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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: Mission_bug on November 04, 2015, 06:24:29 AM
Hello guys, some time ago I downloaded the Do215-4 made by Skvorez at AviaSkins and like him I experienced
difficulty with the cockpit and gun positions so tried to get it to work better, here is that attempt which has now
been further updated. ;)
(https://i.postimg.cc/y85BpS8n/Do-215-early.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/NK1W5FTr)
(https://i.postimg.cc/D0B3rSNr/Do-215-late.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/zHbQ5G8v)
Please give this a try in your installs and report back:
Link updated 1st November 2019, please remove the previous version and install this new folder.
Updated 31st October 2019 by Pete Shaw aka Mission_bug:
The engines have now been mapped to the same texture that the rest of the aircraft uses so everything can now use the same skin.
There are some areas on the engines that shine more so than other areas, I tried to reduce this by changing the mat values.
Besides the German default I have now added one for Hungary, each has default skins.
The template I made for the Do-17 has been adjusted to use the Do-215 engines which are now mapped to it.
Original slot: Skvorez/Starling from AviaSkins.
Reworked engine nacelles: Bison_M
Additional work: Pete Shaw aka mission_bug, now has own cockpit folders and classes and new SSP.
Correction of java entries and hooks and new entries for the i18n folder: SAS~Epervier.
Other amendments: Bison_M and YT-2
Bombsight fix for the D0-17ZV2: Stefan SG
The classes I used were decompiled from the original Do17 mod by Ranwers and the Do215 by Skovorez, there may have been further corrections to those original files by other authors.
The new folders use those from the Do-217K_for409_v4.0m mod by Epervier and extracted Ju-88 folders from TD 4.12.
Appologies to anyone not mentioned your names will be added if they become known.
The Bombaimers position is usable but in my 4.12 with Modact the scale does not appear, this is not the fault of Stefan SG.
The late version is set up to use the same armament as the Do-17-2 but may need further adjustment to their hooks.
Add the folder 'Do-215B-4 V4 31st October 2019' into your #SAS folder.
Inside the #SAS folder find 'STD' then com/maddox/il2/objects to add the following to air.ini:
Do-215B air.Do215B NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Do-215BL air.Do215BL NOINFO g01 SUMMER
you can add the following entries if you wish, go com/maddox/i18n and add to plane and weapons files:
Do-215B Dornier Do 215B-1/4, 1940
Do-215BL Dornier Do 215B-1/4 Late, 1940/41
# Do-215B
Do-215B.default Default
Do-215B.24xSC50 24x SC-50
Do-215B.4xSC250 4x SC-250
Do-215B.2xSC500 2x SC-500
Do-215B.1xSC1000 1x SC-1000
Do-215B.none Empty
# Do-215B late
Do-215BL.default Default
Do-215BL.24xSC50 24x SC-50
Do-215BL.4xSC250 4x SC-250
Do-215BL.2xSC500 2x SC-500
Do-215BL.1xSC1000 1x SC-1000
Do-215BL.none Empty
Self Stationary Planes:
(https://i.postimg.cc/8kHGQYC7/Do-215-statics.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/pyp4Kqzv)
If you want to add the self stationary planes add the folder/folders of choice 'PS_Do215B_SSP' and 'PS_Do215BL_SSP' to your #SAS folder.
If you do not have one you will need to create a section in the stationary and technics files, go again to com/maddox/il2/objects to find both files at the bottom and add the following to their respective file, usually at the end of the existing stock stationary list:
Do215B vehicles.planes.Do215BStatic$Do215B 2
Do215BL vehicles.planes.Do215BLStatic$Do215BL 2
// Self Stationary planes
Description Do215B
Icon Plane
Class air.Do215B
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Description Do215BL
Icon Plane
Class air.Do215BL
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Skin folder names:
PaintSchemes folder with test skins included in download.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. November 2019. ;D
Thank you very much !
