Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: Docholiday on July 18, 2014, 11:39:43 AM
Department of Aircraft Production [Australia]
It`s a smal Modifikation of the Beaufighter Mk21 already in the game. I made it for my own fun but perhaps You like it too:
1] B-Stand with Vikers MG (very often Australien Beaus had this feature by fieldmod.) I always wanted to have it in the game ;-)
2] new loadoud better suited for ground pounding
The additional Mk_71, M_26 I borrowed of Storebrors Jugs Reloaded Pack
The 108 Tanks are made by Kumpel or Crazyflak
Default-skin by Hayate
Anto`s Rockets
PA_Jeronimo: 3d-Parts for engines, spinners, cowlings etc.
So many helped me with 1000 little things I hope I did not forgett someone :
Tested in 4.12 with latest Modact ! in 4.10 the new loadout is only partially usable :(
Version 1.3 with additional loadout (US-Bombs, Napalm ..)
# BeaufighterDAP
BeaufighterDAP.default Default
BeaufighterDAP.2x250lbs 2x250lbs.Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.2x500lbs 2x500lbs.Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.4x250lbs 4x250lbs.Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.2x500lbs+2x250lbs 2x500lbs+2x250lbs.Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.8x60lbsRP 8x60lbs.RP.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.2x250lbs+8x60lbsRP 2x250lbs.Bombs+8x60lbs.RP.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.8x90lbsRP 8x90lbs.RP.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.2x250lbs+8X25lbsAS 2x250lbs.Bombs+8X25lbs.AS.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.Torpedo_13a 1xType Mk13 Torpedo
BeaufighterDAP.8x25lbsAS 8x25lbs.AP Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.4xFragmentbombs_M17 4xM17 Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.LR_8x60lbsRP LR_8x60lbs.RP.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.Torpedo_13a_late 1xType Mk13(late) Torpedo
BeaufighterDAP.2xFragmentbombs_M17+8x60lbsRP 2xM17 Bombs+8x60lbs.RP.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.2x20Fragclusters_M26 2x20_M26 Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.2xNapalm 2x175Gal Napalm
BeaufighterDAP.2x250lbsus+8X25lbsAS 2x250lbs.Bombs US+8X25lbs.AS.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.2x250lbsus+2x500lbsus 2x500lbs US + 2x250lbs US.Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.none Empty
https://www.mediafire.com/download/6hhmmfu42objd93/DAPBeaufighter_1.3.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/download/6hhmmfu42objd93/DAPBeaufighter_1.3.7z)
FIX for "Mission Loading Null ..." Error for 90lbs RP`s (07.10.2015)
https://www.mediafire.com/download/wuro8jg6p0lcymm/671EFA006CB765F6 (https://www.mediafire.com/download/wuro8jg6p0lcymm/671EFA006CB765F6)
BeaufighterDAP air.DAPBEAU 1 NOINFO au01 SUMMER
Cool, thank you Doc ! (and you can use Jeronimo's cowlings and wheels mod with this plane ;)).
Thanks a lot Doc for this long missing contribution to the Beau lovers club :)
Best regards - Mike
hooray! been waiting for this one, as i am one of the Beau fanboys :D
thanks mate! 8)
Great work! Thank you,Doc. 8)
Great Stuff! D/L now
Many thanks
Spasibo ;D
Many thanks buddy, It will be tried out when I am home next time
Great addition mate! Many thanks for sharing, 8)
Hi Gents.
After 120 Downloads I have one question: Does anybody have Loadout problems (in 4.12 + MODACT) ???
I mean do You have a loadout with Droptank, one with the new Torpedo, some with the M17 cluster Bombs the M-26 Bombs ?????
I mean do You have a loadout with Droptank, one with the new Torpedo, some with the M17 cluster Bombs the M-26 Bombs ?????
I have none of these. :(
I mean do You have a loadout with Droptank, one with the new Torpedo, some with the M17 cluster Bombs the M-26 Bombs ?????
I have none of these. :(
OK I made a fault:
The DAP Beaufighter has its full Loadout only when You installed Storebrors Jugs reloaded-pack !
I thought that I have extracted all neccessary classfiles and Arms-3do but i did not :(
I hope I will find the time to do this in the next days !
