Special Aircraft Service

The SAS Factory - Tech Help, Ancient Mods etc. => C.U.P. Missions and Campaigns => Community Universal Patch (C.U.P.) => The Keepsake: Old Mod Packs, Game Versions and Guest Mods => Module 3: WAW (World at War) => Topic started by: vonofterdingen on December 10, 2015, 04:26:29 PM

Title: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on December 10, 2015, 04:26:29 PM
(http://s1.postimg.cc/nzyr8lh73/Rabaul_Title.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

Campaign Information

This campaign is based on the period from October 1943 to the end of the war. Once Japan’s “Pearl Harbor” in the Pacific, As part or Operation Cartwheel, Allied forces have decided not to invade Rabaul, but instead go around it and isolate the stronghold. To marginalize the forces at Rabual, the Allied forces attacked the area regularly and cut it off from receiving supplies and reinforcements.

Current Version is: 1.1 (12 January 2016). This version corrects a load-out issue with the Betty Bomber.

Download Link:  http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=2247 (http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=2247)

Though based on historical information, much of the gameplay is dynamic due to the nature of Lowengrin’s Dynamic Campaign Generator (DCG).

(http://s18.postimg.cc/reohkcltl/B_25_bomb_run.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

The following careers will be available:

Japanese Navy:   A6M5 Zeke, D3A1 Val
US Army Air Force:   P-38 Lightning, B-25 Mitchell
US Navy:   F6F3 Hellcat, SBD5 Dauntless
US Marine Corps:  F4U1A Corsair, SB2C3 Helldiver

Prerequisites & Compatibility

This campaign was written and tested using the SAS Community Universal Pack mod pack. For information, see: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,45222.0.html

You must have installed Lowengrin’s Dynamic Campaign Generator for IL-2 version 3.47 or later. To obtain DCG see the Lowengrin website: http://www.lowengrin.com

(http://s7.postimg.cc/42lotbp8b/Hell_Divers_from_USS_Princeton.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

Installation and Settings
•  Decompress the Rabaul.zip file and put the uncompressed Rabaul folder into your DCG home directory.
• Copy the Paintschemes folder from the Rabaul folder to your main game directory’s Paintschemes folder.
•  Make a backup of the DGEN directory in you IL-2 game directory.
•  Copy the DGEN folder from the Rabaul \DGEN directory and paste it to the main game folder. If prompted to overwrite files, click Yes.
•  Start the DCG program. Select File?Optional Third Party Data Folder.
•  Navigate to the Rabaul folder and select allcampaigns.dcg.
•  In the DCG main screen, select Mode ? Off Line Career (Full Auto-Generation Mode).
•  Close DCG.
•  Start your IL-2 game. Choose one of the Nation/Career options listed above under Campaign Information and slick Start.
•  For best results, choose the squadron that is in the same ordinal position as the aircraft you select. For example, if you choose the second aircraft type in a list of three, choose the second squadron in the list as well. This will ensure that you receive the correct aircraft upgrades as they become available.

(http://s13.postimg.cc/qnojr7p13/Strafing_Corsair.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)


This is a large and dynamic campaign;. I have done testing, but testing a campaign of this scope is near-impossible. If you encounter difficulties, please notify me; solutions are usually available once I know the nature of the problem. Exploding planes on startup are the most common issue; if you encounter this please let me know (this is a problem that can be fixed with relative ease). I have created new Payload assignment files for this campaign, but as noted above it is hard to test all possible combinations.

(http://s9.postimg.cc/msu46gha7/Surprise_attack_on_Nissan_Island.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)


Thanks to the SAS team for bringing us C.U.P., the Freemodding team for the Hell Diver, and Paul Lowengrin for the excellent DCG campaign generator.

This campaign would not be possible without Bee’s wonderful Rabaul map. I also used the following custom skins. Aircrat/Skin:
•   Rufe: Ronnco
•   Zeros: VPmedia
•   B-17: Jaypack
•   B-25: Jarink
•   Betty: Buglord

I am personally much indebted to Scharnhorst and Lonestar for their wonderful tutorials on the use and scripting of DCG campaigns.

