Special Aircraft Service

the SAS Hangar => Announcements => Topic started by: SAS~Bombsaway on July 05, 2014, 08:45:28 AM

Title: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on July 05, 2014, 08:45:28 AM
We here at the SAS are going to ask any modder here who shares his or her work freely and does not mind if other modders in the future adds to their work or uses parts of their work to please post here in this thread so that new modders can come here to see a list and know that its ok to to do so.

All proper credits must still be given by any modder using parts of or improving on other modders work.

This will help to avoid new moders having to postpone their work by trying to track down and contact the original modder and not being able to share their work if the original modder can not be contacted.

Some modders retire and we never hear from the again. Others still come here but not very often so by posting that you agree to the licence, your work can and will live on through new modders and IL2 1946 will also continue to have followers and live long into the future.

Gentlemen, this thread is only for those who truely dont mind if someone continues your work or uses parts of your of your work for modding IL2. This is not a thread for debating copywrite laws either real or implied. The DWTFYWWI means EXACTLY what is says. No one here is pressuring you to agree to this so if dont agree please DONT POST. Opinions can be posted in a different thread or by pm.

This is the list of modders that have agreed and it will be updated as we can.
The list is in the oder of signing.

Code: [Select]
Stefan SG
The Radge
Alfie Noakes
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on July 05, 2014, 08:47:44 AM
I SAS~Bombsaway agree to the licence and give my full permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked on to Do What The Fuck You Want With It. :)

Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: SAS~Storebror on July 05, 2014, 09:57:05 AM
I SAS~Storebror agree to the licence and give my full permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked on to Do What The Fuck You Want With It, as long as you don't try to put copyrights on derived works (read: Share alike. Use it free, share back free for all) :D
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: SAS~Malone on July 05, 2014, 10:04:33 AM
I SAS~Malone, being of relatively sound mind, agree to the licence and give my full permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked on to Do What The Fuck You Want With It. :D
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: SAS~Tom2 on July 05, 2014, 10:49:26 AM
Awesome! :) ^
I, SAS~Tom2, with barely a few mods based on other gentleman's maps released and a royal (beach) bum :P, hereby agree to the licence and give my full permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked on to Do What The Fuck You Want With It.  :D

Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Ghost129er on July 05, 2014, 10:54:25 AM
I, the one and only, Ghost129er, agree to the licence and give my full permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked on to "Do What The Fuck You Want With It." including vandalizing, corrupting, and the works. However, I shall still smite ye, no matter who you are, if I feel like it. 8)

Cheers and happy modding/etc!

Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 05, 2014, 11:59:14 AM
Cute idea this :) Although, by posting a mod of IL2 on SAS, one sort of gives that kind of permission without saying.

However, for the record, and for the hell of it, I, Cirxadoodle, gives anyone and everyone permission to do what the frak you want with it, as if anything was ever mine to start with  :D Just please remember to give a credit, because for many of us, it is still the closest we can get to getting laid  :P
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: ton414 on July 05, 2014, 01:46:59 PM
Congrats Bombs, this is a smart idea besides being a very good initiative.

And of course, I ton414 agree to the licence and give my full permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked on to do what you want with it, and as says  in the license terms, the only condition is that you put all the right and honest credits.


Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on July 05, 2014, 02:15:13 PM
I agree....obviously!
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: max_thehitman on July 05, 2014, 02:50:26 PM
I , Max_theHitman agree to the licence and give my full permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked on
 - BUT only if you can make it look nice!

I do not mind if any other artist uses my skins and adds or paints even more details and special textures to them - BUT please do it
only if you can make it look nice.

