Special Aircraft Service

the SAS Hangar => Announcements => Topic started by: SAS~CirX on March 18, 2010, 12:35:19 PM

Title: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 18, 2010, 12:35:19 PM
Hi guys

we tried this a while back and failed miserably because of the strict South African Forex Laws. After months and months of jumping through hoops, filling in forms, being inspected, extraction of DNA and blood samples, we think we are ready to try it again.

(https://www.sas1946.com/images/donatescreenie.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.com/Contribute.htm)

Direct link to donations page: https://www.sas1946.com/contribute (https://www.sas1946.com/contribute)

We will now (As of 28 May 2010,) be accepting all donations through PayPal. For South Africans, getting this working was a great trick, usually only reserved for bigger companies with runners and lawyers and financial departments. But after much slogging, I got it all done.

All the guys who contribute will be named and thanked here. No stealing of your bucks will happen here. We will not pull any TV evangelical BS on you like "I need $10000 by the end of the week or my children will be executed", or blackmailing you with threats of shutting down the site and such crap. Neither are we going to buy a big fat commercial server and expect you all to pick up the tab. The site will go on regardless, and while the expenses are not life threatening, I do pay them, and some help would be cool. :)

Please include in the PayPal transaction notes, your SAS screenname also, so I can know who to thank!

Q: How much money does SAS need to run?
A: We cannot say exactly. We would (and did for a long time) pay for it ourselves, so, technically nothing :D There are 3 hosts we use, one big account that runs the forum sever, and two smaller ones elsewhere that we use to store files. After last year's attacks we have learned to keep our stuff dispersed. So there may be others we cannot mention just yet. To this you can add unknown costs, for example, we are constantly outgrowing ourselves, and having to upgrade bandwidth or space on servers. We are also trying to save so there is some leeway for us to make better decisions when doing these upgrades. And then there are bank-charges which is a small but noticeable part, for us operating from South Africa, with it's strict forex and paypal laws.

In April we took out a Mediafire Pro Account, the only way I was able to host the UP3 static downloads ,the FBDSM and the DBW updates, before passing them on to mirrors. This has proven immensely popular, and up to mid July, we have had more than 25000 files downloaded from there, totaling an amazing 5 Terabytes of data. Unfortunately this has come at a cost, and so I am adding $40 to the total target (even though it routinely costs 3 or 4 times that per month.)

Note for Aug 2013: We have been able , after a year's saving , to get the host provider of our choice and move our domains and accounts, and build up a good savings cushion to protect the site for the foreseeable future. This means also that we can now drastically revise the monthly targets for the costs of running the site. Thanx to all who helped us reach that!

Note for Dec 2015: Re-hosting of images from Imageshack indicated a need for more storage space on the server, which was possible to do using donations and savings. This also require the increasing of the monthly target by a few bucks from March 2016 onward.

Note for May 2016:All the images we rehosted and also the continuing growth of the forum, along with the demise of some other forums of IL2, necessitated the move from the cloud to a more stable and faster physical server that allows more data transfer, space, and less performance drop when doing the daily backups.

Note for Mar 2018: After lower data usage reports we are able to slowly let go of some additional data extras from our hosting package, which lowers our monthly target by about $20, and will see if we can save more as we go.

Note for Jan 2019: After lower costs passed on by our provider to us, and lower data usage reports we are able to slowly let go of some additional data extras from our hosting package, which lowers our monthly target by about $20.

Note for Dec 2019: We are doing well, we have done 2 consecutive years of lowering the running costs of this place, but as with all things, things do tend to get more expensive as we go, and since we are getting some good donations in, we are raising the monthly target just a bit, and starting to build perhaps a little bit of savings for the future.

Note for May 2020: Simply because of the awesome support we have gotten from donators, and in anticipation of things getting more expensive going forward, we have added $30 to the monthly totals, to build up some reserve for the future.

Note for Mar 2021: We have not adjusted the targets for a while , and so a tiny adjustment of $5 is in order.


Many many thank to the guys who have made a contribution. I have to tell you it is greatly appreciated and very helpful.

As promised , here is a complete list of the SAS's benefactors so far
If I get your Screen-name wrong, just yell. If you have made a donation and I missed it, please post in this thread about it.

If your name is here, cheers mate! :)

Monthly Target: $100

April 2025: $74/$100
Ikolincak, Matz, RasterOp98, Pied

March 2025: Target Reached
Pied, Matz, Ikolincak, kingle92

February 2025: Target Reached
Ikolincak, Matz

January 2025: Target Reached
Ikolincak, Matz, RasterOp98, Pied

December 2024: Target Reached
Ikolincak, OLD-DAD, Pied, Matz

November 2024: Target Reached
Ikolincak, Matz, RasterOp98, Pied

October 2024: Target Reached
Ikolincak, Matz, RasterOp98, Pied

September 2024: Target Reached
Pied, jg1234, OLD-DAD, Ikolincak

August 2024: Target Reached
Pied, Ikolincak, Matz, Jolly Green, Checkyersix

July 2024: Target Reached
Ikolincak, Matz, Checkyersix, RasterOp98, walter_solito, shardana

June 2024: Target Reached
Ikolincak, Matz, Pied, ede99, Checkyersix

May 2024: Target Reached
Pied, Checkyersix, Marius Val, RasterOp98, Trainer, scorpion, Ikolincak

Apr 2024: Target Reached
fatty_finn, Check, Sillius_Sodus, Ikolincak, Matz

Mar 2024: Target Reached
asso58, fatty_finn

Feb 2024: Target Reached
jean400, Checkyersix, asso58

Jan 2024: Target Reached
Checkyersix, ElDimon, Pied, Ikolincak, Matz, walter_solito, BMS, jean400

Dec 2023: Target Reached
Shessi, OLD-DAD, P51vsFw190, RasterOp98, Matz, Ikolincak

Nov 2023: Target Reached
Dandolo513, Checkyersix (2x), Pied, Matz, Ikolincak, Shessi

Oct 2023: Target Reached
TTC Redfield, Matz, Ikolincak, RasterOp98, Pied, Dandolo513

Sep 2023: Target Reached
gilles64, Jolly Green, larschance, OLD-DAD, BartheF

Aug 2023: Target Reached
Matz, Ikolincak, Pied, gilles64

Jul 2023: Target Reached
OLD_DAD, Matz, Ikolincak, Pied, ElDimon, RasterOp98

Jun 2023: Target Reached
IKolincak, RasterOp98, walter_solito, Matz, pied, bomberkiller, OLD_DAD

May 2023: Target Reached
jg1234, Frankiek, IKolincak, pied, Matz

Apr 2023: Target Reached
larschance, OLD_DAD, Epervier, IKolincak

June 2009 until March 2023: Target Reached
-bb-, 1941UH, Ace (J Sanches), Airbourne, alanbee, alexandre4442, ALEXBAKER, Alfie Noakes, Alfonso Perez-Almazan Reverte, Alibongo, and Poltava, andi, Andrew Jordan, Anonymous, Anthony Langley, Anthony Owen, aureleo, Baco, Bakshi, BaronFel181, Barra1 and Sid, BartheFr, Beachy, Bearcat, Becky Mellinger, BeoWolf, bigans, Bigmug, Biltongbru, BlackAce7727, Blaubär, bomberkiller, boogabooga, bougnat22, Bowie57, brad phantom, brickhacker, Bruce Mitchell, busdriver, Bwf, Catahoulak9, cgagan, chair1, Check, chrisgibon, cjd-2010, clanger, Cloyd, coatesy75, crazyflak, CWMV, d-rexs, D.Rasta, daman204, DaMasTa, Dandolo513, Daniel Clancy, Daniel Richebon, Daniele Quaglia, Danyfly, Darky1958, Darrell R, David Pisani, David Prosser, DavidMk7, decipher, Denis Pichii, Dick Hoogenraad, Dinga, Dmitriy L, doc42, Docholiday, Doctor Drago, DonA, Donaghy, Douglas Badder, DougW60, dreukrag, dumpti, Dykefish, ede99, Edward59, EHood, el bradipo, ElGueroFlaco, El_Marta, emmett, Epervier, Eremenko Aleksandr, Eric Weigand, Euge, exF14RIO, F.Savage, fabo28, fap_volador, fatty finn, FIGHTS ON, Flanker1985, Flanker35M, flapper1, Flieger, Flying H, FlyingShark, Georges44, ggrewe, Ghost129er, gianlucabagatti, GJE52, gmkump, GOERGES44, gprr, Gubi, gunny0134, Gurner, Gustav Lindström, Hans Svensson, Hans-Joachim Marseille, Hanseat, Hapless Dolt, he162a, Henkypenky, HerrWulf, Highlander_262, hildefonso, Ian goode, IKolincak, Ivan le rouge, JackS, Jacob Shapiro, James Paton, Jazzmaster, Jean-Christophe ARLANDIS, Jean-Yves Mead, Jeff White, jfloren, jg1234, JG7_X_Man, Jimbo947, Jimdandy and the guys from the 51st fighter Intecptor Squardron, jlan5031, Jochem Hraback and SAS~Le0ne, John Booth, JOLA, Jolly Green, Jonners, Jonzynator, juanmalapuente, kaasukahva, karin k, Karl Ulrich Gartelmann, kingle92, kirk1965, Klaus Sohn(urmel), Klrster, Korrigan, Kraut1, kumpel, larschance, Lauterbachlad, Le0ne, levine59, livernyc, lizard, loftyc, Londo16, LuseKofte, macgiver, magrathea, Maico, majortom, makhera, Marcos Beltran, marcost, Mark Jackson, Mark Turner, Markus Maurer, Mars1986, Marsouin, Matthew Goad, Matthew Smith, Matz, mdripley, merco911, Messcaster, Michael Kehr, mik88, Mooncat, mot0rhead, MrMojok, mstr454, nynek, okyone, Oldsalt, oldschoolie, OLD_DAD, OMDave, ordway, PanamaMan, Panter, Paul Saunders, Paulo Hirth, Peter Ferguson, Peter Gray, Phantom, philippe peeters, Phlegethon, Pierre Maka (sorry I could not trace the username), Pierre1946, Pilotpimpf, pippin, pjhmaka, polo199, Printenduevel, purgatorio, RasterOp98, rdop, RedSpade, REDVO, resistor, Richard Bretnall, Richard Mater, richm, Rockdoon, Rogue, RooMan296, RUBADUR, RVNFAC (David), Ryun Papson, S.H, Sailor, salamine, salvadi, SAS~BombsAway, SAS~Epervier, SAS~GJE52, SaS~JackS, SAS~Le0ne, SAS~Mission_bug, SAS~Sani, Savoy_11, scorpion, SCORPION 28, Shakaali, Shardana, Shessi, shoresroad, Sid, Sikshoota, Sillius_Sodus, sjcnospam, ski1961, SkyHigh, skylla, snailsave11, Snailsaviour, sniperton, snoopy, spacemishka, Spad42, Spinner, Spinnetti, Squashman, Stefan Oltersdorf, Stefano, Steve Schumaker, steven-essex, Storebror, stukkaturner, tacheles07, Tallboy, tanda01, Taraboulba, tartenmuche, Taypay, tbauchot, tcsank, TeamFlyingAce162, Terenas, Thomas Farrelly, Thomas Schäfer, Thorsten Buß(Tom), thunderwarrior, Timex62, timonsommer, tkrainey, TM-Bluntman, Toasted Toad, tom2, Tony Bell, Trainer, Triad773, TTC Redfield, Tute, Type83Fighter, ubben77, UberDemon, Urmel, Uufflakke, v1710, vegetarian, VF19_Congo, VH Rock, viking4570, Volski, Vortex, Vowaffen, vtrelut, Walshy71, walter solito, wedge1047, wern moldy, Whitecat, Whizkid, willyp, winterhawk1, Wolf Urine, woofiedog, wurgerfan, Xavier Uzomah, yak55mdvr, Zoran395, ~°x°~
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 01, 2010, 03:58:43 PM
Big thanx to Docholiday for starting December off with a bang! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: LuseKofte on December 01, 2010, 04:46:24 PM
Sorry it took a while for my donation, but someone got hold of my cardnumbers and tried to take out 1500$. Luckily Visa spotted this and stopped the transaction. It is no clear the it was not a leak from paypal that did it, so here is my monthly tribute to this fine site
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: LuseKofte on December 01, 2010, 04:48:35 PM
Sorry it took a while for my donation, but someone got hold of my cardnumbers and tried to take out 1500$. Luckily Visa spotted this and stopped the transaction. It is now** clear the it was not a leak from paypal that did it, so here is my monthly tribute to this fine site

**had to spesify a spelling failure since no edit can be done
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: CWMV on December 01, 2010, 05:52:34 PM
Well Ill throw in some change here. Least I can do for everything Ive taken from this site, heres to more modding magic.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 02, 2010, 02:40:47 AM
Great thanx to you Le0ne and to CWMV, got it all in good order :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 04, 2010, 03:54:49 AM
Thanx once again to IKolincak for your contribution, regular as clockwork :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 08, 2010, 11:05:13 AM
Also thanx for Pippin for his donation :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 09, 2010, 04:13:08 AM
Thanx jlan5031 for the donation! 8)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 09, 2010, 03:44:08 PM
doc42 from Germany just made a big donation. Sehr Dank!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 10, 2010, 04:42:54 AM
Thanx today goes to PanamaMan and Mark Turner. Thanx guys!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 14, 2010, 04:35:52 PM
Thanx a bunch to Walshy71, who just popped some bucks in the kitty. This will help a lot this weekend when we decide which way to steer the server upgrade :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 31, 2010, 06:04:31 AM
Thank you to boogabooga and fabo28, who made donations over chritstmas time. I am sorry I could not thank you then, as I was still very ill. I thought I better do it today before we are in a whole new year! Thanx guys. :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 02, 2011, 04:32:27 AM
My thanx to FlyingShark and Stefan Oltersdorf for opening up the new year's donations. And thanx for the message, Hans :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 04, 2011, 04:42:56 AM
Again a big thanx to IKolincak, who always seems to help when he can. :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 05, 2011, 04:15:14 AM
Dykefish put a donation in to get us closer to the target for January, big thanx to him. :)

Remember to make a note in the transaction of your SAS screenname when making a donation guys, as we cannot always trace with the email addy's.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 12, 2011, 11:56:59 AM
Thanks again to cgagan for putting us over the target for the month :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 12, 2011, 02:12:59 PM
And to higlander_262 for a very welcome donation. Got your note also buddy, thanx, I appreciate it! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 15, 2011, 06:17:49 AM
My thanks to Korrigan and blaubaer for their incredibly welcome donations this weekend. Thanx gents!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 16, 2011, 04:32:33 AM
Beachy popped in with an early donation and message to get February started off. Thanx a bunch mate! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 02, 2011, 11:17:37 AM
Once again, thanx to IKolincak for starting us off "officialy" in feb, following on Beachy's donation for Feb earlier :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 04, 2011, 03:22:10 AM
Thanx to Epervier for helping keep the forum going with guns blazing! Thank you old friend!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 04, 2011, 04:41:17 AM
To SAS~GJE52, thanx buddy! Ever closer to the monthly target with your help :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 05, 2011, 01:16:07 AM
Thanks to Docholiday for pushing us over the Target amount for Feb with a whopping big donation :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 08, 2011, 02:11:19 AM
Big Thanx to Biltongbru for his donation. I think it will help a lot this coming winter when my wife with her bow shoots me further into debt! :D

When I come down tot he cape this year you and I and Eugene must have a beer. :)

I'll organise the biltong, broer. ;D
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Biltongbru on February 08, 2011, 06:45:10 AM
When I come down tot he cape this year you and I and Eugene must have a beer. :)

I'll organise the biltong, broer. ;D

beer good idea, always ready for that!  ;D

Biltong: Yum Yum ;)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 08, 2011, 10:32:50 AM
Also today got a big donation from Phlegethon, (aka wateratty). Thanx John! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 11, 2011, 02:55:06 AM
Thanx to RUBADUR for your very welcome donation today!  He is one of those quiet members, who has been with us since the beginning of the forum  :)
Thank you Ruben.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 12, 2011, 07:21:42 PM
woofiedog and Le0ne has come through with great donations, and since we are well covered for Feb, I decided to put these towards the March target.

