Special Aircraft Service
The SAS Factory - Tech Help, Ancient Mods etc. => C.U.P. Downloads => Community Universal Patch (C.U.P.) => The Keepsake: Old Mod Packs, Game Versions and Guest Mods => Module 3: WAW (World at War) => Topic started by: SAS~Monty27 on April 15, 2015, 02:35:21 AM
C.U.P. Module-03 World at War PART-08
INSTALL PART-08 - UnRAR/UnZIP direct to main Il2 directory, overwrite when prompted:
World at War (WAW) is likely to remain the largest C.U.P. Module because of the sheer scope of the period covered. Part Eight adds many new aircraft and 3DFX enhancements. Aircraft mods continue to be rigorously tested before compression to SFS format. A lot of updates and addons are included here:
As an uncompressed TFM-Type upload, this set would have been several Gb's in size! The C.U.P. Install saves over 75% on filesize. This has wide implications over disc space saved, stability, improved loading times and performance.
This set provides new WAW46/47/48/49.SFS files, comprising the latest bf109 improvements from PA_Jeronimo's team, several more QMB Missions and more of the previously 'missing' aircraft as we continue to upgrade 412. WAW Pt08 also contains the latest #WAW folder, as the WAW Module continues to grow with more 412 mods, rated and tested.
Fix engines cowlings and prop´s PA_Jeronimo
Special thanks to Ton414, Birdman, Asheshouse and Just Champi
Massive improvement for the Il2 Sturmovic Series.
More of PA_Jeronimo's incredible mesh improvements.
Featuring PA_Jeronimo's 109 3D-Fixes including the development of Japancat's improved Wing Root meshes for the F, G and K models. - Added to a new WAW46.SFS.
Tropical Filters are not usually visible in the QMB Preview window but they are there. In cases where users believe they are missing filters from their C.U.P. mission setup be aware this is a map 'Load.ini' issue.
Desert maps simply require the line:
Most appropriate maps in CUP are already modified in this way. For example: included is a new set of CUP QMB Missions for Redko's Sands of Time map which works fine. - Look for 'Sands of TimeR'
Molva - 3D-model
Ivan750 - 3D-model, template, skins and textures, testing
Ilyshin - armament, testing
KarabasBarabas - advice on 3D and export classes, FM, testing
deSAD - counseling, testing
Epizikl - testing, assembly production
B-17 Cockpit Cutout from HSFX7 for 4.12 MA5.30
3d and texturing by Supersonic & Sita,
Export and code by Chap
Cockpit added to all B17’s.
TGun , AGun, Bombardier & FGun
positions reworked.
Open canopy for Yak-1 from Aviaskins Uzin
B-29 New 3DFX by Birdman - 101tfs
Open Canopy Mods, now with new 2015 Mods
At last the P-51D has an opening canopy! Effects are internal and external. The other P-51 variants also work with an external effect only. GUZKNIFE has also provided the Bf110 (external effect only), Me262 (mixture, some have both some are external effects only), the A-20 and the I-185 (external effect only).
