Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => Visual Mods => Topic started by: Docholiday on November 09, 2015, 06:10:29 AM
a fast approach to the Dinghi-Container some of the D and E models of the Bf110 had
https://www.mediafire.com/download/0ztcc8ilp7k2kja/BF110_Dinghi.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/download/0ztcc8ilp7k2kja/BF110_Dinghi.7z)
Check it out
(http://s10.postimg.cc/9c8wvb4sp/09_11_2015_13_18_05.jpg) (http://postimg.cc/image/a1rp7o5c5/full/)
Thank you Doc! :D
Many thanks Doc!
Thank you very much, Doc.
Doc, we avid Bf 110 fans thank you from the bottom of our hearts! :)
Bravo , Doc!
Out from here due some hurry in realizing some kit for a model show exposition on the next weekend....
....reading really quickly all new treads....
....posting really few replies....
....atm only one....
To thank you for this little mod that I was waiting from almost 7 years!
this is gonna sound like a dumb question to some, but i'm not sure which hier this is meant for - the cockpit or the external model?
i ask, as i've actually tried both, on my SAS Bf110 Family D-3, but for the external hier entry and files, as well as trying it for the cockpit, which is a generic for all variants, i also don't see any dinghy in either option - internal or external...
could someone advise as to to what exactly i'm supposed to be doing with these files to get them to work, and what am i supposed to be seeing with it?
thanks in advance
It is for Plane folder.
With this mesh over the tail of the Bf-110D & E is longer...
aha - thanks mate, i wasn't sure what i was looking for at first, now i get it, at last, lol - indeed, this is a great little addition, long overdue for the 110's
... this dinghy version was especially tailored for Simon's Town sea rescuers, Malone ... :P
of course, who else, mate ... :D