Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => ETO Maps => Topic started by: Uzin on April 11, 2015, 04:13:07 AM
The summer map of Poland_1944 contains reworked and relocated main german airfields,
renamed cities and railstations, autobahn, Posen fortifications, KLs, and repaired some landscape details.
Several pictures concerniong the present version of the map were released earlier:
Map can be downloaded here:
Installation instructions are in readme.txt file there included.
Map was tested on Il2 4.101 SAS modact 3.06, DBW 1.71, UP3RC4 and Il2 4.12.2.
Stoupa, RedEye_Jir, Uufflakke, Vladimir Butylin, Philip Carpenter, Vitamine and Toobone, Rector, jpten, stalker, RealDarko, western0221, WWIIES, tbauchot, H.L.deZeng IV, Seppel. All friends at SAS and at Aviaskins who contributed to the information on the map and
supported me by their interest in the development of the map.
Brilliant! Thankyou very much!!! :)
?any thanks Uzin! Happy Easter,
WOW! Since getting my new 'super' PC built this game has really been taken to a new level - amazing map mate!
Excellent! Yet another important area covered thanks to YOU. Thanks!!!
Absolutely brilliant, Uzin, thank you very much.
Although my Static ini Checker tells me I have all objects I seem to be missing 'Statics$Block.isDestructed'. Anyone Know where I can find this? Thanks.
Although my Static ini Checker tells me I have all objects I seem to be missing 'Statics$Block.isDestructed'. Anyone Know where I can find this? Thanks.
Your "Statics$Block.isDestructed" must be some misspelling, there is nothing similar in static.ini file.
Thank you Uzin. I can use your great Poland 1939 map but the last two, the 1944 and the 1945 winter one won't save in FMB. If I hit Shift/Tab I get............java.langNullPointerException
Thank you Uzin. I can use your great Poland 1939 map but the last two, the 1944 and the 1945 winter one won't save in FMB. If I hit Shift/Tab I get............java.langNullPointerException
Never met it before, perhaps some good soul will help you ?
Btw, what version oif Il2 are you using ?
Perhaps it would be better to give here more of the page you got by Shif/Tab hiting ?
Thanks Uzin. I'll keep on trying. I'm using Modact 5.3 for 2 4.12.2m.
Hi, benson,
just two remarks.
1. Map of Poland_1944 has been downloaded 164 times, Poland_1945_winter - 79 times up to now, nobody else reported troubles yet.
2. I tested each map by making, saving and flying the missions in FMB. You can see a screenshot in the thread on Poland_1945winter where Ill-2 attacked a bridge NE of Posen - that with the smoke. It was made in the same Il2 version you are using.
I really regret that I have not better news to you.
It would be very nice of you if you will share your solution of the problem with us.
Yes Uzin when I get it sorted I certainly will.
I installed it (Poland_44) just yesterday in my CUP Install, and it ran perfectly, Thanks Uzin...
Ok Uzin finally got it sorted. Found quite a few Double Entries in my Static ini and after I sorted them out both maps load up just fine and great maps they are too. Thank you.
Ok Uzin finally got it sorted. Found quite a few Double Entries in my Static ini and after I sorted them out both maps load up just fine and great maps they are too. Thank you.
You are welcome !
Map reached 200 downloads ! ;)
Hey Uzin great map but can You do it in QMB in 4.12 ? ... Cheers !!!!
... can You do it in QMB in 4.12 ? !!!!
I did not made any QMB in 4.12 yet, on any map so it requires some practice from me. Perhaps you have it more than I and can do it quickier than I can ?
Hallo Uzin
I can´t see the maps ( 1939 , 1944 ) in QMB
Its normal ?
I use DBW 1.71.
Darky, it's not normal, no - but again, without some log info we can't help, mate...
in this case, it's easy to check the error in FMB - when the map doesn't load, then hit Shift+Tab and you will see the log text which will include the relevant error message...
once we know what the error is, only then can we offer the right help....
please get used to checking the log, and make sure to always post up log info with your queries... it'll save all of us a lot of back and forth'ing....
Thank you for your advice , Melone
I did it !
I can see many valid files but I don´t know how can I capture it to send you.
Can you help ?