(http://s1.postimg.cc/asvzn7ya7/Rabaul_in_flames.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on December 10, 2015, 10:28:32 PM
Fantastic work vonofterdingen.  Putting CUP to good use!  ;D
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on December 11, 2015, 03:30:04 PM
Thanks, Monty. The link is on the first topic now.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: Cycle on December 12, 2015, 09:46:41 AM
Oh, what a nice surprise . . . i hope i have time next year and will try C.U.P and end my break!
Thanks for your work, vonofterdingen!
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on December 29, 2015, 04:17:41 PM
There has been a change to the torpedo load-outs for the Betty bomber (I think in download 17) that will cause exploding planes at mission start. I know what is wrong and am testing the fix. I will post it in the next day or two.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: ricnunes on January 11, 2016, 11:12:36 AM
First of all thanks for the campaign!

However I stumbled into a problem when I started a campaign for the USMC with the SB2C Helldiver. No matter what squadron I select I cannot play with the SB2C Helldiver. When I start the campaign I will always get a squadron equipped with the F4U Corsair.

I would appreciate help in this regard. Thanks in advance for replies.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on January 11, 2016, 06:51:28 PM
Well, that's not supposed to happen. I will take a look. What CUP patch level are you at?
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: ricnunes on January 12, 2016, 08:52:28 AM
Well, I just downloaded and installed CUP the day before yesterday (Sunday, the 10th) so I guess that I should have the latest CUP version?

Now that I tried a bit more of your campaign, I sorry to say that the 2 sub-campaigns that I tried so far (USAAF and USMC pilot) are basically unplayable for me!
In the first mission of both campaigns the Frames per Second (FPS) are awfully low (unplayable) and even lowering the graphics doesn't seem to help. After this and for both campaigns I decided to skip the first mission (end and accept the first mission's results while still on the runway) and in the second mission my aircraft just blows up on the runway (and this happens in both campaigns as well).

Perhaps I did something wrong but as it is I'm sorry to say that your campaign is simply unplayable on my end :(
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: ol' Navy on January 12, 2016, 04:11:04 PM
I gotta concur with ricnunes' comment above.  Same with me.  I don't think that I have ever used DCG before, but it installed fine, campaign (USMC in the F4U) and it was unplayable.  Stuttering really doesn't describe it adequately.  Maybe I need to use the DCG panel to configure it some other way than I have done.  But - I have set most everything I could find to "moderate" or "sparse" so I'm not sure what else I can do.  Any response/recommendation to him or to me would be very much appreciated.  Thank you.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on January 12, 2016, 05:12:30 PM
Ok. let's look at one issue at a time. First, the stuttering...

By default, DCG is going to max out your configuration. You will need to dial it back in some cases, and my campaigns tend to be among those cases because I load a lot of planes and squadrons. The info below pertains to any DCG campaign, by the way.

To adjust the DCG settings...open DCG. On the main page, select Edit-->General Campaign Settings:

(http://s27.postimg.cc/b3fp9b583/Screen_Hunter_117_Jan_12_16_08.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

Try these settings for starters. The first three items in the left column are the issue. Squadron density is the most important of all. These settings will apply to any new campaign that you create. If you want to adjust an existing campaign though, make sure that your Rabaul campaign is the current active campaign and click the Generate Mission button. It will use the new settings going forward.

Let me know if this reduces/eliminates the stutter issue.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on January 12, 2016, 05:16:59 PM
Next issue: exploding plane on runway. I am aware of this. Either there was a change to the Betty Bomber loadout in a recent update or I booted something, but that is the problem (see my reply #4 above). When you have exploding planes on the runway in any campaign it is almost always the loadout for some aircraft in the campaign. I have a fix and have tested it, and just now uploaded it to M4T. Same link as on the first post of this thread. You can safely recopy all of the files to your DCG directory but the only file that changed is Payloads.dcg. The new file will take effect for any new campaigns; if you want to apply the change to an existing campaign you will need to generate a new mission with DCG.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on January 12, 2016, 05:18:29 PM
And another item...ricnunes, are you still unable to select the Helldiver? I could not duplicate that issue.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: ol' Navy on January 13, 2016, 07:12:05 AM

no full quotes PLEASE!