;) Little fix for readme :
# Do-215B
Do-215B.default Default
Do-215B.24xSC50 24x SC-50
Do-215B.4xSC250 4x SC-250
Do-215B.2xSC500 2x SC-500
Do-215B.1xSC1000 1x SC-1000
Do-215B.none Empty
# Do-215B late
Do-215BL.default Default
Do-215BL.24xSC50 24x SC-50
Do-215BL.4xSC250 4x SC-250
Do-215BL.2xSC500 2x SC-500
Do-215BL.1xSC1000 1x SC-1000
Do-215BL.none Empty
Many THX to all involved ...! ;)
Nice Daimler Benz engines addition ... :P
Thanhs Pete
Little fix for Engines smoke :
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.00500989 -3.159 -0.02785
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.00500989 -2.23551 0.51606
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.21396 -1.91096 -0.7282
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -0.20061 -1.91096 -0.7282
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -0.00116014 -1.01916 -0.74922
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.38066 -1.5075 0.56887
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -0.2948 -1.5075 0.61706
0.122788 0.707107 0.696364 -0.122788 0.707107 -0.696364 -0.984808 0 0.173648 0.55626 -2.10397 0.05971
-0.183013 0.707107 -0.683013 0.183013 0.707107 0.683013 0.965926 0 -0.258819 -0.53924 -2.11985 -0.21059
-0.183013 0.644888 -0.742042 0.183013 0.763944 0.618785 0.965926 -0.0225578 -0.257834 -0.53924 -1.94657 -0.22204
0.122788 0.575442 0.808573 -0.122788 0.817287 -0.562997 -0.984808 -0.0301538 0.17101 0.55626 -1.9307 0.04736
-0.183013 0.506236 -0.842752 0.183013 0.859789 0.476727 0.965926 -0.0669873 -0.25 -0.53924 -1.77679 -0.22204
0.122788 0.464979 0.876765 -0.122788 0.88378 -0.451503 -0.984808 -0.0522173 0.165611 0.55626 -1.76092 0.04908
-0.183013 0.498863 -0.847138 0.183013 0.863917 0.469206 0.965926 -0.0691665 -0.249406 -0.53924 -1.59029 -0.22376
0.122788 0.510228 0.851229 -0.122788 0.858939 -0.497138 -0.984808 -0.043478 0.168117 0.55626 -1.57442 0.04222
-0.183012 0.491451 -0.851459 0.183013 0.867978 0.461649 0.965926 -0.0713405 -0.248793 -0.53924 -1.40404 -0.23404
0.122788 0.426292 0.896213 -0.122788 0.902634 -0.412524 -0.984808 -0.0593912 0.163176 0.55626 -1.38816 0.06994
-0.183013 0.498863 -0.847138 0.183013 0.863917 0.469206 0.965926 -0.0691665 -0.249406 -0.53924 -1.21802 -0.23918
0.122788 0.378804 0.917295 -0.122788 0.922986 -0.364718 -0.984808 -0.0678497 0.159844 0.55626 -1.20214 0.09948
2.5E-07 1 0 -1 2.5E-07 0 0 0 1 0.55622 -2.10387 -0.05698
2.5E-07 1 0 -1 2.5E-07 0 0 0 1 -0.54053 -2.11885 -0.21052
2.5E-07 1 0 -1 2.5E-07 0 0 0 1 -0.12028 -1.61376 0.37468
Engine2_D0.msh (the smoke output is reversed)
0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -0.02785 0.00498986 3.159
0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0.51606 0.00498986 2.23551
0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -0.7282 0.21394 1.91096
0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -0.7282 -0.20061 1.91096
0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -0.74922 -0.00116014 1.01916
0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0.56887 0.38064 1.5075
0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0.61706 -0.29481 1.5075
-0.683013 0.183013 -0.707107 0.683013 -0.183013 -0.707107 -0.258819 -0.965926 0 -0.25971 -0.53827 2.10397
0.696364 -0.122788 -0.707107 -0.696364 0.122788 -0.707107 0.173648 0.984808 0 0.01059 0.55723 2.11985
0.808573 -0.122788 -0.575442 -0.562997 0.122788 -0.817287 0.17101 0.984808 0.0301537 0.02204 0.55723 1.94657
-0.742042 0.183013 -0.644888 0.618785 -0.183013 -0.763945 -0.257834 -0.965926 0.0225577 -0.24736 -0.53827 1.9307
0.876765 -0.122788 -0.464979 -0.451503 0.122788 -0.88378 0.165611 0.984808 0.0522173 0.02204 0.55723 1.77679
-0.842752 0.183013 -0.506236 0.476727 -0.183013 -0.859789 -0.25 -0.965926 0.0669873 -0.24908 -0.53827 1.76092
0.851229 -0.122788 -0.510228 -0.497138 0.122788 -0.858939 0.168117 0.984808 0.043478 0.02376 0.55723 1.59029
-0.847138 0.183013 -0.498863 0.469206 -0.183013 -0.863917 -0.249406 -0.965926 0.0691665 -0.24222 -0.53827 1.57442
0.896213 -0.122788 -0.426293 -0.412524 0.122788 -0.902634 0.163176 0.984808 0.0593913 0.05404 0.55723 1.40404
-0.851459 0.183012 -0.491451 0.461649 -0.183013 -0.867978 -0.248793 -0.965926 0.0713403 -0.21994 -0.53827 1.38816
0.917295 -0.122788 -0.378804 -0.364718 0.122788 -0.922986 0.159844 0.984808 0.0678497 0.08918 0.55723 1.21802
-0.847138 0.183013 -0.498863 0.469206 -0.183013 -0.863917 -0.249406 -0.965926 0.0691665 -0.21948 -0.53827 1.20214
0 -2.5E-07 -1 0 1 -2.5E-07 1 0 0 -0.05698 -0.53824 2.10387
0 -2.5E-07 -1 0 1 -2.5E-07 1 0 0 -0.21052 0.55852 2.11885
0 -2.5E-07 -1 0 1 -2.5E-07 1 0 0 0.37468 -0.16512 1.61376
Just when you thought that "Well, I guess that this wonderful array of aircraft of IL-2 is pretty well rounded off" a new gem appears. Like this one!
Pete - many thanks to you, and to skvorez and to all involved! ;D
Thank you very much !
