Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => Missions (Common) => Topic started by: Alibongo on July 02, 2016, 02:32:22 PM

Title: Capturing Homebases [UP3]
Post by: Alibongo on July 02, 2016, 02:32:22 PM
Just seen the new patch pack 202 includes all functions of il2 up to v4.13.2. Thanks guys for this great progress. IL2 UP3 RC4 (202) is a great platform for building 'Moving front lines' and multiplayer maps leading from 'Battle of Britain' scenario up to  'D Day' or further. Depending on which airfields are captured (by paratroopers) would define which map was loaded next. Not only would it be a moving front line but also a moving map towards Berlin or even invading Britain.

I bought the IL2 version of 'Cliffs over Dover' and was disappointed the with game, hence why I build multiplayer mission maps on UP3 RC4.

I tried to use a stand alone home base as a capture point near Cherbourg, dropped paratroops on it which moves the front line but the airfield marker stays the original color. Can't figure out how to make it change. Also any stand alone home base cant be fully captured, only home bases. Any ideas how to right this?

Link for new Patch pack....    https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,51747.0.html
Title: Re: Capturing Homebases
Post by: SAS~Skylla on July 03, 2016, 02:12:12 AM
Sorry, but as this message is slightly off-topic I split it into a new thread ;)

I tried to use a stand alone home base as a capture point near Cherbourg, dropped paratroops on it which moves the front line but the airfield marker stays the original color. Can't figure out how to make it change. Also any stand alone home base cant be fully captured, only home bases. Any ideas how to right this?

There's quite a few mistakes you can make if you want to capture a homebase:
I think that should be all .. good luck!

Best Regards,
Title: Re: Capturing Homebases [UP3]
Post by: Sharkzz on September 21, 2016, 05:24:17 AM
Great work Skylla m8 As I quite enjoy sending a small invading force via water and having the main ships front line maker flagged. I can get landing craft up on the beaches and up rivers and when a ship of the line with a flag marker stuck to it's bum gets inside the enemies home base boundary, it looks and acts like the invading force has taken control of the base. AND THEN you gotta go and re capture the bloody thing LOL...as when the Japs landed at Rabaul and we all had to get evacted south of there. a lot of little battles for control of various little allied airfields took place with airfields changing hands a few times. it pays to have fall back bases on your map. just like in real life.
keeping the dream alive m8 ~S~ onya bro.