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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => USA Skins => Topic started by: Edlor on January 02, 2015, 07:44:39 PM
Tiger Meet of the Americas, Cold Lake, Alberta 2003
Thanks to Zsoltfireman and Texx for the templates used in this skin and to S3 and all involved in the creation of this aircraft.
(http://s21.postimg.cc/o7c0jbedz/2015_01_03_02_29_36.jpg) (http://postimg.cc/image/4phd3dhg3/full/)
(http://s21.postimg.cc/3xep46d93/2015_01_03_02_30_01.jpg) (http://postimg.cc/image/sdwuyndzn/full/)
(http://s21.postimg.cc/6srsb1h93/2015_01_03_02_30_13.jpg) (http://postimg.cc/image/wobiu8j2r/full/)
Download here: https://www.mediafire.com/download/580c2g1ad9todco/Tiger_Meet.rar
That's a beauty ! ;D
Thanks Hubberranz. ;D
outstanding skin Edlor :P
Ohh Delicious Thanks, :P
Thanks steven197106, teddybear and you're very welcome. ;)
(https://www.mediafire.com/convkey/a0eb/dyeeeziidab8zl57g.jpg) (https://www.mediafire.com/view/?dyeeeziidab8zl5)
As 'Depeche mode' use to sing: "I just cant get enough" LoL ;)
( I know; it's an oldie like me... )
Beautiful skin - thanks very much Edlor for your great work 8)
Thanks ggrewe and you're very welcome. ;D
Nice shot there Hubberranz and by the sounds of it you and I come from the same era. :D
7.4G with comedian/story teller 'Michel Barette' ( 2012 airshow Quebec City / with the Blue Angels ).
http://www.tagtele.com/videos/voir/91466 site now closed.
Kool Vid Hubberranz. :D
Really brings to point what these pilots go through on a regular basis. ;)
Y-You beat me to this... </3 :\'(
It's anyways way better than what I would have done, but saves me time. 8) Cheers!
Thanks Ghost129er :D
Just noticed that you had a recent B-day so I guess you could consider this my present to you. ;)
Cheers and Happy Belated Birthday,
Haha! I will! Cheers Ed, thanks for the greetings. 8)
Thanks !
This link is outdated. No longer there.
Does anybody have a copy?
Would be nice if the link made it possible to d/l!
As a Canadian I would LOVE it if a new link was provided or someone contacted me with this skin....
If someone reads this and can, please provide an updated link that works and spread some sunshine in the world ;)
New Link https://www.mediafire.com/file/2r12n3vt2xuriqc/Tiger_Meet.rar ;)
My favorite skin ! :)
Thank you so much!
I had a tiger meet Canadian f-18 that I re-skinned myself that I lost in a format so I am very very pleased to have this high vis version of the skin.
I salute you sir for providing the link.... Awesome!
You're very welcome Fritzie.
Glad you like it and it's one of my faves too Hubberanz ;)
Help the link is dead :-[
Edlor's post on reply #18 above still seems to work for me... Give that one a try if you just tried the initial one.
Fritzie, I tried again but the outcome is always the same, the link in the description for me, it does not work. :(
The link in post #18 does work.
.. the link in the description for me, it does not work. :(
The link in first post DOES not work. Be sure U try #18: > 28
New Link https://www.mediafire.com/file/2r12n3vt2xuriqc/Tiger_Meet.rar ;)
update: that one is gone too. Try few posts down below for #28.
Excuse me, but I had seen the Edlor link on the second page, "even having visited several times pages ... you need a new visit to the eye ..." o_O
Thank you so much Hubberranz, for helping me in the search, and above all for pointing out my lack of attention ... from my view ... ;)
Thanks again. :D ;D ;)
Link's is Dead.... :(
ths ths ths ;D