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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: gio963tto on September 02, 2014, 10:12:03 AM
The Lockheed Hudson was born on request by English for an navy reconnaissance aircraft and light bomber, developed by civil air Super Electra L14, substituted the Anson in Coastal Command and for the entire first phase of the war fighting the German U-boat in any sea.
(http://s7.postimg.cc/tzn0upgvv/hudmk_I1.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
(http://s28.postimg.cc/i9yy4yr19/hudmk_III2.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
(http://s18.postimg.cc/ulb5tegvd/hudmk_I3.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Epevier the past few weeks I posted an update with some fixes, for commitments, the load just now.
- change Bombs Mk53 for Bombs GB Anti-Ships (AS).
- fix Collision Name for Engines (Mk.I/III) - allows the propeller to stop engine if touched!
- fix HMask position for all pilots + add code HMask (Mk.I/III)
- reassignment of fonction crew - Pilot/Dorsal Gunner/Nose Bomber/Radio (Mk.I/III)
- add missing hook "_ExternalBail04"
- change head pilots
FM for 409(SAS & UV2/3)/410/412
For those who do not like to add Mod, Mod to have new, I also left the address of the previous Mod.
For the 412. also add thePacht in this file--412 Patch 4-Hudsons-- inside the mod folder
for old D/L url is :https://www.mediafire.com/download/2sz0gggtsca4q9e/Hudson.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/download/2sz0gggtsca4q9e/Hudson.7z)
Gio: 3D work and Meshes
OC-Tiger : Default Mk I skin
Edlor: Default Mk III skin and damage skins
Slipper: testing and research material
Bombsaway: testing
PA-Willy: testing
Tofolo: testing
Ribs: testing
Hamm66: testing
Maty12: Testing
CWatson: Slot and class work
WTE-Newy: Gunner's cockpit
Epevier :update and fixes
Greetins at all .
Updates by Birman...
Thank You a lot for this beautiful and important plane!
Unfortunately, crash landings revealed some ground collision bugs, so I repositioned _Clip hooks so that you can enjoy more realistic crashes. I've also fixed bug with bullet holes visible in Mk.I nose in plane selection menu.
You can download these fixes at http://koti.mbnet.fi/raukorpi/Hudson_fix.7z (http://koti.mbnet.fi/raukorpi/Hudson_fix.7z). Just unpack to the mod folder of this plane so that these files overwrite older versions.
I hope you like these fixes!
Please report any bugs you can still find so that I can try to fix them.
- Birdman
SUPER!!!! Yet another very important aircraft added to the IL-2 arsenal. Very good job, and very good choice indeed!!!
Gio and all other involved - THANKS! It's guys like you that keeps this marvellous game FLYING!
Very Nice. Many thx
Real Hudson -thanks :)
EPIC !!!
Thanks a lot GIO !!!
Wow you've made my day Gio, thankyou very much :) :) :)
Many thank´s GIO
Awesome screenie Ton, and Gio, I thought Id never see the Hudson in IL2, a true dream come true, Thanks to all involved. :)
many thanks, great work Giotto!
waaaa...!!!! waaa....!!
...err....sorry, got a bit carried away, was at a loss for words for a few seconds, lol
excellent, gio, thanks mate - been waiting for this one since the mod scene started - hugely appreciated, and again, a BIG THANKS! :D
Good job guys! thank you! :)
Fantastic work Gio and to all others involved :o Chalk up another long overdue
Wow Gio & the Gang, never thought we'd see this baby in IL2. Thanx a bunch!
Merciii !
Salut GiO ! ;D
Excellent and thanks, Not one of the great planes of WWII, but an important one!
Great job, works fine in 412. Thank you very much.
Another historical and amazing moment in the IL2+Mods history!
Truly awesome guys, thank you very much, greatly appreciated. 8)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Thank you Gio for your perfect work!
Wow! A wonderful surprise 8)!, Many thanks to Gio and the whole of the team.
:D Really good surprise and nice plane! Any plans for "hot rod" PV Ventura ? It would be nice for Pacific maps ;D
Regards, Doctor
Well Gio and Team,
What a super super addition!
This is an aircraft that has been passed over for far too long.
Thank you so very much.
