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The SAS Factory - Tech Help, Ancient Mods etc. => Community Universal Patch (C.U.P.) => The Keepsake: Old Mod Packs, Game Versions and Guest Mods => C.U.P. Tech Help => Topic started by: mattmcgonegle on September 10, 2016, 07:20:07 PM
I saw in some past posting that there were a few necessary lines to add under [Mods]. But now, after hunting around and putting "conf.ini" in search field-come up with nothing. Can anyone plz help me.
Thx In Advance
Hello Matt,
the "conf.ini" file you'll find in the maingamefolder.
You can not see this file? Be sure that Windows shows all files.
Good luck and best regards,
Gerhard :)
I think.....
mattmcgonegle succeeded to find the file of conf.ini and open it, look at it.
Is it OK?
His main question maybe the section of "[Mods]" is never found in his conf.ini .
That's no problem and standard status.
At the first time of modding, each players have to add his own "[Mods]" section at the last of his conf.ini when he wants to use some mods using conf.ini settings like DumpFuel=1 / HUDLogLines=8 / etc.
its funny i just came here trying to answer the same question...
After installing the modpack and reading the manual this is what i have:
But i know there are more options for visualMod and other stuff i can't remember...
Hey Guys.
My bad on wording. I've got a [Mods] already in my conf.ini file by virtue of Benitomuso's Hud/Bombing/Flight Map mods, Carrier Catapault mod, VPMedia excellent pack, HSFX, etc.
That said, thx 4 all replies. LynxNot has what i needed.
Thx Again 2 all.