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Special Aircraft Service

The SAS Factory - Tech Help, Ancient Mods etc. => Community Universal Patch (C.U.P.) => The Keepsake: Old Mod Packs, Game Versions and Guest Mods => C.U.P. Tech Help => Topic started by: polo199 on December 29, 2015, 05:12:01 PM

Title: Sound issue ? Opened canopy and no windsound
Post by: polo199 on December 29, 2015, 05:12:01 PM
Hi guys,

I've got a small issue with some missing sound with default CUP sounds. This issue has been there from the beginning (even though the sound part has been revised quite significantly in the last updates).

I have no wind sound when in the plane with an opened canopy. I had already asked about it in a previous post (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,45205.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,45205.0.html)) but I never managed to find a solution. Am I the only one bothered with that? It seems so.

I've tried the alternative Sound packs (provided in CUP via JGSME), I get no wind sound with pack #1 but I do get a loud and clear wind sound with pack #2. Though, pack #2 sounds a lot different from the default CUP sounds. The only working base I have (I'm no modder) is that there seems to be some mix-up in the preset/.wav file names which relates to wind sound in cockpits in alternative sound pack #1 :

Code: [Select]

I've tried to rename files, edit the presets, etc. No matter what I do, I don't get any wind sound with pack #1 and I do get it with pack #2. I'm not sure how that relates to the default CUP sound as I did not unpack the SFS. I've just been using the alternative sound packs as a basis to try to understand what's going wrong.

As far as my CUP install is working, I'm running CUP part 17 and everything seems to be working fine.

This one has been bothering me since the beginning. I really love to fly a plane with the canopy opened, looking for planes or things around. It gives you a great "bird of prey" feeling. :)

Any help will be welcomed. :)
Title: Re: Sound issue ? Opened canopy and no windsound
Post by: vpmedia on December 29, 2015, 11:36:13 PM
I'm not familiar with CUP or its sound matrix but I know that wind_rear_00m.wav and wind_rear_01m.wav are stock sound samples loaded from fb_sound04.sfs, so if you cant find them in a soundmod it only means that they didnt replace the stock wind sounds. In this case its possible that theres a second sfs somewhere with a replacement sample, which isnt loud enough. Check and compare these jsgme sound packs, I'm sure that the answer is right there.
Title: Re: Sound issue ? Opened canopy and no windsound
Post by: polo199 on December 30, 2015, 02:12:14 AM
Hi vpmedia,

Thx for your answer (you had helped me already with my questions in that previous post I mentioned).

I've compared mainly the samples named "wind_smth" and the 2 main preset files "aircraft.common.prs" and "aircraft.common_w.prs". My understanding is that these 2 preset files defines how the sounds are managed for the planes, inside the cockpits. Am I right? Why is there 2 files by the way ? What does the "_w" stand for?

What's puzzling me is how is a plane linked to a file or a sound. Where is it defined that a plane will use one of the presets and which one? What about the sounds in those presets?


I've just found the cause of this issue. The main problem is the "env" variable in the "aircraft.common.prs" file.

Code: [Select]
infinite 1
env 2 8
controls speed door

If I remove the "env 2 8" line, I can hear the wind sound again. I don't really get it as "2" normally stands for "inside an opened-cockpit plane" and "8" for "inside a closed-cockpit plane" according to what I've read here for example: http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=184810 (http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=184810)
So I should hear those sounds perfectly well with the "env" line set up as per the default value. Maybe this is linked to the plane model. The closed/opened-cockpit concept may be out of question with modded planes altogether.

Any modder with a clue here is welcome. Just for some IL2-modding enlightment (and maybe to fix that issue? Provided that is considered as a bug).

I'm also puzzled by other values in the preset file which somewhat contradicts what is explained in the link above. Again, anybody willing to shed some light on that will be welcome (will post if someone does get in touch with me).

Besides, I've found what each "aircraft.common" file is used for (again thanks to the link above). According to said-link:
Title: Re: Sound issue ? Opened canopy and no windsound
Post by: polo199 on January 07, 2016, 02:36:38 AM
Just want to add smth and kind of a conclusion here:

I kind of abandonned the idea. I manage to add the sound but mixing it with motor sounds is way too complicated. Either I cannot hear the wind sound or the motor sound in some planes (BF109-E e.g.) is way too low. I imagine that is because of all the custom sounds in CUP and the way the whole sound configuration is done.

So I've kept the sound but lowered it down. Depending on the planes, it's well-heard (sometimes covering the engine sound a bit too much) or not so much.

Best experience with that wind sound was still vanilla ModAct 5.3 but that was stock engine sounds and environment.
I saw one can add "environment" config files in the sound folders. Maybe that would help with the whole sound mix. No idea...

Title: Re: Sound issue ? Opened canopy and no windsound
Post by: vpmedia on January 07, 2016, 05:30:40 AM
I went thru the same thing in 4.10 with Tigers sound mods flak sounds. Whatever I tried they were no audible inside the cockpit even when the explosions were like 10 meters away. I tried to change/revert/adjust but I had to give up at some point. I dont think that right now theyre is any sound guru still around to enlighten us. What I usually do with sounds is to just replace the sample and maybe adjust the volume.

Btw aircraft.common_w.prs is probably for seaplanes because one of the samples has a name inwater***.wav in the place where the other preset has the gear rolling sound.