Special Aircraft Service
the SAS Hangar => The Lounge => Movies & Screenshots => Topic started by: steven197106 on December 13, 2014, 09:16:13 PM
Eric Brown is a ledged. Enjoyed his book “Wings of the Luftwaffe”, where he tested most German aircraft during & after the war. A great insight from an independent eye. Thanks for sharing Steven
Thanks for sharing, haven't seen these interviews before. This is good too, BBC documentary on him. He has flown 480+ types of aircraft, incredible
Did anyone else notice that Il-2 1946 footage was used to show (many of) the WWII aircraft talked about?
But back on topic:
That man is a personal hero, among others, and the number of aircraft he is/was rated to fly is absolutely incredible.
Interesting bit of information: In a separate interview, Mr. Brown stated that he had flown five different types of "tailless" airplanes, (DH.108, Me-163, GAL 56, two others not stated), and of all of them, the Me-163 was the only one that "wasn't a killer" (as far as handling went). Although I will always maintain that the man has massive balls of iron because he actually asked to fly the 163 on rocket power (he compared that to being at the controls of a runaway train).
He surely was a legend, who else would have tried to land a wooden aircraft on a carrier (Mosquito) when the required landing speed was 20+ knots more than the aircraft stall speed. Balls of iron indeed :)
Apart from and beyond all that you have mentioned, I would like to be such a neat old chap in my age of 95... :D