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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => USA Skins => Topic started by: 200th_Taro on October 21, 2014, 04:44:37 AM
Avaiable here ----> http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads2&file=details&id=7190
This skinpack include 8 historical skins of the 464th Fighter Squadron, 509th Fighter Group, 7th Air Force plus 1 blank skins with squadron markings.
Airbase on Island of Ie Shima off the west coast of Okinawa , Ryukyu Islands, Japan (June-August 1945).
The 464th Fighter Squadron with 507th Fighter Group was to form part of the 8th Air Force that was moving from the ETO to the Pacific, with the mission to protect B-29 bombers. But while the 8th was getting there the squadron was assigned to the 20th Air Force but operated under the tactical direction of the 7th Air Force.
507th FG after action over Seoul in Korea in August 7th earned the Distinguished Unit Citation for its performance that day, the only reported DUC awarded to a P-47 group in the Pacific.
During this mission (an 8 hour, and 18 minute mission) in total the 507th FG claimed 20 enemy aircraft plus 2 probables and one “Betty” bomber on the ground, for the loss of one P-47N of the 464th flown by a pilot who had claimed 2 Oscars during the fight.
1st Lt. Perdomo of the 464th FS emerged as the top scorer of the action with five claimed victories. For his personal actions Perdomo received the Air Medal with one leaf cluster and the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in action. He also won the honors of being the last USAAF pilot to become an “Ace in a Day”, and possibly the last pilot to claim this honor in World War II.
List of planes inclufding in skinpack:
P-47D no.133, pilot 2nd LT. Harry M. Steinshouer
P-47D no.134, "Winkie Jean", pilot unknown
P-47D no.141, pilot unknown
P-47D no.143, pilot 1st LT. John C. Terrien
P-47D no.144, "Duck Butt", pilot unknown
P-47D no.146, "Lil Meaties Meat Chopper", pilot 1st LT. Oscar Perdomo
P-47D no.147, "Sugar Bun", pilot unknown
P-47D no.155, "Dotty", pilot 1st LT. R.E. Hooks Jr.
some examples:
Great skins!
8) Thanks, Taro!
Nice, thank you very much. ;)
Many THX for sharing ! ;)
Very good rendition of bare aluminium ...! :)
Great metal texture :) More please 8)
Hi! I have done a small correction of the skins to make them fit into P-47 N, not with the same level of the original on the fixes, but if Taro has no inconveninet, I will put them to the public. This is my first atempot to do something, so please, do not kill me. Need a confirmation and someone that tell hao to put them for download.
Oh, thanks, singüe ! That will be nice !