The CUP-Mustangs now sport a stack of refinements, with new cockpit textures, new meshes, new 3DFX, new hydraulic effects and now the opening canopy. I recommend you get over to RDDR's Hangar to skin these beauties, look for the 352nd FG BODNEY RE VISITED and the SUN SETTERS 45th and 506th FG's IWO JIMA 44/45 - http://www.hangar19.net/rddrs-hangar.html
Ki-10 "Perry": Revised for 4.12 Tedeschene & Stefan SG
Aichi B7A1 'Grace' ten010
Kawasaki Ki-48 Light Bomber ”LILY” PACK ten010
Early Avia in own slot & cockpit Ranwers + PA_Jeronimo's Wheels
Major update to PZL P.11c kumpel
P-11g Loku
PZL23B&PZL42 Loku
PWS-10 Loku
PWS-26 Loku
RWD-8 SAS version 1.0 SAS~CirX + JSGME Option for Military Version
RWD-10 Loku
PZL P24 Loku
Avia Ba-122 Stoupa
CSS-13, the Polish U2 Biplane kumpel
PZL.37 Los v2.2 - upt. 03/16 2011 Ranwers +PZL_PuW_bombs
Zlín Z-26 'Trenér' (4.09) v1.1 Epervier
PZL.23B, 1936
PZL.42, 1937
PWS-10, 1932
PWS-26, 1937
RWD-8, 1934
RWD-10, 1937
PZL P.24a, 1936
PZL P.24b, 1936
PZL/IAR P.24e, 1937
PZL P.24f, 1937
PZL P.24g, 1937
CSS-13, 1948
PZL.37B, 1936
Zlin Trener Z-26, 1946
B7A1, 1945
D4Y2, 1944
D4Y2S, 1944
D4Y3, 1945
D4Y3S, 1945
At this time the PZL.37 still requires a 412 Bomb-Aimer fix but is otherwise fine.
C.U.P. Module-03 World at War PART-08
(Release post links also updated)
Update hashes... (thanks to Moezilla, see his post here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,44975.msg511404.html#msg511404 )
Filename MD5 SHA-1 CRC32 SHA-256 SHA-512 SHA-384 Filesize(bytes)
C.U.P.- Module-03 - World at War Pt08.rar 2a49114eb62111f745e325e3d57ae268 2bf28386ff39f27cc4a8d602cd113a24e0ba0098 8287b0a0 53850b23f25591a3090becdbed6027043f379264273bec4dafb923c530b4bc75 15489f4ed2c68d2a37f525aecf726d9850c2c9af1a15f3275495cdf2009d832ab3281e106dd658f14a5064b25ec5d3637a7b344b7e37997182725c6e49579613 29a296c5c3bfa2c33bf35a2a0b77ee9273126e02a863d0800987c9f9b8c403f46dd26170616aad3c7de92e3a27869c66 502,253,493
Great work Simon!
let me be the first to say thank you and your team very very much for your ongoing support and dedication! some great stuff you have packed up here :)
Great work Simon!
let me be the first to say thank you and your team very very much for your ongoing support and dedication! some great stuff you have packed up here :)
Now its taking shape Phil and I have spent most of last weekend actually writing missions again, roll on Friday... ;D
Thank you very big Monty
Thank You very much Monty, especially for Polish planes!!!
P.S. Any chance to include in the C.U.P. Zuti's Friction Mod?
Best Greetings ,
Thank you monty! :D
awesome as always Monty , if closer the beer would certainly be on me
Much obliged, Simon, smashing job!!!! 8)
Downloading the latest update now Simon ;D
Cheers Kirby
Great work Monty, many thanks again mate.
Great! Thanks Monty! The latest Cowlings&Props fix version especially. Going to do that tonight.
If I may suggest something, I think several French planes would be welcome for the next update, like the D520, the MB152 and the LeO451. Those would allow us (guys who are not really comfortable with adding planes) to play a bunch of Poltava's campaigns.
Tooslow has added all of those available (as far as I could find) to his 3 adders: MB152, D520, CR714, LeO451, MB174 and Potez63X family (franken model but nicely made according to me). I hope they will find their way in your next updates.
Anyways, thanks a lot for your work. I now play only on CUP (I even stopped playing other PC games as it has renewed my interest in IL2 altogether...).
Thanks, as always, Monty for your passion for all things IL2.
Fantastic, thank you Monty!
This is a great service you're providing, Monty, and crew. I can only imagine the work involved in putting all this together As far as I can tell, it's magic. My thanks for your industry and generosity.
Great! Thanks Monty! The latest Cowlings&Props fix version especially. Going to do that tonight.
If I may suggest something, I think several French planes would be welcome for the next update, like the D520, the MB152 and the LeO451. Those would allow us (guys who are not really comfortable with adding planes) to play a bunch of Poltava's campaigns.