Thanks so much Guys
With a lifeboat!
Great job, thank you very much! ;)
Great plane release mates!
This bird saw a spread use in about all theatre.....also used as lavel bomber over France too....
Thanks a lot for your great work about!
Absolutely missed this aircraft Gio :-[
Awesome work for a true work horse in all theaters ;D
Thanks again for an aircraft that really needed to be in the game :P
Thanks guys. I just got it flying in DBW1.71. I'll try and do a single mission over Chuseok, [Korean harvest festival.] which is next week.
Gents, another enormous thank you to add to the list. Gio and co, it's additions like this and your Whitley (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,40642.0.html) that make Il-2 the flightsim. Such gaping historical holes in all other depictions of the period, left solely because they missed the post-war Hollywood stardust, are only filled here and only by the likes of you. Thank you.
Just took her for a spin in 412. She's a real beauty. Excellent job. Thanks guys.
What a lovely little a/c !
Many thanks to all concerned.
Superb! Thanks to all for this!!
Grandissimo Gio!!!!!
Thanks Gio! Really needed also in early Pacific theater. :)
GREAT THX for building this famous plane !
It`s, together with Ventura and Harpoon, one of the planes i missed most for the sub/shiphunt missions I like so much !
Very very nice ! Bravo ! :) :) :)
Thank you very much !
But... It is regrettable to still see FAB50 while Bomb100lbsE long existed! ;)
Thanks guys! :)
But... It is regrettable to still see FAB50 while Bomb100lbsE long existed! ;)
Not a accident. When I am involved in the creation of a mod I intend to make it work in as many versions of the game as is possible. I also make sure they are "stand alone" and do not require any other mod or pack to function, they should work if they are the only mod in the MODs folder.
The 100lbE bomb is not in my game. I chose FAB50 because that is what many stock planes use for 100lb bombs.
Yet in this Mod you provide the Class and file of the Mk53 bomb.
You can do the same by providing the Class and file for 100lbsE! :)
It's just a discussion. This is not a criticism. ;)
Especially since you are a very rare Modder to provide your mods compatible with multiple versions! (http://gvla.perso.neuf.fr/Img_forum/hommage_P.gif)
Thanks for the wonderful plane! I'd like to sees Ventura and Harpoon versions sometime, too. There's a rather hokey movie from the 40's starring James Cagney called "A Yank in the R.A.F." That features lots of Hudsons in action.
Yet in this Mod you provide the Class and file of the Mk53 bomb.
You can do the same by providing the Class and file for 100lbsE! :)
It's just a discussion. This is not a criticism. ;)
Especially since you are a very rare Modder to provide your mods compatible with multiple versions! (http://gvla.perso.neuf.fr/Img_forum/hommage_P.gif)
No criticism take. :) Difference between Mk53 and 100lb is I have no in game depth charge to reference, unlike the FAB in place of 100lbE.
Thanks again,
Great addition to the game! Many thanks to all involved for a splendid job, 8)
An excellent work of all involved. We were all grateful for the effort in improving IL2. A gap closed.
... Difference between Mk53 and 100lb is I have no in game depth charge to reference, unlike the FAB in place of 100lbE.
Well, as a matter of fact....there are quite a number of historical depth charges available in the game through the various bombs packs I uploaded in this forum with my SCW and Talvisota mods :
- British (BombGun100lbAS_Mk1, BombGun250lbAS_Mk1 and BombGun250lbDC_Mk3),
- Finnish (BombGunM33Sjunkbomb and BombGunM24Sjunkbomb),
- Russian (BombGunGlubinayaBB1 and BombGunGlubinayaBM1),
- Italian (BombGunIT160Kg_AS)
- and Spanish (BombGunHidrostatica100 and BombGunHidrostatica50)
... Difference between Mk53 and 100lb is I have no in game depth charge to reference, unlike the FAB in place of 100lbE.
Well, as a matter of fact....there are quite a number of historical depth charges available in the game through the various bombs packs
Various packs,none of which I use, and what I aim to make my mods independent of. :)
Question for DBW users. I have one report of no start up sounds with the Hudsons. Can other DBW users confirm if they do or do not have start up engine sounds?
Thanks again,
Using DBW, tried scramble mission, and I do have startup sounds.
