Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => WIP Maps => Topic started by: Seppel on November 18, 2014, 02:34:31 PM
Hi everyone!
As in the Silesia topic said, I was surprised, that there is still so much interest in maps for IL-2 1946.
So I decided to start with a new map!
It was an idea month ago, to create a small dogfight map (like Eastern Frisia) for the island of Ruegen.
As some guys asked for the Peenemuende research site and looking forward to torpedo missions I thought about my plan.
As a result I changed the idea to a map of the German Baltic Sea coast!
I must say, I'm not quiet sure, IF I should take Denmark and the parts of Sweden into the map...
Although the work has started, I'm still thinking about it..
What du YOU think?
Greetings, Seppel
I forgot!
It would be nice of everyone, who has information about positions and plans of airdromes in the war time, pictures/plans of fortifications (Atlantic Wall, ..), U-boat shelters and stuff like that in the area, to send me or just post here...
Having parts of Denmark and Sweden in the map is a great idea - it. Will make it more useful! :-)
Covering the south of Sweden is a grand idea and it makes including Denmark the more natural! We up here in the north will benefit from this map. Thank you!
I will keep both Sweden and Denmark, so the map can be used for Cold War scenarios too.
Allright..the decission is clear! :)
Pfew..I just finished a GoogleMaps overlay for the map_c.
Next step is to create the lakes and rivers..
Good luck! This map will fill a gap! :)
Excellent idea for a map!
Indeed..and also useful for cold war scenarios including Mig-21s/17s and Bears.
"Good" old Cold War, when politics where dangerous but somehow stable. Uups, no politics. :P My bad. :-[
ariel photo and map for Peenamunde http://www.globalsecurity.org/jhtml/jframe.html#http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/ops/images/peenemunde-map_aerial.jpg|||
Launch site. http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/P/Peenemunde.html
model of V2 site
This is an opurtunity to ask again for
airfield positions, airfield Charts, Information about Atlantic Wall, Peenemünde, and..so..on.. :)
Would be kind of you to post any Information, helping me to realise my map.
Very good idea! But it was perhaps less Sweden: neytralna - and more Germany and Poland?
This would be an AWESOME map....I have some pictures of peenumunde at least around here somewhere....
-> Rector: Sorry too late. The polls are closed. :D
-> Phoenix: Would be very nice of you.
But don't hurry - I'm still preparing the map_c ... there are SOOOOOO much lakes in this area! :/
Very imprortant are the airfield positions. Do you have some, too?
nur für mich:
deutsche Küste:
uhm..I just found out, that it is hard to find the positions in nowadays maps.. :(
unfortunately I just have some aireal shots of peenumunde at present...was looking into the design of the base to use in a story im writing, will certainly be glad to help find the locations and layouts of the surrounding airfields though
Hi guys!
I have an immense technical problem and hope some of you can help me:
I spent the last weaks with creating the MWmap_c for the Baltic sea, transfering the positions of lakes and rivers from GoogleMaps maps into the map_c.
Yesterday I tried to start a little function test so far.
But the map_c Toolbox won't create the two map_c.tga and map_c.tga_table files out of the MWmap_c.
I do not understand the problem why.
Klaus told me to change the "dissect" file to "2048" but it still doesn't work.
I also double checked the parameters like greyscale and RLE-compression off...
The MWmap_c is approximately 270MB . But I don't think it depends on the size as I suppose, that the MWmap_c of other maps are even bigger??!!
Can anyone help? If I do not get this problem solved, it is the end of my project! :( :(
I have had similar problem recently,when correcting Mymap_c.tga.
The solution is:
mymap_c.tga must be saved after flattening it in Gimp !
I believe even Czech Gimp could help to locate the function needed:
or directly from Kevins manual:
Hey Uzin!
Thanks a lot!!!
Now it works!!!
In German it is "Bild" -> "Bild zusammenführen"
It was the same problem, when I tried to create a MWmap_c WITHOUT uniting the layers.
So there seem to be an invisible layer remained, that's why it won't work!?
Again, thanks a lot!!!
Uzin is a champ! :)
You say!! And Klaus too!!!!
And it also solved my problem with the map_t..same problem - too big!
I don't understand what that is, I never had this problems with the Silesia map...
You are welcome !
Just see the movie, lol : ;)
First step - the MWmap_c - is done.
(https://i.postimg.cc/Kv9Q9cHr/MapC.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/crnQCWZr)
Does anyone got an idea, how I can level the lakes surface, without using the "Height" function on every single lake??
Try this:
1. Open map_H.tga in Gimp.
2. Select all the water areas , that is, all RGB=0.
3. Increase the selection by one pixel.
4. Fill the selection by RGB=0.
5. Flatten image, save it as map_H1+.tga .
6. Open load.ini and substitute map_H.tga by this new map_H1+.tga , save and overwrite it.
Yeah..thought about that Uzin. Thanks!
But this will level all lakes to Height 0.
But in Sveden there are a lot of lakes, that are in the mountains at about 200 m or so..
So this would produce 200m deep holes in the landscape :(
Yeah..thought about that Uzin. Thanks!
But this will level all lakes to Height 0.
But in Sveden there are a lot of lakes, that are in the mountains at about 200 m or so..
So this would produce 200m deep holes in the landscape :(
You can mask the canyons by the procedure discussed here at SAS - by gaussian blurr of the shores about 10 pixels wide. Instead of searching, you can try this:
1. Open map_H.tga in Gimp.
2. Select water - RGB=0.
3. Increase the selection by ten pixels.
4. Substract the water - RGB=0 from this enlarged selection. This way you obtain shore 10 pixels wide selected.
5. Gaussian blurr of the selection.
6. Save map_HX+.tga, un so weiter.
Uufflake and farang discussed somewhere here lakes at non-zero height, but it is your choice:
by not having water at zero height, you cannot (in Il2) place the bridges over such waters.
Maybe I'll try this..It will do it for the lakes in Denmark, Germany and Polan in each case, as the landscape isn't that hiegh (thanks to the ice some phantastillion years ago)
I know the problem with bridges..but there won't be any bridges across LAKES! :D
I have a question - is anyone really familiar with the GIMP program?
I'm just in progress of creating the ed_m01. this time I transfered the wood areas from Google maps into the map, instead of creating own woods.
But now i have a lot of wood areas which are only one up to three or four pixels. I do not want so small woods, as they appear in the map only as dark textures, but not as real woods.
Is there a possibility to mark areas with the same colour, but only at a size of some pixels???
So I do not have to delete every singel pixel?!
Really really interested in this map. I will like to make a post WW1 generic version before you add the WW2 airfields. If you agree of course.
I have a question - is anyone really familiar with the GIMP program?
I'm just in progress of creating the ed_m01. this time I transfered the wood areas from Google maps into the map, instead of creating own woods.
But now i have a lot of wood areas which are only one up to three or four pixels. I do not want so small woods, as they appear in the map only as dark textures, but not as real woods.
Is there a possibility to mark areas with the same colour, but only at a size of some pixels???
So I do not have to delete every singel pixel?!
You can try:
1. select the wood by selection tool
2. decrease the selection by one (or more ) pixel (so that small one-pixel areas are deselected)
3. increase the selection of the same number of pixels as in point 2 .
Uzin, you - are - a- genious! .. or a witchmaster..I'm not quiet sure! :D :D
Thanks for the help, it worked great!
And it solved another problem.
Anyone here who's from Scandinavia..especially Sveden?
Even I know, that Sveden was a neural country in WW2, I'd like to ask for information about airfields in southern Sveden in that days?!
Maybe this will help you:
One question, as I told you before and If you don't mind I will like to create a WW1 version of this map, but to save time I will need the definitive populated version without airfields If you can share it.
Sorry, I simply missed your question.
Of course you can have the map as a base for your project, if you find worth it...
At the moment I'm still creating the ed_m01 and fill in locations of the towns and villages.
I'm not quiet sure what you exactly need? Only a texture map or a map allready populated with objects?
If this is so, you'll have to wait a looooooong time :)
Thanks for the link, I'll have a look!
It will be better to have the map with the villages, towns and cities there, once the population is done I will adapt the airfields to WW1 style plus buildings.
No Problem RealDarko, you're welcome to have it, but as I said, it will take its time...
Oh, thx for the airfield information!
Although a lot of them are outside the map, the information about the rest are very useful!!!
Wondering how is going. Any pic to show?
Thanks for your interest!
Actually I wasn't able to work on it for several days.
At the moment I'm still on creating/finishing the ed_m01, which will be the basement for map_t and _f. I just have to fill in the positions of the countless airfields. Shouldn't take much longer.
I'll present a picture of the finished navigation map as soon as possible.
Looks pretty cool, looking forward to it!
Hours of work and countless youtube audiobooks later ....
The ed_m01 resp. navigation map is finished!
(white spots mark the future airfields)
Next step is to create the map_t, then the work in the map editor can begin...
(https://i.postimg.cc/8cTQbk0g/Vorschau.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/N9Czsttd)
Looks great!
Thanks a lot mate!
Wow! That looks very promising! Keep it up! :)
The map_t is finished so far!
