t know where are the spinners. I did the template but not the mapping, so I could only guess and use the old try and error approach.

They are probably in one of those gray squares that you already spotted.

Good luck  ;) 8)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on July 04, 2014, 05:04:59 PM
Thanks, Texx, and yes, I will share. Glad you did this template. With my part of the Catch-22 skinpack done, I was begining to get bored!  ;D
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on July 04, 2014, 08:42:34 PM
Mac, where are the cowl flaps located in the template? I can't find them anywhere. Found the spinner though.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: redbaron on July 04, 2014, 09:21:49 PM
check here...
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,41566.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,41566.0.html)
*wink wink nudge nudge*
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Stefan SG on July 05, 2014, 02:33:48 AM
Dear Dreamk, Thank You for the update. But after the weapon list isn't loaded after 4x750lbs+8xMk82 .
Tested in 4.12/SAS ModAct 5.3.


Corrected java file for the A-26K - solves the weapons array error problem
just copy the file inside the mod folder over the current hashed file of same name
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Maty12 on July 05, 2014, 08:37:51 AM
Hey, Mac, I saw you posted my "add to weapons.ru" in the front page. I don't think it'll work like that, all second entries have to start exactly below each other for the game to properly read them.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: vpmedia on July 05, 2014, 11:08:18 AM
Thanks for the plane!

For skinners:

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Koty on July 05, 2014, 01:52:31 PM
/sorry for non english talk
nebylo by od tebe hez?í, dát jim odkaz na anglickou verzi? ;)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Dreamk on July 05, 2014, 01:54:46 PM
Stephan hi! You're right there were still a number of errors in the weapon array of this class - and in the hooks of the meshes - here are the corrected files:
Hashed A26K class
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Stefan SG on July 05, 2014, 02:23:24 PM
Dear Dreamk,  Thank You for Yr great update. Just tested. It works flawlessly.

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: mexchiwa on July 05, 2014, 10:55:49 PM
I should have a pack of Air Spray Invaders up at M4T before too long
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: redbaron on July 06, 2014, 12:20:40 PM
cool! Can't wait for those skins!!
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Cycle on July 06, 2014, 03:10:37 PM
Many thanks, very useful! :)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Dreamk on July 07, 2014, 02:20:19 AM
A very good document with Close view of ordnance under wings of Skyraiders and B-26 in Vietnam - bombs, rockets, napalm. and of the inner bomb bay of a B-26 loaded with M1-A2 frag cluster and M-81 frag bombs (also uinderwing)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXBV-_ysEFo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXBV-_ysEFo)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: duffys tavern on July 10, 2014, 08:31:38 AM
Great a/c. I'm sure there are more great skins in the works. Couple of little things I noticed:
At altitude, pilot wears O2 mask but crew doesn't.
Nose Art can be selected but doesn't show up.
Only small things, not that big a deal. Thank you very much guys for all your hard work on this great plane. And thanx for sharing.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Texx on July 10, 2014, 05:17:37 PM
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Poltava on August 13, 2014, 12:10:30 AM
And now there is a campaign for this beautiful aircraft as well!

(http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t286/Poltava/aaa_strangle_logo_zps8a17a6be.jpg) (http://s163.photobucket.com/user/Poltava/media/aaa_strangle_logo_zps8a17a6be.jpg.html)

So now you can go truck-hunting and train-busting over North Korea in 1951.

Download here: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=2020

Thanks again to ALL involved!  :)

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Malone on August 13, 2014, 12:41:34 AM
great, thanks mate!  :D
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: mac1 on August 13, 2014, 01:37:06 PM
Thank you so much Poltava for the campaign! And here is a V1.1 patch that should address some of the immediate concerns, more to come in the future :D


Just extract into your mods folder and enjoy - many thanks to Dreamk and Docholiday for the help on these, I will hopefully address some of the cosmetic issues in the upcoming months when reallife permits

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: doctor on August 17, 2014, 09:42:52 AM
 :D Hello guys, I know it's summer but is there any chance to fly this bird in 409, there were some voices abot that long ago??
   Regards to all,

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: SAS~Tom2 on August 17, 2014, 10:01:02 AM
I would simply try it, some mods are cross compatible between 4.12 and 4.09m. But backup anything you modify!
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Draken on August 25, 2014, 04:59:04 PM
Thanks .
I think that the landing gear strut is not high enough .
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Draken on September 02, 2014, 06:39:07 PM
And the plane seems to be underpowered .
Even the old A-20 G seems to be more efficient ...
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 52Zebra on September 04, 2014, 07:11:28 AM
I would like to know if it is possible to get a void file for the A-26-B and K ?
I have made a skin for the A-26-B from a file I found on line but I can't find the wheel hubs, they are black and I want to make them appear to look like they are made of aluminum. Anybody is welcome to message me if you would like a copy of my A-26-B skin.
Thanks. 52Zebra 
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Edlor on September 04, 2014, 07:31:46 AM
You can find the file with the wheel hubs in your  A-26 folder as such : A-26/3DO/Plane/ A-26 Invader (Multi1) / External.tga

Hope that helps and remember to back up the original external.tga if you plan on reusing it later.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: UF_Zargos on September 05, 2014, 01:01:01 AM
Hello, Zargos is back !
I've just started some skins for the Frech A26 involved in Indochina in the 50's.