;) Little fix for readme :
Little fix for Engines smoke :
Thank you very much for those Gabriel, greatly appreciated, this aircraft does still need some tweaking. 8)
Many THX to all involved ...! ;)
Nice Daimler Benz engines addition ... :P
From what I can tell the engines actually come from the Bf 110 although I could be wrong on that and Skvorez may have made the 3d. ;)
Thanhs Pete
Glad you like it urmel . ;)
Just when you thought that "Well, I guess that this wonderful array of aircraft of IL-2 is pretty well rounded off" a new gem appears. Like this one!
Pete - many thanks to you, and to skvorez and to all involved! ;D
More material for your campaigns Peter, cannot have you getting bored can we. :)
I have no idea why the second nose gun will not show up as the entries were not changed from the original classes, strange thing is though I actually pointed the java from the gondola to it and it worked although the gun fired rearwards. o_O
The Bomb aimer scale also does not show in my 4.12 install with this and other aircraft. :(
Guess I messed something up in the process. :-[
Anyway, hopefully it will be of use to early war campaigns and maybe a few what ifs.
Take care guys.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
cheers, Pete, much appreciated, mate :D
cheers, Pete, much appreciated, mate :D
Your welcome mate. ;)
The engine fix from Gabriel was just the trick. 8)
(http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42/Mission_bug/Album%202/Fix%201_zps4xx90ou3.jpg) (http://s293.photobucket.com/user/Mission_bug/media/Album%202/Fix%201_zps4xx90ou3.jpg.html)
I also figured out what was the issue with the exhaust colouring on the second aircraft.
(http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42/Mission_bug/Album%202/Fix%202_zpsgyakg4hp.jpg) (http://s293.photobucket.com/user/Mission_bug/media/Album%202/Fix%202_zpsgyakg4hp.jpg.html)
I will add these to a new update but will give it a few days so any other bug reports can be looked at. :D
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Hi Mission bug
Thank you very much for these planes. They work ok in my 412.2+Mod530+A1 530.
There are the issues you mentioned but otherwise they work ok.
I did not get any idea of the exhaust thing, they are the same as before the "fix".
@ Pete,
Please try these little fix for Java code... ;)
Fix for weaponTriggersRegister and weaponHooksRegister.
Do215B Class
Aircraft.weaponTriggersRegister(class1, new int[] { 10, 11, 12,
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 });
Aircraft.weaponHooksRegister(class1, new String[] { "_MGUN01",
"_MGUN02", "_MGUN03",
"_BombSpawn01", "_BombSpawn02", "_BombSpawn03", "_BombSpawn04",
"_BombSpawn06", "_BombSpawn07", "_BombSpawn08", "_BombSpawn09",
"_BombSpawn10", "_BombSpawn05" });
try {
ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList();
Property.set(class1, "weaponsList", arraylist);
HashMapInt hashmapint = new HashMapInt();
Property.set(class1, "weaponsMap", hashmapint);
byte byte0 = 13;
String s = "default";
Aircraft._WeaponSlot a_lweaponslot[] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[3] = null;
a_lweaponslot[4] = null;
a_lweaponslot[5] = null;
a_lweaponslot[6] = null;
a_lweaponslot[7] = null;
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;
hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "24xSC50";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[5] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[6] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[7] = null;
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;
hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "4xSC250";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[5] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[6] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[7] = null;
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;
hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "2xSC500";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC500", 1);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC500", 1);
a_lweaponslot[5] = null;
a_lweaponslot[6] = null;
a_lweaponslot[7] = null;
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;
hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "1xSC1000";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[3] = null;
a_lweaponslot[4] = null;
a_lweaponslot[5] = null;
a_lweaponslot[6] = null;
a_lweaponslot[7] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC1000", 1);
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;
hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "none";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = null;
for (int i = 0; i < byte0; i++)
a_lweaponslot[i] = null;
hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
} catch (Exception exception) {
Do215BL Class
Aircraft.weaponTriggersRegister(class1, new int[] { 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 });
Aircraft.weaponHooksRegister(class1, new String[] { "_MGUN01",
"_MGUN02", "_MGUN03", "_MGUN04", "_MGUN05", "_MGUN06",
"_BombSpawn01", "_BombSpawn02", "_BombSpawn03", "_BombSpawn04",
"_BombSpawn06", "_BombSpawn07", "_BombSpawn08", "_BombSpawn09",
"_BombSpawn10", "_BombSpawn05" });
try {
ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList();
Property.set(class1, "weaponsList", arraylist);
HashMapInt hashmapint = new HashMapInt();
Property.set(class1, "weaponsMap", hashmapint);
byte byte0 = 16;
String s = "default";
Aircraft._WeaponSlot a_lweaponslot[] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(13, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(14, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[5] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(15, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[6] = null;
a_lweaponslot[7] = null;
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;
a_lweaponslot[13] = null;
a_lweaponslot[14] = null;
a_lweaponslot[15] = null;
hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "24xSC50";
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(13, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(14, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[5] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(15, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[6] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[7] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[8] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[9] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;
a_lweaponslot[13] = null;
a_lweaponslot[14] = null;
a_lweaponslot[15] = null;
hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "4xSC250";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(13, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(14, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[5] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(15, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[6] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[7] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[8] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[9] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;
a_lweaponslot[13] = null;
a_lweaponslot[14] = null;
a_lweaponslot[15] = null;
hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "2xSC500";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(13, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(14, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[5] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(15, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[6] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC500", 1);
a_lweaponslot[7] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC500", 1);
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;
a_lweaponslot[13] = null;
a_lweaponslot[14] = null;
a_lweaponslot[15] = null;
hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "1xSC1000";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(13, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(14, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[5] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(15, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[6] = null;
a_lweaponslot[7] = null;
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC1000", 1);
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;
a_lweaponslot[13] = null;
a_lweaponslot[14] = null;
a_lweaponslot[15] = null;
hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "none";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = null;
for (int i = 0; i < byte0; i++)
a_lweaponslot[i] = null;
hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
} catch (Exception exception) {
This fix work fine in my 409.