This allows some first impressions..
Denish island of Anholt
(https://i.postimg.cc/YqYkBVQP/d-n.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/HVYFQ6Z0)
the Swedish wilderness
(https://i.postimg.cc/Y99y24Z9/swd.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/B8rCMvq9)
fields, lakes and woods characterise the landscape of Poland
(https://i.postimg.cc/vmXNd7Pk/pol.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/7CGV3zrn)
Really really looking forward to this map, you're doing a great job on it, and I'm sure it will be a great addition to our map collection. BTW can't wait to see Peenemunde popped.
Superb looking map!
Hi out there!
I was wondering, if you guys -especially you, who live in the shown area- couldn't sent some pictures of special landmarks in the area, so I can fill them in, when I going to populate the map.
I was thinking for..uhm..don't know..famous buildings, castles, special facilities and stuff like that.
IF you want to help me and bring something of your home into the map, I'd need at least a picture and of course the position of the object (coordinates or a google-screenshot would be best, I think).
Looking forward to your replies :)
Can anyone tell, how wide a river must be, to make ships can move on it?
I'd like to have the north sea-baltic sea-channel as a real water street, but I do not want to have it too -unrealistic- wide...
Really REALLY interesting area for a Swede like me.
Oh all the what-if scenarious for SwAF Re2000 and P-35's
A new little impression...
(https://i.postimg.cc/fyg34PXy/dts.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jnPqPZMY)
Looks really nice!
@ RealDarko:
I just realized a "problem" for your WWI map version.
In 1914 the area called the "Polish Corridor" didn't exist, as it was still part of the German Reich.
I could make a ed_m01 without the border there, but you will have to search for the translations of the town names...
the Svedish part of the map...
(https://i.postimg.cc/L6HvmgPM/Schweden-Orte.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/vDN5zBXP)
Cool! There are seaplane bases included too?
It sounds like an awful lot of extra work including Sweden and Denmark. And I don't think any missions were flown there.
I would vote for just doing the southern part of Denmark to ensure that you have enough space to fly missions along the German coast.
@ RealDarko:
Yea, there will be some seaplane bases, as they where historical...
I also think of generating some extra bases at some of the inner Svedish lakes...
--Please note my earlier psot conserning the town names!--
No half done work! :) I will populate the Svedish towns, too.
First is - I don't like "only texture towns". The other thing is, that some guys asked for post war..cold war..scenarios.
WOW! Looking forward to flying over this one! Great work mate
Tanks a lot!!!
I'd like to repeat my question:
"I was wondering, if you guys -especially you, who live in the shown area- couldn't sent some pictures of special landmarks in the area, so I can fill them in, when I'm going to populate the map.
I was thinking for..uhm..don't know..famous buildings, castles, special facilities and stuff like that.
IF you want to help me and bring something of your home into the map, I'd need at least a picture and of course the position of the object (coordinates or a google-screenshot would be best, I think)."
Don't worry about city names, already started getting info.
Set of 1:100,000 US Army wartime maps cover all Germany.
This will be epic!
some Polish villages..
(https://i.postimg.cc/BQgYFB36/Polen1.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/T2Hh3ZLY/Polen2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Nice !
Looking forward ...
The barely settlements of Sveden..
(https://i.postimg.cc/R09ZYm8G/Schweden1.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/3wBx56Qh/Schweden2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Px5rt4dw/Schweden3.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
The Arhus Mosquito attack would be interesting.
Great progress Seppel.
Looking very professional - keep it up.
Any update? I'm really looking forward to this map.
Its looking very nice 8)
Had been on holiday..so nothing new.
All Svedish villages had been installed. Now I have to create a new city, to fill in the city textures.
I will upload pictures if I'm finished so far..
Thanks for your interest!!
(http://s14.postimg.cc/lemmqhrm9/pomorze_2.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
(http://s28.postimg.cc/plvu0s2xp/pomorze_3.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Dear friend! Almost all of the "Polish" villages in Pomerania were built during the period of German rule. Thanks to have decent roads and the layout along the streets. There must be a lot of objects - important to reproduce the overall system architecture.
In the pictures presented village where I lived 40 years ago - on your map -in the area of Slupsk. And I hope that it can mate will not forget a few important air bases on the Polish side of the map.
Today I finished the base city, now it is copy-paste :)
-> Rector:
Tanks for this information. Actually it is the plan to use the same villages (base village) for both, Germany and Poland. But changing the design of the village texture, it will look different.
But so far the German and Polisch villages will have a lot of similarities. So your point is obeyed. :)
Looking really good! Keep up the excellent work! :)
Nice! ;D Keep it up!
+2. :P
Very nice. Would like to have this map for sure
not shabby
very cool Map, where the German Ships are Stationary there.
Some new pictures of Svedish towns
Loftahammar in the high north (..of the map)
(https://i.postimg.cc/hGx3XWtF/Loftahammar.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/mcLSnn9V)
..and Kalmar in the south east
(https://i.postimg.cc/mZQR0JY5/Kalmar.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ThYZbkHV)
Very nice transition of the factory texture to the cities one, especially at Kalmar.
Perhaps some transition of the cities texture to suburbs would be nice, too ? Or I missed something ?
Looking very promising Seppel, you're a star.
-> Uzin: Maybe you're right. But I think it would need a third texture and this would be way to complicated and time intensiv.
Maybe the transition in the other countries won't be that sharp...
last try..
Guys from Sveden (or everyone else).
If you have information about special landmarks or interesting buildings etc. let me know and if possiple post a picture. So I can fill it in the map!!!!
Would be more interesting to fly over and discover...
Landmarks of 1940 could be hard to find and any I know of is outside map (Stockholm).
Maybe "Kalmar Slott" (Castle) and such pointed out in this link could be of any use?
last try..
Guys from Sveden (or everyone else).
If you have information about special landmarks or interesting buildings etc. let me know and if possiple post a picture. So I can fill it in the map!!!!
Would be more interesting to fly over and discover...
Hi, Sepp,
there is a lot info in wikipedia concerning swedish towns, including the city plans, for example :
and many others, just try it.
Hi, Sepp,
there is a lot info in wikipedia concerning swedish towns, including the city plans, for example :
Aarhus is a Danish city. ;)
Hi, Sepp,
there is a lot info in wikipedia concerning swedish towns, including the city plans, for example :
Aarhus is a Danish city. ;)
Sorry, but Jonkopping is swedish:
Phfew...Sveden settlements are done!!
Anyone interested in double checking?!
Most definitively!
Hi theOden!
I send you a PM with an download link.
Hope you'll enjoy.
Write everything you like in this thread..and everything you do not like in a PM :D :D
Looking forward to the link Seppel, and sure - I'll keep feedback separated haha :)
Very well done Seppel.
J 9 (Seversky EP1 aka P-35A) and B 5 (Northrop 8A) taking off from Roma (Gotland)
(http://s16.postimg.cc/e7e3fmyvp/j9b5roma.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
J 9 over Visby (Gotland)
(http://s22.postimg.cc/7wh759zip/j9visby.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
J 20 (Re 2000) passing Malmö
(http://s29.postimg.cc/6brm0zm2f/j20malmo.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
J 20 reaching Ystad
(http://s12.postimg.cc/5xdpkedfh/j20ystad.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
J 11 (CR 42) central Gothenburg
(http://s13.postimg.cc/790bylkdz/j11goteborg.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
J 11 notices.. a bridge!
(http://s7.postimg.cc/kus3fgxhn/j11bridge.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
J 11 climbing after bridge control (yes really, that's how Swedes does it)
(http://s15.postimg.cc/8pvqkms23/j11bridge2.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Mh... I'm in trouble with the so called "Nord-Ostsee-Kanal" (Nortsea-Balticsea-Channel) that connects both of them.
I would like to create it useable for ships, but if I do so, it would have be much wider than in real life AND I can't built bridges over it..
So, what does the community say..any ideas??
Here some new pics..
the "Westerplatte" - Polish ammo depot and kind of fortress in the Gdansk harbour
(https://i.postimg.cc/c42pCcBn/Westerplatte.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/vc7qSfjY)
city and harbour of Gdynia
(https://i.postimg.cc/SNn0mPC4/Gdynia.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BXf7gMm7)
-> theOden:
If you like, I'll send a new test map including Sveden, the samll Poland part and the German outpost arround Gdansk!?
Mh... I'm in trouble with the so called "Nord-Ostsee-Kanal" (Nortsea-Balticsea-Channel) that connects both of them.
I would like to create it useable for ships, but if I do so, it would have be much wider than in real life AND I can't built bridges over it..
So, what does the community say..any ideas??
Here some new pics..
part of the city of Gdansk
...and the "Westerplatte" - Polish ammo depot and kind of fortress
city and harbour of Gdynia
-> theOden:
If you like, I'll send a new test map including Sveden, the samll Poland part and the German outpost arround Gdansk!?
If you indicate that the Kanal is "land" in your ed_mapC, you might be able to plot vehicles along the Kanal and then substitute ships objects to get the moving ships without having to make the Kanal massively wide. You should talk it over with a mission designer.
