Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => ModWorx => Topic started by: benitomuso on August 25, 2014, 06:25:35 PM

Title: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: benitomuso on August 25, 2014, 06:25:35 PM
Total MODder V3 with 100% effective and reversible SFS creation / extraction

Ok, this is what I consider will be the last stage of the idea of the TotalMODder. I learnt in depth how to pack / unpack SFS files, so now I'm able to provide SFS creation for a MODding solution (and eventually it can be used even if the TotalMODder itself is not used).

So now this version of my piece of software doesn't work anymore with .zip MODding to reduce size. I made it as pure as possible on having just SFS (let's say native) MODding contents (much preferable for big packs, planes, textures...), or the traditional folders (for small MODs and particularly for those who change core game clases, that will not work in SFS).

Previous versions of the TM were criticized because there wasn't a comprehensive documentation and it was "too complex" for the medium user. So now I'm offering this new Total MODder V3 public release as a consolidated pack to start MODding in seconds: the EasyPack.

Current Documentation (All this tutorials together plus some extra comments):

TotalMODder V3 ReadMe by PAL (https://www.mediafire.com/view/tjpjmals9j6g8rb/il2fbMODder-ReadMe.pdf)

1) Here is a Step by Step on Setting Up ALL the typical Packs that we have for this game with TotalMODder V3

TotalMODder V3 Easy Pack, a 240Mb pack that includes everything what you need to activate anything in two clicks, including elder Game Version Packs.

Just extract the contents of this .rar over your IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 Folder and you are done, it would be a piece of cake MODding everything.

Introduction: TotalMODder creates Profiles that instruct the Game to load some contents or not. To make them operative, you need to make an "Activation" of the proper Profile. Since then, when you launch the game and until another change of Profile, it always will load the established settings and files.

To simplifiy things, I have packed two folders with the Most Common usable 6 Profiles for Il-2 to allow a 5secs Activation for any of them. Start by downloading this file:

Download TM3-EasyPack.rar, from here (https://www.mediafire.com/download/a3b9ddeu7naib89/TM3-EasyPack.rar)
(Now supports DBW1916 for v4.12.2)

IF YOU WERE USING TotalMODder before, take this into account:

Code: [Select]
Current Version: 1.2

Release Date: 2014/09/05

       -Included DBW1916 for v4.12.2
       -Included fixes of 3do vehicles by WindWpn
       -Included Maps listing normalization and placeholders for future (SAS~Poltava)
       -Some fixes and improvements in TotalMODder V3
il2fb.exe and the DInput.dll are auto-generated by the TotalMODder if required, but I included the latest versions of them for simplicity. The .pdf is the documentation which has all these explanations plus others.

(http://s9.postimg.cc/fpnqtpckf/01_Root_Contents.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

It will create inside your eventual (or inexistent) jsgmemods folder 8 Folders with everything required to actívate any of the referred packs regardless your current game version (eventhough I recommend having 4.12.2 as your real version).

(http://s9.postimg.cc/b51kersv3/02_JSGMEMODS_Contents.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

When opened, the TotalMODder (il2fbMODder.exe) will show 5 working, preconfigured, no extra-requirement Profiles. The only problem here is that they depend on where were the Folders used when the Profiles were created. I created them in my computer, everything in:

D:\Games\Ubisoft\Il-2 Sturmovik 1946.412\

But that is valid only for me. You will need the first time to click on Change aside the folders paths and establish the ones proper for you. As soon as you do that, it will led you to any of those versions of the game running in 5 seconds:

(http://s24.postimg.cc/g19xcpv1h/02_5_Basic_Profiles.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

Typical process to make any of these Profiles to work:

1-Select the one you want with the tags under or the combobox with the list over the second pane
2-Click Launch Il-2 Sturmovik. When it asks if you want to use the current profile for your game answer "Yes" and you are done.

-- THE END -- First Tutorial about using Easy Pack with TM3[/list]
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on August 25, 2014, 06:25:58 PM
2) OK, here is a Step by Step on Working with SFSs.

TotalMODder V3 Packs Directories to .SFS Files (it packs all its contents being the root level the inside of the Directory you are packing).

Firs steps: set the Folder with MODs (in this case i have this JSGMEMODS.Test). You can work with your original JSGMEMODS or whatever Directory you want to use. You will never (except you explicitly ask so will erasy anything from there). The other important folder is the one of the Il-2 Sturmovik 1946 game. I suggest to put the il2fbMODder.exe in the same folder of your game, but it is up to you.

(http://s30.postimg.cc/j7iloi5w1/TM3_001.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

(http://s30.postimg.cc/aqj3dl175/TM3_002.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

In this case I only have one folder in my JSGMEMODS.Test folder. It is the MOD of the Whirlwind published by Storebror. Its name is Planes-Whirlwind. If I click the Contextual Button (Right Button) I get the PopupMenu with the option "Create 'Planes-Whirlwind.SFS'". If you click on it you are driven to this Window.

(http://s30.postimg.cc/rfkj9hxsh/TM3_003.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

 The Pack All button is the key to build an SFS with its contents. You cannot change the filename, because it follows the contents of the folder from where it is comming from. You can select the Compression Level which can be from 0 (no compression at all, just packing in a single file) to 9, maximum compression and slowest. 8 will really be good for practically everything.

(http://s30.postimg.cc/cd8aytd8x/TM3_004.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

After the Packing and Compression you receive a notification like this one:

(http://s30.postimg.cc/d5ayy0hg1/TM3_005.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

And when you go back to the original Folder List, now you have one SFS file too. Now if you click the Contextual Button over the SFS it will show:

(http://s30.postimg.cc/gvalqwtap/TM3_007.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

Then it will lead to this screen, which are the contents of the file, including the full names (typically SFS files don't store names). In this case this is achieved by adding an extra file with the File Directory under the name 000000000000000. This was an idea borrowed from the SFS Archivator, but I have implemented full Writting / Reading of it so now the SFSs are 100% reversible:

(http://s30.postimg.cc/z9l4uw5ld/TM3_008.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

The button Extract All does what it suggests. It will always (for the while) extract to a Folder with suffix .Extracted:

(http://s30.postimg.cc/smyh1pnwx/TM3_009.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

You will receive this notification at the end:

(http://s30.postimg.cc/5wzc8q4pd/TM3_010.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

And a new folder will appear with the mentioned suffix:

(http://s30.postimg.cc/uhgdgkh8x/TM3_011.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

I think that this screen is self explanatory, and it shows all what can be done with this:

(http://s28.postimg.cc/4pzd7sh8d/TM3_012.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

-- THE END -- Second Tutorial about working with SFSs in TM3
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on August 25, 2014, 06:27:08 PM
3) A Step by Step basic MODding.

Introduction: TotalMODder creates Profiles that instruct the Game to load some contents or not. To make them operative, you need to make an "Activation" of the proper Profile. Since then, when you launch the game and until another change of Profile, it always will load the established settings and files.

In this section we will learn how to add a typical Feature MOD (my Visual MOD) and a Plane MOD (I will add the Whirlwind of the previous tutorial).