I've made a single mission for this beauty: North Sea patrol 1939.
See here: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=2029
It uses CY6's C&C mod, meaning that the mission will not be the same, even if you replay it: the time of day and weather will vary, the opposition as well. You might stumble upon German aircraft or German subs, or the patrol might be completely eventless.
See this as a demo to a Hudson campaign that hopefully will be done soon :)
Thank you to all involved WHO has filled this gap in IL-2, KUDO's
Benno :-*
Good; saved me a job then.
Using DBW, tried scramble mission, and I do have startup sounds.
Thanks for letting me know. :)
AW cool! Such a nice little plane!
Hudson-MkI Hudson Mk. I
Hudson-MkIII Hudson Mk. III
# Hudson-MkI
Hudson-MkI.default Default
Hudson-MkI.2x250lb 2x250 lb. Bombs
Hudson-MkI.4x250lb 4x250 lb. Bombs
Hudson-MkI.2x500lb 2x500 lb. Bombs
Hudson-MkI.4xMk53 4xMk. 53 Depth Charges
Hudson-MkI.none Empty
Hudson-MkIII.default Default
Hudson-MkIII.2x250lb 2x250 lb. Bombs
Hudson-MkIII.4x250lb 4x250 lb. Bombs
Hudson-MkIII.2x500lb 2x500 lb. Bombs
Hudson-MkIII.4xMk53 4xMk. 53 Depth Charges
Hudson-MkIII.4x250lb_4x100lbs 4x250 lb. Bombs + 4x100 lb. Bombs
Hudson-MkIII.none Empty
Hudson-MkI Hudson Mk. I
Hudson-MkIII Hudson Mk. III
Hudson Mk.I, whose deliveries began on February 1939, entered into service with No. 224 Squadron RAF at RAF Leuchars, Scotland in May 1939.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Hudson#Operational_history (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Hudson#Operational_history)
About Hudson Mk.III, please read following message by Hubberranz.
I would also suggest to remove blank (space) between "Mk." and roman number, since in game that looks too large and is usually omitted. Hence, I would write:
Hudson-MkI Hudson Mk.I, 1939
Hudson-MkIII Hudson Mk.III, 1939
Thank you,
Try to read the excellent book "Norwegian Patrol" by RAAF pilot Gron Edwards (1985).
Not sure about Hudson Mk.III, but probably it entered into service in 1941, as No. 269 Squadron chronology seems to show.
Hudson-MkIII Hudson Mk.III, 1941
"The Hudson Mk I began squadron service with the RAF Coastal Command's No. 224 Squadron in the Summer of 1939. By September, No. 233 Squadron was similarly equipped, while No. 220 Squadron had begun to replace its Avro Ansons with the Hudson Mk III. Not long after war broke out, Hudsons also equipped No. 206 and 269 Squadrons. These squadrons all flew maritime patrol and anti-shipping sorties from the British Isles. Additional squadrons were formed during the war until the RAF saw a peak of 17 Hudson squadrons. Other Hudsons flew reconnaissance missions over Germany, occupied Europe, and (in civil registration) southern parts of the Soviet Union."
"...a Hudson Mk III of No. 220 Squadron guided a British destroyer to the prison-ship Altmark..." ( February-march 1940 ).
"...Mk V... . After the Lend-Lease act of March 1941, aircraft were delivered under USAAF designations."
various other sources: ".. squadron 220's conversion to Hudsons was completed by November 1939".
" They also operated as fighters during the Battle of Dunkirk". http://airforcemuseum.ca/en/hudson-restoration
"Nos.206 and 220 squadrons were soon moved south to help cover the Dunkirk beaches. Although their main job was to keep the German E-boats away from the transport ships, both squadrons would claim aerial victories. On 1 June No.220 Squadron shot down three Ju 87 Stukas, but on 3 June No.206 Squadron did even better, catching a formation of Bf 109s in the process of attacking a patrol of Blackburn Skuas and shooting down three of the German fighters."
By September, No. 233 Squadron was similarly equipped, while No. 220 Squadron had begun to replace its Avro Ansons with the Hudson Mk III.
various other sources: ".. squadron 220's conversion to Hudsons was completed by November 1939".
