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The SAS Factory - Tech Help, Ancient Mods etc. => Community Universal Patch (C.U.P.) => The Keepsake: Old Mod Packs, Game Versions and Guest Mods => C.U.P. Tech Help => Topic started by: mattmcgonegle on September 10, 2016, 07:20:07 PM

Title: Just Installed CUP(DOF,TGA,WAW,JTW)-What conf.ini Additions?
Post by: mattmcgonegle on September 10, 2016, 07:20:07 PM
I saw in some past posting that there were a few necessary lines to add under [Mods]. But now, after hunting around and putting "conf.ini" in search field-come up with nothing. Can anyone plz help me.
Thx In Advance
Title: Re: Just Installed CUP(DOF,TGA,WAW,JTW)-What conf.ini Additions?
Post by: bomberkiller on September 11, 2016, 03:31:36 AM
Hello Matt,

the "conf.ini" file you'll find in the maingamefolder.

You can not see this file? Be sure that Windows shows all files.

Good luck and best regards,

Gerhard  :)
Title: Re: Just Installed CUP(DOF,TGA,WAW,JTW)-What conf.ini Additions?
Post by: western0221 on September 11, 2016, 03:48:02 AM
I think.....
mattmcgonegle succeeded to find the file of conf.ini and open it, look at it.
Is it OK?

His main question maybe the section of "[Mods]" is never found in his conf.ini .
That's no problem and standard status.
At the first time of modding, each players have to add his own "[Mods]" section at the last of his conf.ini when he wants to use some mods using conf.ini settings like DumpFuel=1 / HUDLogLines=8 / etc.
Title: Re: Just Installed CUP(DOF,TGA,WAW,JTW)-What conf.ini Additions?
Post by: LynxNot on September 11, 2016, 05:07:32 AM
its funny i just came here trying to answer the same question...

After installing the modpack and reading the manual this is what i have:

Code: [Select]

But i know there are more options for visualMod and other stuff i can't remember...
Title: Re: Just Installed CUP(DOF,TGA,WAW,JTW)-What conf.ini Additions?
Post by: mattmcgonegle on September 12, 2016, 08:30:30 AM
Hey Guys.
My bad on wording. I've got a [Mods] already in my conf.ini file by virtue of Benitomuso's Hud/Bombing/Flight Map mods, Carrier Catapault mod, VPMedia excellent pack, HSFX, etc.
That said, thx 4 all replies. LynxNot has what i needed.
Thx Again 2 all.