So we are going to work over the pre-DBW2 of the EasyPack. The start situation is this one:

(http://s27.postimg.cc/5h6qsga1v/10_Basic_MODding1.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

In the Left Pane I have the contents of the jsgmemods folder of the SAS ModActivator 5.30 (that is the jsmemods I'm using) plus the 8 Activators-* folders of the EasyPack. Then I Drag and Drop from Left to Right the folder of the Visual MOD (#SAS_VisualMOD8 by P.A.L). In fact the version delivered with the SAS ModActivator 5.30 is quite outdated, but I'm using this as an example. I suggest you to use the latest VisualMOD which has tens of improvements.
Order is important and controllable in TotalMODder: so I'm loading this over the pre-DBW2 pack and the Game v4.12.2 classes.

(http://s27.postimg.cc/tm7ga5ucj/11_Basic_MODding1.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

But I have one more thing in the jsgmemods folder: I have here the Planes-Whirlwind.SFS created in the previous tutorial. This is depicted as a binary folder, not a real folder, because it is a pack, but again: by Drag and Drop I add it to my Profile.
Order is important and controllable in TotalMODder: so I'm loading this over the pre-DBW2 pack and the Game v4.12.2 classes.

(http://s27.postimg.cc/ur1ifjgtf/12_Basic_MODding1.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

But then I have to add the corresponding new plane definition into the air.ini to make this plane work. So I go to Tools -> Edit air.ini. It could take a time if your Profile was not activated, because the TotalMODder has to find where you have your air.ini file. It must be in a folder (not in .SFS) because it is required that the file itself could be modified.

(http://s27.postimg.cc/9y3p4vdnn/13_Basic_MODding1.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

Then the Text Editor appears, showing where is the file you are editing (depending on what you have in your Profile it will always load the top-most upper location of any air.ini file). Then I go (because I like it like this) to the end of the air.ini and I add the line required to load the Whirlwind plane. When finished editing, I click OK and it offers me to Save the file. Something that I will accept.

(http://s27.postimg.cc/bguhw3uub/14_Basic_MODding1.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

Now I have finished what I wanted in this Profile edition. So I click the "Activate Profile" button.

(http://s27.postimg.cc/lxalyftur/15_Basic_MODding1.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

It could take a couple of seconds, specially if you have a huge MODding Profile, but then a similar message will appear. This means that now you can just launch your game and you will have the Visual MOD active and the Whirlwind as an option in your planes list.

(http://s27.postimg.cc/oc2hiva3n/16_Basic_MODding1.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

When you return to the Main Screen, the two items now activated will show a Green Check over them, indicating that they are now part of the Profile. If you want you can use the "Launch Il-2 Sturmovik" button to just Launch the Game from inside TotalMODder.

(http://s27.postimg.cc/w8myr3lk3/17_Basic_MODding1.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

-- THE END -- Third Tutorial about typical MODding in TM3
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on August 25, 2014, 06:28:58 PM
Thank you Pablo. :) I know you worked hard on this. Thank you very much. :)
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on August 25, 2014, 06:37:50 PM
You welcome Bombsaway!

Here is the TM3 itself without the EasyPack:

Total MODder V3 with 100% effective and reversible SFS creation / extraction

Ok, this is what I consider will be the last stage of the idea of the TotalMODder. I learnt in depth how to pack / unpack SFS files, so now I'm able to provide SFS creation for a MODding solution (and eventually it can be used even if the TotalMODder itself is not used).

So now this version of my piece of software doesn't work anymore with .zip MODding to reduce size. I made it as pure as possible on having just SFS (let's say native) MODding contents (much preferable for big packs, planes, textures...), or the traditional folders (for small MODs and particularly for those who change core game clases, that will not work in SFS).

Download TotalMODder V3 (2014/08/23), from here (https://www.mediafire.com/download/t3i7j0sfyccrf1u/TotalMODderV3.rar)

I will try to offer a set of guides on how to use it, for those who complainted about "how complicated" it was. For the ones who were using it, the changes in the .zip not supported anymore could be perceived as a limitation, but very soon you will adapt it to SFS and you will see the benefits. Those who had previous versions registered, will continue having the same registration for this one.

Current Documentation (All this tutorials together plus some extra comments):

TotalMODder V3 ReadMe by PAL (https://www.mediafire.com/view/tjpjmals9j6g8rb/il2fbMODder-ReadMe.pdf)

Old Help File made by RedSpade (quite outdated now):

"How I set up Benitomuso's TotalMODder V2" (https://www.mediafire.com/view/3uk4r7g5ixx4uf8/How_I_set_up_Benitomusos_TotalMODder_tool_V2.pdf)

Credits to:

SAS~Storebror: for binary search routines and DInput JVM injector.
RedSpade, plug_nickel: Documentation of previous version, Beta Testing.
SAS~BravoFxTrt: Beta Testing previous version.
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Draken on August 25, 2014, 07:15:07 PM
Thanks !
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: SAS~Gerax on August 25, 2014, 09:16:13 PM
Great! Many thanks for all your work with this Pablo!  ;)
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: SAS~Storebror on August 25, 2014, 11:17:36 PM
Great effort, a true masterpiece.
Thank you very much for this pablo and special thanks for adding the detailed instructions ;)

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: ton414 on August 26, 2014, 06:36:20 AM
Congrats Pablo!!!, this is really an outstanding work. :)

I have tried quickly your SFS tool, and it really works fine, It's very fast and compression ratio is excellent (I had only used before the AviaSkin SFS tool, also a very good tool, of course).

Again thank you very much for this. ;)
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: OberstDanjeje on August 26, 2014, 09:50:16 AM
just WOW ;)
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: SAS~Malone on August 26, 2014, 09:59:01 AM
a superb job, as always, Pablo!
thanks for your continued efforts in making our modding experience so much better! :D
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: 4ent on August 30, 2014, 06:28:04 AM
Thanks for your great effort I have just one question.When I tryied to pack" Combined Bf-109 cockpits mod " to SFS format I´v got error message "Out of memory creating Temporary Files String!" Is this because this mod is too big to be packed?
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Spinnetti on August 30, 2014, 06:57:24 AM
That's awesome.. You've really done a lot for the game over the years.
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on August 30, 2014, 10:36:39 AM
Thanks for your great effort I have just one question.When I tryied to pack" Combined Bf-109 cockpits mod " to SFS format I´v got error message "Out of memory creating Temporary Files String!" Is this because this mod is too big to be packed?

               for the while I have received only one report of that. How big is the pack you mention? I have packed (for testing) thing with 1Gb without any problem. But ehe computers where I work are 16Gb or the worst 8Gb Win7 64. How much RAM do you have installed?
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: 4ent on August 30, 2014, 10:44:57 PM
mod is 1,5GB and my comp is 8GB RAM Win7
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on August 31, 2014, 12:39:37 AM
mod is 1,5GB and my comp is 8GB RAM Win7

1,5Gb for a single .SFS is a lot my friend! Fortunately you will get a final 500Mb SFS file which is very big.

Usually you need ti subdivide it in pieces of about 500Mb input size at most I would say. My software currently only cahces files in memory, to be very fast. Disck cachung could be implemented (and it will alow higher size SFSs) but in the other hand it is not recommendend to créate so big ones.