Let me know if this reduces/eliminates the stutter issue.

Thank you.  I did this, but, the first two missions are where I definitely had the problem and still could not play them.  Again, this was the USMC F-4U campaign.  But then I tried the third mission, same campaign, no problem.  I haven't gotten further so I'll have to let you know.  Then, last evening, I tried the USAF P-38 campaign, and didn't see any problem with it (not known past first mission).  Funny?  Believe me, I am not complaining because I enjoy and appreciate your hard work.  Thank you.  Mainly, I wanted to let you know about the issue I was having, in hopes of helping others.  Thank you for the response, and your patience with an old not too smart guy
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on January 13, 2016, 12:47:40 PM
I am genuinely pleased to help. I always suspect that for every one person that raises an issue there are ten more that just don't say anything.  I am currently playing the campaign myself with the P-38.  I will try one with the  Corsair and see if I run into trouble.  You can also try lowering the squadron density another notch.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on January 13, 2016, 01:02:20 PM
About low fps....

....check this tread and look in your log if there is trace of the misisng object...

Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: ol' Navy on January 13, 2016, 03:34:46 PM
I am genuinely pleased to help. I always suspect that for every one person that raises an issue there are ten more that just don't say anything.  I am currently playing the campaign myself with the P-38.  I will try one with the  Corsair and see if I run into trouble.  You can also try lowering the squadron density another notch.

Thank you.  I believe that I got a hold of a bad download when I downloaded your campaign.  This morning, I made a concerted effort to get rid of what I had, re downloaded it, reinstalled the campaign as per instructions, and now it works.  At least it makes me feel a little better in that it wasn't something that I screwed up on my own for a change.  And also, let me apologize to you for using "full quotes".  I have never learned to do otherwise.  Tried it one time, but my quote wasn't enclosed in a block and it wasn't shaded blue.  Believe me, I did think about doing it hear, but I just don't know how.  At 73 yrs old, it is just getting hard as hell to learn "stuff".  Thanks again.  I appreciate the help.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: SAS~Gerax on January 13, 2016, 03:49:49 PM
ol' Navy, I am the one who edited your post.
We want to avoid full quotes to have a more readable forum, thats all.  ;)

To do a proper quote isn't so complicated.
Just rethink maths brackets operations .. and you will understand.  :P
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: ol' Navy on January 16, 2016, 06:17:22 PM
Next issue: exploding plane on runway. I am aware of this. Either there was a change to the Betty Bomber loadout in a recent update or I booted something, but that is the problem (see my reply #4 above). When you have exploding planes on the runway in any campaign it is almost always the loadout for some aircraft in the campaign. I have a fix and have tested it, and just now uploaded it to M4T. Same link as on the first post of this thread. You can safely recopy all of the files to your DCG directory but the only file that changed is Payloads.dcg. The new file will take effect for any new campaigns; if you want to apply the change to an existing campaign you will need to generate a new mission with DCG.

I have had a plane explode on the runway as you alluded to.  And I would be interested in what you say about generating a new mission.  But since this is my first time to use DCG, how would I go about doing so.  I have downloaded your campaign, the 1.1 version.  How do I get rid of the previous campaign and use this new one?  Thank you.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on January 17, 2016, 01:00:05 PM
Any new campaign you generate will use the new campaign files. To update an existing campaign, follow the steps below. Note that these steps are needed to implement any changes you make to an active campaign. In DCG, you can change the number of planes (to reduce fps issues, for example), you can change loadouts, paintschemes, and so on. You must generate the new mission per the steps below before these items will take effect.