Thank you for historical research. I'm going to correct my previous post.
Well done Gio!!! works like a deam in 412 HSFX, would love a ventura that's what we had here at Methwold in the early years of the war. But and here is a bad luck story. One young airman was told to collect his new shoes from stores, so he cycled over to Lakenheath with his mate to collect them, while there a crew member of a Venture from methwold offered him a lift back to base, so he gave his shoes and bike to his and told him he'd see him back at base. The aircraft took off from Lakenheath and while climbing an engine failed (something very common in Ventura) the Aircraft cart-wheeled killing the crew and it's one passanger....A little story from our local history there..Many thanks for this fantastic Aircraft. Gary
It turns out that the Mk. III had a retractable ventral gun. I'll see if I can dig up some photos.
According to wiki
The Hudson Mk III added one ventral and two beam machine guns...
It's a hatch that opens downwards, with a .50 cal placed on it. It doesn't open very much. This is all I could find:
(http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad337/Maty10225/Hudson1_zpsa9c449dd.png) (http://s949.photobucket.com/user/Maty10225/media/Hudson1_zpsa9c449dd.png.html)
(http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad337/Maty10225/Hudson3_zps4bd75801.png) (http://s949.photobucket.com/user/Maty10225/media/Hudson3_zps4bd75801.png.html)
Also, is it possible to export cockpits from one game to another? 'Cause I found this beauty:
(http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad337/Maty10225/sim_0093_zps2f96a27d.png) (http://s949.photobucket.com/user/Maty10225/media/sim_0093_zps2f96a27d.png.html)
It's a hatch that opens downwards, with a .50 cal placed on it. It doesn't open very much. This is all I could find:
This is the bathtub of Léo?
You have to adapt the code to manage this bathtub?
Also, is it possible to export cockpits from one game to another?
You can do anything once you find a volunteer to do it ... :D
Cause I found this beauty:
Bof... :-X
I see two horrible ghosts on the front ... it's an impression?
I don't see any ghosts.
I don't see any ghosts.
Sorry, That's the impression I got seeing those two things with a different color!
Maybe the glasses are overlapping.
I think you may have the Electra and Hudson cockpits confused there Maty . The Hudson cockpit has a cutout for the bomb aimer as shown in these pics.
(http://s21.postimg.cc/c6f9ic1zr/Hudson_Interior.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
(http://s21.postimg.cc/xu47ss2dz/Hudson_cockpit_1.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Also a pic of the ventral gun position.
(http://s29.postimg.cc/s8c0gusp3/DSCN2893_Large_550x412.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
It was a cockpit used by FSX's Hudson, but yeah I forgot that. Also, nice picture of the belly gun.
Also, I feel the Bolton Paul turret might be placed too high:
(http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad337/Maty10225/Hudson4_zpse088bcab.png) (http://s949.photobucket.com/user/Maty10225/media/Hudson4_zpse088bcab.png.html)
(http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad337/Maty10225/2014-09-15at21-37-57_zps3cacaa5b.jpg) (http://s949.photobucket.com/user/Maty10225/media/2014-09-15at21-37-57_zps3cacaa5b.jpg.html)
Super job creating this mod! Just learned that A-29s were given to Chinese Air Force.
Excellent .
This is definitely on my list.
I added an update received from Epevier in the initial post
Greetings Gio.
Thank you Gio ! ;)
I have serious trouble with the update 1.21 Hudson !! Getting a 60 % error, i have re-checked everything :'(
Help Mayday
Benno (4.09m)
Version 1 worked flawless :'(
And developers have serious trouble helping you without a log....
Getting a 60 % error,
In my experience, a 60% error means either the separated FM ("Hudsons_FM", path: "...\Mods\06__Lockheed_Hudson_v1.2m\") is missing or is missing the Diff_FM ("294ABC86A89FAEB4", path: "...\Mods\Diff_FM_Mod\") who activate it.
Hi there
Thanks to Greybeard and Lamehawk it's running fine now. I replaced the "Hudson_FM" with the option . I'm using 4.09m/UP2.1 .
What does the UV option stand for ??
Thanks for the quick help guy's
Benno :-*
Forgot !
