Driveable version !
Unzip and drop into your mods (#UP, #DBW, etc.) folder, add entries for: air, plane, weapons.
Download here: https://www.mediafire.com/download/0qz0tk0ig7n2vnq/Kurogane.zip (https://www.mediafire.com/download/0qz0tk0ig7n2vnq/Kurogane.zip)
Its skinable, void skin included.
Oleg&Team1C Il2
Oh my god yes!!!! Beautiful! Will DL ASAP, and try her Friday.
Thanks for this one!
Beautiful little jeep car. I like it ! 8) Thank so much Loku!
Looking at the entry lines, it looks like its a "driveable" version.
Very nice to take a ride around the Pacific island and in Asia !!
I've installed it right now and what to say... It's awesome! Congratulations! It handles very well and I love how you setted it, It's like a real car! Thank you very much for this amazing gift!
...with lights:
Loku, thank you very much!
Best regards, Gerhard :)
Excellent - thank you Loku
Superbly done Loku, thank you very much, now each side has personal transport. 8)
Just one issue, man is that engine noise a distraction it makes the ears bleed. :D
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
I just downloaded this and found that in my Modact it explodes on opening of the mission. Any ideas of how I might fix it?
Why when I select the aircraft and load the mission as the mission screen opens does the aircraft blow up and burn without even giving me time to understand or rather to see at least one corner of the dashboard?
Hi Artiglio,
Here the way I am making my missions in FMB with the Kurogane.
Select you as the player
1) Set the first waypoint as Take Off ie Speed = 0 and altitude = 0
2) Set a 2nd waypoint with still Speed = 0 and Altitude = 0 , this will set the starting direction of the Kurogane
3) Move the Kurogane where you want to start your road trip. Choose a flat area.
The car engine is weak, do not expect to climb steep hills
4) Start engine and increase the power, then use the rudder to drive to the right or left...
5) enjoy your roadtrip. Never use Autopilot and take care to not be too close of the Map's objects or static ones, otherwise you will explode.
Why when I select the aircraft and load the mission as the mission screen opens does the aircraft blow up and burn without even giving me time to understand or rather to see at least one corner of the dashboard?
Registered since 2009 and with 648 messages, you obviously don't know that the batteries in our crystal balls are empty, and that in exchange the LOG is indispensable!
Knowing the version of your game is also an interesting trick.
plane blow up at mission start is normally due to a wrong call for the engine in the fm file or a wrong loadout called in the mission file (not necessarily in the player plane) but without the log difficult to say more.
I apologize for my insolence, you are right, without the Log file the problem cannot be resolved. 🙏🏻 😔
For Asons I tried to do the steps you listed but nothing will do, I explode like dynamite in a fire...😁
I upload the log file hoping it's the right one, you'll forgive me but I'm getting old and badly too...🤦♀️
This is the initlog, not the log!
- Indicate the version of your game!
- Read how to get the log here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,13457.0.html), and the instant log here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,19308.0.html) (Except for BAT which contains InstantLog).
- When you want to post only the relevant parts from the log
read here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=39780.0) how to do this. (code option!)
- If you want to post all lines of the logfile we suggest to use https://pastebin.com/
to paste your log and then paste the link here which you got from them.
Read and see here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,39780.msg627220.html#msg627220) how to do this.
Note: It is preferable to provide the LOG in its entirety!
This is really fantastic. I have been trying to do this with Tomoose's Quad or Matador
Are you able to do this with them?
I think this is the file you need then...
Thanks and sorry again Epervier, for my stupidity.
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Hello everyone, this evening I also tested the other cars that are present in the game, namely: "Wagen, Jeep and Jeep50cal".
Discovering that the problem of the vehicle exploding even before loading the mission remains linked exclusively to the "Kurogane". But I can't figure out what it could be coming from. I tested the others via FMB and QMB, and found no problems...
here is the Eventlog
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log in here
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Yet another test carried out today with the Kurogane, installed in the "#SAS" folder, has the exact same problem mentioned in the previous posts. :( If anyone gives me a suggestion on how I can solve this problem, I will be eternally grateful...
The version of the game I'm using is BAT
I think the problem is linked to some Java file, I say this as I am ignorant on the subject, don't hold it against me...
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Does your game folder lack the "quicks" subfolder?
Yes, I excluded the Quicks folder to avoid crashes from one version to another, but the Kurogane problem unfortunately remains...
The error message indicates that the path of the quicks folder is missing.
Make sure the folder exists.
If that doesn't cure it, please provide a log where you first "fly" the Kübelwagen in QMB, and then without touching anything else, fly the Kurogane instead.
Hi Storebr, yes I re-enabled the Quicks folder, but it didn't solve the problem, I'm attaching the various log files, because I'm ignorant and I don't understand a single comma of their contents...
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Okay, stop searching here.
I can reproduce the exploding Kurogane on BAT 4.2.2 Hotfix 4, Crimea blue scramble 00 QMB mission.
No error in the logs.
Search ends here, unless someone chips in who applied the most recent changes.
Just don't use the Kurogane for the time being.
Ths Storebror ;)
lol... issue found.
It's a flight model thing.
What a weird bug...
Update is going to follow.
Ths Storebror ;)