Re the photos, I am trying to produce new German buildings and templates and would be happy to share them with you, if I make any progress.
I finally finished the small part of Poland plus the eastern part of Prussia, including the Gdansk (Danzig) area.
shot of the city of Marienburg
(https://i.postimg.cc/Gmpj00yP/Marienburg.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/GHZDY5z9)
Tolkemit in the very east of the map
(https://i.postimg.cc/GmSxdMFW/Tolkemit.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/pmzFBJ1C)
Soon the work on Denmark and Germany will start .. *phew*
It's always very useful to examine Google Earth to get an idea of the terrain and appearance of various parts of the world. Waggel's old North Sea map has some great textures of the North German sea coast that would be appropriate to the terrain around Danzig, IIRC.
As well, you might want to think if the solutions that Waggel and Ufflaake came up with for portraying urban areas in that map would also work for yours. Urban areas are always a great challenge to make.
Don't give up, Seppel, you are getting there! :)
Hi ! I know it's been a year, but...is it possible that this map was still worked on now ? It looked pretty good and seemed to progress very well, so... It would be cool to see the end of this project, because this area would be for the first time (I think) fully populated at this scale. Anyway, I wanted to express my interest for this map, just in case it could be source of motivation ;)
bump that?
Wow it would be amazing to FINALLY have a map of Sweden in IL2. Especially Gotland!! Excellent work, don't give up now!
Somehow I have missed thread until now.
I am also most interested in this area.
I made a feeble attempt at making a map of this area as well, but failed miserably. Maybe because I would have liked to include Hamburg and Berlin. Many of the bomber routes passed through North Germany and Denmark, so there is room for a lot of action here.
There weren't too many devoted bomber attacks in Denmark. Recalling three Mosquito attacks against Gestapo headquarters in Aarhus, Copenhagen and Odense, one Mosquito attack against the B&W shipyard in Copenhagen and one Blenheim attack against Aalborg airfield. Besides numerous strafing attacks against trains and airfields in the later stages of the war.
And since I am from the Danish island Bornholm I will not hesitate to mention the Soviet attacks on Rønne and Nexø in May '45 (don't know the plane type here).
So Seppel if you are still working on the map and would like some assistance with Denmark I will be happy to help if I can.
(https://s1.postimg.cc/3lmdmxtwf/V_rl_se.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/50nybnuzf/)
Värløse airlield
Was this map ever released?
Hi everybody!
I wasn't active here for ages! And so i wasn't in the game, too.
I lost my focus and the mood for creating this map any further .. just happened. I have no excuse. :)
Some days ago I started my Il-2 1946, just for flying arround a bit ... and ended up on my unfinished Baltic Sea map.
Than I started thinking ... remembering ...
I want to ask:
IS there still interest in this map? IS there still interest in Il-2 1946? Or is this game dead?
I can't promise anything - a lot has happened in the real life- but maaayyybe I will start working on this map again - IF there is a 'yes' to my questions above.
So again sorry for letting you all down with this project :(
best regards, Seppel
I can't speak for anyone but myself , Seppel , but I would welcome your map -
on the condition that you were going to continue to fly IL2 1946 and enjoy it yourself.
If not , were you to post what work you have done here , there is always a chance that someone
else will pick up where you leave off and finish it.
Good luck and welcome back.
Well said, Kopfdorfer. Let me add that the community here is alive and well. Take a look at any thread and you will see active and vibrant posting. New mods, new missions, new maps, new skins...they are being added every day.
hehe! :)
Thanks for that guys!
So I think I will try once more.
I found my files and gatheres information.
I also found, that there is a bit more work done, than I was thinking - the danish villages all had been finished.
I just built the city of Kalundborg.
I won't promise and there is a loooong way to go...
Nice to read you again mate!
I also was out for a lot of time due RL issues and a bit of illness....
But I have find what I have left here shining as always!
IL2 and his communitiy is along lasting veteran that survive and grew even more!
If you loved it....if you missed it....than you'll love it again for sure!
Hey guys.
Here are some impressions of the ongoing work.
Hope you like it.
(https://i.postimg.cc/Z5NCdDS7/Kobenhaven.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/w16qK23L)
(https://i.postimg.cc/50s0VhB0/Kobenhaven2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/R6n91bb5)
(https://i.postimg.cc/5yjtNsgm/R-dbyhavn.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/q6Vr1X9t)
(https://i.postimg.cc/HnKkJbP1/Rudk-bing.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/H8wgR8g6)
(https://i.postimg.cc/PrpqgFPX/Svendborg.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/crWZYhR2)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Yq5SMfW1/Ystad.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/crcWc3TH)
airfield near Sjöbo
(https://i.postimg.cc/xjFCFSjp/Sj-bo.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/14wsf2qD)
I'm not sure about the airfields:
As there seem so many guys interested in flying jets on this map, there should be airfields with concrete or asphalt runways - but I suppose there weren't so many of them at the beginning of WW2 ...
Getting better and better. Keep up the good work! I would vote for a WW2 version of the map, as to airfields, 8)
I second the WW2 period.
Hallo Seppel,
Dear Seppel.
It's already good that you continue to work on this big map. Luck with your creativity.
regarding airfields. There will be many of them on your map. And for the second period of the Second World War, the number of airfields will increase by an order of magnitude.
It makes sense to follow you. And start over the Second World War.
Firstly, it will speed up the work for you and the release date of your map.
And then the improvement and addition of the second period of the war on your map will go much more fun.
Work is progressing. But far from the end.
Approximately 2/3 of Denmark have been "populated".
Some illustrated updates ...
(https://i.postimg.cc/cHTpJM3h/Aalborg.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jwwggfZn)
the old denfensive structures of Kobenhavn
(https://i.postimg.cc/8k0YnCm7/Kobenhavn.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Bt2Nj4y3)
town of Logstor
(https://i.postimg.cc/rs3Ydhw1/L-gst-r.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/64VhgfRq)
some remote danish islands, with old fortifications
(https://i.postimg.cc/bN4KdvZ7/remote-islands.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BXchV4cp)
Ronne harbor
(https://i.postimg.cc/rsKPw6My/R-nne.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/4HR5WSYj)
over the rooftops of Visby
(https://i.postimg.cc/qRmFrBfZ/visby.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/DJX6dTwq)
the polish strong point of "Westerplatte" - next to the Danzig harbor
(https://i.postimg.cc/X7BPM0sQ/Westerplatte.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/mtRjMKfH)
sea harbor of Gdynia - waiting for arriving ships
(https://i.postimg.cc/T2N8M0fY/Gsynia.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/yWRp0FDw)
one of some hidden/secret airfields - you once will be invited to find them
(https://i.postimg.cc/HxWNFcNy/secret-field.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/KKVQMzxG)
congrats to nice work.
I admire what can be achieved with default town textures when properly populated.
I am looking forward to the release of the map. Thanks in advance.
Thx Uzin,
Yeah, there are standard textures - I'm afraid I have no up to date version of this game (I stocked at HSFX 7.0.3)
On the other hand it's meant to keep it simple - hoping this will make it easier for everyone, interested in this map, to add it to his version...
Just recognized this:
(https://i.postimg.cc/PxkDmznk/grab0000.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/FfD1vSKP)
Anyone an idea what's the cause of this problem?
map_c seems to be ok...
Just recognized this:
(https://i.postimg.cc/PxkDmznk/grab0000.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/FfD1vSKP)
Anyone an idea what's the cause of this problem?
map_c seems to be ok...
In map_T.tga, select the whole sea and give it (as far as I remember) RGB value of the sea coast, that is 31. It is bottom line: Water 3 inside the file load.ini.
Alternatively, in 3d view, select Water at the bottom from Object/Tiles list, then F+left mouse button and so flatten the sea area.
Really curious
Are trees in the water present only in this place or over the entire surface of the sea?
Uzin correctly suggested checking map_t .
But after version 4.12, trees began to be generated very actively in the seas and bays.
I suppress them by overlaying textures with absolutely black …..tree.tga on this place in map_t.tga. The texture should be without trees
As far as I know, it's only at this position ... I'll try the map_t thing :)
Problem solved!
Thanks a lot! :)
With the end of the year I finished a further stepstone of this map - the state of Denmark. All villages and towns are done.
Aabenraa harbour
(https://i.postimg.cc/kgRy5KwB/Aabenraa.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/dhvCH7bY)
cute sea village of Havneby
(https://i.postimg.cc/W4M6GVBV/Havneby.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Jyzk8f7Y)
So now there is a prepreprepreversion that contains Sveden, Denmark, Poland and the Danzig region - but without airfields (except for two).
Is there anyone interested in this version - in order to fly a bit and find hidden mistakes?
Would be glad for this kind of support...
I would be happy to fly some reconnaissance over this map. PM me a link.
Bunge Airfied (Gotland)
(https://i.postimg.cc/XYx73p1Q/Bunge-airfield.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
...and than.
(https://i.postimg.cc/vmB8mbpM/grab0000.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jDpYg0xk)
Very cool!
What era is it going to represent?
I am wondering because of the tarmac airstrips. This looks fairly modern for a small airfield of the 1940s.