Both engine cowlings are Black now ??? ??? Is this same snag as with Mosquito spinners being pink ????????????
Help Gio
This is really a great addition, thank you.
Cheers mate! A welcome addition.
Thanks to Greybeard and Lamehawk it's running fine now. I replaced the "Hudson_FM" with the option . I'm using 4.09m/UP2.1 .
What does the UV option stand for ??
... if you mean this:
FM for 409(SAS & UV2/3)/410/412
... UV means Tiger's sound mod, either Ultimate Version 2 or 3, which means you'll get the engine sounds from Tiger's mod ... ;)
Hi Mick
Thank you very much ;D
Benno :-*
The Black engines must be the skin (converted to 1048) the defeault is ok !!
That could be your problem with the cowlings right there Benno. The size should be 1024 x 1024 not 1048.
Right Edlor 8)
I use the 24bit / Bright to convert the skin !!!
Beautiful bird...does anyone know if ant new skins have been made for it yet & are availble?
BTW: This aircraft was prominately featured in two Hollywood features back in the day:
Yank in the R.A.F.
& Captains of the Clouds
Thank you ;)
but direct link with: insert hyperlink
mediafire.com/download/5f566xae9guaz1k/LockHeed_Hudsons_Field_Mod_WIP_ver4.7z (https://mediafire.com/download/5f566xae9guaz1k/LockHeed_Hudsons_Field_Mod_WIP_ver4.7z)
Another nice addition - THANKS!!! :)
PS. A small tip, if you don't know what to pull off next: an aircraft that could really need your machine gunner fixing skills is the F1M "Pete": https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,35901.0.html ;)
I understand, and anything that you do is VERY welcome, no matter what aircraft. And I understand your need for a nap, given your amazing productivity. But giving the "Pete" a machine gunner would really make that aircraft useful. Now she can't be used as she was historically... ;)
PS. Now there is a campaign available for this great aircraft! It is called "From Phoney War to Real War".
(http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t286/Poltava/hudson-1_zps24715f46.jpg) (http://s163.photobucket.com/user/Poltava/media/hudson-1_zps24715f46.jpg.html)
It is the winter of 1939. You are a pilot in RAF Coastal Command Squadron equipped with the new Lockheed Hudson Mk I. Right now you patrol the North Sea for German ahipping and aircraft, but things will start to heat up...
Download it here: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=2073
It is a 12-mission static campaign portraying the activities of a RAF Coastal Command Squadron during the period from the winter of 1939 to the early summer of 1940, starting with the so called Phoney War, were you are called upon to do lengthy patrols over the North Sea, over the Norwegian campaign, to the fighting in the last phase of the Battle of France.
There is a random element in ALL missions. You can never be sure what you will meet or what will happen. This means that sometimes your mission will be completely uneventful - just like in real life! And if you replay the mission or even the campaign it will not turn out the same again...
More info can be found here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,43886.0.html
Thanks for looking! :)
Many thanks for the plane!
Any hope to add 2 beam gunners to Mk3?
The Hudson Mk III added one ventral and two beam machine guns...
For a second there I got excited, then noticed the campaign was for DBW. Any chance this could ever make it to HSFX 4.12?
such a shame! Looks a great campaign.
Thank You a lot for this beautiful and important plane!
Unfortunately, crash landings revealed some ground collision bugs, so I repositioned _Clip hooks so that you can enjoy more realistic crashes. I've also fixed bug with bullet holes visible in Mk.I nose in plane selection menu.
You can download these fixes at http://koti.mbnet.fi/raukorpi/Hudson_fix.7z (http://koti.mbnet.fi/raukorpi/Hudson_fix.7z). Just unpack to the mod folder of this plane so that these files overwrite older versions.
I hope you like these fixes!
Please report any bugs you can still find so that I can try to fix them.
- Birdman
Woouuuaa !
Thank you very much for the fix ! :) :)
Many THX for the fixes, Birdman ...! :P
Thanks for the fixes. Hopefully they will be integrated into the first page download.
I made some skins of the Lockheed Hudson to complete this fantastic model of gio963tto .. here the link!
Very nice work 8), Thank you, stanislao.
Yes, thanks. Very nice skins for a very nice aircraft!
