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Special Aircraft Service
The SAS Factory - Tech Help, Ancient Mods etc. => C.U.P. Downloads => Community Universal Patch (C.U.P.) => The Keepsake: Old Mod Packs, Game Versions and Guest Mods => Module 1: MME (Modular Map Expansion) => Topic started by: SAS~Monty27 on January 22, 2016, 12:42:21 AM
No SFS Content - This simply contains the latest copies of:
STD/.../objects/static.ini and MAPMODS/all.ini and i18n/MAPS.properties for all C.U.P. Modules
Designed to correct errors, small spellos etc.
A bit like SAS Common_UTILS: Make sure you always have the latest version of this download installed in C.U.P.
January 24th, 2016
Cyberolas Kursk - Pathway corrected
Disable JSGME Options - Always good practice
UnZIP/UnRAR Straight to main Il2 Directory
Woaw ! Thanks, Monty ! And I see we must wait for WAV 19... you always amaze us, man !
Woaw ! Thanks, Monty ! And I see we must wait for WAV 19... you always amaze us, man !
Its just a little 200Mb download with all the silly patches and bits gathered up. + several great new planes, one new WAW70.SFS. Should be easy and tidy. Coming soon... 8)
Many thanks Simon (again and again...) 8)
Thank you Monty!
Peter Lynn
Thanks, Simon !
Forgive me, but English is not my language, and sometimes I do not understand clearly... this has tro be used AFTER we have WAV 19, right ?
MONTYYY!!! COMING LIKE A TRAIN!!!!.......Choo Choo! o_O
Forgive me, but English is not my language, and sometimes I do not understand clearly... this has tro be used AFTER we have WAV 19, right ?
Same question here....before or after WAW 19? And my thanks for this incredible package!
Thanks, Simon !
Forgive me, but English is not my language, and sometimes I do not understand clearly... this has tro be used AFTER we have WAV 19, right ?
...Same question here....before or after WAW 19? And my thanks for this incredible package!
No no - Just apply this ANYTIME you like - It will always be the latest version of Static.INI and all.INI
This Latest Config-Content Cannot do any harm to early modules but obviously is designed for those who are fully updated.
This helps to make sure all maps work and all objects and textures are present and correct. - If someone has a map-load or mission save problem; this is the first place to be referred to check you are up to date. The correct Static.INI is critical for the operation of maps and FMB.
#WAW-Part-19 is a small aircraft update in final testing. It will contain this already. The latest upgrades will always contain the latest Static.INI.
Just in case anyone gets out of sequence or can't remember what they have - This page will ALWAYS contain the latest Static.INI and MAPMODS. ;D
Thank-you very much.
Dear Sirs,
i am sorry but I don't remember how to change the shape of the list of the maps in FMB, with the original shape it is not easy to quit.
Best regards.
Dear Sirs,
i am sorry but I don't remember how to change the shape of the list of the maps in FMB, with the original shape it is not easy to quit.
Best regards.
JSGME Activate #CUP_00-PALsMissionProCombo-v4122 sorts out the lists nicely. Otherwise there are too many maps to deal with. 8)
As this 'll be a long lasting download mod any chance to help users to know if their latest is really the lates by adding the date?
Like this example....for example....
CUP Module 01 SAS-MME LATEST_20160122
Very good point, WhiskySierra !
I did:
January 24th, 2016
Cyberolas Kursk - Pathway corrected
That's the last thing I did - its the latest.
For the next one I will also date the file upload label as you suggest. 8)
Thank you very much, my dear Monty !
We owe you lots of beers, now... :P ;) ;D
Cheers ! These ones are from my area...
Thanks mate!
Never seen before such high level of care for users!!
C.U.P. can be laso another acronim:Care Users Punctually
Thanks mate!
Never seen before such high level of care for users!!
C.U.P. can be laso another acronim:Care Users Punctually
Dear Sirs,
i am sorry but I don't remember how to change the shape of the list of the maps in FMB, with the original shape it is not easy to quit.
Best regards.