I will see, perhaps I extend it to the disk creation cache.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: 4ent on August 31, 2014, 03:00:45 AM
thanks for information
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Hunter on August 31, 2014, 03:16:36 PM
Thank you , benitomuso , very good application , good work
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on September 04, 2014, 11:51:46 PM
Updating Easy Pack to v1.2, including DBW1916 for v4.12.2, etc.

Check main download:

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: WindWpn on September 07, 2014, 04:23:41 PM
Hey Pablo,

Nice v3 TM!   Got it functioning well with all my flavors.   One recommendation is to include an optional choice to delete last.quick just before game launch.  This would allow quick mission launch with no game freeze if swapping between game flavors in TM.  For example, if I run 1916 quick, then close and switch to hsfx in TM, and launch quick, game freezes/crashes.  With something to delete last.quick just before game launch via TM, the crash can be avoided. 

I use a bat to make this work, but have to close /reopen TM for it to work.


Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on September 07, 2014, 06:20:34 PM
Wind, the latest version of the MissionPro como solves that problem. You can easily switch between PreDBW2, HSFX7, ModAct 5 or DBW1916 and nobody will hang the other.

The MissionProCombo version included in the latest upload of the easy pack is the pne to use.

Regards, Pablo
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Cloyd on September 08, 2014, 08:08:47 AM

You have to move all of those fb_hfx... files to the root directory. That's what most of the errors are indicating.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: <Gunny> on September 08, 2014, 08:21:51 AM
Thanks I'll give that a go.
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on September 08, 2014, 08:25:25 AM

You have to move all of those fb_hfx... files to the root directory. That's what most of the errors are indicating.


In addition to the Cloyd comment, exactly as he said, the text on your log is absolutely eloquent:

ERROR sfs: SFS library (fb_hfxmaps01.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: fb_hfxmaps01.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (fb_hfxmaps02.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: fb_hfxmaps02.sfs
and so on...

You don't have any of those files were it corresponds. Do you have HSFX7? Please read the instructions my friend. You need the contents of HSFX7.02 for everything to work properly.

And one more thing: in your ScreenShot, you are trying to run DBW1916. The original profile had tens of folders required on it. You have cleaned the list of the non-present ones. And guess what? They were necessary too! That's the reason why they were there in the right pane. As stated in the documentation: you need the DBW1916 installed, because all those folders need to be read to proceed.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Blackwinged on September 08, 2014, 11:00:05 AM
First of all I would like to thank you for this handful tool, it is amazing !
I have an issue however : I get a 5% crush when I try to enable DBW 1916, even though  I have downloaded all files and patches needed for this to work.
Correct me if I am wrong, but must I have the .sfs files from DBW 1.71 as well ? Because  my logfile after the crash was full of errors saying that these kinds of files are missing. Here is an example :
Code: [Select]
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes02.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes02.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes03.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes03.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes04.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes04.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes05.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes05.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes06.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes06.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_11.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_11.sfs

So is there anything else wrong ? Any means of helping are more than welcome !

Thank you in advance
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on September 08, 2014, 11:10:42 AM
First of all I would like to thank you for this handful tool, it is amazing !
I have an issue however : I get a 5% crush when I try to enable DBW 1916, even though  I have downloaded all files and patches needed for this to work.
Correct me if I am wrong, but must I have the .sfs files from DBW 1.71 as well ? Because  my logfile after the crash was full of errors saying that these kinds of files are missing. Here is an example :
Code: [Select]
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes02.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes02.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes03.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes03.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes04.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes04.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes05.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes05.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes06.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes06.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_11.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_11.sfs

So is there anything else wrong ? Any means of helping are more than welcome !

Thank you in advance

Thank you for the compliments, but: yes Blackwinged!

Vpmedia and the people who compiled it baptized the pack DBW1916. The D.B.W. before 1916 means Dark Blue World, which means that it is based on DBW, so you need the files.

Basically, first be sure you have HSFX7 working, DBW working and then you will get anything of the options of the EasyPack in seconds.


Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Blackwinged on September 08, 2014, 11:34:02 AM
First of all, sorry for my noobish questions that will follow, but just to make sure

I forgot to mention that I have SAS MOdAct 5.30 and not HSFX7.. Do I needsfs files from HSFX7 as well ?

And about the DBW sfs files I added them in a folder (I named it SAS_DBW) and I added it in the game folder... do I have to add the folder in jsgmemods1916v3 folder instead and do I have to activate it as well with the tool ?
And last but not least, do I need and the UP3 activators ? (because DBW is based on UP3 if I am not wrong)

Thank you again
Best Regards
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on September 08, 2014, 01:36:38 PM
                       98% of the information you need has been detailed. Have a look at these answers:



Short answer: you need all the SFSs. Where to put them: wherever you want, but you have to specify where.

I suggest the method of SFS_HSFX7, SFS_DBW, SFS_MODs, etc. If you use this criteria, use the .rc files ending in (AlternativeFolders).

The two lists in the second post I told you:


Explains ALL THE required SFSs. Just print out that list (the original or the alternative, whatever you want) and check what is missing for you.

As I told you: everything is detailed and written.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Blackwinged on September 08, 2014, 02:05:22 PM
Thank you a lot I will check them out

EDIT : Finally I managed to make it work !!!I even created my own modding profile ! Thank you a lot !  One thing though is that I usually play
on Quick Mission Builder, but every time I try to access it, it says that the folder Missions/Quick (or something similar to it) is missing. How I fix this ?

Best Regards
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: vonOben on September 14, 2014, 04:19:48 AM
Hi Pablo

Many thanks for creating the TM3-EasyPack, it seems as a very handy program!  ;D

I've now installed  and have everything up and running, but I had to move some sfs files first.

UP3: my sasup_decals_01.sfs was in the SAS_DBW folder.
From PACK-UP3(OriginalLocation).rc says:
@sfs MOUNT sasup_decals_01.sfs

The Jet war sfs I had to place in the SAS_SFS folder.

Mods.rc (from PreDBW2) says:
@sfs MOUNT SAS_SFS/sasamt_jetwar_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_SFS/sasamt_jetwar_02.sfs

For DBW 1916 I moved the folders in jsgmemods1916v3 to my #DBW_1916 folder which I use as the MODs source folder.
Is that the correct way?

I have a problem with selecting a campaign:

Somme in June 1916-Luftstreitkrafte

In some cases it shows up ok and is selectable and sometimes not:

DBW 1.71 - Show up ok
DBW1916 - Doesn't show up for selection
HSFX7 - Show up ok
MA530 - Doesn't show up for selection
PreDBW2 - Doesn't show up for selection
UP3 - Doesn't show up for selection

Any ideas what might be wrong?


Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: vonOben on September 16, 2014, 04:39:51 AM
I have a problem with selecting a campaign:

Somme in June 1916-Luftstreitkrafte

In some cases it shows up ok and is selectable and sometimes not:

DBW 1.71 - Show up ok
DBW1916 - Doesn't show up for selection
HSFX7 - Show up ok
MA530 - Doesn't show up for selection
PreDBW2 - Doesn't show up for selection
UP3 - Doesn't show up for selection

Any ideas what might be wrong?

