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Special Aircraft Service
The SAS Factory - Tech Help, Ancient Mods etc. => Community Universal Patch (C.U.P.) => The Keepsake: Old Mod Packs, Game Versions and Guest Mods => C.U.P. Tech Help => Topic started by: gn728 on May 26, 2016, 02:10:02 PM
Greeting all - if there is a thread or discussion specific to FPS issues please re-direct me there, but my issue is I, in some situations, get terrible frame rates on flight decks. For instance, in 1950 Eagles or QMB JTW Navy Trials I get 2-3 fps, no matter the AC until the carrier is cleared when it will jump to 60. Then in like QMB CUP Coral Sea Akagi I can get 60,30, or 2 on the flight deck based on the AC chosen. I have tried these with all JSGME mods disabled which seem to have no effect. My question, is this all just based on processor/video muscle, the way the mission is written, the AC chosen, or all of the above? Thanx for any help/advice.
When your error log shows many many exception error lines or rendering warning lines, those error or warning is the reason of fps dropping.
How is it ?
Didn't look at that because it wasn't actually a crash - but thanks, I'll look at that...
OK - about a thousand warnings with this line - TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
Too many vertexes or faces per shadow hier mesh!