I am also ammending the target total for each month, to cover a project that will help a worthy historical museum. At the moment the project is still secret only myself, Vtrelut from C6 and the museum management know of it, but details will be forthcoming over the next few months. :)

Big thanx woofiedog and Le0ne! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 18, 2011, 03:46:35 AM
Maico just popped in with a great donation, which is going under the March donations, but is going to help tremendously, since the FTP servers are renewing this month, and that Secret Project I mentioned in the previous post just took a big chunk out of our savings.

As yet I cannot reveal what it is..hehehe!!...I will in a few months. (dont worry, we are not builing a new sim that you'd have to buy lol!)

All I can say now is...if the SAS ever got the opportunity to realy physically help with the preservation and promotion of WW2 aviation history, the closest thing to our hearts...would we do it?

Hell yes. ;)

Cheers Mark!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 18, 2011, 06:28:12 AM
My good greek friend Costas, aka cgagan, donated a whopper and put March into the green. Salutes old friend!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 02, 2011, 11:15:20 AM
Once again thank you to IKolincak, one of our most regular contributors. I hope we can have a beer someday together, Ivan!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: IKolincak on March 02, 2011, 11:30:02 AM
I hope too, but I don't like travel too much. But everything is changing. Who knows? Maybe one time. I'm really looking forward.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 05, 2011, 05:30:24 PM
SAS Team mate Korrigan donated today. Thanx a lot my friend! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 06, 2011, 06:55:38 AM
snoopy also put some bucks into the piggybank today, a great thanks to you my friend, and for the nice message accompanieing it! :)

Thank you guys for donating even when we have reached out monthly target, because with the savings, we may be able to one day move to a better server if needed, as well as do other things to the benifit of this site and of the aviation history world. None of it goes to anything else.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 06, 2011, 01:05:31 PM
I got donations today form SAS~GJE52, Pierre Maka (sorry I could not trace the username), and Poltava. Thank you very much gentlemen! It is greatly appreciated!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 07, 2011, 05:09:33 AM
Got a great donation from dona today (Donald A) , and thank you very much sir! :)
Also got an enquiry from another member who wanted to send a donation, but not through PayPal. If guy want to do this, just let me know by PM, and let me know what country you are in, then we can make alternative arrangements.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 10, 2011, 02:06:02 PM
Thank you to jlan5031, thanx James! I have sat here for 8 hours straight working on Forgotten Countries Bleached-Beta for 4.101, and this is nice to log on to!
(I am about 1/3 through the mod now :P)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: cgagan on March 10, 2011, 04:20:54 PM
Thank you to jlan5031, thanx James! I have sat here for 8 hours straight working on Forgotten Countries Bleached-Beta for 4.101, and this is nice to log on to!
(I am about 1/3 through the mod now :P)
That's great news, chief! This is a truly vital mod, especially now in the jet era!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 10, 2011, 09:35:06 PM
brickhacker just popped through an amazing donation. Thanx mil Paul !

I am BURNING to tell all about where all this extra money is going, but the time is not yet right.
All I can say is, other than some other forum's formor owners, it aint going up my arm. ;D

When we get closer to the truth, I shall reveal all, and then gents, this forum will be a legitemat historical gang of misfits, you will all be very proud to be part of SAS, and part of somthing else too...something not virtual.... ;)

A few more donations,  I shall start giving good clues... :-\
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: brickhacker on March 10, 2011, 09:42:37 PM

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: LuseKofte on March 11, 2011, 11:44:41 AM
Thank you to jlan5031, thanx James! I have sat here for 8 hours straight working on Forgotten Countries Bleached-Beta for 4.101, and this is nice to log on to!
(I am about 1/3 through the mod now :P)

I will pay a bunch for that mod, sir

Half now and the rest when contract done  8)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 12, 2011, 02:34:25 AM
I will pay a bunch for that mod, sir

Half now and the rest when contract done  8)

And I see you did yesterday lol :D Thanks Otto!

OK then, progress report: I have finished the national markings and classfiles, and regiments. I am sorting out the blue and red squad insignias today, and hopefully doing the side changes. So the beta will be out late tonight or tomorrow. :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 13, 2011, 07:59:40 AM
Anthony Langley also send a donation today. I could not find his username, as he did not note it, and the email adress is different. Anthony, thanx a bunch mate, and if you see this, let me know your username if you wish! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 14, 2011, 08:27:58 AM
Jimdandy and the guys from the 51st fighter Intecptor Squardron sent a donation through JackS and it arrived safe and sound. Thanx a lot guys, it means to world to us to have your support like this! :)

For those following this thread for updates on the new Forgotten Countries, the beta is testing, but we are going to make a big change tomorrow for backwards compatibility, and to add a few more countries, as well as fix some issues with FMB static plane markings for mission builders. ;)

There will be a public beta release on Sunday or Monday 21st latest.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Jimdandy on March 14, 2011, 09:52:09 AM
Your Welcome Sir, The work you guys do here is well worth such a humble donation.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 20, 2011, 09:46:10 AM
Thanx to Costas, (cgagan) for kicking off the April donations (I think we are close enough to april now!) Cheers mate!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 27, 2011, 12:52:40 AM
Toasted "A Moose once bit my Sister" Toad from Oz, and Dinga from NZ, both sent contributions for the April kitty last night. Thanx mates! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 01, 2011, 03:13:15 AM
Thanx to alanbee for officialy being the 1st on the 1st of April so send a donation! Thank you very much mate! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 03, 2011, 08:30:21 AM
Many thanx to IKolincak once again, one of our best and most regular contributors!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 09, 2011, 06:09:28 AM
Bit thanx to Maico (I think! Mark, your email on paypal and on your profile are not the same :-[ ). Great donation! Well appreciated mate.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 19, 2011, 06:38:33 AM
Special thank to el bradipo from Italy, for the donation and for the great message he wrote with it:

Hi i'm el bradipo from italy.Long life sas,up, and il2!!

cheers mate! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 19, 2011, 09:21:32 AM
also got a donation today from pjhmaka. Thanx a lot sir! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 02, 2011, 02:11:56 PM
Thanx for Ivan Kolincak, who reminded me that we are already in a new month, with a donation, as always, thank you mate! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 03, 2011, 02:51:44 AM
Also got a donation from stukkaturner today (closest I could find to a username), thanx dude!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 05, 2011, 05:57:28 AM
got a donation from Savoy_11 today, thank you Tenta! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 15, 2011, 04:40:17 PM
My sincere thanx to Blaubär who sent some bucks today in what looks like a difficult month for everyone. I appreciate it mate. :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 16, 2011, 05:05:11 AM
"Greetings from Greece! Costas" is the cool message from cgagan who bails us out this month.

thank you sir! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: cgagan on May 16, 2011, 07:39:39 AM
My pleasure, chief! One remark: "bailing out" is not quite a politically correct term in Greece nowadays!!! :P 8)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 16, 2011, 08:02:37 AM
my appologies lol :D
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 31, 2011, 02:07:11 AM
Kicking off June with another donation from Blaubär, who also covered the last needed $5 from May. Cheers mate! :D
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 31, 2011, 07:41:21 PM
Docholiday from Germany, pjhmaka from Holland, and Ivan le rouge from France got together to make the 1st of June a good one and get us off to an even better flying start than what we began with.

Since the exact date that SAS started is lost to history, and I only know roughly the time, I always considered June 1st as our unofficial birthday. If I am not mistaken, we are 3 years old today! ;D

Cheers guys! Thank you very much.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: LuseKofte on June 01, 2011, 12:14:17 PM
that donatebutton update total I am going to blow up some day and that "#¤%& creditcard Iforget to change make it a full days job to donate  :-[
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 01, 2011, 08:06:36 PM
lol, I think I understand those frustrations. But a big thank for coming through and making one mate.  :)

Also thanx to jlan5031 for the donation today received. Thanx guys! makes things possible.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 02, 2011, 03:06:43 PM
than  for IKolincak, regular as clockwork, and for helping us over the target so soon in the month. Now we can relax!  :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 04, 2011, 02:42:13 PM
Hey, got home today to find a donation from gianlucabagatti. Thanx mate, it is always appreciated! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 13, 2011, 05:38:08 PM
A big and personal thank you to Korrigan. Phillipe, your note saved me tonight from abandoning DBW for the rest of the week! :) And there was a big donation also included.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 14, 2011, 07:28:01 AM
And today thank you to cgagan for a great donation and message.  :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Blaubaer on June 14, 2011, 07:58:05 AM
A thunderstorm of bucks this month?
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 14, 2011, 08:09:09 AM
A thunderstorm of bucks this month?

yes, and quite welcome too, since the mediafire direct download account we are using to host FBDSM and UP3 is currently eating bandwidth like chocolates  :D
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 26, 2011, 01:57:50 PM
Got a great donation from S.H today, with a cool message too. I think it is close enough to the end of the month to open next month's tab. Cheers!  :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 02, 2011, 06:18:18 AM
As always , IKolincak has "officialy" kicked off the month. Thanx bud!

I want to extend a request: We have taken out a mediafire account for direct downloading, to be able to host UP3, FBDSM, DBW, and the new large modact family, all of these are very big files, much too large to host on our already over stressed regular servers.

To give you an idea, a small forum, like some other smaller il2 forums , may on their busiest months use as much as 60GB of tranfer bandwidth.

The SAS Forum uses as much as 120GB on a regular month for the forum alone. The servers hosting much of our smaller downloads regularily clock up up to 200-300GB a month each! Hosting the large stuff now, is eating up about 1 Terrabyte every 20 days or so :o . I dont think this situation will carry on indefinitely, at some stage most players will have downloading the big packs and things will settle.

But untill then, my expenses a month easily outstrip the usual monthly target. So if you are one of the guys who have benifitted from our mediafire direct download account, please consider shooting us a few dollars. :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 05, 2011, 12:51:34 PM
my big thankyou to 2 German guys and a Spaniard (sounds like a formula 1 team :D ): Snoopy, El_Marta, mik88, 3 relatively quiet guys, and all three among the first members of SAS, with Martin's (El_Marta) going back to July 2009, the birthdate of SAS! In fact, this intrigued me so much I had to go look it up. July 2010 was the time we outgrew our first free sever and everyone had to re-register.(for those interested, this forum as it is was born on 15 July 2009), it existed for about 3 or 4 months before that in different format). He was in fact the 262'nd member of the SAS. Not bad!

cheers guys, and, thankx for the help, and Snoopy, thanks for the message, mate. :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: mik88 on July 05, 2011, 01:11:17 PM
I'm Portuguese actually but I've been living in Spain for along time now.

This is my little contribution to thank everyone involved for all the great stuff you keep churning out and for keeping Il-2 very much alive and kicking (and more!). DBW is probably one of the best ideas so far.
Keep it up!!

Cheers to all
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Gubi on July 05, 2011, 05:37:44 PM

for dark blue world...truely a dream come true.  would like to see the liberator D.  just for sh*ts and giggles.  might be able to make a realistic ploesti debacle with that, for sure.  b534's and the whole business intercepting.

cheers and all of the best to you and yours, everybody.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 06, 2011, 08:45:11 AM
Gubi, thank you for the message, and also for the enormous donation. It is suprising and welcome, especialy since we have had disagreements in the past.
But, honestly, thank you.

I also got a good donation from spinner (alos one of the SAS "original 300" :) ), thanx a bunch man!

Our mediafire bandwidth use is pretty much covered now for a long time. :)

oh, yes, about the B24D, we shall see what can be done :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 06, 2011, 08:06:35 PM
Ended the day with also receiving a donation  and thank you note for DBW from Pierre1946. The pleasure is all mine, mate!  :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 08, 2011, 06:19:03 AM
Received a donation today from v1710, thanx a bunch mate! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: loftyc on July 10, 2011, 06:56:18 AM
Cirx & all the rest of the team,
I've had some problems w/ PayPal recently, but I'm pretty sure that I sent some funds your way yesterday, for all the reasons that everyone's already said - many thanks for your efforts, guys!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 10, 2011, 07:03:31 AM
Hi Mate

I am on my laptop at the moment and will only be home at the proper PC tonight. So I have not checked any emails or financials since early last night. So if you made one, appologies for not seeing it yet, but if it is there I will be home and see it in a few hours (about a half hour after the grand prix), and immediately come say so. Sorry for the delay mate, but I dont access banks or paypal from the lappytop, and I have not the webmail setup on this one. Ill make a point to look as soon as I can.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 10, 2011, 08:59:35 AM
Cool, I am home, and indeed, two donations arrived in the meantime! :)

One is from loftyc, thank you Mark!
And the other a great donation also with a great message from a quiet member, Londo16. Thank you very much Andrew!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 10, 2011, 04:00:16 PM
Another brilliant message about DBW and donation, from Toasted_Toad , cheers mate!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Messcaster on July 11, 2011, 07:03:33 AM
Thanks to SAS team for the excellent work and website. DBW is a must!
Keep going!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 11, 2011, 09:01:18 AM
Thanks to SAS team for the excellent work and website. DBW is a must!
Keep going!

Thanx mate, and also just saw email fo your donation safely received, thank you! and thank you everyone for the great support.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 11, 2011, 04:09:46 PM
And another donation received from tacheles07, also a very old member here. cheers! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 12, 2011, 08:13:12 AM
Today got a donation from SAS~GJE52. Awesome buddy! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 13, 2011, 07:19:34 AM
cgaganv tell me he is topping up his donations for the next 3 months before going on holiday :D thank you my friend!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 16, 2011, 04:31:39 PM
gprr has made a donation, thank you sir!
I think since it was a good month of donations, and we are halfway through. I will start this as August donations. :)
I am thus also adding half of cgagan's donation of this month to it, as he "donated in advance :D )

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 18, 2011, 11:51:17 AM
I got a donation from Baco today  :) Thank you!

EDIT: and while writing that, also from " clanger ". Cheers Dan!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 20, 2011, 02:43:24 AM
As usual, Docholiday also pitched in for next month :) cheer Michael!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 20, 2011, 05:33:22 PM
I got home, to find the site suspended and 2 new donations! :D Luckily the site supension was not our fault, and just precautionary.

Thanx a bunch for the donations, to Le0ne, and Paulo Hirth!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 29, 2011, 01:46:02 AM
mAny many thankx to Flying H for also making a donation today, to welcome in the new month  :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 01, 2011, 11:58:13 AM
I got a donation today from tm2, thanx man! a good way to start the week, and to drag me out of bed to finish the DBW buiold that is hanging over me! :D
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 02, 2011, 09:38:03 PM
I have to give a big thanks to two pillars of SAS, IKolincak and cgagan, thanks guys! thanx a big bunch.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 04, 2011, 06:16:14 PM
Thank you to CWMV who made a great donation today! (And Ill be sending you some test POV files later mate) cheers! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 10, 2011, 06:52:37 PM
thanx today to RUBADUR, a very quiet member, for making a small donation.  :D every bit helps, and it is appreciated.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Spinnetti on August 10, 2011, 07:09:48 PM
Sent you some dough (didn't leave my screen name)... thanks for all the contributions to the game!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 11, 2011, 05:40:34 AM
thanx Spinnetti, got it and wrote it up! :D
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: pierre1946 on August 11, 2011, 06:10:55 AM
Same and same.

