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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => USSR Skins => Topic started by: mm on March 28, 2016, 07:27:41 AM
Skins for P-39N/Q VVS:
http://www.mi-psi.eu/cs/p-39.html (http://www.mi-psi.eu/cs/p-39.html)
Downloads for three blade propellers versions contains files for planes with wing guns (N1) and underwing guns (Q-1). Both (US) versions are inaccurate, because Soviet Airacobras had no wing guns. Correct versions of these planes used to be here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,5283.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,5283.0.html) but link is now dead (I suppose Q-1 version of my skins could work with it).
(http://s9.postimg.cc/fqv1dhyq7/image.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
(http://s27.postimg.cc/b03zexvhv/image.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
(http://s23.postimg.cc/fes17sc6j/image.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
(http://s13.postimg.cc/tbdpmu9x3/image.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Great skin art MM ! 8)
Some of the greatest flying aces flew these airplanes. They would have been
proud to see these beautiful skins of their aircraft!
They look simply awesome!! Thanks mm!
Regarding the soviet P-39s, have you tried this link?
Two thumbs up. Great site! :-*
NICE SKINS! Thanks for share!
Congratulations,very nice.
Skins for P-39N/Q VVS:
http://www.mi-psi.eu/cs/p-39.html (http://www.mi-psi.eu/cs/p-39.html)
Downloads for three blade propellers versions contains files for planes with wing guns (N1) and underwing guns (Q-1). Both (US) versions are inaccurate, because Soviet Airacobras had no wing guns.
Thank you for nice skins.
But "Soviet Airacobras had no wing guns" is controversial statement. Yes, wing armament was removed upon arrival to USSR or before the departure from USA, - from most P-39s, but not from all. There are photos of Soviet Airacobras witn wing MGs still on.
NICE SKINS! Thanks for share!
+ 1 to that and a nice site too!
Thanks for all kind comments!
Regarding the soviet P-39s, have you tried this link?
Thanks. It works.
But "Soviet Airacobras had no wing guns" is controversial statement. Yes, wing armament was removed upon arrival to USSR or before the departure from USA, - from most P-39s, but not from all. There are photos of Soviet Airacobras witn wing MGs still on.
Yes, you are right. The sentence should be "Soviet Airacobras usually had no wing guns" :)
Bonus: RAAF P-39D/Fs
(http://s14.postimg.cc/dl9if08b5/005.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Skins for P-39N/Q VVS:
http://www.mi-psi.eu/cs/p-39.html (http://www.mi-psi.eu/cs/p-39.html)
Downloads for three blade propellers versions contains files for planes with wing guns (N1) and underwing guns (Q-1). Both (US) versions are inaccurate, because Soviet Airacobras had no wing guns.
Hi! Nice skins, but one question, what do you mean the soviet P-39 didn't had wing guns?
As soon as the p-39 where delivered from the USA they had there 30 'cal wing guns removed for better roll rate, you won't find any p-39 with wing guns in Russia. Crazyflak was working on a p-39 pack with wing gun's removed.
Skins for P-39N/Q VVS:
http://www.mi-psi.eu/cs/p-39.html (http://www.mi-psi.eu/cs/p-39.html)
Downloads for three blade propellers versions contains files for planes with wing guns (N1) and underwing guns (Q-1). Both (US) versions are inaccurate, because Soviet Airacobras had no wing guns.
Hi! Nice skins, but one question, what do you mean the soviet P-39 didn't had wing guns?
See Dimlee's post, above. The operative word is "usually." See also this page:
Scroll down to the section titled "P-39 WEAPONS." There are photos of two VVS P-39s with wing guns. They're most visible on Pokryshkin's P-39N, but gun barrels, and shadows cast by them, are marked in red.
As soon as the p-39 where delivered from the USA they had there 30 'cal wing guns removed for better roll rate, you won't find any p-39 with wing guns in Russia. Crazyflak was working on a p-39 pack with wing gun's removed.
As mentioned above...
It was a bit more complicated. Wing guns were removed, indeed, from many (most) P-39s either on arrival to USSR or before departure from USA. But there is evidence (incl.pictures) of P-39s with wing guns operated in VVS. For example, at least 2 Airacobra aces used such aircrafts for certain periods: Pokryshkin and Rechkalov.
So, finished as is:
https://yadi.sk/i/vAZ-GOWDu6VUH (https://yadi.sk/i/vAZ-GOWDu6VUH)
Used with Cowling engine & props only.
