Special Aircraft Service
The SAS Factory - Tech Help, Ancient Mods etc. => Community Universal Patch (C.U.P.) => The Keepsake: Old Mod Packs, Game Versions and Guest Mods => C.U.P. Lounge => Topic started by: Typhoon Ib on March 07, 2015, 11:23:43 AM
CUP gives me a LOT of grief.
Its "WAW" Section represents the potentially last opportunity to have an "around the world, Spain to Berlin Wall" kind of CFS for me.
Two A Mitchells, Models that serve no practical purpose to me AT ALL WHATSOEVER (9 built...wtf?!)
have replaced the Pappy Gunn version and the solid nose strafers and the ones used by the 9th Air force over the med (J-22 j15; D Models...) of which there were hundreds upon hundreds built and converted...
and basically represent the Backbone of the Mitchell family.
And i basically went TILT on that.
But... i calmed down.
And... with some head-scratching i managed to get them back in the game.
but the Yak9B is missing. The one with the 4x100kg bombload.
I am totally confused why that Stock plane was removed from the Game? (...TILT/How Dare anyone/ who the hell dared.../ Y u remove Jabo-Yak?!)
in the air ini where i put the strafer Mitchells, i find the lines for the Yak9B
Yak-9B air.YAK_9B 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
in the plane Properties where i have the strafer Mitchells i also got the line for the Yak9B
Yak-9B Yak-9B, 1944
and in the weapons.properties are the loadouts as usual.
# Yak-9B
Yak-9B.default Default
Yak-9B.2fab100 2xFAB-100
Yak-9B.3fab100 3xFAB-100
Yak-9B.4fab100 4xFAB-100
Yak-9B.2ptab 64xPTAB-2.5
Yak-9B.4ptab 128xPTAB-2.5
Yak-9B.none Empty
My thinking is:
The Yak9B is still in the game, all i need is to set the references in the files.
I am working along the lines of the Yak pack i found here
the readme confirms manipulations to the following files:
A) i have to relearn this from square one it appears... what am i missing?
B) what other planes have been cut out, so i can put them in again?
if you want to check what might be hidden in CUP and what is not activated it is best to compare a air.ini from stock ModAct with the air.ini from the WAW module;
and as you have found out already, the Yak-9b is in the stock ModAct air.ini while it is not included in CUP but can be easily added;
I will also add quite a few more planes to the plane set, as IMHO the choice of included aircraft in both, WAW and JTW leaves a few things to be desired;
this is just my two cents of constructive criticism, but I have posted in a different thread already, that the inclusion of Spitfire XIIs makes no sense at all in JTW while the omission of Spitfire 21/22/24s is really really bad as is the omission of P-47Ns and a few other birds that might be usefull for some early post WW2 scenarios;
so I think, for experienced mod users like me and you, it might be a good idea to add and include some more planes in both WAW and JTW;
adapting the ini files to work with later addons from Simon should be fairly easy as long as only aircraft are involved....
with ships this might be a little bit different though (there are a few of these missing as well) but that is another story...
so in a nutshell, CUP is great and as a one stop choice for getting up to near current mod status it is indispensable, but over the last few days I have found quite a few rough edges that need attention and careful smoothing, but that s nothing that cannot be done easily....
Yea, that's my personal position too...
you got an idea what i am doing wrong?!
cant get that Yak to show up... which has me puzzled. i seem to do things right... and feel quite stupid because i fail.
its really a restart for using mods...
gimme 5 minutes, I will try if I can get it working in my WAW...
I just added this
Yak-9B air.YAK_9B 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
to my WAW air.ini (in the STD in the #WAW folder, NOT in the #SAS folder) and the 9b shows up, complete with Jero´s nice canopy fix, rounded wheels and (in my case) the blue exhaust flames;
so it seems, at least this Yak was deliberately left out (or forgotten) in WAW....
nice find btw, one can never have enough Yaks (just as Spitfires and Corsairs :) )
thats where i was working all the time!??
3...4... 5 checks?
I mean... i put the mitchells in there...
i litterally dont get it.
'ppearently something didn't save right.
Fuck me.
Nix versteh.
at least the Profile fits... "John MAD Doe"
Thanks for checking and holding my hand.
This is nuts.
i see a looooong list of screw-ups ahead, as i change and adapt as i see fit.
oh dear, here we go again...
nevertheless, you got it working :)
and I got a nice shiny Yak-9b so cudos to you for noticing that;
as you say it might be a long road to go...I find more and more planes and ships that are omitted; I do not blame Simon for that, he wants his packs lean and fast, but a little variety in the ship yard or the plane park does not harm the fun and immersion that game holds...
we need a dedicated CUP suggestions and bug report forum....
well, i try to stick to the matter at hand, and am not a "whatif/prototypes" fan, so anything civilian (geebees... or paper dreams or one-offs) gets put into the Graveyard by double-slashing out.
but first i need to get some more W4D... my Brain is rusted to death!
yes thats exactely my line of thinking; I have also remmed out quite a few planes which I think do not belong into a serious WW2 combat flight sim;
well, enjoy your W4D, I will get myself a good bob (bottle of beer) too, might add some more ships and stuff :)
lol @ the nooooob!!!! :D
well, actually, no doubt i will be posting here myself, when i get around to installing the new CUP, so i'd better not lol @ the nooooob!!! :D
today i have that SAME SHI* with the ju-88 A1/ A5/ P1...
i am beginning to smell a problem in the direction of JSGME. i think i am messing with files that are "enabled" but i should not do that.
first disable the WAW mod, before messing with the air ini?
but then again that doesnt work either.
