Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Seaplanes => Topic started by: The Radge on July 09, 2014, 08:56:08 AM
Hello, mates!
I have finally made the release version of the I-153 Float for 4.12,
originally made by RealDarko and Beowolf
and now with their permission I am glad to publish it.
All other information you will find in the readme.
I apologise for the previous bugs, like breaking floats when AI takes off and impossibility to use guns in the 4.09,
noticed by CWatson. Now all fixed, here is the revamped download.
Attention! Since the 1.2 version, this mod also needs I-153 Smoothclass mod (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,42641.0.html)!
Download I-153 Float v1.2 (https://www.mediafire.com/?bzixh0uipc4ebke)
CWatson made extra FMs and class for the 4.09-4.11 game versions,
so I present here patch for I-153 Float that makes it useable in all game versions
(before installing this patch you should install I-153 Float v1.2)
Download 4.09-4.11 patch (https://www.mediafire.com/?ku70nob8z5upjie)
Thank you a lot, CWatson! :)
Nice! :D
Well done, I remember the 4.09/4.10 version of this.
Thanks! :)
But there were no soviet weapons. It was German or/and American.
It was very strange...
Guys, there is a problem with this plane...
When you set AI to take off with this plane, it does long run on the water and after
it detaches from water, floats are breaking.
When you fly this plane yourself you realise that take off run can be shorten a lot,
comparing to how AI fly the plane and this problem doesn't happens.
The Q is - why so?
Anyone has ideas?
not sure - did you instruct the AI pilot to pull back on the stick, lol :D
Guys, there is a problem with this plane...
When you set AI to take off with this plane, it does long run on the water and after
it detaches from water, floats are breaking.
When you fly this plane yourself you realise that take off run can be shorten a lot,
comparing to how AI fly the plane and this problem doesn't happens.
The Q is - why so?
Anyone has ideas?
It could vary a lot, I could be a problem in the fm or a problem with the gear hooks for the floats,
Guys, there is a problem with this plane...
When you set AI to take off with this plane, it does long run on the water and after
it detaches from water, floats are breaking.
When you fly this plane yourself you realise that take off run can be shorten a lot,
comparing to how AI fly the plane and this problem doesn't happens.
The Q is - why so?
Anyone has ideas?
To solve this problem for the revised "Pete" floatplane, I had to move the center of gravity slightly to the rear, when flaps were deployed.
Since this plane has no flaps you will have to move the center of gravity entry itself back.
On a side note, though this plane is marked 412, it's flightmodel has been compiled with the 410 version of the tool, not the 409/411/412 tool.
To solve this problem for the revised "Pete" floatplane, I had to move the center of gravity slightly to the rear, when flaps were deployed.
Since this plane has no flaps you will have to move the center of gravity entry itself back.
On a side note, though this plane is marked 412, it's flightmodel has been compiled with the 410 version of the tool, not the 409/411/412 tool.
Thank you, guys! I will try to edit the FM.
By the way, CW, is this causing any problems in using the plane?
Or... May the float problems happen 'cause of it?
To solve this problem for the revised "Pete" floatplane, I had to move the center of gravity slightly to the rear, when flaps were deployed.
Since this plane has no flaps you will have to move the center of gravity entry itself back.
On a side note, though this plane is marked 412, it's flightmodel has been compiled with the 410 version of the tool, not the 409/411/412 tool.
Thank you, guys! I will try to edit the FM.
By the way, CW, is this causing any problems in using the plane?
Or... May the float problems happen 'cause of it?
You can only experiment and find out.
The center of gravity and entries related to it in the flightmodel should not be based on the I-153, but what plane the floats came from, Arado?
Seaplanes are temperamental. In my experience the flightmodel of the plane that the floats come from is what you should use as a foundation of the flightmodel for the new seaplane.
I also forgot to mention, you should change this:Autonomous 0
To this :Autonomous 1 in the emd.
That way you can start the plane in the water.
Thank you CW!
I haven't noticed this, because I didn't have such a problem...
Even when I was starting far away from the AF...
Thank you CW!
I haven't noticed this, because I didn't have such a problem...
Even when I was starting far away from the AF...
I am also getting error message when using loadout other than empty. The error is for missing gundumps in the meshes.
You can't fly or it is just swearing log?
For me loadouts work perfect.
You can't fly or it is just swearing log?
For me loadouts work perfect.
Can only fly with empty loadout.
Since no dump, no place for brass to eject. Usually solved be adding dumps in meshes or using version of gun that does not need dump, usually ends with a "t", most likely because turret mounted guns usually do not need brass ejected.
As I remember, 3D model has hooks for gun dumps.
As I remember, 3D model has hooks for gun dumps.
Sorry that is incorrect. I just checked, there are four gun hooks but no dumps.
Thanks again,
Sorry, my mistake...
Here I changed guns from s to si.
Check it, please
https://www.mediafire.com/?5so2d4euk7spb45 not needed - the fix is on the first page
Btw, what version of the game are you using?
Sorry, my mistake...
Here I changed guns from s to si.
Check it, please
Btw, what version of the game are you using?
You do not need to change anything on my account, I was trying to find a fix for your float issue and noticed the lack of dumps and figured you should know.
Why I use the best version, 409 ;D.
I was trying to find a fix for your float issue
You are so kind, thank you :)
Why I use the best version, 409 ;D.
I was asking, because problem with gun dump you were talking about isn't happening in the 4.12 ;)
So thank again for this, btw, did it help? :D
If yes, I will set 4.09 compatibility icon after the float fix.
I was asking, because problem with gun dump you were talking about isn't happening in the 4.12 ;)
So thank again for this, btw, did it help? :D
Your latest download? I do not know if it works, I had already corrected the issue in my game by swapping to the guns carried by the stock planes.
I resolved the breaking float issue for you, please check your PMs. :)
I have already checked PM earlier, sorry haven't answered yet and thanks for what you have done! :)
Just, I was busy with other projects, will look at your fix now ;)
I have fixed the noticed bugs, revamped download is on the first page ;)
I highly apologise for that...
CWatson made extra FMs and class for the 4.09-4.11 game versions.
Thanks to him a lot for this! :)
See the first page again :D
Hello, mates! :)
I have updated this mod, now it don't need own cockpit classes (only one class now), weapons are in cod folder,
and now it needs I-153 Smoothclass mod (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,42641).
I hope you will enjoy :) 8) :D
PS: the 4.09-4.11 patch is updated, too ;) (only classfile recomplied)