Money, no name.

Thanx for a fascinating package, DBW 1.0 through 1.5.....   
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 11, 2011, 11:55:25 AM
thanx pierre! and thanx for letting me know who it was from :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 13, 2011, 03:53:49 AM
yesterday a donation came from Timmy Snails (aka snailsave11), and a very nice on to boot. Cheers mate! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Snailsaviour on August 13, 2011, 04:28:15 AM
No problem CirX! Every time you guys bring out something new, it feels a little bit like christmas!!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 15, 2011, 03:38:22 AM
Thanx today to tcsank, for a donation and a great message of encouragement that came just at the right time. ;)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 16, 2011, 08:14:24 PM
I want to say a big thanx to Londo16 for a great donation, and a awesome message.
Andrew, regarding what you were talking about in your message, please pm or email me asap, something big is afoot that your may slide right into, and I thin I can help you with other stuff too.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 25, 2011, 09:04:05 AM
just popping in to thank Donald (dona) for kicking off the Sept cycle in a big way. Thanx man!  :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 26, 2011, 04:46:42 AM
A thank you goes out today to Heikki, aka levine59, for also pitching in to help with the Sept Target. Cheers! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 03, 2011, 02:21:07 PM
A big thank you to the following guys for helping sort out Sept:
Flying H, IKolincak, and Dick Hoogenraad (who' s screen name I could not find)

Cheers guys!

I also want to just note to guys who may make donations from now until the 10th of Sept: We will only pick up the donation after the 10th of Sept, so don't panic if we don't acknowledge it before then, we will definitely do it.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 10, 2011, 06:39:14 AM
Big thanks to the following guys who made donations while I was away:

El_Marta, Maico & Le0ne

I think that is everyone, but if I missed someone please scream at me. Sorry for the delay in notification guys, I was away for a bit. This also totally takes care of Sept!

All the best to you  :)

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Maico on September 11, 2011, 03:56:51 AM
  Every day when I fire up IL2 I feel like it is a whole new game.  The sim looks and feels so much better.  I am really excited about IL2 again.  Thank You for all you do.  You have really transformed the Sim. 

  CirX for President!  ;D

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 12, 2011, 04:29:55 AM
Cheers Maico. I think I speak for everyone when i say it is out pleasure, since we do this for ourselves also.

Thanks you goes today to pierre1946 for a donation and also a nice message about DBW.
Cheers mate!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 21, 2011, 05:19:34 AM
alanbee kicks us off for October. Cheers Mate! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 25, 2011, 04:18:07 AM
~°x°~ poped a few buck into the kitty yesterday, a big thanks to you, Jan!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 26, 2011, 01:48:12 PM
Hanseat and Dick Hoogenraad send a donation each, and I say thank you to them! :) 
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 02, 2011, 08:18:54 AM
Big thanx to IKolincak for a great donation as always. :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 03, 2011, 01:14:21 PM
Docholiday and cgagan came through with their usual awesome helping donationsand messages. That takes care of this months then completely. Cheers guys! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 07, 2011, 02:37:03 PM
Big thanx to Wolf Urine for putting some buck in the kitty today! cheers mate :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 16, 2011, 01:53:37 PM
Thanx once again to one of the most regular contributors, Le0ne  :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 18, 2011, 03:14:07 AM
juanmalapuente sent a donation today and a nice message also! Cheers mate. Since this is past the 15th, I am putting it in the kitty for next month, but I am moving Le0ne's dontation to next month's bag as well, to give it a good start!  :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: juanmalapuente on October 18, 2011, 01:35:05 PM
Great pleasure to add a little coal to keep this engine steaming. :D
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 24, 2011, 08:24:50 AM
Big cheers to Korrigan for his big donation and great message that also served to put us over the target for November before November even begins! Salute buddy!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 24, 2011, 03:26:06 PM
pierre1946 put the cherry on top of November today! Cheers mate! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 30, 2011, 05:48:34 AM
I was a little under the weather the past few days, and only now picked up a donation from Hans Svensson, who is AFAIK not a member of the forum, just a guest who enjoys the site. Thank you very much sir! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on November 03, 2011, 09:19:21 AM
IKolincak once again to the rescue! Thanx Ivan! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: IKolincak on November 04, 2011, 10:45:17 AM
My pleasure.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on November 07, 2011, 04:23:02 AM
Just a thanks also to Glynn, aka SAS~GJE52 , for a donation I got a few days ago, sorry for the delay in this post mate, and cheers to you!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on November 20, 2011, 02:06:53 PM
a thanx goes to John Booth who made a donation a few days ago, but which I just picked up as I got back to the PC today. cheers mate! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on November 24, 2011, 03:03:17 PM
Massive thanx today for Daniele Quaglia from italy, who made a big donation. I could not find your forum name mate, so I hope you dont mind if I use the name on the donation. Many thanks. :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: OberstDanjeje on November 24, 2011, 11:24:12 PM
Oh yes, I thought too late to use my nick ;)
Finally I had the opportunity to give something with my new prepaid card.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on December 11, 2011, 09:50:34 AM
Hi dear SAS Leader!

I managed to make a donation (really small indeed but this isn't one of my happy times) on november can you confirm you have received it?

All the best!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 11, 2011, 03:16:53 PM
Hi Walter

I have gone into paypal and pulle dup a report, and it seems that since 25 november Paypal has stopped sending me email notifications...there are quite a few contributions there that I did not know about, some have even been cancelled by what I think must be irate users. I will sort it out and update the records, and also try to find out why I am not getting the emails anymore.

All the best
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 11, 2011, 03:27:03 PM
As mentioned above there seems to have been a breakdown in Paypal communicating with me, so all donations received after 24 November I was not aware of. My sincere appologies, and herewith the update:

Big thanks for donations for December, from the following guys (screen names used where I could trace them):
Marcos Beltran   
walter solito

I will update the first post right away. Again, my appologies, and thanks. I dont know what Paypal is not sending me the emails anymore, but I will get that sorted if I can.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on December 12, 2011, 02:44:22 AM
No problem at all dear SAS Leader!

I have plain fiduce to you!!

I hope to give more soon!!!!

Al the best!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 20, 2011, 03:14:10 PM
Big thanx to Docholiday for kicking off 2012! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 22, 2011, 07:12:17 AM
Getting up to speed again, the account shows generous donations from SAS~Le0ne and from cgagan . Thanx a bunch dudes! And happy holidays to you.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: LuseKofte on December 22, 2011, 07:49:20 AM
Yep I fucked up your mathematics didnt I  ;D, I gave that 1.1$ extra as a Christmas tip
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 22, 2011, 08:04:59 AM
hehe, that took me a while to figure out...I was thinking that Paypal is taking some new transaction fee or something. :D
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 23, 2011, 07:55:32 AM
Got notifications of donations made by FIGHTS ON, as well as old friend jlan5031, to put us over the top for Jan. Happy new year for you guys and for us then!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 05, 2012, 01:59:52 AM
Thanck you to Pierre and Ivan for the donations that was made a few days ago already. Seeing as we reached the target for January, I thought to open up February already and have you guys start it off. Thank you very much to you and happy new year also guys!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: pierre1946 on January 05, 2012, 07:45:17 AM
so I can skip a month?

Joking. Joking! Don't ban me please?
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: tbauchot on January 07, 2012, 07:53:43 AM
Hello, I hope that you have received my little donation ? By this, I would like to thanks SAS and all the modders that works hard for the community !
And as say Louis Armstrong : And I think to myself, what a wonderful "dark blue world" !  ;)

Bonjour à tous.
J'espère que vous avez reçu ma petite contribution financière ?
Par cette action, je voulais tout simplement remercier l'équipe SAS ainsi que tous les "moddeurs"
qui fournissent un travail acharné pour notre plus grand plaisir !
Et comme disait Louis Armstrong dans une chanson : And I think to myself, what a wonderful "dark blue world" !
Cordialement, Thierry.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 08, 2012, 03:59:19 AM
Hello, I hope that you have received my little donation ?

Hi! Yes, I did. Also one by Maico. Thank you very much dudes, and sorry for the delay in reply. All the best for the new year to you. :)

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Maico on January 08, 2012, 08:28:14 AM
  This is money verrrrrry well spent.  I get more toys from you guys than from Santa. ;D
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 09, 2012, 02:58:18 PM
DaMasTa, and Flying H , aka Gary and Per, got their donations for feb in the bag, so a huge thank you to you guys, and God fortsättning to you also! ;)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 03, 2012, 03:31:33 AM
again today IKolincak made a donation, second one for February. As you can see I moved the total targets up, because with the upcoming large DL packages we are putting together, we are going to be eating bandwidth at a much larger rate for a few months. After this weekend the first large DL package should be up, for DBW, and we shall then have a clearer picture.

Cheers Ivan K for the help! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: IKolincak on February 03, 2012, 09:12:46 AM
Pleased to help.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 03, 2012, 12:35:41 PM
My good friend Konstantinos send a huge donation, while there is still money in Greece to send ;) Dont worry old pal, no matter how bad things seem, you could always have been in Africa. ;D Cheers for the help.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: cgagan on February 03, 2012, 01:18:49 PM
Cheers, boss, I prefer Costas, my full version of  name reminds me of despised (by me) political figures in Greece! Yeah, I was never attracted by the notion "someone else's greater misfortunes are your consolation", but, heck, life goes on, and we need to grab the bull by the ... erm, ... horns!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 03, 2012, 01:43:48 PM
lol, I think I can relate. I had to ask my wife many times to marry me before she agreed. But when she did, I think one of the deciding factors was that her maiden surname of "van Schalkwyk" had been put to permanent shame by a politician here, and she thought that even my terrible last name would be an improvement  ;D
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 07, 2012, 03:32:01 AM
Since I made a little plea for help with the happening and upcoming bandwidth use at our Mediafire pro acount, I got great donations from Jonners, Toasted_Toad and pierre1946, enough to get us some nice bandwidth! And, I see this morning we are closing in on 100 downloads already! WTG guys! So far it all looks succesfull, and more "superpacks" are in the pipeline (for official updates, UP updates, ect...In fact, we may rehost the whole UP3 very soon)

also with cool messages:

Hope this helps towards the costs of hosting the files! Jonners

G'day CirX, This is for all your hard work on DBW (and the other great guys too).You have made this game totally stunning to play, hope it helps with the bandwidth. Cheers mate, Toasted_Toad.

pierre1946- Long live DBW 1.71 and the Superpack!! CirX, Thank you!!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 07, 2012, 02:52:32 PM
Many members continued to answer the call to help us firm up our available bandwidth at out mediafire account, and I am happy to say it is good as it ever was now. On last glance the new DBW superpack archives are the most requested files on our account, with more than 20 downloads in progress in any one time and almost 200 total downloads served since they were released yesterday.

It is now clear that we will definitely for sure be adding more such big packs. I think starting with a new static download of UP3, complete up to RC4. That will be a big one, so give us a few days! :D

Guys who have helped make this possible throughout today are Peter Gray, Georges44, Marsouin, and Korrigan. Thank you guys, you're the dudes. :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 11, 2012, 03:51:18 AM
big thanx today to two guys, Jochem Hraback and SAS~Le0ne, and with their contributions I think I can close out Feb and look towards March. Thank you gents! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: 352nd_Hoss on February 14, 2012, 08:29:29 PM
Crap Cirx, I hit the donate button before I remembered to put down who it was from.  $40.00 bucks from J.M. Williams USA.  Was so delighted over the new Corsairs I had to put my money where my mouth was.

Thanks guys and keep up the good work.

Mike Williams

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 15, 2012, 04:14:46 AM
got it mate!  :D a big thax to you. And well times, considdering what superpack storebror is busy uploading to our ftp...and the jetwar stuff is also almost there, afaik the AMT guys are just writing up some release readme's, and I have to put the package up in the proper server as soon as I get the keys back from mike...it is all good stuff! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: 352nd_Hoss on February 15, 2012, 05:03:02 PM
Wow, 2012 is off to a good start............. Saw some of your music video's on Youtube, good stuff, now if I only knew Afrikaans...lol.......

What's the super pack?, and I hope the AMT guys are releasing the Cougar, will make my Naval group very happy, anything you can shoot off a Carrier is good stuff for us.

Thanks again man.... appreciate all the dedicated and hard work from the mod groups and your keeping the site up and running so we fanatics have some place to spend our time.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 16, 2012, 04:57:04 AM
jlan5031 also pitched in today as seems to be his good tradition! :) thanx mate.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 19, 2012, 04:43:15 AM
Markus Maurer sent some well needed buck through today. Well needed because late tonight we are putting out the following "superpacks" for those in need:
 And all of them alreay include the latest direct to drive patches, and no-cd.exe:

4.07m to 4.101m
4.07m to 4.11m

And also the following massive ones, both including the latest direct to drive patches and the latest selector of course:

UP3 RC 4 all included with newest selector
4.07m to DBW 1.71 (including stock updates, UP3RC4,DBW, Direct to drive...everything you need)

There is a struggle with one problematic file we are taking a few hours to sort out (cross loading a transplant from another location), and then it will all get posted. The guy to realy thank for putting the above together is Storebror.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 21, 2012, 05:18:28 PM
thank you very much today to Pierre (Pierre1946), and Daniel (Danyfly). Cheers guys! Prost! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 24, 2012, 11:05:39 AM
Thanx this weekend to SkyHigh, Bakshi & purgatorio, who also wrote some great messages of encouragement with the donations, and has together put us almost over the top for Next month. Thanx guys! Cheers! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 27, 2012, 09:55:42 AM
This weekend I got donations and very cool messages from OMDave, as well as old friend Kumpel! Thanx and big cheears of the beerglasses to you guys. Peter, remember to give me a shout if you ever land in Johannesburg again, Ill happily drive out to OR Thambo to stick you for lunch.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 29, 2012, 05:08:59 AM
I must send a huge thank you out the members sjcnospam, Barra1 and Sid. Your donation were awesome and great and inspiring messsages too. Just timelay also as we are in the renewal cycle of several of our services, and every bit helps a whole bunch. Thanx guys.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 03, 2012, 02:07:13 AM
I am opening up the collection hat for April now, and kicking it off with dontations from Thorsten Buß(Tom)and IKolincak and Docholiday. Tom, I could not find your membername here, so PM me with the correct one if you'd like me to change it on this thread. But thank you for the message and the bucks mate :)
Ivan and Michael, as always, cheers!  :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Tom2 on March 03, 2012, 07:48:48 AM
Boss, that's me (Tom) and you're welcome.  :)
Sad I'm a tad low on dough.
If I had more cash, I'd donate SAS (and Histo) what you gents deserve. I love this site.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 03, 2012, 05:34:25 PM
Boss, that's me (Tom) and you're welcome.  :)
Sad I'm a tad low on dough.
If I had more cash, I'd donate SAS (and Histo) what you gents deserve. I love this site.


