Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => Visual Mods => Topic started by: vpmedia on March 11, 2016, 08:02:17 AM

Title: Stalingrad grain elevator
Post by: vpmedia on March 11, 2016, 08:02:17 AM




Extract the 7z to your mods folder and add these lines to static.ini:

Stalingrad Grain Elevator

Title           Stgrad_grain_silo
MeshLive        3do/Buildings/Stgrad_grain_silo/live.sim
MeshDead        3do/Buildings/Stgrad_grain_silo/dead.sim
AlignToLand     0
Body            RockBig
Panzer          0.50

Title           Stgrad_grain_silo_winter
MeshLive        3do/Buildings/Stgrad_grain_silo_w/live.sim
MeshDead        3do/Buildings/Stgrad_grain_silo_w/dead.sim
AlignToLand     0
Body            RockBig
Panzer          4.00


I've found this book while doing some research:


Download pdf free: https://chindits.wordpress.com/2011/06/08/stalingrad/

It has excellent maps of the city:


Recommended mod - Stalingrad rebuilt by Cyberolas:

I already added the building to those maps:
Title: Re: Stalingrad grain elevator
Post by: Uufflakke on March 11, 2016, 08:43:55 AM
Thanks Sparty72, Mission_bug and vpmedia for this object.   :)  8)

I never understood why this building of great importance was never included on the default Stalingrad map.
It is like Berlin without the Reichstag. St. Petersburg without the Hermitage. London without the Big Ben. Paris without the Eiffel Tower.

By the way, the Mosin Nagant on the cover of the book seems to be mirrored.
Never seen a version like that.

(http://s20.postimg.cc/hg8rgqrfx/Grain_Elevator.jpg) (http://postimg.cc/image/ht05mx9pl/full/)
free image uploader (http://postimage.org/)
Title: Re: Stalingrad grain elevator
Post by: SAS~Malone on March 11, 2016, 09:14:34 AM
great to see this iconic building make it into the IL2 universe!
hats off to all involved :D
Title: Re: Stalingrad grain elevator
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on March 11, 2016, 09:31:18 AM
Title: Re: Stalingrad grain elevator
Post by: Mick on March 11, 2016, 09:44:49 AM
That's another proof, if need be, of what modders can achieve when they cooperate ...!  8)

Much needed addition of course, and hats off to all involved ...!  :-*
Title: Re: Stalingrad grain elevator
Post by: max_thehitman on March 11, 2016, 09:58:46 AM

BRAVO! Big Applause !   (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-happy096.gif) (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

Thank You Sparty72, Mission_bug and vpmedia for this beautiful and well made game object!
It brings new life and realism to the Stalingrad maps!

Title: Re: Stalingrad grain elevator
Post by: Mission_bug on March 12, 2016, 03:42:57 PM

I never understood why this building of great importance was never included on the default Stalingrad map.
It is like Berlin without the Reichstag. St. Petersburg without the Hermitage. London without the Big Ben. Paris without the Eiffel Tower.

Yes, really does make you wonder why it was not there from the start Uufflakke, such a prominent moment in history. o_O

That art of yours is awesome Istvan, thank you very much, greatly appreciated. 8)

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Title: Re: Stalingrad grain elevator
Post by: cyberolas on March 15, 2016, 11:27:35 AM
It looks wonderfull, I flew yesterday over Stalingrad and its really high building, thank you!!!!
I recommend edit texture elevator to indexed colors, it will be only 1MB (not 3MB)
Title: Re: Stalingrad grain elevator
Post by: Uufflakke on March 15, 2016, 12:57:36 PM
In your 2nd screenshot the industrial buildings on the left with the red bricks, where can I find these repaints?
Have I missed something somewhere somehow?
Title: Re: Stalingrad grain elevator
Post by: KiwiBiggles on March 15, 2016, 01:30:38 PM
Thanks to all, very cool mod.  Inspired me to download Cyberolas' awesome map update and upgrade my IARs with FrankieK's, Tyrl's and Jossie's mod (here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,1526.0.html).  Flying for Romania over the Volga is now one of my favourite missions in my classic 4.09 install!  :)
Title: Re: Stalingrad grain elevator
Post by: rollnloop on March 16, 2016, 04:23:04 AM
Excellent, thank you very much  :)
Title: Re: Stalingrad grain elevator
Post by: vpmedia on March 16, 2016, 06:39:04 AM
It looks wonderfull, I flew yesterday over Stalingrad and its really high building, thank you!!!!
I recommend edit texture elevator to indexed colors, it will be only 1MB (not 3MB)

I'm glad you like it mate, it was made for your map retexture. :)
Title: Re: Stalingrad grain elevator
Post by: vpmedia on March 16, 2016, 06:46:42 AM
In your 2nd screenshot the industrial buildings on the left with the red bricks, where can I find these repaints?
Have I missed something somewhere somehow?

Some of the buildings were retextured by Team Daidalos in the 4.12 patch, this is one of them (3do\Buildings\Industrial\FactoryHouse1). If you got 4.12 but youre also using Boomers object pack for example these new TD textures will be replaced so you need to extract them from the stock fb_3do25.SFS and put it into the #SAS folder. -> extracted TD building textures http://ulozto.net/xNGJJC6k/3do-7z

Title: Re: Stalingrad grain elevator
Post by: Uufflakke on March 18, 2016, 02:18:11 PM
In your 2nd screenshot the industrial buildings on the left with the red bricks, where can I find these repaints?
Have I missed something somewhere somehow?

Some of the buildings were retextured by Team Daidalos in the 4.12 patch, this is one of them (3do\Buildings\Industrial\FactoryHouse1). If you got 4.12 but youre also using Boomers object pack for example these new TD textures will be replaced so you need to extract them from the stock fb_3do25.SFS and put it into the #SAS folder. -> extracted TD building textures http://ulozto.net/xNGJJC6k/3do-7z


Thank you!