I found the problem:
"Somme in June 1916-Luftstreitkrafte" had a info_ru.properties file and when I copied and renamed to info.properties the campaign showed up ok.
The briefing .properties files also needed renaming in the same way to display the briefing text.
So what is the reason some IL-2 packs can read the _ru.properties files and others don't?

When searching I found this info which doesn't seem correct in this case:

"If you are using a mod version it will read the _ru.properties files.
The non modded version reads the .properties files."
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on September 16, 2014, 04:55:43 AM
I have a problem with selecting a campaign:

Somme in June 1916-Luftstreitkrafte

In some cases it shows up ok and is selectable and sometimes not:

DBW 1.71 - Show up ok
DBW1916 - Doesn't show up for selection
HSFX7 - Show up ok
MA530 - Doesn't show up for selection
PreDBW2 - Doesn't show up for selection
UP3 - Doesn't show up for selection

Any ideas what might be wrong?

I found the problem:
"Somme in June 1916-Luftstreitkrafte" had a info_ru.properties file and when I copied and renamed to info.properties the campaign showed up ok.
The briefing .properties files also needed renaming in the same way to display the briefing text.
So what is the reason some IL-2 packs can read the _ru.properties files and others don't?

When searching I found this info which doesn't seem correct in this case:

"If you are using a mod version it will read the _ru.properties files.
The non modded version reads the .properties files."

It used to be as in your statement, but since SAS ModAct 5, Storebror introduced in Java code a normalization that takes into account your regional settings. So now it Works as it used to work the non-cracked game:

1-If you have a language definiton: first take the _language.properties where you will only have the differences of special names with special symbols.
2-All the rest (most of the definitions without special symbols) which are non present in the _language.properties are loaded from the .properties.

  So the behaviour is different. Your biggest file should be the .properties. A general solution: if you don't have one, copy the _ru.properties to the .properties and you are done with the two files (old or new 5.3 MODs will resolve the names).

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Blackwinged on September 16, 2014, 06:38:16 AM
Hello again, I would like to ask what to do show that I can run quick missions again (on both DBW 1916 and SAS ModAct 5.30)
Thank you in advance
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on September 16, 2014, 07:48:09 AM
Hello again, I would like to ask what to do show that I can run quick missions again (on both DBW 1916 and SAS ModAct 5.30)
Thank you in advance

The easiest answer is that you have to download the pack of Quick Missions of the second link in the latest MissionProCombo thread:


Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: vonOben on September 17, 2014, 04:21:44 AM
Thanks for the info Pablo!

For DBW 1916 I moved the folders in jsgmemods1916v3 to my #DBW_1916 folder which I use as the MODs source folder.

Is that the correct way?

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on September 17, 2014, 05:11:10 AM
                it isn't. The QuickQMBPro folder goes into the Misisons folder, which is in a different path that any of your jsgmemodsXXXX. It is specified (Missions\QuickQMBPro is just the default) in the Conf.ini, but it is common for any profile, so you cannot specify different ones for different Profiles.

  Conclusioón: you don't have many options regarding this.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Blackwinged on September 17, 2014, 12:30:06 PM
I would like to thank you benitomuso for your tip and it worked in DBW 1916 !!
But I couldnt get it to work in SAS ModAct with MissionProCombo mod combined.
Anyway thank you  :)
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: vonOben on September 18, 2014, 11:35:25 PM
                it isn't. The QuickQMBPro folder goes into the Misisons folder, which is in a different path that any of your jsgmemodsXXXX. It is specified (Missions\QuickQMBPro is just the default) in the Conf.ini, but it is common for any profile, so you cannot specify different ones for different Profiles.

  Conclusioón: you don't have many options regarding this.


Sorry, but I don't quite understand what you mean...

TM3-EasyPack has these folders in jsgmemods1916v3:

I moved all those folders to my in #DBW_1916 folder, which I use as the MODs source folder.
Is that the correct way?


Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: El_Marta on September 21, 2014, 12:56:44 PM
While this is a great tool and works nicely with my different HSFX7 configurations, I still did not figure out how to run the stock 4.1.22 version.
Selector had this possibility, what do I miss?
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on September 21, 2014, 07:36:12 PM
While this is a great tool and works nicely with my different HSFX7 configurations, I still did not figure out how to run the stock 4.1.22 version.
Selector had this possibility, what do I miss?

100% stock version would mean original game launcher (original il2fb.exe). Overwrite it with the original il2fb.exe and your game will be the original one.

Later, you will be notified that your il2fb.exe is not the proper to work with Profiles (MODding schemes) and TM3 will offer you generating again the MODded (cracked) il2fb.exe

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on September 21, 2014, 07:52:17 PM
                it isn't. The QuickQMBPro folder goes into the Misisons folder, which is in a different path that any of your jsgmemodsXXXX. It is specified (Missions\QuickQMBPro is just the default) in the Conf.ini, but it is common for any profile, so you cannot specify different ones for different Profiles.

  Conclusioón: you don't have many options regarding this.


Sorry, but I don't quite understand what you mean...

TM3-EasyPack has these folders in jsgmemods1916v3:

I moved all those folders to my in #DBW_1916 folder, which I use as the MODs source folder.
Is that the correct way?



Mmm... the #DBW1916 (I don't know if you are mistaking it with the #DBW_1916) folder is a special one. It is 3rd Level Folder (as I call it), it holds other folders with MODs.

In short: I highly recommend you to use another name for your folder to avoid confusion. In this example I have jsgmemods1916v3 as main DBW1916 MODding folder. So look at the left pane, it has maaany folders, which are the ones originally delivered with DBW1916 (for old DBW1.71). And in addition, there you will find copied to that folder, the ones I delivered with the Easy Pack. The combination of the two sets, will compose whatever is needed to launch DBW1916 in v4.12.2


(http://s21.postimg.cc/bh7i2oh13/DBW1916.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: vonOben on September 22, 2014, 04:14:58 AM
Thanks for the information Pablo!

Now I understand!


Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: El_Marta on September 22, 2014, 11:01:11 AM
Sorry, but after replacing the IL2fb.exe I get a popup with:"SFS_open pointer function missing!" Only after renaming/ removing DInput.dll it does work.

I found a workaround by moving in and out DInput.dll and exchanging the il2fb.exe via jsgme.
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on September 22, 2014, 11:44:01 AM
Sorry, but after replacing the IL2fb.exe I get a popup with:"SFS_open pointer function missing!" Only after renaming/ removing DInput.dll it does work.

I found a workaround by moving in and out DInput.dll and exchanging the il2fb.exe via jsgme.

That's true, any MODdified DIpunt.dll would lead to that. So to go back to unmodded game:

1-replace launcher for original il2fb.exe
2-remove MODded DInput.dll

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: El_Marta on September 22, 2014, 12:08:36 PM
Further questions.

If I enable jsgme mods via Total Modder which do not contain mod files, but replace users' controll settings, paintschemes or ffb configurations (i.e. do overwrite just files in the game folder), does total modder do this for me?
Or do I do this via jsgme?