In FMB could be a wrong installation of textures....while in QMB imply the missions is missing because not all maps have a set of quick missions for her....
Hi Whyskey_Sierra
QMB !!!!!!!!!! How can I drop the polish maps into QMB ? is it possible ?
Take a look here:
And also on M4T....
Hallo Mates...
Thank you very much for all advice..
I think is something wrong with my DBW system..
I have problem with the maps.. I have problem with the new planes ( crash at 70 % )
Map log tell me about java probleme (Java FileNoFoundException) and `Sector ( Maps 2D ) not found in Maps/Poland_1939/load.ini Poland_1939/load.ini
The next error : Sector load failed : null
I don´t what can I do... Perhaps Unzin and Loku can helps...
Great respect for both mates ( Uzin und Loku ) for the great work... Thank you.
"( Maps 2D ) not found in Maps/Poland_1939/load.ini Poland_1939/load.ini"
Read KevinP's "Map building for beginners: ver 4, page 62 printed on paper, (page 58 of pdf file):
[MAP2D] not found
This error is nothing to do with [MAP2D], it means the game can't find the
load.ini. The usual reasons are because the map is in the wrong folder or
there's no load.ini in the folder or the text in the all.ini is spelt wrongly. The
most common mistake I make is to put a comma between "load" & "ini"
instead of a full stop.
Hallo Uzin , Hallo mates....
SOLUTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ´ve find in the folder Uzin/Poland/summer four files with the file extension ...tree.tga ( for exemp. Mount2_fields.tree.tga).
The files are empty ( Or impossible to open). I´ve remove thats files.... and work all wonderful.
Beutiful map. Thank you Uzin again for your work !
Hallo Uzin , Hallo mates....
SOLUTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ´ve find in the folder Uzin/Poland/summer four files with the file extension ...tree.tga ( for exemp. Mount2_fields.tree.tga).
The files are empty ( Or impossible to open). I´ve remove thats files.... and work all wonderful.
Beutiful map. Thank you Uzin again for your work !
Hi, Darky,
I do not believe that this is that solution of your troubles. The "empty" files with .tree.tga extensions serve to clean the area of the texture with the same name, of random trees. They ate intentionally "empty".
Compare KevinP's manual :
Map building for beginners Part 2. Textures, page 18 of pdf file, chapter TREE MAPS.
You must have done other mistake.
Be careful, please, when installing, follow the readme literally.
There is more than twelwe hundrwed successful downloads of map of Poland.
I have not the crystal ball , so I cannot vaste time any more.
Hey Uzin
Great work really but can You correct my local airfield :)
here is the link in Luftwaffe hands and soviet:)
CHEERS !!!!!!
Hey Uzin
Great work really but can You correct my local airfield :)
here is the link in Luftwaffe hands and soviet:)
CHEERS !!!!!!
I should like to help you, but the picture is overlayed by bw photo, see here:
Haven't you any better picture, please ?
Btw, I could use Google Earth picture, but are You sure that this woulf be historically correct?
Hey Uzin
In RED You have slide using it 1944 map goes transparent and Blue its terrain of Airfield here is the few photos of this airfield before the war and in hands of Luftwaffe ....
here is 3D model of school ( unfortunately it`s not my work :( ... )
and most important plans of this airfield from archiv ( i do some more international descriptions) ....
(https://s21.postimg.cc/hz32eqhsn/1944.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/a6cemrbtf/)
(https://s1.postimg.cc/wtrfjoivz/Plan_Swidnik.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/x6itpv15n/)
and NN building in photo I dont know what kind of building it was maybe ,,Guard building ,, ????
(https://s4.postimg.cc/9r8n314pp/NN_build.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/atitlknix/)
I hope its help a little ... If You need any help with this airfield feel free to write ... :) CHEERS
- I do not know yet how to create the pilot school or nay other Il-2 object.
Perhaps somebody can create it ?
- the present AF at Swidnik on Poland 1944 map should be removed ?
- draw, please, on the picture the objects you want to include: school, hangars, NN building, fences
around the field ? Anything else ?
- the new AF should be placed also on Poland 1945 winter map ?
- be patient, please.
- I do not know yet how to create the pilot school or nay other Il-2 object.
Perhaps somebody can create it ?
- the present AF at Swidnik on Poland 1944 map should be removed ?