According to the discussion at the beginning of this project I try to refer to the beginning of World War II.
Bunge airfield is one of the few I found some information about. It was said, that this was finished in 1939 with three concrete runways.
Visby Airfield:
(https://i.postimg.cc/dVvq97ZQ/visby-airfield.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/FKHN22x2/Visby-airfield.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/G4VWDgVQ)
One of the airports on Gotland had a railway line runnong right across the runway. I´m not really sure which one though.
Mmh ... didn't found so much information.
But I know there was a runway, which was actually a highway in the near of Visby.
But this was a Cold War era airfield.
So maybe this is the runway you mean!?
No I think you´ll needt o go to some histroy about the raillines on Gotland. I will try myself to find out later when I get time.
Just in case it is of interest, my Grandpa was stationed at Rügenwalde, Todays Darlowo
on the Railway Artillery proving grounds. That was a setup of railway lines, Tunnels (for Storage, concealed).
Eperviers Diesel Loko and Railway Gun fit perefctly. They had a mixed inventory of Railway Guns,
too much to list. Grandpa had pictures of the large Railway gun's 4 track ground, these Diesel Lokos towing a
Gun out of the Beach Tunnel and these circular Gun plattforms. He could name all the Guns, langer kurzer Bruno , Karl, heck I can't remember.
What Kaliber. From what I remember they prepped these Guns for Firing with drills for days to come.
Some barrels broke, replacement took long time, other times ripped eardrums, broken, bent tracks from the recoil, backblast.
They had a firing range that spanned an area from Rügenwalde up to Swinemünde,
over water, a restricted area. Nearby was a small Landing strip, a Detachment of Bordflieger and other Sea Planes
guarded the military zone. Grandpa said nearby were several Navy Bases, where U-Boats were
frequently seen, along with these Helis. These Bordflieger in their Sea Planes also helped in the aiming, range finding
and target verification. They had to coordinate everything with the Navy, excersises, joint were comon.
The adjacent Seeflieger Horst was amongst others Nest, north of Koszalin. more I can't remember.
It would be interesting, if this training or research area would have existed by the beginning of the war?
And if there were at least some aerial picture of the area?
As some guys asked for seaplane stations ... :-|
(https://i.postimg.cc/FRnZGNpn/grab0001.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/r0xxw6vS)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Yq3wwNQH/grab0002.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/SJJP6MZT)
(https://i.postimg.cc/gJ4vtN2t/grab0000.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ZBBBCP36)
-> Knochenlutscher
I just found Nest Airfield in my map.
So do you have any pictures or plans of this artillery training area?!
Mmh ... didn't found so much information.
But I know there was a runway, which was actually a highway in the near of Visby.
But this was a Cold War era airfield.
So maybe this is the runway you mean!?
It was the Visby airfield and I found some info:
In 1942 Visby airfield was opened with a grass runway of 800m, terminal, hangar and air traffic control tower.
In 1956 the F13 came to Gotland and a 2000m concrete runway was built by the air force.
Until 1958 a railway track ran across the runway.
Here you can se the old railway line in red crossing the Visby airfield:
Ah .. I see.
So it seems that the railway wasn't realy crossing the runway, but the train had to stop to avoid accidents!?
On the satelite picture you linked one can see, that the early airfield was south of the railway.
Mh.. Of course in mymap I draw random railways. So at the momentan "my" airfield is in the north of the track :(
Maybe I'll change that...
It would be interesting, if this training or research area would have existed by the beginning of the war?
And if there were at least some aerial picture of the area?
Existed already at the beginning of the war. That's where all the Railway Guns got delivered and testfired before being
deployed else (Channel, Battle Of France)
Aerial pictures, haven't seen some. Sorry
Rügenwalde Bad Railway- Artillery Proving grounds
amongst others
Kommandantur Schießplatz
Flak- u. Küsten-Artillerie-Schule 6
schwere Artillerie-Ersatz-Abteilung (motorisiert)100 (here my grandpa served)
established 1935
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schie%C3%9Fplatz_R%C3%BCgenwalde-Bad (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schie%C3%9Fplatz_R%C3%BCgenwalde-Bad)
https://www.battlefieldsww2.com/schiessplatz-rugenwalde-bad.html (https://www.battlefieldsww2.com/schiessplatz-rugenwalde-bad.html)
Am Darlovberg was the small Military Airfield in close location, this matches Wiki and my Grandpas memories.
To get a scale of the restricted area needed for these offshore shooting range and target area, an estimated guess from memory.
(https://i.postimg.cc/wxN1R6Lj/Unbenannt-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/c6sxVGFp)
I have some literature that I will check if needed. But it is mainly of Jerry source, thin.
No aerial pictures and fancy Diagrams.
So, maybe I have to built "my own" training area :)
In case you find some pictures or maps ... don't hasitate sending them to me. :)
Alrighty, I searched my Bookshelf for a Wolfgang Müller Publication, called Verlagshaus M&M, Nr.31 Deutsche Eisenbahngeschütze 1936-1945.
My drawn Map from the memory is wrong. Inside the Pamphlet is a plan of the exact Target area, general Map showing Nest AB and another named Kamp,
near Suckow (Kolberg). Give me a few Days and I scan the 30 pages for you.
Albeit no mention of the small air strip near Rügenwalde proving ground, so I think this was no major LW air base, from what I read the adjacent air strip wasn't Nest,
but sth. in the close vicinity. Close to the proving ground was a Hillside, the strip was named after. Sometimes airfields with no primary military structure, feat, didn't show up on Maps.
An example is the Siebel Factory Airfield in my Hometown Halle, on every fucking Map you just find Nietleben (former Lufthansa Terminal) and Schkeuditz.
Best wishes
Ich hab ein Jahr im Polizeirevier Halle gearbeitet...
Alright, cool. Wie hat's Dir hier gefallen?
War ne interessante Zeit :)
Hi everyone!
Another mile stone has been taken. I finished all the Swedish Airfields!
There will be 29 of them. Among them a few sea plane bases and some hidden airfields. This where mainly fields, which seem not to exist by at least 1940, but I want some spread across the country...
There are bases which have a runwy of 1000m and more, so heavy bombers (I tested them with the B17) can take off and land. I'm not using the pretty impressive BAT Mod, but I supose that jet fighters could take of there either (correct my if I'm wrong).
All other airfields could handle take off and landing of He111-sized airplanes.
I was trying to find historical pictures or maps or at least a note, that the single fields existed by at least 1940.
Here are some impressions:
Eksjö Airfield
(https://i.postimg.cc/MGDW3k55/Eksj-Airfield.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/gwxFrTfL)
Eslöv Airfield
(https://i.postimg.cc/KcVmHDP6/Esl-v-Airfield.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/kDQrV8hs)
Ljungbyhed Airfield
(https://i.postimg.cc/kgN9Dr0C/Ljungbyhed-Airfield.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BjvRwzZ7)
Västervik Seaplane base
(https://i.postimg.cc/MpJqWZrt/V-sterviek-Seaplane-Port.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/9rbvb22q)
I also started to add (my Il2 interpretations) of some landmarks. Maybe I will go one with that...
the Landskrona citadel
(https://i.postimg.cc/wT4Hmcvf/Landskrona.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/mt90x97C)
Castle and dom of Kalmar
(https://i.postimg.cc/TYdYm3cw/Kalmar.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/kDHmP9z3)
Castle Christiansborg and town hall of Köbenhavn...
(https://i.postimg.cc/FzQqc15H/grab0000.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/wy00YqjC)
... and the stock exchange
(https://i.postimg.cc/jqzBT6Pw/grab0001.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/bdwmHt6p)
Next step are the Danish airfields.
I allready finished two for testing.
the small airfield near Ry
(https://i.postimg.cc/9MS9NqFc/Ry-Airfield.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/HcwjrnyN)
and the Rönne Airfield on the Isle of Bornholm
(https://i.postimg.cc/263vwxYH/R-nne-Airfield.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jw0LqPLN)
Hope you like it.
And if you have suggestions like Knochenlutscher, please tell me.
Great design 8) nice landscapes and textures, definitely, a map worth waiting for ]thumleft[.
Best regards,
Hultsfeld Airfield
Do you mean Hultsfred?
Here are two links that might be useful for you:
Swedish military air bases:
Maps of military airfields in the north, with airfield maps (modern) for Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden:
Yes it's Hultsfred. mea culpa :)
Thanks a lot for the links!!!!
I will double check all the airfields I have installed by now!
I definitly should have had this file BEFORE I started to create the Swedish airfields.
I have to rework and add some new airfields...
Any chance for a similar file for denmark?
Some info about Eslövs airfield:
And some info about airfields in Denmark:
I have a il2-technical question.
How long does an ordinary jet runway has to be? So for the most used jets ... like .. i don't know .. MiG21, F4F, or something like that.
I'm asking in case someone maybe wants to use this map for the BAT-Mod and the included Jet Age ...
Some new pictures ...