Doc, I do have the Jugs reloaded pack installed. This is how my loadout looks like actually:
Doc, I do have the Jugs reloaded pack installed. This is how my loadout looks like actually:
And You use 4.12 witch MODACT ??
And You use 4.12 witch MODACT ??
Yes, 4.12+modact 5.3 and your latest patch.
Thanks, Doc ! Little question : if I have the jugs reloaded pack installed, do I need the new version 1.2, or the first version is OK ?
Hello Doc!
Doc, I do have the Jugs reloaded pack installed. This is how my loadout looks like actually:
And You use 4.12 witch MODACT ??
I have a very similar problem in # DBW 4.10. I tried to use the newer version 1.2 DAP Beaufighter for 4.12 , but unfortunately does not work . In the QMB and FMB plane is visible and during mission works flawlessly.
my loadout:
2x500lbs 2 x250lbs
2x250lbs 8 x60lbsRP
2x250lbs 8 X25lbsAS
torpedo position in Mk21
Sorry for my english
best regards,
Hi mate.
I wrote on first page that the loadout is not complete in 4.10 ! 8)
Yes, I know ;), but it was worth to try :-X :'(
Yes, I know ;), but it was worth to try :-X :'(
drop this in Your 3do/plane/DAPNeaufighter (AU and Multi) https://www.mediafire.com/view/1zhg5bx78zked0s/CF_D0_X.msh (https://www.mediafire.com/view/1zhg5bx78zked0s/CF_D0_X.msh)
cures the floating Torpedos in 4.10
Thank you very much 8)
I don't see the m-26 in the loadout, and I can't get the 90lb rockets to play in the QMB, but I do have the jugs in my 4.12.2 game. Any thoughts? I have the 1.2 version installed.
I have the jugs reloaded pack and I am running 4.12.2m with latest modact and I get a 20% crash on loading the game. I will try the new patch you listed above and if thats no good will upload log file.
I have the jugs reloaded pack and I am running 4.12.2m with latest modact and I get a 20% crash on loading the game. I will try the new patch you listed above and if thats no good will upload log file.
OH a 20% Crash ! Thats a new and different problem apart of the loadout-problem ! :-[
One more try :-[ 8)
https://www.mediafire.com/download/u5t0mjqr12a1u40/DAPWeaponsclasses.rar (https://www.mediafire.com/download/u5t0mjqr12a1u40/DAPWeaponsclasses.rar)
drop the whole content of the folder in Your DAPBeaufighter-Folder and lett overwrite.
Please report Your experiences. If it works I will upload a complete new version on first page.
PS: iÍn theory this could work in DBW 4.10 too ?
Tested in 4.12.2m SAS ModAct 5.30 successfully!Loading looks completely! :) Thank you!
# BeaufighterDAP
BeaufighterDAP.default Default
BeaufighterDAP.2x250lbs 2x250lbs.Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.2x500lbs 2x500lbs.Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.4x250lbs 4x250lbs.Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.2x500lbs+2x250lbs 2x500lbs+2x250lbs.Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.8x60lbsRP 8x60lbs.RP.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.2x250lbs+8x60lbsRP 2x250lbs.Bombs+8x60lbs.RP.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.8x90lbsRP 8x90lbs.RP.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.2x250lbs+8X25lbsAS 2x250lbs.Bombs+8X25lbs.AS.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.Torpedo_13a 1xType Mk13 Torpedo
BeaufighterDAP.8x25lbsAS 8x25lbs.AP Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.4xFragmentbombs_M17 4xM17 Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.LR_8x60lbsRP LR_8x60lbs.RP.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.Torpedo_13a_late 1xType Mk13(late) Torpedo
BeaufighterDAP.2xFragmentbombs_M17+8x60lbsRP 2xM17 Bombs+8x60lbs.RP.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.2x20Fragclusters_M26 2x20_M26 Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.none Empty
I can be mistaken! ;)
Tested in 4.12.2m SAS ModAct 5.30 successfully!Loading looks completely! :) Thank you!
I can be mistaken! ;)
Huuuuuray !!! ;D
It`s the result of the newest Patch ??
Yes!The Last the update! ;) Thank you so much!!!