Tooslow has added all of those available (as far as I could find) to his 3 adders: MB152, D520, CR714, LeO451, MB174 and Potez63X family (franken model but nicely made according to me). I hope they will find their way in your next updates.
Anyways, thanks a lot for your work. I now play only on CUP (I even stopped playing other PC games as it has renewed my interest in IL2 altogether...).
Yes we have to do that and fully convert Poltava's campaigns to CUP and a bunch of mine too. We have a few more things in the pipeline there and will get a new missions/campaigns thread up when that's ready.
Thanks for taking the time to answer, Simon. It was just a friendly, "my-2-cents", remark.
I'm already having a blast playing with my current CUP version (found a couple of nice campaigns which already seem to work fine with the default CUP install).
Take your time and "bon courage" as we say in French.
Great stuff Monty. TY!!!!
Thanks a lot, Monty ! Excellent pack !
I just saw that the Ju-88C-6 bug is not fixed, for the moment.
Thanks !
just a small error: on the new updated stock P-11c when one selects a different country than Poland, the plane cannot be flown; if you add the mod from here into #WAW directory, other nations can use the Pzl 11c again;
Thank you.
Got it, thanks Simon and Co.
Thanks a million Monty - i've now decided to resist the temptation to add extras myself as I had to unistall the #WAW stuff yet again (the great benefit of this CUP install btw) to load this new update!
Any news on including the Leo451 and Potez 63?
I love that this keeps going and going:) Hopefully one day this will be so big that we will need a compressed version called the "Micro" CUP because it won't fit on anyones hard drive :) :)
Thanks Monty!!
FYI--- The P-51D with the working Canopy opens nicely but the normal "open canopy" sounds are not there. Could be just my install, not sure.
Suggestion: (yes, i'm sorry to be annoying)
When you post a new module, can you sticky (I think thats what they call it) along with your thread for the CUP download? I almost missed the update because I thought it would have been under that thread which I check everyday. Also, there was a post by Uberdemon that gave direct links to the most common issues and it was on the first page. Where did it go? that was very useful!! Uberdemon is doing a wonderful job with his UQMB by the way!!
Ok, I see the WAW part 8 now on the download page, but I would have blew right by it. I was looking at the bottom under "Expansions and Addons".
creature, good suggestion. ;)
I moved the new updates to the CUP downloads section here:
Simon, Phillip, hope this is OK. ;)
I have a business date now, later I will investigate
if there are more DL threads wich should be moved there.
sure Gerhard, thanks a lot; just went here to do what you have done already :)
will be away for the rest of the day too, but might drop in occasionally in between flights and can do some work here as well, if necessary...
Much easier to see now :)
just a small error: on the new updated stock P-11c ... if you add the mod from here into #WAW directory, other nations can use the Pzl 11c again;
Hi Griffon,
Could you elaborate on the last part please? Move from where to where?
Sure...get the said mod from here (SAS) and install it like any other aircraft without adding the ini and ru entries as they are in the game already..
I moved the new updates to the CUP downloads section here:
Thanks Gerax
Thank you very much guys for the latest updates, greatly appreciated. 8)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Sure...get the said mod from here (SAS) and install it like any other aircraft without adding the ini and ru entries as they are in the game already..
Thanks Griffon!
AAAAhhhh DAAAaaaammm!
I am travelling! Will have to wait to get these goodies!
just a small error: on the new updated stock P-11c when one selects a different country than Poland, the plane cannot be flown; if you add the mod from here into #WAW directory, other nations can use the Pzl 11c again;
Sure...get the said mod from here (SAS) and install it like any other aircraft without adding the ini and ru entries as they are in the game already..
Not quite, because in this way You'll have only 3D update for stock P.11c (no new sounds, no FM).
Problem is in the small error in hier.him:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21041.msg228259.html#msg228259 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21041.msg228259.html#msg228259)
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21041.msg228290.html#msg228290 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21041.msg228290.html#msg228290)
When You will make above fix in hier.him, You can have both stock and new slots for P.11c and, what more important stationary plane for stock P.11c (now it is lost too because of this error).