Thanx mate! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 06, 2012, 10:29:39 AM
This week a big thank you to Hanseat and jlan5031 for getting us closer to traget. Cheers to you guys! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 09, 2012, 02:05:05 AM
Sorry I have been running around like a mad person this week, but before I take off again, a thank you to Peter Ferguson for popping some bucks into the kitty! She is happy! Cheers mate! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 10, 2012, 06:54:37 PM
While we are having this server movings, I must also thank pierre1946 for his donation and great message in Dutch! Cheers mate! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 16, 2012, 04:15:42 AM
Thank you (overdue!) to gianlucabagatti, who's donation came through a few days ago, but I have only gotten to this now. Thank you sir! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 20, 2012, 07:14:47 AM
Thank you again to Dick Hoogenraad, who is now becoming a regular contributor!  :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 03, 2012, 07:04:22 AM
a thank you today to Ivan, aka salamine, for his donation. Cheers mate!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 03, 2012, 07:54:40 AM
OMG, just found a great donation from cgagan that I missed completely! my deep appologies old friend! Thank you very much!  :-[
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: cgagan on April 03, 2012, 10:22:31 AM
No problem, chief! The donation is just "payback" for all the wonderful things produced and offered at this site. No need of "commemoration"!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 06, 2012, 06:14:46 AM
I got a slew of donations this week and thought it seems the correct time to put them in the pot for May. So to start it off, big thank yous to tanda01, SAS~Le0ne, IKolincak, he162a (Andrew, Otto, Ivan and Eric) Thank you guys for making this nice start to the month and your great support. :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 14, 2012, 04:00:59 AM
got two wonderfull easter donations, one from italy by el bradipo, and one from Ryan (rdop). Thanx guys! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 20, 2012, 06:14:10 AM
thanx this week to Gurner and Pierre1946. Thanx guys and cheers for the messages also. S! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 25, 2012, 05:10:53 AM
JG7_X_Man (Xvier) sent a donation a day or two ago. Thank bud!

I think also time to open up June with this.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 06, 2012, 02:53:56 AM
I want to say very much thank you this week to two guys who always contribute, and made donations this week, Pierre and Ivan, aka, Pierre1946 and IKolincak. Cheers mates! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 13, 2012, 05:54:22 AM
Thank you this weekend to fap_volador and RedSpade for their donations, moving us closer to the goal for June. Thanx guys! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 23, 2012, 04:07:36 AM
Got a donation from an old hand today who came back to IL2, named Volski, and also sent a great message with the donation. Cheers Frank! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 24, 2012, 06:17:32 AM
Thank you today to David Pisani who sent a donation. It is received and appreciated mate! Cheers! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 28, 2012, 04:53:39 PM
Big cheers this week to two old friends, Docholiday & coatesy75 for getting us closer to target for June. Prost guys! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 04, 2012, 04:08:41 AM
My thank you this week goes to chrisgibon, who sorted us out for June all the way from Juno beach where he lives, and also after that to Pierre1946, from a cool Holland, and Ivan, aka IKolincak for kicking off the donations for July with a bang.

Thank you gentlemen! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 06, 2012, 04:26:04 AM
Big Thanx to Peter Ferguson, stepping up to the plate again! Cheers mate! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 10, 2012, 03:15:31 PM
This week I received donations from Tim and Per-Olow, aka Snailsaviour and Flying H  :) Cheers guys, and thank you very much for the support of this site.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 13, 2012, 04:14:10 AM
Thanx today to James, aka jlan5031, one of the regular contributors, for your donation. Cheers dude! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: pierre1946 on July 01, 2012, 11:24:00 AM
Hi, CirX!

I can't transfer my contribution via PayPal. Something wrong?

Greetings, Pierre1946

PayPal tells me this:

"We cannot process this transaction because this PayPal account has been closed. For more information, please contact the seller."
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 01, 2012, 07:29:41 PM
thanx. I will look into this. :-[
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 01, 2012, 08:03:13 PM
OK, what happened was last week when we battled the hack, I changed all my passwords and log ins everywhere, including my paypall primary email addy. We also replaced all the pages on the site and others with previous saved and safe versions. I think somewhere here we either uploaded an old donation button pointing to an old email addy, or forgot to update it with the new addy.

It should be fine now, and take you to a paypal donations page saying "Help keep the SAS flying in 2012" or something like that. Please let me know how it goes. And, sorry for the hold up.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: IKolincak on July 01, 2012, 11:56:38 PM
It's fine, now. I've sent my penny, and all gone fine. Cheers.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: pierre1946 on July 02, 2012, 01:03:18 AM

PP works again.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 02, 2012, 03:23:29 AM
Thanx guys
I got the confirmations and I am updating the donations page accordingly. Thnax for helping keep the forum alive! :) Your donations covered July nicely, and there was even $5 extra, which I moved to August, and credited to you both! :D
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 07, 2012, 06:10:10 AM
Thanx today to mark cicciari, I think his screename is loftyc, for donating towards our current target. Cheers mate! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 11, 2012, 02:43:07 AM
Thanx to jlan5031 once again for a timely donation! :)

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 11, 2012, 05:07:09 PM
Huge thank you today to SAS~Le0ne for a massive donation towards August. You are a life saver my friend! Thank you! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: tooslow on July 15, 2012, 09:11:11 PM

I just tried to put in a donation, but PayPal rejected my card.  I use discover card’s one time numbers for all online purchases.   I tried twice and each time I get a message telling me to use another card.

A while back I had one of my regular card numbers stolen on line (had to completely cancel the card to get it stopped) and for a while that bad experience affected my credit rating.   So I’m very hesitant to use another card online.

Wish I could help, but even though PayPal lists Discover, apparently they don’t take it.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 16, 2012, 03:03:35 AM
understandable my friend. dont worry aout it. :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 24, 2012, 03:13:27 PM
A big warm thank you to a quiet but long time member, doc42, for stepping up and bailing us out for August plus a bit extra. Thanx Jeurgen!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 29, 2012, 04:08:50 PM
Hi guys! I have been out of contact most of this week, and need to come say thank you for two donations that came through during, from old friends and regular contributors, cgagan, SAS~Mission_bug (brand new admin also!), cheers guys! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 03, 2012, 02:39:24 AM
Thank you to IKolincak for his donation to Sept, regular and welcome as always. Cheers my friend! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 05, 2012, 03:05:02 PM
Korrigan, Richard Mater and Pierre1946 all sent through dontations this weekend while I was away, and I want to thank them in a big way, especialy Phillipe for the great message included. Cheers my friends! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 18, 2012, 04:59:38 AM
Hi guys

I have been away this week and onbly got back to get dumped in a high pressure work situation. So I missed a few donations and appologize for that. I want to thank those guys now and go ahead and put their money into the kitty for October. They are coatesy75, El_Marta and timonsommer . Thank you guys.

Also, Martin (El_Marta) sent me a link to his online squad to put up, which I gladly do.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 01, 2012, 02:06:06 AM
Thank you this week to contributors jg1234 & woofiedog. Thank you Joseph and Leo, and appologies for the delay between the donations and the update and thank-yous. Cheers guys! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 05, 2012, 05:05:45 AM
I received 4 donations this week, all with great messages attached also, from Danyfly, IKolincak, marcost, and Pierre1946. Together they whacked October's target so completely that I opened up November with the difference. Thank you guys! Beers on the house! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 24, 2012, 09:16:08 AM
Hi guys

I was away for a bit and have a month and a half's donations to get up to date!

So, without further ado, let me send a big thank you to the following guys, and I will then also donate November and December's targets on the first post. Also, appologies for the delay in the reporting back on this.

Donations received from 5 September till 24 October were from:
Darrell "d-rexs"
Ivan "IKolincak"
Joseph "jg1234"
Otto "SAS~Le0ne"
Alfonso Perez-Almazan Reverte
Michael "Docholiday"

Big Thanx to you guys, and also thanks for the messages.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Rogue on November 25, 2012, 02:46:11 PM
sent a small donation to help keep this great site on the go
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: HotelAlpha on December 18, 2012, 09:20:22 PM
 I will most definitely donate some day as the SAS is a site that should be kept running regardless of any political BS like what Mr. CirX sais happened to him in South Africa! ;)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 20, 2013, 02:12:13 AM
Hi guys

I have been away for a while so I need to thank quite a few people who have sent donations since 24 Oct. In case you are wondering, all donations still do, as always, go to wards the SAS site. We are working at eventualy transferring the conduit towards the new management team with Anto, but in the meantime do not fear, all is still above board and Anto and I communicate directly about everything.

there has been enough donations coming in to cover January and February 2013 easily, also since we were already ahead, having covered December by the end of October last year. So, a great thank you to everyone who contributed, and especialy those guys who do so regularily.

Here are the names of the guys who are paying for all our pleasure, for January anf February (remember if you did not send your screename with your donation, we cannot always find it, and then we use the name on the donation instead):

IKolincak (3 donations)
Ian goode (I think this is Rogue?)
Jeff White
Daniel Clancy
Ace (J Sanches)
fatty finn (BIG donation)
Daniel Richebon
Thomas Schäfer (BIG donation)
Gustav Lindström
Mark Jackson
RVNFAC (David)
philippe peeters
Jean-Christophe ARLANDIS

cheers guys, and very sorry for the delay in response.

all the best
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: HotelAlpha on January 20, 2013, 10:50:17 AM
   Nice to see you again CirX :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Anto on February 16, 2013, 04:57:34 AM
Apologies for not updating the list and thanking all the donors. Piet and I still haven't done a proper handover of the accounts as both of us have been very busy. Regardless, your donations are still keeping this site running. Thank you to all who still kindly offer their financial support here.

We'll post a list of thank yous soon enough.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Rogue on February 16, 2013, 06:11:07 AM
Donation sent keep up the good work
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 18, 2013, 10:04:04 AM
Hi guys

It is as Anto said!

It has been about a month since I last was here, and here are the thank yous making up the rest of March's target and kicks off April..

Thomas Farrelly

Thank you very much gents for keeping the engine turning.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 24, 2013, 03:26:42 AM
Hi guys

Over the past month, we have received donations for the upkeep of the site from the following guys:


Big cheers and thanks to these dudes!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 01, 2013, 03:41:53 AM
A whole month has passed since I last updated this, so here goes a big thank you to the guys who have donated over this period.

Flanker1985 (he donated twice)
Matthew Goad (copuld not find your screenname, hope this is OK)
Dinga (All the way from kiwiland)
Lauterbachlad (Made a hude donation, which I split over two months)

And then of course big thanx to Ivan Kolincak, for the regular monthly donations. ( Ivan, you basically own this site by now! :D )

Cheers guys!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 23, 2013, 03:46:51 AM
Hi everyone

I have had a busy 8 weeks behind me, and have been only able to come and reconcile the donations now. Dont worry though, every cent gets accounted for and is not lost! By grateful thank you to all the donators for giving us the muscle to continue this forum. As of now my brother Malone will be handling this for the time being, I will continue to report to him about it.

IKolincak (2 donations, in May and in June)
Ryun Papson
Eric Weigand
londo16 (Thanx Andrew, that is a big one!)

Thank you to all you guys!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 28, 2013, 09:47:28 AM
We want to thank the guys who have sent donations over the past month. Cheers guys! :)

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 24, 2013, 08:02:15 AM
This last month has seen us move server, long overdue, and entirely made possible by the contributors over the last year. The monthly targets could now be revised, and the forum is healthy and secure.

Big thank you's go out to those who have donated a few bucks (or sometimes a lot of bucks!) to the SAS over the past month. They are:


Thank you gents! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 18, 2013, 12:53:29 PM
A big thanx to the following guys who have donated: Everyone owes you a beer!  :)
IKolincak, Jacob Shapiro, mstr454, DougW60, Docholiday, Georges44, jg1234
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 27, 2013, 04:53:35 AM
We have a long list of guys to thank for donations made to the SAS fund over the past month. Big thanx to you guys!

Danyfly (donated twice)

DanyFly donated twice, and Leone made one huge donation, so I spread these out over a few months. We are almost a year ahead at the moment! Cheers guys!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 28, 2013, 06:30:23 AM
I have been absent for a long while, so I am sorry that the update is a month late, but here it is. Many thanx to the following people who contributed during the last two months:

IKolincak (November)
IKolincak (December)
Georges44 (with a merry Xmas added!)

Merry Xmas and happy new year to all of them, and to all our forum members and contributors!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 01, 2014, 05:19:53 AM
It has been almost 6 months since I checked in on the account, and there has been a lot of donations. We are very thankful for them, and apologize for being late with the thank you's. I am going to try to catch them up here, and then update the front page. It is great to now have a bit of a buffer should we need to do anything with the site.

Donations received since Des 28 (if you did not provide a screenname with the donation, and we struggled to find your account here, we are putting the name on the donation here. Please message me if we must change this for you):

IKolincak (donated every month! This guys covers 1/3rd of the cost of the forum all by himself, and when he is late, he send an apology note! Thanx Ivan!)
wurgerfan (he made 3 separate donations this year,our thanx to you Rick!)

Thank you very much guys for keeping our servers up and flying straight  :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 15, 2014, 02:06:11 PM
Time for an update! Since the last thank You's Ivan Kolincak has made 2 donations and we also got a very generous donation from -bb- (Thanx Charles!)

Thank you guys! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Rogue on October 25, 2014, 06:32:25 AM
Donation sent keep up the good work all the best from me ian goode [Rogue]
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: LuseKofte on October 31, 2014, 11:05:37 AM
Thx, Rogue. Much appreciated indeed
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on November 02, 2014, 07:41:41 AM
Will update this soon, sorry guys!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: spad42 on November 25, 2014, 07:22:10 AM
Hello here is Spad42, i'm french and my english is poor, sorry. I have send you 10 USD by paypal the 19/07/2014 receipt number 4859-7128-3215-7725. I don't see my name on the list above. Have you receive this donate ?
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on November 26, 2014, 07:29:08 AM
Hello here is Spad42, i'm french and my english is poor, sorry. I have send you 10 USD by paypal the 19/07/2014 receipt number 4859-7128-3215-7725. I don't see my name on the list above. Have you receive this donate ?

Hi Pierre.

Yes we received it. I am sorry, we have not updated the lists since before your donation. I will fix this now.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on November 26, 2014, 07:58:00 AM
I have updated the donations list, and we are covered again for a lot of months in advance. Many many thank you's to the people who pay for the upkeep of this forum through the donations page. A list of those who donated since we last updated is below. Some of them donated large amounts, and some donate very regularly. I have divided the amount into the first post list as usual. Again, thank you.

We have used real names on the lists where the screenname was not provided and we could not trace it either. Remember to provide your screenname when donating please :)

Eremenko Aleksandr
ian goode
Denis Pichii

All the best!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 28, 2015, 05:11:27 AM
We have again received donations from the following guys, so a big thank you to them for keeping us flying :)

IKolincak (2 x Donations)
Tony Bell
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Uufflakke on February 08, 2015, 01:55:03 AM
In case you missed it I made a donation about a week ago.

Cheers and happy flying.   :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Rogue on February 08, 2015, 04:35:49 AM
heres a little some thing to keep this great site going strong
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Matz on February 14, 2015, 01:47:03 PM
Fantastic site - and a small thank-you to help keep things ticking along
(yes - the one who forgot to add his screen name)   :-[
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 02, 2015, 10:11:45 AM
We have received many donations since last month, and a big thank you for those who did! They are:

Bruce Mitchell
bomberkiller (huge donation, thank you Gerhard!)
Douglas Badder

Thank you gents! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Sillius_Sodus on March 02, 2015, 11:33:33 AM
You're very welcome  8).
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: busdriver on March 24, 2015, 08:49:34 PM
Thanks to SAS for all you do for us.  8)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 05, 2015, 05:02:55 AM
Happy Easter everyone. For those who got a little time off from work, hope you enjoyed it and made the most of it. For us who worked throughout, hope you kept your chins up! :)

We have received many donations in March up to today, and the SAS team would like to thank everyone for this.