works in 4.12. Just some flashing in the cockpit. didnt look into readme. flashing is a bright lihgt or flickering near the controls.
They works also in C.U.P, but I not yet fully tested them,
Many thanks to all involved,
Best regards,
I did not get any idea of the exhaust thing, they are the same as before the "fix".
Hello Barber I might have misunderstood what Gabriel was fixing there, the whole hook section deals with many things, exhaust smoke is one as are smoke trails from weapon hits etc. :-[
@ Pete,
Please try these little fix for Java code... ;)
Fix for weaponTriggersRegister and weaponHooksRegister.
This fix work fine in my 409.
Thank you very much gabriel, greatly appreciated, I will add them to the java. ;)
Glad to know this bird is working for the 4.09 rebels. 8) One less for you to convert although it might take you as long to clear up the mess I made. :D
works in 4.12. Just some flashing in the cockpit. didnt look into readme. flashing is a bright lihgt or flickering near the controls.
Hello dsawan, glad it works for you, unfortunately I do not know what the problem is with flashing as this is not present in my install. ;)
They works also in C.U.P, but I not yet fully tested them,
Many thanks to all involved,
Best regards,
Good to know it works also in another install. 8)
I do not actually add anything to my CUP I leave that to Simon and the gang, hopefully this will also find its way into one of their updates eventually. ;)
Take care guys.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
A big thank you for this :P
I might have misunderstood what Gabriel was fixing there, the whole hook section deals with many things, exhaust smoke is one as are smoke trails from weapon hits etc.
The fix for Engines is for the hooks EF (smoke Engines). For the two planes!
Small fix for the left engine. Big fix for the right engine!
Glad to know this bird is working for the 4.09 rebels.
No no ! No work for 409 Rebels !
Pilot-cockpit and Bomber-cockpit no compatible with 409 ! ;)
I use this kind of aircraft in AI mode only!
In the best case (for tests) I use the pilot cockpit and cockpit bomber ... only!
Note: Do not forget to change the wheels (new wheels Do-17 by Jero)! ;) :D
Ok Gabriel, thank you very much for the clarification. ;)
I have tried the wheels from PA-Jeromino using his mod files installed into this aircrafts folders, however, the texture used with those for the Do217 meant that the instrument boxes in the cockpit when viewed externally adopted the colouring from that texture and lost the internal colour seen previously so I reverted back to the original. :(
Knowing me though it is quite possible I did something wrong. :D
Take care mate.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
A site some skinners may find useful for skins of this model
Thank you very much for the link dsawan, greatly appreciated. 8)
The Luftwaffe and Hungarian Do-215 schemes are obviously the most interesting as they portray actual in service aircraft. ;)
If the exports had not been abandoned due to the deteriorating situation in Europe then there would have been Swedish, Dutch and Yugoslavian camouflaged aircraft as well, maybe one of the skinners will oblige us with a few what if schemes for the campaign builders. :)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Anytime, my man. I do hope we can get some nightfighters out of these in tyhe future along with do-17 z released a while back. These were the early nightfighters till '42 when theywere withdrawn.