1. History skin (P-39N-1):
2. My vers (shot with Reshade 2.0 on):
The skin looks great Toobone. Nice shades of green color and attention to detail.
This one recolored from Mangasas Gulaev skin &.. still don't like ..smth wrong..
guess for Shikunov & 11 GIAP aircrafts(would alter to the historical camo)
.."Dased & confiu-u-uzed".. about color..
For testing:
https://yadi.sk/i/Crje8m1xuMEis (https://yadi.sk/i/Crje8m1xuMEis)
https://yadi.sk/i/IMowtdVpuMRP8 (https://yadi.sk/i/IMowtdVpuMRP8)
OK, guys helped with colors:
First until 1942
Second until 1943
So, now needs to find the serial numbers of personal crafts - voila.
Second vers of 21s skin.
So, now it is possible to choose the version that has been historically, depending on the date of issue Shikunov's aircraft. D/L for testing at post below.
https://yadi.sk/i/S8brvsCjuYFiD (https://yadi.sk/i/S8brvsCjuYFiD)
Ziuzin's P-39 with white strips on wings. In what period that start to be - don't know.So, as is.
https://yadi.sk/i/vkQnPY3S3PaYFz (https://yadi.sk/i/vkQnPY3S3PaYFz)
History photos with 11GIAP planes found here:
http://warspot.ru/1599-samolety-sovetskih-istrebitelnyh-aviapolkov-chast-xi (http://warspot.ru/1599-samolety-sovetskih-istrebitelnyh-aviapolkov-chast-xi)
..& it could be so, too:
https://yadi.sk/i/e7pC_htf3Peiai (https://yadi.sk/i/e7pC_htf3Peiai)
https://yadi.sk/i/WFA2UGY-3Pein9 (https://yadi.sk/i/WFA2UGY-3Pein9)
...hah..found this vers of W in Z'uzins P-39 canopy:
https://yadi.sk/i/RbfJzHmVWER_RQ (https://yadi.sk/i/RbfJzHmVWER_RQ)
https://yadi.sk/i/OlofKverh3TsXA (https://yadi.sk/i/OlofKverh3TsXA)
& finelly i tryed to resize by Photo zoom pro 8 to 2048 from 1024:
http://forum.aviaskins.com/showpost.php?p=212946&postcount=371 (http://forum.aviaskins.com/showpost.php?p=212946&postcount=371)
https://yadi.sk/d/FuQJL7C6c-a27A (https://yadi.sk/d/FuQJL7C6c-a27A)
https://yadi.sk/d/4wgz07Eb7Np-OQ (https://yadi.sk/d/4wgz07Eb7Np-OQ)
https://yadi.sk/i/7lO6XzIAojUqOg (https://yadi.sk/d/7lO6XzIAojUqOg)
https://yadi.sk/i/ixbj5pCcJF0Rtw (https://yadi.sk/d/ixbj5pCcJF0Rtw)
https://yadi.sk/i/enSTELNKFg1EAA (https://yadi.sk/d/enSTELNKFg1EAA)
https://yadi.sk/i/XO1hzpmFmejwyQ (https://yadi.sk/d/XO1hzpmFmejwyQ)
https://yadi.sk/i/q3kWhup2og1ATA (https://yadi.sk/d/q3kWhup2og1ATA)
https://yadi.sk/i/Bqro6KJScy4R_Q (https://yadi.sk/d/Bqro6KJScy4R_Q)
https://yadi.sk/i/jkbyGt4ijEKfzw (https://yadi.sk/d/jkbyGt4ijEKfzw)
https://yadi.sk/i/q9N2GpsPqF7lyw (https://yadi.sk/d/q9N2GpsPqF7lyw)
https://yadi.sk/i/oMGTQz2EvpthIQ (https://yadi.sk/d/oMGTQz2EvpthIQ)
https://yadi.sk/d/TAujDG0IHocS6Q (https://yadi.sk/d/TAujDG0IHocS6Q)
https://disk.yandex.ru/i/_3hhcEp226e5-g (https://disk.yandex.ru/d/_3hhcEp226e5-g)
& finelly i tryed to resize by Photo zoom pro 8 to 2048 from 1024:
https://yadi.sk/d/FuQJL7C6c-a27A (https://yadi.sk/d/FuQJL7C6c-a27A)
https://yadi.sk/d/4wgz07Eb7Np-OQ (https://yadi.sk/d/4wgz07Eb7Np-OQ)
Many thanks for work!