Make sure that Rabaul was your last active campaign. If you are not sure, just go to your career page and load the briefing screen, then exit.

Open DCG. Select Files --> Optional Third Party Data folder and make sure that the Rabaul folder is selected.

(http://s2.postimg.cc/lm0yr5v7d/Screen_Hunter_117_Jan_17_11_35.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

To make sure that Rabaul is the active campaign, select Edit --> Squadron and make sure you see the squadrons for the Rabaul campaign. In the example below I am playing the Rabaul campaign using the USMC Hell Diver subcampaign:

(http://s21.postimg.cc/y9ev4486f/Screen_Hunter_118_Jan_17_11_41.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

Note the message underneath the Generate Mission button ("Changes to squadron composition will not take effect until..."). Click the Generate Mission button. Wait a moment for the mission to be generated. You will know that DCG generated the mission when the message underneath the Generate Mission button changes to a mission briefing statement:

(http://s16.postimg.cc/ss7mgunvp/Screen_Hunter_120_Jan_17_11_56.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

Now you can go into the game and load the new mission and settings. The settings will remain in effect until you make another change and apply it specifically to this campaign. Hope I made sense of all this.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: ol' Navy on January 17, 2016, 02:17:53 PM
Thank you.  I am gonna try to do all this.  This DCG is new to me and I'm pretty much in a quandary on where to go.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on January 17, 2016, 02:22:05 PM
We will get it.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: bergkamp on January 27, 2016, 08:35:59 AM

Unless I am missing something really stupid, I do not see the aircraft option in any of the sub campaigns. eg: I can choose the USMC campaign but cannot see the Helldiver campaign. In fact, the Helldiver does not show up in the player squadron dropdown list. I have downloaded twice now and also started with a clean DGen folder. Same result.

Also, while checking out the FPS issues in FMB, I got the message "the chief's type ship IJNShigaEscort does not exist in your current installation." This is also true of IJNShinnan and IJNUkuru. It appears these have not been included in the latest CUP #WAW update #18. I do not believe they were ever imported from TFM412.

Best Regards,

Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on January 27, 2016, 09:07:02 AM
I will look into this. It is working on my install, so we must have some Mod difference.  The Hell Diver issue is particularly odd. If I understand correctly, you choose the Marine campaign and in the aircraft selection dropdown you have the Corsair but not the Hell Diver. ..correct?
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: bergkamp on January 27, 2016, 09:29:05 AM
Yes, that is correct. And just to clarify, whichever campaign I choose, USN, USMC, USAAF, IJN, I can select a career for the first plane (eg F4U, P38, Hellcat) but nothing for the second, sub career (eg Helldiver, B-25, SBD). Like this:

(http://s14.postimg.cc/rg6acprkh/2016_01_27_at_16_36_21.jpg) (http://postimage.org/) (http://s16.postimg.cc/a5lr3gq7p/2016_01_27_at_16_36_50.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

Another thing I found, only a minor glitch - jeez, you can't think of everything compiling something like this - mission 2 of USMC F4U campaign, I got a "mission failed" message whilst sitting on the runway. Checking FMB, you had put a primary target tag on a Jap vehicle in the target area but had set timeout at "0" minutes. I reset the timeout to 45 mins to solve.

Please don't think I'm nit picking. Producing something like this must have driven you mad sometimes.

Thanks and Regards,


Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on January 27, 2016, 10:38:16 AM
Another thing I found, only a minor glitch - jeez, you can't think of everything compiling something like this - mission 2 of USMC F4U campaign, I got a "mission failed" message whilst sitting on the runway. Checking FMB, you had put a primary target tag on a Jap vehicle in the target area but had set timeout at "0" minutes. I reset the timeout to 45 mins to solve.


