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Special Aircraft Service

The SAS Factory - Tech Help, Ancient Mods etc. => C.U.P. Missions and Campaigns => Community Universal Patch (C.U.P.) => The Keepsake: Old Mod Packs, Game Versions and Guest Mods => Module 2: DOF (Dawn of Flight) => Topic started by: SAS~Monty27 on January 04, 2016, 06:03:23 PM

Title: Under a Tbauchot Sky...
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on January 04, 2016, 06:03:23 PM
Been testing a whole lot of new Dawn of Flight Campaigns over Christmas, made with the new DOF Part-11 upgrade (out soon).  Walter is also helping us with this one and its looking good so far.

These shots are straight from the sim, no dressing up in any way.

The darker sequence of shots is from a dawn patrol mission.

DOF Part-11 and the new campaigns will be out very soon.

Salute to all the modders, skinners and texture artists who make Dawn of Flight look so good these days...

WWI Trucks by VPMedia

Zeppelin Raid over London

April 21st, 1918 - the Red Baron is bracketed...

Camels starting up from their tents and taxiing out to the airfield for takeoff on a cold November day.

Glance over at the flapping windsock for the wind direction.

Dawn Patrol






These campaigns feature real windsocks, a colourful skinned static flightline and aircraft that start up in their tents, taxi out to the airfield and then takeoff together.

Skinned by Max The Hitman, VPMedia and Archie these missions are ONLY POSSIBLE in C.U.P. Dawn of Flight (after Part-11), using so many advanced features, plus a full WWI flightline, but running as smooth as silk on my medium spec' rig.









These campaigns are unique to C.U.P. - Dawn of Flight because no other install is capable of running all of the features included.  For example:

412 Taxi to Takeoff and Parking Place Starts.
This is such an improvement over the old method lined up like 'ducks in a row'.  These aircraft, all of the AI, startup from their assigned parking spot and taxi onto the open airfield, into the wind, and then rev up to full power and takeoff.  This means that many AI's can takeoff at once and all climb out of the airfield together.  It looks natural and realistic and requires TD-412 in order to work.  C.U.P. is based on SAS Modact and TD-412.

Western0221 working flags and windsocks.
Using the FMB ability to set the wind direction and strength means that the flags and windsocks react as they should.  This means more function and fewer static scenery props!

Ambient Sound and Command and Control 412
Developed in the CUP framework, the additional localised sounds, special effects and messages bring the sim to life around you.  Rather than a mere spectator you are now taking part.  C&C-412 provides artillery barrages, shouted messages from your gunner, removeable AI 'DZ' points and many other items that make CUP so immersive.  With DOF Part-11 all the latest upgrades are included.

Skinnable statics.

Another 412 feature is the ability to skin any static.  This may seem trivial at first glance, but the colourful Flying Circus Flightline would be impossible to render without such a feature.  Every static model wears a unique skin just like the AI and flyable aircraft.  In C.U.P. you can no longer so easily spot the difference between AI, Player and Scenery Aircraft.