JSGME Activate #CUP_00-PALsMissionProCombo-v4122 sorts out the lists nicely. Otherwise there are too many maps to deal with. 8)
Monty , activate it and try to play a quick mission in cup berlin terrain . Make error berlin.load.ini
NV3X Optimized!
Load bridges
Load static objects
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Port/BaseSmallSegment/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Port/BaseSegment/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Port/Floor/live.sim)
FM called 'FlightModels/Bf-110Fvroeg.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
FM called 'FlightModels/DB-601-110fam.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
Motor resolveFromFile starter = 5
Motor resolveFromFile starter = 5
FM called 'FlightModels/DB-601-110fam.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
Motor resolveFromFile starter = 5
Motor resolveFromFile starter = 5
Flight Model File FlightModels/Bf-110Fvroeg.fmd contains no Mach Drag Parameters.
FM called 'FlightModels/Bf-110Fvroeg.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
Cannot load sound preset motor.DB-600_Series.start.begin (java.lang.Exception: Invalid preset format)
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@16ffed] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@7c4825] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@64860e] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@1d0ad2] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@318eb3] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@f8aa3] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@56ebfb] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@1ed2e4] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@27a744] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@56681b] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@4cd846] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@b168b] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@753445] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@3ab96e] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@63f60e] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@2f4771] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@7b87d1] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@11e550] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@661834] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@3f30e7] cannot load sample: null
FM called 'FlightModels/Yak-9.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
FM called 'FlightModels/M-100_Series.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
FM called 'FlightModels/Yak-9.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@267caa] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@4297a5] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@71f7fb] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@4f970c] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@459fc2] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@7b880e] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@215f06] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@658cfb] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@ad75b] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@40c692] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@2cc218] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@7ae572] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@6db297] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@67ebba] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@250a08] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@35b004] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@36da90] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@473913] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@743791] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@6c4c10] cannot load sample: null
ERROR file: File users/doe/Icons not found
Mission: QuickQMBPro/CUP-Crimea/CUP-CrimeaBlueNone00.mis is Playing
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: listenTACAN
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Cockpit.updateBeacons(Cockpit.java:1000)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Cockpit.access$600(Cockpit.java:21)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Cockpit$Draw.preRender(Cockpit.java:100)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Cockpit.preRender(Cockpit.java:834)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D$RenderCockpit.preRender(Main3D.java:710)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Renders.doPaint(Renders.java:337)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Renders.paint(Renders.java:253)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.RendersTicker.msgTimeOut(Renders.java:637)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgTimeOut.invokeListener(MsgTimeOut.java:73)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:252)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D$Background.step(MainWin3D.java:159)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:167)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
SOLVED , havn't delete #waw folder before.....sorry
I have installed Maps to version 12. I had hoped that this latest MOD would enable me to open the Western Europe La Chute by Spit973 map but it still comes up in FMB with the message "WF_La_Chute_Spit973/Chute_load.ini loading error." Can anyone suggest what I've got wrong please?
Since writing the above, I've found parts 13 and 14, so I will install them before re-installing MME Latest again and see if that makes any difference
I have installed all of the Module 01 updates now and still get the result described above when I try to load Western Europe La Chute by Spit973. My Log File does not give any information but this could be because having failed to load the map, there was no further action before I shut down.
Any suggestions welcomed.
i see here are others with problems relating to the La Chute map/s, maybe there is some clue there as to your problem? - https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,45262.msg515502.html#msg515502
Question, So when installing CUP, Am i installing the original SAS-MME01 or this one that you provided a link for? Im seriously confused with these separate links for some of the files.
i really am wondering where the confusion comes in....
the first few lines in the first post - it clearly says:
No SFS Content - This simply contains the latest copies of:
Static.INI and MAPMODS for all C.U.P. Modules
Designed to correct errors, small spellos etc
why is this so hard to understand for so many here?
it's not a question of this or that, you still need to download all the MME files, which contain the SFS files, essentially the actual content.
then, you still need to download this 'latest' which is exactly what it says - just an updated static.ini
replace the static that you have after installing all the other MME content parts, (from 1 thru 14) with this one.
where does the confusion come in?
i'm not trying to be funny here, i seriously want to know where the confusion is, so that we can make it simpler (if that's possible) for members.