So in my opinion, the best solution is putting mod with corrected hier.him in #WAW folder (even enough will be inserting only corrected hier.him), and restoring entries for stock P.11c in air.ini, stationary.ini and technics.ini (but with preserved entries for new slot too).
Entries for stock P.11c:
P_11c P.11c, 1939
P_11c air.P_11C 1 pl01 SUMMER
P_11C vehicles.planes.Plane$P_11C 1
Description P_11C
Icon Plane
// Class
Class air.P_11C
// Panzer
PanzerBodyFront 0.002
I'm not able to use the Igo guided bomb as a loadout in the game. Anyone else having this issue?
Regarding the latest improvements for the BF109 made by Jeronimo, I see here that only the stock models have in C.U.P such improvements.
I have an addition with the packed version "for 4.12" that Geronimo made, and this one works for all and every model present in C.U.P. without flaws . I let it be known here for if anyone is interested, or for any future "official" compilation .
Also, I have added the fix with the Gero improvements for the u.s. F4F, F6F, and FM2, available in C.U.P. for the brit models but not for the U.S. ones. I believe that after the latest #WAW pack, those models are the only ones still not "officially" included in WAW.
Of course, for anyone interested, these additional geronimo improvemente are available; Install with jsgme as any other #WAW mod.
Please, also, let me know if here is not the right place to post this fileset.
Hi mate - I'm not on Dropbox and dont want to sign up just for this - can you provide another link at Mediafire maybe??
Hi mate - I'm not on Dropbox and dont want to sign up just for this - can you provide another link at Mediafire maybe??
You don't need to register to download, click on download button, close the dialog and click againg on the download button, it will start
Should you have still any troubles with the download, please be aware also that these are the work of Jeronimo available here on his topic:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,25142.msg259058.html#msg259058 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,25142.msg259058.html#msg259058)
and in it, his 109 pack that works on C.U.P. is referred below as: DOWNLOAD 4.12 VERSION
What i did only is to gather the (few) models of his work that for whatever reason still does not show in C.U.P. and pack it in a customary file for making easier to add it to anybody.
heidelergensis, that's very helpful, thanks! I will re-integrate these into SFS with the next update. Meantime, this is great.
Thanks to you for your huge achievement with C.U.P; ....it´s right now my preferred installation of Il-2and it is also an outstanding way to maintain a modded version. I´m sure it has been a lot of work and testing to build it up.
Thanks to you for your huge achievement with C.U.P; ....it´s right now my preferred installation of Il-2and it is also an outstanding way to maintain a modded version. I´m sure it has been a lot of work and testing to build it up.
This forum, and the open participation of everyone, makes it easier all the time. The principles and structure of the project just need to be maintained to keep it all current for everyone. Contributions like this help enormously, we all win! ;D
I'm just noting for reference that WAW part 08 "C.U.P. Module-03 World at War PART-08.rar" was randomly named differently than the previous 7 WAW parts, so it doesn't sort sequentially in a folder file list sorted by name.
In fact, every single CUP DOF/WAW/JTW archive file is named sequentially except for WAW part 8. I was just about to download and install it again when I spotted it at the very bottom of my CUP downloaded files. Fortunately my CUP install wasn't affected*.. ;)
monty, it was not mentioned in the temporarily closed waw part 9 thread, so i just ask here:
you did not mention the SFS files in your guide for re-setting cup to waw 8.
waw 9 came with new versions of old SFS. (WAW43.sfs and WAW49.sfs). so for a really clean rollback i guess we need to replace those with the pre waw 9 versions and delete the numbers 50 to 53, which came with waw 9 too until you supply a new version?
Hi deci, Its not necessary to roll back the SFS files. The accumulated 3do improvements were added after Pt-08 was released but don't change anything with regard to the setup or function. Its fine to just put back the original #WAW. With so much mucking around with it I definately recommend that, it feels so clean and fresh again!