Restore of the deleted LockHeed Hudson FieldMod ver4
by zip_Comic1 aka Flyer101 aka JoHNy_SpRoCK-X:
Orig post by zip_Comic 14-Dec-2014:
I have enjoyed this mod ....and have created yet another ...Field Mod.
If I could, I would like to place it here. I have designated it ...Lockheed Hudsons Field Mod Wip ver4. which is a addition of a Rear Tail belly gunner ..with beefed up calibers of both turrets...and some new skins
Included is a sub mod ...Lockheed Hudson A-28 MkI Early Field Mod WIP ver2 which is an A-28 with a early single .50cal top gunner and the belly gunner....and associated skins.
Works for me under;
4.101m Mega Patch
SAS Mod Act3.06
SAS Buttons 4.10 offiline
SAS AutoDiff 4.111
For questions, help requests contact via PM:
Flyer101 (aka zip_Comic1) (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?action=profile;u=24488)
or (new account of zip_Comic1 aka Flyer101):
JoHNy_SpRoCK-X (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?action=profile;u=25271).
For the 412. also add thePacht in this file--412 Patch 4-Hudsons-- inside the mod folder
Hi ! Could I ask if the 4.12 patch included in the old mod download is meant for the 1.2m version as well ?
Dear Gio963tto,
your job is a fine one.
Is there a way to get a bombsight on this beautiful plane? There is a splendid device in the bomber cockpit but it doesn't work.
Congratulations and best regards.
Thank you, 4.13.2 sas modatc 6.2
Hudson with the Fix and with the additional Skins you can find in this thread work fine on 4.13.2 :) I only use the SAS modact and no DBW etc.
I've found an old post at M4T suggesting that once upon a time there was a "Lockheed Hudson Mk IIIA, Chinese Air Force" mod. It eliminated the turret and forward armament, as the Chinese did with their Hudsons in the early 40's.
Is that mod still available somewhere? Any help appreciated!
I am sending it to you in a pm 8)
I know this might seem a little random, but where do you put the text from the "US Weapons" file?
... depends on what you're talking about, if it is this kind of text:
# Hudson Mk.I
Hudson-MkI.default Default
Hudson-MkI.2x250lb 2x 250lbs Bombs GB
Hudson-MkI.4x250lb 4x 250lbs Bombs GB
Hudson-MkI.2x500lb 2x 500lbs Bombs GB
Hudson-MkI.2x250lbAS 2x 250lbs (AS) Bombs GB
Hudson-MkI.4x250lbAS 4x 250lbs (AS) Bombs GB
Hudson-MkI.none Empty
# Hudson Mk.III
Hudson-MkIII.default Default
Hudson-MkIII.2x250lb 2x 250lbs Bombs GB
Hudson-MkIII.4x250lb 4x 250lbs Bombs GB
Hudson-MkIII.2x500lb 2x 500lbs Bombs GB
Hudson-MkIII.2x250lbAS 2x 250lbs (AS) Bombs GB
Hudson-MkIII.4x250lbAS 4x 250lbs (AS) Bombs GB
Hudson-MkIII.4x250lb_4x100lbs_AS 4x 250lbs + 4x 100lbs (AS) Bombs GB
Hudson-MkIII.none Empty
... this goes in the i18n folder, section weapons.ru.properties (i18n folder is in your "Files" folder (if you've got one) ... ;)
... if you're talking about this:
87AB5520AC63D2B0 Bomb100lbAS_Mk1
533BC29A582A69F2 BombGun100lbAS_Mk1
70C12E0800655CE8 Bomb250lbAS_Mk1
24583AFA14230616 BombGun250lbAS_Mk1
... it goes nowhere, it is just a reminder so that you know which java class file does what ... ;)
... if you're talking about this:
87AB5520AC63D2B0 Bomb100lbAS_Mk1
533BC29A582A69F2 BombGun100lbAS_Mk1
70C12E0800655CE8 Bomb250lbAS_Mk1
24583AFA14230616 BombGun250lbAS_Mk1
... it goes nowhere, it is just a reminder so that you know which java class file does what ... ;)
Jeez I feel dumb now, I've been thinking that has to go somewhere for practically forever. Thanks for clarifying!