- draw, please, on the picture the objects you want to include: school, hangars, NN building, fences
around the field ? Anything else ?
- the new AF should be placed also on Poland 1945 winter map ?
- be patient, please.
That building design looks very similar to others were already have as a 3d-model.
If you know how to (which is very easy) the solution would be to make a duplicate copy
of the version we have, repaint it with a new skin (live version + dead/destroyed)
and give the folder a new original name. Enter the new lines into the static.ini
and you have a new "pilots school building"
Uzin :) I`m very patient just want help :)
Here is I think BASIC to start ... because plan is from before second war era and On the war photos we have much more buildings especially behind the ,,School,, ... Im not sure about fences bcause in link You have photo from south side of airfield and the fences are there but this is only one side photo.... and I send a Bahnhof photo from 1941 ....... http://www.historia.swidnik.net/fotografia-1988
(https://s18.postimg.cc/4via9n7o9/Plan_Swidnik_1939.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/b97dcwck5/)
and the fences with Achtung sign :) http://www.historia.swidnik.net/fotografia-1793
Here is the roads in Airfield in 1944 that should be I try to explain in next post buildings in 1944 airfield .... Ofcourse GREEN is roads like on plan :)
(https://s3.postimg.cc/xzdpi69wj/1944_SW_Roads.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/idwdy7xy7/)
Here is the Buildings that should be on map marked with red line ..... take a closer look that on photo worse quality its from 5.1944 I marked on yellow buildings they almost dissapeared in photo from 8.1944 .....when I will be at home I will look for some buildings that could fit for these red lines :) ....
(https://s29.postimg.cc/hsjpwxhiv/1944_SW_Infrastru.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/4bmre2777/)
(https://s8.postimg.cc/khult2eyd/SW1944.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/etob26alt/)
now it is much easier to make that airfield.
Just a question:
what is that rectangle (I signed in red) for ?
Its 400 metres concrete airstrip ..... what for ??? .... I dont have any idea ... I know only rumors or legends :) about Sturmvogel geschwader that was to be in here .... another is about that was starting fields for V2 rockets ... for me its weird but I heard that kind of versions :0... I dont know what for is and why is slanted on one end ??? why germans didnt do a regular airstrip ? and why is on the middle of the field ???? in the middle of nowhere ??? very ,,non german practical thinking,, but for sure is that the germans did that Airstrip ... You can see on modern photo its still on this airfeld but with more grass :) And one more ... Uzin please take a look on this photo when You will look for buildings I `ll do the same :) Like You see German really expand this airfield with huge event for Luftwaffe .... Cheers
(https://s1.postimg.cc/rt7aiq4db/1944_SW_Infrastru.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/wrusx9863/)
And what to do with nowadays airfield as shown by GoogleEarth ?
Remove it ?
Strange question :) but try to answer to Yourself :) here is the 1944 recon photo of this location :) .... do You see Airport ? hehe ... Cheers Uzin !!! :D
(https://s13.postimg.cc/dfkv5tp2f/SW1944_NONAIRPORT.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/rys078i77/)
And what is this ?
Before the war it was private property right now its private property too ... but I read that the Luftwaffe expand the terrain of the Airfield and join thats fields to Airfeld so... ,,1939-1945 Property of Luftwaffe ,, like on this photo tak a look at Yellow lines sorry for awful cut on left corner of airfeld Yellow Lines ;)
(https://s13.postimg.cc/ff7szet6v/1944_SW_Roads.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/4fmlnt2rn/)
Hey Uzin check this out https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,18761.0.html i think Swidnik airfield should look very similar like in picture( ofcourse with different buildings/roads places) ...... square plate of grass with only taht difference .... a strange strap of concreto in a middle .... check the buildings too I saw few You can use from Klaus Germany/Austria map ...... PS even a nice yellow Road in picture look gooooood :D
(https://s23.postimg.cc/3zzqwuyjv/Gablingen1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/jlh2gtahz/)
still not decided which roads I shall use:
default ones do not allow other than 45-90-0-180 degrees orientation, anf the AF is about 20 to 30 degrees from south-north orientation.
So pehaps not default ones will be used, including railways at that place.
Meanwhile I have MapBuilder refreshed for Poland_1944.
