Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => UK Skins => Topic started by: Knochenlutscher on September 27, 2014, 09:41:04 PM

Title: Martlets 'n Hellcats [Update v.5] [Update v.6]
Post by: Knochenlutscher on September 27, 2014, 09:41:04 PM
THis a recollection of all previous Skins on the Topic.
No more split up Posts, straight go ahead.

Version 5: old 3-D
version 6: New 3-D Martlets 2021

A Pack containing Grumman Martlets Mk.I and Mk.II Skins to suit latest Modifications availlable.


- Martlets Mk.I corrected
- additional Hellcat Mk.I added


My documentation is thin, as I did this for personal purposes first,
hence I only compiled pictorial sources and FAA's Delivery/Report Papers
 on the selected Kites. I can't give squadron allocation, even if some
 have the their Markings applied, as the units switched and borrowed their
 aircraft in the early phase of Martlet introduction on a frequent base.
The topic is a study feast, allocate nearly all FAA Stations and Carriers
 howling them would fill a page and still not help on the matter.
A change of Codes I could not trace, when they were on loan somewhere else.

(http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah153/Segfej/Screenshots/1609201414-40-53_zps296666a5.jpg) (http://s1379.photobucket.com/user/Segfej/media/Screenshots/1609201414-40-53_zps296666a5.jpg.html)
(http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah153/Segfej/Screenshots/250920143-08-53_zps00c4dd80.jpg) (http://s1379.photobucket.com/user/Segfej/media/Screenshots/250920143-08-53_zps00c4dd80.jpg.html)
(http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah153/Segfej/Screenshots/250920143-06-06_zpsf6dc11db.jpg) (http://s1379.photobucket.com/user/Segfej/media/Screenshots/250920143-06-06_zpsf6dc11db.jpg.html)

80% is historical, while the 20% semihistoricals are from actual Reports.

Stock Models of Wildcats are not supported.
Tested in DBW 1.71/4.101m, other Installations at own risk...


You need to have the combination of the following 2 Mods to get
the suiting Skins. If not, see Warning...

Grumman Martlet Mk.I/Mk.II: Revised version

Martlet 3-D Update

The late Martlets (FM) and Hellcats are suitable for their appropriate Mods (Hellcats) and
3-D upgrades by PA_Jeronimo (Engine Cowling + Wheels).


This time I included some Blanks/Generics and all come Bright finished to you.
Knochenlutscher, 2014/2021

Happy Flying....
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats
Post by: Phas3e on September 27, 2014, 11:00:22 PM
Well done on covering FAA martlets :)

I notice you have skinned the wide set guns on the MkI, is there a mod for this or is it done for visual effect?

I am currently skinning BJ562 based on a series of photos in MAM Vol 6 Issue 12 and would like to make a version to match the wider set guns if possible.
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats
Post by: Knochenlutscher on September 27, 2014, 11:46:33 PM
Hi Phase,
Ahh, Thanks man for your kind words.  :)
Of course you can, follow the Link below or above, right under the Screens I posted the two Templates that I altered.

The wider Guns Skins in this Pack suit for the Martlet 3-D update
I shifted with suitable Templates,  as both versions got slightly altered if you use this Upgrade.
I found it practically if you have a Mod that alters the Model and a Template for it, so others can make use of it too.
You may wish to check them out and use them for your purposes.

Have a nice Weekend
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats
Post by: BravoFxTrt on September 28, 2014, 05:56:18 AM
Thank you Knoch.
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on September 28, 2014, 07:11:50 AM
Thank you Knochenlutscher . I have updated your status here to Modder. Thank you for your work. :)
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats
Post by: Knochenlutscher on September 28, 2014, 08:43:55 AM
 ??? Wow, pleasure is on my side, Thank you
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats
Post by: oldschoolie on September 29, 2014, 02:03:11 AM
Very nice skins. I have one question about the MkII Hellcat:  having never seen the style of roundel with the red inner ring documented, I should be interested to know the source.
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats
Post by: Knochenlutscher on September 29, 2014, 07:06:26 AM
Hi oldschoolie,

http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah153/Segfej/Pictures/MartletMkII_zpsb7833715.jpg (http://s1379.photobucket.com/user/Segfej/media/Pictures/MartletMkII_zpsb7833715.jpg.html)
http://www.avionesclasicos.com/imagenes/wildcat/martlet.jpg (http://www.avionesclasicos.com/imagenes/wildcat/martlet.jpg)
https://www.flickr.com/photos/sdasmarchives/7881265478/ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/sdasmarchives/7881265478/)

http://www.clubhyper.com/reference/wildcatfaaba_1.htm (http://www.clubhyper.com/reference/wildcatfaaba_1.htm)