Yes it works! ;D I had to disable these files:
and some in the Jugs_Reloaded pack. So far everything seems to work properly. Thank you for your time Doc 8).
Yes it works! ;D I had to disable these files:
and some in the Jugs_Reloaded pack. So far everything seems to work properly. Thank you for your time Doc 8).
Hi mate were and how did you that you have to desaktivate these classfiles ???
These programs are very helpful in finding conflicts between files
Re:Aussiewaffe 20% crash. I was having a 20% crash as well in 4.12.2m (even with latest versions of DAPBeaufighter and Jugs Reloaded and Modact). Added in DOCs-CC-Beaufighters.7z file of planes to the #SAS plus relevant air.ini and now all is good. Just a suggestion.
mechanic, YES! thanks for the help. DAP works fine now. Also thanks for the heads up on the CC Beaufighters, they are awesome!
Re:Aussiewaffe 20% crash. I was having a 20% crash as well in 4.12.2m (even with latest versions of DAPBeaufighter and Jugs Reloaded and Modact). Added in DOCs-CC-Beaufighters.7z file of planes to the #SAS plus relevant air.ini and now all is good. Just a suggestion.
Nice find ! 8)
The funny thing is: all weapons classfiles in CC_Beaufighter Pack are now in the DAP Beaugighter too ! ? ß :-[
So I have no explication for this. :(
Anyway.... I am happy that it works for You
Yeah and as a bonus i found your great CC Beaufighters!
Yeah and as a bonus i found your great CC Beaufighters!
This is strange: I have listed the Beaufighters I have in my game, and I am grateful for all them. The weird thing is that the DAP only showed the full loadout after adding the Coastal Command ones. And weirder still, the only load that seems not to function is the 90lb rockets on the DAP version of the Beau. On all the others that have that load out it works. So like the doctor who said to the kid whose complaint was that his arm only hurt when he raised it, "Then don't raise it," I guess I will only use 90lb rockets on the other Beau's.
It is more about wishing I knew why the game works that way than whether or not I can use 90lb rockets.
Is no one else experiencing this in QMB?
BeaufighterDAP air.DAPBEAU 1 NOINFO au01 SUMMER
BeaufighterMk21 air.BEAU21 1 gb01 DESERT
BeaufighterMkIF air.BEAUMKIF 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
BeaufighterMkI air.BEAUMKI 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
BeaufighterMkX air.BEAU10 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
BeaufighterTFX air.TFX 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
BeaufighterMkXCCN air.CCBEAU10N 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
BeaufighterMkXCC air.CCBEAU10 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMME
Thanks for your work on the new Beaufighters, it's a beautiful plane and it's horrible that you can't look behind you in the stock version - so I really do appreciate your efforts.
Like csvousden above me I have a problem with the DAP though, your other Beaufighters all work fine for me. I get the "mission loading failed: null" when I try to equip with 90lb rockets. I get a "null" fail for 2x250lb bombs also. Last error is a funny one: in default config (and only in default config) I seem to get an extra two .50 cals with four in the right wing instead of two (like British Beaufighters). Is there anyway to fix these problems? Could it be a problem with conflicts on my end?
Hallo, i think the problem with 8x90lb rockets is the little space in DAPBeaufighter class (671EFA006CB765F6) after 8x90lbsRP. I changed it with an Hex Editor to something like 8x90lbsRPs (last letter can be anything , s is only example ) and now the rockets work in my game (4.09). If this works for you in 4.10-4.12 maybe Docholiday or a java guru can fix it more professional. Thank you for this great plane, works in 4.09 to.
you are the man! Thank you. I did exactly as you recommended and changed the file with a hex editor, and it works! Wow, I so admire people with skills--all of them from the original makers to the tweakers who make it possible for regular old schmoes like me to to fully enjoy this game. I am so grateful to you all!
Hello csvousden,
great that it works for you, i am an old schmoe too, he he. :D
FIX for "Mission Loading Null ..." Error for 90lbs RP`s (07.10.2015)
https://www.mediafire.com/download/wuro8jg6p0lcymm/671EFA006CB765F6 (https://www.mediafire.com/download/wuro8jg6p0lcymm/671EFA006CB765F6)
Many thanks, Doc.
Haven't checked the loadouts, but she does fly in my 4.11 setup!