Let us all create something really beautiful for this game.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Dreamk on July 05, 2014, 03:27:55 PM
I Dreamk agree to the licence and give my full permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked on to Do What The Fuck You Want With It :P
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: tomoose on July 05, 2014, 03:39:45 PM
I, Tomoose, agree to any changes, edits, reworks, tweaks etc to any of my mods by any other member of the community without requiring my permission.
I only ask that the end product be an improvement, LOL.   ;)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: mac1 on July 05, 2014, 04:52:26 PM
I, Mac1 agree to the licence and give my full permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked on to Do What The Fuck You Want With It, but please contact me first in case I'm working on the same thing or can give you sources etc. for your own work.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Stefan SG on July 05, 2014, 05:13:01 PM
I Stefan SG fully agree and give my permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: victor639514 on July 05, 2014, 06:02:17 PM
I may not have posted a mod yet (sound mod to be exact), but when I do, I'll keep this license in mind~! :3
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: farang65 on July 05, 2014, 07:40:36 PM
I like Do What The Frak You Want With It philosophy  ;D

I will give some long ago map projects stashed away in my secret vault with some basics added to them already a few airfields etc basic textures etc maybe some rivers included as well so people can have a go at these if they like.

Have been a microdem nerd for so long just can't have a rest from it  :D

Do what the Frak you want with it YAY!  8)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: The Radge on July 05, 2014, 08:28:48 PM
Okay, I'm doing some modding work here too, and I think that will do some more in the future...
Maybe it will need improvements, maybe not, but as most of you, guys, say,
I'm giving my full permission to any future (or not future :D) modders to use parts of my work,
or its full content for Whatever the f*ck you want (of course, the better way is the improvement,
but how I said, do whatever you want with it ;)).
However I will stress the only restriction: I'm completely against the commercial use if my work.
(of course, without sending presents to me, lol ;D).
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Blazing on July 05, 2014, 08:37:28 PM
I agree to this. it's funny I actual learnt about this license in university.   :)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Epervier on July 06, 2014, 02:36:23 AM
I find irony to speak of "copyright" for work done for a hacked game ...  :D
But it is true that in the case of a pure creation that is better understood (new aircraft, map, skin ... created entirely.)

I've never considered a creator.
With the exception of vehicles Mod, I'm just a handyman who makes convertions sometimes with some improvements / changes from the original.
It would be inappropriate I forbid anything ... since I use the work of others!
So you are free to do what you want with my crafts!  8)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: SAS~GJE52 on July 06, 2014, 02:59:39 PM
I, SAS~GJE52, am happy to support this initiative and allow the use/re-use of any of my work, provided it forms part of something that is not used for commercial gain and is also subject to the same conditions regarding use/reuse.

............................... if it helps create something that improves on my original efforts, so much the better.  ;)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: rockdoon on July 06, 2014, 07:37:47 PM
I Rockdoon agree to the licence and give my full permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked on to Do What The Fuck You Want With It.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: santobr on July 07, 2014, 05:03:34 AM

I've never care when I saw some of my mods or textures merged in super packs, even without any credits, but now it is official. :P

Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: SAS~HolyGrail on July 07, 2014, 02:47:22 PM
Do What The Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck You Want With It  :P
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Mission_bug on July 07, 2014, 03:03:25 PM
Do What The Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck You Want With It  :P

Absolutely, I could not agree more. ;)

Providing use is for the sim and by community members as long as it is not for personal or commercial gain.

All the best, Pete. ;D
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Uzin on July 08, 2014, 04:57:03 AM
I totally agree with the above Bombsaway post.
Everybody can use, change and re-release my maps (and QMB missions) as is his/her wish, without any special permission from me.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Ranwers on July 08, 2014, 05:17:05 AM
Me too agree :)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: mandrill on July 08, 2014, 05:17:09 PM
Me three, guys.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: bolox on July 09, 2014, 12:56:34 PM
Do What The Fuck You Want With It  :P

But if you are playing with cockpits it's always worth pm'ing me as I might have reference etc stuff that may be of use
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Catahoulak9 on July 09, 2014, 01:32:00 PM
My contributions have been modest, but I certainly agree with this. It's all about improving the game anyway.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Plowshare on July 09, 2014, 09:09:15 PM
Since I only sling some paint around I hesitate to say I mod but, what the fack, if you want to sling more paint over my paint go right ahead. And, if I ever do get around to really creating something, you can do what fack you want with that as well.

Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 10, 2014, 02:53:05 AM
+1; I totally agree, lol
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on July 12, 2014, 05:45:16 PM
considering the stink I needlessly kicked up, by all means go ahead and add my name to the list.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Cycle on July 20, 2014, 10:08:28 AM
I also agree! Add me to the list, please!
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: bomberkiller on July 21, 2014, 06:30:27 AM

I paint only skins and sometimes also a small (sound-) mod package.

Of course, I'm also doing, put me on the list,

Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Bison_M on July 28, 2014, 04:17:10 PM
I Bison_M fully agree and give my permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked.  ;D

Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: HotelAlpha on July 28, 2014, 05:43:15 PM
I, HotelAlpha, agree to the DWTFYWWI liscence as I don't give 2 sh!ts what happens to my work. I would love to be part of the list that would make modding much more straight forward as it eliminates catfights due to copyright crap.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: wingflyr on July 29, 2014, 11:25:35 AM
 :) I agree, release and share a great thing with a little credit for time & effort put forth for all modders involved.
 Time is not cheap from Real Life dutys. But always, anything to make this wonderful Sim better and better 8). Cheers Guys. Wingflyr
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: UberDemon on July 29, 2014, 10:57:18 PM
I figure if you truly don't want your work plagiarized... well, you shouldn't put it in the Internet.  But if you do, put your big boy (or girl) pants on and deal with it.  ;D  OK... I'll behave.  In truth, some of my mods have already been incorporated in most large packs most times without request, and most times without credit.  But I have not lost sleep over it.

Following the spirit of this thread I, in *extremely* mild manner, give the right to any person to use my Java-based IL-2 mods (including aircraft, vehicles, QMB templates), as well as any mission files I authored (.mis, .properties), to create their own mods with full rights to do whatever they want, as long as they understand that any resulting damage, to include famine, and major world disasters, are not my responsibility.  A mention of my name in the credits would be appreciated, of course. 

I think I capture my mods below:
* http://www.uberdemon.net/dzzmods/UD_SuperAddOn0001ForUP30RC4.pdf (http://www.uberdemon.net/dzzmods/UD_SuperAddOn0001ForUP30RC4.pdf) (Flyable G-11 & Me-321, IL-2 Field Mod with playable gunner, Weapon Mods (Super Fw-190F-8, Recce versions or certain planes, Hurricane Mods, IL-2 Mods, Fw-190D mods, Ki-43 mods, Bf-109 mods, Ju-87 mods, etc))
* http://www.uberdemon.net/dzzmods/UD_FCLFLAddon0001ForUP30RC4.pdf (http://www.uberdemon.net/dzzmods/UD_FCLFLAddon0001ForUP30RC4.pdf) (Forgotten Latinos)
* UQMI batch files
* Jeep Gunner project

Best Regards,
UberDemon (AKA Demon, AKA danzigzag, AKA DZZ)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: SAS~Malone on July 30, 2014, 01:57:53 AM
UD, we can certainly rectify any missing credits, mate - that's the very least we can do. i'll make sure your name is on the list when the next DBW arrives ;)
a question - i really loved the Jeep Gunner version - if we're talking about the same one, that is - the one with a multitude of weapon choices, including rockets, etc...
unfortunately, it doesn't work on the 4.12.2 game version - do you plan to update it, or alternatively, would you mind if one of us tackles that at some point?
would make for a great addition, especially with the jets 'n such... :D
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: S3231541 on July 31, 2014, 10:15:13 AM
I SAS~S3 agree to the licence and give my full permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked on to Do What The Fuck You Want With It. :)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: UberDemon on August 01, 2014, 11:11:16 PM
UD, we can certainly rectify any missing credits, mate - that's the very least we can do. i'll make sure your name is on the list when the next DBW arrives ;)
a question - i really loved the Jeep Gunner version - if we're talking about the same one, that is - the one with a multitude of weapon choices, including rockets, etc...
unfortunately, it doesn't work on the 4.12.2 game version - do you plan to update it, or alternatively, would you mind if one of us tackles that at some point?
would make for a great addition, especially with the jets 'n such... :D


No problem... I like being a part of the community no matter what.  Yep, I think you are talking about that beast (not the good kind) of a mod I created (the "Drive-able Jeep Super Gunner Experiment" https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21469.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21469.0.html) ).  Sorry I have not updated it.  But anyone that wants to give it a whirl, please do so... I was trying to experiment with dynamic gun load generation through the code (a fancy way to say I did a "For" or a "Do Loop"... nothing that impressive... but it did get to be somewhat problematic... I'll share the java source code with anyone who wants to tackle it.

Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Ta183Huckebein on August 02, 2014, 09:03:02 AM
I, Ta183Huckebein, give my full permission for anyone to DWTFYWWI with any work I post.

Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Diving_Hawk on August 10, 2014, 02:35:17 AM
I belive I belong in this thread.

Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: stanislao on August 25, 2014, 05:29:09 AM

 :)    :)   ;)   Absolutely agree !!

Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Eexhaton on August 31, 2014, 04:05:12 PM
Agreed so; /sign

But like our Hitman says; only if you make it look pretty and in my case - fps efficient! ;)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: marcost on September 01, 2014, 04:52:26 AM
I've enjoyed many many more and better mods than my tiny contribution, if you ever come across them then yes DWTFYWWI  :)

Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Knochenlutscher on September 06, 2014, 11:43:33 PM
On behalf of sth. I did and that will come, I Knochenlutscher aka Segfej totally agree with it if you DWTFYWWI.

Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: WxTech on October 22, 2014, 10:38:48 AM
I have no proprietary interest in any work I do to tweak Il-2; I release it purely for the benefit of all. If anyone wishes to incorporate or improve upon my efforts, permission is unreservedly given.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Tzacol on October 31, 2014, 07:09:15 PM
Hell yes
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on December 16, 2014, 01:58:53 PM
What he said, but a good excercise so hell yes!  :)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Edlor on January 03, 2015, 08:43:28 AM
Wow..Coulda swore I signed this already but anyways hell ya. " Do what the fuck you want with it".  ;)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: SAS~Skylla on August 11, 2015, 12:29:11 PM
Time for me to sign this ;D

DWTFYWWI for all my Missions, Mods and other work I publish here!

Best Regards,
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: fatty_finn on December 13, 2015, 12:47:33 AM
Dear all
I, fatty_finn, agree to the proposal at the top of this thread.
I therefore give my full permission for anyone to use any "Il2 1946" mod I have made or worked on,
under the following conditions:
-All proper credits must be given to the mod author(s), by anyone using all or part of any modder's work [including my own], and
-No mod I have produced [with or without subsequent modification by others] can be sold, hired, leased, or used
     in any manner likely to result in financial gain, for anyone.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Greif11 on December 18, 2015, 04:17:58 AM
I Greif11 agree to the licence and give my full permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked.
I don't license sun,air or two poligons .............

Regards  Andrew
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: fokker95 on March 03, 2016, 07:14:41 PM
You can certainly use anything I make for IL2 if you like, unless I were to specifically say otherwise, which I have never done :)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: VonWaffen on March 03, 2016, 09:18:26 PM
I VonWaffen sware i won t hurt anyone who use my stuff until they don' t get pay for it , let say it's a kind of give and take,  i do my part so i won't feel to much cheap for all the stuff i borrow to this communuty :P
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Alfie Noakes on March 04, 2016, 08:49:17 AM
 :D ~~~ On the auspicious occasion of my 900th post ~~~  :D

Being a complete Java/computer muppet the only things I can bring to sas1946 are enthusiasm and screenshots   :D     ....however......