That's basically what i wanted to avoid - have a WWII modpack that has all the WWII planes that make sense to me and thus not having to mess about and mess up.
but one gus MUST HAVE the Geebee... the other one AVOIDS IT like the plague...
can't serve all of the users, so no hard feelings at all.
Actually, no hard feelings at all. The visuals are stunning, compared to older times.
good afternoon Typhoon :)
well, what shall I say? tried adding those JU-88s to my install and they work as they should, also the AI only ones...
which pack did you use? the original one or the one modified by StefanSG?
It may be better to let Monty and co, know what planes, objects etc you would like added to which module. That way it will avoid further conflicts and I'm sure there are certain things we will all add.
Maybe we could get a thread going of planes we would like added, or changed to CUP. Monty has already mentioned that he would like to work with people to get further modules implemented, I am slowly working on a compilation of nightfighters that I am going to ask Monty to add.
Slipper, I agree 100%; I have asked for a dedicated CUP forum or only even a suggestions, improvements thread, but for now to no avail...
actually, I did experiment with my TFM 4.12 install quite a bit and have added this and that, so I do not mind adding to CUP as well;
if Simon packs it into SFS files later on, all I need to do would be remove the manually added folders from WAW, the ini entries would be here already;
so I do not mind experimenting a little bit here...
but as you said, it would be much better to make a community effort out of proposing stuff :)
Well if you did it, for chrissakes, imma gonna get that to work too.
-edit 3 files
throw a bunch of Junk[ers] into the #WAW Folder
enable. done.
how hard can it be?! [famous last words]
no seriously... :)
ah Typhoon you will surely manage to do it, but pay attention, i took the pack from StefanSG, not the original one from page one of the thread...
that could be it. removed the classfile Storebror suggested to delete and ... still CTD.
i really need to be more patient and read every thread from front to end.
disable... edit...enable...
so far, i fiddled around with the files/read the forums/re-learn the CTD signs for 12 hours.
time to play and check out? 1 hour at best.
time for CUP is running out already before i have even set it up.
But to save everyone having to do these changes every time they updated, it would be easier in my opinion to have them installed in the sfs file in the first place.
For example another WAW plane missing is the A-26B, its in JTW, but if i add it to WAW i will have to re add it every time there is an update, it would be much easier to have it in WAW from the beginning as i can't imagine i will be the only one adding this plane.
Yeah - They ain't MISSING! This is all I got around to before the release. I could have kept it in development for another couple of months, dotting i's and crossing t's...
Many of the featured mods are step-ups from earlier versions to a 412 platform, which is no simple matter either. It seems easy to pop mods in and out now but getting each base module established, stable and into SFS format took many weeks of hard testing. I crashed and crashed and crashed Il2 again and again and again, so no sympathy here!
So; we have it now, we have it working, stable and uploaded.
Now we can start to build on what we have and get the AIR.inis, and their matching static models (Stationary and Technics too) back up to scratch.
Upgraded AIR.inis from stock will be easy addons and more aircraft converted to SFS.
C.U.P. has established a new principle install and modding method which we are already taking for granted as we get back to business.
I'm looking for your input, and help. I'm listening and we can get it done. But there was nothing half-baked in order to get it out when we did.
Nothing is Missing - Some just haven't arrived yet... ;D
Slipper's suggestion is excellent: Lets get a wishlist together for the modules and we can convert/test/SFS pack and Upgrade. When making suggestions, please help by including links.
We have our own forum now, so we can make C.U.P. exactly as we want it.
great idea Simon!
and quite a few ideas have found their way into the release thread already; here are just a few of my ideas and I can tell you, I got two WAW moduls running currently, one stock and one quite heavily modded already just to see what is possible without killing the base stock game;
ok, my suggestions would be to add more Forgotten Airforces planes; it does not make much sense IMHO to have a great Forgotten Nations patch and no aircraft to equip them with;
nearly all Polish aircraft are missing as are many French ones; the Dutch could use some help and quite a few early war Russian birds are missing too;
while we are at it, pls add more USN birds; the F4U2, the F6F5(N), the Helldivers, the Vindicator, there are two marks of Privateers available;
the RAF could use the Spit XVI, a lovely bird and one of my favourite marks of Spitfire;
oh and for a proper 46 scenario, the prototype and fictional section could use an update too; we got the ME-209, the 509, the Paulus modded Tanks, several more ME-262s, I think I have not seen the 4 engined Arado 234 variant oh and even the stock HE-111s can be updated with more marks and stuff....
there is still lots of bang you could put into the buck, lets get on :)
Question on the Yak-9B: When you added it, did you get all the ordnance to show up? I seem to get the plane, but not all the loadouts show up.
Just curious.