Hello guys, there were a few issues with this aircraft that have now been rectified. ;)
The engines as they were with that bad looking mapping:
(http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42/Mission_bug/Album%202/Fix%202_zpsgyakg4hp.jpg) (http://s293.photobucket.com/user/Mission_bug/media/Album%202/Fix%202_zpsgyakg4hp.jpg.html)
And all the machine guns had a rather annoying patch of Green on them:
(http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42/Mission_bug/Album%202/Problem%201_zpswfqpvhiu.jpg) (http://s293.photobucket.com/user/Mission_bug/media/Album%202/Problem%201_zpswfqpvhiu.jpg.html)
Both issues were the fault of the 110 tga that is used to colour the added nacelles but a little alteration has improved
things considerably and the camouflage pattern now blends in a little better I think:
(http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42/Mission_bug/Album%202/Problem%203_zpsrqefpurd.jpg) (http://s293.photobucket.com/user/Mission_bug/media/Album%202/Problem%203_zpsrqefpurd.jpg.html)
(http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42/Mission_bug/Album%202/Problem%204_zpso6ewrnz5.jpg) (http://s293.photobucket.com/user/Mission_bug/media/Album%202/Problem%204_zpso6ewrnz5.jpg.html)
Take care guys.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
... many THX, Mission-bug, but are those fixes included in the download link page 1, or not yet ...? ;)
... many THX, Mission-bug, but are those fixes included in the download link page 1, or not yet ...? ;)
No Mick, sorry they are not yet uploaded, possibly tomorrow. ;)
The fixes from Gabriel had already been included but finding the problem with the green patch on the guns has took some time. :-[
Once that was out of the way I could then look to the engine mapping which is still not quite complete, just need to try and blend the
Blue colouring with the existing underside colour if I can. :(
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Super job, Pete! As always. Thanks!!! :)
Super job, Pete! As always. Thanks!!! :)
Glad you like the continuing work so far Peter. 8)
To try and help blend things a little better I have created a set of lines for the whole of the engines:
(http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42/Mission_bug/Album%202/Problem%205_zpsilcdwfyq.jpg) (http://s293.photobucket.com/user/Mission_bug/media/Album%202/Problem%205_zpsilcdwfyq.jpg.html)
Their opacity will obviously be toned down and only the ones actually needed for the Blue areas used although this
now gives me the chance to colour the whole engine area upper and lower if necessary but for the moment the existing
colour will be retained. ;)
I actually have a template I made for the Dornier a long time ago to make various Finnish aircraft so who knows at some
point I may do few skins for this aircraft but right now I can only tinker in as ill health prevents me doing much. :(
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Hello guys, the link in the first post has now been updated to include the recent changes. ;)
Engines blended in as best I can:
(http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42/Mission_bug/Album%202/Problem%206_zpsfvonknq8.jpg) (http://s293.photobucket.com/user/Mission_bug/media/Album%202/Problem%206_zpsfvonknq8.jpg.html)
For anyone using my 4.12 stationary aircraft mod these were included in the last update but no entries were given because
the mod was not available at the time, for anyone else the SSP are still in the download.
Thank you very much to all who have contributed to this project your contributions are greatly appreciated. 8)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Hello guys, I just updated the credits in the first post it seems I incorrectly credited the work on the engine nacelles. :-[
These were in fact the work of Bison_M, to who I sincerely appologise for the mistake.
The readme in the mod will be updated when I next upload any fixes.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Hello guys, Master Epervier has been tinkering again and passed on the results for me to update the java and hier. 8)
Radiators now open and close but will need a colour change:
(http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42/Mission_bug/Album%202/Radiator_zpsxlnztbsk.jpg) (http://s293.photobucket.com/user/Mission_bug/media/Album%202/Radiator_zpsxlnztbsk.jpg.html)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Hello guys, there is now a new link in the first post. ;)
Now uses the Do17 FM, with the previous one taking of as a pilot was difficult this now helps rectify that considerably.
The belly gun in the early version is working again.
The bomb aimer view is now improved, however, the scale does not show in my install:
(http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42/Mission_bug/Album%202/Problem%207_zpsret6s93l.jpg) (http://s293.photobucket.com/user/Mission_bug/media/Album%202/Problem%207_zpsret6s93l.jpg.html)
The second nose gun is now visible and operable:
(http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42/Mission_bug/Album%202/Problem%208_zpspmdkktby.jpg) (http://s293.photobucket.com/user/Mission_bug/media/Album%202/Problem%208_zpspmdkktby.jpg.html)
The radiator doors now work thanks to Epervier:
(http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42/Mission_bug/Album%202/Problem%209_zps4ozemcwx.jpg) (http://s293.photobucket.com/user/Mission_bug/media/Album%202/Problem%209_zps4ozemcwx.jpg.html)
These are coloured using their own tga.
Take care guys.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Thank you very much for the updates 8) Mission_bug.
Best regards,
Thank you very much for the updates 8) Mission_bug.
Best regards,
Glad to be of service Piotrek, glad you like the mod. 8)
There has now been a second update added today to rectify a few issues. ;)
I decided to try this in my 4.12 HSFX V 7.03 install and encountered a few problems, one was a texture and the other engine effects. The texture was needed from the 111 B gunner so it was added and the Mat file pointed to it, also added was effects and other folders from the Do-17 and all is now working.
The mod was also put into a clean 4.12 install with only the components of the SAS ModAct 5.30 added nothing else.
Hopefully this is now the final upload, please remove any previous versions and add the latest ;)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Big thanks to everyone involved with this bird, im running it in 412 HSFX and it's great..Many Thanks.
thanks for the updates, Pete - much appreciated, mate :D
Ah, more excellent work from Aviaskins. Their work is appreciated by many people here.
Edit: I understand the Hungarians got 11 or so. I'd guess that's not enough for a full squadron. Maybe they used them as recconissance machines.
Edit 2: There will be a single mission available at M4T by Korean lunch time tomorrow -;)
Hi Pete,
maybe a little silly question, but I can't find a solution, how can I set default skins for Hungarian A.F.
I tried to create a hu_summer folder in my # 00_SKINMOD folder (Vp_modpack) but unfortunately it doesn't work for me.
any suggestions please?
Best regards,
Country / Regiment original summer (or desert / winter) default skin function (like hu_summer) is written in each aircraft classfiles.
Bf 109 and Gladiator Mk.II have such expanded methods in each classfiles to use hu_summer or earlycontwar_summer folders.
I didn't know that, Thank you for your explanation. 8)
Best regards,
Hello Piotrek, if you make and add a Hungarian skin into the summer/winter/ folder of your skin mod that will give the aircraft the default skin and it will replace what is currently there but you will then need to accept that for German and all other nationalities that will show for all unless as western mentions the change is made in the aircraft classfiles.