Here is a screen of a "WIP" A26 from the Groupe Gascogne (there is many things to improve):


Stay tuned, I'll give some news as soon as there is something worth to be shown !

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Edlor on September 05, 2014, 01:19:16 AM
Welcome back Zargos  :)

Nice skin and it's lookin good from where I'm sittin. Can't wait to see all the finished versions  ;)

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: UF_Zargos on September 10, 2014, 12:50:00 AM
Works continue ... some improvements on the skins (black pattern on the nose, units flags on both sides od the nose, markings, etc.).
There are still much work to acheive regarding the weathering :




@mac1 :
Did you recieve my MP about mapping bugs ?

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on May 26, 2015, 05:47:42 AM
Is there a stationary version of this aircraft?
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Epervier on May 26, 2015, 08:20:16 AM
Is there a stationary version of this aircraft?
Yes! Two versions: SP and SSP!
Just search!
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on May 26, 2015, 10:46:24 AM
Is there a stationary version of this aircraft?
Yes! Two versions: SP and SSP!
Just search!

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 52Zebra on June 15, 2015, 11:54:24 AM
I have a question about the A-26-B I did my own re-paint but I can't find where the wheel hubs are . I want to make them dull silver not black can anybody show me how to do that ?

(http://s10.postimg.cc/9f53jou0p/A_26_B.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 52Zebra on June 16, 2015, 10:00:02 AM
I found it , it is External.tag .

Here is the file path.

C:\Users\52Zebra\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\A-26\3DO\Plane\A26-Invader(multi1)

You can download this skin from here .
It will save as a jpg , if you have a graphic editor such as Photoshop or corel bring it in and change it from RGB to index color then save it as a bmp.
Make sure it's 1024 X 1024.
I made an A-26B folder and added it to the shins folder.
C:\Users\52Zebra\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\PaintSchemes\Skins\A-26B
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: max_thehitman on June 16, 2015, 10:20:43 AM

Hello 52Zebra,
Some airplanes have their "wheel skins" in another section of the airplane mod folder. Not in the original Default skin.
Not all airplanes use the wheels which are shown on the skins.

At the moment this happens to a lot of the new (and the original) aircraft which have new wheels created by PA_Jeronimo.
They use new and much better detailed wheel skins which comes with his package download. In my opinion, they also look
much rounder and better looking than the original game tires.

- https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,34533.0.html

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 52Zebra on June 16, 2015, 11:09:29 AM
Thanks I found it.

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 52Zebra on June 16, 2015, 11:17:59 AM
I have a question about the question and answer referring to the stationary A-26-B 
( Is there a stationary version of this aircraft? )
( Yes! Two versions: SP and SSP! Just search! )

Where do I start the search ? I looked in the Objects/ stationary aircraft/ full mission builder, couldn't find SP and SSP, I don't know what SP and SSP mean .
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 52Zebra on June 16, 2015, 02:23:24 PM
Thanks. that link is awesome.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: max_thehitman on June 16, 2015, 02:34:49 PM
couldn't find SP and SSP, I don't know what SP and SSP mean

No problema.

SP = Stationary Plane

SSP = Self Stationary Plane

Look for Epervier post for SSP airplanes for the 4.09 game.
They also work fine for the 4.10 DBW game version. I use them all.
- https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,15399.0.html

Mission_Bug has been making and collecting for the 4.12 game version...
- https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,37950.0.html

Use them ALL and make your airfields look alive with many airplanes!

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 52Zebra on June 16, 2015, 02:36:11 PM
Ok Thanks
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 52Zebra on June 20, 2015, 12:33:06 PM
Wheel hubs
(http://s21.postimg.cc/bsepyjpgn/A_26.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: dpimborough on February 07, 2016, 04:10:35 AM
Love this plane  ;D did anyone ever make an amendment to the see through floor panel?

I noticed while playing around with the plane, you can see through the floor under the front panel............... 

