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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => Cockpits (ReSkins) => Topic started by: SAS~CirX on March 23, 2010, 11:59:26 AM
This is a child of the Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 by Der Wüstenfuchs.
It is for use by guys who prefer a lower Rez version of the DW CockpitPack, and who also want a manual install version. As it is a derivative, and basically copy of the DW Cockpit Pack, it is also 100% compatible and recomended with Anto's Ultimate 109 packs.
About this version:
I did fix a few minor errors in some textures, but thats not so important. The only changes on this version to be aware of are:
-They are without girl pictures and without Desiccant Patches.
You can customise this yourself with Der Wüstenfuchs's "extras" download in his thread
-These have an integrated version of Bolox's dial-lenses mod. It is customised to fit WF pack by me, so again, you should have no incompatibiilities I know of.
-Also, these ALREADY have the cockpit parts from Anto Ultimate 109 packs added.
-Lastly, I used a very cool stock Oil smudge. As I did this for myself before considering to upload this, it was too late to change back, but , I always liked the stock one better.If you dont like that, and you dont have enough savvy to change it yourself, then it is better to not use this version of the pack
Most importantly, this is a MANUAL INSTAL LOW REZ version, so the load is lighter. This is achieved by reducing the texture sizes of all textures except the main front and back panel ones.It is still more than double and sometimes triple the resolution of stock cockpits.
Size of original v4 pack : 1.62GB
Size of this CirxLRP3 version: 0.66GB
About the 4.101 version:
This is not compatible with 4.09 versions
This is not comatibile in 4.101 with any POV mods, unless it is combined with Anto 109 Pack (for 4.101, when it is available) first.
it is compatible with the following Combined_Bf-109_Cockpits_Pack_V4_-_Extras for 4.09 from DerWustenfuch:
Pictures Of Ladies
Desiccant Patches
It will work with or without Anto's 109 Pack for 4.101 (when it is available)
Enjoy! S! to Der Wüstenfuchs & Anto, and especially Freddy on who's original work this is all based, and all artists who helped brought 109 cockpits to this state!
This mod is made possible by and based on original 3d models and textures by Freddy from Histomod (http://histomodforum.forumactif.net/)
Download Lowrez manual Install 109 Cockpit Pack for 4.09 (https://storebror.it.cx/sas/archive/sasdl/cockpits/Combined_Bf-109_Cockpits_Pack_V4_CirXCustom_LowrezP3.7z)
Download Lowrez manual Install 109 Cockpit Pack for 4.101 (https://storebror.it.cx/sas/archive/sasdl/cockpits/Combined_Bf109CockpitsPack_V4_CirXcustom_Lowrez_4.101.7z)
Ja, my belated thanks for this, as well, Cirx... ;D
Always helps to lighten the load.... 8)
Wow cool, many thanks for this lowres version !!
Big thanks to Wüstenfuchs also for the HighRes Mod, but I'm afraid my ATI graphiccard don't like big textures, a pity :(
Awesome work !!
Excellent work! It's always nice to have realistically textured cockpits while not killing the FPS rate of your computer! LOL ;D
Thanks for this very impresive conversion! :-X
Thanks for the low res, the high gave me low FPS and since this is needed for the B-D 109s....
but I have a bug that the sun shines throgh the textures!
I never had that with the stock UP201 cockpits. Can this be fixed?
I solved Bf109G-6 Early's CockPit.
Sorry my english is very bad, then please see the Pictuer.
Download --> https://www.mediafire.com/file/70x33m9xkct7le9/Bf109G-6_Early_Cockpit.zip (https://www.mediafire.com/file/70x33m9xkct7le9/Bf109G-6_Early_Cockpit.zip)
Thank you.
Hi..mod is wonderful..but I have a little bug...In external view , when I push for the eject...the canopy disappear..
anyone know this bug o know how can I solve it? :'(
The canopy is jettisoned, if you look in the outside view you will see the canopy flying away ;)
This is awesome Cirx ...................
4.101 version is up. It will work with Anto's upcoming 4.101 version of the 109 pack, but it will also work perfectly without it, for all stock 109's. :)
Shall we have a 411 version of the hi-res pack too?