Actually Hungarian as the default might not be a bad idea because this particular type I think was more used by them than any other nation at the time.
It is so long ago that I worked on this that I no longer have the java I used and to be honest I do so little with java these days that I have most likely forgot how to make the necessary changes anyway.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Hello Pete,
Please don't worry about it, it's not that important, this mod works great without default skins ;D,
most likely you have a lot of open projects that get your attention right now,
By the way, I consider the Do-215B to be one of the best implemented projects 8), as an ordinary player I would of course like to make a few more changes :P, e.g.:
(https://i.postimg.cc/pLP2mYcQ/Sveden.png) (https://postimages.org/)
Such an addition (fuel tank?) even if it's a fictional.
Nevertheless, I'm very happy with what we have in the game and that's still a lot.
Best regards,
Hello Piotrek1, I took a look in the mod today and realised the engines from a Bf-110 I think really need to be mapped to the Do-17 skin as they are picking up the
original skin they were made for. :o
Re-mapping those items is something I could take a look at so at least any skins that are applied match up to everything on the model. I will have a think about it, and while I am focused I will just take a look and make sure if my java files for this are still about or not. ;)
The fuel tank could be borrowed from something else in game I suppose, even so there would have to be java changes to add the pylon and tank as well as adding hooks for the new items, not sure about that, these things have a habit of spiraling out of control when you start tinkering and I am supposed to be retired from all this mad stuff. :D
There are many projects I intended to have a go at still on the to do list so do not hold your breath waiting. :P
Take care.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Hello Pete, Thank you for your response, and although your response shows that you are very busy, your work is very much appreciated by me, so I would be very grateful for any update related to Do-215B (engines, fuel tank, etc.) of course if it did not interfere with your others projects.
Forgive me for my spelling mistakes and my English.
Best regards,
And I still dream of old versions of the "flying pencil" Do-17: E, F, L, M - old Luftwaffe from the beginning of the war and war in Spain and export K - defender of Yugsławia in April 1941 ... Maybe I'll wait ...
Hello Pete, Thank you for your response, and although your response shows that you are very busy, your work is very much appreciated by me, so I would be very grateful for any update related to Do-215B (engines, fuel tank, etc.) of course if it did not interfere with your others projects.
Hello Piotrek1, It is not that I am busy or that this would interfere with other projects, I have been struggling with health issues for years that limit how much time
I can spend doing anything, including those things I most like. ;)
I need to choose carefully just what I work on these days which is why I officially abandoned modding as such to concentrate what little time I can spare doing
3d, or at least trying to. :D
Anyway, I should have done this back at the release but was unsure how to so it was left, you reminded me it was still on the to do list.
Engine 1 mapped, what a pain but done all the same:
(https://i.postimg.cc/6pZf72J6/2019-10-25-17-21-54.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/zyJg6fG4)
There were some odd mapping issues due to the fact that originally this was based on the Dornier 217 and Ranwers made things fit to give
us the Do-17, they have now been identified so just a case now of managing what little space is still available so I can add both of the
Bf-110 engines.
It might end up looking a bit rough around the edges, however, if all can be painted on one skin then all is good. :o
Take care.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Hello, Pete,
Forgive me, you did mention your health problems, I just forgot about it :-[,
and back to the engine mapping I can't wait for the final result.
With all my heart I wish you back to health.
Best regards,
No problem Piotrek, all is good. ;)
I have mapped the second of the 110 engines used for this to my Do-17 template:
(https://i.postimg.cc/1tyshPdb/2019-10-25-22-23-35.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/xkpWLrnP)
There is also a mesh at the front that turns out to be a prop cone from something, seems to be to blend the shape somehow,
so I cloned it and made a second as at the moment one is used both sides, the mapping for both is now also added to my
template so they can each be painted to match the respective engine:
(https://i.postimg.cc/x8CQ85nR/2019-10-26-11-26-12.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/WFQCfMDF)
In hindsight it might have been better to make completely new engines, however, I will stick with what I have for now
and see how it all looks once I paint things as it is keeping me out of mischief and after all does give me some practice
as well as the opportunity to see what might be the best way with other projects.
I now need to make some lines and such as well as sort out where the paint needs to go, I have some images for the Hungarian
and Swedish schemes so stay tuned we will see what turns out. :D
Take care.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Hello Pete,
Well done 8), I am very happy that you want to finish your project, I'm sure it will look much better now after the amendments.
Best regards,
Sorry for disturb but the LINK DON´T WORK :( :( :(
Sorry for disturb but the LINK DON´T WORK :( :( :(
Strange that scheear, I tried it myself and all I get is it is generating a new download key, it is my account so the link should still be active as
I have never removed it. o_O
Maybe Mediafire is having technical issues and it will be okay in a few days, not sure what is wrong.