The new Pt-09 will also comprise a complete #WAW - Sort of a restore point from there. 8)
Hi deci, Its not necessary to roll back the SFS files. The accumulated 3do improvements were added after Pt-08 was released but don't change anything with regard to the setup or function. Its fine to just put back the original #WAW. With so much mucking around with it I definately recommend that, it feels so clean and fresh again!
The new Pt-09 will also comprise a complete #WAW - Sort of a restore point from there. 8)
In other words, can we just patiently wait for the new Pt-09 and not roll back to Pt-08 Or it is necessary to do the roll back?
Hi deci, Its not necessary to roll back the SFS files. The accumulated 3do improvements were added after Pt-08 was released but don't change anything with regard to the setup or function. Its fine to just put back the original #WAW. With so much mucking around with it I definately recommend that, it feels so clean and fresh again!
The new Pt-09 will also comprise a complete #WAW - Sort of a restore point from there. 8)
ok but FYI, leaving the waw part 9 SFS files active will BREAK the f6F-5 cockpit, like others reported. a rollback of the SFS files to BEFORE waw part 9 fixes this again. so there does seem to be a problem?
i really hope i DON'T look like i am acting like a arrogant know it all, or anything. i am just really thorough when testing something i really like... il-2 + cup :) and want to help getting things working correcftly.
Hi deci, Its not necessary to roll back the SFS files. The accumulated 3do improvements were added after Pt-08 was released but don't change anything with regard to the setup or function. Its fine to just put back the original #WAW. With so much mucking around with it I definately recommend that, it feels so clean and fresh again!
The new Pt-09 will also comprise a complete #WAW - Sort of a restore point from there. 8)
In other words, can we just patiently wait for the new Pt-09 and not roll back to Pt-08 Or it is necessary to do the roll back?
That's what I gathered...
Good catch deci..great to have guys like you around whi not only just report problems but try to fix them and post their findings as well :)
ok but FYI, leaving the waw part 9 SFS files active will BREAK the f6F-5 cockpit, like others reported. a rollback of the SFS files to BEFORE waw part 9 fixes this again. so there does seem to be a problem?
Just to confirm Deci's findings, part9 SFS, something broke the F6F-5. Tested on a totally clean install of C.U.P. and just to make sure, rolled back to #WAW part1 in a vanilla #WAW and SFS_WAW folder and reinstalled to part8. All ok now.
ok but FYI, leaving the waw part 9 SFS files active will BREAK the f6F-5 cockpit, like others reported. a rollback of the SFS files to BEFORE waw part 9 fixes this again. so there does seem to be a problem?
Just to confirm Deci's findings, part9 SFS, something broke the F6F-5. Tested on a totally clean install of C.U.P. and just to make sure, rolled back to #WAW part1 in a vanilla #WAW and SFS_WAW folder and reinstalled to part8. All ok now.
Yes, F6F-5 meshes under testing, that failed the test, should not have been compiled, among other things. There's no excuse, the wrong folder got in there and it shouldn't have happened. An internal inquiry resulted in a formal reprimand. :( (eMeL and RDDR seem quite nice on the surface but they are tough buggers too.)
Fortunately its all been sorted out, even more improvements made, and the Part-09 Part-10 package is better than ever. It will be compiled VERY carefully, and uploaded when it is ready.
Oh well, we all have bad hair days. Except me. I have no hair. :( :( ;D
One other thing I noticed with the F6F5 (and F3), is that Jero's cowling fix does not seem to have been included in C.U.P. for these two. I have applied Jero's fix in my "extra mods" install of C.U.P. and works fine, no problem.
Thanks for all the great work,
Hi Monty,
I have just looked at my last post again. Sometimes it must feel like this to you:
;D ;D All the best,
I beg to differ sir! Final Part-09 & 10 SFS-testing...
Then may I offer my most enthusiastic contrafibularities!! ;D