Shall we have a 411 version of the hi-res pack too?
I am sure DW will do one.
I say a lot Thank you in this forum, But I mean it every time :)
Another "must have" mod converted to 4.101. Thank you very much, CirX :).
Another "must have" mod converted to 4.101. Thank you very much, CirX :).
youre welcome. Speaking of must have, the Fw190 cockpit pack for 4.101 just finished uploading :)
oh linky linky please, muhahahahahahahahahaha ;D
thanks a bunch mate!
Thank you!
Good morning,
can someone explain to me how to install this pack? Just overwriting the files in the "Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4"-folder with those of the "..._CirXcustom_Lowrez"-folder?
Thanks in advance & read you again,
Good morning,
can someone explain to me how to install this pack? Just overwriting the files in the "Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4"-folder with those of the "..._CirXcustom_Lowrez"-folder?
Thanks in advance & read you again,
you can:
a) rename Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4 folder be placing "-" in front, like this -Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4
b) delete Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4 folder
Then extract CirX's pack and put Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4_CirXcustom_Lowrez to your MODS folder.
You made my day with this :D now I can use ALL of my 109s, time to go bag some Spits :P
I've probably found a bug: compass doesn't work in 109Es. Can anybody confirm?
I can confirm that in 4.101, with or without Antos Ultimate 109 pack 3.1, the 109E compasses work. You did check in a clean install if this bug is present? (with no other mods in, especially other 109 mods)
Hi Cirx, I use this Low-respack (its beautiful), but when I look on console (shift+TAB), I see this:
Cannot open file 3DO/Plane/Bf-109G-2/RFlap03_D0.msh and
Cannot open file 3DO/Plane/Bf-109G-2/RFlap04_D0.msh
Do you know what is it?
yes I do. it is just the game moaning about the meshes for the tropical filters. Nothing to do with the cockpit pack, but with the 109 ultimate pack. it is not a problem, you can ignore it.
I've probably found a bug: compass doesn't work in 109Es. Can anybody confirm?
I've got the same problem. I have it installed in HSFX 5.0, but no other 109 mods installed.
Hey did this get the reticle fix that D.W. put in the 4.09 version?
Hey did this get the reticle fix that D.W. put in the 4.09 version?
I've downloaded the samll file he posted (MANY thanks, DW!) and simply put it into my mods folder. It also workes in UP3 the same way.
Anyone knows how to fix the sunlight-through-cockpit problem that happens on the F,G,K models? It applies to all 109 reskins here, but HSFX5 doesn't have this problem.
yes, I do. it will be fixed in the upcoming UP3 patch for the version in UP3. In a few weeks when Anto and I do the next 109 pack version, we will also include that. It is a realy tiny fix, but quite difficult to find.
I would have posted it right now, but I have to go crying in my room for a few days first, since after posting my new modact, the first reply to it contained an unneeded and unneccesary swipe at my soundmod and some of my decisions, by someone who seems to insist on having mods, as long as everything stays exactly as stock.
yes, I do. it will be fixed in the upcoming UP3 patch for the version in UP3. In a few weeks when Anto and I do the next 109 pack version, we will also include that. It is a realy tiny fix, but quite difficult to find.
I would have posted it right now, but I have to go crying in my room for a few days first, since after posting my new modact, the first reply to it contained an unneeded and unneccesary swipe at my soundmod and some of my decisions, by someone who seems to insist on having mods, as long as everything stays exactly as stock.
Wait a minute-another 109 pack version! YIPEE!
man I love you guys!
Oh and Cirx, fuck that guy. You know we all love ya!
What all did he say exactly? Im not sure I follow having mods as long as they are stock? ???
yes, I do. it will be fixed in the upcoming UP3 patch for the version in UP3. In a few weeks when Anto and I do the next 109 pack version, we will also include that. It is a realy tiny fix, but quite difficult to find.
What was it really (technically)? I spent some hours trying to find/fix the problem, but nothing.
I would have posted it right now, but I have to go crying in my room for a few days first, since after posting my new modact, the first reply to it contained an unneeded and unneccesary swipe at my soundmod and some of my decisions, by someone who seems to insist on having mods, as long as everything stays exactly as stock.