The guys who made sure we stay up were:

IKolincak (2 donations in this period, thank you Ivan!)
Cloyd (Huge donation, thank you David!)
Andrew Jordan
busdriver (Huge donation, thank you Lawrence!)
polo199 (Also a big donation, thank you Paul!)

Thank you to all the donators, your help is really appreciated and the whole forum thanks you! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 19, 2015, 01:39:42 PM
Time for another round of thank you's for the contributors. Remember, these guys keep the lights on!

Cheers guys!

Karl Ulrich Gartelmann
Hapless Dolt

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 09, 2015, 09:31:52 AM
We have received a lot of donations since May the 19th, and it is time to take some time and thank those who contributed.

Matthew Smith
IKolincak (2 donations)

Thank you very much guys! It all helps. Cheers!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 30, 2015, 12:38:44 PM
Here is the up to date list of donations received since Jul 9. It has been a difficult month for the forum and I think this is reflected, but we are still good.
I want to take this time to say a very special thank you to Ivan Kolincak, who has supported this forum and kept us afloat for a long time. Even when all other are struggling, he is always there, every month, and I just want to say Ivan, you are a very special and great friend to this forum, and to this community and game. Thank you. And on behalf of everyone who plays IL2 modded with stuff from this forum, thank you.

Donations received jul 9 to Sept 30:

IKolincak (2 donations)
Jean-Yves Mead
Paul Saunders

Thank you gentlemen!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Tom2 on October 20, 2015, 08:11:49 AM
Albeit I'm not related to keeping the forum up I would also like to thank all contributors and especially Mr. Ivan Kolincak.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: IKolincak on November 07, 2015, 12:36:44 AM
Thank you all for generous words, but they are not necessary. I do, what I can do to help and unfortunately this is all I can do. So let play and keep flying.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on November 16, 2015, 10:55:03 AM
Hi gents. It has been 2 weeks overdue since I updated this to reflect new donations, please accept my apologies. A big thank you to the contributor, as always to Ivan Kolincak, and also a special thanks for the big donations received from -bb- (Charles) and DougW60 (Douglas), but of course to all the other donators, thank you very much, no donations were actually insignificant amounts!

Contributors since 30 Sept until today were:

Steve Schumaker

Cheers gentlemen!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 26, 2016, 12:11:22 PM
We have been remis in updating this list over December, so appologies for that. This means there is a long list of people to thank for donations. Recently, after the demise of imageshack, SAS~Storebror did an extensive and difficult rescue of all images hosted by our members there and rehosted and relinked most of them on our server. To ensure that this was possible, we bought additional discspace on the server, which was only possible because of the great support we receive here from our members.

So without further ado, many many thanks to the following people (Usernames we used where they were included or traceable):

Ikolincak (two donations)
Becky Mellinger
londo16 (huge donation!)

Thanks on behalf of all of us!  :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 28, 2016, 01:17:35 AM
It is almost the end of Feb, and we have received some welcome donations from the following guys. Thank you gents!


Cheers guys! :) Thank you very much.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 21, 2016, 09:52:57 AM
It has been another month and time to thank the guys who made donations to the upkeep of the forum. Incredibly, the SAS forum is still growing, as measured by our monthly bandwidth use. Seems the old sim is becoming more popular than ever :) Donations make it possible for the forum to grow in capacity along with the membership.

Our contributors this month are:

Richard Bretnall

Thank you guys!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 25, 2016, 10:14:43 AM
Another month has flown by, and so another round of donations was received from the guys mentioned below. Thank you very much gents! We are very proud of the first rate server we are hosting the SAS on, and it is you who make it possible.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 02, 2016, 12:00:36 AM
Here are the guys who donated since the last date through May and June. A very special thank you to them, also for helping us cover the added costs of increasing the data transfer limits of the forum, and for when we moved the forum out of the cloud to a faster server. Cheers dudes!

James Paton
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on July 02, 2016, 12:21:14 AM
Thanks so much mates, thumbs up!

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 11, 2016, 01:56:06 AM
Ouch! I see it has been two months since I updated this list: I was sure I only did it yesterday! My dairy fooled me! The dog ate my homework!  :D

Sorry dudes, but here it is, the list of guys who have contributed donations to keep this forum spinning since June 02:

Firstly, in this time, we received 3 donations of $30 each from Ivan Kolincak, who has also been our most consistent supporter ever. And once again we want to thank him for this. He is a big reason why we are still around!

We also got great donations from the following gents:

Xavier Uzomah

Thank you very much guys! It is great to know that come end of the month and come the renewal cycle for the server contract, we are covered.

As always, we reflect the full amounts donated in the summation and tally in the first post. Always, the 5% transaction fee that Paypal charges to each donation received, are made up by the SAS~ editors. Also, in Aug, we made our yearly SAS Forum donation of $50 to the Wikipedia Foundation.

All the best!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 09, 2016, 11:50:10 PM
This has been a monster of a year! Time went by so quickly, everytime I blink it seems 3 months pass...

We need to mention a Special Thanks to Ivan (IKolincak) and Merfyn (Airbourne), who between the two of them carried almost  half of the forums costs every month for the past few months. Thank you very much gentlemen! I hope other members also appreciate everytime they are flying around in the virtual skies :) Airbourne, IKolincak, feel free to take a bow!

We have also received, since the last update, donations from the following guys, so a big thank you to them, and a round of beers 8) :


Thank you gents! Until the next update, Salute!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Airbourne on December 11, 2016, 09:26:09 AM
Thank you for the kind words. I have had so much enjoyment from this game and this website that I thought it was time to give something back. I might add that Ivan Kolincak has done twenty times more than me.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: GT182 on January 02, 2017, 06:32:37 PM
SAS~CirX, how can we donate if we don't have or use PayPal? I once had an account until it was hacked. None now and not really crazy about starting one up again.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on January 02, 2017, 10:52:20 PM
I'm not Piet, but let me answer nevertheless ;)

It's no big deal to donate without having a Paypal account.
Right when you click on the "donate" button, it will take you to a page where you either login to your Paypal account to donate, or enter your Credit Card details to donate directly from that card, without having to have any Paypal account yourself.

Thanks a lot to all our generous donors!

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 08, 2017, 11:12:06 AM
Hi guys

Another month has passed and some of you dropped gifts into our socks in the form of donations, so I want to say a thank you to those gentlemen!

These are their names:

BOT Ghost129er
Dmitriy L
Steve Schumaker
Michael Kehr

Thank you very much gents, and have a great 2017, to you and also to the entire SAS forum.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: spad42 on January 16, 2017, 09:46:07 AM
Hy, I want to donate some euros whith my credit card (electronic ). I Try it here but I can't because I must have the exact amount  in euro no in dollars. Help me please.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 16, 2017, 12:51:23 PM
Hy, I want to donate some euros whith my credit card (electronic ). I Try it here but I can't because I must have the exact amount  in euro no in dollars. Help me please.

We have updated the donations page. Please revisit it https://www.sas1946.com/Contribute.htm (https://www.sas1946.com/Contribute.htm) and find the new page, with two paypal buttons, one marked for USD, one marked for Euro.

PS: The "exact amount" you donate on your side is never what is received in any event, so one may make an approximation in USD based on a current rate of exchange. We pay the transaction fee. The transaction will anyway appear on your Credit Card Statement in Euro (Though I understand in some EU countries, like Germany, if any transaction amount in your account is not an exact rounded prime number, you get socially ostracized and officially audited, so I completely understand the issue).

For the small  sub $100 amounts we work with here this is usually not a big problem for people to just guesstimate the dollar amount. Paypal charges a steep transaction fee for donations anyway. Through Credit card is an even greater transaction fee. These fees do not get subtracted from the amount donated though. Instead the SAS Editors make up the transaction fee costs, and the member gets credited for the entire donation as they intended it.

Donating in Dollars also helps keep these thank-you credits simpler. Once we start receiving exchange-rate linked amounts, you are going to see some funny amounts in the target sections in the first page of this post lol :). But that is not the end of the world. We have learned to count (right after learning java).

S!  ;)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 06, 2017, 09:00:00 AM
It is that time again: Time to thank those who took time to make a donation toward the running and upkeep of this place :)

Since the last round of beers, the following guys have put some money into the kitty:


Thank you very much guys! Especially as always Ivan, and also to ubben77 who made a whopper of a donation. Cheers!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Type83Fighter on February 27, 2017, 12:49:24 AM
I'd be more than happy to donate, it is the least I can do for all these years of fun/stress relief, but it seems SAS doesn't take money from Japan. Any workarounds?
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 27, 2017, 08:40:12 AM
I'd be more than happy to donate, it is the least I can do for all these years of fun/stress relief, but it seems SAS doesn't take money from Japan. Any workarounds?


Unfortunately,afaik, japanese law prohibits the making of donations through paypal. We could set up another type of payment button, but that is a bit naughty, and in the end, not worth the chance of us loosing the account altogether. Thanks for the support though :)

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 12, 2017, 01:31:02 AM
Another month has passed. We have started getting donations through the requested Euro button also :) There are some problems with this as Paypal wont reflect the dollar amount of it directly without upgrading to a business account. So there is no accurate way to calculate what the actual dollar amounts credited to the account it. What they do is to have a phantom separate Euro Balance where the Euro donations are shown, with the total final balance in USD, and thus no way to calculate each donation separately.

But that aside, thank you all very much! We will take it whatever way it comes, and we are very grateful. What we are going to do from now on is just pick a slightly lower exchange than current, so a similar rate like what you'd get on PP or another merchant account, calculate the Euro donations to USD with that and round it to the nearest (so we dont have to deal in cents). Hope that will be OK for everyone.

So, a big thank you to the following guys for donations received over the last month:


Thank you very much gents! Beers on...you! :)

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 17, 2017, 01:14:10 AM
It is mid April and time to tally up and thank the guys who have sent donations for the upkeep of this website. These are the dudes:

Steve Schumaker

Thank you very much guys! Garry, special thank you for the rather big donation, and to the friends like Ivan, Merfyn, Steve and Joseph who are regulars on this list, a very special thank you.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 14, 2017, 09:49:22 AM
A big thank you for those guys who have made donations since mid April, towards keeping this forum going. An especial thanx to Gary, who put in a big one, but every bit helps guys, and we appreciate it. And as always to our very regular donators, like Korrigan and Ivan, a big cheers!

Got lots of donations in Euros, so that system seems to be working pretty well.

So, without further ado, here are the men of the hour:

Bruce Mitchell
Dick Hoogenraad

Just a note: If you did not put a notation on the donation mentioning your screenname here, and your paypal email addy is different from the one you used to register here, we unfortunately have no easy way to find your screenname, and then we use the real name as on the donation. Hope this is OK. If not, just message me and I'll edit the info as needed.

All the best for the next month!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: sowercrowd on May 24, 2017, 06:20:17 PM
....just made 4 attempts to donate to sas, but was denied from paypal 😠...
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on May 25, 2017, 12:08:40 AM
What was the exact error message?
Donating from germany is definitely possible, printenduevel just did so too.

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 18, 2017, 03:05:13 AM
Another month has passes, and as I sit here with one eye on the last hours of Le Mans, it is time to tally up the donations received since last time, and to thank the guys who made them! There have been quite a few over the past month, and some of them were big donations. Thank you very much dudes!

They are:


Again, big thank you gentlemen. Cheers and Salutations!

Remember if you make a donation to add your screenname to the comments section of the donation, otherwise, if we cannot find your email on our memberlist, we have to use the name on your paypal account. If this already happened and you would like your real name changed out for your screenname in this thread, just PM me and we will fix it.

All the best!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 17, 2017, 08:55:03 AM
Another Month has passed. In South Africa we are in mid winter, but hopefully for the guys in the northern hemi it is a bit better.

Sadly we received just 3 donations the past month, and two of them from one guy.

Ivan donated twice, once for every month as usual, so a big thank you as always to you (IKolincak), and we also received a nice donation from resistor, thank you Matt! I have spread that one out over two months as well since the total target for the previous month was less than the total received.

Till next month, be cool and be safe!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 21, 2017, 11:24:41 PM
It is almost the end of August, and time once again to thank those who have contributed towards the upkeep of this forum. Thank you very much guys, it is greatly appreciated!

The dudes are:

Toasted_Toad, who was interestingly also the very first person to donate to SAS back in 2009
IKolincak , as always, the best supporter any group could wish for
Airbourne, also a regular supporter
And klrster, who is also not a first time donator.

Thank you very much guys, cheers and salutes!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 17, 2017, 04:45:35 AM
Our donations thank-you's were due to be updated today, but unfortunately we have to postpone it for at least a week. We apologize for this as I know that some guys are waiting for it. Sadly, we had some issues with our paypal account, and we have to wait for them to be finalized before we can accurately do the next round of updates. We are also not clear on what restrictions Paypal may have placed on the account during the incident, or might in future.

What happened is that a junior member here made a donation in August, after the previous thank-you's. Then changed his mind, but instead of just asking us to do a quick refund, he chose to lodge a case through his bank, at Paypal, accusing us of fraudulently stealing his $30.

We authorized a refund through paypal after being made aware of the accusation (after also as per usual, paying for the initial transaction fee), who took a while to sort it out with the member's bank, and who have now informed us of the penalty amount we have to pay to return to good standing, since we chose not to dispute it. We are now waiting for these transactions to go through, and our paypal account balances to be updated.

We did contact the specific member via PM here, and while we did notice he had been online every day since we PM'd him, he has chosen not to reply to us.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Gubi on September 17, 2017, 12:52:11 PM
Probably the same cat hacking FM, I would not doubt.  When he's ID'd, please make it public.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 24, 2017, 01:22:59 AM
Probably the same cat hacking FM, I would not doubt.  When he's ID'd, please make it public.


We were not going to name the user addibaugh5, but since he outed himself on another forum anyway after we banned his account from here, there it is. Update of donations to follow.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 24, 2017, 01:31:22 AM
Thank you everyone for patience while we waited for the Paypal thing to shake out. The guys who have made donations since 22 August were


A big huge thank you gentlemen. With your help, this forum stays up and at em at all times. Cheers and Salutes!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 29, 2017, 02:23:18 AM
Another month has flown by and we have received three donations this month for which we are very grateful. Thank you very much to the following members for their help with the upkeep of this forum:


All the best to you!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 24, 2017, 04:28:21 AM
It is the day before Xmas and we have counted up the donations received since our last update. Once again a very special thank you to those guys who took the time to make a donation, and especially to the regular donators, for keeping this forum going for us all to enjoy.

We wish all our members a very peacefull holiday season, and hope you may be safe, wherever in the world you are.

Here are the members who have made donations towards the upkeep of this forum since 29 Oct:

IKolincak (2x donations in this time period)

Thank you gentlemen!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 21, 2018, 02:24:09 AM
Another month has slipped by and 2018 is almost over. It is time to thank the guys who have put some money in the kitty over the last 4 weeks, so without further ado, a big thank you to:


Cheers gentlemen! And as always, a special thank you to Ivan, you are the man!