I don't think of a creator error....objectives aren't generated from campaign generator engine and not set form campaign maker?
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on January 27, 2016, 11:00:16 AM
Yes. Objectives come from DCG.  I recommend disabling the No Instant Success setting. There is also a DCG setting for objectives that we might need to turn off.  I'm at work now but I will post better answers in a couple hours.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: bergkamp on January 27, 2016, 04:06:41 PM
Sorry guys, I didn't mean to overcomplicate this. This is what I'm getting at:

(http://s22.postimg.cc/5bm5dv3ap/2016_01_27_at_22_12_20.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

I can usually get round this problem by opening up the mission in FMB and changing the "timeout" in the target object window. This is no big problem, so don't waste a lot of time checking every mission.

Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on January 27, 2016, 04:23:41 PM
It is no waste of time, I promise you. I always appreciate people who are good enough to ask about a problem so that I can investigate it.

First the Hell Diver issue. When you select a different squadron, the aircraft does not update automatically; you need to select both aircraft and squadron. So, when I select the Hell Diver Squadron, I see this:

(http://s14.postimg.cc/50dvyxqkx/Screen_Hunter_120_Jan_27_15_17.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

To select the aircraft for that squadron, I need to click the "Plane" field (which shows the Corsair by default); that will activate the ability to select other planes (at least I hope this is your issue):

(http://s30.postimg.cc/nz06py90x/Screen_Hunter_122_Jan_27_15_22.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on January 27, 2016, 04:29:55 PM
Now the Mission failure message. As far as I know, DCG tracks its own success and failure for missions. Your success (and by you I mean your red or blue army) depends on your destruction of enemy planes, supplies, columns, factories, etc. To avoid the nag message which I think is irrelevant any way, try disabling Primary Objectives in the DCG Options menu. Remember that you will have to generate a new mission in DCG before this will take effect:

(http://s8.postimg.cc/w1dd36tad/Screen_Hunter_124_Jan_27_15_27.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: bergkamp on January 28, 2016, 04:08:42 AM
Thanks, mate. Well, you learn something new every day!! Never even occurred to me to click on the Corsair to get to a drop down menu. All good now.

As you say, the "mission over" before it has even begun message is just an irritant and not worth worrying about. Obviously easily fixed. I have never been much into the nuts and bolts of DCG, so maybe I will look at it a bit more in depth. I see there are tutorials on scripting campaigns on Lowengrin's site, should make interesting reading.

With regard to the low FPS situation, I found that once in the air my FPS went from 7-8 on the ground, to a norm of 58-60 and seemed to be fairly stable over the target area. I will play around with the settings and see if I can come up with anything worthwhile.

With regard to the missing IJN escorts. It's no biggy to put them into my CUP install. I will give Monty a nudge to see if he can put them into a later update ( or maybe they are in the upcoming #WAW part 19 already).

Thanks for your time and help,

Best Regards,

Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on January 28, 2016, 08:38:29 AM
I think I have the escorts on my install or I wouldn't have been able to add them.  I  vaguely remember that there is a jgme option with an esoteric name like "Dry Dock" that adds some missing ships. It might be obsolete now though. I will check when I get home.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: bergkamp on January 28, 2016, 09:19:42 AM
Definitely not in CUP at the moment. I made a request to have them put in and asheshouse was good enough to send a reply #133 here: 


I don't know if not having those ship objects would make a difference to the frame rate - I haven't had time today to test. I had dialled back all the settings in the edit and options menu in DCG and still didn't make a lot of difference.

The only other thing I did was to open a .MIS file in the campaign folder and delete every plane except for two flights of F4U's. That made a difference!! But then that was my experiment and is not helping anybody.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on January 28, 2016, 02:38:05 PM
Agreed. In general, the best way to lower the number of planes in the missions is through the Squadron Density setting mentioned earlier in this thread. Then all subsequent missions will have the same setting applied to them. Just remember to generate one mission through DCG once you make the change.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on January 28, 2016, 02:47:32 PM
This is the "Dry Dock" mod I have enabled (it is part of the stock install). It claims to address "missing ships" but I do not know which ones.