Mr U spends all his time here stating how better stock game is and is always insisting in getting everything reverted to stock game... but yet he is in a modding forum
I mean, I don't understand WHAT FOR is he around if he clearly wants the most "pure" (read: stock) state of the game he clearly has some "mod-phobia"
It is true that I like being very conservative with modding, changing only what is really needed compared to stock. That is my style 8).
So to stay on topic, I definitely like these cockpits more than stock :).
It is true that I like being very conservative with modding, changing only what is really needed compared to stock. That is my style 8).
... well unless you really like stock crappy sounds, cockpits, maps, effects and FMs there REALLY are much better things in the modding world IMO, but of course this is mainly a matter of choice ...
May be you should try the banana forum ... ;)
About conservative, well, what is the need of complaining about modifications you don't need? Just don't install them and you are ready to go! :)
Use an old fashioned modactivator and since you clearly won't install that many mods, you won't loose much from the new modactivator generations.
I was only complaining because it is not possible to "not install" them :P.
About avoiding new generation modactivators: Too many additions are tied with SAS-Buttons and some other SAS-specific innovations. It is impossibly time-consuming to start from scratch. The SAS way is the only way to go. And it should be as the work done is awesome.
Anyway this is not the thread to discuss this.
I was only complaining because it is not possible to "not install" them :P.
Are you complaining about the "not install" possibility to the HSFX site also?
Hmmm, i did not show any of your complaining posts there. It may this also has to do with the fact that you don't use the same "terau" nick-name here as you use it there. So why not using the Same nick here? Easy answer perhaps?
"Trolling" perhaps?
And last you claim here:
"I don't want to once again spend time tweaking my installation with various mods and adjustments here and there. So I am going back to stock Oleg/TD game as it offers fine enough defaults without any extra hassle and sudden annoyances that appear out of nowhere."
Yet you use HSFX and you use UP 3.0RC and you are lying all the way.
Enjoy your trolling around "Kataphrakte" . Mallon tha eprepe na meineis sta paixnidia stratigikhs. Krima pou prepei na grapso sta "greeklish" edo.
I was only complaining because it is not possible to "not install" them :P.
Are you complaining about the "not install" possibility to the HSFX site also?
Hmmm, i did not show any of your complaining posts there. It may this also has to do with the fact that you don't use the same "terau" nick-name here as you use it there. So why not using the Same nick here? Easy answer perhaps?
"Trolling" perhaps?
And last you claim here:
"I don't want to once again spend time tweaking my installation with various mods and adjustments here and there. So I am going back to stock Oleg/TD game as it offers fine enough defaults without any extra hassle and sudden annoyances that appear out of nowhere."
Yet you use HSFX and you use UP 3.0RC and you are lying all the way.
Enjoy your trolling around "Kataphrakte" . Mallon tha eprepe na meineis sta paixnidia stratigikhs. Krima pou prepei na grapso sta "greeklish" edo.
Me epiases. Oraios.
U, I have beeing reading your few post`s , and it is really not possible to understand what you are up to. You seems to know very much about tweaking and modding the game, but still in every topic you write and clame the oposit. You aparently use all bigpack there is but complain about everything that is not stock. For heaven sake WHY :-\
Why do you mod the game, why are you here, you do not like anything the modders do. Can you , let me say it as polite as I can, shut up, you make us user`s of these fine mods apear ungrateful >:(
HELLO! yes i am the first to post here in a while.... but its because i was WAY behind the times.... and have just only just set up a beautiful 4.11.1m game and running it yesterday!lol Its lovely...
grabbed the spitfire pack just earlier, and the hurri pack as well... now i need those '109s, but it says to get this cockpit pack first..... so which do i get?? I see a 4.09 and a 4.10 version here. I assume the 4.09 since i recall discussion around the forum about the similarities of 4.11 with 4.09, but i want to get it right the first time! lol
thanks for the help.
I installed DBW 1.71, this pack is in DBW or I must to download it?
You need to download this Mod, and install it in your #DBW Folder.