On game shutdown I often get a popup about an exception triggered by DInput.dll:

Function name=TraceFinalize

Unexpected Signal : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION occurred at PC=0x5e0099
Function name=TraceFinalize

What is this?
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: victor639514 on October 12, 2014, 07:46:21 PM
Just something out of curiosity.

I have "HSFX 7" installed, but I'm planning to install "DBW 1916" with the help of "Total MODer V3 Easy Pack".

Is it possible for "DBW 1916" to function on it's own on 4.12.2 with the help of this Total MODer, or does it still require DBW 1.71 and not HSFX 7?
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Frankiek on November 01, 2014, 05:28:17 AM
similar question Pablo can I pack a folder with 4Gb of content or do I have to brake it down in smaller folders? Thanks
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on November 01, 2014, 07:32:14 AM
Just something out of curiosity.

I have "HSFX 7" installed, but I'm planning to install "DBW 1916" with the help of "Total MODer V3 Easy Pack".

Is it possible for "DBW 1916" to function on it's own on 4.12.2 with the help of this Total MODer, or does it still require DBW 1.71 and not HSFX 7?

I cannot assure what is going to happen under these conditions. You should check it. I think that some contents of DBW are realy required but perhaps...

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on November 01, 2014, 07:38:04 AM
similar question Pablo can I pack a folder with 4Gb of content or do I have to brake it down in smaller folders? Thanks

Probably you will have a memory problema creating such a big file. The current versión of TotalMODder only caches on memory and if you have a huge folder, it needs to reserve memory for all the final file in memory and this is very difficult.

Even if you were able of packing it, for the game is not easy to deal with thos huge files. So: always is reasonable to keep the resultant files you use lower tan 250Mb-300Mb.

If you eventually think about uploading it to share with others, is much more reasonable to use files segmented and not huge.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Knochenlutscher on November 01, 2014, 12:42:53 PM
Pablo, you probably hear it on a daily base, but anyway,
I managed to get it working, it works, that's overwhelming.
Thanks for sharing this great piece of art
Happy weekend and best wishes...
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Frankiek on November 08, 2014, 06:41:30 AM
I tried to get it work but when  launching total modder I get an error saying: list index out of bounds (3) and launching hangs and I have to kill the process with Task Manager to stop it.

do you have any clue? I am running windows 7 home 64 bit, i7 processor 6Gb memory, I tried on both a clean install of ll2 4.212. and another 4.212 with basic files of modactivator 5.3.

result is the same

Thank you
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: WindWpn on December 07, 2014, 02:51:41 PM
QQ, does the Activators HSFX read the class files from the standard "files" folder in the main game directory?  Curious, as I am attempting the update the activator to 7.03; and when I drop the updated hsfx class files into the activators folder, it seems to work, but fails when attempting online play.  Some error noting netcode method missing or something.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: UberDemon on December 07, 2014, 10:34:36 PM

This is truly brilliant.  It took a while to get it working because I didn't realize I had to have only the MA5.30 installation, and not MA5.30 and options (AI, Engine 2.7, etc...).  Now that I got it to work all those options are easily enabled with your tool, and Oh my gosh, it saves so much space because it does not duplicate the files as in JSGME.

For me I used JSGME to install MOD ACT 5.3 over 4.12m, then I used JSGME to install Total Modder... and now I only use Total Modder with a profile I created... this is AWESOME!!!

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: WindWpn on December 08, 2014, 10:53:46 AM
QQ, does the Activators HSFX read the class files from the standard "files" folder in the main game directory?  Curious, as I am attempting the update the activator to 7.03; and when I drop the updated hsfx class files into the activators folder, it seems to work, but fails when attempting online play.  Some error noting netcode method missing or something.


I got this to work properly by simply dropping all content normally housed in the HSFX "Files" folder and dumped this content into the total MODder "HSFX Activators" folder (had to delete all original content supporting hsfx 7.02).  Once I completed this, I now can load HSFX 7.03 correctly including the new triggers feature (note triggers only work with clean HSFX).

I was also able to delete the "Files" folder in the root game install as this is now duplicate content from what is in the total MODder HSFX Activators folder.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on December 08, 2014, 11:04:28 AM
            I see that most of you got it by yourself.

  But somewhere in the several things I wrote regarding TotalMODder it is explained that the game once "Activated" for TM3 it ONLY works with the cached contents established inside the TotalMODder. You can have whatever you want outside (Files, MODs, #DBW, #SAS or whatever folder) but because they are not specified in the cached contents to load, they are just going to be ignored.

  WindWpn: in the same way I have distributed in the Easy Pack those "Activators" folders you can do exactly the same with version HSFX7.03 like this:
(http://s27.postimg.cc/apc3wgheb/TM3_HSFX7.png) (http://postimage.org/)

  Just by copying the Updated Files folder created by the AutoUpdater into it.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: WindWpn on December 08, 2014, 01:45:40 PM
Understood, though to conserve disc space, I renamed the HSFX Activator to remove a version reference, and simply set it as the folder host for any/all hsfx updates.  Thus if a 7.04 is released, I can simply paste content of the HSFX "Files" folder from the deployment into the HSFX Activator folder.  Once I understood how it works under the hood, its nice!   :)

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on December 09, 2014, 03:12:10 PM
Been playing with this marvelous toolset.  Thank you so much Pablo, this is certainly the very best way in which to set up your modded Il2/1946 and well worth reading through the excellent Manual.

TotalModder has always been quite brilliant - Compressed file formats and streamlined profiling improve performance and save disc-space.

Right now just having a ball with TotalModder - Thank you Pablo, Thank you, thank you, thank you!  ;D
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: WindWpn on December 11, 2014, 07:45:15 PM
QQ on TotalMODder:  Is the all.ini factored in the il2fb.mods batch?  I cannot find a listing for the all.ini though I do see listings of all the other standard inis such as ships.ini.

Basically, I am trying to add maps as a mod in TM, but the custom all.ini is not picked up by TM, and only the base all.ini is processed.  Note, I have the modded map pack set above the activator in the TM profile listing.


Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on December 11, 2014, 08:37:35 PM
              the differents profiles I delivered with the Easy Pack includes different sets of maps.

  I would think that you have a problem with the folder location of your all.ini.

  My suggestion? Just activate any of the typical profiles, i.e. preDBW2. After having it activated, open ilfb.mods, that you already know is just a text file. Search for "all.ini" into it. And you will find where it is located. You will see the hash code associated to it. So if you reactivate the profile you are working it find again the air.ini and it should have the same hash code and must being in the same level of folders (root). Here is the example on my current profile:


The hash code and the all.ini should be exactly the same. If you have something different, your all.ini is inside a non-corresponding folder or something like that.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: WindWpn on December 12, 2014, 07:53:53 AM
Hi Pablo,

I tracked down the issue and it is specific and only occurs in the HSFX profile.  Other profiles do not have this scenario.

from the il2fb.mods file when activating any hsfx profile:

Code: [Select]
Basically, the sfs is loaded rather than the extracted all.ini.  Note, this sfs only contains the all.ini.
I tried to remove the call from the sfs in the rc, along with a few other changes, but cannot figure out how to set the hash for the all.ini to the actual all.ini rather than version in sfs.


Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on December 12, 2014, 08:30:59 AM
                if fb_hfxmaps.sfs is loaded specifically as a MOD in the profile you are using, it is being loaded in top of the MODded version you want, thats why the il2fb.mods says that it should be loaded from there.

  If not, you are loading it in an improper folder. For example if you have a folder MyMaps, that inside have MAPMODS\all.ini, the file being used for MODding is "MAPMODS\all.ini" not "all.ini" and its hash will be different, so the only one valid (the one in fb_hfxmaps.sfs) will be loaded. But in this case, you will have in your il2fb.mods SomeHash?MAPMODS\all.ini?MyMaps completely unuseful.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: WindWpn on December 12, 2014, 09:58:34 AM
Ok, I see it now.  Got everything working properly and see how/why things work in TM. 

Will play around a little more with to to fine tune, but definitely a nice piece of IL2 sw to help manage various installs under one roof! 

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: UberDemon on December 16, 2014, 09:42:18 PM

Does Total MODder have a way to use MODs containing folders other than the "special" folders such as #UP#, #SAS, etc?

I tried to create a mod which would add some missions in the "Missions" folder, but even though it was enabled, the missions never appeared.  Same thing with aircraft which include skins in the "PaintSchemes" folder, the skins did not show up.  Same question goes for files in the root directory of IL-2 like SFSs and DLLs... can that be done with Total Modder?

I could use JSGME for that but I'd like to avoid duplicating the space used in my smaller solid state drive where I keep IL-2 1946.

Maybe I am doing something wrong.  Thank you for your help.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on December 17, 2014, 06:06:05 PM
Pablo, this is the most incredible suite of tools to Il2 ever.  A real game changer. Thank you, thank you, thank you.  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on December 17, 2014, 07:44:39 PM
Pablo, this is the most incredible suite of tools to Il2 ever.  A real game changer. Thank you, thank you, thank you.  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Thank you Monty. It is the evolution of a product specifically oriented to MOD the Il-2 Sturmovik that has covered all the needs that a MODder (me) has realized along time.

But for many people it is "too complex" at the beginning, just because they are used to different systems. But in general when they understand its logic and start to use it, people realizes its real potential.

Good to see that it has helped on making the Full Monty a more coordinated and solid pack.

Regarding something that you commented: as you have realized you can pack not only 3D contents but classes inside a .SFS. They work OK, except this very important fact: the Files.SFS (the stock essential SFS with all the stock clases) is loaded before everything and in oposition to 3D, that can be redefined, when the classes are loaded to the Java Virtual Machine (from the Files.SFS) they cannot be redefined with another XXXXXXX.SFS later, you are done.

That thing implies that apart of all the bunch of SFSs, you usually need a standard folder with non-SFSed classes, to be sure that the classes you have are loaded. With MODs 100% new this is not a problem, but whenever you are packing a MOD that has some Stock class redefined, it will fail on load the new class, the one in Files.SFS will rule over the other one.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on December 17, 2014, 08:02:16 PM

Does Total MODder have a way to use MODs containing folders other than the "special" folders such as #UP#, #SAS, etc?

I tried to create a mod which would add some missions in the "Missions" folder, but even though it was enabled, the missions never appeared.  Same thing with aircraft which include skins in the "PaintSchemes" folder, the skins did not show up.  Same question goes for files in the root directory of IL-2 like SFSs and DLLs... can that be done with Total Modder?

I could use JSGME for that but I'd like to avoid duplicating the space used in my smaller solid state drive where I keep IL-2 1946.

Maybe I am doing something wrong.  Thank you for your help.


UberDemon, the general answer about if other folders are posible is YES, because you don't need #SAS, #UP#, they can be completely different.

But your question is not exactly that one. You want to know if browsed folders (like Missions and PaintSchemes) can be MODded. And the answer is NO. Those folders are browsed by Java and not loaded from the game engine with the famous hashcodes, the mechanism used for classes and 3D objects. So when Java browses, it scans the real content of those folders and that's why you don't see anything else.

There is no practical was of MODding that.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: UberDemon on December 17, 2014, 09:16:36 PM

Does Total MODder have a way to use MODs containing folders other than the "special" folders such as #UP#, #SAS, etc?

I tried to create a mod which would add some missions in the "Missions" folder, but even though it was enabled, the missions never appeared.  Same thing with aircraft which include skins in the "PaintSchemes" folder, the skins did not show up.  Same question goes for files in the root directory of IL-2 like SFSs and DLLs... can that be done with Total Modder?

I could use JSGME for that but I'd like to avoid duplicating the space used in my smaller solid state drive where I keep IL-2 1946.

Maybe I am doing something wrong.  Thank you for your help.


UberDemon, the general answer about if other folders are posible is YES, because you don't need #SAS, #UP#, they can be completely different.

But your question is not exactly that one. You want to know if browsed folders (like Missions and PaintSchemes) can be MODded. And the answer is NO. Those folders are browsed by Java and not loaded from the game engine with the famous hashcodes, the mechanism used for classes and 3D objects. So when Java browses, it scans the real content of those folders and that's why you don't see anything else.

There is no practical was of MODding that.


Thank you for your answer and for Total Modder.  I understand.  I have been using TM to install the TFM packs and it has been very helpful, especially in time saving.
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: WindWpn on December 18, 2014, 01:04:24 PM

Does Total MODder have a way to use MODs containing folders other than the "special" folders such as #UP#, #SAS, etc?

I tried to create a mod which would add some missions in the "Missions" folder, but even though it was enabled, the missions never appeared.  Same thing with aircraft which include skins in the "PaintSchemes" folder, the skins did not show up.  Same question goes for files in the root directory of IL-2 like SFSs and DLLs... can that be done with Total Modder?

I could use JSGME for that but I'd like to avoid duplicating the space used in my smaller solid state drive where I keep IL-2 1946.

Maybe I am doing something wrong.  Thank you for your help.


UberDemon, the general answer about if other folders are posible is YES, because you don't need #SAS, #UP#, they can be completely different.

But your question is not exactly that one. You want to know if browsed folders (like Missions and PaintSchemes) can be MODded. And the answer is NO. Those folders are browsed by Java and not loaded from the game engine with the famous hashcodes, the mechanism used for classes and 3D objects. So when Java browses, it scans the real content of those folders and that's why you don't see anything else.

There is no practical was of MODding that.


Actually there is a way to mod the "browsed folders."  The answer is JSGME!  (UPDATE:  I see that JSGME was known as the solution..., though indeed, the downside of JSGME is drive space.  However, most of the time, stuff saved in the "browsed folders" is not as space intensive such as custom campaigns.  I use JSGME to load any of my DCG custom campaigns by simply passing in the custom DGEN files.  Paintschemes too)

I use JSGME alongside TM to engage content which cannot be loaded by TM.  This holds same for use of the SAS selector as well.

Basically, use JSGME to engage your "browsed folders" mods, and also use TM/SAS selector, etc to load the modded game engine.  You can use both "together" to meet all your modding needs.