I think nobody will be angry Uzin If You do airfield as real as You can with the recon photos and plans in orientration 45-90 etc ... I think if the reality will suffer when you do Airfield in 20-30 degree You should do it in 45-90 orientation with correct roads , railways , forest airfield plate etc etc etc :D ... I hope You know what I mean ...:)
1st version of Swidnik 1944 airfield. Will be tested as for AI takeoff , landing and parking.
Any suggestions ?
Look 10000% better then 1st version on map but if its not a problem can You give some screenshot from above like photo recon ? and place there some aircraft if its possible .... best way will be Li-2/dc-3 because on original photo recon from august theres many Lisunov planes on field ....
Hey Uzin
Few suggestion ... first of all from screenshoot sight airfield surface look littlebit to small but maybe its a my strange point of view :) .... ok here is few buildings that could be use in airfield all in BLUE circles...... all is from Klaus German/Austria map ..... PS I look this building in my game but i can`t see them and i look more thne 5000 objects ;P ......
(https://s17.postimg.cc/onosop8db/1944_SW_Infrastru_0.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/izihxt40r/)
(https://s10.postimg.cc/646lwvgdl/1944_SW_Infull.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/y4aph5jtx/)
(https://s22.postimg.cc/p5yqndjsh/SW1944y.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/3wb4cj3hp/)
(https://s13.postimg.cc/n25fwdwbr/SCHOOL1944.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/6edxtw1k3/)
Little curiosity ..... :) ... in front of school was anti-fire pool you can see it on photos ..... but not always it was used in right way especially in hot summer days hehehehe :D .... http://www.historia.swidnik.net/fotografia-583
there was some troubles with my internet connection provider, so I was not able to see your suggestions.
Meantime, i worked on the field, added fence, smoothed river banks north of Swidnik, added buildings into the town, and, first of all, fine tuned the takeoff and landing of 4 Li-2. You can test the version 2 by d/lding the file:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/1w2uwnpzf8um2wt/Poland_44_Swidnik_v2.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/file/1w2uwnpzf8um2wt/Poland_44_Swidnik_v2.7z)
and , after backuping, copy-paste the content into your Poland_1944 map folder.
The school can be moved, some buildings added, but . as you, I have not patience enough to search for the one of 5000 building for school.
Here are some screenshots from ver.2.
Poland_44_Swidnik updated:
airfield enlarged, school moved, buildings and swimming pool added.
Takeoff and landing of four Li-2 in both the northern and southern directions tested.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/1ad26jky3avw4ww/Poland_44_Swidnik_v3.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/file/1ad26jky3avw4ww/Poland_44_Swidnik_v3.7z)
Did they use the little cement runway to test 1945 UFO´s ? :o
or train to shoot them down?
Uzin its look veeery good but only one more thing I know I`m starting to be annoying :) .... but like on picture add more surface airfield in arrow direction just to look more like square from hangar to the end of concreto strip ( and if its possible make full surface Land-able:) ..... remove the pond before the school I think in FMB objects we dont have a regular pool so it `ll be look better without this part of river but school is on right position .... and separete hangars between these two hangars in reality it was space for third :) ..... I hope I`m not so annoying :) ..... MAX great theory better then V2 stands :D
(https://s21.postimg.cc/wtzspilk7/194444.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/vey80skgz/)
ponds will be removed, hangars sepaeated.
Meantime I wotked on AI takeoff and landing.
So far, it is possible to takeoff and land 12 Li-2 in th north direction, 8 in the south direction - there is not enough height if 12 planes were tried, at takeoff they crash in some buildings because they cannot attain enough height above them.
As for landing from another airfiels, Swidnik can accomodate up to about 20 Li-2 planes for parking . What was the necessary number of planes according to hitorical data?
All the airflield space is covered by BlankFieldPlates, so player can takeoff and land anywhere, just bearing in mind that airfield is surrounded by the fence above 2 meters high.
Next version will be released after the corrections you submitted.
Best regards,
is here, twelwe takeoffs and landings of Li-2 ,in both northern and sourhern direction,after some trees cut away . Perhaps it might be final version ?
https://www.mediafire.com/file/q3ub7fz33kzn117/Poland_44_Swidnik_v4.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/file/q3ub7fz33kzn117/Poland_44_Swidnik_v4.7z)
Map of Poland 1944 was downloaded more than 700 times today.