Honnestly, the title of the thread is misleading :
I am often confused by it
Maybe something like :
"CUP Module 01 SAS-MME latest map info" would fit better ?
maybe, mate, but i still really don't see how there can be confusion, other than people not understanding the instructions.
and if it's something not understood in the instructions, we need to know about it, even if it's just one word that's confusing people.
it's hard to fix a problem when you don't know what the problem is, lol
Have you read this, starting with (big emphsis) on item #1 ?? https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,47647.0.html
hold on, jeanba...before you guys start snapping at each other, let's just make sure there are no misunderstandings here - all i see is PapaG pointing out an instruction thread?
how does that make him an 'example' of why i get upset?
i don't see what prompted your response here - what are you upset about here, mate, because i'm not seeing it myself?
Malone, the main problem is that some people and click wherever they can to download whithout reading the post.
Then, if they realize that the content of the download is not what they expect, some of them may read the thread, but some of them will complain instead.
So if the title is not clear (and even then !!!), those people will always post question.
As far as I am concerned, I found myself (a very little) confused by the title of the thread only, I read the first post and that's all, but I just think of all the people not reading the first post
PapaG39, I deleted my post, but I don't understand why you ask me to read a thread I know of in the context of the conversation I have with Malone :
Malone is asking why people do not understand the content of a file, I answer him (right or wrong) then he answers ...
Yes, but...I don't think it would be a good thing to encourage people on the way to skip reading the thread (or the first post at least...or the Read Me in the download...or the last CUP Manual for example). Threads are made to answer this kind of question ; and that's why I usually don't accept PM questions like 'please, could you help me to install CUP ?' - I do help people when I can (or I try...), but I prefer pointing to threads where the needed help is already waiting for the beginners. I mean, help has to be for all, not only for the one who asks (or the one who says you sometimes in PM 'sorry, I don't have time to search in all the threads, you know...' :-| ). So the title may look confusing to some people (obviously not to everyone), but in my experience it's very rare to have the title and the thread and the Read Me file confusing the same way at the end. So maybe the 'read the thread, please' advice will still be of use for some time :D
(and I have to say, jeanba, you're perfectly right on this : every day I see on social networks people discussing the title of links or articles (even when the title is a question !) and getting sometimes really pissed off when they learn that reading the full article before complaining would have been better...)
Yes, but...I don't think it would be a good thing to encourage people on the way to skip reading the thread (or the first post at least...or the Read Me in the download...or the last CUP Manual for example). Threads are made to answer this kind of question ; and that's why I usually don't accept PM questions like 'please, could you help me to install CUP ?' - I do help people when I can (or I try...), but I prefer pointing to threads where the needed help is already waiting for the beginners. I mean, help has to be for all, not only for the one who asks (or the one who says you sometimes in PM 'sorry, I don't have time to search in all the threads, you know...' :-| ). So the title may look confusing to some people (obviously not to everyone), but in my experience it's very rare to have the title and the thread and the Read Me file confusing the same way at the end. So maybe the 'read the thread, please' advice will still be of use for some time :D
(and I have to say, jeanba, you're perfectly right on this : every day I see on social networks people discussing the title of links or articles (even when the title is a question !) and getting sometimes really pissed off when they learn that reading the full article before complaining would have been better...)
I absolutly agree on your approach, and Malone is very clear in the readme and the threads, but unfortunatly, we are talking about people not reading nor the thread, nor the readme (and even for the title ...)
They just see : "Nice picture" => "Download" => "no more nice picture" => type "please help me"
And as to encouraging people, I have managed the technical support of a software, my clients were professionnal, usually PhD on the very subject of the software (numerical analysis) and 30% (at least) of the calls were about obvious points which would have been avoided with a very little reading, so let me tell : hopeless !!!