On a side note, is there a performance difference from loading say HSFX 7.03 via TM vs. HSFX 7.03 via its stock loader?  I am attempting to isolate FPS differences, though was wondering if anyone has previously investigated this?  Same question for TM vs. SAS selector?
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: UberDemon on December 21, 2014, 10:48:08 PM

Thank you for taking time to reply.  I figured that was the solution.  I am customizing a solution using some creative good old batch file writing (only works well if IL-2 is not in the C:\Programs Files or its x86 equivalent).

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: solotk on December 27, 2014, 01:54:35 PM
Hi Pablo,

Hopefully this is a fairly simple and obvious series of questions...

I currently have an Objects Folder C:\IL 2 Sturmovik 1946 - HSFX\Mods\00_Objects\3do which with the addition of Boomers Objects and others, is running at about 2.5Gb. Can I use your package to ;

1. Reduce this folder to a more manageable size in one pass, or wiill I have to break down the folder to smaller part folders?
2. Can I run IL-2 from launch with these new SFS files unextracted and packed?
3. Will I need to make any further changes to the static.ini C:\IL 2 Sturmovik 1946 - HSFX\Mods\00_Objects\com\maddox\il2\objects\static.ini once packed?

Thanks in advance, and sorry if these are obvious questions, only I've read the manual and still can't determine if I need to re-extract before I can run IL-2?

Many thanks

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: UberDemon on January 02, 2015, 04:04:15 PM
For anyone interested, I successfully used Total Modder Easy Pack to install TFM412.  More details here:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,40015.msg495904.html#msg495904

Also discovered that the MissionProCombo version included with TM Eazy Pack does not work with TFM412.  Use the MissionProCombo direct download, and all works perfectly (more details in the link above).

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Sinu on January 04, 2015, 04:30:02 PM
After updating my game from 4.07 to 4.12.2 and installing SAS ModAct 5.30, JetWar 1.33, HSFX 7.02, DBW 1.71 (in this order) I selected the preDBW2 profile and attempted to launch the game which crashed at 5%.

Sorry! I was just being ignorant and /completely/ forgot to edit the .rc files to correspond to the SFS file locations!
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Dr. Strangelove on January 06, 2015, 05:36:21 PM
I tried to get it work but when  launching total modder I get an error saying: list index out of bounds (3) and launching hangs and I have to kill the process with Task Manager to stop it.

do you have any clue? I am running windows 7 home 64 bit, i7 processor 6Gb memory, I tried on both a clean install of ll2 4.212. and another 4.212 with basic files of modactivator 5.3.

result is the same

Thank you

Yes I have the same problem. It seems that for each folder within the mod directory, the popup message will appear and must be cleared before the program continues initializing. Using Windows 8.1, IL-2 v.4.12.2

Other than this issue I really enjoy using total modder!
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Dr. Strangelove on January 18, 2015, 10:38:26 AM
Only 2 people have this problem? I'm skeptical.
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on January 18, 2015, 12:20:40 PM
I tried to get it work but when  launching total modder I get an error saying: list index out of bounds (3) and launching hangs and I have to kill the process with Task Manager to stop it.

do you have any clue? I am running windows 7 home 64 bit, i7 processor 6Gb memory, I tried on both a clean install of ll2 4.212. and another 4.212 with basic files of modactivator 5.3.

result is the same

Thank you

Yes I have the same problem. It seems that for each folder within the mod directory, the popup message will appear and must be cleared before the program continues initializing. Using Windows 8.1, IL-2 v.4.12.2

Other than this issue I really enjoy using total modder!

                 sorry but I never get that message in the context referred: so I cannot do anything to solve something I don't see.

  Do you know the TeamViewer software which allows for remote control of a PC? It could be the only way I figure out to try to have some idea of what's going on.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: UberDemon on January 25, 2015, 10:20:58 PM

Check your Personal Messages.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: teddybear on February 02, 2015, 06:52:43 AM
Wow what a great Tool Fantastic Thank you Thank you benitomuso,! I have learned so much from this great creation about file structures and i only saw this last nigh, so now after 2 months of trying to get DBW 1916 working i now have got so very nesr making it work as now i manage to get to 95% loading before  afreeze So near and so far. :(

I wonder if it would be possible to post an actual picture of the Easymod with the correct structure of folders to make DBW_1916 work?  as a picture will paint a thousand words in any language? So i can see maybee where i go wrong?  i read 3 months about 5% 60% 70% crash and i understand but never 95% so im still stuck but not daring to ask question because some sites you get banned for 10 days or more for asking wrong question so i try to make good on my self
sorry for my english. :\'(

I read and read this easyMODer V3 posts all pages many many times.

I am TFM_412 Modact v5.3 all mods 1-27 with DBW & DBW_1916 everything out there. i used to have DBW 1.71 as main game till 412  but i keep DBW 1.71 on seperate drive working.
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: jt189 on February 02, 2015, 08:14:19 AM
Use the search button and find Bravo's holy grail. When you set it up right all versions will work I have got all flavors of the game working using the holy grail including the total modder. This way you will have only one install plus a backup of course. All you do is when bring up the selector switch just choose game and you are off and running.
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: teddybear on February 02, 2015, 09:42:17 AM
Thanks jt189 Just downloaded and tried it. it seem nothing going to work for me to get DBW 1916 going? I have got to 95% load using thr easymod today but then freeze. Allso even had 100% load and all 1916 screens and UI but no WW1 planes show only normal basic ones ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH! FOR  2 Months!
My TFN 412.2 all work perfect?
I LOVE/HATE this Marvell! ??? I need a picture! Photographica and tight arsed blonde to show me how to put it in?

thank you big anywhigehs :-*
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Dr. Strangelove on February 27, 2015, 09:32:23 PM
Hello Benito!

I made a breakthrough completely by accident. The "index out of bounds" pop-ups never appear when one sets SortAlpha=1 in the il2fbMODder.ini
I am very glad to have finally found a solution, instead of being a constant bother! Thank you again for all of your hard work, it never goes unappreciated by me!

Time to tackle TFM-412 with this hammer...  :)
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: WindWpn on March 08, 2015, 12:28:57 PM
Can Total MoDder be used with CUP?

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on March 09, 2015, 09:21:35 PM
Can Total MoDder be used with CUP?


Yes. Probably I'm going to reléase an easier versión which will allow modding CUP very easily.

But even though the current one allows using any of the 3 modules of CUP (I'm using it).

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: WindWpn on March 11, 2015, 08:56:01 AM
Attempting to prep my TM install for CUP.  Though, interestingly, my stock v4.2.2 TM option will not load.  It crashes at 95% load every time.  I checked and rechecked the install and configuration but cannot identify why the v4.2.2 stock option will not load.  Basically, I am attempting to start from the bottom up with TM to first ensure stock works.  Next will be SAS modact, and then finally in configuration for CUP.

Note, I do have HSFX 7+ online and a heavily modded offline version working well via TM. 

However, with the stock 4.2.2 95% load failure issue, anyone have an idea what would cause failure at that point during game loadup?