Varloese Airforce school:
(https://i.postimg.cc/5yQ2f8Hx/Varl-se-Flugschule.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/XJRpG26Z/airforce-school-Varloese.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/tZzX8NTy)
Varloese airfield:
(https://i.postimg.cc/GpzFDnX4/Varl-se-3.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/bNCfmZdg/Varloese-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/mtHnD2Y1)
(https://i.postimg.cc/vZ4FkGVs/Varloese-2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/pmM6nbCG)
Kastrup civil airport:
(https://i.postimg.cc/xTR1nj8N/Kastrup-2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/crvScSQd)
(https://i.postimg.cc/xT09xr5f/Kastrup-2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/K4HXjHCw)
(https://i.postimg.cc/NFxBsbsv/Kastrup-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/WqtQSGq5)
Luftmarinestation København
(https://i.postimg.cc/66FmqC7D/Luftmarinestation-K-benhavn-2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Hs5PyjXj/Luftmarinestation-Koebenhavn.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/zVzjmzd1)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Kvj022Pc/Esbjerg-2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/zDjQN747/Esbjerg.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/231GFQkL)
(https://i.postimg.cc/LXdX3LSY/Flugplatz-Rodslet-Aalborg-West-1938.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/W4zWwq8v/Aalborg-West.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CZysF19P)
Aalborg-Ost (a small private airfield, belonging to the concrete factory nearby)
(https://i.postimg.cc/W4mRxkrJ/Flugplatz-R-rdal-Aalborg-Ost.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/2q5XZ30z)
(https://i.postimg.cc/tRxccPjR/Aalborg-Ost.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/4nXw7Yyj)
looks excellent
I love Aalborg-West!
beautiful work 8), very detailed; buildings, airports, etc. ]thumleft[
I dream that someone would make such a detailed map of southern Poland, Slovakia and Transcarpathian Ukraine (Carpathian Ruthenia).
One of the largest and most forgotten tank battles, although aviation, paratroopers were also used, and the whole area was called "Karpatenfestung":
There is also a beautiful map of Poland made by Uzin with updates added by von Oben, but unfortunately it does not go that far south.
Best Regards,
I decided - against my master plan to create a map from the beginning of WW2- to install an airfield near Odense.
It's at the aproximate position of the Hans-Christian-Andersen-Airport, which evolved from an airfield, that was built by the German Luftwaffe since 1943.
The reason for that was, that I want to have at least ONE airfield on the Fyn island.
Playability is important too, I think. At least, it's a game...
It's one of the bigger airfields, able to handle B17-sized aircrafts.
(https://i.postimg.cc/Bn5pZmjJ/Odense-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/w1vL0c5r)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Dz2gS1GL/Odense-2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/DSMsDJBw)
Hi guys!
I'm very happy to announce, that I finished the Denish airfields!
21 of them had been added to the map.
Next step is to go back and do a little detail work - I plan to add some landmarks, special or famous buildings to the cities to make the map a bit more interesting to the eye and generate some more fun flying.
hello, you are doing well, it is best to build houses, trees, airports, trees, streams, etc. as we see it in real life or of course according to history and established facts and old photos .. this is how shanghai and nanking were dealt with .. but there is a lot of work .. otherwise hat down ;)
I created an airfield near Tönder (DK). As this was a German zeppelin base until 1918, I wanted to create it, as an abandoned airfield, where still small planes could start and land.
Unfortunately I used this obejcts, as they where perfect for this:
(https://i.postimg.cc/4yM4GPDR/missed-Hangars.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
in the static.ini:
BAT does not include this two hangars. So I have to replace them with other hangars... it's a pity! :-(
I realized, that the runways at some of the airfields seem to be too short for AI to take off!?
On some airfields they spawn before (or behind - depends on the perspective) the "Runaway"-mark of the airfield.
I never realized this problem - airfields can handle big landing planes (like B17) but smaller planes do not manage to take off till the end off the runway - flying low level through texture trees or even crash in woods or hills.
But it seems to appear on other maps too (Slovakia for instance).
So the city update with special landmarks has to wait and for now I try to extend the existing runways whereever it is possible.
So the degree of historical correctness drops :(
Tests have shown, that the runway should be at least 800m from one Runaway mark to another.
Than the AI spawns ON the airfield, with the last plane at the Runaway. This than also works with every plane typ.
Getting up in the air is on another page.
My whole Baltic Sea project is idle because of this error in the rows of houses.
I need help here!
Problem solved, thanks to Frankiek, Storebor and community!
Now work can proceed...
Special landmarks and famous buildings in Sweden had been done. Now I'm off for Prussia/Poland and Denmark...
Hi everyone,
here is a litle WIP update.
I finished the special landmarks (MY interpretations in IL2) in Sweden, Poland, Danzig and Prussia.
Work on the landmarks in Denmark is on.
Please have a look ...
(https://i.postimg.cc/0ytQhMdc/Visby-City-Wal-SWD.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/rDrMrpHr)
(https://i.postimg.cc/FHGdmnmb/Fortress-Borgholm-SWD.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/NK9fkDKL)
Fortress Borgholm
(https://i.postimg.cc/jSRwprVd/Fortress-Varberg-SWD.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/HVPkMRsf)
Fortress Varberg
(https://i.postimg.cc/k5p2R62B/Kalmar-Castle-SWD.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/rd5VvpCk)
Kalmar Castle
(https://i.postimg.cc/76Jf3HzX/Kronob-ck-Monastary-ruins-SWD.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/5Y141MnF)
ruins of Kronobäck Monastary
(https://i.postimg.cc/QCLVS2kD/Marian-Fortress-Malbork-PL.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/5Y3x2kRK)
Marian Fortress at Malbork
(https://i.postimg.cc/jdP7XqPQ/Town-Hall-Basilica-Gdansk-PL.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/7fPhPkBf)
town hall and basilica in Gdansk
(https://i.postimg.cc/pVnF8ZYx/Dom-Rybaka-W-adys-awowo-PL.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/vDbTw5NS)
Dom Rybaka in Władysławowo
(https://i.postimg.cc/9Fhr9jQt/Mosede-Fort-Karlslunde-DK.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/pysWN48p)
Mosede Sea Fort in Karlslunde
(https://i.postimg.cc/vHtDLS1R/Roskilde-Dom-DK.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/YhjptRf8)
Roskilde Dom
(https://i.postimg.cc/ryWDzpMw/Lilleborg-Bornholm-DK.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/RqSSD4Wk)
ruins of Lilleborg on Bornholm
You are invited to discover a lot more ...
It looks very good many thanks for your work!!!
Looking really really good!!!
Hi everyone!
I want to ask the comunity about a little problem.
bomberkiller is currently testing pre-versions of this map.
He now stated, that there is an unsharpness in some textures.
for example:
(https://i.postimg.cc/bvS5Hj0D/Ostsee-2023-05-29-19-18-38.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/06xZPFBP) (https://i.postimg.cc/htj6vmf0/2023-06-20-21-45-16.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/8j2tnjdF)
the first picture is from bomberkiller. Second one is from me - same location.
another example with the villages:
(https://i.postimg.cc/hGmCQ1gV/Ostsee-2023-06-20-10-14-49.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/bGz0KbZv)
(https://i.postimg.cc/NM7ppGKM/Dorf-D-nemark.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/k6GQ5mF3)
He has the full BAT version (4.2.2!?) I only have 4.1 Blue Edge.
But this can't be a matter of game versions, can't it?
He also says, that it is only in the Baltic Sea Map. He also has my Silesia Map, where I used some of the textures, that I use here.
So it looks like it isn't a matter of setup, neither.
Has anybody an Idea for that?
Another pre-Tester could bring some clues i think ...
I can pre-test both in BAT and HSFX if you need. I am not surprised by the difference in the image as final result depends only partially from the IL-2 version but also on the hardware used, the GPU settings, conf.ini, additional mods, etc etc etc
I can pre-test both in BAT and HSFX if you need. I am not surprised by the difference in the image as final result depends only partially from the IL-2 version but also on the hardware used, the GPU settings, conf.ini, additional mods, etc etc etc
-> PM
Thanks a lot!
Initial test tells me that everything works in both BAT 4.2.2 and HSFX 7.03. I couldn't replicate the issues illustrated above as far as I can tell everything seems normal and textures are sharp main point from my side is that the map is heavy in objects and there is a marked reduction of FPS when flying over main towns with many landmark buildings.
Happy to hear this!!!
Yeah, I know th objects ... "issue" ... I can't help - I like dense populated cities. Guilty!
Maybe I can enlarge the outskirts -which are a lot less populated- and smallen the city centers.
Main problem is the concentration of buildings in certain spots Such as Malmoe or Copenhagen maybe you could try to reduce a bit just these two places
Noted! :)
Thanks for the response.
another special landmark - the Kobenhavn Castle
(https://i.postimg.cc/MTHyFBWV/Kopenhagen-Kastell.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/VryrSd0k)
Recent reconnaissance missions over the island of Usedom had bring up some concerning facts about German war production!
Pictures have not been totaly evaluated, but something strange and big is going on at this remote spot of the Reich.
Some more missions will have to be started to gather more information.
This is everything we have so far ...