Once I finish the update I am working on I will renew the link, not much point at the moment packing everything up and giving you a new link
just to replace that in a week or so. ;)
Anyway, paint is now on the newly mapped nacelles:
(https://i.postimg.cc/vH59mS6v/2019-10-26-18-04-52.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/gnkrSssw)
(https://i.postimg.cc/4xZcHb6R/2019-10-26-18-05-00.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/0bWjLSXV)
I need to do some adjustments to get things aligned and add the second upper colour, then try and do some
lines, there is also a issue with the nacelles being too shinny, I turned down the mat values and it helped but
I need to investigate further.
The spinner encroaches on the nacelle slightly, I might have to add a small ring around the front of the prop
cone that is the front of the nacelle to blend with the prop colour.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.
A lot of work, but the effect is impressive! 8)
Best regards,
Nice looking plane.
A lot of work, but the effect is impressive! 8)
Glad you are happy with it so far Piotrek1, a few days in and I think I should have gone with making new engines from drawings but that could also have
meant I would have needed to alter the wings as well, not to mention any other alterations I might have found if I started to look at scale drawings, so for
now I will see how it looks when I complete this particular task.
Nice looking plane.
I always liked this particular series of Dornier aircraft, the engine change for this version does give it a unique style that is very attractive, to me anyway.
Work progressed to making lines yesterday:
(https://i.postimg.cc/vZctRvRM/2019-10-27-23-33-04.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/68xvnn51)
(https://i.postimg.cc/0jk7VYGT/2019-10-27-23-33-11.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/cgzKH8bh)
When Alex ( Bison_M) put this together he did a good job of merging the engine change into the existing geometry, however, there
are areas where the lines I added merge into other things or are little thicker and blurred in places, most likely Alex had to stretch
or enlarge things a little to make them come together.
Anyway, the point of the project was to add everything to the same texture so it could be skinned in the usual way, that is done
so I will push on and maybe add some rivets to the lines I have done and create two skins, one Hungarian the other Swedish and
see how it all looks then.
Take care.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Hello Pete, new skins, template and fully skinned plane - the best news I've heard lately 8),
heartfelt thanks to Alex 8), thanks to whom the project Do-215 saw the light of day.
I keep my fingers crossed for finishing the work as soon as possible.
Best regards,
new skins, template and fully skinned plane
Hello Piotrek, yes a template so you can make some skins yourself, I am only doing one to create the tga files needed. ;)
The engine has been mapped onto my existing template for the Do-17 that was created to make some Finnish skins:
I only needed to add the lines and rivets to that with the new mapping and use the existing ones already there for the remainder
of the aircraft so once I finish the alterations you get a template just for this particular aircraft so those of you with the information
can create a series of schemes for those Air Forces who operated it. 8)
My task primarily was to allow that so you are not dependent on swapping tga files for any new scheme you might want to create. :D
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Thank you for your explanation,
I'm very excited about the prospect of making my own skins :) :P :-|.
Best regards,
Great work mission bug. Not sure if it's just my viewpoint, but to me, the engines look too shallow, and the spinner too elongated and pointed compared to real life photos. What do you think?
(https://i.postimg.cc/NLhGVSpn/do215-2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
I'm very excited about the prospect of making my own skins :) :P :-|.
Good, I am glad about that, it turns me into a nervous wreck which is why I do not do it often, trying to align some things is a nightmare on some models. ;)
Great work mission bug. Not sure if it's just my viewpoint, but to me, the engines look too shallow, and the spinner too elongated and pointed compared to real life photos. What do you think?
Yes sparky you are correct, this is essentially a franken, it uses engines from existing aircraft rather than having them made to drawings, Alex, who put them together originally does not do 3d work but makes things happen in the hier to get as close as possible without him needing to make the new parts and at the time this was put together my 3d skills were rudimentary, still are some would say. :D
What I am doing was essentially a experiment to map those engines he used to the existing skin, no more than that, to enable you to make a few skins. ;)
Could I make new ones, yes, however, the Do-17 itself was primarily a franken to start with, Ranwers used his wizardry to create what we have now so if I go down that road I might as well make a complete aircraft, sorry not going to happen, if I start sure as night follows day someone will import one from another game so it would be a waste of time when what we have here will suffice for now.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Could I make new ones, yes, however, the Do-17 itself was primarily a franken to start with, Ranwers used his wizardry to create what we have now so if I go down that road I might as well make a complete aircraft, sorry not going to happen, if I start sure as night follows day someone will import one from another game so it would be a waste of time when what we have here will suffice for now
No worries mate ;) , just my observations thats all. As no one else had mentioned it I wasn't sure if it was just me
Getting there finally. ;)
Added a few rivets here and there, unfortunately due to stretching they are not on the underside air intakes:
(https://i.postimg.cc/wTz4C5qm/2019-10-28-23-24-30.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/hhC0xd7D)
I searched my files and I do still have the java for this aircraft lying around on the hard drive. :o
What brought me back to the thread was the question from Piotrek1 regarding having Hungary as one of the default schemes, currently
there is one for all, Germany and Hungary appear to be the principle users of the type so both could be set up in their respective defaults
I guess, maybe put the Swedish skin when I make it in as Multi1 although I think we only have one map with a small area of Sweden on it. :-|
The weapon slots in the java would allow for additions, however, I have no information at all regarding the tank carried on the Swedish aircraft.