Meantime, rotte7teufel met 90 years old technician who served on Swidnik airfield in 1944, and remembered well that there were two main runway directions on the field, crossing in "X" way.
Taking this on account, together with other suggestions, the airfield was re-worked once more. Now it is capable of serving for 12 Li-2 on each branch of runways , 2 x 12 at a time.
The new - the fifth version of the Swidnik airfield can be downloaded here:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/cwbfjgfdn3d87pa/Poland_44_Swidnik_v5.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/file/cwbfjgfdn3d87pa/Poland_44_Swidnik_v5.7z)
Hello Uzin
I'm still having trouble saving missions in Poland winter1944 , objectfinder say's nothing is missing o_O
Any suggestions ???
Hello Uzin
I'm still having trouble saving missions in Poland winter1944 , objectfinder say's nothing is missing o_O
Any suggestions ???
Do you mean Poland winter 1945 ?
Have you other Poland maps installed ?
Which Il-2 version ?
Summer 44, using 4.09
Poland 39
Poland 44
Poland 45 W
No save using the Swidnik patch.
Hi Benno,
I am sorry to say that the maps were not tested on 4.09 Il-2 version yet.
Perhaps benson (see Reply #14 in this thread ) could give some advice ?
Which of the Poland maps work well , and which not ?
benson reported that the issue was solved by cleaning double entries in Static.ini, also in the thread on Poland 1945w map.
Thank you, I will check.
I have the same problem as Benno (not surprising as he has a copy of my installation - heavily modded 4.09).
39 works.
But 44 and 45 have some problems I'm afraid I don't understand.
Log says:
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3do/Buildings/Germany/Highway_parts/Highway_2_2_1k_whiteB.sim'
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3do/Buildings/Germany/Highway_parts/Highway_C100_30_2_2_whiteB.sim'
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3do/Buildings/Germany/Highway_parts/Highway_C400_30_2_2_whiteB.sim'
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3do/Buildings/znaki/znak_treug1/live.sim'
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3do/Buildings/znaki/znak_treug2/live.sim'
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3do/Buildings/Poland/Kattowitz/live.sim' - and a number of other cities
All files are present.
Any idea what causes this?
I am sorry but I am not able to help with 4.09 .
Perhaps somebody else of 4.09 lovers ?
Perhaps something can be found here at western0221 reports ?
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,44289.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,44289.0.html)
Problem (this problem) solved.
Must have been a result of fingertrouble. Some 3do folders ended up the wrong place. So now these maps function again.
Obviously not having to do with 4.09.
Sorry for the inconvenience
Thanks, LameHawk,
for your report.
I am glad you solved the problem.
Thanks to Molva from Aviaskins
http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?p=165251#post165251 (http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?p=165251#post165251)
we obtained new object - school building at Swidnik airfield.
The object can be seen there or here:
This building is included in the new - the sixth - version of Poland_1944 map, which may be d/l here:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/97qa96x97h677xh/Poland_44_Swidnik_v6.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/file/97qa96x97h677xh/Poland_44_Swidnik_v6.7z)
:o JUST AMAZING ..... Great Job MOLVA !!!! :)
Thanks Uzin,
here some photos from school opening day (4.06.1939).
The school building and hangars were destroyed in July 1944, during German retreat, and then airfield was captured by Soviets (last photo, August 1944).
then it might be better to make this airfield on Poland 1939 map ?
As for me, it is neverending story , .... >:(
I am engaged by other tasks now.
Whoever wants to continue, can do it freely...
Oops, sorry Uzin, I was not going to irritate You,
my only intention was to be helpful.
I realize how much work You have done (I'm working on Polesie map based on Your Belarussia - I've spent a lot of time on it and it is not ready - as You said: it's neverending story: there is always something new to do, from time to time new sources, new pictures etc.).
Btw, I think these building and hangars in Swidnik existed till July 1944,
so they can be present in summer Poland 1944 version of Your map.
Thanks once again & Greetings,
OK, ls,
good luck to your work, too. ;)
Number of downloads of Poland 1944 map exsceeds 800 . ;)