(http://s29.postimg.cc/c2lu3ws4n/Screen_Hunter_125_Jan_28_13_44.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: exhausted on February 07, 2016, 12:05:20 AM
I get an error after the briefing when I load the mission:

Mission loading failed: Landscape
'Rabaul_1944/load.ini' loading error

I'm using CUP 20, how do I fix this?
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on February 07, 2016, 11:32:12 AM
I have CUP 20 as well and it is working, so I don't think that is an issue.

In the Render_OpenGL section of your config.ini, make sure that you have set HardwareShaders=1

If that does not solve the problem, see if you can open the Rabaul map in the FMB.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: exhausted on February 07, 2016, 03:30:04 PM
I have CUP 20 as well and it is working, so I don't think that is an issue.

In the Render_OpenGL section of your config.ini, make sure that you have set HardwareShaders=1

If that does not solve the problem, see if you can open the Rabaul map in the FMB.

Strangely, I can make it to the briefing and the map shows up. But I can't load the mission or the map in FMB.

Here's the message:

"World.land().LoadMap() error: java.lang.RuntimeExeption:Landscape'Rabaul_1944/load.ini'loading error"
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: bergkamp on February 08, 2016, 04:08:42 AM
With regard to the missing IJN escorts. It's no biggy to put them into my CUP install.

Hi again vonofterdingen, just thought you would like a quick update on my fps issues with this campaign.

With regard to the missing IJN escorts, having put these into my CUP install, I seemed to get an increase of 3 to 4 fps and less stuttering - maybe as a result of the game not looking for missing objects. The best results came from the following:

In DCG, squadron density sparse to moderate.

In CUP JSGME turn down the "smoke effect" options. With so many a/c starting up at the same time, I found this has a huge impact on fps.

I got the best results on my pc (mid to upper range specs) with squadron density set to moderate, 3 flights per squadron and JSGME smoke option set to FPS-4 JC Effects. I get 18- 25 fps at startup and 60 fps in air.

I further experimented with turning off VSync in NVidia control panel, giving me up 130 fps. I didn't see any loss off video quality but I still cannot get my head round whether it is a good or bad thing to have VSync off.

Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: Moezilla on February 08, 2016, 09:47:11 AM
@exhausted - Are you running water=4 in the conf.ini and do you have an nVidia or ATi/AMD GPU? Any JSGME mods active? Could you post the last 50 lines or so of your log after you try to load the mission again?
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: exhausted on February 08, 2016, 10:37:26 AM
Hi Moezilla!

Yes, I run water=4 and I have an nVidia 760. My JSGME mods are:
cup missprocombo v4122
cup vismod9 v4122
waw 00 fps6 wepfix
Config01 torp load
JC effects
random belt start pos

Will report back once I get into the game for the log.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on February 08, 2016, 04:50:41 PM
@ exhausted...I just took a look a the Rabaul map thread and was reminded that you need to enable the Carmaster Hi-Rez mod for this map; some of the map textures are 2048x2048.

@ bergkamp...I too have best results with squadron density set to moderate. I do not know what implications vsynch has but it does not appear to make a difference on my system (currently I have it on). I think we will be seeing higher and higher fps in CUP generally as Monty et al refine it.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: MrMojok on March 28, 2016, 04:19:07 PM
Anyone know where we can download Lowengrin's DCG from now?

edit: disregard, it is here: http://members.shaw.ca/lowengrin/

Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: SGT68 on July 25, 2016, 05:56:48 AM
I have Modact 5.3 4.12.2 basic install with DCG 3.48.... The jap DCG for Rabaul campaign doesn't list in the game, only the american stuff. 
I have tried Rabaul VPM and Rabaul 1.1 , and i have tried DCG 3.49beta also.... Anyone else with this issue?
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on July 25, 2016, 09:32:33 AM
I don't recall wether the Japanese campaign is for Army or Navy.  Did you check both?
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: SGT68 on July 26, 2016, 09:24:39 AM
I don't recall wether the Japanese campaign is for Army or Navy.  Did you check both?

Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on July 27, 2016, 05:42:22 PM
Ok, I see the problem. It is my tired old eyes. Thanks for finding this and letting me know!!