All the best.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: fatty_finn on February 09, 2018, 04:40:15 AM
Dear SAS
I tried to donate today, by credit card,
but could not get it to work.
The box for "home telephone" may be the problem.
It stays red, no matter what phone number I enter ,
and I get a message saying more information needed.
I live in Australia
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on February 09, 2018, 07:39:33 AM
Hi fatty_finn,

When you are entering your phone number on PayPal the country code should not be included.
As you choose your country in the payment dialog, PayPal will automatically add this for you.
Since you are probably including the country code that is why you are getting an error message.

E.g. instead of entering "+612<something>" for Sydney, just enter "2<something>" instead. Note that there's also no leading "0".

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: EHood on February 09, 2018, 01:35:24 PM
Tried to donate via paypal last night, but I'm not sure if it "took." I got some sort of acknowledgement from paypal in my email, but nothing posted at the bank so far. Please advise. If I screwed that up, I need to try again. Thank you.  8)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: VonWaffen on February 09, 2018, 07:02:11 PM
when you use paypal via a bank account  , the process is recorded but could take few day to be completed , when you use a credit card it s done almost immediatly after credit card confirmation, it;s the  same when you use paypal everywere else as e-bay 
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: EHood on February 09, 2018, 07:39:45 PM
Thank you, VonWaffen. I'll wait a week. If it's not posted by then, I'll try again.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 12, 2018, 09:30:45 AM
Hi guys

Due to a telephone line theft I have had very limited connectivity the last week (I can check in for short periods using a cellpnone hotspot). I can just let you know that since the previous update, 3 donations have been received, Ikolincak, Airbourne and merco911. Will update donations around the 20th again. Ehood, I will yell if that donation of yours clears and I get a notification on this side.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: EHood on February 12, 2018, 01:32:51 PM
Hi guys

Due to a telephone line theft I have had very limited connectivity the last week (I can check in for short periods using a cellpnone hotspot). I can just let you know that since the previous update, 3 donations have been received, Ikolincak, Airbourne and merco911. Will update donations around the 20th again. Ehood, I will yell if that donation of yours clears and I get a notification on this side.

Please do. And thanks.

EDIT: As of 22 February: mission accomplished.  ;D
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 22, 2018, 10:53:08 PM

EDIT: As of 22 February: mission accomplished.  ;D

yes, just received notification on this side :) Will update donations tomorrow.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 24, 2018, 01:47:11 AM
As promised, updating the donations today. A big thank you to the guys who have donated funds towards the upkeep of this server over the last month. Since last time, we have received donations from the following cool people:


Thank you and salutes gentlemen!

Till next month, lets straighten up and fly right!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 30, 2018, 04:29:44 AM
Hi guys! Another month has passed, with a lot of big changes to our forum layouts, and it is time to update the donations board. Sadly we only got 3 donations in the last month, but they are much appriated, so thank you very very much to the guys who made them!

They are:


Thank you gentlemen!

On the good side, we have also managed to lower our monthly target for the boards by saving a bit on data usage costs. So, good for us all!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 30, 2018, 03:12:57 AM
Welcome to May month chaps, and during April we received 3 great donations.

As always, one from IKolincak, thank you Ivan. We also got a donation from BartheFr, and we got one very big donation from fatty_finn, thank you very much for that one Greg!

Hope you all had a wonderful easter, or workers day, or whichever way you are inclined :) See you in this thread in another month's time.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Trainer on June 10, 2018, 01:02:22 PM
Using a more visible donation button on the entrance screen or home page might help some. And thanks for the BAT! It's awesome! Even the manual was a significant piece of work; I can't imagine all the man-hours that went into 80 gb of code!!!! Well, i'd say SAS and all the contributors have a well earned rest coming, :) Best regards ladies and gentlemen...
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 17, 2018, 09:53:16 AM
Using a more visible donation button on the entrance screen or home page might help some. And thanks for the BAT! It's awesome! Even the manual was a significant piece of work; I can't imagine all the man-hours that went into 80 gb of code!!!! Well, i'd say SAS and all the contributors have a well earned rest coming, :) Best regards ladies and gentlemen...

Thank you!

It is Jun 17 and it has been a while since our last roundup, but here it is! As always, an enormous thank you to the guys who took the time and effort to make a donation, to keep this forum. Cheers gents! They were:

IKolincak (x2)

All the best!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 05, 2018, 01:31:40 AM
We took a few weeks longer to get this update out, apologies for that. But a big thank you to the ones who have contributed to the upkeep of our forum over the last 6 weeks. They are:

Doctor Drago

Thank you on behalf of all SAS Forum users.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 24, 2018, 09:50:55 AM
It is such time again to thank those who have given some bucks to keep this board afloat! Thank you very much to the following contributors:


Please remember to post your screenname in the comments field if you make a donation, so we can thank you without a search :)

Please help the forum out if you are able. Thank you again to these guys who did.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 03, 2018, 10:02:38 AM
It has been a long time since I updated this thread, and apologies for that. But alas, here it is, and it is a good update! Thank you very much to these guys who gave donations, some of them more than once over the past weeks, to put us back on a secure footing (not that we were not :) ).

macgiver  (2 donations)
IKolincak (3 donations)

And an especial thank you to the members in this list above that are regular donators, there are a few of them there.

Thank you again folks, and to all others, keep us in mind for your Christmas charity list :)

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 05, 2019, 02:14:39 AM
Happy new yeat to everyone!

It has been a month since the last update. Sadly, only two donations were received since then, they are from

IKolincak, macgiver

Ivan, as usual, thank you very much for making it a monthly contribution. He has been responsible of many years for more than a third of the cost of keeping this forum alive, and as always, deserves a special thank you.

Thank you also to Piotr (macgiver), who is also a pretty regular donator.

We are happy to report we can once again this year lower out monthly target, but please do not think that that makes everything free. What we do not reach from donations, comes from the pockets of the site admins. So if you have a few bucks to spare, do not hesitate to give this forum a hand.

All the best!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: larschance on February 06, 2019, 01:50:46 PM
I donated 30 euros on 27th January but am not sure if it was received as there has been no acknowledgement which I thought would have been appropriate by now. If there is a problem please let me know.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 07, 2019, 09:09:38 AM
I donated 30 euros on 27th January but am not sure if it was received as there has been no acknowledgement which I thought would have been appropriate by now. If there is a problem please let me know.

Hi Chris

It was received, thank you very much. We update this donations thread roughly every month, sometimes a bit late, but we do update it :) The previous was January 5. It was planned for this weekend, so I usually sit and recon the donations and update the thread on Sunday morning. You will be on it for sure.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 10, 2019, 02:50:50 AM
It is February 10th, and as promised,and pointed out :), it is high time for an update to thank and acknowledge those who have sent some bucks to help keep this forum afloat. They are:

klrster , who made two separate donations
macgiver, also made two separate donations
GEORGES44 (as with macgiver, a regular donator)
IKolincak (as always!)

And also a donation from a member (D, on Jan 6) who wishes to remain completely anonymous.

We would like to thank you guys very much, this is really helping us get ahead of the curve with the finances. Thank you gents!!!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 11, 2019, 04:01:07 PM
Apologies from my side. I wanted to update donations on Sunday, but because of power cuts and blackouts, this is the first time since friday I get to switch on my PC, and catch up on emails and work.  I am moving the update to this coming Sunday. Sorry for the delay guys!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 17, 2019, 04:17:59 AM
As I promised, here today a summary of those who donated to the upkeep of this server since Feb 11. Thank you very much to the guys whop did so, we all appreciate it!

They are:

macgiver   (2x)
Михаил Слинкин 

Thank you again gentlemen for the help. It is greatly appreciated
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 20, 2019, 09:49:16 AM
Another month has flown by, and once more it is time for us to stand and salute those who have donated some bucks so there can be a Buck Rogers.

They are:

macgiver   (2x)

A big thank you gentlemen!May your 6es be clear and your parachutes unused!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 26, 2019, 01:44:39 AM
Thank you to the awesome pilots who sent donations for the forum over the last 5 weeks. They are


Huge thank you to you gents, we appreciate it!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 07, 2019, 06:02:41 AM
Been a bit overdue to update here, apologies guys! Since the last update May 26th, we have received several donations, an din that time some regular donators made several themselves. A big thank you to all these guys. It all helps keep this forum up and running, and every bit helps.

The honor roll for the past weeks are:

IKolincak (2 donations)


macgiver (3 donations)

Anonymous ( there are many guys named Otto here, so I hope I can say thank you without blowing his cover :) )



Salutes gents, thank you very much!!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 09, 2019, 07:04:16 AM
It is another month later and the proper time to say a big thank you to those who have donated towards the upkeep of the server of our little forum. Thank you much gentlemen! May your beer be cold and your sixes clear :)

They are


You will notice three regular names up here, and these are the guys who pay for much of the niceness that members experience from using this forum, they are the 1%, and a special salute to them. They are joined this month by Timex62, who made an enormous donation, to (In his words) "Make up for the years I haven't"

That is frikkin awesome. If another 1% of our members felt the same we could close out this page and run the forum indefinitely  ]cheers[

Welcome to August gents!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 14, 2019, 03:16:56 AM
Time for another month in our lives to have gone by and to thank those who donated towards the upkeep of this forum.

As Always, Thank you specifically to our regular donators, IKolincak, Georges44 and macgiver. ]cheers[
This month also thank you to scorpion and to Hans-Joachim Marseille

Thank you guys! We really appreciate it.

All the best S!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 13, 2019, 05:45:04 AM
Another month has passed us by, and it is time to thank the three gentlemen who made contributions this month. Thank you guys, you are the DUDES!!!

They are


Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on November 17, 2019, 03:35:32 AM
More than a month on and we are alive and kicking.

3 donations were made during the past 5 weeks, they were:

Ikolincak, as always, the kind of rock this forum is built on!
macgiver, one of our other most consistent and generous donators
and also tacheles07, who is a well known donator of old, and till helps the forum at least twice each year.

Thank you gentlemen!!!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: TeamFlyingAce162 on November 26, 2019, 02:32:19 PM
I feel bad that I've only just now seen this page.

Anyway ya'll should have the remaining FEB/2020 goal covered.

But then again math is not my strongest subject! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Gubi on November 26, 2019, 05:24:27 PM
...on a private note, sir.  I did this once before, many years ago.  Private club, maybe...  Who cares?  Cheers and prost, indeed.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on November 26, 2019, 10:48:11 PM
I feel bad that I've only just now seen this page.

Anyway ya'll should have the remaining FEB/2020 goal covered.

But then again math is not my strongest subject! :)

Yours was noted sir :)

Weirdly, we have since the previous update, received donations from from mr Summers, and also a Mr Winter .  I love that sort of thing.

We will update next week again. Thank you for the support gents!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Jolly Green on November 27, 2019, 03:21:31 PM
Hope the donation helps , amazing work you guys do here at SAS
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on November 27, 2019, 10:16:25 PM
Donations not only just help, they're the essential fuel to keep this site going.
Modders provide the lubricant to keep us going smooth, donators provide the fuel to keep the site running.
Thanks a lot guys!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Old_DaD on December 01, 2019, 09:19:21 AM
I would be very happy to donate some doubloons to the cause, but as I'm in foggy ol' Angleland can I donate in ££'s (I think the currency might still have some validity in the world!!)..As always, many thanks to you guys who maintain, enhance and make SAS the best combat flight sim out there.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 01, 2019, 12:40:44 PM
I would be very happy to donate some doubloons to the cause, but as I'm in foggy ol' Angleland can I donate in ££'s (I think the currency might still have some validity in the world!!)..As always, many thanks to you guys who maintain, enhance and make SAS the best combat flight sim out there.

I will tell you a secret: Whether you donate through the "euro" or through the "dollar" button, the donation gets calculated from your end in whatever currency your country and bank account is in, and reflected to us, and reported on the first post, in US dollars. All credit card transactions work like that, regardless of the user's views on politics.

We did the separate "Donate in Euro" button mostly as an exercise in the versatility of the platform, than an actual financial necessity. We could fill an entire page with a button for each type of currency in use in the world, but in the end they are all 100% placebic and psychological.

Much the same way all currencies are if you think about it.

So in the end, just know what your currency's current exchange rate is, then pick a button and go for it  ]cheers[

On the other hand, if you can only do it in good old cash (which is still valid everywhere in the world), and it is more than, say, 500 of Queen Elizabeth II's Pounds, PM me your physical address and we will send someone over to pick it up :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 08, 2019, 05:24:40 AM
Wow! This has been a month of fantastic and generous donation from our members. I even had tyo copy and paste a list of names because it is way to long to just do by memory. As far as I could I looked up the screen-names at SAS to assign the donations to the owners of it, hope it is all correct!

So here is the list:

Jolly Green 
macgiver (2x donations)

And none of these donations were particularly small. They were all proper! I could not find a line where above I would do a special thank you, because any line anywhere is more than half the list....it is all great donations.

Thank you very much gentlemen! I am now off to update the OP, so I think we are going to be paid for well into the next decade. You guys rock. Seriously hard.


Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 12, 2020, 03:38:22 AM
Another month has passed, and this time, indeed another year and another decade!!  Over the past few weeks we have had a list of guys who donated towards the upkeep of the forum. We want to say a big thank you to them!!! Please support this board, for those who have never seen the first post in this thread, where every cent is accounted for since the beginning, please do have a look at it :)

As always, thank you to the supporters, and may everyone know they owe them a beer! ]cheers[

Trainer   (donated on two dates)
Jolly Green   
SPAD 42   

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 19, 2020, 09:32:42 AM
More than a month since last update, and our very regular superstar donators have been very generous, as were a few newcomers. A very big thank you to all of you!

List of the good guys:

wern moldy

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 27, 2020, 02:21:44 AM
It is more than a month, and we are going through a very difficult time in the world, in what feels like an apocalypse movie. One where one never has to strain to imagine or think of those who have it a lot worse than oneself does.

It is heartening to still receive financial support for this forum through this time, and my heartfelt thank you to these contributors, from me and the admin team, the moderators, the modders, and all the players.

You are:

Jolly Green

Thank you gents!

Until next time, take care out there, and, of each other.   
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 29, 2020, 05:56:07 AM
A month has gone by, and a very difficult one for most in the world. Thanks to the wonders of IL2 and other games and communities, many of us were better armored to withstand the isolation than others.

It is time to update the lists and thank those who have contributed to the upkeep of THIS community and it's iterations of this awesome game. These awesome dudes are


Thank you also to these guys for the encouraging and positive messages that went with the donations!

Please help this forums funding if you can, and stay safe and healthy as much as is possible. Our thoughts go this month with those members of the forum and their families who may be battling this in more ways than most.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Mr. Snafu on May 14, 2020, 10:26:22 AM
I'm happy to have donated to something worthwhile.  You all put in so much work, it's the least I could do.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 14, 2020, 10:32:12 AM
I'm happy to have donated to something worthwhile.  You all put in so much work, it's the least I could do.


Hi Jo. We got it, thank you! We will include it in the next update.  ]cheers[
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 31, 2020, 02:21:56 AM
a BIG thank you this month to not only our regular contributors, but also those who donated, in spite of the difficulties we all face to some extent.

wern moldy

A warm thank you from the SAS Team and all the modders, and the players, of this grand old game!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 05, 2020, 03:24:14 AM
Hi Everyone! In the month since the last update, we have received 4 donations, two of them from IKolincak (because of the timing of the updates lol)
The other two gents who donated are
wern moldy and

So to these three pilots, a big thank you, and much appreciated considering these trying times we are in right now. Thank you guys!