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Moezilla on March 11, 2015, 09:15:44 AM
95% eh? Do you have a backed up stock folder you can run a diff against? Maybe a bad conf.ini value? Anything diagnostic in log.lst or initlog? Maybe install modact and the instantlog mod and try again.
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: erafitti on March 11, 2015, 11:35:54 AM
It also gives me 95% error (I think it only loads Activators-4122Classes)

I tried (with #DOF and #WAW) several different ways:

#WAW (Without their MA530 version)
.......95% error

#WAW (With their MA530 version)
.......95% error

#WAW (With their MA530 version)
......95% error

I have also installed CUP-scenarios on Total Modder and work OK.

Pdt: Perhaps an #WAW activator with similar structure to Activators-HSFX702.Files?
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: WindWpn on March 11, 2015, 12:25:56 PM
Yea there must be something amiss in the 4.2.2 Activator which is overwritten by the hsfx Activator.  As only my hsfx activator works correctly. and it overlays the 4.2.2 Activator.

Never really seen issue before with TM, as I have always flown with HSFX for online, and I have a version for modded offline (due to stock AI present which passes Mountain Dogfight test).  However, now with CUP, I wanted to set in this installation to see what's under the hood, but may have to do a little bit of looking in the activators.  Perhaps Pablo though may know the immediate answer.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: erafitti on March 11, 2015, 01:41:32 PM
and I have a version for modded offline (due to stock AI present which passes Mountain Dogfight test).   

With MA530, this problem is solved installing the #SAS_CTO Mod


Un saludo.
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: WindWpn on March 12, 2015, 02:02:31 PM
Indeed, i was able to get my vanilla MA5.30 working in TM and it passed the Mountain Dogfight test.  Now, only two outstanding questions:
1)  Look to get stock v4.1.2.2 working in TM with the Activator
2)  Setting up for CUP to function (note, in TMv3 is the ability to add new folder references disabled?  I see in the UI where I can add the references, but the button to save the config remains grayed out.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Hunter on April 17, 2015, 10:06:37 PM
Can Total MoDder be used with CUP?


Yes. Probably I'm going to reléase an easier versión which will allow modding CUP very easily.

But even though the current one allows using any of the 3 modules of CUP (I'm using it).

Do it , Benitomuso and thank you
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Knochenlutscher on April 19, 2015, 07:05:20 PM
Pablo, I'm thankfull for that Tool, it brings my 8 year old rig relief,
when I can build my own sfs Files.
I'm happy I found this working, Thanks again for sharing this with us
Kind Regards
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: erafitti on April 27, 2015, 12:55:19 AM
Has anyone been able to run DOF in TMv3?

Un saludo.
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on April 27, 2015, 05:06:51 AM
Has anyone been able to run DOF in TMv3?

Un saludo.

Find here the v3.1 (still Beta, because it has some new functions not fully implemented). It is the "C.U.P. Edition", because considers the folder structure of CUP so it is easy and straightforward to make it run. I think it should be quite evident seeing this (pay attention to the #WAW at the base of everything, the same is valid for the #DOF and #JTW in the other profiles). On top of it would go all the MODs that affect your base profile:

(http://s29.postimg.cc/s4tvesbjb/TM3_1_WAW.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

Download it from:


I have added there an example il2fbMODder.ini which includes the three profiles in CUP. Backup your own il2fbMODder.ini before overwritting it. Point out in your installation everything to the JSGMEMODS folder you use (in my case it was called jsgmemodsCUP). Perhaps you don't have some extra MODs I have, just remove them. IT IS REQUIRED TO HAVE ALL THE .SFSs IN THE STANDARD LOCATIONS (in the SFS_AUTO or whatever).


Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: erafitti on April 27, 2015, 10:24:51 AM
Tested DOF OK.

A greeting.
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: Hunter on April 28, 2015, 09:10:21 PM
Check your PM , Benitomuso. Thank you
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: barney on May 13, 2015, 11:55:48 PM
Thanks a lot benitomuso for this great professional tool, SFS packing is a real fun  :D And thanks to Dr.Strangelove for the tip with SortAlpha=1, that did the Trick  ;)
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: WindWpn on June 24, 2015, 01:41:03 PM

 I think it should be quite evident seeing this (pay attention to the #WAW at the base of everything, the same is valid for the #DOF and #JTW in the other profiles). On top of it would go all the MODs that affect your base profile:

Hey Pablo,

What is contained within each of the base folders?  for example, which should be the content of #WAW for TM to operate? 

UPDATE:  dumb question....  i see now that its actually the root #WAW folder that needs to move from the il2 root into the jsgmemodscup folder.  Hah!  all good now and all works!  :)

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on June 24, 2015, 08:23:42 PM
UPDATE:  dumb question.... 

Great, your answer is the same I could have given.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: sparky on December 30, 2015, 03:22:23 PM

I can make sfs files of individual mods fine, and it does help with easing the load on my game. But i was wondering how, or can i combine several mods into one large sfs? Thinking along the lines of something like CUP which has lots of mods under a few sfs files. Can i do that with your program?


Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: Draken on December 30, 2015, 07:01:33 PM
Nice work !
Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
Post by: benitomuso on December 30, 2015, 10:04:07 PM

I can make sfs files of individual mods fine, and it does help with easing the load on my game. But i was wondering how, or can i combine several mods into one large sfs? Thinking along the lines of something like CUP which has lots of mods under a few sfs files. Can i do that with your program?



Yes, just put in a single folder the contents of the several MODs you want to unify and later use the SFS Feature of my software over that bigger folder. It would create an SFS which includes everything what you previously "compiled" into the single folder. Then you will have the SFS with the n corresponding MODs.

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: sparky on December 31, 2015, 07:46:37 AM
such a simple solution, why didn't i think of that :)

thanks mate, and Happy New Year!

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: sparky on February 05, 2016, 10:10:18 AM

Another question please if you don't mind? I want to get totalMODder to work on a basic 4.101 game enabled for mods. How do i do this please? Do i need a clean install with SAS modact 3.06 also installed? Or do i install SAS Modact through totalMODder?

Thanks for any help


Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: vonOben on April 29, 2016, 05:01:56 AM

I've been using Total Modder 3.1 with EasyPack since it was released, and I'm very happy with it.  :)
But I 've a problem with TrackIR in DBW 1.71 and UP3. 3dof yaw pitch and roll work fine, but the X,Y and Z axis don't work.  :(

I've activated the DBW 6dofTrackIr Class files Mod in DBW, but no 6Dof...
And I've tested the 6DOF Mouse mod and it worked fine.
6Dof work fine in 4.12, but not in DBW or UP3.

Also when I use TotalModder3.1 with EasyPack and launch UP3 and run the "Black Death" track I get this error:

The instruction at "0x5f22530e' referenced memory at "0x0000051c". The memory could not be "read".  :(

When I use the Selector to launch DBW 1.71 or UP3, 6dof TrackIr works perfectly fine in both and no memory errors in UP3 during the "Black Death" track.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Regards

Title: Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on October 01, 2016, 02:37:20 AM

I finally have a computer capable of creating SFS files!
Everything SFS works fine (409) !
Thank you very much for this tool !