Anyway, I will do the artwork first as that is mainly my priority.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Great work mission bug. Not sure if it's just my viewpoint, but to me, the engines look too shallow, and the spinner too elongated and pointed compared to real life photos. What do you think?
I wonder if Bf-109E or Me-110E spinners could be used? Just a thought...
I wonder if Bf-109E or Me-110E spinners could be used? Just a thought...
Hello herbarnold99, seeing as the engine itself is from a 110 you would think so, however, Alex must have thought otherwise when
he put it together so I will go with his choice, I have enough to do. ;)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Hello Pete, Nice work 8),
As for the fuel tank, I also didn't find any mention of it, so here I rely entirely on you, whatever you decide will be good.
Best regards,
As for the fuel tank, I also didn't find any mention of it.
Here is a link to IPMS Stockholm (International Plastic Modellers Society), these were aircraft on order for Sweden:
Seems the tank could actually be a radar not a fuel tank. :o
I think we will leave that off, I would not be able to make it work so it would be eye candy only, sorry, not worth the aggravation
of setting it up, and if there is not one in game already I would have to make it to begin with. ;)
That delivery scheme looks interesting, there is also a image on the net of a decal sheet for Dutch machines so if something can be
found for the other proposed exports that will give a skinner much to play with. ;)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
You're right of course Pete, I share your opinion on this, generally speaking I'm glad to see how much has been done so far 8), so please don't worry about the little things :P,
Best regards,
Lines and rivets are now done. ;)
You guys can chop and change things to how you want later I am just trying to match the newly mapped
engines to the remainder of the airframe:
(https://i.postimg.cc/bwjtmQ2F/2019-10-29-22-25-50.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/WhXz3q8M)
Still to do:
Make a default Hungarian skin.
I will most likely have to re-map the engine LODs.
See if my java set up still works and if I can add German and Hungarian defaults.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
On a good way.
(https://i.postimg.cc/5Nkb21WY/de39a39c5c7c02bca244714d8de5cd9d.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/MvRh9CTq)
Source with more pics (https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234961191-dornier-do-215b-4-148-icm-new-modelkit-build/)
The engine seems to be a little bit too much bubbled (maybe) and the spinner needs some work. :-|
Reminds me of my work on the Focke Wulf 190 A-3. In the end the 3D man was near to kill me, but the plane looked nice 8)
The engine seems to be a little bit too much bubbled (maybe) and the spinner needs some work. :-|
Hello Wa99el, the engine issue has already been mentioned earlier, as I pointed out then this is not my 3d work but a attempt by Bison_M to try and replicate the particular aircraft using existing game aircraft parts, that is why we call it a franken around here as the alterations do not use specially made 3d but use the hier to attach and alter things to size and shape and produce something close, at least we hope so. ;)
Previously the engine needed a separate targa file to paint it which made normal skin work a problem so that is what I have attempted to overcome while leaving the model as Alex put it together.
I did consider actually making the engines, however, that would have entailed looking at alterations to the wing also and possibly other parts as well so the project could have got to a stage where I might have ended up trying to make the complete aircraft. :o
I am sure someone will import one from another game soon such as WT, meanwhile we can use this with my latest alterations. :D
Take care.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Nearly there, just the java changes to sort out if I can. ;)
(https://i.postimg.cc/bwpsnvxS/2019-10-31-20-37-53.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ZCsbt4DJ)
(https://i.postimg.cc/NjDLkwDJ/2019-10-31-20-38-21.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/VJSYzp3n)
The schemes are purely for the default if I can make it work for each nationality, they are hopefully near
enough to how the types were marked, if not the rivet counters et al can make some to their own taste
and replace later. :D
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Hello guys, there is now a updated link in the first post. ;)
Please remove the earlier version and replace with the new folder as there have been numerous alterations.
Take care.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Splendid job Mission_bug! Many thanks.
Hello Pete, Hungarian default skins look great 8), Thank you for your work, I really appreciate it.
Best regards,
awesome work, Pete! the plane looks fantastic! 8)
Glad you like the updated version guys. 8)
Maybe one day someone will give us the real deal, until then this fills a space so to speak. ;)
Right, where is that project I put aside. o_O
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Thanks for the update. If it works in BAT like the initial model; it will be included in a Russian WAW campaign.
Thanks for the update. If it works in BAT like the initial model; it will be included in a Russian WAW campaign.
Hello David, I have only tried it in my ModAct 5.30, however, there is no reason why it should not work in BAT. ;)
The only java change I made was to add Hungary as a default for Piotrek1, everything else was 3d mapping and skin work so
it should not cause any problems in any install that it is already in, I hope not anyway, as long as you remove the previous
version as there were changes made in the folders and to the hier.
It might be that overwriting would be okay, however, when doing these updates it is very easy to forget just where you made
changes so a new install of the mod is the best option to avoid issues.
As far as I am aware the saved java would contain any of the changes that went into the previous update and would have been
saved at the time just in case I had messed anything up, three or so years ago I think and no one reported anything yet. :o
Looking forward to that campaign of yours. 8)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
I love the look of this mod, but is there anyway to correct the spinner issue? It’s driving my OCD mad!!!
Cheers!! FA
Have installed it in last BAT, and seems to work. Maybe someone else should try too... and the best would be to have it in next BAT update !!!