Best Regards

Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats
Post by: oldschoolie on September 29, 2014, 07:42:28 AM
Hi Knochenlutscher,

Thanks for the Martlet links, but my question was about the 2 skins for the Mk II Hellcat, which have a thin inner red ring in the otherwise "Pacific" roundels which I have never seen in any other source.
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats
Post by: Phas3e on September 29, 2014, 11:57:16 AM
I dont think its red but heres a photo showing the same overpainting.

(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v164/Phas3e/BRyan11_zps74f65bcc.jpg~original) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Phas3e/media/BRyan11_zps74f65bcc.jpg.html)

I think its more likely a light blue as red markings in the pacific were over painted early in the war so not to confuse gunners with the Japanese 'Meatball'
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats
Post by: oldschoolie on September 29, 2014, 02:16:10 PM
Yep. I think you're right and there is no red left in any overpainted roundel.
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats
Post by: Knochenlutscher on September 29, 2014, 02:41:22 PM
I got it, overread, thought you meant the Martlet.
You're right, I missed that, well,  :-\
Look here, nice findings:
http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234940242-faa-hellcat-mk-i/ (http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234940242-faa-hellcat-mk-i/)
http://www.flickr.com/photos/8270787@N07/2833232302 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/8270787@N07/2833232302)
Thanks for pointing this out, will be corrected in a future update.
Have a nice evening Mates
Best wishes
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats
Post by: oldschoolie on September 30, 2014, 03:59:03 AM
Nice pics!  Thanks for the responses...and really good skins. Look forward to the small adjustment. Best regards.
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats
Post by: Knochenlutscher on September 30, 2014, 07:48:41 AM
I have a free day today and I'm ready. Martlets Mk.III, Mk.IV, V and VI will come shipped though.
Hence they match default game US counterparts.
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats [Update v.3]
Post by: Knochenlutscher on October 07, 2015, 05:25:22 PM
In order to save me from mess I recompiled this with an overall new Update, as I was underway
going over someone's Request. Please check out version 3 latest, additions and corrections to Indomitable kites
of 1839 & 1844 Squadron FAA.

Happy flying...
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats [Update v.3]
Post by: Pivoyvo on October 07, 2015, 11:40:19 PM
Danke fürs Update
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats [Update v.3]
Post by: Knochenlutscher on October 08, 2015, 02:12:13 AM
Thanks for joining Mate, sorry for the mess with the recent Updates.
Enjoy them  :)
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats [Update v.4]
Post by: Knochenlutscher on October 10, 2015, 11:44:15 AM
Update 4.0
Received footage from Martlets Mk.I, it showed their starboard style tacticals
were messy. Now the markings are historical correct.
An additional historical 1840 NAS Hellcat Mk.I added

Best wishes
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats [Update v.5]
Post by: Knochenlutscher on January 17, 2021, 08:06:23 AM
Update v.5.0 is due, historical Additions, some Corrections...

Best wishes
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats
Post by: Mission_bug on January 19, 2021, 11:44:52 AM
Another excellent collection, thank you very much, really appreciated. 8)

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D

Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats [Update v.5]
Post by: Knochenlutscher on November 09, 2021, 08:29:00 AM
Now that the New Martlets/Wildcats of FAA have been released it is Time for a Upgrade.

This old Skinpack will be laid to rest, further Additions, corrections will be placed in the New 2021 Edition,
suiting the new Templates and 3-D Slots.

The New Skinpack is different as there's Template differences, corrections to Mk.I and Mk.III respectively.
Both Packs are not cross compatible, so chose your Version wisely.

Users of my New Martlets already have all the supplemented Skis in the Mod Download.
This Publication is a formality.

Keep you updated will I'll upload stuff.
Title: Re: Martlets 'n Hellcats [Update v.5 & Update v.6]
Post by: Knochenlutscher on November 09, 2021, 09:25:10 AM
Topic Upgraded, chose Version.