I, Alfie , being of sound(ish) mind do hereby declare that I don't give a monkey's toss if people use my screenshots for their own purposes , nefarious ,pleasurable or otherwise............ mind you, if you're doing a 200ft mural i wouldn't mind a few photo's  ;)


Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: FL2070 on March 07, 2016, 01:28:03 PM
I agree to the use of the DWTFYWWI lisence for all past, present, and future content I post/have posted to this site.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Windman on July 14, 2016, 12:22:23 AM
I Okishi agree to the licence and give my full permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked on to Do What The Fuck You Want With It. Let's mod on!  8)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: anitek on July 13, 2017, 04:41:15 PM
I just joined this community. Not sure if I'll get around to creating a Mod, but I intend to use the goods you brilliant and enthusiastic developers provide to create missions and videos. I therefore agree to allow you to use anything I post and provide on this site with my blessing. You are all my heroes. Do what the F-ck you want with it!
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: david12 on June 29, 2018, 10:13:12 AM
Totally agree guys.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Shakaali on July 04, 2018, 02:51:48 PM
Just noticed I haven't signed this yet... :-X

I, Shakaali, agree to the licence and give my full permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked on to Do What The Fuck You Want With It.

Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: whistler on July 04, 2018, 03:48:22 PM
Me too, do what the f you want with what I share (if others are not involved/credited, otherwise ask them first... if you like). You can also sell it yes, that too! Actually please do sell lots of *it* and make big profits and become filthy rich and employ 10 engineers for the sole scope to work in '46 full-time ;D
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: agracier on May 28, 2019, 09:56:02 AM
I have been away for some time due to personal reasons and also due to technical problems with a 4k screen. (Solution was to buy a new machine and only use it on a non-4k screen).

Anyway, any skins, templates, textures or maps I have made and/or posted may naturally be freely used by anyone wishing to do so. I've posted such with maps and such, but I might as well expressly say so again.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Mr.Craig on July 02, 2019, 05:24:51 AM
I also agree completely.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: victor639514 on April 27, 2020, 06:15:17 AM
I'm late to the party, but frack it!

I'm in full endorsement of this license and will condone it for all my works, current and future!  ;D
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: SAS~Storebror on April 27, 2020, 09:55:33 AM
Nice 8)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: agracier on April 27, 2020, 10:10:50 AM
Woody Guthrie's notions on copyright:

Woody Guthrie's copyright notice

"This song is Copyrighted in U.S., under Seal of Copyright # 154085, for a period of 28 years, and anybody caught singin' it without our permission, will be mighty good friends of ourn, cause we don't give a dern. Publish it. Write it. Sing it. Swing to it. Yodel it. We wrote it, that's all we wanted to do."
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: bomberkiller on April 27, 2020, 11:38:17 AM
Hello agracier,


Best regards, Gerhard  :)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: agracier on April 27, 2020, 11:41:00 AM
Hello agracier,


Best regards, Gerhard  :)

U2 ... :) 
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: milvipes on June 05, 2020, 07:43:38 AM
Count me in.
I, milvipes, agree to license and give my full permission for anyone to use, modify, distribute, and any other act that these imply, my past, present, and future works published herein.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: SAS~Storebror on June 05, 2020, 08:23:28 AM
Like :)
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: carsmaster on July 01, 2020, 07:20:59 PM
I authorize the use of any of my work, except for commercial use.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: StingerTheRaven on November 20, 2020, 01:44:12 PM
That content which I release here is released under the Creative Commons CC0 license, that is to say it is released into the public domain. That is to say; do as you wish with it.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Dandolo513 on January 23, 2022, 07:53:49 AM
I agree with this policy.
Every use or development of my work are authorizided.
Thanks to All.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: GUZKNIFE on July 09, 2023, 07:57:45 AM
We have no such practice. If you posted a mod, then for general use. If necessary, then I agree.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: MrOblongo on August 28, 2023, 12:41:37 PM
Its never that late to sign...

So, I MrOblongo agree to the licence and give my full permission for anyone to use any work I have made or worked on to Do What The Fuck You Want With It.
Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: wolf44 on August 27, 2024, 02:49:37 PM
Although I have barely taken my beak out of the eggshell, I fully agree with the license and I agree that any work made by me, campaign or skin, in the recent past, present and future, can be used or modified as you like. May you be well.
And of course:thanks you for all skinners and campaign makers,modders and other speciality for your work.Without you,I just read ww2 books ;D

Title: Re: The " Do What The Frak You Want With It " license.
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on December 10, 2024, 09:51:02 AM
Forgot to mention...I agree too...with every nickname I had , have or 'll have....