To our other regular or occasional donators, we know things are tough, we hope you are keeping your chins up and that you are OK.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 08, 2020, 11:03:13 AM
Another month has passed, and most of us have survived it! So did the foum of course, and we are grateful to thank these patrons for their donations toward's it's seaworthiness:


Thank you very much gentlemen! May you always have the sun behind you.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 13, 2020, 11:48:58 PM
We had a good number of donations this past month, and so a big thank you to those who helped!
Their names follows below, but I would also like to mention one donation of round 20 euros where the member asked to remain completely anonymous  ]cheers[

Thank you to the The Dudes:

wern moldy
Anonymous Donation

A huge thank you!!!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: sektorao on October 05, 2020, 06:17:25 AM
Tried to donate but get "Donations to this recipient aren't supported in this country" message. I'm trying to donate from EU. Tried both dollar and euro. Is this something that happens or is something new?
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 05, 2020, 08:40:28 AM
Tried to donate but get "Donations to this recipient aren't supported in this country" message. I'm trying to donate from EU. Tried both dollar and euro. Is this something that happens or is something new?

I see there are several paypal users posting about it on their help forums, but no answer has emerged yet. It seems to be affecting some countries in the far east and some baltic states. I am unsure whether it is due to the account or to the country of the donation's origin. Perhaps someone else from the EU can try an let us know the results?
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: GEORGES44 on October 05, 2020, 08:54:48 AM
Tried to donate but get "Donations to this recipient aren't supported in this country" message. I'm trying to donate from EU. Tried both dollar and euro. Is this something that happens or is something new?

I see there are several paypal users posting about it on their help forums, but no answer has emerged yet. It seems to be affecting some countries in the far east and some baltic states. I am unsure whether it is due to the account or to the country of the donation's origin. Perhaps someone else from the EU can try an let us know the results?

I live in France, and so far no problem with Paypal: last donation (in euros) on august 20th, went without a hitch
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: sektorao on October 06, 2020, 02:32:21 AM
I tried from Croatia, will try again.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 06, 2020, 09:37:54 AM
I tried from Croatia, will try again.

There is one possible workaround, but you would have to try it yourself. If you have a paypal account, log out of it and switch off "one-touch", alternatively, clean out your browsers cache and cookies. Or go to the donations button with another browser. Whatever, so you click on the donations button anonymously. In that case, you will have the option to either donate with your paypal account, or by credit card. (if you are auto logged in to paypal or have one touch on, you will not have the credit card option). You can then attempt to do the donation as a credit card transaction.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 11, 2020, 09:46:53 AM
Almost another month has flown by, and despite the difficulties the world is in, some great members have donated towards the upkeep of the forum. A very big thank you to them!

They are:


Salutes Gentlemen!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: UberDemon on October 11, 2020, 02:09:06 PM

hopefully it went through
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: Dandolo513 on October 11, 2020, 02:19:50 PM
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on November 08, 2020, 03:15:19 AM
As the Xmas decorations are starting to go up, and South Africa is heading into a scorcher of a summer, another month has passed us, and we are closer to the end of this damn year. This last month has seen a wave of donations, some from friends we have not heard from in a long time, and it is very cool to see the names.


Thank you guys for this support, from myself and everyone at SAS1946. Fly High and Shoot Straight! :)
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 14, 2020, 11:56:20 AM
This has been a tough month. Not only for the world, but for our forum also. Our previous server host passed away unbeknown to us, and the rest of his company seemed to have been neglected, picked apart and abandoned by those around him, leaving us (and many others) with an intermittent, unreliable service, no supprt, and no easy way to get stuff backed up, moved or cancelled.

We thankfully did not sit on our hands, and with a bit of effort, teamwork, and some help, we managed to do an incredible trick and got the entire contents of our server, including our host name, moved to a new, better host. And instead of the week and a half we budgeted for doing it in, we did it in an emergency, and got it done in 24 hours. Most of the credit for this goes to SAS's co-owner, SAS~Storbror, who not only managed the integration with the new host, but, years ago, set in place some unobtrusive devices that ensured we could grab a fresh backup of our database that was only minutes old, even though the server itself was down and unreachable.

We had planned to do this move in this week during nighttime for Europe, and to give members at least a two day heads up. We started preparing for it last week, and when Saturday came and the lights went out on the old server, we took it as a sign from the gods, and just put all the schedules into overdrive. The results is that you can read this now, here :)

I was supposed to update the donations on Sunday, but that was not possible, so without further delay, here it is: We received a number of donations towards the regular maintenance of the forum over the last month. The guys who contributed were:

David Prosser   
SAS~Storebror  (this one was done before the "troubles". There was another massive donation by the SAS forum owners later, which I will discuss more below)
wern moldy

Thank you gents, as always, you are what makes it possible for this forum to live and survive. We owe you a beer!

Regarding the financial losses brought about by the server move: We did take a bit of a hit, to the tune of several hundred dollars which was pre paid to the old host. Even though we have requested a refund, we are not expecting one, and are expecting the request itself to be as ignored as previous tech support tickets were. We are not alone in this, dozens of other clients of theirs are in the same boat.

However, not only was this loss immediately made good by the two owners of this forum, but besides that, we had enough reserves saved up to cover it, and to still ensure the forums finances, until the month our donations record shows we are good to go to till (Aug 2021 before updating this month's donations).  We have been very careful with all the donation money we ever got, and so it are times like these where that pays off.

We have though, considered making a special "Xmas" donations month, as a 13th month target, to just ease back some of that reserve cushion. Since we are covered for almost a year into the future, it seems like a not-bad idea, so that is what we will do. The above donations will be reflected as per usual, but we will add a "Xmas 13th 2020 to the list above that. (or somehow, I'll figure it out in a sec lol)

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 10, 2021, 04:12:57 AM
We are into the new year, and hoping for the best, while trying to be as prepared as possible :)

Over the last month we had a "13th Month" donation drive to cover some of the costs of money lost from our previous hosting service. This was not necessary, but I received a number of messages from members who wanted to help with that specifically, so we did this 13th month. IKolincac sent through 2 donations during that time, so we will put one of those towards the next target, and one into the "13th Warrior" month  ]cheers[

The guys who have contributed over that past month are :

IKolincak  (2x Donations)

You will recognize that most of these names or regular contributors. I want to send a special new years thank you to all the donators. Cheers gents!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 07, 2021, 01:07:47 AM
We are one month into 2021 and still alive! Over the last month there has been some great donations made to the upkeep of this forum, and as I am sitting here in the 3rd week of constant rain running, on the tail end of Hurricane Eloise in South Africa. Seems we get to live through all the worst bits of European Weather and African Government :) (Daily power outages, one of the most botched pandemic responses on the planet, and every last cent of the R500 billion budgeted by government for corona related expenses stolen and missing, to name just a few highlights). Makes me thankful to be able to get on the rig and run a few missions everyday, read the forum (so much better and less depressing than any news feed or social media feeds these days).

For keeping the dream alive, the following folks have to be thanked this month:

karin k...   

A special note about macgiver  : He made three donations in this time, and one was marked specifically for "the 13th", so we will add it to that total, even though he appears in that cycle already! Big Thank you to Piotr!

Also, there was a big donations form Karin K... (I redacted the last name for privacy if needed), with no mention of the screenname at SAS. I searched and searched, but could find no match even close. So if this is you, or your wife, just PM me and let me know if you want me to swop the names.

Salutes to everyone!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 07, 2021, 02:14:02 AM
And just like that, almost a quarter of the year is gone. I am sure that as I get older, time seems to go by faster. I know it is because my reference for total time is growing larger, but it is still an eerie thing. During the last month we have received quite a number of donations, and this means we have recovered from the setback last year completely. You may notice some new names on the donations list, and this is very welcome always to see.

These are the dudes who have stepped up to make sure this forum outflies the AI once again:
wern moldy 

Thank you and respect!
 ]thumleft[ ]thumright[
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 11, 2021, 05:12:18 AM
Another month has passed, and we are a few donations stronger. A big thank you to all those who chipped in! We hope we run the forum in a way that does us proud!

Those who donated in the past month are these cool dudes:


Thank you gents!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 11, 2021, 11:39:27 AM
The past weekend was a rush of things, and so it happened that I completely forgot to tally up and post about the last month's donations. My apologies! ]cheers[
Without further ado, here are the gentlemen who have contributed to the upkeep of this forum, assuring everyone of the coolest IL2 content under the digital sun.


As always, a special thank you to our regular supporters (their identities are rather apparent if one looks at the donations update on page one) I suppose one could say we have patreons now! (PPS. I am still trying to talk Storebror into taking his kit off on an onlyfans channel. I know there is a lot of call for it, but I have yet to convince him). And Thank you to cjd-2010 for the thank you note with his donation, and Flieger made a rather large donation, so an especial thank you to him, and last but not least, Eric, aka BlackAce, for keeping the dream alive with his screenies, which often become my desktops.

Salute dudes!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 13, 2021, 09:21:37 AM
Another month has passed us by, and it is with much gratefulness and sincerity that I list a particularly long list of people who have given up some of their hard earned cash in order for the rest of us to continue enjoying the SAS for free. This list of course contains a number of the regular contributors who carry much more than their own weight around here, but also quite a few newer names. A big thank you to everyone on it, you knew you rocked, and now it is official.

brad phantom
Hans-Joachim Marseille

Salutes gentlemen!   ]cheers[
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 22, 2021, 11:41:38 AM
O crap, we missed the July update!

Or more to the point, I missed it. I was sure I did it. June...July...sounds the same. I blame old age, depravation and an attitude problem (especially with carrier landings). But on a serious note, we also had a few fires and things here.

My sincere apologies! I am rectifying this immediately.

Since the last update, we have received donations from the following awesomely patient guys :


Gentlemen, we raise a toast to you, and may we all one day complete that drink, together, in the halls of Valhalla.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 09, 2021, 04:06:31 AM
We get the July update in in time this month!!! Well, almost. We are a day late, but not a dollar short :)

Since it is a shortened month since the last update, only a few names here.

Actually, only 3. But they are big guns and rock solid regular donators, so it is not inappropriate that they have this update all to themselves.


These are the dudes! Thank you guys not only for your donations this month, but for all the continued support since forever. The members of this forum owe you a lot of gratitude, and so do I

A glass is raised, a cheers is given!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 13, 2021, 11:37:20 AM
Welcome to September. For those in the south, spring is springing, for those up north, the leaves are starting to turn. But happily the world is still turning.

We got some good donations this last month, and we are very very thankful for them. Thank you to the guys who made them, may the wind be ever at your backs.

The dudes are:

TTC Redfield  (with a bnice message added, thank you!)

EDIT: A donation from EHood slipped through the cracks here. Big apologies and a thank you to him!

All the best, gents! Thank you very much!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 10, 2021, 04:09:31 AM
Another month gone, it feels like this year is just sprinting to the finish line. I expect Xmas marketing to kick off at any moment lol.

A big thank you to the guys who have donated some bucks toward the keeping of this forum over the last month. They are

Alfie Noakes 

Cheers gents! Fair winds and following seas!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on November 14, 2021, 12:51:04 AM
This month I have to send a special thank you to three monthly donators, IKolincak, mdripley and Airbourne, and an equal thank you to two other donators who are also pretty regular and well known, Phantom and livernyc.

Thank you gents, your contributions mean a lot to us, and please know that it is genuinely appreciated.


Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 12, 2021, 03:37:30 AM
We are well on the way to Xmas, and a number of our members have opened their hearts and supported this forum. Which is very cool, because we do not rely on any other, often more disingenuous, forms of support, as is the trend on the web in general.

So, a big huge thank you to these guys, and a merry Christmas, and just generally all our best wishes.

Note: One donation we could not find an actual member for from their paypal email addy, so in that case we use the actual name. If this is you, just contact me by PM to change it if you wish.

Our December roll of honor is:

Anthony Owen   

Thank you aviators! May the wind across your flight decks always come from the front  ;)


Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 09, 2022, 03:25:34 AM
Here we go! It is a new year, and this is the first update this year of the donations list. We want to send a very special thank you to those who contributed funds during this past festive season, especially considering the state of the world. We all at SAS hope that 2022 is going to be, while perhaps not the end of it, or even the beginning of the end, at least the end of the beginning (to paraphrase a great man).

The guys who have donated over the past month are thus:


We have to specially mention Uberdemon who made a rather big donation, which I had to spread out over two target months in the updated first post of this thread. But large single donations aside, every penny counts, and we are truly thankful for everything. Thank you guys for making the effort!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 13, 2022, 11:04:28 PM
It is February already! So, now that it is almost Christmas, we are very thankful to get some gifts in the form of donations  ]cheers[
A lot of guys have stepped up and put some money in the Kitty, and we have also gotten some additions to the roster of recurring donators, which we are very thankful for!

The list of awesome pilots for the past month are:


You guys absolutely rock. May all your deflection shots land, and may there always be space between your wingtip and your carrier's island.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 13, 2022, 10:59:27 PM
March is upon us. In fact we are almost halfway through it already. So lets take a moment to say a big thank you to the pilots who have donated to keep this little bit of escape from the world going:

wern moldy

Please donate if you can. Because plan B is putting Storebror on OnlyFans.  :(
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on April 10, 2022, 10:58:59 AM
We are almost at Easter but the world gets crazier by the day. Weather wise and otherwise. Or are we just getting better at seeing the crazy? How ever it is, we are lucky that some dudes have spared some money for donations to keep this forum going. We are as always very thankful for this, and hope we can keep doing this for a long time yet.

Our aces of the month are:


Massive thanx to these guys! And we wish you all a safe Easter.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on May 16, 2022, 11:09:35 PM
Every once in a while something slips by me. And it sits there in the Calendar, and you think "I did that", but you didn't.... Age and drugs lol. So this update is more than a week overdue, with no excuse but senility. My sincere apologies for that.

The guys who have put some money into the kitty over the last month (and more) are

David Prosser   

A big thank you and cheers to them, as always. Salutes dudes!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 05, 2022, 11:34:31 PM
Since I was soooo late with last months' update, this month is a short one, spanning just about 2 weeks. Therefore, the list is short. A big thank you to these two guys for their donations. IKolincak you will know as he has helped fund this forum for many years, and larschance in also a name you will see pop up with much regularity. Thank you gents!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 17, 2022, 11:42:50 PM
My Sincere apologies for missing this month's roundup of donations. The last 2 months of my life have been, well, very interesting. And a lot of stuff have slipped through the cracks. I will do a full recon and update of donations on the last Sunday of this month. So if you have donated, please accept my apologies. Your donation is not lost or forgotten, it is there, and will be mentioned and updated on the 31st. A big thank you for the support to all who have made donations to the upkeep of the forum.

All the best
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 24, 2022, 08:10:18 AM
At last, here I am with the last 6 weeks or so's roundup of contributors and donators. Again sincerely sorry for the delay, but sadly some things that are out of my control. During this time, we have received donations for the upkeep of this forum from the following awesome folks:

ede99  (This is a guess, as the member did not put his name to the donation, and possible did it with his wife or other relative's paypal account. We (Karin kö... (Redacted) If this is not the case please let us know)

As always, a very big smoothchy and thank you from us all on this forum to these guys. May your skies be clear, wherever you are heading!

All the best!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 13, 2022, 01:50:58 AM
We are back with a roundup of the donations received since the last update. But it seems that I missed a bog one from cgagan! Konstantin, I am very sorry for this!
Thank you very much for the donation.

Then there is also the list as received, containing mostly very familiar names, and so, a big thank you to these guys for their unwavering support! Due to the period since the last update, some of the regular donator have had two donations come through, so I will indicate this.