(https://i.postimg.cc/MGQcMYKs/Peenem-nde-1-airfield.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jWRqBPfN)
(https://i.postimg.cc/vBw4W64G/Peenem-nde-2-Pr-fstand-VII.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/R3GCmh1Y)
(https://i.postimg.cc/ZnT0QtPg/Peenem-nde-3-V1-Katapulte.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/WFH2DyH6)
(https://i.postimg.cc/cCX6y9XJ/Peenem-nde-4-Werk-West.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Pvvd14GG)
(https://i.postimg.cc/8PzjBGzf/Peenem-nde-5-Werk-Ost.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/0rhkPLm9)
(https://i.postimg.cc/X71XsPrH/Peenem-nde-6-Werk-S-d.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/GHYc2qJG)
(https://i.postimg.cc/tR5sxJpH/Peenem-nde-7-Lager-West.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/pymVN2m0)
That's just begging to be bombed!
Very creative and well presented mate.
I have finished 3/4 of the map - Denmark, Sveden, Poland; the Cities, Airfields, a lot of points of interest or landmarks and updated the large cities (which means removal of hundreds of RowOfTrees-objects for better performance).
Now the last big step - Germany - is on!
So stay patient and you will be able to (create) fly "Operation Hydra" ;-)
Hi everyone.
The work on the German part of the map is progressing...
town of Bütow with its castle of the German order
(https://i.postimg.cc/5t93GcP9/B-tow.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/k2ZK6H3L)
small harbour of Stolpmünde
(https://i.postimg.cc/SN0G4YZv/Stolpm-nde.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/23wWFyNQ)
Isle of Usedom:
Heringsdorf with the longest sea bridge in Germany
(https://i.postimg.cc/KzR5GPSd/Heringsdorf.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/xJVmgbdR)
beach business at Zinnowitz (one of the "Kaiserbäder")
(https://i.postimg.cc/hP91t46P/Zinnowitz.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/crLnDWdV)
beautiful Karlshagen
(https://i.postimg.cc/QtwJHFjV/Karlshagen.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/MM0QLKM8)
and the workers settlement near Karlshagen (belongs to the research side of Peenemünde)
(https://i.postimg.cc/9XwBsYB9/Siedlung-Karlshagen.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/vDM9V9k8)
Looks great :)
Work is progressing. The eastern part of the German coast had been populated...
harbour of Kolberg
(https://i.postimg.cc/prL5BDp0/Kolberg-harbour.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/9RsfmwPT)
the castle in Putbus (destroyed in 1962)
(https://i.postimg.cc/CMcqx6Q9/Putbus-castle.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/z3RBdp5k)
the Putbus Circus
(https://i.postimg.cc/qMgChxfq/Putbus-Circus.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/2VR5gvSN)
the castle of Spyker, on the island of Ruegen
(https://i.postimg.cc/5NGQwQ13/Spyker-Castle.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/qzs7rRNh)
fortifications, seawall and parts of the harbour at Swinemünde
(https://i.postimg.cc/kgb6wMgd/Swinem-nde.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/MnzppSBs)
The real life demands its time in the last weeks, but there is still progress!
I suddenly found, that some cities where just too big for the estimated time period.
So I did a lot of map_t work and changings in the city objects. At the end of the day, I removed -I guess- some thousand objects!
Some cities now bases on historic maps. And there should be an over all loading and performing improvement ...
"new" city of Malmö
(https://i.postimg.cc/Bb40xqDF/Malm-neu.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/62jgKxM6)
the Malmö castle
(https://i.postimg.cc/4dzG7KKZ/Malm-Castle.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/9RFKsQtN)
(https://i.postimg.cc/W1HTQcLR/castle.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Teleborg castle south of Växjö
(https://i.postimg.cc/BbpGpdcV/Teleborg-castle.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/wR1PT4rX)
Looks great 👍
Stunning as always mate!
Thanks for your kind replies.
I try to do my very best to make it an interesting nice looking map.
nice views and objects, it will certainly be a beautifully map 8).
Best regards,
Thanks a lot Piotrek!
And I very hope, that we will get in contact again over YOUR project!? :)
Hi everyone!
Today I finished to populate another great part of the German territory.
What is left is the area, that today forms Schleswig-Holstein.
Some new impressions:
(https://i.postimg.cc/L4Lnf5bX/Rostock1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/HjWY1YHD)
(https://i.postimg.cc/bNRrCM8f/Rostock2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Lnnmhxnx)
(https://i.postimg.cc/FHsR2Zsd/Wismar1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/VdpmtXtm)
(https://i.postimg.cc/q7N77vKp/Wismar2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/94j28V1k)
Castle Kalkhorst
(https://i.postimg.cc/pLGTxFp0/Schloss-Kalkhorst.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/QF7sJVg5)
My private time will become rare in the coming weeks, but I WILL proceed with the work – a bit slower maybe.
For now I have a question:
I'm looking for some fellows who are willing to pre test what had been done with the map so far?
I was thinking of two to three guys -especially mission makers- who would have fun to test and look for mistakes?
Please send a PM ...
Not all at once please … :-)
J 20 (Re.2000) from F 10 Bulltofta meeting up with a T 2 (He-115) inspecting that big cruiser.
(https://i.postimg.cc/1z0pPbyc/Bulltofta-Malmo1.png) (https://postimg.cc/SXsXfT2J)
RTB Bulltofta
(https://i.postimg.cc/tTXFgDT0/Bulltofta-Malmo2.png) (https://postimg.cc/rdPDn1xg)
Lined up for a beer in a non-disclosed building.
(https://i.postimg.cc/RFXKJf6W/Bulltofta-Malmo3.png) (https://postimg.cc/ph5pgmBv)
Wait, what? are those Germans in Denmark?
(https://i.postimg.cc/XYPSNDSD/Aabenraa.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/K1tsJfYn)
This overview, while including previous four Pz 2's, really shows some details on house placement - see how natural and fitting they all are to ground texture. I applaud in your general direction Seppel.
(https://i.postimg.cc/HWzNsPb4/Aabenraa2.png) (https://postimg.cc/mhcjmjXt)
I finished the city of Kiel!!
This was the last major city and so the population of Germany ... of the map is near to an end...
German fleet is assembling in the harbour...
(https://i.postimg.cc/1595WhCx/grab0000.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/hh5BjwRM)
(https://i.postimg.cc/QdCN3gZ0/grab0002.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ZWkzPdRd)
A great work mate!
A great work!
Thank you Whisky_Sierra!
I'm afraid, interest in this map is dropping.
Working with two little children in the background takes its time...
But nontheless I am in good hope to finish Germany settlements by the end of the year or first days of 2024.
Then the German airfields are the last phase...
Just take your time, respect for working up and being a Dad.
That's tough.
The Map is looking great, following since Day one, whatever time it takes,
Best wishes
Thank you Tobi!!
The last phase will see the building of the artillery test side at Rügenwalde -- it is not forgotten!! ;-)
How cool is that, Thanks Seppel. Much apreciated work.
The castle at Eutin
(https://i.postimg.cc/GhckK6Xg/Eutin.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/QVy9xYGc)
Navy memorial at Laboe
(https://i.postimg.cc/pXqK6k7W/Laboe.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/YhL44NMZ)
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Hi guys,
I plan to create a new folder within the _Tex folder called BalticSea.
I want to transfer all used textures from this map in just one folder, that is supposed to come with the map download.
This should help users to bring the map to work - just in case there is a texture missing.
Studying the load.ini I recognized, that I am missing the textures written in the lines below myself!?
WoodMiniMasks = forest/summer/MiniMask.tga
SideWood = forest/summer/ForestSide.tga
HighClouds = sk_Clouds256.tga
HighCloudsNoise = sk_CloudsNoise.tga
// CloudsMap = CloudMap4x4km.tga
Moon = Moon\Moon0000.tga
ShadeNoise = land/Noise.tga
WaterNoise = water/WaterNoise.tga
WaterNoiseAnimStart = Water/Animated/WaterNoise00.tga
ForestNoise = forest/summer/ListForestNoise.tga
TreeLightMask = Trees\LightM256.tga
Can anybody help me out, where I can get this textures, just to complete the folder?
I suppose they are IN the game and that's why it worked so far?
German navy school at Mürvik - Flensburg harbour in the background
(https://i.postimg.cc/wTHnnLkW/M-rwik.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/SjTZMX38)
:) Hi seppel,
the textures you're looking for, should be in your Mod/MapMods/_Tex/ folders... For example I have the waternoise texture in IL2/DBW/MapMods/maps/_Tex/water, the forestside in IL2/DBW/MapMods/maps/_Tex/forest/summer...
As you've said, most players should have these textures already installed by now...
hope it helps...
Le Forban
WoodMiniMasks = forest/summer/MiniMask.tga
SideWood = forest/summer/ForestSide.tga
HighClouds = sk_Clouds256.tga
HighCloudsNoise = sk_CloudsNoise.tga
// CloudsMap = CloudMap4x4km.tga
Moon = Moon\Moon0000.tga
ShadeNoise = land/Noise.tga
WaterNoise = water/WaterNoise.tga
WaterNoiseAnimStart = Water/Animated/WaterNoise00.tga
ForestNoise = forest/summer/ListForestNoise.tga
TreeLightMask = Trees\LightM256.tga
Can anybody help me out, where I can get this textures, just to complete the folder?