In the Rabaul.zip there is a DGEN folder. Among those files, find these three:


The J in the file name should be I. So please rename the three to:


and copy them to the games \DGEN folder.  Alternately you can just rename the files that are already in the DGEN folder. Either way you should be good to go. Watch out for those Hellcats.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: SGT68 on July 28, 2016, 09:15:14 AM
Ok, I see the problem. It is my tired old eyes. Thanks for finding this and letting me know!!

Oh thank you so much ! You're even thanking me, good Lord, how wonderful it is to be part of this polite and cultured (mostly) tribe of IL2 worshippers. ... bless you and bless your tired old eyes
I will now go and blast those nasty Hellcats out of the Emperor's Divine Sky

Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: SGT68 on July 28, 2016, 10:10:50 AM

(https://s31.postimg.cc/8j5pglpkb/scr1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/8vx3ms7tz/)

Ok - following your suggestions I got as far as illustrated, but then...... when i click Start it immediately goes back to the game main menu....
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on July 28, 2016, 10:13:43 AM
Oh crap. I'll take a look when I get home.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on July 28, 2016, 04:43:57 PM
It's one of those days.  My computer monitor just died. While I deal with that could you do two things for me. Please check and make sure that you select the Rabaul allcampaigns file in the DCG main menu Third party campaign option. I would give better instructions but I can't look at it. Also, in the dcg home directory could you find the file called something like dcgerror.txt and either post that here or email to me? I don't think it will be very big but to play it safe you should use the code option.

Sorry about the delay but don't worry. We will get this sorted.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: Cycle on July 28, 2016, 06:16:38 PM
I think the problem is the missing "Rabaul" entry in the campaignsINR.dat file!
So the complete line should be:

Rabaul Siege of Rabaul, October 1943

Save it and start a new campaign!
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: SGT68 on July 29, 2016, 03:46:44 AM
It's one of those days.  My computer monitor just died. While I deal with that could you do two things for me. Please check and make sure that you select the Rabaul allcampaigns file in the DCG main menu Third party campaign option. I would give better instructions but I can't look at it. Also, in the dcg home directory could you find the file called something like dcgerror.txt and either post that here or email to me? I don't think it will be very big but to play it safe you should use the code option.

Sorry about the delay but don't worry. We will get this sorted.

Yes I ahve the allcampaigns files selected... here is the error log you asked for
Code: [Select]
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.172] Parameter String0 = C:\Games\IL2\Il2 custom nightfighter ed\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\DGen.exe
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.175] Parameter String1 = in
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.178] Parameter String2 = 0
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.180] DCG.ini processed.
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.186] Loaded messages processed.
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.190] Game version checked [1946].
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.193] Game version includes IL2AEP [True].
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.196] Game version successfully set up.
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.202] Begin Parameter Check
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.206] Setting new log file date.
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.209] Game Path = C:\Games\IL2\Il2 custom nightfighter ed\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.211] Finding configuration file to determine log file name.
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.214] Logfile = eventlog.lst
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.451] No "Hawaii/" Campaign Found. Creation Failed.
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.454] Parameters processed.
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.457] Form Create Complete
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: SGT68 on July 29, 2016, 04:04:11 AM
I think the problem is the missing "Rabaul" entry in the campaignsINR.dat file!
So the complete line should be:

Rabaul Siege of Rabaul, October 1943

Save it and start a new campaign!

that works
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: vonofterdingen on July 29, 2016, 10:17:16 AM
Many thanks to you both! I will post the new files as soon as I get my pc running again.
Title: Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
Post by: JG7_X_Man on August 09, 2016, 09:16:28 AM
I have DirecTV and a relative new channel H&I (Heroes and Icons) has been running two episodes of Baa Baa Black Sheep back to back on Saturdays. After watching, I feel the urge to - I fire up this campaign, hop into a Corsair and to takeout some "Zekes".

Thank you vonofterdingen for creating and sharing your DCG campaigns with us.