Matz (x2)
IKolincak (x2)

Thank you again gents! You rock!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: gunny0134 on September 25, 2022, 01:48:28 AM
Hi, gentlemen...!!

In the meantime, I've been trying to make a small donation to repay the help I received from the SAS Forum, but it doesn't work.

The message "You cannot donate to this recipient in this country."

And it's not going any further.

There's nothing going on, whether it's PayPal or card use, whether it's dollars or euros.

I'm very sorry.

Best wishes to the SAS Forum operations team.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on September 25, 2022, 02:13:09 AM
Looks like Paypal doesn't support donating to our account from south korea, for whatever reason.
You can find similar reports from other paypal users from south korea, most of which have had issues when using a paypal account that originally got regsitered in another country.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 26, 2022, 11:48:56 PM
Hi Gunny

it is as Storebror said sadly. There are restrictions to Paypal applicable to both South Korea and South Africa, where our account is based from, and in some instances a direct path is just not possible.

So, here is a possible workaround, that is not widely known, or talked about, like, ever. if you are interested. It is here: https://pietvanwykdevries.bandcamp.com/

Really silly music, but all money paid for it gets repaid by bandcamp into the paypal account of the SAS. And since it is a purchase, not a donation, it sometimes in some countries works differently. (iow it actually works).
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: gunny0134 on October 04, 2022, 11:43:58 PM
Hi Gunny
it is as Storebror said sadly. There are restrictions to Paypal applicable to both South Korea and South Africa, where our account is based from, and in some instances a direct path is just not possible.
So, here is a possible workaround, that is not widely known, or talked about, like, ever. if you are interested. It is here: https://pietvanwykdevries.bandcamp.com/
Really silly music, but all money paid for it gets repaid by bandcamp into the paypal account of the SAS. And since it is a purchase, not a donation, it sometimes in some countries works differently. (iow it actually works).

'Die Son Die Maan Die Sterre'

This song is nice to listen to.

It's my taste... ;D

I was happy to download it.

Thank you...!!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 05, 2022, 09:20:14 AM
Hi Gunny
it is as Storebror said sadly. There are restrictions to Paypal applicable to both South Korea and South Africa, where our account is based from, and in some instances a direct path is just not possible.
So, here is a possible workaround, that is not widely known, or talked about, like, ever. if you are interested. It is here: https://pietvanwykdevries.bandcamp.com/
Really silly music, but all money paid for it gets repaid by bandcamp into the paypal account of the SAS. And since it is a purchase, not a donation, it sometimes in some countries works differently. (iow it actually works).

'Die Son Die Maan Die Sterre'

This song is nice to listen to.

It's my taste... ;D

I was happy to download it.

Thank you...!!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 28, 2022, 02:00:27 AM
Hi Guys

This is odd, so I thought I'd post as soon as I could. I missed an update in the donations. And I did not realize, in a sense, that it happened.

I had quite an big surgery around the time this was supposed to happen, and I am still very much in recovery after that. Which bring us to prescription drugs and their side effects lol.

I have had to be one some pretty weird ones, and around middle oct, I believed that I HAD done the update, but discovered today that this was one of a few things and interactions that happened in dreams, which in the course of things, got mixed up with reality. Amazing and scary how easily that can happen by the way. And possibly the weirdest excuse after "the dog ate my homework". But that is what happened.

I am slowly getting back on top of things. And I think that since the missed update is so long overdue, It makes more sense to let if go for a while and update as the month turns. And so, I will do a recon and update that will include everything since the last one, this coming sunday the 30th Oct.

I am very sorry, and also slightly amused, that this happened. Please do forgive me if this alarmed you, if you made a donation since the last update.

All the best!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: cgagan on October 28, 2022, 01:41:07 PM
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Piet,
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 30, 2022, 10:32:18 PM
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Piet,

Thank you Konstantin! We fight the good fight.

As mentioned previously, here is the overdue update, which will hopefully bring us up to date until today.

The Dudes who have stepped up during the last two months are as follows:

larschance (x2)
Darrell R (Full Surname Redacted)(no SAS screename could be found, please PM me and I will amend this info if needed, Darrell)

Gents, thank you from me and from everyone for this support. I really appreciate it.

Ans so, it is basically goodbye to October and welcome to November. I hope everyone has the best month they can, wherever they are in this interesting world.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 04, 2022, 10:56:45 AM
We are into the last month of this year! Welcome to December. It is a difficult time for the world, but the guys who keep donating to the upkeep of this site seems to never waver. We owe them a big salute and thank you from the bottoms of our hearts.

They are:

Jolly Green     
TTC Redfield     
IKolincak  (x 2)

Again, thank you gents, and please keep it up. We fly this old sim because it rocks, and so do you.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: GEORGES44 on December 12, 2022, 08:34:49 AM
For info, I just made a 40€ donation via Paypal but there was a bug : I was unable to write my IL2 name in the box :(

Merry Xmas to all
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on December 12, 2022, 09:36:13 AM
Thanks a lot GEORGES44!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 13, 2022, 02:19:10 AM
For info, I just made a 40€ donation via Paypal but there was a bug : I was unable to write my IL2 name in the box :(

Merry Xmas to all

Thank you very much!  ]cheers[

Many donators routinely forget to put their names in there, but usually we find them with their email addys or variations of their email addys on the SAS member lists, which we have access to as site owners. And, as is also the case in your case, Eric  ;) Thank you again.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 02, 2023, 06:25:55 AM
It is that time, although I thought it was Sunday, it is actually Monday, but none the less, a brand new year! Welcome to it! Ove the last month , these are the guys who stepped up, walked the walk, and put their money down to make sure we can all continue to enjoy this forum. Lets hear it for them! ]cheers[


Gents, may your seats be bulletproof.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on February 05, 2023, 10:32:12 PM
Can you believe we made it past the first month of 2023 already! And in this January we have had a bumper month of donations. Not only many guys, but some large amounts also. These are the dudes who keep this forum flying. Do salute them!  ]salut[ ]cheers[

Dmitriy L

Thank you gents. May you always have more energy than you need.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 05, 2023, 12:47:35 PM
Hello Flyguys!

Time to look back at the period since the last thank you update, and see what's been happening. And, welcome to March! For a short month, February seemed to go on forever, didn't it?

Anyway, sadly, not a lot of activity on the donations side, but each one counts, and for each one we are truly thankful.

The guys wo helped us during this month are:


Thank you guys! May your wheel chocks always be where you want them to be!

On another note, there has been a few changes around the admin and technical side of the forum, and in our personal lives, and Storebror and I will be explaining these in an announcement in the next 72 hours. Dont worry though, the forum is not going anywhere  :) Watch this space.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~CirX on March 08, 2023, 12:31:24 PM

On another note, there has been a few changes around the admin and technical side of the forum, and in our personal lives, and Storebror and I will be explaining these in an announcement in the next 72 hours. Dont worry though, the forum is not going anywhere  :) Watch this space.

Sorry dudes, this is taking a bit longer than we though to pull together lol. I should have said "in the next week", but I often forget to use hobby time grids instead of work time grids in estimates and deadlines. We will have it hashed out as soon as we can  ]cheers[
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on March 17, 2023, 08:02:23 AM
Folks, we're a tad behind schedule once more.
When Piet sent out his teaser we were just as eager as we are now to let you know what's going on, and when he mentioned "next week" we've been quite confident of meeting the deadline this time - easily! - only just to figure that we're about to miss it once more.
You'll understand why all of this has to happen once you get the whole picture, but for now just rest assured that we are not trying to pull you a leg or let you wait longer than necessary (nor intentionally).
Let's agree on "it's done when it's done".
It's in our own self-interest to get it done today rather than tomorrow.
Additionally, Piet's statement remains valid that the forum is not going anywhere, so there's no need to worry.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on April 03, 2023, 01:12:46 AM
Good morning gentlemen,

Q1 is over, 3rd month in this strange year but the sun is getting back to strength slowly and so will we.
The number of donators remains small but the donations were significant enough to make us scratch the target.

Thanks for your help guys, you're the ones that make us keep going:

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on April 30, 2023, 12:56:53 AM
Good morning folks,

Month is closing and here's the single donator we've seen:

Thanks a lot, you rock 8)

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on May 31, 2023, 11:31:01 AM
Good morning folks,

The month of may is closing and here's the single donator we've seen:

Thanks a lot, Francesco!

Please Note: Due to Piet's death and the resulting upheaval in the donation accounts, we started the forum operation with a zero balance at the beginning of April 2023.
At the moment, the donations do not cover the Forum's expenses - which isn't a major concern, because what's missing, I simply have to (and will) cover out of my own pocket.
Of course, no one would be angry if the donations could reach the same level as before and thus guarantee the continued operation of this Forum ;)
Thank you very much for your attention!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: IKolincak on June 01, 2023, 07:13:53 AM
Can I ask where to send my donation?
I've send my part in April as well as May.
Do we have a new account? Or Can I still used old one?
Thank in advance for your reply.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on June 01, 2023, 08:25:10 AM
Yes I see - sorry for the confusion.
We've had to apply a couple of changes on the donation process.
First we've started a fundraising campaign for Piet's wife, and 2nd change was to shift the forum donations from Piet's Paypal account to mine, in conjunction with changing the forum ownership from Piet to me.
Your donations haven't gone to waste - effectively, if you have donated using the "old" account, your donations will end up in the fundraising pool for Piet's wife which is absolutely fine.

For future donations I'd recommend to always refer to our official donation page which will be reachable through this link no matter what:

Since I don't want to bother Wilmarli with counting incoming donations (and the recalculation process of Paypal's dreaded fees), I would kindly like to ask you (and/or anyone else who has donated for the forums but didn't make it on our list) to just send me a PM where you briefly mention the amount of your donation so I can update the list accordingly. Thanks and sorry for the hassles 8)

In future, when using the official donation buttons from our donations page, I can assure you that I have a precise oversight of everything and will keep the list updated in a timely manner.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: IKolincak on June 01, 2023, 09:23:42 AM
Money for Piet or his family are never wasted.
I just don't know where they are.
So I change account and you will be receiving my penny.

Let SAS keep flying.

If any problem arises don't hesitate to inform me, and I do my best to correct it.
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on June 01, 2023, 10:27:24 AM
Thanks IKolincak, new donation arrived safe and sound on the new account. Thanks a lot!
I see many people adopt to the new account now, you guys rock!
1st post is up to date right now, we're officially afloat again!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on July 04, 2023, 03:16:24 AM
Good morning my dearest contributors,

June is over and you might be wondering where's the update.
I figured that many of our regular contributors are donating in the beginning of a month, which makes updating the list right on the turn of the month a little useless, so I think we should rather post updates a few days later - which is what I'm doing now.

We've seen donations at the beginning of June from the following members:


And now, at the beginning of July, we've received donations from:

Thanks a lot for all you gave - you provide the financial base for what all others enjoy so much!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on August 04, 2023, 12:04:31 AM
Good morning my dearest contributors,

Heading into August, there's some good news on the financial side of things.
Optimizing some of our hosting features, we were able to cut our monthly costs by 20%, which means the monthly target is now $100 (previously $125).

Since the last update, we have thankfully received donations from:

Thanks for all your support guys, it means the world to all of us.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on September 05, 2023, 12:12:51 AM
Another month, another bunch of donations - thanks so much guys! Without you, we simply wouldn't be here.

Since the last update, we have received generous donations from:

Jolly Green
TTC Redfield

Thanks for all your support guys!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on October 14, 2023, 01:02:00 AM
September is already over - shock! - sorry I'm late with updating the donations.

Since the last update, these friendly people contributed greatly to ensure that we can keep serving you in our usual quality:

Pied (2x)
Checkyersix (2x)

Thank you very much for your ongoing support gentlemen, the importance of your contribution cannot be overestimated.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on November 12, 2023, 11:27:36 PM
October left behind and half way into November already, here's the overdue update.

Since the last update, we are glad to report the arrival of following donations:


Thanks for your donations guys, this is what keeps SAS going strong!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on December 06, 2023, 01:13:47 AM
November has come to an end, and we're embracing the December we cherish. Let's take a moment for a donations update.
Since our last check-in, we're thrilled to announce that the following members have generously contributed:


A big thank you to our donors! Your generosity is the cornerstone that propels SAS forward with strength and resilience.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: BMS on December 06, 2023, 04:31:28 AM
sorry I couldnt afford much to give  ... had to give at least something because this gives me so much pleasure to enhance the game
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on December 06, 2023, 04:51:17 AM
Thank you very much Howard!
You will be listed on the next update.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: fatty_finn on January 05, 2024, 05:03:37 PM
Dear CirX
i made a donation around the end of December last - not sure if it was before or after Dec 31st.
I'm a bit concerned that it's not yet on your list.
fatty_finn   [aka Greg Peters]
[& a happy new year to all at IL2/SAS]
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on January 06, 2024, 07:00:07 AM
Apologies for the delay, Greg. Here's the long-awaited update:
As we bid farewell to December and 2023, a challenging year, your generosity has been a beacon of support. The donations received have kept us financially secure throughout the ups and downs. In the past month, we've witnessed a substantial amount of contributions.
Special thanks to those who seemingly shared their Christmas budget with us, ensuring our operational costs are covered until April 2024. A heartfelt acknowledgment to:

fatty finn

Gentlemen, your contributions have made the IL-2 Modding world a better place!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on February 08, 2024, 01:21:30 AM
January has come to an end, and we are filled with immense gratitude for your unwavering support and generosity:

Pied (2x)
Checkyersix (2x)
Marius Val

Your donations have not only fueled our passion but have also enriched the IL-2 Modding world beyond measure. Thank you sincerely for making a difference!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on March 09, 2024, 11:46:45 PM
The longest February within the past three years has set and we are counting these fabulous contributions:


Thanks so much for all your help gents, the SAS depends on you!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on April 16, 2024, 01:40:58 AM
Mid of April, here's the waaaaay-too-late update of contributors:

Pied (2x)
Jolly Green

Thank you very much guys, you are the ones who enable us to keep the ball rolling!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: shardana on April 16, 2024, 07:11:19 AM
My nick is Shardana. But it’s ok! Thanks for running this beautiful site!
Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on April 16, 2024, 07:38:35 AM
Weird, I could swear I've tried to match the donation name to user profile fields...
Thanks for letting me know shardana, will update the list accordingly.

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on June 01, 2024, 12:16:05 AM
Bit late for the May party, early for June, here's today's snapshot update of our generous donators:


Thank you very much gentlemen, you rock!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on August 06, 2024, 02:18:53 AM
Apologies for the delay in providing updates—I’ve been caught up with summer tasks and real-life responsibilities. But rest assured, your generous donations are still making a difference, even if I occasionally miss an update.
Now, let’s take a look at the list of donations received since the beginning of June:

Ikolincak (3x)
Matz (3x)
Pied (2x)

Thank you for your continued support!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on October 19, 2024, 04:24:33 AM
Hi everyone,

Apologies for the delay in updating the list—personal matters had me occupied. Let’s review the donations we've received since the beginning of June.

Pied (3x)
Matz (2x)
Ikolincak (2x)

Thank you all for your continued support!

Title: Re: Donating to SAS
Post by: SAS~Storebror on January 18, 2025, 01:00:05 AM
Hi folks,

I'm afraid I have to apologise yet again for the delayed update on the donations. In my defence, real life's been more eventful than a soap opera lately! Here's a very brief timeline:

But that's no excuse for not acknowledging those who keep this site running smoothly. Thank you so much, guys!

Matz (3x)
Ikolincak (3x)
Pied (3x)