I suppose they are IN the game and that's why it worked so far?
Found most of them in fb_maps.sfs.
I'll try and locate all and PM you for preferred solution.
Thank you leforban!
Unfortunately I do not have them, neither in HSFX nor in BAT. Maybe you can also send the ones you have? ...
Just to have them all .... "physical".
Hehe theOden,
thank you, too for your help!
Looking forward to your PM.
Can anybody help me out, where I can get this textures, just to complete the folder?
I suppose they are IN the game and that's why it worked so far?
In the selector enable the DUMP mode , save and play the game with the map....exit and open your IL2 main root....you'll find a DUMP folder with the files extracted by the game....in the specific location you'll find the needed textures files....
Remember to delete the DUMP folder after you grab them and disable DUMP option in the selector before run the game again , this to avoid too much and unnecessary files extracted and stored in DUMP....reenable at need when searching for specific files used by the game....
Hey WhiskySierra!
I am not that familiar with the selector and so I did not know, that textures can be extracted the same way as it can be done with objects!!
I will definitly try this out!
Thanks a lot!
I am -more than- happy to announce, that I finally finished the population of the map two days ago!
ALL cities and villages have been done! Of course there had been several landmarks added.
Brunsbüttel and the sluice of the channel between North and Baltic sea:
(https://i.postimg.cc/8P8qtQnf/Brunsb-ttel.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Hj2ZkKmT)
harbour of Büsum
(https://i.postimg.cc/9FGsk8v8/B-sum.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/mtgdzwZC)
Schleswig castle
(https://i.postimg.cc/52bDW5Jx/Schleswig.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/56KswCjG)
the "sophisticated" city of Westerland
(https://i.postimg.cc/Sxd3SXQc/Westerland.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/5XHnp2Ct)
Now the last building phase - German airfields - is on.
I think there is LIGHT at the and of the tunnel!!! :P
Great news mate!
Thanks for your work!
"Can you see the Light?" /JamesBrown
"Yes, yes I can see the Light!" /BluesBrothers
Morenlike see the light/feel the heat
A little WIP update:
The German airfields are coming ...
Burg auf Rügen - a large land and seaplane airfield...
(https://i.postimg.cc/BnDQSvvF/Burg-auf-R-gen-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ZWbhj4pY)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Hn2v4X3M/bug-ruegen-2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
... the large crane was built to lift seaplanes over the surf - largest crane construction in the world in 1940
(https://i.postimg.cc/s2rfvRBN/Burg-auf-R-gen-2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/K10hHwDP)
(https://i.postimg.cc/jdxFq3d4/bug-ruegen-4.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
the minor airfield at Dargelin
(https://i.postimg.cc/BvBSFwHQ/Dargelin.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/VS5PQgK3)
the important airbase at Greifswald
(https://i.postimg.cc/63HBj2Mk/Greifswald.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/N9HhLMqD)
Kiel-Holtenau - north of the Kiel channel...
(https://i.postimg.cc/prpRgW7p/Kiel-Holtenau.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/sGdkWr3r)
...and its attached seaplane station
(https://i.postimg.cc/LX4H3B3k/Kiel-Seaplane.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/R385Mt8q)
Neumünster airbase
(https://i.postimg.cc/yxtsBq4n/Neum-nster.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CnGWHQKf)
(https://i.postimg.cc/3rCqTQ7w/Neum-nster.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
and the huge airbase on the Island of Sylt - the base was built up as a prepation for war - in 1939 the work was far from being finished
(https://i.postimg.cc/1Rj9DFn6/Sylt.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/PN1sjPMr)
Beautiful work, Seppel - congratulations.
Some more German airfields - work is nearly done!!!!!
Flensburg airfield - a well-equipped air base
(https://i.postimg.cc/N0584Jf0/Flensburg.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/7CrTPNzv)
Seaplane bases at Hörnum (saw the first RAF air raid of the war against Germany)...
(https://i.postimg.cc/4yTzXXvK/H-rnum.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/vg31zFNM)
...and List - both with with extensive infrastructure on the island of Sylt
(https://i.postimg.cc/1tFGx8Fh/List.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/YGpGYq8b)
airfield near Kolberg - at the beginnig of the war still with a grass surface only
(https://i.postimg.cc/x8yLCBg6/Kolberg.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/1VX87CkF)
huge airbase at Leck - still under construction in the early war years
(https://i.postimg.cc/WpMGXJj0/Leck.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BtnPvbjv)
The enormous Nazi prestige project "Prora" - never finished because of the war
(https://i.postimg.cc/50X3vtyP/Prora.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/hzqTRc9x)
Impressive map building , Seppel! ]thumbsup[
Thanks a lot Whiskey and vonOben!
# # # # # #
Parow airfield
(https://i.postimg.cc/yxhWkhYf/Parow.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/SYsmPM98)
(https://i.postimg.cc/C1kxQCDF/Parow.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/qhBrt3jY)
The last of the special landmarks in this map: the artillery test side at Rügenwalde.
As there were no detailed descriptions, maps or recce photos, this is "only" my interpretation of what could be found...
barracks and staff buildings
(https://i.postimg.cc/L6H8x1sp/R-genwalde-1-barracks.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/s1NzX1S6)
the ammo factory
(https://i.postimg.cc/XYq7b6F1/R-genwalde-2-ammo-factory.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/pmNtf7sK)
the artillery garage and repair station
(https://i.postimg.cc/fRPWWqfz/R-genwalde-3-artillery-garage.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/rDS2QJH3)
so called "Vögele-Drehscheibe" for train guns and the huge frame for test firing
(https://i.postimg.cc/KYgG170n/R-genwalde-4-train-gun-position.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/FfN5qS5R)
@ Knochenlutscher:
Hope you will like it anyway...
Impressive research as always Seppel.
Superb work so far. 8)
These projects seem to take over your life somewhat and days turn to years befor you know it, congratulations on the work so far.
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Thanks so much!
Actually this project has to be pressed into the small gaps of spare time.
I am allways afraid of less interest in this map,
There are 13 airfields left, than the map is finally finished!!
Sure there would have to be some rework of failors after the release, but this -I guess- won't be that much work.
And a Cold War Version is in my mind, but it will only be the map without most of the airfields, therefore some jet air bases.
We'll see...
Latest airfields, that had been finished...
Schleswig-Land (Jagel)
(https://i.postimg.cc/K8MSnZ9d/Jagel.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/21rKYfNw)
...and Schleswig-See
(https://i.postimg.cc/NFSCMXwL/Schleswig-See.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/YLNzDh0w)
combined airfield for land and sea planes at Ribnitz
(https://i.postimg.cc/kgrhPWcp/Ribnitz.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/zVjknb4C)
Rostock-Marienehe - works as both - Luftwaffe airfield and factory airfield for the large Heinkel facilities
(https://i.postimg.cc/nc9wW3vm/Rostock.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ppxZhYcV)
Tarnewitz (testing and research) airfield.
(https://i.postimg.cc/W41k2rkV/Tarnewitz-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/FYwRpYpC)
(https://i.postimg.cc/htrmWMhM/Tarnewitz.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jDD2yHHJ)
(My research found, that their was only a grass surface. The recon picture also seems to show a natural surface - so "my" airfield is not sealed with asphalt...)
I admire your airfields . ]cheers[ ]cheers[ ]cheers[ ]cheers[
Thanks Uzin!
It is real fun to (but time consuming) "recreate" those historical airfields.
Only two more are left!
I hope for a release of the map this week!
Tarnewitz, Yeah Baby
Heiliges Kanonenrohr.
Take your time Seppel, this is awesome work.
Best wishes
WOW! This looks amazing - cant wait for the release
Thanks a lot!! ;D
IT'S DONE!!! After all this years of ... naaa forget about that!
I am more than happy to announce the release of this map, as a true „Easter Egg“! ;)
Congrats Seppel, awesome work!
Fantastic map many thanks for your work!!!
Excellent work Seppel, thank you very much, really appreciated. 8)
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
SuperB work Seppel, Thank you very much! I installed this map after its publication, unfortunately I could not launch it so I quickly gave up, but today I " sat above this problem" and I managed to launch the map but as it turned out quickly, another problem appeared:
Missing objects in your static.ini:
I would like to ask if someone could please give me some tips on where to find these objects, or if they have them, could they share them :P?
Best Regards,
If you download the file, it's all in there Mod_Jir.
Thank you, gunny0134 8)
Best Regards,
You're welcome.
But personally, I'm still at war with objects.
* Objects that I still can't find...
- Nachprod/River/Debark1 (riverboat1)
- Nachprod/River/Debark2 (riverboat2)
- Mod_JIR/Correos
- Mod_JIR/Correos_Madrid
I don't have the ability to extract those objects from SFS_BAT.