I also found a Google e-book on A-26 flight operations

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: MacKreggin on March 27, 2016, 04:02:55 PM
This is so awesome, it should just be made part of the WAW mod.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: robert31178 on April 21, 2016, 12:31:04 PM
Thank you for all of the lovely skins!! I am now up and running the 4 A/C I have been DYING to fly since I first saw them on here....this plane was one of them and man I was NOT let down!!!

Thank you so much all involved!!

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: robert31178 on April 30, 2016, 10:20:29 PM
Zebra, is your skin or green skin template going to be available for us? I would like to do a Pacific campaign, but the only green skins I can find has invasion stripes on it :-(

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: 52Zebra on April 30, 2016, 10:51:46 PM
You are welcome to use it.
Do you want to use my psd ?
Where would you like for me to send it ?
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: robert31178 on May 01, 2016, 10:51:31 AM
I will PM you my personal email, and we'd love the skin and/or the .psd, whatever you are willing to send us!! Wow, thank you very much!!! Me and a flying buddy are making a fakey A-26 Pacific campaign and are in dire need of a skin.

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 52Zebra on May 01, 2016, 01:16:52 PM
ok cool
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 52Zebra on May 01, 2016, 09:46:18 PM
Douglas Desert A-26-B

(http://s32.postimg.cc/j08xwg1id/A_26_B.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: robert31178 on May 03, 2016, 08:16:12 PM
Zebra, did you get my PM's?
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: robert31178 on May 05, 2016, 11:06:09 PM
Got the skin Zebra. Thank you so much!!!

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Fresco23 on May 07, 2016, 08:04:32 PM
Zebra, I would be very interested in that template as well. I have an idea for a skin that i haven't seen, one half of a pair of skins actually. 
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 52Zebra on May 08, 2016, 09:41:50 AM
PM me your email
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: SPEKTRE76 on June 03, 2016, 10:10:03 PM
Is there a way to get this to work with v4.12.2 and HSFX 7.0.3. I am using the JSGME Mod Act.

I add all of the lines to all three .ini files. It get's to 605 load and then fails.
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: vpmedia on June 03, 2016, 10:32:55 PM
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: ROMULO on February 20, 2017, 03:34:36 PM
Beautiful birds thank you very much :) 4.13.2.sas modatc 6.2
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: dsawan on April 22, 2018, 06:03:39 PM
Curious, the invader could also mount a 75mm hoitzer or 37mm cannon. is it possible to change in loadout or a new B version would have to be created? Wonder what recoil effect would be like.


The A-26 was originally built in two different configurations. The A-26B had a gun nose, which originally could be equipped with a combination of armament including .50 caliber machine guns, 20mm or 37mm auto cannon, or even a 75mm pack howitzer (which was never used operationally)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: 52Zebra on April 22, 2018, 09:03:47 PM

(https://s31.postimg.cc/kppd44r0r/il2fb_2016-01-11_20-38-00-756.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/ec0a0vm4n/)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: bigans on May 29, 2018, 04:42:24 PM
Invader is just what I need for Presa di Pantelleria - Corskcrew 1943 campaign or SEOW.
Thank you so much for plane and skins!
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 52Zebra on July 06, 2020, 11:20:33 AM
Do you guys by any chance have an A-26 version for 4.13 ?
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 52Zebra on July 06, 2020, 12:35:36 PM
For all of you that are running version 4.13 , I just downloaded and installed the A-26 V1.1 Patch and it works great in 4.13 .
(https://i.postimg.cc/YqfMyVkQ/Untitled-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/GH2W4X4p)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: 52Zebra on July 06, 2020, 12:40:43 PM
For those of you that are running version 4.13 , I just downloaded and installed the A-26 V1.1 Patch .
It works great in 4.13 as well as 4.12 .
Thanks .
(https://i.postimg.cc/YqfMyVkQ/Untitled-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/GH2W4X4p)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: dsawan on September 07, 2020, 03:12:08 PM
found a schematic if a modder wanted to add a cannon to it. This is what it would look like

(https://i.postimg.cc/Kj9mq2Zc/a26.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BPKWbRLR)
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: Gaston on December 26, 2022, 03:21:08 AM
Sorry to come back on the question already asked long time ago, but is there any intention for a C version (with a glass bombardier nose) ???
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday
Post by: dsawan on December 26, 2022, 06:53:51 AM
Not that I aware of. Would be awesome to have more variants of this bird/
Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Docholiday on December 31, 2022, 10:33:26 AM
Hallo Mates.

No, I did stop Modding of IL-2 (ans any other game).   Sorry  !

Perhaps spmeone els will do it ?

Cheers  and happy new year

Title: Re: A-26B/K - Docholiday [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: mac1 on January 03, 2023, 02:22:49 PM
Hey Doc :) Happy New Year

I've been a long time out of modding anyhting as well... Hopefully someone else can have a crack at this, or learn and do it along the way :)