Sorry gunny0134, it took me some time to go through my archives :P.
when it comes to these objects:
- Nachprod/River/Debark1 (riverboat1)
- Nachprod/River/Debark2 (riverboat2)
I was able to find them, and here is the link:
it went worse with these two, I didn't find them:
- Mod_JIR/Correos
- Mod_JIR/Correos_Madrid
I will try to look for them again, but I can't promise anything.
Best Regards,
Thank you a lot !!
Your Nachprod object file was of great help to me.
no problem, I'm glad I could help, although at the moment I haven't been able to find the other two objects.
Best Regards,
I found the two missing Jir objects in Ultraspain
Oh, Wonderful !! Many thank you.
The reason I'm still searching for objects and rare equipments is to make all the WWII campaign of existing mods work in my SAS Modact 5.3.
Now my plan is finishing up well with your gents' help.
However, SAS Modact 5.3 has a disadvantage that it does not open well when the size becomes very large.
So always pay attention to this point. Thank you.
is to make all the WWII campaign of existing mods work in my SAS Modact 5.3
I found the two missing Jir objects in Ultraspain
Thanks a lot for sharing Frankiek 8),
Best Regards,
# # # # # # # # # #
Work on the Cold War version is on!!
The research for the jet airfields is done, all old airfields have been removed, new borders were drawn into the map and the renaming of former German settlements is on - the Baltic Sea is freezing, Cold War is coming ...
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
A question to all non-BAT-users please:
Are there any modern jets in the other game versions?
In other words: does it make sense at all, to offer a ColdWar version of this map for other versions than BAT?
first of the new airfields is done:
airfield at Damgarten - used by the air force of the GDR
(https://i.postimg.cc/MKtS01wP/DDR-Damgarten1.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/pTNbVZQT/Damgarten.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/PLMF21Rs)
Hi Seppel, I don't think there are many users flying Cold War scenarios in versions other than BAT-JTW. Cheers!
Haukka, thanks for your respons and opinion!
So this will make work easier and actually less.
the second of three airfields of the former GDR - Groß Mohrdorf
(https://i.postimg.cc/0jdtvz9c/DDR-Gro-Mohrdorf.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/RCk9Vy4t/Gro-Mohrdorf.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Very interesting is the construction of only having concrete touch down areas and a grass runway between them.
So I guess soviet aircraft could handle that ... :-)
I also decided to keep the Flensburg airfield in the map.
It was no NATO airbase but at least existed further after the war with an asphalt runway of appr. 1300m.
So I guess it could be interesting for mission designers...
(https://i.postimg.cc/ZKTcXtdr/Flensburg-non-mil.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
The new Peenemünde airfield...
(https://i.postimg.cc/jqk2YyWZ/2024-10-26-22-50-45.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/yWcsFgyZ)
Ronne - on the island of Bornholm
(like Flensburg no military airbase, but might be good for playability)
(https://i.postimg.cc/3rBmzGFg/Ronne.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/nMXXDC5z)
RAF Sylt, directly near the city of Westerland
(https://i.postimg.cc/NMNGkQRr/Westerland.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/7G2yx8sx)
Looking great.
That playablility aspect in choosing airbases is much appreciated.
NATO airbase at Leck in Schleswig-Holstein
(https://i.postimg.cc/HLXtL8zW/2024-11-04-23-13-09.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/KKcTqzCC)
(https://i.postimg.cc/MXJ6q4pp/D-Leck2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/64zJhMZk)
MiGs preparing for a patrol at Peenemünde airbase
(https://i.postimg.cc/SKfz56V9/2024-11-04-23-14-19.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CZd1nf3M)
Eggebek airbase
(https://i.postimg.cc/59RSWX0m/D-Eggebek2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/RZRd349s/Eggebek.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/QFF1wLF1)
next airbase has been finished: Husum
(https://i.postimg.cc/zXTr2yjV/Husum.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/nCVgCcNJ)
These are super nice!
Although there is still some weeks time, I want to ask, if there are two or three ... regular JTW users -mission makers prefered- who are interested in testing or double checking the ColdWar map.
It would be only the airfields to look after, as the rest of the map is nearly the same as the old map...
large airbase at Schleswig-Jagel
(https://i.postimg.cc/bYWmBqD3/Jagel.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/QVggBGqT)
(https://i.postimg.cc/nVRMKwvH/Hohn.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/14F9sBCT)
Dear Seppel your airfields building skill is awesome!
Actually the German airf force built them :-D
Thanks a lot, Walter!!
Kiel-Holtenau, airbase of the Marinefliegergeschwader 5 (Navy Fighter Group)
(https://i.postimg.cc/j51FZX0H/Holtenau.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/LYzDsjs5)
West- and East-Germany airfields have been finished!
Work on the Danish is on ...
I was reading through the thread but could not find a download... is this available?
This is a WIP Cold War version of the German Baltic Sea map, so not available yet.
The finished German Baltic Sea can be found here.
P.S. I hope what I've said is correct.
As usual genXgamer, you are the Wind beneath my Wings!
In other words... you are awesome, thank you.
UberDemon, join the BalticSea-ColdWar-Test-Volunteer-Squadron! :-D
I would but I am busy these days with my projects...
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,72627.0.html (UQMG 1946 Max)
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,73228.0.html (Diorama Importer)
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,73209.0.html (UQMG/QMB Template Builder)
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,73039.0.html (Diorama Collection)
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,73218.0.html (Taxi Pattern Collection)
I dare to claim that I have created (one of) the most complex airfields in Il-2 1946 :)
My interpretation of the Copenhagen-Kastrup Airport...
(https://i.postimg.cc/Hx7ymYZS/DK-Kastrup-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/5Yb0qVMv)
(https://i.postimg.cc/brxSG6jk/DK-Kastrup-2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/rRpw3Nsw)
(https://i.postimg.cc/HWXyPL7n/DK-Kastrup-3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/mhZkPBjW)
I also finished Hans-Christian-Andersen-Airport near Odense...
(https://i.postimg.cc/zvZRXs4q/DK-Odense.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/wy2BwG6r)
the Danish airbases at Aarlborg,
(https://i.postimg.cc/pXwYMC3K/DK-Aarlborg.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/nC1Qv4FL)
(https://i.postimg.cc/W10mNrPC/DK-Karup.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/G4hTz4tx)
and Tirstrup
(https://i.postimg.cc/ZqZ8CRbR/DK-Tirstrup.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/w1fyr9s8)
I finished the Danish airbases - Sweden and Poland are left...
airbases at Vandel ...
(https://i.postimg.cc/HxjCbZyw/DK-Vandel.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/wyKPpkFM)
... and Varloese
(https://i.postimg.cc/V6TPgqq3/DK-Varloese.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/XGwP7yD8)
Welcome to Poland...
Kolobrzeg - directly at the shore of the BalticSea
(https://i.postimg.cc/MTnbGKgv/Kolobrzeg.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ZBhy7ZbS)
Pruszcz - a former Luftwaffe airbase and now a base for the Polish Air Force
(https://i.postimg.cc/26gdLNfT/Pruszcz.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Kkr3CVjg)
Zegrze-Pomorskie - I personally like, how the shelters fits into the woods and the tree-like layout of some of the shelters positions
(https://i.postimg.cc/nr74vSFx/Zegrze-Pomorskie.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/n9F9xk9S)
Cevice - south of Lebork
(https://i.postimg.cc/3R6Bcgpx/Cevice.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/YG6Y4Lb5)
the airbases at
(https://i.postimg.cc/dDPXC1RT/PL-Gdynia.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/1VBJhyj9)
... and Slupsk
(https://i.postimg.cc/05My7Bd8/PL-Slupsk.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/0rvvsZB3)
Poland is done.
airfield near Gdansk...
(https://i.postimg.cc/sxK3yGZj/PL-Gdansk.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/D4W9PZgH)
..and the airbase at Marlbork
(https://i.postimg.cc/L4V9jwQc/PL-Marlbork.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/HjV1gZgz)
Work on the last part, the Swedish airbases, is on.
There is light at the end of the tunnel.
the first airbases in the high north
(https://i.postimg.cc/Df6PSv4L/SWD-Byholma.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/WtDkKPn1)
(https://i.postimg.cc/vZgr25qt/SWD-Hultsfred.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/RWmJNJzW)
(https://i.postimg.cc/hP3802rG/SWD-Sj-bo.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/TpgWdqB8)
(https://i.postimg.cc/zXfSWsTM/SWD-Visby.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/fk69Qg2j)
Looks awesome!
Another bunch of Swedish air´bases:
(https://i.postimg.cc/XvSvfp4C/SWD-ngelholm.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jDcKKqWx)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Wz3pNZ6Q/SWD-Halmstad.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/LYcFvnWT)
the very need airfield at Knislinge
(https://i.postimg.cc/pTkXMC8f/SWD-Knislinge.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/yggzFFLx)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Zq85V45D/SWD-Kristianstad.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/mcr4rxMQ)
major airbase at Ljungbyhed - no comparison to the WWII airfield :-)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Pxdr79Lf/SWD-Ljungbyhed.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/7CQkGBMj)
Säve (near Göteborg)
(https://i.postimg.cc/jqgd88RK/SWD-S-ve.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/rz4ksNdY)